Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 30, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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MAY 10.
. i
I ..... I I. I.. I... I IIM II IJ I I
Oregon City Enterprise.
City and County Official Paper
InbU-lied Every Friday.
L. L. POUTER, Paorurroa.
One year $'- 00
8n months 1 10
Trial subscription two inontlis
A discount o Wcents on all subscriptions
for one year, :25 rents iur six inoiillis, it
paid in advance.
Advertising rates (liven on application.
extra l.'" kl,,,,"',,
'ami putting Ihfm ",l,,r l"mi" ,
1 heading like the copying of lh '
I ... 1 .. .II.... ll.... ,,( l,i.ia. The People ol
I ..111..
i ii,.L.i ii iii,ur u u luiiiiif Miiiuuiitn.1 liv thin county can not l Ioieil 1"
filial i.,.ter. It h.uhcctt know n for some ! way. Ins the exp'ise of tin""'
evasions ami call themselves "reform-1 that paer refers in it use of the word
erg" Never before) in the political "independent" to the course it but)
history of Clackamas Comity were such taken politically iltiriii the campaign.
: a ha ml of lost nhecp herded together anil ' It ha kept in on I of tliem guessing which
masquerading Under the lunner ot te
form. Voter, here aie some of their
Una i
idllccs !
Do vmi know thetu for reform
Subscribers will tind the date of expira
tion stamped on their papeis following
their name. If this date is not changed
williiu two weeks alter a pavnient, kindly
notify us and we will look alter it.
Kutered at tee postoftic in Oregon City,
Or., as second class matter.
Beaver Creek Or.T. B. Thomas
Canhv K-'
Clackamas A. Matber
Milwankie Oscar Wissmger
Union Mills U. J. TrulUnger
Meadow Brook Chas. Hotmail
New Kra W. 8. Newberry
Far k niace K. Holmes
Btatlord J-Q-
Mn lino O.T. Howard
Csrns, K. M. Cooper
Molalla .' Annie Stnbns
Mar,iiam ) C. Mar.iiam
Buitcville B. Jennir.irs
Aurora.. Henry A. Snyder
Ka-jle Creek H. Wilbern
Damascus J- C. Kluott
Faniv V liolMli
C irrinsville Ceo. J. Ciirrm
M i mot Adolpti asciioii
SHKKIFf" J. J. COOKE. j has no party) who "saw" the proprietor
UKOKOK 0 il.K ' list. It must have taken some dough to
COL K. A. MIl.l.KU. ! have got the space for those legislative
O. W. EASrilA.M. j pledge that were printed laal week.
CHAKLKS K CLAKK. I Who waa interested in having Ihoee
HAKVKY CROSS j pledges published ami who paid for il?
These men are the leaders of what ia i Why did you leave Potter out?
known as the Citizens' movement.! -
Thev inspired it, fathered it, and now Mk. Coopkk, the county clerk, lias
propose to rule Into piwer and Into 1 eeen tit to take Hie tVillota lor the com
. .. . ! . , , i... ,i... i.i..i, ii,v rule and
WHO navei ooseiveu mm , nun i"'i
lime bv those
the Courier-Herald was for the
(il , they have not b i
present ullU'er.
improved by ihe
Tiik Courier Herald r n lust week some
conipiiiiaon in llgurcs concerning lh'j
Imr expenses of Cliickamaa and.
j M.uhm Counties. According to their own j
I Inures (which are not correct ami siej
dislmted) Clackamas ha been run lor
I considerable less money, il vml will take,
lout the road exi It i" known that
... ... i, I , ., ii. . I 'l ...li..in,iH siicndliik! iMlisnloniMi'
oiuce on a wave mat w in sweep tnein ; init election to tne i ourier-iieraui 10 o 1
backwards so far that we shall hear j punted, notwithstanding the county money on roiids, ami yetting roads too ,
naught but their wasps of Hstonishment I Injard asked lor bids for printing the bal- J "'I' M"ri,,n l,,,llll,t lltt,,, or "" """" 1 1
ii. I u.ir.ld F ,in. l-rn ...,.t l.aull.Ur. I,il a a ml Ii ...I I ..I I li.l I'nlit fuct Tim tal. Oil IllT rollS.
nient. How could such a thing lupnen? ute gives the hoaid the authoiily and re
VOTKKS ANH TAXPAYKUS OK quiies Iheiu to furnish ull supplies. II
CLACKAM AS COl'N I Y : IV) you the cleik's contention is right that be
want to place the nuances and manage- controls the pi inting of the ballots w hyi
V. J. Ft KM-H
Supreme Judfc'e
Secretary of State
F. I. Di n ii a b.
State Trersurer
C. S. Moo kk.
Attorney General
A. M. Ckahfokd.
State Printer
J. K. Whitxky.
Supt. of Public Instruction
For Congress First Diptrict,
Titos. H. TONGI'B.
For Joint Senator,
Multnomah and Clackamas,
HekiicRt Holman.
For Joint Reprfsentative,
C. W. Nottingham.
3kobo U.
Slate Senator,
SbOwnell, of Oregon City.
C. G. Huntley, of Oregon City.
Hans Paulsen, of George.
Hebmam A. Webster, ol Clackamas.
Thomas F. Ryan, of Oregon City.
Sheriff, .
J. R. Suaveb, of Molalla.
F. A. Sleight, of Canby.
Wiluam Bbobst, of Wilsonville.
Henby E. Stevens, of Milwaukie.
James F. Nelson, of Mulino.
Esos Cahill, of New Era.
John W. Meldbi m, of Abernethy.
R. L. HoLMAii, of Oregon City.
. ' "v J
'' '
Tiik Cilieii have given up defeating i
llmwnell and lluntlev and are conceip
trilling all their et'ongth on the dclcal
of Paulsen and Webster. Jiiey nngiii
as well give up trviug to defeat these j
men. None of their sporting men wnt(
to bet even money on the election of the .
t'itnen ticket. They want to bet en the .
s of the Republican plurall'y and uro
oll'cring to let tha
It will not beoNet 'i !
the !
Ik the sheriff got a rake oli out ol
niililpation ol the tax list, whv slnci
not the clerk place the punting ol
I ballot even if the boaid had let eon-
J tract (or printing tl to the lowest
! bidder.
C ui-uli ralile Work U llclng lone
.Minis nf Til t ScctlMi
Next Monday is election day and the
hopes and fears of half of the people of
Oregon will be at rest. The state is
going Republican. Whatever doubt
there may have been of this does not
now exist. As the campaign bas pro
grebsed the prospects for republican
'victory have grown briijhterand brighter
and there is no question that
the voters of the state will roll up
the accustomed big majority for the
party that advocates expansion and
progress, honest money, laws for the
benefit of the working man and passage
of measure that are just and will stand
the test of time.
A feeble attempt bas been made in
Clackamas County by the fusionists to
put op a fight but they have made a
signal failure. At every torn of the
road they have gone wrong. Allied with
the fusionists and at their bead are men
who are little short of political rene
gades. Seekers after office, without
party, without principle and con
sequently without the ghost of a
chance of success, tbey have gone on
slump in every precinct in Clackamas
County and attempted to tear down the
structure of government. All over the
world you will find men like these.
They are sometimes hounded into mak
ing promises but in Clackamas County
they are making none. Their policy is
to scuttle the ship and may the devil
take the hindmost. In some places they
are called anarchists, in others agitators,
nd often they glory in these names.
Rut right here, with unenviable records
staring them in the face, they mount the
platform of UDtrnth and misrepresenta
tion, and with volleys of fierce denunci
ation of ways that are not theirs, stand
At the session of the Grand Encampment I. 0. 0 F. of Oregon,
held at Newport, Ore., on May 20, Judge Ryan was unanimously elect
ed as representative of the I. 0. 0. F. of Oregon to the Sovereign Grand
Lodge of the United States and Canada for tlio t usuing two years. Mr.
Ryan states that he will endeavor to have the session of l!05 held in
Portland, Ore., so that it may add to the features and attractions of the
Lewis and Clark Exposition. He further states that at the sessions to
be held in Council Bluffs, Iowa, this year, and doubtless at Italtitnore
next year, he will lose no opportunity to present to the members and
their friends the advantages of Oregon, and more especially of Clacka
mas County. That his efforts will meet with success we have no doubt,
and much benefit will accrue to Claekamas County by having one of its
officers in such a prominent place.
ment of our affairs in the hands of such i did not he ask for bids for the same if lie
men as these?
believes in or stands on bis party plat
form? The fact ol the matter is that
Mr. Cooler believes that the Republi
cans should ask for bids for H eir work
but he should not. Rut he is a reformer.
Tiikbe is no better argument for a
double track all the way between Oregon
City and Portland on the line of the
Portland City & Oregon Railway than
the accident on the line last Sunday
night. There were about 00 passengers! All eyes are turned towards Oregon
in the accident and it is nothing shcrt of ! ,,T she is the first state to hold a general
o miraelB that more were not injured. ! election this year; and this is the off
Semaphore signals are all right as far bb year that tb party in power is always
they go, but a double track is needed I "f- But this year the people can
and'should be laid without delay. The j not afford to be indifferent; President
system of dispatching cars by telephone K'sevelt is faithfully carrying out the
Is not a good one. Orders are easily j P'j'h-'V that McKinley inaugurated, that
misunderstood. The collision was not has won such wonderful prosperity. We
nnexDected. Small wonder it has not have redeemed Cuba from Spain and to-
happened long before. It is up to the
railway company to do all within its
power to prevent a repetition of such ac
cidents. The next one may be more
eerious and far reaching in its conse
quences. A rnotorman is disabled for
life. He will never be able to work
again. He has a wife and four children
in almost destitute circumstances. The
case is a pitiful one and has aroused the
sympathy of all.
The legislative ticket in this county
should be elected. It is an important
matter in many ways. The election of
a United States senator is of first im
portance not only to the county and
state but to the nation. Questions of
vital interest to this coast and to the
farmers of this county will have to be
settled by the aid of the senator elected
next winter. The question of whether a
market is to be made in the Philippines
and China depends on the attitude of
the United States towards those coun
tries. The senate can foster these trade
relations or put up a barrier that will
shut off all trade to the great detriment
of this coast. Next Monday when you
wish to vote for your own interest vote
for the Republican legislative ticket.
day the Cubans are free and independ
ent, more truly than they could possibly
be had they won freedom from Spain
without American tutelage. As with
Cuba so with the Philippines; the Fili
pinos as a whole are less capable of self
government than the Cubans; when we
shall have established free government
there, they will be better off than could
be possible without tha protection the
United States affords all tha rautings
of democracy to the contrary.
Tin Courier-Herald sayg that the
people appreciate Its "independent bus!
upon a platform that is made up ofineas methods." It is supposed that
In your support of a candidate for
county clerk see that you support a com
petent man and not one that makes the
costly mistakes that Cooper done.
Cooper coet the county about $2000 in
the one mistake of certifying to the cost
of bridges built in the county the past
year. He put it at nearly $33,000 and
there is not another person in the
county that bas given it any attention
but knows better, even if he did not have
the records to find out. Cooper, with the
records in his control and keeping them,
made this bridge account only about
$22,000 too latge and this increased our
state taxes by a tnug sum.
lioi ii Cuki k, Or., May -il, HO- j
Special l'i r ei-pondem I
This is lit., weather f"r prnsp-clora '
although there is cntiidoialile snow in
I be (lion nl nine. The iinneis aio U.ni
nihil to make ilieir appemauce in c unp.
Messrs. Holland, lln'i h and Ivi-clics,
ol .aiem have erected a mill on the
Copper (jueen mine this rpriiiK. Il Is
i called the " l.euching" pn ivxs. I'hev
will soon have it in running order. e
I exiH'ct to have quite a boom in camp Hie
coining siiinniei . I'he Fieelmol Consul.
id ited Mining Co. is running two rlulu
at present. They intend to put a uinl
in just as soon as the mails dry lip. Tin
Miner.il llariior Mining Co. has a crew
ol men at work on their properly. Tle-y
have been ilmi g some devi loping wok
on their claims all winter. The Oil
hettson Co. has a crew ol men ut work
on Cedar Creek. The prospects are g'md
Hint very encouraging ami the ore is all
base no Iree milling ore in the district.
The ore contains gold, silver and copper.
P. I., f'arling does a great ilenl of pick
ing lor the inherent cunips. lie has tine
pack horses and ia kept pretty busy on
the trail most of the time when the
weather will permit.
Messrs. Cook and drown, the men
that have a IhhoI on unite a number of
claims, came up here in April for more
samples of ore. This hsiks as if they
mean business. They are both practical
mining men and have had a nre.it b-al
of experience in mining in dillerent lo
calities. T. L. Pai, who runs a pack
train occasionally, Is doing some packing
lor the Freelaud Co. He was seen gisiu j
ut) to the mines last .Saturday with a
blacksmith ontlit. I
C. G. Scott arrived at Klklmrn UmI
Saturday. He came over the Panther
Rock trail, via Red Kock mine. He re
ports that the snow was from two to ten
feet deep for about lifieeii miles. He
was out two days without sny I'mI and
looked like a race horse when seen going
by Klkhorn. C.ti. II.
11 1' KG L.Utl) JTl li't; 1 1) Til E IHMJ.
tarn. .
lite SuiuVK'lf- aiul luwh if
nsinilltllViitdliisnclllaT Opium. MoM'timo iiorMuuTUi.
Sot N.vhcotic.
1U iar Ma
litir. '''
Apnfn-I Hi'iib'dv forfnti'diio
lion . Sour Stomar It. I ll.it rl svi
Worms .( ot vul - ions . w r i h
m-sis mid Loss tr Sucki'.
1.11-Simile SiQwIurf of
nv4 ch m raaranii
' It a M V" N llllll
LXAtrconrorw-aPPr jy'llfly Jk
.... m iimui umii, f mm
CSifaT jliili V i iV"ini i I m ia"i'i 1 1" "'' " i iii"in : ii ii i i' "L
For Infants nnJCiml
Thu Kinrl Ynn id
iii iiiiiu i yy jfj
Always Bought
Boars tlio
For Ove
Thirty Yean
in it 1 1
) ttrCOO. HttJ, All Mtl'f
Pl.iti n and I'.iita for All Mailuori
I Ml III It ft. III I I It lilt
,t Urat'iimhlr 1'iUrt
Nlnalp Hry Itimrd
Wtllr in
lirn yi
Mlmoouruphs, Hoctoeraphi
And All Implicating CokkU
T) if-wrltT u(iilr and omr. farillM
ir 'pti-oir ,r mU mi u
nrrd nn y t kl ii
Coast Agency Co., Portland, Or.
I. imx !! tuner
VII sinrk Hlrerl,
'I'hoiir ii Mtli-r.
pp. I.sd.l Tlllun lUiik.
Pecullur ( Ircumitances In ( nni clmn
With Robbery of PostnfHeP.
MlLWAf kik, Or., May -0. The unui
who entered the Milwaukie postotlwe
last Wednesday night and robbed tin
plate of nearly $bVi of postal money and
over $.M beloimiiig to Postmaster Wbum
ger, is still at large and no tiace of him
has yet been discovered that would lead
to the arrest. The thief took nUhing
with him that would serve as a clew
other than Mr. W'issinger's revolver, hut
that would be difficult to identify, inas
much as its owner does not riiicinlcr
what make of a gun it is, and hei-idei
there are many more just iiku it. There
is a peculiar circumstance in connection
with the robbery, that has up to this
time bullied solution. In Mm store, loose,
at the limn the deed was commuted,
was Mr. Wissinger's large black dog,
which is noted for its ferocity, and how
the robber managed to enter the building
without being attacked or without ex
citing tho canine is a myBtery. The
general opinion is that the animal was
you mMm, hem
by mir m-w invention. (July those horn denf are incurable.
F. A
i, .......... u.l Mrrkl
.'11 rnlir-lv nurd nl ilfnfiir.. Ih,nk In ymir llcaluiflll. I ""''"'
in', p. 1m- u-. i,l ymii iIM ti it, in. ,,
niv nlil , Uv,,,, l.lB1(. ,,1 ,h. ket.l oa K-lttlt wnt.""
li l,l U I. HI.. HIII.Mi- ..tl,,,. , l . . . .. . wlwi llllli I
uiilv nil !,, ,,i, ,,,,,1,1 ,
llirll rniv ,m ;. I,, , ,,,
(Ifntltmrn. -. Il,
a fait liiMutv of in v
Al"i,t ti r y'.ir
my II' ill llll' III IIik , , riiliirlv
. ...-.. , ..ii, h iir, r nif-til I,. r rati. p. I, r... ,1,..-- t. -.i.i .... . ...
tlir Iniml ,'ltl'nrlil r.,( ...r. ,.!..! ii llil.l l'V
nod rv, ti Ib.il v ,r , -. , ,. IM Ihc IkU "
,11. I 1 1 r,lt ,,., i .f. I,,,
I lie
uw ymir a'lrrrit.rnirni ., , lrnlnilv in Vrw V.., k t,K-r. and iil'rt
i. " ""'vt'w il..-"i.linl,i..vr ,l.reli..n. Hi'
J "rr. "'"' l'"V hr;miu. Ill h.. ill.r,w,r,l hu. lH-.ori.lllrlyir.MI"l. 1"""
ii'Oi!v,,il,ri;lt,miii Vny iruly vi,. ti
r A. KKM.W, 7joH Ilin.lwr. Hdtin0";
hir tnatiui nt ilnen nut intrrt rr with iour imuiil ori iiiilti-
Mention the Knterprise when answering advertisement.
The clerk and sheriffs office are try
ing to make a showing that they are run
for lees money than the same offices in
some other counties. The showing is
made in this county by taking theii
Don't give them tea or coffee. Have
you tried the new food drink called
GKAIN-O? It is delicious and nourish
ing and takes the place of coffee. The
more GKAIN-0 you give the children
the more health you distribute through
their systems, (irain-0 is made of pure
grains, and when properly prepared
tastes like the choice grades of colfee but
costs about l4 as much. All grocers sell
it. 15c. and 25c.
A Minister's Mistake.
A city minister was recently handed a
notice to be read from his pulpit. Accom
panying it was a clipping from a newspa
per bearing upi n the matter. 1iM
clergyman started to read tbe extract
and found that it began "Take Kemp's
Balsam, the best Cough Cure."
This was hardly what he had expected
and, after moment's hesitation, he tur
ned it over, and found on tbe other side
the matter intended for the reading.
Vlio.liig Cough.
A woman who has bad experience
with this disease, tells how to prevent
any dangerous conseijuences from it.
Khe says: Our three children look
whooping cough last summer, our baby
boy being only three months old, and
owing to our giving them Chamberlain's
Cough Kemedy, they lost none of their
plumpness and came out In much better
health than other children whose parents
did not uho this remedy. Our oldest
littlogirl would call lustily for cough
syrup between whoops. Jessio Pinkey
Nail, Hpringvillw, Ala. This remedy is
for sale by (j. A. Harding, Druggist.
Bnth 1M K-.r.d Yoa Haw Aii.au Bu
Irylntr nrenanilinim
op dry cetiirrh ; they dry up tho Secretion's,
winch adhere to the immibrmio mid d-icom. I
;'"" '! "r hi noil trouble l bnn
the ordini.ry fornof cuturrh. Avoid oil dry
ing liilml.udi, fino-s, HMnl.M BI1,I Mlllr,
"u iw.1 inni v in- ii rlcaiiM-i, soothe and
hciia. I.ph Cr.i.im ':, , ,.;, r,,lllfl(
and will ci-o n'.i.i-:. .r c.t.J in the I.h.4
easi y ai.d pleiumdly. A t,.,.i t -e ho
niailed f,,r () cmln. All dmpids sell tl
fiOc. size, riy Ilroilicrs, M Warren St., K.Y.
Tho J!,,!,,, our.-s without puin, do,.B ni
imluto or cause si.eeing. Il spreads itself
over an irritated and impry snrfaes, reliey.
mp umnediatdly tlio painful Inflammation
With My'g Cream Jialm yoa are armed
nniiibt liubul Cutanh and Hay lever
j Only One HJ To Do It
Cl from Portland to Chicago
honrs-iost three daVS. Til
j Portland Social." l'ving W
'daily at 9 a. in. via. 0. H. -f"
! -i u. i..... -1 ii .-m dm third !' '
York and Huston are reached tb
day. This train, acknowledged
tbe fastest between the Xortli'
the Kast, is solidly vestihuleJ
equipment is unsurpassed. 'J'
drawing room sleeping cars, OP'
tourist sleeping cars, library
cars, free reclining chair cn,
excelled dining cars, the meal"
are eipial to those served '
best hotels. Remember thii fc
nil. I l',.rii,.,l Chicago; I'1".
chauifu of cars, and the good ")
costs no more to ride on it tbB 9
routes. ...
We have other trams
press" leaves Portland d'ly .
via Huntington, and the
Flyer" leaves at 8 p. ui.
kane for Kt. Paul and th K- .
For rates, sleeping car re"
call or write to
A. L. Cbaio,
f.enral rH
O.R. AN. Co., Portland, Or f
The Enterprise $1.&0 per yef