OHEGON CITY ENTERPRISE,, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1902. personal Mention j ,, ' ""''"" T.I.V. "'. . ii.ia slimmer L i H Hut "' PortUml, r?1. -unfriends In U.I- ciiy. l7 " . I Mr (' H. Heamalin returned ;i,p1',r..ii.U '' Clilml iiiiltf Horion made t .p io ll..l.i.-r.l WwlntHMUy. ' .. ...... 111 i u... r .ii..n at her home ! l-or.-st ;p ..... II..I.I.I. llul.lt.n ,. i i' K Williams. f Portland, at Ill's l-eitbi.k Club musical) Mon- I,HUII"". I''"11"1"'' "P nul.t o a""'! Derihuk ,inin,, l,()n Hauling I"' Morula on a , u,.lii. Kilmer ami Mia. Miller. j ull.rnl, vmlll'K IrH'liila In 1 1. tat l..t riiuay M A.l.ll- K. Clark ami Ml Ger- Nrlyr ill f rltun ol ', iiiiiii'ii I" Alaska. i.i ... . ..I I.. .!.... I ... Kvaivn IHiliiT, "i - ,ll Hi "'. "' "", Mil .roi,ard I- Pickens. j'n V. Jfoull, "I KianrlN-ii. who iitliig l'" ! I.a-a-. Mm. William i!., rrturnrd hums Monday. iHHIlt Secretary RMM)llhallrn,oltho ,!, I'ijht (' , returned fioin a L, trrW trip l Han Fram Inoo. S. J III''!!' ' Miaari jnatij Jennie Beatl are rspnrtrd I , ,m lVmlielnti III a fa daye. )!. E'la Fisher, l The Dalle, tn Saturday. short I"H te MiMHa Marjorls ami Kilial k.JfM. Vll HIchhulTa In the rlly Mon it BoiiiiiiK ami liMiiglil allh lilm 720 t nOof Iml'rf fn'in ilia t'lrar Cimk MIMIf Mn. K. K. Krll'VU ""il rtillilrfn liava i,rnr.l ll Walla Walla, alina tlii-y 1 tt!iiln l.n i'irlila, Mr. alul Mia it". Cram. Mmliuilina A. Itamlall, of Nw Kra I irvlualK (Mm ll'f Jrf'ratiry ami ?iitlJrarliiiinl of Willainalla Ci.l ut; in J mm. .':MnA Uka, of I'uitlaml. Utniy Mti..y ami la lx.knni f .r a imi 111 n-licxil In Iha iiurllititern rlu ll. cuiinly. Mr. McMillan lirtr.l from Miniipwila iCli"llifj.iii,lu vlnil ln-r ilaiik'li rum I,'. McMillan, of Ilia ;!r Ijiii- Si'IhmiI itrt. Vi. H. Hull. P. D.. Syn.i.llral ini't f'r Uli-k'"!!, alll pmarli in 1'iHl.yiriian t'litliili lirxl ruinlay n.tif in. I rvvi.tiig (fink lUlion, uf l.'iun, ii'lly ml in a I"k'k'",K ra'iio at Catlilaiin'l, jh .ilni an k anl fcara aie nnlcr n lor l.m ri'i cii'iy. V.A I'uvn, iflni iilof tlia Harmony in lnwn Momlay. Il laa r rj rnionnl tn li'.u li .In cuiiiinii tirin miiltinriiul 111) i'r iiiniitli. !!Wrt Marvin Iioiitin, aon of Mra. II. I o UVtiul.'lii.r, Wnli., aa 'ii'fiinl a If ilava a' at tin rrnl ' ol Mn. (.'. A. "Mill. r, ol Willam F.II. UflmtTi T. Hmith, principal of Knilimii Si liiii.l, liaa yuiin to l.in nt'i'iiiil, hl teach a Irrm ol "' iluriiiK I hi' niiliiiiu-r, licKHilliliit II MiitnUy . 'irr II. Wmliart anil fumllv will f'irliir 1'i.rl Ihih' II.in w.-k ami will ie- m Vt',Mp, k. TIim Wmliart lionw AUiin stti-.il will h tMTiipieil liy lr I Bkiiii, aim iiiuvb In at once. Guilty .SiiiH-riiiUiuileiit J. C. Zinanr lointtia liailiplil rountrv lust wt'fk ninn acliMoln. Mm imM llm pHpl ol imtion ai t xpcrliiiK a laixn influx lo'lf mi rn iini of tliu cuiiHinii lion "wOfW riln ki . 'h'k1" fiiiiiliin K. Ilayna maili'aprocliea hi Kai-ln (;rtk on Moinlay, ai 'I'KWHiMr mi Tiii'mUy, at liKn on "Inwlay i at lint fluid on Tliurmlay. ' Jii'li' wilt 1-liino thn campaign at uliio tiiinorruw n'lKlit. Kinina inllimay, li'prtiiii'iit '"'"fit of llm Wmnaiia' Keln-f l'orp 1 T. W. Fond, ii-iMrtminl tiUHHiirpr, ''iwukhA. Iliinlnu. il.lnrt nii'iit fMtt. Mra. Mary H. Ilri4.ll.-y, pr.-i-"lolMea,!,. (,,, Mra. Hha.llH, Mra. v illiM,l)n Mr. Marnaret Wil H Mm. Fmnk f. llHrlnw un'i MiH Wl(illowv Mill atiHiiil 1 t.tt ilcnart' 'IICIIllln.,...l ..I .1. U',, ......y' I!.- "'CwrpH, a,ji;, coiiviiiieB in Astoria "'tmimih. F'fMi,,, h. K..IU ,. n.i.iiiiiil liiH mill. ii, l',ila..,l li'lonrinir j't-oinpKiiv ami Iiuh Hctvpioil a pom 8nli tliu Tacfima Urain 'oinpany. 11 coimihiiv iH iiniliiini a mill at 7n,I.l' rapacity of IL'IKJ bn "" Uh plana nr nni'li that tli "n I (loiiblml. Mr. Kelly " 'rave aljoul .lnn IH fur a vlait to 'C"t of China ami Japan in tin of (lift 'l',...,... Niiiinxiiv anil td' ,0 iw atmont aliont three rnonlli". ll ti ,Hrl( preaiilent ami inanaKHr I Bamlon Winjlen Milln, returnml I y lrfil" Chl.-aao. WIiIIh in thn Vlnlft11''1" ' rontract involving about WO ahiti, will keep hi mill in op ; ''"' ly ami nielli until Julvl. 100.1. -o,i n'lon Woolen Mill employs 70 Mr. cirk, whose home is in rnr T' Mt TnfiIT ninht for San ml, wl"re ,ie ,'lk,, steaniHr to ''r'o'e retnrnini? from liia U P Jii Mr"- C,Mrk l "Vr Ci,-f "ni1 will reliirn home next week. jVUi1m HaiMlwaysBouctit ySli( lllK0F IH ItT ItAT I V. I'roinliM-itt Voiiiik .Ma a nfranliy Mio iU lllin.flf and Druwi.a In the MlalU. Hurt Hatty, aei relary of tli Willanmlta rrnlH,oin,aiiy, anil a aim of (JeorK H. Daily, a iiroihiiii.ni mi!ral man ol Chh rau auli'Mii,! nuar hia Immn at Canhy t l-rhlay. II.. ha.l h....n ileanmiHeiit fur Several ilaya over minor lniiinxa tronhlea, hut they wh,h not lliotiKht mil lli linil to ranae him to taka hi own Ilia. Ila left hoiiia early KrhUy iimrnliiK t ln aonm work In the tU-l ami when laat aeen alive waa uhIhk towanla llm river lie ili. I not appear at the Imu... at lunrli lima anil aear. h waa nuile, with no re " Irackeil in the aolt roiinil In Iha river hank. Tim river a,lrKK"l ami on Hmiilay iiinriilntf thn hody waa ilia.overni. allh a hnllet hole in the hiea-l. Coroner Ninrklaml waa amn inomxl ami an impie.t Ha hehl ami a verdict of aiiii'iihi an. iveii. Halty a an ahoul 20 )era of aK. waa S graililale of the .Stale A r 1. ti 1 1 itr a I Col lege ami waa manager of the Italiv farm. Ila llveil wllh hia mother ami hioihera I Canhy. TeriiHiary mental aherra lion aaa liml iiihteillv the rine of hia anli lila I Iih funeral will he helil upon the arrival of (ha young nun's father (nun Chicago, Tins u umnmioi dav. Mrmorlul Men Ice Will lie II hi II v the (raud A rm f and ltellrf( urpa. Tha gravel of Hie aohller il.tai) alio (ought lur thn union from IHiil to 1hC will I mi Uei'oraleil tieUy, The program of Iha memorial exerciaei nmler lh ill recllon of Meailn lit, i A. It, ami Mea.ln Kehel Corpa, alll m given at Nhvelv'ioeraho'le. The principal l l'paa will ha niaila hv U.-v. l(ole-rl Mr lan, ni I'urtlainl. Folio ing I l.n cire monlea the pna eaalon a ill procenl to Mountain Virw cemetery where therilu ahalic aervirea of ll.e I'oat ami Corpa will I helij. The proce-aiun will form on M tin alr.i i n tne inormrig an I the Park place lianl lll Itirnlah thn inuMr. Mi uile'taof Meaile 1'i.al ami Meaila He lle Ciri' virlleil the varioua achoola tif the city thia Week ami niale ntirrlng pa triotic aihlreniea to Iha pupil. An in tcr. ting ceremony aill le hrM tin the auaienaion hriile ami on llie aaleri of tlia river aill ha a.atiereil lluaeri In honor of Iha itt a.l aailor. Lo(;al Ever). New To-Day. High grade clgr at HinVth'a. Hee Charuian'a Khot tn I'ihcis Price. Hpeclal aln of Millinery at Ked Front. ('all and in-pect the Millinery at the Kd Front. H)U HALF; UN J II K IN.lTAI.I llii'lit plnli, if an tleei'rd, a giewl Hve rieiin Iioiinh Corner .'Inl and Jefferson Hireet. Newer tonneitiuiia made and healthy location. Apply to it. Kokkiuk, Corner 4lh and Jclforaod htreel. ft M. KKAMANN, M. V. "ci Hee Char man A Co' av yon money, new sd ; ll will Dr. It. II. and A. Weiulurd I'.ldg. L. Uuatle, Delitiata, For Prices, quality and siyin In Millin ery call on Mie (ioldamith. I'll YHI- ian, surgeon and in uliat. OHice in Ihirclay hlilg, I'lioiie t7l. Comer Main and 7lli Hta. Calls anawered promptly day or iiigM. Try the toaaled marahmulloas huttercup kept at Kniyih'a. and Iteady ntylea. to Wear Hat in the lateat Miaa (ioldamith. Ws offer the beat Value In Millinery for the leaal money. Mia (juldniiiltli. Prices to anil Ki Fionl. you all in Millinery at Yon aill find incomparable Value and Style In Millinery. Miaa C. (Ioldamith. mcilKIlt Kill M.XT V K A It. Cliarman A Co.. thn Cut price Img- glHt, carry over 'JO.tKiO article in their up to uale Urug More. Now ia the lime to paint and renovate yonr limine. Charman A Co. are mak nif apecial price on paint, oil and aalaomine. Tlia Union Mill Hi hool has Jint corn p'oted i xienaive Improvemen . The ground have been cleared and fenced an I the oil' limine have been repaired and lenovated. John Tien waa killed laat we-k In a longing camp on (iray's Itiver, Wash Ha waa about 40 yes'S of egn and un married. Ila leave a mother and two brothers reaidigg at Canhy where the body a a brought for burial. Spring i here. Are you here with an idea of getting a epring suit 7 Know land, the tailor, near the H. 1. Depot, ha a lint of new aamp ea of spring snit Inv Jtim tn. They sre pretty and nobby. Kiioh land's clothe are the kind tint fit. c w Nupcrliitcutl. ut and llir. f (ra'tr Tracbeis Prc'ed. Teacher hav heel) elected for I he city cIiihiI lor the ccmiiitf vear. I'ri.l. II. A. Ilati , of lluudemoiit Ky.. aill he the ne city iiperin'enileni, at a aalary of 1 120 a month. The principal receive an Increaaa i4 l'i each a month and the grade leacheia an increaae of f2 M) a month. (Inn grade teacher WR aldn and three new teacher were elected to till varami.'i: Mia Mvrtle Shunkwiler, of Napa, Cal ; Mra Viola (iodfrey, ol Oregon City, Miaa Mjie Foaler, of A. tuna. AH three of there teachers aill receive f 10 s month and gradea have not yet been lgned iliem. The following leacliera were re-elecled, Willi the follow ing aalarie and grade: KaMliani nchool Kehecc T. Smith, aeventh grade, 7i); Nellie F. (iIiikm, lift h gr,., ll'i; Kv Meldriim, third grade, 112 60; Maijiirm Caullr-ld, iH-ond grade, 11.1 ; Francea Myera, lirat grade, 47.!h). Karclav aclnail Addie F) Clark, prin cipal, 15; Sade II. Cliaae, eighth grade, 9 17 fxl; Myrtle Taylor, aixth gra'le, $1.1; Antoinette Walden, third crude, ll.'); Harriet Culuane, khoihI grado, fCi; Ueitrude Nelr.g-r, lrl grade, f 17 .60. K(Ino Sclloel It pol l. The folloalng i the report of the KeNo acliooi for the month ending May 2: No enrolled, -tU Average nmnlH-r be'onging, 3!) Whole numlirr day ailemlance, 725. Whole tiumher day ahaencu, 00. Time late, 4. The following have neither Uen ab aeni nor lardy during the month F.iiunn Ki..ir..iion. Ililda SlBir.'iinou. Kdward StalV.-niou, ' allied Stairenaoii. Carrie Stairennon. la-wi Jurgcr, Slell Jonarud, Carrie Jnnarud, Clara lVdernon, Joe Decker, Kdaa'd Hich, Oti Kich, Ula l.em in Clareiicn llarria, Kmlen lliiTria, K.dnh llarria, Orole AIIihoii, (Hive Shaw, l.nra Shaw. We take pleasure in Inviting those alio have an iiPereet in acliooi matters, to call and examine our work. C. F. SriiKACK, Teacher, (irealiitui Srlinol Hepoit. Following I t lie reori of Dlatrict No. m:. joint, (or the month commencing April 2H, l'J02, and ending May 21: No. school ihivs taught during month, 20; numlier holiilays during iiiunih, 0; total iiiimlHir school days during month, 20; whole numUr days attendance, 172; whole niiinher day ubsence, 8; whole number til Iul, wl,oe number days neither abeence nor tarilineas, 1(H; average number poplla belonging, ll; av erage daily alieiidai.cn, KM; per cent of atlenilHr.ee, l7; number visits by .; enta, liliumhcr visits ol School Board, 0; number vislis of othern, 4; total VImiIh, 6; Kosa FsATllKHa teacher. WANTICD. A GIRL FOIt (iF)Nl)UAL housework. Apply to Mis tjoulsmilli. TAKKN UP In the mountains near Salmon, Oregon, a stray borne , light i giay with golden inane aheareil oil. Weigh about J 000 pounds. A. J. lie. II, Salmon, Oregon. NitTICK H IIF;iiKYUIVF;N THAT I will not tie reaLonsihle for any debts contracted by my wife, Susan Terwsdow. Hshman Tkmwadow. FOR KALK-IIORSK W'F:i(jHIN(J aboui 'l'0. pounds, and an A 1 grade Jersey co. A. Aune, Clackamas Height. CwwwCCCOCCCC 8 I g f ml TWO FKUriFAIlVlS ON WILLAM ette river between Portland and Oregon City; also stock and grain farms In Clackamas County, live lo twenty miles from Purl land for sale at reasonable price and upon easy terms. FJnquire of Commercial Hank, Oretcon City. HKDfiKH A GRIFFITH, (ofllc In the Wrlniianl DulKllna:,) have tlia cliolcaat city, iitnirliaii ami Country property for am nl leal nrlces. DO YOU WANT A H0MF:?-TW0 mile from Oregon Ci'y, near J ope saw mill, on good public road, near school bouse. One acre, hou-e. barn anil well. Only two hundred and fifty dollars. Ad dress (S. W. Walkron, owner, Oregon City, Oregon. o o o o o o o o o o 8 o o ifr 0 ijf Put a liodak In Your Pocket It won't cost you much. We are giving 20 per cent, discount from the manufac turer's pricea on all Pocket Kodaks, as well as on the larger Cameras. In fact, there is scarcely an item in the line of Photographic Goods that we do not sell at dir-counts ranging from 10 per cent, to S3 1-3 per cent. Get our prices before you buy. Vaaift'ri Fric No. o Folding Pocket Kodak $ 6.oo .. .. . . la IO.OO IJ.OO 15.00 7-5o. Onrfrlo Bit of Ptotort . $ 4-8o .. 8.00 iX'i'X 9 60 12.00 14.00 Tourist " 1 Brownie Camera . 2 i " Folding Pocket Poco . , Hawkeye Ij.oo....,. nop . , 16.00.. . 4 80 . 80 . I.60 . . 7-o . 30.00.... 6.00 . . . 1,00 3.00.... ... 9.00 ... -Free Dark Rootn.- II ... 415 .. 34. o o o HUNTLEY'S BOOK STORE OREGON CITY 0 0 o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o CJ a o o o o o o o o o YODF.K'S MILL KF;BUILT AND NOW ready lur order. A ahaie of your pat ronaita soliciu-d. J. 8. Yoosa, Prop., Needy, Or. MONKY TO LOAN AT 8, 7. AND 6 per cent. Farm security. U'RiiS A ScuniiKL It ouey to loan at lowest rate, nuinu a. um.riin. For flue Photo call on Snodgrss. m cessor to Clirney . A specialty made of hiiili clans work. Portrait F'.ularged, in Ctavon, Water Color and India Ink. A biomide enlargement free with all cabi net sittings (01 a shun time. Give us a call. Christian Science services are held at the resilience on the norlh-eaht comer of Filth and Washington streets every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 12 o'clock. WedneatlaT even ing meeting at 8 o'clock. To these ser vice all are weld me. Johnson and Lamb have removed their repair shop lo the location formerly occupied by them and until recently the store ol the WVconsin Jewelers anil Op tician, on Main street Ireiaeen Sixth ami Seventh. Tin y are prepared to do bicycle ami iieneral repairing and have theagency for the Wolir-American wheel. Mrs. Ellen C. Head, wife of Rev. J. C. Read, died in Portland last Saturday, aged 47 years. Her dea'b was caused by cancer. She was a former resident ol this citv where her hu-baml waa pastor ol the Rainist Chinch. She was the mother of Jeannelle Head, who was 1 married M Prof. K K. Cumpalon a short j time go. I Correct Millinery and the Lowed ! prices. Mis Goldsmith, j Mnltli's Duihlrurr fumade J stops itching sculp upon one application, ; three to six lemovea all dandruff and , will Hop falling hair. Price 60 cents at ; all druggists. Siluuil Like n sitoue M ali. j Between your children and the tor-1 turei of itching and burning ecr.ema, j scsldhead or other sain diseases. Ho ? why, hy using iluckliin's Arnica Salve, eat th's greatest healer, quickest cure for Ulcers, Fever Sores, Salt Uheuin, Cuts, Burns or Bruises. Infallible for Piles. 2'c at George A. Harding's. If the proposed Initiative and Referen dum amendment to the constitution ah..' i be defeated by stay at-homes and careless voleis neglecting to maik their ballots, while a very large majority of those who do vote on the question vote in ll favor, it will greatly intensify the demand fur a constitutional convention. Ladies' Hats at the Red Front, In styles and st prices to suit one and all. ,"o I .on of Tim,. I have sold Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for years, and would rather be ont of coffee and sugar than it. I sold five bottles of it yeiterday to thresher that could go no larther, slid they sre st work again this morning U. R. Phelps, Plymouth, Oklahoma. As will be seen by the above the threshers were able to keep on with their work without losing a tingle day's time. You should keep a bottle of this Remedy in your home. For sale by G. A. Harding, Druggist. COCOOOCCOCCCOtCOCCCCCCOCCCD How to Entertain Your Friends so they will enjoy every moment of the time: Take them to . . . . .... The Wilhelm Tell House Give them Cream Pure Rye Whisky and Gambrinus Beer. Sixth and Main Streets. A. H. GRIESSEN, Prop. Fresh taffies, bonbons, caramels, choc olate creams, etc., at Smyth's. Individuals Money t Loan. At 6 and 7 per cent. Call on or write Jno. W. Loder, Oregon City Oregon. Stevens' building. Rotanrant Privilege. Sealed bids will be received by the un dersigned up to and including Satmday June 7th, for the exclusive lestaurant privilege at the coming session of the Chsutauqna Assembly at Gladstone Park, July 819 inclusive. Building, with range installed, tarnished. - H. E. Cbosb, Secretary. I FRANK BTJSCH THE nOUSEFUKNISIIER rrr rrrrnrxnrr: T-T:T An Economy. We can't speak too strongly of the economy of having a refrigrator. These are substantially made, with extra thick galvanized iron lining, and are scientifically packed to insure perfect preservation of food and econ omical use of ice. Our regular size at $10.00 is a marvel of convenience. Hammocks 90c up Wains tu Help oners. 'I had stomach trouble all my life," aava F.ilwnril Mehler, proprietor of the I Union Bottling Works, Erin, Pa., "and tried al! kinda of remedies, went to sev eral doctors and spent considerable I etter I Ut. ""V Irving to lid a inomem s ih-bcf. i,ei . . .. ia. ,.,MlK- I read of Kodol Dvsieisla Cure The lolloping is the list o f iwt ter re-r . ' . tMnt ,t to mv rat Bt. Garden Tools. It's time to buy a good supply of garden tools. We are making special offerings that should interest you on rakes, spades, spading forks, hoes, garden sets, shears, shovels, trowels, etc. They are the kind that do the work to your liking. Full size Hoe or Rake for 35c up. maining in the pt.atollice at Oregon City, Ore., on May 't. ""- womkn'b list. Clark Win Mrs Moore Li.r.ie Mrs Lenartv M Mrs Murray Helen Miss Uwis W 11 Mrs Olsen Hannah Miss Locke W S Mrs Simmons Sadie Miss Taiiton Winnie Mrs mkn's I-lsT JJBook ."'"Avh O W Brown Loi ke W 8 F:vanson Finest Lall John F isher GiiHtave Stanich Jno Ford I M Wm F0r.M Whitman Henry Hill A D gf:o. f. iiorton, p. m. M hat 'l liln rlk Is a greater power of digesting and assimilating food. For them, Dr. King's New Life Pills work wonders. They tone and regulate the digestive organs, gently elcl all poisons liom the sys tem, enrh h the blood, improve appeme make healthy flesh. Only A. Harding's. 25c at Geo, n.rctiii. I never lounil lis eipial lor stomach trouble and gladly recommend it in hone that I may help other sutler-1 . - , . .v ......... all I era. riWioi iFyaju-iwia v oid ihh-o ; stomuch troubles, ion don t have to diet. Kodol Pyspepsm Cure digests what you eat. Geo. Harding. The rule is almost nniversal that when i a measure is su inm . , must have only a majority ot those wtio ; vote on the question. But the constitu-1 tion ol Oregon is peculiar and it is quite possible that before any amendment can I be adopted a majority oi an me vuicru must vote ye even if not one votes no. Therefore It Is important thst every friend of the Initiati te and Referendum amendment shnll vote. A llnrrlble Outbreak "Of larg sores on my little daughter's head developed into a case of scald head" writes C. D. Isbill, of Morgantown, Tenn., but Bncklen's Arnica Salve com pletely cured her. It's a guaranteed cure or Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Pimples, Sores, Ulcers and Piles. Only 2j ceuis at Geo. A. Harding's. I Lace Curtains. Here are novelties made to our order in exclusive designs. In the magnitude and variety of these Lace Curtains, in their artistic excellence and in their un usually low prices we present a sale that will be prof itable and helpful to you in draping and adorning your home, Lace curtain material uc per yard and up. Iron Beds. There is so much more pleasure in the iron beds of to-day than in the old heavy wooden beds used in the days gone by. There is a beauty, grace and economy in these iron beds with brass trimmings. We furnish you the entire outfit, bed, spring, mat tress and all, for $6.25- Linoleum. If you knew the cleanliness and comfort of a dining room floor covered with one of our liuoleums in per lect imitation of carpet, you would not think of hav ing anything else under your dining table. A glance at the rich patterns is enough for the wise housewife. Good quality 65c per square yard. Coal Oil Stoves. If you have a small room, with no way to put up a cook stove, you will be interested in one of those small oil stoves with large even. They are highly recommended during hot weather, and more so for camping. They use little oil. Trice with oven 2 50. Croquet Sets. More attention has been given to make these sets substantial. Balls and mallets are made out of hard wood, the handles tough and firm. Price $1.00 for a four-ball set. Tents and Camp Furniture. We have a good stock of tents, and sell them as cheap as $3.00.