Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 30, 1902, Image 1

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    Oregon City
1)1,37. NO. 2'J
,! kiaiiilnixl. Atlrmt Mali-.
' 'jj, ,ri1iiiv. Drawn. Money I... ai.nl
urri "K..,v
U'KKN v .scilUhiw..
i ii..riinva nl I. ii Mr.
... - ... m i ( 1'iiurii inaka iiiillftuiLimii .
and Kin"" , ,
r . ",1, i'l ntu. ''"'J X"" mousy j
d your iimiiry on llrl nuirgaira. j
Mnce In Entorprlso Dulldlng. ;
1 Mr til lit
pOHKliI A .MM.lil'-lv ;
1 ... a tar i
ATTOKNH a i un
tut THIc nntl I-ttrul Office
HumI. Mpccliilty
II piatlice l " Courts of Uie HUle
KiK.m 3, Wriuhard llldg.
iin.nr (IrrL'on C 1 1 v . Oirinti
p I.UUII 1 ------.. t.
ul l'.STATH ANL) INSl'K ASCI'. ;
It Rtl Front. Court Huuoc Hloi'k '
Oregon. City, Oregon i
ivy srirr
I ;
CuuI'm I.1 Ulili?., Oregon fit. 1
Drug Prices
You See
On anything in tho lrug lino in qui to apt to bo a little
higher tlian our price. Our firm aim is to see that you
get good goods and g;t what you ask for; our next aim
ami effort in to SAVE you something on tho COST.
No one ever will nnd can sell you for less than our
prieeH. We nave for you not only on a few loudly
heralded itrnis but on almost everything druggists Will.
km 'itt.
wi!!prrllr.ln llih.oouruaftb.iuia. 01-
i ii i-uo.iJ fin uiu.
t. is c-i
1iri-r.orr'fiT rt'aai.HSD.
HNMlltuUrrloBCIIT Inurin-c
lilt ITKKr UNRItOH tlTY.0M.Ul0M.
1 .1Mb 4h.lr.rii it Tltla. ! Mriiy. r" :
j.w KmlD...
Hon City. - - Oregon
Will ,r.-urr In ill the n.lirtl of the .tale,
ttl ClllirlJ hull. ling.
(Uti.e In Willamette Hhtir.
Oregon City. Oregon
Ithutir,: Illl III. I V.' in.. 1 ' '"
i.il i In rt p. in.
ml at ii 1 1 ! In UlifUiiinllnii anu
liniile Iti-ruM...
( all aiired tiny or night.
i for ijc
Hot Watt Bailies
$i .i.i regular
Now 64 c
Founts!. SrrlCEe
f 1. 110 regular
Now 65c
Now 5c
Everyday Prlcos:
Cut prii-ri on ratrnt Mcilii iue.
f i.ki rrrium 7lf
ji.im lluwlry'i CilHrrh Cure 7c
1 S vb a 111 RiMit Mle
y,r Caitoru ((Iriiuinr) Hr
IV Carter' Little l.ivrr fills I.'k:
All f 1 . A.tlimu Currn. H.',c
f i.i.i 1'irrre ' (lolilrn l)iovery ....
I i.ki I'irrer'i I'uvorite I'rcicription ,7'n'
Si I'oruiiH I'lunlcrn .... 10c
Jl i I'liikhmn'i Vrjjrtutile Cotnp'd .74c
?V I'trrcT'i IVllrti .. lie
f 1. m Si Ihmii'. Mciliiiiifi ri"c
jc l'rr' Soup l.'ir
f !. 1'niiir'l Iclrrr Couipouud .. .Mi'
jio l'ry' Siiuirrrl j'oiituti 5!0c
S- W.klre'i " " HO.-
ft o Woixl'i Surniiiirilla ONLY . . . '"'
flim Rr.l Line " "... 0r
JSC Comlition l'owilorii 20r
i.'i Tunny fills N.",e
J5cCuticur Soup iHc
Vi' Hlectric Ilittrn 40f
fl.uj " " hoc
Snaps In Cameras
and Supplies.
fS iji Cyclone Migaine, almost new, $.1
f uj Hrownic Cmrr 0f
f m no l'rrino "A" 15
Stamp Cunl Muunts, 5f (loien
Ilrownie ' " extra, fine, 10c lox.
Ad rmllraa varirty of 4S and 5x7 mounu
all colors at tciul pru ri.
Druggist's Sundries.
Sjiin;e. uhuuI price 5c our cut price 4c
!K)iinr, regular idc, now 5c
Tooth llruahea, joc, 15c, jsc 35c,
now 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c
Knivea and Razor reduced from 10 to
ao per cent, hee our 1.50 guaran
teed Razor.
5C lb.
15c lb.
loc lb.
4c roll
7 for 35c
Box stitloaery
loc box
a pkgs. 5c
Cut Trice Reliable Drugfilwta
'Phone 13. Mail Order Solicited.
Vote the JtepiiMIcan Ticket and
Vote It Slraltfht.
Ih la Effr hcue a !trprrrntitlve
Ticket, l'onio.ed uf MrmiK and
Truiinoitiy ('aailldaiei).
Vote early next Monday Volu rih).
Volt) tlm Krpublican ticket and vote it
jHt.-niKlit. hvery man on II. e ticket in
I worthy of your volu. Th Httpuhhcan
ticket tlm year i a remarkably strong
one. It is coiuiiored uf men alio are)
I lioiient, coiiietenl and trUHl worthy A
j more reprefentHtive ticket v.m never
I placed lieloie the voters Not even the
Jtai.it of rn.chiiib 18 there. From top to
hottom it will be elected by Uue p urall
Itiea Ktate Henator liiowimll will have
' a lariter vot than ever before. The peo
ple realize Hint it is tfixxl p ilicv to send a
nan to the Kiatei Senute who has done
; something in tlie past for the county and
, will do more in the future ilia ability
. to obtain needed legmlution is ungues
: tioned.
I The repre.euUttv ticket is made up
' of three men, one a buMiuei'S iimn, one a
! farmer and one a 'awyer. All three are
I men of high alandiiiK in the commtlnily
Xothii'K need be sniil fr Henry Stev
ens, lie will probahly have the tijtaf-t
plurality of any man 011 the ticket. 1'op
ular, pleanant and competent, he i sure
of election. Even the (oionUis, with
all of their absurd claims, concede this.
Mark an X uf'er 84.
J.mes K. .N'ehon, of Mulino.is the He
puhlicaii candidate for aaeor. lie is a
veteian of the O.vil war, a man tried and
true, loyal 10 his country, to bis flatt and
to his party. He has had exierien:e in
the ollice. lie has sIivj some ideas,
which, if elected, he will carry into ef
led, aixiut the a'Hes.meut of corporation
proierty. lie will see to it that the rich
pay their share of the taxes. This is the
kind of a man that the taxpayers of the
county want to see in the axeessor's office.
huoa Calull Is iioinK to be elected. lie
ia an old soldier and a member of the
Grand Army of the Republic. He ia an
oM-tiuii Republican. He is a good man.
He is iit ted for the office lor which lie Is
a candidate. Unlike bis opponent, lie
lias not held office for 12 )ears. Mark
an X between Hi and Euus Cahill on the
oUiclal ballot
John W Meldrnm, for surveyor and
K L. Holman.for coroner, are sure of
election, Mr. Meldrmn la the present
deputy surveyor. He is a surveyor of
many years experience. Hr. Holinao
has held the position of coioner and has
made a good record. He ia a business
man of Oieifon City and is well known
throughout the county.
Reports from out of town precincts are
favorable for be election of Republican
j precinct ollii era. In Justice Ditru:t No.
4, eui'.ricinu the precincts of Oregon
'City, VentOreonCiiy,Canemah, Aber
jnelhy, Willamette Falls and Maple
Lane, the nominee for Justice of the
j I'eace is Livy Stipp and the candidate for
j constable is Harry H. Moody. The latter
; bat served a term as constable and will
Vivo another. Mr. ritipp is an attorney
j of an even and a judicial mind. He is
idecinive, just, upriitbt and coneciencious.
. Jh-A-A-A. A 1P1 ii rti b. 1P1 i9t rOt-A...
The voters of Claclcamas County are warned that
it is the purpose of the fusionists to circulate on elec
tion day at the p lis spurious and untruthful literature
hearing on the issues of the campaign. Beware of
these people and their methods. They are underhand
ed, and these are the same methods they will pursue if
Jhey get into office. At the last minute, when there is
no time for reply, they will spring lying documents,
which will misrepresent the position of Republicans
on important matters. Tay no attention to them. Do
not let them influence your vote.
We Touch There is no marble dust in the kind I
Y0iip of flour wo manufacture. It is pure j
. .. and wholesome and of a superior i
Appreciation ade. It is' made by patent process
and cannot be excelled. Ask your grocer for it and re
fuse any other kind. There is none just as good.
Portland Flouring mills Co.
Collision Var Melumiu's !Utioo Suu
drj Mgklknd Several Injured.
mliiite of the Northwestern Univer-j
lltv Oi'iiliil Srhool. Chicago.
oAmeriruiit olleKeol Dental Surgery, .
Willamette Mock, Oicijon City. 1
'nui lioo.mx'
TimACTm msiH4i.SASisnst'siHi.
" nu.le. Mill, ilitnoiinteil. Mke enl
"1'iM. Iliioan.l.rll.eielillisi-iin sll imlllll
-" t'nllril rtl.l,. K,.r,, anil llolll
f.lu reii., .ulijei't to check Bk
lroB.a.()4r, .
'""UTllfKmiE, Preairlenl.
r. 1. WKVKK ( i.lilsr.
Livery, Fend and Sale Stable
Dniil.h, ...! u: 1. t:.. c.l.
mi. 1 oillgltj ivin, nun rnu
(hnruu ..I......... 1 .. ,1 n ()..
wtesl tiricuM A n,,rrull (rinnnclod
w'4 the barn fcir loone stock.
Int.t.w. .. 1 1 . .. ....
uiaiiun ri'ifardtntf any xinu 01
promptly attended to by person ol
Horses Bought and Sold.
Hormi ltno.:i...i 1
Our Advantage Conies ?J!?Z
3 1 From Care in Buying, shoes (or mkr feet. Men's, 3
kj wotneirs and cbildren's. Made to wear. Children's school g
11 ...... ,.. .1.- ''I
shoc-s now the order of the day. W e are nere to supp.y m t
! in which they reside. C G. Huntley j Like the other Republican nominees, be
has been in business in Oregon City for wi 1 discharge the duties of his office
i many vears. His wide pernonal acquain-1 impartially and well.
lance and bis sterlltiK character as a I Vote l fcs on the Initiative ana Refer
business man xive liltn a sure shot, endutn amendment.
Herman A. Webster, of Clackamas, is a
ri'siuii younit lawyer and represents the
prow iiij: element in the party. He ia a
forcible speaker and will be beard in the
hall of the Oreifon legislature. Hans
l'anlsen, of Ueotye, is a tarmer, plain,
honest and uiUKsutninif. He is a suc
cessful furmer and lias made a buainers
of farming, carrying it to a succe.-sftll
point in the face of heavy odds. He
knows the laws that the farmers need
and is able to d scusa matters pertaining
to agriculture irom an intelligent stand
Hint. Thomas F. Rvan lias served one term
as county judge. In all thai time he has
i ever had a decision reversed. He is a
man of business from bis head to his
heels and has handled the hundreds ol
estateB entrusted to his care to the satis
taction of all concerned. His work on
the board of equalisation is a matter of
record. Jndue Rvan has always been in
favor of compelling large corporations to
A collision occurred last Sunday night
on the I'ortlanJ City & Oregon Railway
on the curve about 4UU yards South of
Meltlruui's Mation which resulted iu the
injury ol three persons. Jess Keck, mo
tuiuian of the north bound car, had both
legs crushed and oue bad to be ampu
tated He was also bruised about the
body and received several scalp wouude.
Mrs. L. Rathbun suffered a broken an
kle and Thomas Kelly, of Seattle, was
severely bruised and cut.
At 7 o'clock a car left Oregon City
(or l'ortland, with a trailer attached.
The ci ew were notified to wail at Mel-
.1 r nma f.ir I Iim hnnlh hnnnrl rnr whinh
pay a large and equable stiare ol the ordered out ol the Milwaukie shops
taxes. His plurality win ue man iiuim l0 uecouiuioilate tbe crowd who were
trw ia e: k
PP- Huntley'a Dnifr Store,
F0Rn yearFeaperience in
Urat Britain and America.
Brunswick House & Kcsimirant
Newly Furnished Rooms.
Meals at All Hours. Prices Reasonable.
Opposite Suspension Bridge.
Only First (Mas? Ilcstiuirant
Jn Town.
lurirur limn (our VeaTS BUO
William lirobst, of Wilsonville, is the
Republican nominee for county commis
sioner. He is a staunch farmer, familiar
with methods of constructing good roads.
Hu never spends a dollar of his ow n or of
anv one's money without knowing ex-
waiting transportation home to Portland.
There was a misunderstanding in tbe or
ders and it is said that the dispatcher,
Stewart, instructed the crew of the south
buuud car to pass at Gladstone. This
being the case, it is easy to see bow the
collision was caused as neither motor
actly where it i going ami for what pur-1 ,lliin wouj ye ou the lookout! for the
Are at tho top. Have won at two of the largest ehows in the
Northwc-t l')OI H02, alno at tho state fairs. Look up their
record. Some Hue breeding cockrek from our Panning
strain i(K) and up. Also a few white rock cockrels 12.00. Eggs
$2.00 per setting. J. MURROW & SON,
Oregon City, Ore.
..... .l. .
poee. He is a resident oi in wrsw rmo
of the river which is entitled to repre
sentation on the board. No man in
Clackamas County is more fitted to ad
minister the all'airs of the county than
William lirobst.
For the past six years the ofbee of
sheiilfof Clackamas County has been in
the hands of the ropunsts and demo
crats. The Republicans mis year piuceu
a man in nomination who is goiug to be
elected. Unlike bis opponent he has
made a success of Ins business, tit) is
not a chronic office seeker. His princi
ples are honest ones. No man can say
that John Hiaver, of Mohllla, ever de-1
frauded him out of a dollar. He is a
graduate of the Portland Unsines Col
lege and can run the sheriff's office, to
his own satisfaction and to the satisfac
tion of the taxpayers without having to
depend on deputies for instructions as
has been the case for some years past.
U is ridiculous for the fusionists to cry
for reform and then re-nominate E. H.
Cooper for county cleik. If there is any
place in the courthouse where an able
official is needed it is there. Cooper is
incompetent. He has no more business
in the cleik's office than he would have
in a bank. He is suave and polite and
this takes with some people. But this is
not a requisite. It is good to be polite
but there must be some other qualitica
ilr,n Mr. Sleiirht is competent, riehas
About One Hundred Voters and a
Few Other People.
.No EnttioslHam Was ManlfetUd I! the
Little Audience Renegade Kepiih
Heani Kan the Whole Show.
other. Motorman Keck naturally ex
pected to find the track clear to Mel
drum's and Motorman Charles Meldrum,
of the south bound car, looked for plain
sailing to ulauslone
The cars met on the curve north of
(iladftone. Both moiormen put on the
brakes but it was too late and the cars
came together with a terrific crash.
Motortuau Meldrum jumped but Keck
stayed with his car and by so doing was
caught in the motor-box. Passengers in
the north bound car and trailer were
severely shaken up. There were about
UO people on the cars, which were badly
Assistance wasat once summoned from
this city. In the meantime Miss Libker,
a trained nurse, who was a passenger.
took care of Keck and probably saved his
life by binding up his mangled limbs,
until the arrival of Dr. Sommer, who
took the injured presenters to Portland
and placed them in the hospital.
President Hurlburt has taken irnmedi
ate steps to guard against a lepetition of
the accident by having semaphore sig
nals erected at all curves on the line
These will liive ample notice of the pres
ence of cars within the limits of possible
Much of the damage Sunday night was
due to the fact that the cars were not ol
At the Citizen rally in Sblvely's opera
house last BatunUy night not more than
one fourth of the seats occupied and
probably 125 people were there com
pared with over 700 at the Republican
rally one week before. If attendance at
political meetings can be used as a gauge
the Republican majority in Clackamas
County will be overwhelming. No en
thusiasm was manifested at the meeting
Saturday night 0. W; East ham, Citi
zens candidate for the legislature, was
the principal speaker, and Charles F.
Clark, of Clackamas, who is a candidate
tor representative, also made an address.
Both of these men are former Republi
cans and owe allegiance to the party,
but they were unable to obtain nomina
tions for office on tbe Republican ticket,
and are now engaged in fighting tbe reg
ular ticket. In this category may be in
cluded Harvey E. Cross and Captain J.
T. Apperson, who have both been state
senators from this county, while Captain
Apperson was Register of tbe Land Of
fice at Oregon City under President Har
rison. Outside of men wbo bave been
influential and prominent in party conn
cils and others who are aspirants for
political power, very few Republicans
are found who are not giviog their
hearty support to the Republican ticket.
Mr. Eastham said in bis apeecb Satur
day night that the Republicans had lost
all hope of electing their candidates to
county offices and were now combining
their strength to elect the legislative
nominees. In order that such a mis
statement should not go unchallenged
one of the Republican campaign mana
gers said that be and bia associates had
the situation so well in hand that they
expected the election of every man on
the ticket. The statement of Mr. East
bam would sound more reasonable com
ing from the lips of a Republican cam
paign speaker, as tbe Citizens are mak
ing all of their tight on the legislative
ticket. First and foremost they want to
down Senator Brownell, who was never
to sure of election as he is this year.
His record and the weakness of his !
ponent are Btrong cards in bis favor.
Clyde G. Huntley is another sure win
ner. Mr. Eastham has no possible show
of election and it needs no careful study
of conditions to show that the indications
are strong that his vote will be less than
any other legislative candidate on the
Republican or Citizeus ticket. The con
servative fusionists claim the election of
two representatives, sheriff, clerk, asses
sor, treasurer, and possibly commis
sioner, but they have no ground on
whicn to base this claim. The mat irity
sentiment in the country is all Republi
can and unless all sins fail not a single
one of the nominees on the Citizens
ticket will secure enough votes to land
him in office.
Last Saturday night a Republican
rallv was held at Clackamas. The ran
didates were present and made brief
speeches but the principal address of the
evening was from Mayor Grant B. Dim-
ick, of Oregon City, who has been doing
some heavy work for the party. He was
a candidate for the Republican nomina
tion of County Jndge and, falling to 8e
cure it, is ont working manfully and is
giving his whole time and personal at
tention to the election of the whole
ticket. His example might well be
emulated by those who met defeat in a
fair and open hght iu convention ami
are now digging their own political
graves by working against tbe interests
of harmony in the party.
Tn Inin,. 11, a nrtrtrttinn nf ftlA TnilillVA
and Referendum amendment to the con
stitution it must have more than forty
five thousand votes even if not one vote
is east against it. Do not forget to mark
your ballot on this question.
Tjt evprv man who favors more direct
legislation in Oregon be sure to vote for
tbe Initiative and Referendum amend
ment ami remind his neighbors to m.irx
their ballots. A blank ballot may be
counted against it the same as though it
was marked no.
uniform build. The strong parts of one
car met the weak parts of the other and
evei v necessary quality needed to fill tbe I the vestibules were crushed. Traffic pro-
office in a satibfactory manner. ote; ceeded Monday witl
r.,pi,im Vnt for trood service, xou
never got it under Cooer and you never
will, lie does not know bow and he can
not learn.
Monday without interruption.
The Enterprise fj 1.50 per year.
Bakeng Powder
Most healthful
leavener in
the world.
Goes farther.
norm, tuffta , "w wwwt.