Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 23, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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0 I HI H
. I I. .L..I
Wall Sll'l Ul'ili'n l"m pftiit,
I hark, inn mur waa
Jocial Happenings.
A .-.f
LnllilaV. My 1H- i;"r r"'l,".
1 , "'""I""
fl'inker. t H' '"" l'""'-
i, vi r-'uvim'k. ",
f I .in!' ' ", "
J I ,H liulll of UlO double WW
f '' .1,. narlur. 'I'liKH '"" th" t'l"
fc'S '' vr ;r,",V"1-
I ',,, ii,i hrl'h'"ii'i'l. Mim v
' ili ri-rfiiHiny was peiliirineil
V'v Cooper. Alter roiigietiiUlhuiH
L.ut"l lo H' iIuiiiib loimi, where
II . i ...... .i.hi Mttlrril 11 Ik luil
V HI"1 - . 1
1 "t
1.7 1 .Mia
, r. Mriker will Irani" Hi the
i'ul Vlr. ) Unlvi'V llil mini
I llulli ' sliowii I'lu'ily
t liil I'1"'!' ninny friends wlaii
f t .ri"ri'ii ami happy IiIh.
J' iri,i t the wedding were. : Mr.
fy IvniiiU'T. Aimiei. Wal
I I m l IVirli'ger, Mr. '"' Mr IS.
hiv, I'urti. I'nillnv, Albert ami
!r, llvev. Mr ami Mm. A. I..
J.' Mr, and Mm. V.. W. Paine, Mi.h
Jniiee, Maty Mralghl, mill Lilian
! Ki", John l-mnli mul ll. M.
UINTHM k m an At. urn,
1. ... 1. ,. b Mnah-al mnl l.llirmv
I till illvi ) "I" aeeaion t' hImiiiI
.....i Invilril iIM-Htn on .MiiiiiIjiv
J H Woodmeu Hull. Following
l H1..1. Mari-h , Mtyrrl.rr
t'utlrl., M11. I.. I., I'orlar.
L H.,lu hrlectcil
Mm ("iinyrr.
1 ' tt'ii'i"'" 'h luiinaim
. IniiiM'rl 1
' , iull "Oli, 1 1 rar U Norms '
, S'lml'Ci. Mla Mi l'ra r
tnpii K.rr HrlKliI mnl r'air I Ha ilrl
Al rnnnt' . ... . iU"'M
j flt f im.ii" . j Mlnlrliillli
11... 'm, Wlliiaina.
i. S,.lo ri !
Mi.. HarillnK.
lliii'K'""", S. - '-I"'
Hi.i Maui ami I. "In lmir.
"TlitT"" lirriillra" MrliiiMiann
i1r Kl Hlirahan.
1. Duttl driiilfi l Thjr MuiiiIm r'
Mi.i I'.nif t, Mia llarilliiif.
.i:!1).!. ill ) ra.l lijr Mn. Holrl
rjiii r"ii n. wai ikm hki.ii
mnvoiint "I llm Ffailval uivmii hi
t'.Ui lat pi'k Ilia) C'orvallla lixUi
.I f Mioali'K I'l aay ul Mr. Vlnr
, porliau't'a faVuriUi aolnial, lin
irrl in lonrcrt In tlilacitv In Man li
rllivaii'l'lirai'l (hit Ilerililrk ( lull
ttr all ul tlio work ul i llif amltO'la
ufrMl.mnl llllli'll "III f Xrl'itu.ll
1. mjr rrilu inn wmiM kmmii rari
i.rp it li"t lor Hi la t lliat tin)
1 ol IIii'imi iMrlrinnr ilt"i'rvii
il niftiti'iti. Mm. Kim'iI Willi tli
h mI unuilH-r o mluilit-ra ainl Iit
oii-l ii'i irrcntiot lavor. lli'r
'ion ul"lln V lh'tiiHil" aa
i rw, ami IIik Hii'lixni't) wuulil nut l
-J an rnrnri. Nn villmr iiiiinlx'r
iocjiiiilpfly auilwl to IIih ain'-r'a
ami tiiiHraini'lit, 'I'll ili'i'p
a, lull tuiira, ami d'-licul alimlinti
1 rn, 1 hhik miiveJ nvrrv liarl.
tioiceal Dim niniiixiii ii'nili'r.Kuft mnl
in Ilia ni-it riaa to mighty Uiiica ol
vliil tiinliri-."
1,1-IIit l.lat.
lotlut ititt ia tli llal of loltura r
uii in tli K,Ni,.lUc at Oregon City,
,uo May L'.'iti,
WuMKN' i.iht.
.0 Myrtle Mia MilUr I.naler Mm
nTlioinaa Mra Md'liwaon M Mm
j Mra IVninanaon I Mra
m M Mim Kii-harJa A W Mia
mil K Mra WiUonJMm
"UK Mr Wdrllilinjtun K 11
mk.n'h i.iht
1'KOGIfAM l-'OIt
(irnvcN of VctrriiiiN Wlil lie Dor-
orult'd Willi Flowrrn.
I'ulilii' (Vri iiKiiili a In Slilvcli'i'a Onern
llim-i'unil li It iiiiIImi ! Mirilic
al Ml. Vli-ir i iii.Iitj.
OiiL'a) ImirM MiiiiKiriat Tv iit,riiait,i.i.
till ita airrmlly ai" l iiiriuurma mnl
aaaiH'ialiiHia ; tlm Aiiiithmii I'urnnv'i'r
likli Bvmy ytiar rijvila liaell iniim tlcvply
lllllt Itll llHf 14 Utl.llMfM .Itli I....I .
Intia ol riiviirclirn ami iatriollaui. I'.acli
jiawliiU yi'.r I'linii" lo II n Ur gn-ali-r a-
iinrlat!oti ol all that ll iiiaiia, tu cvrry
man anil wuinan w ho lovi-a our con rj t r v
ml linr t-lormua liiaiitutloim, 'llii'y
ri-alitu nniin luliy II. u liilieri,i- with
aliu li It irii"l im ii'a aiuil. Tii i'oiiiuki
illnilayt. ai'iiim au4iliuiiuii, tho
aln-iilli ol roiiiaiiii ami ltirtili. aliuont
iliviiut. Him w mclmii not ol farlli, Wlicru
ollmr lia'luii" luH 1 lit nifii iiitu I In.
II11I1I liy tn ol th'.iiiiiil put llicin
III ly uiiIImiIin WhiTi- ulhi'ia IoiikM
ai'orra ol liaMlia Wo Inilillil tliuunaiiil.
Wlii'in In o. Imt Umla ami nlliiT wara
ini'U fi'll 111 Ihm aiiiuiiia, licrit II117 f I ! 111
intiia'la 'lliat whi-ni oilu-ra haVM uc
illnl their liral Inirn uli tliH allar ol
r.iiniy aiil )riui li e, ia ulh.i iir-i our
aiMuml ami lliinl hoi 11, huvniK our
heartlialuiitt lolat that tint (uvitii
ini'lit ol lh" -oilv huiihl iv d -r li-h
I rum lh 1 arlli.
In that i;ii;4iilio alriitik'n laxiing (our
yeara, imire ol out hoy a III hlim weru
lain Ihuii KukIhii I haa loHt ill tlm Hill)
ara ol tier fxintrin aa a nation. No
matter li w liumeioiia her wan, or how
Ioiik her limiory, mi oilier liallon haa
vi loiu'lil 11 iiiitnv hl'i. .(ly haUlea aa
Mere lniik'hl iliirnK tlm Civil M ar. Il
Da a hl ami l"illi nlrillrt lor ellnt
enie ami 'i luutinli ol the iiiititullona
hh ll lliey hehl ilearer than life, ll
waa the mnl aiiony ol K'eal x'"l'le
ami ol all th I'iMiiile, ll miiniliolleil the
loyal 'iile to meet llm ilixloyal In a
route .t w hull haa no parallel in Malory
lor iliiratn'ii, llerceneaa ami aluhtiorti
leieiiiiinaiioii It waa aiuh a elaithiiiir:
aa lolma in the great eleineliUl coiiviil
aiolia ol liHtil'U when the. aeaa run dry.
lloiilenla am upheave'! mnl ninuntaiiia
ami viiLiiiih'I rine. Let .la then aa ht-
l oiiiea t great ami K'Hinlul peoplii rii. up
on Una our national tahhalli ami go
forth ami la)' illxni Ihu griivea of lhee
heroic men 11 uarlaml of t,wm hh a
ken of Him never tlyuiK reaiierl we have
I' ll lio
U 11 c
w Jiinea
(ior.lon W V
llarrik 11
l'eno Janiea
Hohinaon J V
Walker J K
Wehtilll K J
Williainaoii John
UK'). F. MDltTUN , l'. M.
!. Alhftn, Tenn., Jan. T, ISM.
"Wilnrathr rlrt aiieaarani'c of mv
- Hnrn w.TV irrtirlll.r Bllll .
Z'f. lu' K'"l I 1" In m I'lpa.
.' """' !IH Ii'lfa, WIUI Hriui.
; 'n p.n.a m tha aiilmiiii.
Ita, Willi ternuia
inn; . . ' " ",M" '
UIW n .,1 c....i 1 1-1.-. if.. ..1
, '.i. Hi. ill! nil. I j,m.",t 1
'"Dnii.rl I .... . . ..I k
. -"..,,i 1 1 inn.ru tiin 1111,11 1 11
PniKl ttlllloul t,.l l,,r tha llt.t tlma
"" Ninaia Davw.
ll lid worth to woman luffer
;"l '' Nannie Davit luflered? Yet
w n women In thouiandt of homel
"f who ire bearing Ihoie terrible
"Ulruil p,t mnMt you Ir4
"" Iflheiewe want to MY that this
I1" brln .... ...
1 1 formaneni rami, won'
1 ' ' tarnui. meiewom-
1 Ware, from leucorrhoea, irregular
aim., l .
neaaache, backache, and
""I wn pains. W!no of CarJul
"1 Hoe ill 11. . .... .
" Purchase a $1.00 bottle of
lardui lo-day and take It In
' ""I 01 your home.
S?. "Hi ,""'r,l""',''''l''a,in'1n"armiv.
1 '.liaii.. " '''i ' l, n.n 11.. .it.
fur llm
Aliirrlrall ruil lier ol the Civil
"Til? ATT' AT "DT?Tr.n.Tr' WOT? "IT OT? TO.n A V By new methods we are able to produce
11 iu iiivjii uuuuwii ui uim uui uwic J mi
Dental Work without the least pain.
Fliitra I .how. a month oiKrn tha f.mr Inelanra hara
'Wfii I'ltr. tr.!, an.) ll, n tun cilM'lila (eyn tilh). iT.iwlia ill
li , i-l to tlia (iiiu Una, alum Inn lha euaplil rmu )irt'arril
a laculve brl'.i.
1 ifwra I irpmuiui. ill r ii'iiti-i- r a ly lor a1)ti"UBnL
At i,"'.'----.''':.Vi. - ..
FtiMiit- i . ,. .. ini the ahar n a brniaa ha Un
elactsl In MN.iu..u.
1 J.
MKAKK PoiT Nil '1. I 'kl'.MITM KNT
in 1 'iit.iii'N, U. A. K.
tieiieral Onlera, No. 'I.
I All cuitirailea ami ol'l aohliem rn
Imreliy nolilleil that uieiiinrial aervicea
Kill he he .1 III the .1!. I'.. I liuri ll ur'k"ii
t'lty 011 Sumlay M iy 'J.'i, al :'M) A. M.
KeV. W. h (iriin nllli'lallliif. 1 ouiraiii'a
will aaaeiiihlu at Wnluinetttf Hall al 10
11 Meaile 1'oal No. 2 ami Meailo Ke
11..1 1 .,.. s.,, ix u ill vihii tlm ei'hoole
ol Oregon C'lty ami aubiirha aa iiniial aa
Kaathain. 0 A. M. Monday M-y I'll.
ti-r lay, I0.:i0 A. M. Moud.y M..y 20
hU J.ihn'a, 2 I'. M. Monday May 20
Willamette Fall, 10 A. M. lut-ailay,
Mav 2.
Weat Side, 2 I'. M. Tueaday, May 27.
Cant-mali, 2 1'. M. Wedneaday, May
i'arkpliii'f, 2 T. M. Tliiimdiiy, May 20.
Ill-riieroliiuin will he loruicJ on
Main Stieel and will move at U;4.' A. M.
lo the bridge, when tlm i-neuioliy of
atruwing llowera upon ihe waters In
honor of the deceased aailora of the wnr
1 ,1. mil lie, oerformrd hy the
1'oHt ami W. K. C. alter whn h the col-
.11 ........1, .. KhivMlv'a Hull where
lllllll I" ui.i kit y .. j -
Ihe lolluwunj program w ill be """''Jjj
r'tju' ii
It...ilimr OrderH Ailjuwiu
Addreaa l'oel Coiiunalider
1 n....:..
lJ" .. , . .1
1 1,. linn KeV. Itolil. niciii
11.... ..1, ...1, ...,1111111 win 11 ove iu
nun m . .
ti , V,.. li.ineteiv where inu
II.i.a ....runiiiliieM of t!lt If. A. K
(llllltliniii. v. - . ...
and W. K. C. will he purlorined as fol-
Iowa: ., .
lirge B"D,J
. 1 . i.i,....l I'uL'i (I Conunnur
Addreim. LH'"I I'W" UiapUm
Llliioln AddreHH al uouyaourg. . . .
b. (.ialloway
Crowning Monument. .Ullicer of the Day
lietmunae, "Our uimnown
Hev. I'. K. lUiiiiiioud
Cereinoniee "
Addreaa, Kilul . ....t hP U.u
Salute Co. A.Urd Keg. O.N. U.
Koi! of Honor
ll' , A u
DetortttiiiKliravea ... u. a. iv.
Allcouiraditaand tho l'uhlic re cor
dially invited to lake iuri with ua m the
exercieeH. L.W.Inoha-,
Conuimiidur Meade t'oat No. 2.
Tho following will olli.iate t tn
Memorial eervwee: Cumiimn. T and
.wlTMeii.lHlW.NaS. L. W. Ingram,
commander; 0. A. W.lliBii.s, adjuUnt,
C. II. Duiichy, ollker of the 1 ay.
tieneral committee : Oeo. A. la ding,
chairman ;C. A. WilUa.nHi K l.lW ,
J. DoreiuiiH, H. M. Allen, William bnl
lUh.Ueo.F. Morton
Meade Kellel uorpa, i"o. in, ,
L. Itradli-y. preeulent; Mra. Aurle
l)ra,,r, aocretaiy.
liHimral eomniuieo.
Bhadle, Mm. L. W. Ii't!'1",
ApperHon, re. . -
r . 1. iJiiriow, .mo. . .
1 r
nnri- -It la uaflraa to w,r a plate In the month when
a brUfa oau la alUi liwl W a lew nmauilug teeth auj rouu.
Ftf'iretahnwa the low ol tw apr tv!h, the eli yr
nmUr and Hie Aral bicu.,il. The l.rM almv ll allai h.-d
by an owu laea K"l'l htd uter the eeomd licunl,
a...) a ku abltli eU:ula UiW a eavlly ol U atjululu uiuuir.
Fif are abowa the bridge anchored Id poiltloe.
f If nm I ahnwe a mo vltft
ernwn reay to attack. It le
fully lo ei tract a root whr
It ran he crowned and fa!
aa waaful aa evet.
Flrnre 10 le a month that haa lnat all the tfh Hnt frmri
the two C'lit'Ha aud two mulara; tbey ar abuwu aa vHtymnm
Vut a (ail uiter bn.le.
rirure 11 tuowa th hri"fe auinplete, natiy u plce
imalii.iu, aa ahuwo tu figure 1U.
rtcar f repraaeBta a fuU eel ol lee lb ou a o!d plaiax
FlfTlre I lltnatratM aeaae In
whlcb th lateral tiui-nr Ima
brvu bait ami lb reniraJ InclMir
eruwn deairnytit. To thla rimt
acruwubaa iien ftined and
a tiMith baa tx-en ai?di'riMt ui
tbecruwn In lit the luteieiAre
Wit by llie loat iaural luilaor.
v A'' -' . ' 't
Figure 12 ahowa the bridge In place, natural aa life
iimi'in-o ...t 17, I... I.,. in Im oln.lir rf tKo rtnntal Art in q toil a anopialtv nnt. nf rnhliincr tha mnntli nf t.ViA fppth still
114. 1 llyll.0 WIIOSU I1IU llll" w in in;. n- riii.y vu ... . ..-...u . .V .--w...e ... . ... .
. . ' . 1 ' . A. 11 A f - . ..1 .t.n ...nil. a .1 .k... ... U 1' V. n anfTmlnnl kniiia fi n .nn- n an1 V. V wl rrl ntrivlr TT A 19
It'll for HlTVII'l, 1)111 Ol htllllling tip ll lull ft )Illlllt.'Pin; IIOII1 HID It'Vlll ail'l iwi.' nililil anuiu ouiuvicin uaoiu iui nunu oiiu uimgo n.in..
lirnpiireil to do all kimln of work prtaining to the dental profession and guarantees the same for five years at the very lowest ptices consistent
Willi urhftiuno nun.
Teeth extracted abxnlutely without pain by a new and harmless method, applied to the gums. No gases or poisonous cocaine. This is the
method now used !y the leading dentists of Chicago and New York.
K.-nd for illustrated hook on "Dental liridgo Work of To-Day ." It will bo mailed to you free of charge, and will explain so thoroughly the
system that you will understand it as well as the dentist.
DR. L. L. PICKENS, Dentist, Barclay Building, Oregon City,
ildren of the different
Bi hoola will assemble, at their respective
echool bonne at :1S A. M., and under
....;, ia,.,..r- and oilmen) will he encort-
ed lo llm r plate in line by a member of
the Mall.
The di(rerent societies ami organira
tiona intending lo take part in the parade
will aHBeinhle at the regular meeting
plaeea at 0:15 A. M. and will bo eecorted
and aaaigned their plat e in line.
The line will he formed with the right
reding on Fifth Street; Muhic on the
right ; Co. A, Sd'lteg. O. N- U.j IMeade
1'oalNo. 2. 'J. A. K. ; Mra.lo Keluf
Corpa, No. 18 The other organizations
will lie assigned their place aa soon aa
they report to ihe Marshal of the Day .
VI At 10:15 the column will march
to Shively's Opera House, where the ex
ercises w ill he held. After the exercises
the column will reform as before and be
marched to the cemetery.
11. Lbhimtos Kkixy,
Headquarters of Comn.itteeon Decora
iw ( Ireimn Cilv. May 2i , 100-'.
IJ W. Moll'iitt is hereby apiwiuted
... i i u...ir
Ulilei oi oi. . , ,, n,ur
ll-Jas. W. Ciiiircn, na" "?',,'
Theodore Miller and I'""! ?' K"
. . i. i....rt niiiHirian.
aides, ann rrau vumu.i ...........
III-Me.nberaofthe Stair will report,
. .1... r'i.;..f nf Sinir tiroini'tly
moumen, n t"" '"'v - , ,
at K-45 A. M. on Main Street, lu front ol
Willamette Block.
Co. A Will Isnie Invllutlons lor Drill
and Hep Next Wrdnesdny.
Company A. 3d Keg. 0. N. G , will
give an exhibition diiil Wednesday, May
oithe Armory. The Company has
iHiuirht a new llag, w hich will be flown
lor the first time ou Decoration D .
The drill will be given lo dedicate the
new flag. .... r
Iiexides the drill, senator ui. v.
IWmdl, Dr. W.E. Carll ami Father
llillehran-1 have cousenieu lo give eno.v
addresses appropriate lo ine uci-aaiu...
If is greuly regretteil, but ow ing to
the small size of Ihe building, it will be
necessary to issue iDViuuion, ami
ii....u iil.n are invited will bo permitted
to enter the Armory that night.
.. ..f the Cnmoanv.
lionornry iihi"'" . -
members of Co. I . 2nd Ore., members
Union, members
of the Women's Kelief Corps and the U.
A K. are heretiv invueti. m-ouir-
each member of the Company will he
given invitations to admit friends and
these invitations mus. oe urca-inc"
the door. t. m
The drill will tjegm ai o.iji.'i
sharp. Turney's orchestra
music for the occasion aim noi ...
there wi'l lie an informal dance.
How's Till-?
U' oiler One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of cutarrh that cannot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Chunky o.,
rrops., Toledo, 0.
Wo. the undersigned, have known F.
i ni.onnv for the hiBt 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus-
nA titiani'iull V alii tO
mess transacuon -j --
carry out any obligations made by their
firm. . r, ,,
West A THUAX, uoicshio jj.ukb""i
Toledo, O. , .,,,.
sale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly npon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Price ,ac
p,,r bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testi
monials free.
llall'i Family Tills are the best,
Stevens Block
Now Open for Business.
Best Valley Flour
Tound best Pan fired Tea
Tound best Young Hyson
Tound fine blend Coffee
Pound best green Costa Rica
7 bars Diamond C Soap
. 25c
3 packages II-O Pancake Flour
2 packags Arbuckle or Lyon
Miles & McGlashan
Fancy Shirt Waists
Fine line Ladies' Chemise
Fine lot Ladies' Drawers.
Iloyt's Cologne, 5c and 10c
Infants' Robes and Skirts
Towels, all grades, at cost
Large assortment Corset Covers
Dress Skirts at a bargain
Sunbonnets and Tamoshanters
Ladies' Wrappers, 50c up
Misses' Undervests, 19c.
Men's Laundered Shirts, 49c.
Men's Linen Collars and Cuffs,
10c and 15c.
Children's Ironclad Hose.
Children's Hose Supporters.
Ladies' Hose, all prices.
Stamped Linen Doilies and
Center Pieces.
Sofa Pillows.
Battenberg Braids, Finishing Braids, Bernard & Arm
strong Embroidery Silks, Ladies' Automobile
Ties, Fans, Bustlefe, Ladies' Fancy Hose, Men's
Fancy Socks, Bachelors' Buttons, Boys' Blouse
Waists and Boys' Caps.
o l.otn ofTiHie.
I have sold Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for years,
and would rattier he out of collee and
sugar than it. I wld five bottles of it
yesterday to thresheie that could so no
farther, and they are at work again this
morning H. R. Phelps, Plymouth,
Oklahoma. As will be seen by the
above the threshers were able to keep
on with their work without losing a
tingle day's time. You should keep a
bottle of this Remedy in ynur home.
For sale by G. A. Harding, Druggist.
The Enterprise $1.50 per year.
In all Ita atagea.
Ely's Cream Balm
eleaneoe, eoolhee and bealt
the dlaeuod membrane.
It enrce catarrh and drlrea
way a cold in the head
Cream Balm la placejf Into the noeWli.epreed
orer the membrane and Uabeorbed. Bellet la Im
mediate and a ctire follow,. It li not drying-doee
not produce aneexlnj. Large SU,M cent, at Drug
gleu or by mail ; Trial Siie, 10 ccta.
yi toiZA "uc
i- tn ti nil iTrtTTTT. niurtFin
Colored Slercised Under
skirts 79c up
Ladies' Summer UnderresU 5c up
" Black Hose 5c up
" and Children's white
hemstitched H'dk'chiefs j for 5c
Ladies white Aprons 15c up
" Ready Made Dress
Skirts $1.-5
Satin Ribbon, No.5,all colors 4c yd
Tailor Made Suits $7-75
Girdle Corsets 49-
Torchon Lace 6 yds, for 5c
Valencennes Laces for
Ruffles icayd
Nansook Embroidery 5c yd
Bone and aluminum Hair
Tina SC doi
j Tearl Shirt Buttons, all sizes 5c dor U
I The Stallion Snowden will
j will make the season at my
home at Beaver Creek on
I Mondays and Saturdays. At
I the Oregon City Feed Yard
I on Fridays.
I Henry Hughes.
Irangfe? and Ej$. e,
Freight and parcels delivered
- to all parts of the city.