Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 30, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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) .gon City Enterprise
III Ilia WixmIimcii 11,11 i i -(.... I
ttfhftll Ml.. I fl.. 'II t ,
.i:..i...7". "IV. 1 1 iiinr fvprHv i.tulnl t the (it.-K
v ii ." 7, ' W"'eni.. Ail.tin,
IWIIU ( hiiII.i., ,M (:MrlllH AUll
( I'Hlk". ItHV l,'l.HT, h.,h,. Mhv Kvana
l."ii lis'lk-, Ii.Iim llihtiy, I'M i Hi r.
greav.s, Clara HhvImi..!. (,'..rl l,,-i,
Adah 1 1 i It.id t . CUt K. if,!
Kru.-. Miry h-'l M..,i.i, M,j
M..i.,, Maud l, inn,, (,,., . (,,,.
Hindu Nii-bnla. Oim !(,.,, ..... it.....,'
K.,.kH W,,,,, Ii,,,,),,., ivMlsi,,.,,!,,.,,!.! ii,,,,, M ,, At,rlM.y (J.
n""i"u"".' i h "'-I 1,... l.,. t Vr, l'..n.l Mho
. il... w.irw i,r... 1 m.m.11, MU if U 1 m in '..Ht 1 m.i .... w m ...... I I..I.I ,.1 ...
I. (it'll ft 1 1 "111 , II' . , . ' A 'IT ui 'in T MIKUI n 'HI I llir
I""" . ,..ii ti'.rivwl Hi founly r.t-n , i,,i,.r tl... , IM , i in lli.-r.-. Ill Sir, Si'lim-I el
' h,r J,.,l lb" t.lhc" l""" I" ' ly m V"". r..... A-mna II,, aid M V III
,uj il... namca H" , . ' 7 . . , '!"' A '"k,,i '' rVhiichel, ., Or.-g..n Civ, has
,i...i . .. i. ..i. i . .
M ii.ll HiimUr "veiling. June.
r i n..v. w. ' i'1"''.
-Kilvallun. What It U
. . i. t- " All wulcoiiiw.
"" I Itlirailair Rlli.r. I, I.,....., ... VI. .1.1 Ii.... II. mum
I .-..'.I..W. l.l.-H. I l,l, (7.
and head,
lull lila li.jinui are receiving careful Hi'
''Ii 1 1 ill niiiI will li'it result Nerioiisly.
M'lll'l UK I, AMI II YK.
Kill AiHii-.i Mreiltg at I'iiir- I'oikI
Nclio I 1 it Timi'irroH.
! ij.,.i.iiiii"
ml i ., ,
-Alt of I'm reg-
. in 1
. . I'll..
l,.ll fllll.llll..ll lot '" ""''. Mil- ,,i,.k
. n . , a, . ,
i me v,, ,- . .
1 TM, iikik' A"" IAil"H. Tim
"n ,. ,!. hul It""
""'hu ll MH'- I" "' KltlH Jmi '.'ft !
f i" lm Im'i-ii ini.mni.l. I'r'il.
Mry 1 t .Mi ,.int,
ii.oiii. ir.vH ilif rl.in
IVull Wi.imI II... . I:,,.
Jl'IMIK Mut.liHI M
Ml'llll lllll nil CUT
I'"'' .. . I.I.... .,i. " l..,iiul V ' Il li-lll Sjl.lr.Uv in, .1,1 u.l .
'I .ill lll " - ....... ......
in..r HI iHlk on,
' iiiii '" '",k, ,l,,,,,U-
'.;,';.'!-""', (iH.yii'.-"iicj
i sl.., i..M' -Mr-
' i. ii.iiiI. " M"1"1"' "''")'
'.0,rtM N-'" "rii'll-. Mr. Hli'l
V l I'.vil""".
i .i.i.iii mi l ' H'" " K,,,M'.
i ,..,. I. H Kiri-h-m. of l-oitmi
, iimI M'" ' M'H-f."' '''
I .,.IV H.'lll"H l" Hi'll'l tin'
J ',. I H.n HlHlw (irliK.-.
! ,,, ti, rpi II ll.n I'l'MUml
,.t Mill. rl..w.l ll I M.Uv j
l.iM.ivl i. In'Ui mi.- 4;.'.;.;
. .1 U lllfll..,! ..III A I
,i, ,,rrr, ik i lilrllil l.iul III ,
",!,i v ii i" i" H'" "' ;
,.,V iu,.,. il H.'l II I" "' nmrni
I, in iin' inn' ki t. Hi" mill '
,,li.i inn" ' l"'i !
fttl ,,..111.1' iH.iiiimiwil o.cmin,ni i
; atf r Ii"''"!' , j
u. K.i i n i n Willimn Mum,!
,,,!). id Hi" V ilia it" l'n!i mol
( i iviiiv. iii.'l '" n i.l' iii ;
r Uliii T'Ii kIiV ll'l I'll f""t
,u,..i.r.l l.y I'M lilliiiu "I"'" I'-1
,. ,,., I.,. nl.lx In tk f'.r k
, r".i" Him k. iliiiKl.h-r ul V. I.
I i ll'l-. I "" "'" i'l"l i
rr ii.'l I'' l"" 'l ln-r Hrml. Tin-I
-Jtiyin-r "I II. K. llirmio"l illi i
i,!r i.ii.li'tit, wliirli iriilltfl III ll."!
xrrul lii-r I - I li.nill"i. j
.w.i.i .. I HlliMAN ll"l l . '..In- i
.lui.k In" I'' i Hiilriel In A. I", j
n I'.iitliii.l, lor lli rrinuvnl l.l ;
U.iii ''" " '"' I
I im!i i.ir lmi"l III" until Ii . oi for-
u Main il. . I Ni'Vrlill' liri'l mnl oil!
( ,i, l.rnnl I'H-i t !' I'M" k j
1 1,;, li e . nhtinrl lor Ilif i nliMtiir j
ulil l Ii will Ih ll'l ill ' l 'Invr. ;
lui'lr I'.ii 'ii rt li"l from Mr H j
!.m i I l"'t tri' l""0 I''" KiUlli-1
m l ul I' t H in I'l." k ft. Tl'l" lH I
f .Ipiii il.'.lli 1. 1 I IH li'i't oil S-vxtitli I
irt mil In' will in. iv llm Omnium
i t un llir ii'ir r 1 1 Il ul tli" lot In. lit
L N-tmili ir'"l. Tim i-uiiiil"ition
A lii ii CiN.kK
oi iiii-ii in i ,i. rii v Him ohni wiM-k. Ilu Whh
irv Win lit' llii- (li i.i.i.i.' , 1. 1 ilui,. h.r ili.i.i. i llur-
Mi- ( .Inn Sui.jn,.y Hu.iirit lliirriNMii AIIi-ii two y'r
liiI.HV. HII'I M INN HJi, lit. fili. In.. .it li.iiunl tl.u I'lilill.
" l"' 'l..-ry. j li-.l". Mr S. l,.ii.,.. . workinK fur tli
' I'hii'H Hi'iMililii Hii lii ki-t tliit vfr, iiii. I
mi u, t, ,,, v HHVH ii.-.t'ly nil t if I'm uli IH of I'lackn.
Iv ii j.irr in H run., i...i l'.,,.i.i u,,.Ll..,. u,..l, . I... lu.
.iiiiil. Hiiit. I Im I'liiiiriniiii ul llin ( Otiiiiy
'';'- ' '. ' ;
1.1, ......
' "' " " ' ...
j ii . i
f j
X V-V - "
A 'y w -y ''
'V ' ' A '7..- f
: i ; ,
''.Uw -. x i - X V . . . .'
. .j, - , .. vt ,
OltKlito.N Cirr tIN4 iOAII.
riuyrd Mi'iioKfi'i" An Aliiii'l Krror
lm Iniiiif Willi ncorc of 3 ti 2.
Nt-mly 4(H) 0Ih mw Dim Iioiiih Iciiii
iicut tint iMnnoxriiiiit it WilUmrttn I'urK
SiinilHy ifli'rii'ioii for Hie hwoikI lime.
Tli" lirnl trim" lintwtwii tln i-e Umiii win
ti", mnl tlm KHine at i'ortlariil win won
Ii Or"Kon City willi rx:or ol2lol.:
Kii.li li Hiii mail" Imt two "rrora Hotli
liitrli.Tii ilt'livfrml ii'xhI hall" ami w"re In
lfoo.1 Inrni, Unit strikioK out 10 infii ami
WliiiflmiiNH (our, wlilln ni-vnn dill were
mailii oil' llflt ami live off Vliit"lioiie. ;
liraliiiii wan auliRlitii"'l f.ir Califf at
riK'i' lii'I'l in tli" aiztli inninif. NVxt
Siiinlay L'"-liiirt'li ami Or"um (;it will
play at WilUiwtt l'rk. UHlinrdi
lnin nut loxt a gnm ami ia in tlm l"al for
tli" tititii1. I,Ht riiiiiilay they won
Iroin llillK'ioro liy a a. or" of 11 to 2 in
a alow uatno. Tim m ore of the Ornuon
Cliy-. Monogram kjaiu" followa;
I'Hvi-,31) ,
Ut, l.f
Mi KarlHii.l, 'Jb.
I'-rro't, lb
Martin, c
Couli-y, a a . . . ,
Caliir. r. f
IUi, ('. f
lil'll, II .
tiraliatn, r. f. . ,
A I!.
,. 3
. 4
.. 4
. 4
,. 4
,. 2
. :i
. .i
. l
ii. ro.
i i
' 0
Totala lil .'I 5 27 8 2
lUnkin.aa 4 1 12 7 0
I'arroti, lb 4 1 1 10 0 0
,n. r, 4 0 0 5 0 0
U ivr. r f 4 0 1 0 0 0
Mi Derniott, lib.. 4 0 2 3 1 0
K lUnkiii, 2 Ii.... 4 0 0 2 2 1
A wit-rum, c. 1 3 0 0 1 0 1
Wiikliiiiu, I. f .... 3 II 0 0 0 0 I
Wliiti-liotiw p 3 0 2 0 2 0
Totals ,..".3 2 7 23 12 2 1
n ijKK II V INNISli".
1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9
Orfiriin Cily 1 n 0 (I 1 1 0 0 0 3
MmioxraiiiH .... 1 OOOIlJOOO 2
Karneil runa O-t-ijon City 1 ; Mun., 1.
'lw. tiaH liitH Kati, Uaiikiu.
Kiml Iihh on Imlln off Wlntf liouw 1.
Htrwk out Hy Bt-lt 10; ly WMie
lioimH 4.
Hit by (.itrhftl bU liv Jliflt, 1.
I'mt-fil ball, Martin. 1 ; .an. 1.
Tiiiiw of (jHine 1 hour ami 20 minutea.
fni.lr Kei-kner.
Won. Lont
I'licliurrb 4 0
Or.-ir.un l.'ity 2 1
Monokfrain 0 2
iliilboro 0 i
I'. C.
A. Sl.'ljrlil, Iti'iiulilic in imiiiincc fur Cnunty Clerk, wan born and
VmnNV or I Mil a n Wab Vara.-
rrnrni m iir HiH'kfnnl, III, 1I rcniovfd with liin family to Orc(ron in
lH'.l, ami to Ori'ii'in t'ity in 1HH0. lit wan one nf tin.' inc 'rjioratorn and
rtKklitil.lfra of lli" Ori son City Canning Co., ami whh l"-)okkceer and
.iiiMim In. lun War -urana imv" ,.HHiHtaiit miiifriiilcni rut cliirinir itH exihtfiu'c II" attcrwaruH surveil
te:;::r,:;!::tl!.l!::livcy,HrH with K. K. WiUm.... in the capacity f l.eH.1 cl-rk and book-
.1, who (t-ii in iii lii'lian vara. Tb" k..cin r. In 1 ill M ) Mr. S I i LT 1 1 1 whh a iiiiii! ii tnl bv tliu L'ovt'rntiH'iit censuH
i,rtudl,..li. v-lrrii,tii,.l ll.r w.ri.1 . ,, ..,. i rp,,;nf.f ,
I ih.-y ...ln-i.ai...l, lollow:!'-'!"""'-' '",""'"- !' I
He in at irt'Hi'iit rrKnIniK ummi ihh fruit lurin ni-ar taniiy, whien ne nan
oiHTiitfil Miiri -hfullv for a nutiibrr of yearn. Mr. Sleight received his
rilueatinn at the Ilni kfonl hi School, was raisrd to habito of industry
i ..,,.1 ,r .1,. I in ilu. fillli'ii nt ("onntv (Mi-rk. will L'ive the!
.1 .III .inn' M ii J , n 1 1' ,i . ' ' " - - - -- , n -
M'nile of 1'larkiiinan County an hoiieht and economical administration.
Clackain:m County linn had many incompetent officials. Mr.
m ltinttit.iii. J M. lU.oii. A. J
't. Ji.i' I iikum, Jamea SlfVi'im,
ollK'ki'1, Ciiyii.' William Millt-r,
o llil.'V, ICyiiM Kiver; Wiliiam
. Irii, him I'mn, Kit llarnra, lliu'i
f.i,iU" Arm, Mr, 'rw iimii, Jftiiiinii"
1 Cirr, Mirk Col", Cliarlim 'tlltintt.
i r.iiiiit, J II. Uillimnt, 1 inn 1,1
i'Ji, Jiini'i Hunt, Jim I'likt'im, War.)
ltti-uln r"l Wi'cret,
h ia often akel how auch etartliiik;
enrea. that pu.zle the bt-t physicians,
are t-ff.-cteJ by Dr. Kinkja New Dilco
very for Coneuinption. Ilere'a the
aecret. It cut out the phlegm and
Ueriu-infctl mucus, and let the life
givinkj oxynen enrii'h and vilalje the
blood. It heals the Inflamed, couuh
worn throat and lungs. Hard colds and
stubborn cousin soon yield to Dr. Kind's
New Piacovery, the most infallible
remedy for all Throat and Lung diseases.
Guaranteed botllea 60 cents and $1.00
Trial bottles free at Geo. A. Harding's.
Some time ago I prominod in an advertisement
if you would stay with rne I would make the price
of Drug-store goods a cheap or cheaper in Oregon
City than in any other town in the state, Portland
riot excepted.
How well I have Bucceeded is shown in the fact
tliat to-day you can buy almost any popular patent
medicine for from loo to 8oc, where a couple of
months ago you paid $1.00. That you havedone
your part is proven by the crowded condition of our
store every day. We have certainly helped each
other, and I intend. to show my appreciation of this
generous patronage by making special sales of such
household drugs as are needed every day
15c Hire's Root Ueer, reg. 25
10c Bryant's I toot Beer
2'c 100 Quinine PillH,2-'grain
reg. 50
lt)c Bed Bug Killer, reg. 25
35c lb, Pure Cream Tartar,
7c Can, All Spices, Pepper,
Ginger, Cinnamon, Clove,
Allspice, reg. 10c
10c lb, Moth Balls, reg. 20c
f'C lb, Hyposulphite Soda
5c One dozen Nutmegs
15c Can Buhach Insect Pow
der, reg. 20c
25c lb. Baking Powder, form
ula by U. S. Chemist,
rec. 40c
All Painting Material at Portland wholesale prices.
Cut Rate Druggist.
Oregon City, Or.
30c Can Buhach Insect Pow
der, reg. 40c
25c 7 Boxes Hard or Soft
Wood Toothpicks
IOc HouseholdAmmonia, reg.
20c Ward's Herb Tea, reg. 25
15c Bottle Cornp. Licorice
Powder, reg. 25
7c Sapolio, reg. 10c
15c 4-ounce bottle Glycerine,
reg. 25c
15c 4-ounce bottle Glycerine
and Rose Water, reg. 25c
5c lb, Sulphur for burning; fi
lb for 25c
15c Mennen's Talcum Powd'r,
reg. 25c.
Bmti thi A "Ilw Kind Von Haw Always BougM
M The business man knows the value and convenience of
H a Checking-Account; so does the up-to-date profes-
sional man; likewise the progressive farmer; and, too,
M the wide-awake business woman. We phall be glad to
initiate people into the details of keeping a checking-
E account.
tl.ll, It HroAii. Jam.- Vimvnt. ! Hcicht in an ollice man and familiar with every detail of clerical work, i
ii it t .. i . ... I
While of a ijuiet, unahHUining nature and deposition, ho is at all tunes '
'courteous and painstaking and very popular with his associates. j
In I'urncll, Ji4iiii- inler, Yakima
Dutr B"r To ruHTl.AMi. Tim re
nfition ul llm llrt'gon tlity-l'iirtUnil
3 llU rOllllil-li li HII'I lb" public w ill
pi'oi'il In I. urn that this riiy will en
i.liily li.mt mtvii'M all tlir.'imh the
imfr. The iti-amer l.eoiia baa been
O.I iii.l rt-lltlf.l and liniki Ilk"
remillwill In ronllni'd to bi borne f ir . ceiiirul committee of two years ago is
annul tiui" Iti-I -. m vi-ii and eight "tnniuinii the county for tlie Uepubli-
. . . . . i
a i o elm-is ii" wii" nriv'HK
-l.t Four r I trips will be mail" j th Miller claim on ib wint -i.l.i
Jlii.ltln. buat will loiicli at ll.e fol- , fiver abt'i" In- h..d b.H-n engaei
"iv UinhiiL!! aii'l at no oilier
Mnifuiie'a Park. Melilrnm a.
'"ft, Itmlrv'a and Oawegu. The fol
iij ai'liriliiln will h" iiiaiiilalned :
"xOn-Kiin t'ily al 7 ami 10 A. M.
'I 1 : ami I 1'. M . U-ave Portland
'I'M in.! II :::ii A. M. and al 3:00 and
15 P. M. Tim Nieamer will lay over
Milt tiit-um, City. Hound trip 25
'HT (illAliK (iHAIlfATK". Til"
"I'M If) If l Vail flMata 111 lll Klllltll
'ipnuls ul the city schools wore held
Inwn Iroin can-, i ihk m me resuii oi uih support
i.lo ul the given Hie .mtiatiV" anil relereinliini.
I in Kiir- ' M. Si'lnifb.-I .-I iie dial the Ki'imlihc an
. .i i. .i.iu ti. u'ill i-u,rii iti f Miii-uitniHa '
veviuir. t ii'i-n g un' m-ii i."i"ii "1."' , " " , i -
anil going nortli on Mun alreet bis ('tiuniy by !K)fl inajnriiy. the largt-st ever
hort-ea iM'i-aine liiglilened iifiir linker's ' given."
ilaninu mill ami started to run
in an instant U'v ere goiinf at a (right
ful .lu.Mit itid the JmL'e C'.uM not Imld
them. OpKi-ilt' tli" re.i-m e of .1. I".
Ileilgea the hiiKirv slriirk an iili-uiui'li.in
in the street and lioiincing Hi teen fe-l in
the air. was sm.iMlie.1 into ephnters.
The teani lore loose Irnin lb" rums and
ran to li't't'ii Point where tliev weie
Mliiiuu'd. The .lu.lg" was taken fr un llm
i. mi k unconscious anil wan camru
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars the
Signature of
INI I ill
Your Wm
Horse a
- " i B
llilll luuu
: 9 II
A 1 The Hair I
11 IB
ft i I
utfij 'ft m I
SToOy ' '' 1 Sold by all druggisti. I
r i .',"'
A rood looklnt & V I
bonwnd porl-npt
irif narnnii m"
wiirot ktnd uf ctn-
l.n.MlInn ' '
Harness Oil !;
nolonlrmaltf IVbnrnrwindthi I
liorwi '. t iwr, t ut ninmi Hi
i..ii.np M.rt .n.i t,iniili-.r,iii uln r'n.
Oui.in .i i.wt iu ' '"'
It onluiari.jr woum. ,
I..I1 .. In ml U I
Prelrrlrcr VPn.'ay. Junp W, will be con
dueled In one of the rooms of the l'ort
and niislncs Colli g, corner Park and
Waahlr.Ktnn streets. It will be strictly a
school of study, fleslened to aid teachers
o higher K-radw In the August examina
ton. Kurtiier particulars on appllcauon.
The Portland rtunrss College ia open all
the year. StcdiiUs miiy enter at any
time, fur special branchts or a regular
course, and ncelve individual or class In
struction, as preferred. Call or send for
catalogue. Iarn what and bow we teach.
A. P. Armstrong, LL. D., Principal.
Enterprise and W. Oregonian $2
The Genuine Rogers Bros.
Silver Plate That Wears
Artistic design, heavy plate and fine finish are well
known features of 18-17 Rogers Hrus. goods. Do not
accept ordinary Rogers or other brands of unknown
value, which are sometimes claimed lo be just as good.
Wo purchaso this ware in largo quantities from the
factory. Our stock is largo and our prices are right.
When Buying a Watch
Please consider that wo pay 6pocial attention to this
part of our business, that wo have been doing watch
repairing for many years, that we carry the most com--plcte
assortment, that we buy direct and take the ben
efit of cash discount, and therefore are in a position to
sell the very best goods at the very lowest prices.
We guarantee all our watches.
Kodak and Camera Specials
All of Eastman Kodaks at 20 per cent, discount
from factory prices. Some of 1901 Poco Cameras at
special prices. These instruments have advanced 33
per cent, since last year. .
Better look into these bargains before they are
all gone.
We give instructions free.