Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1902)
OUEOON CITY ENTERPRISE RIDAY, MAY 10, 1002 hot lial Happenings. ,,iiTKmi'i-Ti'"iiHrc.N. relational Maim" 111 lilt Winifred Thornton vr I i ,lllii""",y In lb presence ol a . , Il-l l,ilv. f H. iiiV, V- H. !' I M'K'T omrminu. ...liui ill MlHUlilllt l. iimalng ' 1'lur-vml years, Tli bride I" ' I . . I U.- I ..L Ulll,i..r -I .".. - ;-; Iriiieriy hi niiii"i ! .( lli.tfoll fily. Iminrdl- j,h ceremony H' l'l'l'y ''""P1" I,,,, , bridal lour "f several Hays. ...... ...turn Miry iH "'"null! Ill i i ,iv ,ir noiiiM ll'im. l""r M'- ' ' . . u ,.r.. I.I. ..,.' lll'l"!""' ""J '"1 ' , milt lii" MU IPMI M KNI KUl AIN. ,,, oHli..T-n'111'iK' Wl.UtClub i( , Teachers' Club waa ,, . b'liii" J,",K" $ MM.Imiiii at H'l'lr li'i'ii" , 'U..' Ut KrUy evening. ,,,fi .! elileitained ''X Mini Eva ll.ii evening was uaeed ,l,t TIkmm' present were: Mr. ... i i i . .....i Hm ( . " 1 auuein, Sn.i.M. Mr. end Mm. John It. I,,,,,, Mr and Mr L. I- rnr. , , tiemv A. Keel. Mn I'. Mma I'UrK, Mi Myers. Mi J.Mliw I II'"' Cnull'-I'l. Mraa Ne( Hi'Ihm T. Smiili, Miaa lur U my Kelly, Mi' I'aw. ti M . Y.-r t'aillb'ld, Mr. I.tiui Mr. Janii-o fur It, Mr. I). A J. ('. Zuisw. twn.ioiir i.i ii. rClnli nv" a dance and lunket it Twlliulat 1111 Hlurily even ThiM .rri-iit were ; Mr. ami Mi. ; iiuii. Mr and Mm. liiorge I. Ki. tn.l Mm William Young, Mr. h,t. Wiliimn .MctV.I. Mr. kihI V 0. Iiil'"ii, Mr and Mr. i. L JJiwp Ami iul Emma Wile- .w I'.Uiii lm nl Kllifl MrCor.l, IHtif n.l Kniilu Krnrt, M ! Uwlii'l, Kli"fiir ami Kill') M Uim Ijjiimi l.mrllf, Mmm Ilulfr, rn-l Mrimll, Ijnircnio lii.ii.'H Ki-IUii'l, KiiifKim OjIii, Li JM'ur.l, Kilrl Jixliiik, Turn .1, Vr.l,ll I.KHllit, Allli it. A. V. Franrr. IIMII t-llMHD. V irilinn Tlioiii S oil I'.iyi r, :i t, lu Mi" Kaln May IUIr.1 m - I il Ihr I e (( tliK lirlilu'a parpnt. Tmlh li !-.(, 1'nrlUinl, on May II. AVi4!nli'r IIUi kluini ollU'iuUnti. iilirrllin ifrt'iiiiiny tlm lia'')' irlllur Ii'llli', mlii'm tliry if ! I.if t .. a l.'W day U'lnri Mi Ihcir j'iiirniy lo ikny, ii, tliirli in Id h llii'ir luliiif liijii.f. tnl ii iit u( Mr. A. H. I ie- iiil.ii ciiy. UL l (SIMI or KAHTKH TAK. (ffllr.i.r. N.l. "H, 0. V.. S. Iicl.l '.i.u lne-liin( lili'MUy rVcniiiK an. I 'rinilinii mirk a aurial limn " 'itiIhiiiI Til) iiii' ami fririnl'. I Bnuiinl .ri.uriuii ruiiilfrcil nWniilllio cliKi(fr anil rff irali r, fn.r h. It wlilxt waa 'I until a limn. Tba Clitt(r i i 'irinliiii coin) i i io n anil in' V lit l.finn to tlio infill- plit every inrctlnji. HflhN KMiAIIKMKNT. Minify iiHiirt!,., of Clilrii(ii)nil m on tlutii lunt vinit to Oriigon Hiilllicy Iiuvh vvn n'ciinnj for '"ii'i-rtainuiwil, ami will lm at ; E. Church m Tlmmilay, May :"., U- Ailuiiwiliin 25 cpntn, cliiMren, '' Pfaln cun Im riwrvnl at Hunt Mmom lor 10 .t extra. r V. II . (Imihc, ol Portland, Kvw '"Monilay evimlng in Willamette '"Historic April." Tlie Ifctnre "n nnilor tlm anHpicpa o( Meade Co'pi No. IH, ,r IIih Ihmk-IU of ' R. Miinnment fund, boloa 'nJered by Mine Hardinu and Miaa ".adiict by Mina IIardin and and a eelection by the '' quartet. A vote of thanks 'edMia. Gamoa for her exrol ftnre. MUntlUY Hlltl'ltlSK HAl.K. (rei n Kiia inrin ( fftso anil U Nw'il fur Idfvcii llinii.aini. The John H. Ilremi exlatu broiiKht III, (KM) at adinliilNiratiir'a nalit Inxl HhI. unlay. The iiiinlmm.r w Krml H. Morrl. ii'priiHi.ntiiiK ,n I'orlUnd City and OrcKon lUiUny Co,, m t, (), (ieiieral Kluctrlo Co. The priu.rty I ullnutnl mutr the aite of llni nnw iowit hoilnii if the (Iri'nii liiHH'till Klei triri Citniiiy, now lliiihn coiiiitriiiitliin, ami ronliolla the lier. rim enliiltt cinxiaU ol 15 arrf, liii linlliiK Iclniiihiaiiil tlm rlvir bed of the Clarkinii rlvr. Tiii'iit WW Uu Inclil'hid in tlm rotate an lliiroiiiiletel i'oiitrr fur the Miri hHn of l'.'O errc, alj'illiiii the 15 ri Iran. S e iiinlilh U'i Hi" CUrkiiia levi.o. liii-lit Comiiaiiy K"t a ih-nd fur thu fiiliru noierty from a brother of lirceii'a, one of the helra of the exlHte. A lew titty alter rxnrulliiK thu llmt deed he pxerutud another, IraiiMlerriiiK the hmiii.i pici e ol land to Fred 8. MirU. In the d I In the ClaikauiH 1 v-1 n 1 1 n t Oxn piiy lie Kfiwd to iroi'iiie a deed frmn hin 1Iit, w ho I an liuimte of the hIk' , In ne axyliun, and Irnin the other heir ol tlm mute Hell. He then turned IhmiI mid Mold (he Unil tn Morri and warranted the liHe. A', the time the llml deed w liudn he aiifned a ietti.j ailniiiiUlriiliuii he Umii'd lo II. I'. Ohm, nielli mid olio of the lniurMiralor of the I'lnrkaniH p,.. Y.'lu.iiieiil ( 'i m .Mil i y , and l tlie tune l.e e nUnl the deed to Morrl he eim d a aniiiUr petition auk inn for the a .olkl ineiit of ('. I, lijlonri'tle a ailmiliintiat. or. Mr. Ijitoiireltu U tlie Oregon City attorney for the intereiuof M irnx. Mr, Cro liled hi petition In the ollice ol the county clerk anil immediately niter he lelt the city lor a few diiy and the nutter not Immii prexented to tlie county couil, no or.lur of apii)intineiit wa mde, but Mr. l.aloitrettu tiled and pre sented hi Hliiion and an order wa in. hi apHilntin til in adiuinialrator i.f the etute. Mr. CroM objected to till pun 1 1 ii . After full hearing of ll.ti enlini matter the court net aid the up- poiiitinent ol Latoiiretle a adinininti. tor, relun. to appoint ('ro and named Couuty KeeoMtir Pom 1'. lUn.Ull, who i not con nected with either party in any manlier. l'Hin the petition of Admini truli. r IInUH the property w ordered wild at aduiinilrator'i le, which wa ciiinliicled by Attorney J. K. Clark, fur the adniiiiitrtor. Mr. Morri and bU ttorney, W. T. ktnir, were prenent. The Hint piece olbtred wa the 15 acre Uni t and Mr. Morn bid the appraiied value which wa 250. He met with a urprirui when Attorney (i. I. lld;el rained hi bid I(X). The I wo bidder rined each other $ixi at a lime until the priify wea knocked down to Mr Mor ri loi ftKHK). The coiitract of the Oregon and Calilnrnia Kailroad Company w then aold in the name manner. Hi d;e alno bid on Ibla piece and it coat Morii .")t(K, when the appramed value wa only iiK). Attorney Hedge w a prompt ed In hi bidding by Jiime I. IaivcU, who ia intereiited in tlie Portland it nerl i;ieciiit: Company, and T. W. Sulliyan, luperilileiidel.t of the company, waa uho preM-nl. There no doubt that the Toil Inn. I (iencial w.i the bidder agiilimi Morii. Alier the aale Attorney Mtiir uid that the oppohilioli company wa liyinK to buy the land lo hinder and tie ..y the operation of Hie Oregon (ielieral Klectric Company, and not lor the pur pone of uninu it theinnelvc. It la polbUi Ibat H'f hIo may bo conllrmed by the County Court. Tue day, June;!, b been But a the dale for hearing objection to the confirmation ol the aale and the rumor ia alloat that the Portland General Klectric Company mav n monthly choral aervlce of the '''tClliirch wn ulvnn I..I Sun. hwini, Thi. r..t..t;ii.. ..r - - - , , nun IUIJ VI HU I'lV excellent and the mualo waa ' l'Pret:lated by the audlonce, 'f'lJ the church to the door, "ictl Mrvii-e waa under the di- fl0f Mina Hnr.lintf .n.l t;. Kehn 'PnMedal the organ. f Will ... H " " ecream aociai ai me j A. GyninaHium, Tueaday ev- hit literary program will wnoiHting of some attractive ' John (iru.. iw..... , , , --.ii roirriiiiueti uiveeii home on Tuesday afternoon j -"'iWHhigi,y enjoyed. monthly hop of the Sans ,.p '" ,,eKivn in Willamette 'May evening, May 2.1. Ao.r IK "HIA, WT 'toKiiiil Ynu Hmiwan Bqh if Gvfffis; ' HOUSEWORK Too much housework wreck wo. Uien'a nerves. And tho constnnt enreof children, day and nltfht, U often too In itio f'-r even antronp woman. A hnjrpird fiieo tell the atory of the overworked hou.iowifo and nmthcr. IhTaup'tl niensea, leueorrliiea and fulling ot the womb nwilt from overwork. Kvery hou.iewlfn need a remedy to ropnl.'iti! I"T mensoi and to keep her admit ivo feuiulo organs in perfect condition. 7IKECFCARDUI is doing thi lor thousands of American w omen to-dny. It cured Mrs. .Tom: mid that is why she writes this Inuik l tt!r : Olondoane, Ky., Feh. 10, f .m mn alad that your Win of Cartlui I. I '".I" . "e. I '!' ' th -ThedTmt wr.ur ami W nut "tie bit t "a. That i-ii- ln7,i: nnlni n'e Boo.i. I am KtjU.K U-'hier thin "-r w '-fore, an! le-P K"'d Lid rat hearty. It-d-'.. 1 U i I tk;nk Win. if Cartful. I used to U. h v di.wn five or an time every day, but SJ" do not think ' lyindown thmnah th.d.y. il.u..K,M..aU-o. 1.00 AT IHtl lW Iir. JN MEMORY OF NATION'S HEROES AitiuiciiiciiIh Arc Ifcinir Jlade For Memorial StTvlccn. KKKVK M IN M. I). ( II LIU II MAV i' ArrttiiL.triHtitl mr luIriif iiimiIm IiV Meade Poat. No. 2, l. A. It. for Ibe I'niiiiiiemuiatioii of Memorial Day. Memorial nerviee will ri held ill the Melhoibat I hurch on Hunilay luornnik. Mav 2o, at I0::i0 o'clik k, ami the memo rial senium will lie preached by Uev, . H limn. Ihirlim the coming week the liiiblie a. hooli w ill be vlited, and on ljv 'tO i. Yxreiui.. . tiiir.itiriule In Ihrt tH' ciai'on Will be comtucted by M -adi) Pont and Me. In Uelief Corp Coiiiniiiy A, Thinl Kegiinent, Oregon Na'ional (iuard, lot" coiiHent.'.l lo aniHt In I ne eeremolilea and Captain II. lightun Kelly will art a grand unirnhal. rmt ,'ommander I.. W. Ingram, of Meade Pont, ha requested the varion fraternal aaao tialions and the public generally to participate In the ter viiw. j He baa Ivaned the following order; , Mhu.Ih Will He Vlllei and on Memor ial liny CiinipHUj A., 0. y. ii , Will All In tlie ( t-n iiionlr. IIKAIHJIAKTKKS Mxadk Po t No 2. (1. A. K. IlKTAklMHaT Of OHKO'iN. H .... t. 1 ... 1 t.l. tfkV? tlt''il Vlt, .yiejtow, i till, i.'O. i (iener Orders, No. 1. y I Comrade of Meade Pont No. 2, De- I ?J partment of Oregon O. A It , are hereby ; fi nolilled that memorial nervicea will lie i pj held in ibe M. K. Church. Oregon City, V on Sunday, May 25, at 10 o'clock A. M. irj The iiieuiorial neivice will be held under , the iliiectioii of Kev. W. H. (irnn. I y II Ihirlng memorial week ll.e public , l) achoola will be viniled a" neual, begin-. ij linitf Monday morning at 0 o'clock . I Fj III Memorial Pay, May .10. exercises ?j appioriate to the occaaion will be '"" j fj ducted by (he Pual and C'orm. The full f! proymn will tie iaiiil later. jr IV Company A. .11 lieg (). N (L ha kindly consented to aait in the cer emonie. v uapi. ii. i-ignion Neny win ad U a iiiaralial of the day, will appoint hi !? slall' and Unue general orders for form- fj lion ami moiiiit til the column in pareda. VI Meade Poat No 2, (i. A. It. ex- K tend to all old soldieis, abelher mein hers of the Post or not, an mvile'ion to 1 unite with us in the pioier obaervance ol ineinorlal exercise. VII The varii'im fraternal association ' .ml tl,- ,....... II. .ro ru. ..u... (, , 1 1 I invited to take part with u on thin day. I'y order L W. Ini.hak, (Ouimander Meade Pont No. 2, (j. A. It. . n NEW SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED Fancy Sliirt WaiHts Fine line LadieH Chcmi.'e Vim lot Ladies' Drawers. Ifoyt's Colopno, ,re and 10c InfuntH' IloU-g and Fkirt.i TowcIh, all grades, at coHt Largu a."Hortmt'iit Corett Covctb DrcHs Skirts at a bargain Sun bonnets and TamoHhantftra Ladiex' Wrappers, .r0c up .MiHHCB1 UnderreHta, 1 9c. Men's Laundered Shirts, 40c. Men's Linen Collars and Cuffs, 10c and 15c. Children's Ironclad IIohc. Children's Hone Supporters. Ladies I lose, all prices. Stamped Linen Doilies Center Pieces. Sofa Pillows. and Battenberg Braids, Fini.shing Braids, Bernard & Arm strong Embroidery Silks, Ladies' Automobile Ties, Fans, Bustles, Ladies' Fancy Hose, Men's Fancy Socks, Bachelors' Buttons, Boys' Blouse Waists and Boys' Caps. wa 1 i WHEN fe THE BOYS" MARCH a hi wit Hats off! That tattered flag you see With rents in every treasured fold Wakes oft to mem'ry' reveille And never, aye, Is never old. The stars that stud Its field of blue A thousand stories can repeat, Which, told again, are ever new The "boys" are marching down ths street! RACKET STORE Copyright, 1302. by E. I Bnbln HATS offl Along way they come, Their colonel marching on before, Their steps attuned to fife and drum As In the valiant daya of yore. Note not what change Time's finger brings; Note not If ranks are Incomplete. The present fades, the past up- springs The "boys" are marching down the street! Hat off, hats off, on either sldel And form a living lane of love Through which they tread, all glori fied, Their banner streaming brave above. Who recks how cautious Is the pacef Who recks how lagging are the feetf Bright deeds Illume each wrinkled face Trie "boys" are marching down the streetl Hata off, hats offl The gray and lame Are now no longer lame and gray, But feel once more youth's sturdy frame And breathe the fires of yesterday. In bays reclad, to pride reborn, Defying dust and miles and heat. Mid cheers and tears this splendid morn I The "boys" are marching down the 1 street! EDWIN L. SABIN. come Into court and offer to pay more for ibe proerty that was bid by Morns, for ! the Oregon General Klectriu Company. In cace niii li an offer is made the Port land (ieneral will be compelled logive a bond (or the payment ol whatever sum is offered a an evidence of good faith. One hundred and seventy dollars is still duo on the contract lor the aale of 120 acres of the estate by the Oregon & Cali fornia Railroad to John S. Green. fSIOS TAKKS NO PART IN POLITICS Secret ry Howard Mukes a Statement of the I'liltiuN IVitlun. Ohkuon City. Or. May 15. 1002, (To the Kditor.)-It has been publicly charged that the Federal Labor Union lately or ganized here is for the purpose of down ing lieorge C. Browned and other can didates. Now rinht here I wish tooffijially deny that the labor onions of Oregon City huvn anv part in party politics, but we do favor the election of those whom we know to be friendly to labor organiza tions snd to the interests of the wage earner. We know that Mr. Hrownell is anoint nee froni a nartv which lias a plank in its platform which endorses tlie eight hour system. We know that from the same source was enacted the thirty day exemption law. Hence it is a mistake that any action w hatever lias been tagen iiolitics. But we shall circulate a pe tition which will remiire the legislative and other candidates to guarantee to use all honorable means to legislate to the interests of the wage earner and it will not make any difference to us to what nartv thev may belong ks we will then have our choice of those w hom we know to be honest in their declaration. 1 wish to quote Mr. Samuel Uoaipers, President of the American Federation of Labor: "III politics we shall be as we have al ways been independent. Independent of all parties, regardless under which name they may be known; the only in terest we shall have in either is their real, not merely their avowed, attitude toward labor. We shall endeavor to aid in exposirg the lolly of being a union man "M days In the year ami failing to remember the union man's duty on elec tion day. Put we shall unqualifiedly oppose the attempt to impress the thought iiMin the working men that so long as they " vote right" on one day in the year, they may be remiss in their membership and all their other duties every other day in the year. "Let ns concentrate our efforts to or ganize all the forces of wage labor and, within the ranks, contest fairly atid openly for the different views w hich may he entertained upon the different steps to be taken to move the ennd army tf lalior onward an forward." J. II. Howakd, Sec. F. L. U., No. 9708. llow'H Thin? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Ciiknkv A Co., Props., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve lit m perfectly honorable in all bus iness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm, v WestAThuax, Wholesale DruggiBts, Toledo, O. Waldinq, Kisnav A Mabvix, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testi monials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. ii For the next sixty days FOR CHSH We Will Give Ten per cent, off on Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes and Furnishing Goods. 1 IT Ml . Court House Block OREGON CITY, OREGON. pXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXQ H NEW GOODS ARRIVING 9 jj - at th. FAIR ST01B I iliake Into Your Mien Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder. It cares painful, smarting, nervous feet and in giow ing nails, and instantly takes t!.e stinn out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try it today. Sold by all drug gists and shoe stores. By mail for 25c in stamps. Trial package FREE. Ad dress, Allen S. Olmsted, Le P.oy, S. Y (3 Straight Front Corsets 49c up Colored Mercised Under skirts 79c up Ladies' Summer Undervests 5c up " Black Hose 5c up " and Children's w hite hemstitched H'dk'chiefs 3 for 5c Ladies' white Aprons .... 15c up " Ready Made Dress Skirts $ 1.25 Satin Ribbon, No. 5, all colors 4c yd Tailor Made Suits $7.75 Girdle Corsets 49c Torchon Lace 6 yds, for 5c Yalencennes Laces for Ruffles ic a yd Nansoolc Embroidery 5c yd Bone and aluminum Hair Pins jc doz Pearl Shirt Buttons, all sizes 50 doz U WILLAMETTE GROCERY 3 Stevens Block Now Open for Business. $310 Bbl. Wilhelm's Best Valley Flour $3.25 Bbl. Gilt Edge Hard Wheat Flour 25c 2 packags Arbuckle Coffee 5c Pound Italian Prunes 25c 7 Bars Good Laundry Soap 5c Pound Best Beans 15c Pound fine blend Coffee 5c Can good Alaska Salmon Miles & McGlashan Propa. 1:. 1 trail, PIONEER rrangf bp and Exjueft, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE tti n n rTini 1 n 1 1 riii 1 1 imTni i n ruin 1 11 in. SNOWDEN The Stallion Snowden will will make the season at my home at Beaver Creek on Mondays and Saturdays. At the Oregon City Feed Yard on Fridays. Henry Hughes. Enterprise and W. Oregonian $2.