Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1902)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY. MAY 10. 1902 ment cf county warrant and County question ol men. .a mere a ....g..' Eiiu. .Treasurer A. Lu.-lliUE had t 337.72. on the Kcpxt.n tukol tlmt i not - I - -T' fl R KIT? i i .v i u h & j v ii mm Oregon City Enterprise. City and County Official Taper Inblistied Every Friday. L. L. POUTER, I'RofRiiTiiB. ment cf county warrant and County ( question ol men. is mere .". Treasurer A. Lulling had 25 3:17.72 ' o ' Kepuhlican ticket llmt in not i . i . i i... .i ... ' I (... .1... ......... ....r.,.m... Tl,. : letter lttl'l lir ltl 1ICH lie IMTn lull. I tola! in.lobtedni'a ol the county, accord-, Hie nirtit on the fusion ticket? in ciicnlHtlon on BUHMCKIPTION HATES, n,,.-.r ... $-00 EiT nullilhs 1 00 I Trial subscription two mouths A discount ot 50 cents on llsubscnp lions for on year, 25 cents for six months, it paid in advance. Advertising rates given on application. lire to fie siimmtrv clHtement, is $HV i . . I " ' 1 iik totHl money 0S0.;.Sh.!e the resource ...eJ.tM...., tl.o Trcomiy leaving the net Indebtedness only f 102. j ,)47 ;r,7i r fjs.MI for M3.34. Candidates on tho fusion ticket j J . Sli(,(lf Tis are going ' """? j hltH ,ioing ,)r,v .ell. when it is making .he asM-rtion that the county ....j tUl Jlly lswi, Wore nwirlv $200 000 in debt, while the tlnan- ' . ...,, T ' the Republicans came into power, tlie cial tnt luont shows no Mich thing.; . .,).,;, ii. i ,w, . 1 iiikiiov in emulation w oni) i ikki,- ... . . . . . i. . . .1 i : .! I I Uepuiilicans argue ...a. w,e sur.iu .... . We ref.aill no right to retain such an eiioimousi amount of monev in his possession ami should t ii ii it over to the treasurer. I ' -CI SHU'., or f.'l IS per capita. fiom unking any remaika aUnit Mr. lirvau and free silver in tin connection. Subscribers will find llie date of expira-, tion stamped on their papers following j j.,1;g wo(i,j nlace in the t.easurv of the their name, u mis " - within two weeks after a paviuent, kindly notify ns and we will look alter it. Entered at the postortice in Oregon City, Or., as second class mailer. A 3KSTS FOR THE KNTKRFKISK. Beaver Creek.. Can by Claotamas Milwsnkie Union Mills... Meadow Brook. New Era l'arkplace etattord... ... Uulino... Cams Molalla Uariiiam Butte ville Aurora Eagle Crek.... Damascus Bandy C Krinsville. Mi' . ir.T. B. Thomas K. I. Si as A. Mather ......Oscar Wissmger .'.'....'.t1' J. Trulliuger Chas. Holinan ......W. S. Newtwrry . . H. ll. Holmes J. Q. (iace . . . . . . . . 0. T. Howard . . ...... K. M. Cooper Annie Stnhhs J. C. MarqiiKiu B. Jennings Henrv A. Snyder H. Williern .7.7.7.". .V.J. C. Klliott K. Go'tsi'h Geo. J. Ciirrin rnisvuir . . . .i- mot Adt'lph Ascholt KKI'VBLICAN 8TATK TICKET. Governor W. J. Fi RMMt Supreme Judge R. S. Beas. Secretary of Stale F. I. Dunbar. State Trersurer C. 8. Moohe. Attorney General A. M. Crawford. State Printer J. R. Whitney. Supt. of Puhlio Instruction J. II. ACKKKMAN. For Congre.-s First District, Taos. H. Tonoi'e. For Joint Senator, Multnomah ami Clackamas, HkriiRT Holm an. For Joint Representative, C. W. Nottingham. What is it that liolda the l'itien"s county 'J,iita S'S, which should he, ap- j ticket together? Notliiin! except a de plied on the tlcht of the county to reduce ! sirv to get to the pie counter. One half the interest The warrants diaw n on the ' of their leg'sliitive ticket is Kepuhliean counlv treasurer ii"d outstandiiiK and j and the oilier leinocialic. If lliey have unpaid amount to $UiH,S15.4J and the j any pi inciples to con'end lor one half estimated amount of interest accrued . will try urn) nnlily the wmk of the other REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR REPRESENTATIVE. t'OUNTT TICKET. State Senator, Gkobuk C. Brownell, of Oregon City. Representatives, C. G. Huntley, of Oregon City. Hanb Paulsen, of George. Herman A. Webster, of Clackamas. Judge, Thomas F. Ryan, of Oregon City. Sheriff, J. R. Shaver, of Molalla. Clerk. F. A. Sleight, of Canby. Coruniiasioner, William Brobst, of Wilsonville. Recorder, Henry E. Stevens, of Milwaukie. Assessor, James F. Nelson, of Mulino. Treasurer, Esos Caiiill, of New Era. Surveyor, John W. Meldbum, of Abernetby. Coroner, R. L. Hoi. man, of Oregon City. Enos Caiiill, of New Era, was born in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, Nov. 25, 1S45. His boyhood was spent on a farm and on January 5. 1802 he responded to the call of bis country and enlisted in the 80th Ohio Infantry. After two years service Mr. Cahill re-enlisted as a veteran and served until August 25, 18(55. He was under Rosecrans at Iuka and Corinth nd with Grant at Vicksbnrg. He was transferred to the 15th corps and sent to Chattonoga and fought at the battle of Missionary Ridge. Ho was with Sher man in his march to the sea and was present at the Grand Review at Wash ington. During the war he was In every Southern state except Florida and Texas. Mr. Cahill came to Oregon in 1875 and took up a homestead near New Era, where he has lived ever since. He was born a Republican and has remained a stanch uupportwr of the party. Mr. Ca hill is an active member of Meade Post, Grand Army of the Republic and of Lawton Command, Union Veterans' Union. He is respected where ever known for his integrity, and his ability to fill the office of treasurer of Clackamas County is unquestioned. On tbe day of election Mr. Cahill will roll up a nice, fat majority that will surprise even tbe niobt sanguine of bis friends. Republicans of CUckaman County fail to understand why the semi-annual financial statement of the county which Las just teen issued shows that on April first Sheriff J. J.Cooke-had in bis bands ??7,32'3.20 in cash applicable to the pay- ... : . . . x.. ' ' ....... v , , ' v- . '; i1.".... . . . ... .. ,. . ;; . ... . r -. f :' . ' '": . v: -: . ,V v'. ":" ' - CLYDE G. HUNTLEY. Clyde G. Huntley, Republican nominee for Representative, wus born at Orland, Ind., in 1SU7. He came to Oregon City in I SIM), and shortly after his arrival purchased an interest in the drug store of K. O. Caufield, and about one year later bought the entire business. Four years ago he was elected a member of the City Council, and was re elected in 1900 over strong opposition, f.ast June he was appointed a member of the State Board of Pharmacy by (lovernor (leer. Mr. Huntley is a life-long Republican. His strong popularity was attested at the county convention, when he was nominated on the first ballot, receiving 10H votes out of a total of 1 Irt, with 10 candidates in the field. His election is sure. Mr. Huntley's sound business sense will be shown in his vote on important measures in the next legislature. He is a quiet but effective worker and is a man that does not make promises unless he is certain of their fulfillment. thereon is $15,L'li5.1ii. Clackamas County half and the net result ol their work w ill expended M- . 85 during the last six j be very great in the legislation of the months, of which f2ii.551.03 was applied; slate and in th election of a senator. to the construction, repair and survey of roads and bridges. We print ttie financial statement of the county agiiii this week so that all can Is the Question of votin (or legislative s'U'iy the indebtedness question, es candidates the people must remernher that there is a senator to be elected by the next legislature. It is imjioriBnt that we have no more hold-ups. That the legislature elects a man to that im portant place that can work in harmony with Senator Mitchell in legislation is vital to this coast. The policy to be pursued in tbe Philippines will lie shaped by this election and whether Oregon is to stand by the administration in saying to the nation: "We have a Republican legislature." This is more important than state or county ticket. We wish a sen- cially the Citizens on the campaign. It is a hot fight the Courier-Herald is putting up but it is the best it can do with the material it bus for a ticket. DK t Til OF WIIJJAN Kl'DKV. Aged Pioneer of Oregon City Died Sud denly Lat Monday Morning. William Eudy died at his,residence in this city Monday morning, aged 77 years. He was born February 14, 1825 in Corn wall, England, and enrne to Oregon in 1H50. On the day following last Christ mas he fell and fractured his bin ioint. ator that will look after the growing Ore-1 blltdeB1)ite hig 8,lvance(1 8(e waf) j(n. gon interest in the Oriental trade, lo proving fast and expected to be out this get this we must elect our legislative! week. Last Saturday he ate something ticket in this county. It is a larger question than any man to be elected. It is a question that every farmer is inter- that did not agree with him and on Sat urday evening inflamatlon of the bowels set in which resulted fatally. He is sur vived by a wife, Mrs. Jane Kudey and ested in that wants to see the trade of ,fix children : Mrs. W. Jewell, of Kan this coast expand. In voting for men to fill various places oo the ticket the voter should be gov erned by the fitness of the aspirant for the place and the principles he repre sents. There is no question that a ma jority of the voters of this county are Re publicans. If the question is one of politics, as to the doctrines and princi ples involved, this county would go Re publican by at least COO. These doc trines and principles are very important when we take in account the Philippine question and that of the trutts. If It is I Fro ni'lo.'n fra lra1tj( Vanatm.a ..f Portland ; Mrs. Herman Varwig, of Port land ; Mrs. E. If. Miller, of Minneapolis ; A. P. Eudey, of Oregon City and John Eudey, of Portland. The funeral was held Wednesday after noon froin the family residence at the head of Lower Sixth Street. Services were conducted by Rev. W. S. Grim, under the auspices of the Odd Fellows, of which order the deceased had long been a member. Mnltli'l Dandruff I'emndi) stops itching scalp upon one application, tbreetosiz removes all dandruff and will stop falling hair. Price 50 cents at all Jruc'giHte. Sen or Jut", a Ht'cUr', Nrtucrly ot tin CP), Victim tir Acclilent. Albeit Movd lle. Vart, the V year old on of James Ileckart. a tc.inister. living rtl SIS Olive Slieet, was struck by a l ke Coon street car di.ectly U. k of hi home on Howell Street between Kihl. and Ninth Avenues at 1 J -07 o'clock on alterneon ol lust week and al most instantly killed. The accident oc etiraed at Seattle. The Settle Time, gives the following account l t"l! ",-v ; . There was a c.owdol little boys play ing policeman on the street. All I horn wh.iweie playing the hititive except the little lleckart hoy had t cuihl, Kmncis I'tilon was after him, the two hoys running one alter the other as the car was parsing. Suddenly, it seems . .. .1... ill- .if I'Vtt-wiUll'HM'H U Hum im, I lie lleckart boy stalled to j cms the street directly i front of lhj moving car. lie was too late, however. and was struck, falling in ( of thecal. , II. J. !-'. liiTHion, employed in a grocery store on the corner, saw the hov jnt si- J ter he was sttu. k and rushed to Imassis- j tauee. As soon us the car wm slopped, HSMstid by the other bystanders and the, men in charge of the car, he removid' the boy to the sidewalk and I'lheii-toii then ran to call lr Miles, ariiving with the elnsiciau a few minutes alter tne n.ri.lenl happened. In tb meant line i tin. injured h.'V was removed to the home ,,l his pr..nts and he died there il h'W minutes alter the arrival of liie doelor ami before anything could be done lur him. , "An examination showed that the ten der ha. I evidently struck !inn a hind bli.w on the back of the head, crushing j the skull lit the base of the brain 1 here j were no other injuries found on the hod v. j The one blow was siilli. ient to have ' Caused itlmost instant death. I "l'r. C'oe.oll'uisl physician (or the Gen eral Electric Company, was Uo untitled soon after the accident and be arrived alter the boy bad bet n dead but a lew minutes. "The coroner was notified afler the boy's death and I'epu'y Coroner Wiltse went to the scene of the accident and made an investigation. Later in the afternoon he auhpoeiiaed the motorm iii and Hindu. -tor, who told alwut the same st.ny of the accident an that secured from ; bystanders. "The body was removed to Duller worth A S.-n's morgue, where it will be einhulmed for burial. It will then be shipped to the former home of the par ents in Oregon for interment. ' "The street car w as Lake I'niun No. Ii, outward iMiund, in charge of Motorinau John Scholield and Conductor Fred Spray. According to the statements of both bystanders and the men iu charge j of the car, it was moving at a unsh-ratc : rate of speed, and the accident was una j Voidable. E. J. Kthemlon, who saw the accident and assisted in caring for the boy, stated to a reporter for The Times that the car was going, if anything, at a slower rate of Ss-ed than is usual fur Street cars at that place. He said the motorman seeined to be slowing up to stop at the next crossing. The car Was stopied w ithin half of its length after the accident. "The lleckart b y was known to be near sighted, wea'iug glasses at the time of the accident to overcome this delect, and it is supposed be did not i.-o the car when be attemntcd to cross the street. "The body w as brought to Oregon City Saturday and taken to Highland wbeie the interment took place. Mrs. lleck art, the boy's mother, is a daughter of tbe late Albert Harrington, who died at Highland several months ago." Tlti liKAIX-0! TRY ;KWN-0! Ask your grocer today to show you a package of GRAIN-O, the new food drink that takes tbe place of collce. The children may drink it without in jury as well as tliu adult. All who try it, like it. GRAIN O has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, but it is made from pure grains, and the most delicate stomach receives it without distress. H the price of coffee. 15c. and 25 ctfl. per package. Sold by all grocers. Letter List. The following is the list of letters re maining in the postofllce at Oregon City, Ore., on May 15th, 1!K)2: women's list. Barbur Hope Mrs Hall Goldie Miss Iiauman O Miss Lucka Laura Miss Cadwell 8 Miss Lewis J J Mrs Howell Jennie Mrs Khoelander Sarah E men's list Beauman Arthur Morris Geo A 2 th Dunham C L Romberg W Gibbs Mr Thomas Henry Heater W O Walters K L Huron Mr Welter Michael Iferrik Mr GEO. F. HORTON, P. M. A Few Pointer. The recent statistics of the number of deatliB show that a large majority die with consumption. This disease may commence with an apparently harmless cough which can be cured instantly by Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, which is guaranteed to cure and relieve all cases. Price 25c and 50c. For sale by all druggists. -ri.-vM k'liMSIlUt A "f C f ti it ilv I 'i o ( m . it it i Tor A t slini!aiiii6"ii,l'vJaniU:ili!uw liiiilioMi,"'1lSiuu'1'l'wl rroiiuilv'sllilinl lvrm' n.-ss.Misllii'sl iVitl.tiinnclilkr 01nimi.Moi,lit'1' norMim'Mi or N.uicoTir. war - .turn WW bnm - )M.wi ftmnr AiMifrrl rorCeniliiwi Hun . Sour Sl.ini.uh. DuiiUhm Woi iuvt oiiviil-sinns.lcvvrislt Lie Sii"il Su!"lur cf NEW YD UK. OR i! Forlnfitntw wndChllrl. The Kind You H Always Boug Boars tho ,'j Signature of LVtr Clil'Y O'' WMAPIHH A A ft All J" ForOi w I Thirty Ye? fta .. miWii in II I MIO It TYPEWRITERS N "1 8mi4 Hol, All Vk,i SOLD .'iQil RENT I'l.itrm and Pait for All Machinri i vi nir Trr. miiiimi iucaiiu At Mrniitmt!r I'li.r. Mimoocmphs, Hoctoraf And All Implicating (iowli 1 ;! rllrr tuillt ti. om. ranill Willr 4ir 'pll'.hf or rait tll wltrll you itrr.t AatltlMK Coast Agency Co., Portland, C 't it Mlurk fltrvrl, i. !.mII Tlllutt lUnk. I.nit I'UtuutT Thipiir in OftuY. Mlllfla hry Hoar. I ARE YOU fsjt asp any Mr NOES ALL, CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARI ARE NOW CURABLE by our n.-w invention. Only those born deaf utc incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY r. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, 8AY8I liAirtvofr. V.I , Mfrh (.rnlUmro ll.ini, rmirrlv uirri .,( .r(nr.. thankl In yuul tiralllirllt. 1 i u" fllll IllllrilV j( ,iv . j.r, I . I,r . ,0 .III .111. I. I I. II Atmt lot Vi-ji. .! inv mhi cm U tu i.i iiij, rnl tint k'lil on II'IIO'K w0"'' my IfatlllK in tin. mi ruin. Iv. , I uil'lrw-nl a tM-.Oiiimt ..r inlnrrh lor llorr lu.,iilh wlllinnl mmiin'r"""1"1'! I'Iivm. uii.. iiii..,, nlh. i. tlir iii...i . nun. i,i r ,, ,l,.l ,,l I In. . il . '" .ilily nil i.-.i,.i o.uM li. , ir. iui,l rvrn i, .1 , ,,, y m,,i ii r I : y, I hal III' '"'' K" thru rrj.r, ,1 Ul- hrnnilll III llir lr,,-.l ,n, ,,1, I., ,, i,ry Ilhm u.v,-iiiifi,ir,i ,,lmi.,liv in .sw V.iik l"-r. ii'l nnlrrrd n-nt. AIlT I .f, a lvi,fw .l.iv. ,,,,!, Iniit . v.,ur ilirc. Ii"ii llir"'""" n .l.i v ii 1u i f,v- r, v., ,v I,,.,,,,,,, in il,,- r jr , ,fr ciiirly lrl"'r"- " lirmtily iiii.I ,rj! i riuni il Vr,y inily vnii V. A. WKKMAN. 7.vH. Hro.lw.y, lulnmo" Our trratmrnt o'n not iiilrrjri r u ith yinir uiiinl ui l" 'Yir:x: YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SALLE AVE., CHICAGO, U Mi'ntion the Enterprise when nnwpririK advcriiHcmi'id- M liiMiplMKCoiiKli. j Only One Way To I)o I A woman who has had experience j tint from Portland to Cblcji with this (liwaHfl, telle how to prevent j three days. The" any iluiii'roun coii-i-riiieiices from It. j Portland Hpi-cial." leaving film saya; Our thre children took daily at 0 a. in. via. 0. K. wlioopmu iujiij-Ii ImmI Hiiininer, our baby ' at Chicago at 9 :.'10 the lxy belnKonly three months old, and owmu to our KvinK them Chamberlain's Coiii;li Uemeily, they lost none of their plumpness and came out In much better health than other children whose patents did not use this rmnedy. Our oldest little k-irl would call iimtily f,)r cmiK, syrup between whoopa. Jessie I'inltey Hall, HpriiiKville, Ala. This remedy is for sale by G. A. Harding, Driiugist. NniiI C'litnrrli quickly yields to treat ment by Kly'i Crm J'.ulni, which i aree. ably aronmtio. Jt is received through Um T)')-;trilM, r:leniio and In ills tho whole mir lace oer which it UiIIiib.h lUuir. Immnm ell the 50o. si.o; 'J rial ni.e- by mini, 1U cent. Tout it and yon urn sure- to coutinn tho trcatun nt. AllllOIIIK-fllK-tit. To anciiii.niiiilnto who are piirliul to the uae of atomizer in applying liiiii(U into tbe iiiunl j.aimrins for fAittirrlml trou liU$,iin proprietora prepare Cream Itrtlin iu li.piid form, which will bo known an'g Liinid Cronm Kalm. I'rico including tha prayinff tube is 75 cents. DniKgisU or by luaii. 'ili liquid form einhoiliBii Uio loci. iciuU proportin of tho solid jirepnratiou. Yr.rk anil Rlmlnll are resflieo U day. This train, acknowMg' the fastest between the the East, is solidly vestibutol erpiipment is uniir)ai",(l drawing room sleeping carl, tourist sleeping cars, litrr cars, free reclining chair cr". excelled dining cars, them"1' are cpial to tboBe served l best hotels. Remember th" 1 solid I'crtlaiid to Chicago! change of care, and the ttood ol costs no more to ride on it lb11 routes. We have other trains press" leaves Portland dai'f via Huntington, and the Flyer" leaves at 6 p. m. j"f kane for St. I'aul ami the For rates, sleeping cM re call or write to A.L. Cbaui, General l'' O. It. AN. Co., Portland, Ore.' Tho Enterprise f L50 per t . i