Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 16, 1902, Image 5

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ne fe
ed ,?K
I mi!
tri :
.ill t
J lit
'I'luwi'Hf A,,l l'""
,.! . tit Outkaiinu.
Will tie A'MUilmi (if
i ti. ...i.r an. I I ?lillrcl.M
1 llollll tlli--' - ' "
" i. -i.l a two tlaVB ""lull Bl
'", Tui'.ilaV Slid WwlllltBilaV.
""" .' m 1l,.k. of llill.liard.
...m'l.ll'l"" ' OliliT 1'lK-wl.y
... I....I...I 1 1 ih l.rMlimlliarv
I r'-f '''"''"l' H'"
f '.H.ni.l"! '"' '''"
" !.'V. S. A. Arnold, paalor
i- , kM .-lnir. il. M which
I ... ..i. r.' r".'iinl"il. I '1" I"1-
;.. ,c,r ,';
i.ia in.iU'Mi'" ; R". R- I'.
1" ,'naiaUnt ttKnlr-.i.r ; R.-v. K.
!,', n-KiHliMf Biid Irt.aanrer
V ' Kiii.iil lMlM"
I. !, i.( S''H Support
I .iint' V l'l.ilri-lf " H-v. H A.
;i u' ii "";
! nlalclUl inbera (ll
T lay -viiiiiiu Rev. K.
' ly i,r.. li'"l ll'" -HltHnl
- follow In alauding roin
T .i.ih. iii iki iiiiainraa. j .
'a,liii ""I"' VYrdriiwilay night
brail ""'"'ll "'
tin i'1' " " t'.iiniiili''iimiil.
L inner t I'mriiing e.ill
J!,'.l,v'-r..'l l. Mr- W A
la' i'tie M -M Mimlay N. li'x.l,
InlliiWed I'V "' 'l'l"" t'X
I U, ) on ' l l" Children l tint
I .t' i; v. S. A Arnold read 4
" .. f, i ll .1 . .f li.i.a .if !llllr.'lt
i.H, " An iii't'ii'ilim ili tu
... .. .1.... I' II T I'iiiI.III
, It
j,; h. II. Kennedy, Mac II.
! , BUIIll"-' "I 'I' ll''"- followed
unf ul U'" "i"" R"V- '''
f. i. Kit. H""'" 'iiijr-
,-(! Ill ll'll' " " " '"
fati'iy. i"' -
,iJ y (inni'iii'-'i "in
,u .iiniv ii. m ninny i.-.iiib in
t laminar with ll"1 ubj.l id
Ul LillMUll"!! ""i'"i
I'r. Knirr,
rr I I it"-" ril'U'Ul iilllni rur-w
iniiwIrK'nr ul ill" U-t imll.iiml
-itl. tlil llll" llirTrlU llll
tl ullior it V niii-l In loll
uiliiiu. i.i,n,ili.i'ii' nilrli
i wmiii. I'"1" "l" ",IU I"
itulhl lll'.i'MI "llliili in ii.in.ir
f.H'lIfl'l l"M I IMHI H "MIIK Willi
iiril'V"! tin' lilK'inut ruliai.lii'-
i.rV I, .- r.ul!lllk'lT lll-'ll" M .-
rim Mrlli".l '" I '.llli'. t
!t i-m v.ili"". I'lirinn llic
limn Mm M A. A'I.iim ffi
It uii..n- ..I llii;ii.-r i rili. i-ni
h ii'l min'lii-r mr mi
I'll wl.li li l"i-
. i I. " I'V Mra
nk-r. Mm. I'4..ll llr.l. a
i ix'i'.'ini Imiir III lni-inimr v
. fW I llll I'li-H lH.-ll III III!'
i. rl.il'1', "I l-'urriit tirnvr.,
$ t .4ir mi " I Ii" "' "I !-
Na-iiliin.il I riii)iri''iiiullsiii.
ly ulily ri'.ri,iwlil'"l
t.r.Hlti. l ul it .n.
I a lu.ili-'l Inmi llin I Hal H ill tun
i i-i i t iiii ii.l- r ul it l irullv.
,'IHII,' H'lVU t. 4 (III) I'llnmx III
ii .ni.'iiii miin In llm
!h-4' in' inn. Mr. u. I Mr.
'.IVFII-.I llllll( H'l'llf HIM' III III"
ill ltll.-ll-a! ill til" I-1 1 ll . (-1 1 III
rWf iiifii-i u uiitnilxiili-il
' in tin- limit!. !,. A t f ii i
I tW v - 1 1 1 1 if 4tli" ri-ii.lilinii
ii i-ilh-iin l.y tlin tlii-g'i i City
,(wnl l lm r m. 'I iiulo I'V M ih
iii rtl
! "i'l.-. tfl llm .l lnr
!' tMHi. I iiii'i'iin. ami It.-v. S
I till (IIIUI ll III" ItllUX-llttlUllltl
DpV 'il I lfkMin City will have
"O'lilf ul lii-arii:ti I'r. aii'l Mil.
l mi sum In v, J mi" K al lil. I.
- lll .-Hk III III" ('oniffi--
mi ll ill In" iij.ii iiitix, al t-rnu.iii
ihi- Mutli-r Wnh ( rrl
iri'iuti, I. iti. l.-l inn ray tliat it
0 rrMiti-i tliitt a '"tition ih
a'ili!i in (.'larkaiiia county (cr
' liwr.
1. 1 k K V .
1 Itm matii-r with (ii...r? nhouM
" to lima ;
In- -Lino tliut tlicy tihonl.l tri'al
IB 0?
"J ri-tiifinlMT, li"ii Iih went
l"Hio Hi. )- ili.l fear
"I imit ttuiiM )r run annlnnt
i'Oliltiuv priii.r I iim.p?
i'wii liftti-r aiul imr, it in lint
'"niii iiii-ii,
!(unm i...ii... ...... t. .......i.l.
,".,,t.n no- iig iu.ifl.o-
ilHin'l Hint p-i you?)
''Uom, i(, lt j, mt hhUihI
1 PirlV of mdiiih n tfl IlllllfM A
"'tif omrtliiiiu, hut wlmt tlmiM
'"'"il inuvo. or an anarrliim
'PI'IVH , ,e H.(er w,c,
"7 miii-li ("nr,
i,t" y aiMitii it h, I'oor Ol'l
"urinr i :...i
fc ,"'li,'v'1 in ,,,,t 1
'"-i n mint.
''tOKHtlier llm BiiaifliUtii ami
"Ihriii in in....
"'"iiitht (irtiraataiiitli Hit
7n ihh,,,
" tivr.c1r.;,., l,jH politicn, wliiclt
'ry iK.,r ..u,.
ll I'vh itHHjmi.i him-I've
" lH tllllll
lhyi U" ,!., ( . who
T'lt ll III in ..11'..... I.l...
to i, '." innnt'r
" m iniHiHk.., hiii) Iib's (jooil
'""llllritii mill
mill '" tl'"1'"lll'''r,'f lio I'"-
''lilt .' . ,,. .. ... .
"J Frt'ri.Mrt ....I i . i
j,it.. 1 ln" wiirai aim
'"u"i i-hiiir.
' (Albany Local)
,r;ppMAiuy Lo(.al)
I M,
, MtrU,r may Trnn of ihr
County ll,Htnl.
J,.r '.' 'M"r'"". J"I'U l-KMi-llmi ami
T. II. Klllln, Cioiiniy ('oitiuiiMiiimira
it., i. . i i
""inimriMi. ii ri.unUr
li rin o llm llimr.l ( y UoiihiiI--
n....iri-i.ir in ('utility i, ,,
'at ol (irfKHii, l..iiii .ml ,, M
i inn miiiM. in ...M county ami .UU ol
''"y. Hi" lit il.y , y il,f
......n ix.nitf in ri-icii ar liiott lii-.l dy
law .ir I in ii4i ton i, coiiiiIV lnniiina
I Iii-iii wnni i.i,., i,i , j -t Morton
lion. Ji.Iiii I.vwuUiiik an I llon. T. II.
Killiu, oiiiiui.aiMu.T4 ; I-:. II. O.Kimr,
t-lr ; J . J . I'iMiki., ali-nir; .lmn the
lollnaiii iroict.inrf merit Int.l to-wii:
mi. I. a ai.i.owicii,
John ru, lirlilrffl ;jh -
it r.in.11 nitra liiaaiitt ; ui
r. II I ii4, viiKtiiM. Jit 3()
I'aciKt- Nlaloa 'id Tn fo.d-p. . (I 4;
A ti-f .iiiM.r. aiiil tl IMI
J I! y.ii.Mi.r t i-
7, - II Jl
I alilck A (', riifn-n 4 Hi 1
A lliintlfy.iialioni-ry 211 J:,
K H lUkwr, ctnirtliiiiiaM IU 40
Tout I' Itaii.lall.rrx i.nlnr J (Hi
H J Valik-liaii, ahfiiff (ij
A W t!limy, coiiniy iriutinn ,. lit 7
W II Yniitia', litoifl. il wi
Mary llilfy. 'IUIht 1.' OU
Jari.li scliniiilt, hri.lM ;ii 07
() l! KiiL-rprim., a'anoi.ti-y ju;, fV )
" " cmiiity .rinliii . ' -.'7
Cliarlliail A Co, iailwr .. U lift
1 1 W 1 .r 41 'it, .aiin-r 4 !:,
I ll U'iIII.i... ......... p.,. ...
J a Purler ' la) UO
Anna Williaina " b'i (hi
I; H..nial.y " ;;4 Oi
I. K Wll lama " H'.l IK)
J J Ci.kti. jolt 4:1 f,7
J W .Vtrria.in-Riir) 5 (i
A Mililalin, rl..i tl.iii 4 (r.
I'l'tt-r Nt-lirrn, cl lioiiMt 4 '(j
Mali, va Imlrlck. J I' li-t 4
J V .Mf Anuliy 9 US
II M.-o-ly 14 ;n
K.I iinifn 3 'm)
Klnmr I 'tl in an 3 .Vl
Carry I'm J 50
l.lttlM .rrly 3 h.
JhIiii C Wliitti 3 MJ
I. It MiockUiv 3 .'m
William Walkt-r 3 60
Hlaii. va liaml"lili Atttrr
J W McAnuliy 5 Id
II H Mootly .. II "11
llitnry Huiatl.t'ra 'I Hi
stii. v- Klint-r lliini-aii J I linl 4
I W M tnuliy ""
II S.M ly 7 I'D
Siatri v Ii Ur lliiucaii.l I' I'iit
J W M. Anuliy 4 ik'
11 ft Moo-ly It :ii
Ilia M ( liaac, Hi, aliitrif! 7:' Ui
J J Conkt) ' " 7 'Hi
J I-: Ja. k " " In Oil
l.ortMia l,i.-llti " " 4 iiO
W II Cn..k",-lifrifT ('.'.' .I.tai HO !. 5"
i:init-r Inmui, t-l". tmii ;i ihi
C'lU'ii A N liU"ll, ri'l altt ol iliat
ait'y It-i-a ISO Oi'
J TJI'rakfl, iailr 0 IK'
I. I' Haii'lM. aurtor J.' (ul
Malw I r v 1 1 n. J 1' Dm
J C lUlima 3 0
J J Knaill -IX)
Wt-tliinaiUy, May 7lli, lirl):'.
In Urn inallri of Cliarlea tiriml, a
county cliariiK. Mnry llay alloanl $12
xr 111. mill Ironi May 1-t, I'Jt).'.
In llm 111 titer f if lih'in ( I, T lUrin
for cainellation ol lait-a. ti'uiileil. ,
In tint inii'ler ul m-titiim of II K lliir-
-loar, "l al. lor a c mi' y rmil. (iiaiiltHl
Vii'W"rn , I I Kl.lui(a, Ko Itnvllll all. I
i M iro.tioii. l'aie ol itirvoy .May
2iiih, I'm:'.
Ill tlitf mittier of pulili -n of V W
Wanker, i'l al, lnr county roaJ. Pi-
In tlm niHtii-r of report of viewer ol
tlain.iKea oil alirvey ol Vetcli roa.l. 1U--
irt ami h itmli illamlamtil.
In tint uiiitter of ietitinn (f i II Hah
lln, el al. lor a t-otiiity roa.l. (iranle.l.
Vlewera-llavl.l M. Arlliur, Levi SimIi
iiiiiii ami A Toil' I. I'ate of aurvey, May
.', IWI'.'.
In llm umtier of petition of J II Hi'fe
nut. lor caiiCitlUlion of taxea. tiranteil.
In tlm matter ol .til ion of K N Koaier,
et al, l"r iiiiproveineiit of Kamlall liill.
In Hi matter of petition ol II I' Kant
mat , et al. for a county roan I. (iranlwl
Viewera-Knoa Caliill, Wiley May ami
V Htoker. 1'iite of aurvey May ID, l!K)l.
Id the nutter of petition for aiil ol
(irecnlettf Cliutu ami TlnJtnas llollainl.
In the matter of tition for change in
Wilea roa'l. tiranteil. Vluwera Silaa
Wiitflit, John Maiiiwifnl ami T W
Wlutf. Ialnof aurvey Muv L'7, 1'.Wi.
In t tit matter ol report ol vittwera on
urvry of llu.l Smith road. H0.1t. fur
in Dim mutter of ri'iioit of viewem on
aurvuy olti It Taylor rol. ltt-ail tlrat
ThiiPtilay, May 8th. l!K)-
I., il,.. intter of petition lor vacation
ol Lmnliriilitti Uiil ovor until June Mil
at 10 o'clock,
In the matter of petion of Jacoh Mi
ley, et al, for a comity roail. tiranteil.
I' Sliarn. Jolin Wairner anil
W A Criacll. I'ateof aurvey May 23,
In theinattprof Chai Culo, an Indi
gent niMier. Nanit) tmlertd taken from
In the matter of petition of Chan Huker
et hI, for work on weal ante of river in
Ni.iv Ida nrecinct. Allowitd IIDOfrom
l),al III, and tui.ttrviaor reiineited to ap
noint John KaiBttr aa ilopnty.
In the matter of appli- iition of CliBi
Ilellinan for daman to liUCK 111 rvoao
District 18. Alloel
In the niBlter of the dflinipifnt ulc
acriptionon the lman nd Clackuman
road. Urilereil m.u uinriui. ain...r.
nroct ed to collect name.
In the mutter of Koad Pint .10. Or
tiered tlmt anpervi-or npend r.(IO in v. h'.l
la known aa the. Krone neiliooni"(iii.
i H.a mutter of Il.Mil Dint ft r.lered
that John A Kichey be allowed to work
In the mutter ol report of vieweri on
iurveyof O II Taylor road. Koad or
(Ittred opened.
In the matti-r of report of viewera on
aurvev of Hud Smith road. Koad or
dered oiied.
Friday, May 9th, 190-'.
In the mutter of Mm M A Chirk, a
countv cluirKo Allowed $10 per month
from May l"t, W-'.
In the matter of hid for plank for the
Aliernetliy itml Viola It, ill I. Cm I 'ait
awanl.id l (ieornii llicliibulliem.
In tint matter nf chantre In lloou'a
Kt-ny uml Aurora road. Itoad ordered
Ill llm mailer of Mrt K, I ward Whit
I'Hk, iiiili)i.iit. Ordered thai Mr K
I'aiker In-allowed $,'i0 to lend Mri Whit
I'k k to New York.
Saturday, May lth, 1'JOU.
In the matter of petition of. Alma
ni'a k lor rtttinte of ttxea (runted.
In Ilia matter of Win X Davit Id l.
In the matter of aiiplli-iitioii of Karl
Kolioln.fer f,,r mtileinnnt -A taXtt.
In 'he mailer of reiort on reaurvey ol
nmiiii roail. Approved.
In the nutter of bicycle report. Laid
oyer until next term.
Tint fo'lowiiia' jiidifna and clnrka were
apKiiniei at May Term, ItK).', to take
pla :e of tltoa ilinplalifleil :
I'i tpialillnd AUrnathy Appointee
K J Ueilluu.'Jl hoard,juilk-e,.A V I'arker
U lUrliiw. clerki (Jbrla K'cher
lleurv elgler, " K .iiiiuieruian
V S Toll, " J W (Jovey
lii-uver Unk
Jobn Khaniion, Ji la'...JaiiiiM Shannon
C K Speiiue, " Charlu liaker
Canyon Creek
K 0 I)ix, clerk U 8 I)ix
L I Williauia " JCCllali
Win Kniitht, judge Andy Kocher
I T Krkeraou. . . . .C W Anintronif
l.atlru M4t k, clerk., Ladrti Mack
I) It liiiuii k, ' W 11 Bear
2nd Canby
Jamea Kvan Win Vorpnhi
lainna A'lknii Jame Adkina
K II Carbon Alvy IShaiik
1 11 17 J I'lielpa Alvm Ci 1'helpi
Mil' Tliotnpaon K I' I)-dinBn
I0I111 Kobiuaon A Mather
2nd Hoard
II A Webster t'tto (ientrelbacll
Call llalierliich Marion Juiiuaon
K J Walkley ThoaSlone
leu A It. 11 Win rig e
Kd Copper Jo Liuliart
(ie'i Luz"ll Hibtllighea
Want l.awUin K 11 TaU-r
Ad'-Hiert Forliea 8 C Young
I II If venue ....Al'ion Meiniu
Jul 1 11 Tracy John I)um
I Una I'-ulaon IVter Held
loa lleSlm.t-r lohn Marahali
Carl Haiti K Nei.i iiiiitii
Henry Joliiiaon I'eler Paulot-n
liuiaC Lorenx Jaa Mittt
I ll Cole J U Cole
liirry Kaaiall ictor I)ii-ky
ll I. Vaugban WO aiijrhan
Milk Creek
Jaa F Neli o John Kvant
1 1 W Kent ley A I) Ilublmrd
V F Albriglii... Wallace Alongnl
Ara McLaiikililin. .Jonathan Hungerford
Maple Lane
W W Myer John Ii Ja. kaon
F W Wanker F W Wanker
iteii W l'ro-er J ATuln
Oretl'in City No 1
U L II ilniiiii "in Andreeen
2nd Oreg iu City No 2
J C llra llev Jaa Church
John ltittner ried Humphrey
J W Powell iShtrle ituck
Oreiou City No 2
W F, Hu-na FW Greenman
Uhaa Kelly Chaa Kelly
2nd Oregon City No 2
C N (ireenuian K P Randi
J W Uder Forbei Pratt
Oregon City No 3
Joe Harrington J H ILiwartl
I. ivy Stint) J'ta bwatlort
Chaa F: Hickman Herman ltrant
PlttHiaut Hill
W F Young Chaa Toote
itolph Criaaell Samuel Edmistou
John A Ueid WJ Lewellen
F.dward Smidt Itac Miller
Augii'l Yergeii Gollieh Muecke
A A Uriaiwll U1I Criaaell
Weat Oregon City
John Hickman Wm Davia
2nd Weat Oregon City
C A Miller Win J Borland
Fred Humphreys . ...TJUary
Fred Foralmrg Thoa Johnan
Chaa Hhannon John L Kerry
U II Uohhins H M Rohbini
State of Oregon, County of Clacka
maa Before the hoard ol County com
...i..i.niiTa of the itate of Oregon for the
countv of Clackamas. In vacation, after
the May term, to-wit: m puriu
ance of an order miide by the board and
entered of record ordering warrants to
lie iaain d in vacation, I. E. U. Cooper,
clerk, of aaitl county and state, do here
by iaaue warrants in payment of said
claims for the amounts and in favor of
the following persons herein Bpecilied:
Countv Charges
Mi" F. Morgan, support of Mrs
F. MurgtiH 10 00
M a it Duvib. siituiort ol John
Jones 1400
la. Mill friiw-bler. suDPort of Kofa
Tnech nr and family.... 10 00
V 1 1 u n Rrl. tires, alienor! of Ellen
nn.l (( rman liriilgea 8 00
t W IniiKB.HiniDortol John El'at-
' , 6 50
W L Davis.supporl of W L Davis 8 00
v, si.witr aonruirl of John and
Margaret Jlalian 10 uu
Ha'tie WtHhlH, support of Mrs
lUttie WotKis o
K ias Miller, support of David
Mortimer 30 00
Paul Freytag, support of J II
Jones 10 00
Win Dean, suport of MUs For-
A M Sliihlev, support of Mrs
(irin.lMtaff ,;r-' 1
Henry I-eis, support of Henry
Lewis 1
Mr Kriui-r. Ptipport of Mr and
Mrs Kruger 1 i
Alice Curr, rupport of Jafte Carr 10 00
L Mathewaon, support ol L
Matbewaon . . 7 00
Una i'iikl", support of Gua 1'ir-
kle ane family 10 GO
C I) Burns, support ol Johana,
an Indian . . .- 5 00
Mr M Duff, support 01 Mrs M ir-
tlia Duff 4 00
J J tlorbett.aupport of Wtn Stone 6 00
J M Heck art, support ol Carl
t.adke 8 00
Indigent Koldiera
Mrs J M Bacon, suppoit oU M
I'tti on . . 10 00
('hat let Culow, suinrt of Chat
Culi.w 5 00
John Watson, support of John
Walton 5 00
J II Churchill, an priori of J II
Churchill 5 00
County Chargna.
King Bohall, upiort of I'hoelaj
llaallngt 1 00
l.liat Miller, aupport of 0 C
Lewit 12 00
Mary Haley, tupport of Jamet
Wilaon 13 00
I. Austen, support of Iru Phil-
, li 10 00
Kldora Younger, anppoit of El-
dora Younger and family 8 00
John A vin, support ol John Av-
Ins 8 00
Mrs Adams, tupport of Mrt Ad
am ... 15 00
(ieo M'xiney, support of Godfrey
Shmale 8 00
Mrs Volchers, support of Mrs
Yolrlier and family 8 00
Wll Maltoon, aupprt of 0 8
Phelps and wife 5 00
WT Tinaley, support ol WT
TiriHli-y 5 00
Jobn Skirvin, support of J0I10
Skirvin and family 8 00
W T Gardner, minors at Boyt A
Girls Aid Society 10 20
Peter Nehren, janitor 60 00
JO II Cooper, clerk 125 00
0 D F.liy, deputy clerk (10 00
J J Cooke, shentr 141 67
1 K Jack, deputy IV) 00
T P Randall, recorder 100 00
Lonva Randall, deputy 82 00
A Luelling. treasurer 8.'i 33
J II Luelling, deputy 20 00
J U Zuiaer, supt K3 33
Tlmt K Ryan, judge 100 00
0 A Sluart. co physician 14 b'.
Mis Carrie Meyer, tupport ol
Mr Carrie Meyer and family,
ounty charget 10 00
('has Culow, i"digent soldier ... 6 00
(Continued next week.)
The New idea
Dandruff Cure
..The.. o
I Scientific o
V Remedy J
BaarttU yyllK Ultla YOB Hart lwaft Bflllglt
The l.ood nrala.
Rhcrtdim. the it fi bmiiKi plnywrlght
who wua no Niorimuu. having gone
one day on a shoot lug excuralon. ev
erything flew tit-fore him and bla gun.
despite his effort to secure something
for bla bug. On his return borne with
an empty bug be snw a mun. apparent
ly a farmer, looking at a flock of ducks
In a iool.
"What will you take." said Sheri
dan, "for a ehot at those ducks?'
The man looked at biui with aston
ishment. "Will half a crown do?'.
The mun nodded and Sheridan gave
him the half crown, taking tils shot
at ttie ducks. About half a dozen fell
dead. As he was preparing to bag
llitiu he said to the man: "1 think on
the whole I miide a good bargain with
"Why," said the man. "they're none
o' mine."
Hoaalaa Praiaal Wedding.
A peasant wedding In Russia means
a festival for the whole rilluge and of
ru for the young people from neighbor
ing villages as well.
Weeks before the eventful day the
young girls assemble at the borne of
the bride to help her sew. The bride
groom comes with bis men frleuds to
treat them to nuta and sweets. Appro
priate songs are sung, and the bride
groom's generosity Is put to the test.
One of the girls holds out to him a
plate, and If he puts dowu a silver coin
they sing him a song full of compli
ments, but If be gives copper and Is
known to be able to afford more mock
ery follows. The whole village Is In
vited to the marriage ceremony, which
Is performed with all the ancient su
perstitious rites and solemnities.
Youth's Companion.
A Peculiar Caalom.
At Venice when any one dies It Is the
custom to fix a placard before the dead
person's bouse, as well as In adjacent
streets, ns a sort of public notice, stat
ing his name. ago. place of birth and
the Illness from which he died, atllrm
lug also that he received the holy sacra
ments, died a good Christian and re
tuestingihe prayers of the faithful.
Plaint of the Landlady.
"Poets are queer birds. said the
landlady. "I hail one here who could
bear grass growing and understand
what crickets were tulklng about, but
I never could get him to hear me when.
I asked him to pay bis bill or under
stand a bint that he'd better move,
even though It was spoken In plalu
Engllsh."-Harlein Life.
Altogether Too Iloneat..
"By Jove 1 left my pocketbook under
my pillow."
"Well, jour servant girl Is surely an
honest person."
That's Just the trouble. She will
give the pocketbook to my wife."
Kllegende Blatter.
First Golfer-He doesn't play very
well, but he says he's too busy to give
any more time to practice.
Second Golfer Oh. well. If a man
neglects golf to attend to bla buslueaw
what can he expect?
The Itows of the North American In
dians were usually made from a spe
cies of osage orange.
Tha New Met Dandruff (! ir la to call -fl btv-auoe the new I lea ol the
' tr-atiiienl of ill.i-a-ii la H, linl in ita preparation, ll ia t ailed t'ie "mini
tilin rxinrily" liecain It coniaina 01 ly mcii inirr(lieota aa ara known to
be rill, o, ui" In mala. Ilea of tin. cU.. That t it tlakea of ilamlrulf are
the dria.l dm :harg iron tliou.aoila of lidl-u1"tb in the actio i a tact
ell iinriVraion.! tiy tiioilern nhvaiciana. Hie New lilea Daitrtriift Cure
will rleanac that iiii-i rt, Mimiilite the healthy tlane around them, anil
allow tliniu lo lie lifnl.l up by the reaioring powrr of nature. 1 1 coi.iaina
no alcohol, ainiiiiiiiia. aal wxla, borax or alkali in any form or anything
that will injure either the hair or akin, and ii not contaminated with the
cheap "pertume" which ia ao adimrilily calculated lo "charm lb vulirar
ami (illem! the rvlliieil." It ia a aanitny, afe and tore cure fordandruff
and all scalp diaeawa. It ia put un in full quart botllita, which la enough
to curt asv 01 caar (anil ordinar ly two or three canes), Willi lull direc
tion" on each botiK Mol l l,y Hid trade at ft per Ixittle.
Can be boutht from t ie lull iwtnir dealers in Cla'-kamaa comity :
C (i. iiuntiev, Oregon C.tv i. A. Harding, Oregon City
Cliariuan A Co., Oregon City Hed From Trading Co., Oregon City
(i. W. Oraca, Oregon City Kl ' Hrna.. Oregon City
W. C. (ireen Oregon Ciiy J. J. Oorheii. ( .,,on
Manufactured and sold to the trade by V. EKDNKK, Oregon City, Ort
but if you are going east write us for our rates and
let us tell you about the sen-ice and accommodations offered by the
Illinois Central Railroad. Through Tourist Cars
via the Illinois Central hom Pacific Coast to
ChlcaeO and Cincinnati. Don't fail to write us about
your trip as we are in a position to give you some valuable informa
tion and assistance. 5319 miles of Track over which is operated
some of the finest trains in the world.
For particulars regarding freight or passenger rates call on or
T. V. &. P. A. Com'l Agt.
14J Third Street, Portland, Ore.
Daily River Excursions
IMILT ( HF.M'l.r.
Foot Taylor Ht,
8 :V) A. M.
n so
3 On P. M.
Ii 15
Foot Eighth St.
7 00 A. M.
in no
1 30 P. M.
4 30
Only the following landings will be made:
Magooi.e'a, Mdroni'l, Morey't,
KiaWy'a and Oswego. Bnnitay excepted.
Oregon City Tranaportatlon Co.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
D'ly D'ly
July 0, I'M
Rates Agiln It educed From All Points
Before yon make definite arrangements
for. thai trip east let us quote you rates
via the Illinois Central Railroad. Our
rates are the lowest to be had, and it wil
pay you to w rite us. If you haven't time
lo communicate with us, tell the agent
from whom you pun-liage your ticket
that you want to travel by way of the
Illinois Central, and you will never re
gret the trip.
If any of your relatives or friends in
the east are coming west while the low
raU-s are In effect write us about them,
and we will see that they get the lowest
rates with the best service.
Through tourist cars, personally con
ducted excursion cais, free reclining chair
cars in fact all the latest conveniences
know to modern lailroading.
For particulars regarding rates, time,
rfice, stop-overs, different connections
aLd routes, Etc., etc., call on or address;
B. H.Tbimhi ll,
142 Third Street, Com'l Agt.
Portland, Ore.
6 53 i M On f.v
8 lift 9 HT) ...
8 20 HIS...
8 3H 0 35' .
8 il 40 ...
8 50 9 50 ...
8 5 10 0.'!...
9 118 10 in; ...
9 19 10 21 ...
9 37 10 3'i ..
10 H0 11 (r; ..
10 on 11 iu;...
10 20 1 1 22 . . .
10 3 '111 SO Ar
Portland . Ar:
. . .(ioble
. Pt rainid . . .
. Mayger ... .
. Quinry
laiiikaoie ..
Mamhland ..
. Westiort . . .
. .Clilton ....
. Knappa . . . !
. Sveiien . . .
. Jo'in Day . . .
. . A"'oria . . ,v
A.M. P.M.
11 10 9 40
10 Pol 8 35
9 52; 8 20
9 35i 8 t-0
9 30i 7 54
9 20 7 40
7 38
9 121
9 02
8 521
8 371
8 17
8 07!
7 17
7 02
(i 4 2
6 32
7 55 6 20
7 451 6 in
After a ninn reaches fifty a year
seems to be about three wecka.-Atchl-lon
Rei'ticed Ra'ei lo the East.
Those contemplating an eastern trip
will be interested to know that there will
shortly be on cale greatly reduced rate
tickets in connection with the Rio
Grande System, the famous "Scenic Line
of the World."
Tbia line offers its pssaeniters a most
delightful and comfortable journey to all
eastern points.
It is the only transcontinental line
pasting directly through quaint and pic
turesque Salt Lake City, "The City 0
The Saints," beautiful Glenwood Springs,
Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs
(where a side trip may be made to Ihe
Garden of the Gods and the summit of
Pikea Teak over the cog-wheel raiiroad),
and Denver, the queen city ol the inter
mountain region. Stop-overs are allowed
on all classes of tickets.
Tnree dailv express trains make close
connections with all trains east and west
and afford a choice of five distinct routes
of travel. The equipment of these trains
is the best, including free reclining chair
cars, standard and tourist sleepers, a per
fect diuing car service, and also person
ally conducted excursion cars, each in
charge of a com'ent guide, whose busi
ness is is to look after the comfort of his
guests. No more pleant and inexpen
sive means of crossing the Continent can
be found than is provided by these ex
cursions. For additional details, address,
J. D. Manskiki.1), Gen'I Agt.,
Rio Grande Lines,
No. 124 Third St., Portland, Oregon.
11 30a. ni . . . 1 f ... 7 40 a. m
11 35 p. 111... ! astdRI . . ...OOp.iu
5 50a. 111. .f OKI A ( I0 3,5 a. in
8 15 a. 111 ... J ... 5 50 p. in
6 15a. in... . .12 30 p. m
2. HO p.m.. i . .. 7 20 p. ni
5 00 p.m... f ".ASIDE j j (i
9 45a. m. .. j I ... 9 30 a. in
All trains make close connections at Gohle'
with all ftorthern Pacific trains to or Iroiu
tbe East or Bound Points.
At Portland with all trains leaving Union
At Astoria with I. R ,t N Co. s boats an I
rail line, and Steamer T. J. Potter, to ami
Irom llwaco and North Beach Points.
Ticket office, 255 Morrison at., and Union
depot. J. C. M.YO,Gen. Pass. Agt
Astoria. Ore
BliiL Lie.
By the fast
and com
modious steamer
Leaves Portland daily except
Sunday at 7 a. m.
This is the Great Scenic Route.
All touriBt admit that the scenery
on the Middle Columbia is not ex
celled for beauty and grandeur in
the United States. Full informa
tion by addressing or calling on
J. S. BOOTH, Agent,
Tel. 914. Portland, Or.,
Office and wharf, foot of Oak St.
" P
2,000 miles of long dis
tance telephone wire in
Oregon, Washington, Cali
fornia and Idaho now in
operation by the Pacific
Station Telephone Com
pany, covering 2,250
Quick, accurate, cheap
All the satisfaction of a
personal communication.
Distance no effect to a
clear understanding. Spo
kane and San Francisco
as easily heard sa Port
land. Oregon City office at
Hardmjr's Drug Store.