Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1902)
OKEGOJJ CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1902. rersonal Mention L ,MT, o( Damaacua, waalnlhii f u i)l'n. ' I'amaani, . f;,oAii.t.y t-i L ..., i,,r I Old In Kiig-iiB 1 N I n vIm, "I Nil wrioti, waa In Dm Ut ''' v'"""f rolttllv-. I J Rom. accompanied ''X J'tun, " v1"111" 1,1 Aililmul lat "tir'c l'''1 T",,v '"r J,,i, V.mlUll, 'l,""f 4 . f . .1 I liVeia i"'"" iii lh rliy Una wwk. Visiting ftlcnd v . . i ,... frirarl Krieger, of Portland, iniSiin-Uy "1 '' Li Alvrlia II""'- lir M'"- '''""if" liUnt lrl, ol J, ",;r,i .ri In Ihl illy Haturday i, MI'llll iHKlllKM. l M llflrll tile'"!!, principal "I I'm acliw'1. vmlir.1 her parents in hcny " NuJy f,lhiir ItUi"'!'""'1 ,''r"n,l "H1. I,, J.;,, r In H'' Hy Sunday udiuglh" I"11 fen ll. A. Haidmger, ' Kpnkatie. wa Jim i lly I'll" 'k on liiikinoM add re- horn Wednesday. I x Maud Saagn, Salem, arrived r ImI Huixlxy on lr viil lo hr r, Jin n'tj "J " " K, Kimim ami lamlly have returned rr, lUki-r Counly, where he I ',iVrly IlllccOled III milling. f,in iMklich, a native ol Austria, lm f . . i.i. i.. i... .ii.... .. i. : a tlrrurimu.i "i u-n.. .- ,tcllli'l "I H' I' lilted Slate. i l.lllnii llnrii It'll lal Friday for , .go lu lk poillon govern. till probably inliirn In the lull. St, (i. I.. Mora returned lo Oregon h WnliirwUy uiornlng, after l"Tt : mil relative at Cbhh, Wash. W. Knlf')"l. NaIxih. I" villiiiK' wn. j.l. hirr'l. '"l xl lu . .ut ..I II.M M.ltfllllMP 4.110 inn Lm riiimli Ifli WeilnrmUy filulit ( W !: I vmit lim lirollinr, (,'rl. 4 iiny lake llH)ll In Walla Walli. i ,lr M Olnnn, llliv ol havilrli, t Judo Tint. iihiivb o ilounim, Kf.nlca Dual tiliflialiip ara lay. i ) A. Tulla. of -it. ha tiurrliawd Lnly tluiv nil HoVriith ulrffl In llila will lak" i'li'K all'-r Hi :iuO. hn. K. 0 I yimr, lio tiaa lrn vlmi tl linnly ol I'harlt K. Horn lor llitrp ttri'ti, rf'uriipn iu hit HO I'urtlati'l lai-l haturilay. r r.ri.Sramaliii liaa U-i-n auinniolinl rid nun iii lniiiiiia ami It'll lnl iUy, ailli Mra. heaiiiaiin. Tlify I litnt nUini iu wt't'ka. Vi. (iii"tiL' ami ilaiiulitcri, M'n. Vik lloaar.l mi. I Mr. Tilll Mllli-r, IMrlntiii'l Iroin a nirri.f ln IikIiIIik Iti llit lirailw ultra ol Mill C'rt-vk. T liirli.w, nl Offuon Cliy, ami T. ,.'.iliul, ol Hmvur i ih'I, imv Hffii i moniil lo npi'i'nr a irial jurom lin- Hi I'nitiM Main 1 rla-l 'Hlrl i!n. II. lUniilniix'n lull Mnnilav rvi-n I'irStn rfiniriBfo, for a llirt- r-k liili Irii'lulit. (Ml I'lT return lii tirnnniaiii'il ly Mrt. M. J. II10.I 1. A I.. Ili atin liaa hrrn ! .1 f xiir ol tin Hiie lii'ii'al Hntnl. Hh t''niil ih aiilij.Tl "rriwllillf pfiil- . it a mri'iiiitf ol Hi Itoaril in !Dil I Inn ik F ilfy a Hi Kiimt olajolm (il' Tlitiri.iy nl (tin pnMt fck. Mr. 'mi way iim (nun HmIimii, "Ii hm lifi'H t'lik'iiBf'l In lli wool HhIu'M A Miller, lui liaa liwn '"li'ii Sniiniiitl rVilfralinn ol 'tn' ciiii,, in Lou Aiwi'lt. In Frannarn l. ak. Hie lit ft A lioinc ncxi Wti.liiimilay. flvillcCi iirii r lf(t (or Ort'ifon Ti'y, I ''lav . In jujn jmrlv nnili-r a ur- !"niiiinl Iiimiit aliirh mill mirvv a t mm ol II, .1 ,,,.,. ll iimii a if la 'in lnili'n'iiii'tn'i iMilcrpriit. A l. Iliiiiv-m, i, Mxlalla, Pepiny 'l Siim MuktmI Sutvev ir, who Iihh iVnmvc iinvi'f nnifiil anrvitvintf com ' in Vallinir ( 'mint v, t xptrta t" leave it Ma, l.rlll. In lnLrifi. wrnrk 1 1 1 H a "will I liralinm lniKl. Jof w.irlr Hi.key, lVtcr Frey anil "ii'kmaii. G'Kfeii ri'lnrneil lynt Tlinrilv ; " "lip In Kult-m ami Oruon City, wiie ti i a. I.. tl. u i..n r., 'f'"t I'alll. ' lint t,w,W luwoiinn In 'l" 'pnlilii'al MaIiih In llia rniintrv. '""MthfinnnlMT o( Kepultlifatia in ma roiint v vl.n aiill vnl fur fnlwrUin will !, iiil amill. ,riun Criterinn. fncv Friiilriclig, a proinlncnt furiiiiT " f-ra, h in town taut Snlunlav mI'niei ,y ,i .n,,, , 0I)H f ""I iii'i',.H(ii furri rn in tlirt county ITiad Hvrii'iiltnrn BV. Mr. '''IKWlg rTIAiI a mini, hii.ii fin luilaliM. r Jfr. II liiknn rnnHiileradltt Inler- ' '""'"'I'iniil maliera ami iHaaclinol In luiilil... m. L'.:...i.;..i.. I. . ,1 n . I '"" in I. ri n ' 1 1 nun i" r orialiM. Iln lielicvea Ilia parly r.'J '" lirerineft of Ma. kalmri. t n fl i l.i i ,!., r.ra ami nan no .',;"!' Ilia pri'lencea of reform made -'v-iiizi'im, W'inlHto Help Othfra. ''lomailitroul.lB all my life." oWrd Mti,,,r, proprietor of the '"'WlriK Worka, EriH, Pa., "an.l "MX il "Ul r'!'iiBIiH, went to aev- ZJ fl0:U)r nd 'i,t conHidorable 1 1 ey rvin. '"'iiuKi'i i inompiit a peace. ' 1 re'l of Kodol I)yappMU Cure ' v bfin tnkliiK It to my great aat J"' Invr found lti equal (or " 'rouble and K!ttdly recommend ..''Wlniay l.elp otlier aiiffor Koiloi Dysiiepgi, Cure cure all '- trmiblM v.. I- v , on uon b iiavo vo i Kr(l()l IW... :. . IUII.WAV I-KIKCHISG l-IIASm,. 0. V, and H. Itwllnny Co. lo Ilulld a Line I'lum Oawt'Ko lo llrdluml. Tlia ()rnoii Clly Hiirtmilian Kail' way Company waa Im orporHled Wed lie.lay wnli an autliorlml rapiial of fl.1XHI.tMNI y ('. , .al,uiu., J). (J. 1. atouretle and I. C. Illicit. 1 lm (i. party rniona t-i build mi eln inc linn to lravr the roiiniy am .i, ,.t l-erhapa K.1111I1, aliliouKli u plana aio liol yt fmly deVt.oH.,. It . pr.,pod lo liuild an nliH'irii: Iiim from Oaweico lo ieKiiii:iiy,.r.iaiiill.e W'illaiuetle at Oreumi Ciiy i I ruiiniin up tli Ali-r-liell.y road to t.,IUi,d, H,B iIiMhim-h Iioiii 0iko lo ia ,,t 1 mile. Mr. I.Mlinireiid n-fiia lo make pulillt: all ul Hi, plana ol llin I'omimiiy, ImI II la auppiMed Iroin tl, nature ol Urn Irani liimt Dial tlmie aie Urge inteieMi lielilnd Ilia at lieiii. The Hoard nl County CniiiiiilHiomna luve iirNiilt d a fram line lo Ilia Oreaun Cliy and tiirluii ban Hallway Company lo Uy doan and oMiale lailroada, lei, pliune, telKraplt and ixmer liuea iini iIih AlH'iimtliy road and the Orenon Cily and 0ei(ii road. AiioiiIihk lo II, term of Id fram-liiae die roaj 11 to lm gin at Hie in tni.Ti in ol an extenaioii of ilia rmr linn ol hevuplli trmi 111 t)i K"H Cily, 011 tlie weal il i, Um W. laiuetle Huer, wlih (lm OreKmi City and ()mko road, a tlie aaid Mad r t'oidi'd. Tlie fmnclilMt la to eilend llieiirtt northerly lonx ,H raHteilv al,l i, a4i road to the imrlheily leruunua at ()wra"i and alo over llie wenierly aide of IIimI oiiiiii of tl, Aliemethy road tie Kinuinn at llie l-ilnl of liileri.i-i limi of rilieeuili and W.kIiIiikIihi Mrreia in "rK"Mi City. From ihU pniui aouthe'ly over Hi Alieriif lhy mad a ilinUi,, of aiiout lo mile to II, hrnl over liol I'oiub Clerk oil the AUtiielliy road, llie company la aiveu llie K,er and aullioilly to coiixlMirl and maintain ahrvea, dot aa and approai'liea on earh id ol the lllamelle liner. Tliecrma ln may lw either by ferty or brills. In fw the Utter way ia 1 lumen the mill pny inn. I aecure an ai l of llie Om k hi Irtfintaiur (iranlin it thn ier to mil irurt a bridn aeroaa the river. Tli fiaurhltn providea Ihal cnunly roail lliU't not be eui roai lied llpnli Where they are lea II, an .10 hi t . i lti. t he rouipaiiy la alao iranU'd authority lo lranpoil pei,gi'i, firighl, eipreaa, and mail utid l'i Irauriiill x,cr ami electric riirren. over aire. The dan i' lil) la roiidilliiiml and provide t hat the mad miit Iw built aa near one aide of lh road a may lie piacli, ahl, ao a to liileiler aa little aa uaihle Willi public travel. The company mutt main lain and I'onalruct all culvert and hndfe the lull wiillli ol the county road at every point along aaid road where he railroad man run on the highway, l im company i itiveu power hen build I tt at it" lint' lu level Up 01 tut down (he lounly roda wherever iiie'ary to brlii); the aiue to a proper irdallon for oiHralnii of the radioed, 'ihe franc blue provnlea that coiiiructiin inul com invnoe within two yeaii and that car iniil be niiininK in live vear. FaliiiiK III Una the fiainlii 1 1 ail I be fotfeiled over that part ol the hiitliway over which llie road in not coiilnicled, Freh tallie, bonbon, caramel, choc olate cream, etc., at Ninylh't. ('barman A Co.. the Cut price Prim- giati, cairy over IfO.OtH) articles In their up to date Irii( Store. I nlun Jlutlcpt. American F'ederalion of I.atior, No. U;iiH, held a iiikc 1I11K TuemUy evening:, ill the A O U W. Hall, and meiiilier wera Initiated into the union. Kit weeka axu the l'aiiiieri' Union, with a menilr!iip of 10, waa the only labor ornaliialioii in Oreitoli Oily. To day Iheie ate four unionl, with a tot) memlierahip of K.r0. All active intereet 1 beinK laken and before lung there will be HXKl member in the union. The following committees were a IKiinted at Tueaday'a meeling: (iriev ance, K. I Old, (i. It. II. Miller, J. J. Itrown. A.J. May vllle, S. J. liurlord ; llnance, J. I.. Kerry, John Kelly, K. Iloaell; prea. J.H. Howard, It. H. Morley, II II. Jordan; egiUtive, C. W.Kelly, J K Morri, John llnmpli reyi, John Kent. V.. Henh n. Federal Labor 1' 11 Ion No. U7H8 Iihr e rured periiiKiirnt tiiurlera in the Jiier ItuildiiiK, upnlaira J. II. Howard will be iiiriUllid Iheie ieinmnt'ntly to look alter the ioU-rclH of the union. rtrvw jr a- ay a W W Correct Millineiy and the Lnwent I'fit es. Mia UoldMiiith. A llrrllle llnlhrenk "Of largo aore-a on my little daughter' head develoietl into u cane of acald bead" write C. I. Ithi'li u' Motgiinlown, Tenn., but Hncklen'i Arnica Salve com pletely cured her. It'a a Kl""',,lU'eu' cure for Kc.eina, Tetter, Salt Klieuin, I'lmplcH, Sore, Ulcer and Tile. Only 2.") cenla at lie- A. Harding'a. O J. JBt T O XX I A. . lne Rind ton Han nm Bou;m Baaratk Bljnatora r Cutarrli iiflhe Nose, Chronic, or ulcerative, causea ulceri to form which produce cbI) and fetid breath ; Hrt one then the other nostril ia mopped up. II the eecretioi.B of the facial and naal tavitieu have become putrid and of cancerous form, and the diHcharge ohWive, a safe and effective wneh la a solution of Iloracic Acid in hot wattir.Btronner or weaker according to the inllmuuiaiion of the parts affected, which may be ued with nasal douche or mulled up from the hand gently, never violently. In H -'" ke ibt 8- B Catarrh Cure as directed, which will re move the accumulation of elTt-te matter from the system, tarrying it o(T through the various organs of the body, and a siieedy cure may be relied upon. For aalo by all drii'int. T.ooV on Catarrh free. Address Smith liros., Fresno, Cal. i .1 A f New To-Day. High grade cigars at Kmyth'a. Nee Channaii' Shot to Pieces Prices. Ira. K. II and A. L. Ileatie, Deutiats, Weinhard Itldg. For Prices, quality and style in Millin ery vail on Mil tiolilamilh. mm wamkifuk uuiLmNu a barn 4llx'HI. F'or iie-illclloi, and fur ther particular call on I'. W, Thomas, Heaver Creek. FOR HALK IIOU8K WF.KilllNli alxnii VM pounds, and an A 1 grade Jeraey coar, A. Aune, Clackamas Heights, Try the toaated marahmalloat and buttercups kept at Smyth's. Heady to Wear Hat In the latest style. Mis (ioliUmith, Hat! Hat! Ilaial at the lied Front. All styles and price. Come and see. We oiler the bet Values in Millinery for the leant money. Mi (Joldamith. The very latent and moat attractive bats at the lowest price. JU'd Front Kiore. The Knights and Ladle of Security had 2l application for memltership at il lat meeting. ChaimanACo, make the the price, See their new advi ttlaemetil today. Ii will save you money. You will find incomparable Values and Style in Millinery. Mi. C. (ildmith. Horn On Sunday evening, May 11, to Mr. and Mia. 1). W. Kinuaird, of Cane inali, a aon. The HI I, lion Drill, by twelve young ladies In (ireciau costume, will be one of the inot striking features of the "Greek Tea." Hon. (ieu. Chamberlain, democratic candidale for governor, will ek In the Armory tonight. This alternoon he will he in Mulalla. On Thursday night of lat week the United Arlian Inilialed 20 new mem ber. F'orty applications for member hip were received. The semi-annual election will be held June 6. Mi Hazel HiMiiengarner, the well known young elocuiioti!t of Portland, will recite at the "Ureek Tea" given by the Saturday club, on the 27tb of May, the Woodmen Hall Final citizenhip paper were granted in the county clerk's oflice Monday to Chrintian Ho, a native of Germany, David Scherrubel, Switzerland, and Paul Nanmann, Germany. F'trat paers were lued to J. S. Weber, a native of HiiHaia. Alexander Smith, pawtor First M. F. Chnich, Pontiac, III. : "The Meneley Quartette are llrt clan entertainer Their concert in our church was as well received as any entertainment given in our city .hi eaHon." Spring is here. Are you here with an idea of getting a epring suit? Know land, the tailor, near the S. P. Depot, baa a line of new samples of spring suit in j tint in. They are pretty and nobby. Knowland' clothes are the kind that fit. KHTKAY-TAKKN CP AT MAPLF Lane one black boar with white Npota; weight about 'Jt'O umla. Owner call for same. Da'niii. Williams. FOR h.lf;-a LAKGK. I.KNTLK grade HoUtein cow, Will give WWO II per year C. W. Swai.iiw, Maple 1-ane, TWO FICUIT FAKMS ON WILLAM ette river between i'ortland anil Oregon City; a1 bo stock and grain farms in Clackama County, five lo twenty mile from Port land for sale at reanonable price and Uin easy terms. Kmjulre of Commercial Hank, Oregon City. Mr. Ncnll Announce Ilia Candldnry. MiLWAuaia, Oregon, May 1.1, 1002 (To Tub Kiiitok) I have accepted the nomi nation on (be Citizens' tii ket for Joint Senator between Multnomah and Clacka ma I'OIIUlift. The Oregonian has announced that I am a "Simon" Republican, I deDy this. I have always been a republican. I arn now s republican running on Ilia Citi zen' ticket. There are no string on me. I have made no pledges to stipjiort any man for United Slate Senator. I have not been asked to make any. If elected I w.ll ue my beat efforts to see good laws enacted and a first class man elected United State Senator. As I cannot make a thorough person al canvaa ol the I wo counties 1 refer the Voters to my record as County Commis sioner of Clackamas County for a period of six years. Richard Scott. DO YOU WANT A HOMKC-TWO; mile from Oregon City, near Jones saw- j mill, on good public road, near acbool-i iioune. uue acre, iiotn-e. nam anil well. Only two hundred and fifty dollar. Ad drensG. W. Walpkun, owner, Oregon City, Oregon. YODKR'8 MILL HK BUILT AND NOW ready for order. A shaie of your pat ronan solicited. J. 8. Yoiuh, Prop., Needy, Or. MONKY TO LOAN AT 8, 7. AND 0 xtr cent. Farm security. U'Rks & SCHfllKL HKIKiKS A (j RI KK1TII, (ollliea in the Wrinliard iluililmg,) have the choice! ciiy, tiljuriiii and country property for inallttl price. ony lo loan at Inwmt rate. 1IEI1IIE 6l UHirriTU. (jladrtone lots at prices and on 'terms to suit our customers. Apply to Robert A. Miller. Having bought a large line of millinery we can fill your orders at the lowest figmei. lied Front Store. Chsrman & Co. the Reliable Druggists have cut the prices of Drugs and Patent Medicine, Picycles and Stationery. See their new ad today. Niautl I.Ike aMtooe Hall. Between your children and the tor ture of itching and burning eczema, scaldhead or other skin disease. How? why, by using Hucklen's Arnica Salve, earth's greatest healer, quickest enre for Ulcers, Fever Sores, Salt Rheum, Cuts, Burns or Bruises. Infallible for Piles. 25c at George A. Harding's. For the Last Days of School Recitation Bookn, 15c Dialogue Book Reward Cards, 1c to 5c Dainty Gift Books, 25c to tl.i'O Flags, 5c doz. up Tissue Paper, Ic uheet Crepe Tissue, 12Jc roll After School MICA X aaJUakes short roads. JL ' Xand light loads. ?ood for everything ' that runs on wheels. I 1 Sold Everywhere. ' Sad br STANDARD OIL CO. - Hammocks, 75c to $".00 Bicycles, $25.00 to I.W.OO. Croquet fiets, 75c up Cameras, $1.00 up Base Ball Goods Books, paper bound, 12Jc o Oregon City Ednln Jetzke. Died, May 7, FJdwin, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Jetzke, aged ten years. The funeral services were condncted by ; Rev. Myers, of Oregon City, from the Lutheran unurcn, caioruay, may jo. Individuals Money to Loan. At 6 and 7 per cent- Call on or write Jno. W. Lodeb, Oregon City Oregon. Stevens' building. laaaiKrroiia If .8;lectrl. Burn, cut and other wounds often fail to heal properly if neglected and be come troublesome sores.( De Wilt's Witch Hazel Salve prevents such consequences. Even where delay ha aggravated the in jury DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve affects a cure. "I had a running sore on my leg thirty years," says II. C. Hartly, Yankeetown, Ind. After nsing many remedies I tried DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. A few boxes healed the sore." Cures all skin diseases. Piles yield to it at once. Beware of counterfeits. Geo. Harding. How to Entertain Your Friends so they will enjoy every moment of the time: Take them to . . . The Wilhelm Tell House Give them Cream Pure Rye Whisky and Gambrinus Beer. Sixth and Main Streets. A. M. QEIESSEN, Prop. Enterprise and V. Oregonian $2 For fine Photos call on Snodgrass. suc cessor to Cheney . A specially made of high class woik. Portraits Enlarged, in Cravon, Water Color and India Ink. A bromide enlargement free wilb all cabi net aettnin for a short time. Give us a call. Christian Science n'rvicts are held at the residence on the north-eaht comer of Fillh and Washington atreets every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 12 o'clock. WedneniUf even ing meeting at 8 o'clock. To these ser vices all are welct me. Johnson and Lamb have removed (heir repair shop to the location formerly occupied by them and until recently the store of the Wisconsin Jewelers and Op tician, on Main street between Sixth and Seventh. Thev are prepared to do bicycle and general repairing and have the agency for the Wolir-Anierican wheel. The registration books were closed yesterday and the total registration on the books is WTM. Besides, the clerk has about 500 allidaviis which have not yet been recorded In the book. Less than 00 affidavits have been made in the dif ferent precinct out ol town. The total registration will probably be less than 41WO. Two years ago it waa 4:i00. Many of the precincts are short. In Oregon, Cily No. 1 there are 24 leas than in l'JOO, j in No. 2 there are 15 less and in No. 3 there are 21 less, making the registration (10 short in this city alone. West Ore gon City has gained tl, Maple Lane, 1(3, and Abernethy, 10. The woolen mill strike ia still unset tled. The company has conceded a scale of wages which will increase the yearly pay roll $13000. But it refuses to recog nize the union and the employes will not return to work unless the union re ceives complete recognition. The union will bold a meeting this afternoon to dis cuss the situation. Next Monday night a mass meeting will be held in Canemah Park if the weather is pleasant. It the night is stormy the mass meeting will take place indoors. It will be attended by all of the labor men in the city and the public will be invited. It is expected that resolutions will be passed express ing strong condemnation of the course taken by the company. FRANK BUSCHl THE IIOUSEFUKNISIIER Have You Bought Your New Carpet? You're fortunate if you haven't, because you can buy now to better advantage than ever before if you come here and come soon. this month in all the many vari eties of floor coverings in our stock. We make and lay them, too, if de sired. , We have some remnants of last season's patterns at reduced prices. You must ask for them. Ingrain Carpet, fast colors, 35c yd All Wool CC 65c " Tapestries 75e " fOPtmS'HT Finest Wilton Velvet . . $1.15 ' liign graae iuoqueiie . . . i .o Japanese Matting. ..15c o Uue " For Women's Eyes Our superb display of pretty lace curtains that women appreciate and enjoy so greatly is a fascinating sight for women's eyes. The new goods fresh for spring are in this display. We expect the counters to be crowded with pleased shoppers, aud invite you to be among them. Curtain net from 10c to COc per yd. -fc it- Morris I Chair $7.50 HlPl ? Go Carts 11)02 Spring Style $4.50 and up I o nlFTl 11 hi .Tii ! im.,,1. .www,, mt,,vmimmtmtmKJ!Z!ZZZamZZ3 at Extension Table 1-