i FRIDAY MAY 10, 1002 OREGON CITY -ENTERPRISE, y u w VST , l.i. horse fell noon liim and bruised him to the extent of making him unite oii-k CORRESPONDENCE a The slah nm. at rVamlmll'a mill Ml i irom me toot plant mi me tli)tit xtrikiiitl I log and stones ttn feet below. He re ceived some painful bruises about the nos ami an ni!y out on the head hieli I tins given him some trouble. .Misa Maggie Lowe, who haa been at Palmer the past four months, has re turned home. Shortly before returning she as exposed to smallpox and was I vaccinated with which she is now hav ing some sore e xpeiuwu'e. Mr. A. Hay hurst and Aire, vmiiis, 01 : tsewt Jones who recently purchased a Oregon City, spent Wednesday afternoon farm here has since purchased and with Mrs. U. Kirhvaon. brought in a bnnrh of tine sheep. He Mr. M illis, of Oregon City, is visiting kno ',ttt . , Mr. A. Hayhnrst. ' "r- Raker and f.iiuily. of Powells al- Martin Christenson, of Union Mills, is I ' lnlu if ' ' w"" thinking about 8oing into the hinndry I - W h ,. near the mil. business. A few from this vicinity went to Heaver L Mf- M- ,K s- 1;'I' w Creek last Wednesday night to the polit- r,U"' nJ r""t,,"", "'' . Ir-.U-kintf BramhVI goes there at intervals for leal shaking, medical treatment. Mrs, p.. w , I -.ine ann airs, a. i.. Our correspondents will please send In articles before Wednedays of each week, otherwise it reaches us too late for publication. KUIorado. Jones called on Mrs. l'earson last Thurs v day. William Weismandle went to Oregon City last Friday. Will Wallace has none to Portland to woik. Mr. and Mrs. A. I.. Jones spent Sun day at the home of 11 lVrry, of Muliuo. Matin Chrisrenson, of Union Mills, called on Miss Veva Jones lust Monday evening. Otto Striker. John Lamb, Miss C. Helvey and M ss V. Jones went on a tailing trip the early part of the week Mrs. C. Slangier is able to be around again. C. Spence baa been on the sick list for some time. Pessie Taylor is the dining1 room girl at the Aims boarding house. The wea'her is line. Spring crona and vegetsb'es are growing nicely. All man ner of fruit trees are loaded with fruit. The general health of our people is good, and all are happy. Sir hnndip 1 rail road tie unit thirteen j cords of wood, went down the Walker ( reek flume in one day thig week. Fault Civ.k. The s'sine picnic at Ksgle Creek was well a'tended. although the weather w not the het. The addresses by W. S. U'Ken and others were very gissl. Dr. .1. N. Woodle. V. S.. of i'ortland. wa visiting liia brother, J. P. Woodle. last week, and doing some veterinary ar- Lost Hair t- r. -sr-wr- lul..a At JIT in , - ill Niiri I mil r ii. ni the convention the work of lh past year .utlUatcd, new house and barn, were reviewed by rcp.n is itoni ine " r - Clackamas K, K. ntntmit, lt mi inns district ollicois, ami . ... ................ I. e cheat.. All lirar the . l"tpi..vrd cn.v , nlca lioni l'i.it, J". " My hair came out by the hand ful, and the gray hairs brcan to creep in. I tried Ayer'a Hair Vigor, and it stopped the hair from com ing out and restored the color." Mrs. At. D.Gfuy, No. S.ilem,AUss. There's a pleasure in offering such a prepara tion as Aycr's I lair Vigor. It pives to ail who use it such satisfaction. The hair becomes thicker, longer, softer, and more glossy. And you feci so secure in using such an old and reliable prepara tion. N a kttl. All frairUti. Born Satnr.liv morning, Mav 10. to the wife of J. P. Woodle, an H pound boy. Mother and child are d.dng fine. Nearly everybody is through planting, all but corn and late potatoes. There w quite a rally of the Kennbli- cans of EaWe Creek last Thursday night i u.rt.tr a. l.'.i..la 1 I ' ......... I M' Miss I.. Gans vMted relatives in Ore-! m,), gon l"ity last Saturday ana Minuay. A L. and W. H Jones and 0 Dicke son tx)k their cattle to the mountains the fure part of the week. L.iet Sunday a large crowd from heie and troiu Suhubcl weut to liuckner Kails for a picnic. Mrs. J. Evans was on the sick list last . Dr. Goncher was called t Needy last Sunday. James Kmmert, of Portland, was the guest of Mies Kd.th Jackson laet Sunday. B. J. Helvey lost one of his horses lust week. A. L. Tones purchased two calves from j G. lrulhnger last week. l'. Smith is hauling lumber for his Drw house. If rur itrin;irlt cannot uwly Yen. ml us on UiM.ur ami w ill ira you a b..tt)e. attr ami rive th ttanta X your iwtrMt rt.rfK orln. A.t.tr.'Mt, il.l.AIMU ... iaiwcii. aju. J- ""- i . :.. I 1 1 it i Imi . .IIP ll.r pt.tr ini".'. t.it in uir tar .,H - . inewyearouinned. "S "V , ..r ihirc luta. hulld a hou.r .-.I nil mi. i t " - - - mum ' 'r luir, A f,co entertain,, t given at the I aU .-, " , , ' " P W.KKl.ne.i Hall by the St.eet liailway j (W lot and two no a . - -...,. Kuipl.'jea' Asa.H'iatloii, of MiUaukte, j JlS rtl Mi.l.lla pinltle, I7 HI ruMlvnllmi. 1 he yrry I,,,, last Saturday ui.ht. Then, a a Urge tncr lot o ijth Van Ihlteil atrcrla, Dirgon Cllj, dthe allilr ta recogmr.-.. . , , . . . (lf i,,,!,,,,. S,.V1... i,r.(i,t.. i ...... ...'-" trrri and pump, gK.d location, lriniaray. ...I ...n- r. i i .... . iitm.i, .V i, , id y,'H" ",'".r, ' ! vi'uim 1.1 on M I OHIO l ion'.. - .. i attendance an as a success tl. run,.. M,s Cora Jaggar has a new a heel t.... I... ...... 1 1 .i. . i. ..,... unit ('.Miner Mount rieaaanl, c,o eeel, un uu, ... v.. , ... ... . lama, county, ron.l , '""KOir'f, ' i ,so... I louse and lot ill Caiirioali. New Hoiiae 4 w 4 lci, Viult. ' Sp, ,K Water. I...t V "' ' t. "'"Ii w ith a lauutiful sel of white china di lies and other useful ariii les. A veiy pI.MS snt time is repotttd by iI.om. were there. Als u' (oitv Vre pi.sent to en joy the fe.-tive iM'caioi, Willmiiett Mis Olive Wilson has returned home, after a pleasant visit with Irienda here. Mrs. C. A. Miller is enjoying a visit f om her sister and little son. Mr. M ipletlioipe is on the ,-ii k list again. Mr. and Mis. Sam Poliuv, of Portland, visited Sunday at Mihlstine's. Mr. and Mrs. A!e T'lstomage rnier tamed a number ol friends fiom Port land, Suud.ty. Our amateur nine, the ''Mor.opo'ea.' Miud.iy nllernoon, Miss I., icy Oliver returned home from Eastern Oreiptn Saturday. Messis. I.indalev, tiilldlier, Slid Linda- lev lett Monday inoi ning lor TillainiM.k. Miss Mary Jones, of Portland, U visit ing her parents. Severs! Cams people aUeluled sinning scIuhiI at beaver I'u-ck Hail, WcdoepiUy evening. Mr M.Hire waa brought home from the a-vlinn, Thursday. W. Moore and wife, of Portland, vis ited the fotmei's mother. Mr. Osflney, of Maple Lane, waa a visitor at Mr. 11. Jones' Sunday. Misaea Cola Jagtier and Vada I Mils pcui Sundi.y afioiuoon at Mia. Limln ley 's. Uev. W. Lvans preached again Sunday eveiiinn to a veiv laige and appree, ttive audience It hsa been so long since e had a gissl preacher heie tnat people llo. -Led to hear linn. One of th' hnnd, two hiliiucc gis.d I T rnia ri '-oni,l.le. . i ......ii i, -..i CIMIll 14III.', ..'.. . .... I'lVM.III d pa-tuie and vaily J' aird. 4 linlra tioiii ilul iii . almii, . ' . . . ,r Isili "III. II '""7 l"t m ......'..... i ... I out M'U n, on. y on in-t inoiigiigr -r ninr ami loan your iu Ab-.lta. li made. O. B. DIMICK, Ationiry k Wc can) the hugr.t st.M'k Caik k? els, l'olhiiaud Lining" in Clack- aiua . oiiuty. Wc ate the only iin.l. itaLria in Clackaium county owning a hears.- and will luriii-.li It f.d lr than can It had cUrwtntc. Wr are under aiimtl c nse and do not a-.k large pn.lita Ca'N pi.iinptly attended night or d.i v TATATATAATATATAATATATATArA'rATjrjirArArATATjrfffii I'h.ii.r. 4111 ami 3lH. l. . I. n : . i. i i, , . r "1" oouiineei. on iiih uepuniiean i teat the iVood l amp nine at a trial taDV "riu l"M ! VT I tL II .MI l-mi YHP. .lai.itx Wnn. .i ii Mr and Mrs. Kit.miller and Mrs Price and daughter, of Dover, were thf tfuests of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle Sund y. Genrgft A very sad funeral took pi ice here, ahout a week age. The remains of Miss Anna Lins, daughter of Herman Lins, were brought here for burial. She died iu the Good Samaritan Hospital in Port land, after an illness of two weeks of pneumonia, she ws eighteen years ol ate. Her many friends express their sympathy for the sorrowing family. Julius Paulsen is going to commence building his house soon; he is busy hauling lumber now. The friends of Miss Dora Schmidt are g'ad to hear that she is coming borne boon. Hans Paulson is repainting his picket fence around his house. Henry Jjhnaon is improving his place, which he bought last winter. John W. Meldrum was here to resur vey the road in this neighborhood, and as soon, aa the weather permits the su pervisor will commence road work. Joe Woodle and his brother, of Port land, were seen in the neighborhood a tea days ago. Peter Paulson is buildinn a fine new picket fence around his house. Miss Martha Paulson gave a birthday party to all ber schoolmates. All that were there seemed to enjoy themselves and had a good time. Alms. 0. V. Hickman, of Palmer, visited his parents at this place a few days ago. Mrs. J. N. Branihall was the guest of Mrs. J. A. Hickman, May (. W. D. Thomas and wife went to Port land .May 6. From there they will go to Beaver Creek, where they will remain a few days with Dr. Thomas and family. Mis. VV. D. Thomas will return home and W. D. Thomas will try his fortune elsewhere tor a fcenson. John Jones, the teamster at Bramtiall's mill, is laid up with a sore foot. Mr. Burns, the new Evangelical pastor lor tli ib circuit, came up from Uroutdaie a few days ago to viJit bis flock and leave an appointment It is reported that while riding from one place to another . Oawrgu, Last Sunday morning about 1 o'clock the house of K. L. Pollock, on Seventh street, was discovered to be on fire. The flames hail made such headway that it was imooFgihle to save the building The hou-e has ben unoccupied for sev e'al months. Mr Polio:-, removed to Portland last Fall, but expecied to re turn her? in a St. ort time His loss bv the fire, (which was undoubtedly of in- eendia'-y origin), wi'l approximate 11000. Judge Hayes spoke to the people of Oswego last fidav eeninir in the Orange Hall on the political issues of ttiedsy. It is need'eas to say that the Judne heM hia audience from beginnirg to end. The Judge is a keen, clear cut and lovieal speaker and most nndoiibt edly knows what he is talking about. Several Oswego fishermen have left their nets and gone to work in the pipe lounary. The smallpox sraie has subsided, there having been no other cases. M's. Eva Bus-ard, M's. Grant White and Mrs. Pearl Coon, spent Sunday at the holr.e of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Haines. Mr. and Mrs. John Gardner enter tained a number of visitors from the city Sunday. Mrs. Sarh Evans, who has been liv ing in Portland for some time, returned to her home in Oswego last week. Mrs. Mary Zimmerman, of Portland, is visiting her son, Philo, this week. Your correspondent heard a man. who is a life long Democrat, sav to another; "les, I want to register. I did think of making my home in Portland, for situ ated as I am I c.".n live more cheaply there, but I will stay in Clackamas County until ader the election. There is just one man that I want to and will vote for and that man is George C r .. .r ... . . .. oruwneii. ies. lie continued, "you may oe surprised to hear that from a Democrat, hut P.rownell haa come nearer fulfilling the pledges he made to the people ttian any man I know of, and I wain to see turn re-elected." game, Sunday Mr. and Mrs Al. Buckles and children visited Puitland Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jake Keam hive moved to Oregon City. Mrs. Nellie L tinson, State organizer of the L. O T. M., was a guest ol Mra. Will ll.alges, Friday Marijuani. I here was a good attendance at the relic wiciable, May L'nd, and mjiuo good speeches. The Bociety realized over $12. Mrs. Albright has just leturned from the luueral ol her auui, Mrs. P. A. Mar- (juam, of i'ortland. Mr. Dentley's biother'a family, con sisting ol six persons, haa jual arrived I rum me bast. iiiose mat have tn.p yards are very uusy iraiuing ineir nops. The roads are diyiug fast and we will BOi n lie dreading Hie dust as uiucb as ttie mud. .Mr. Seward s school closed at this place, rrlday, lor the summer, liito a number of toe parents vUiu d the suhool ib the afternoon. The Grange at this place will reorgan ize, Thursday alternooii. We live by our blood, and on it. We thrive or starve, as our blood is rich or. poor. There is nothing else to live on or by. When strength is full and spirits high, we are being re freshed, bone muscle and brain, in body and mind, with con tinual flow of rich blood. This is health. When weak, in low spirits, no cheer, no spring, when rest is not rest and sleep is not sleep, we are starved ; our blood is poor there is little nutri ment in it. ' Back of the blood, is food, to keep the blood rich. When it fails, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. It sets the whoIe body going again man woman and child. If yon hart not tried il, send for free aample, its agreeable tA.ste will surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemist 4"9-4'5 Tearl Street, Kew York. 50c. and Ji.oo; all druggists. Colton- Miss ellie Gottberg spent a few days in me metropolis last aeeH. F. M. Robeson, D. Breck and S. Hoover, of Ostrander, were visiting at Mr. Garret's a few days last week. They weie accompanied by Mr. Kobeson's little daughter, Miss Veva, of Ferett, who will remain with relatives here a few weeks. Mrs. Hunter and sons, Glenn and Earl, came up from Portland last Wed nesday to stay on their ranch during the summer. R. Stone had the misfortune to lose another horse May 17. Mr. and Mrs. Cox and son. of Trotit- dale, were visiting relatives here last week. J. Gorbett made a business triD to Brooks, Morton County, last week. Mrs. E. Countryman and daughters were the guests of Mrs. P. Bjnnev on Monday last. Dix brothers have taken the contract of building on addition on the school house. .Miss Christina Carlson was visitinir inenos in fciwood last Bunday. Colton will have another dance at the city hall May 31. Henry Henrici has moved hia family Lack to the farm and boards at home. going back to his work on his wheel. M. McGeehan's infant daughter was quite sick with measles last week but is tuliy recovered. Mr. Frost, of Oberlin. Kan., arrived Tuesday evening to visit bis father, D. G. Frost, who has been dangerously ill for some time. The DOStoflice will he remnvpd Tln.ro. day, May 15, to the Nickel's building, near tiy uros.- old store. I'atrons will please notice the change. A number of friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. J. VV. Grout gave them a surprise party on their twentieth wed ding anniversary, and presented them Xllwaukle The Milwaukie band will give an anni versary concert at the Milwaukie Town Mall, Ihurnday evening, May lo. The boys made at toat lime their limt ap pearance in full uniform. A wrand time was enjoyed by all. The Milwaukie Saturday Night Club gave a dance at the U'oxIio.mi Hall, u- uroay ingnt, May A Kev, P. Conklin, of Findlay, Ohio. preached at the Milwaukie Evangelical Church last Sunday evening. Five new 40 foot open trailers, from Kan Francisco, have been received. eijuippeu ana put on t tie Oregon City line to accommodate summer lravt-1. Lr. D. C. Newman, of Nebraska, has purchased a tract of land in KoninMon'g Addition, at thih place, and will erect a $3,000 residence on the pioperiy. The Postui Hter-Generul al Washington is reported to have appointed a special agent to inspect, among others, tlm A)i. waukie free rural delivery route, which was petitioned about four months ago. The agent is expected awn. The district Epworth League Conven tion of 1 lie German Methodist E Cburchjfur Oregon and Washington a, nem in the Oerman Mtthodist Church of Milwaukie for two days, voinir into session Tuesday evening, May 13. It IH estimated that ahout 00 delegates were The weather is nice; orchards are white with blo"in. lir.iiu crois are all in the ground. Most all are busy w ith gardening at tjres. nt. There has been a w avu of Improve ment in ( i.irlieiil E Surface bus a lint ol new b lind fence on his (ar 111 , put ii Li'iucm a"d mill men of tins vicinltv hv 1.. P.ilinaieer and C. I'lincaii. Mr. .. ' ar.- Ink ug advsiil ig" ol tlm in. sent g t'ra f or I and sun h a pirt "f their we .tln r. and a cmi lomince of the .re Isianl fe,. e built. Mr. I, Palumieer cut con. I lions will be to lliein a I. arvexl and Wl'lisn, Holder has some new fence 1 I,.,,., V-i.r.n.u. l... hus hern . .... 4 ' V R. L HOLMAR Two Docrx Scd: sf Cs:r!B:!i lo and Mr E. Krinbaum has a good .piarter of a mile of new boaid fence. Tom Hnxlev is erecting a line new dwelling on bis bum. (inrlleld is loom ing up un improvements Garfield was shocked to hear that Mrs. Mary l.emon would never be here nguu: not that she w is "no moie," but I that she was Mis. Mooie. Mike llabline was in tiarfleld Satur day and Sunday. Mis. Oatli.-ld is on the sick 1st. Mrs. Anna Covey is ipiHe ill at J. P. Irvan 's. K.s Pinklev is very poorly. Mrs. Stubby is soon to be home from I'or'land, where she has been under the doetoi' care for live months. sen y ill lor lb" pad two n'k t" gn a'lv inipiovcd and ai.lo lo l al hef pool ol duly. plowing and from Thousands Haye Kidney Trouble and Don't Know It. How To Find Ont. Fill s bottle or common glass with vour water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tUng Indicates an unhealthy condi tion ol the kid neys; If It stains your linen It is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass It or pain In the back Is convincing proof that the kidneys and blad- ucr are oui 01 oraer. What to Do. There Is comfort In the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp. Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain In the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain In passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor," wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists In 50c. andjl. sles. You may have a sample bottle cf this wonaertul discovery ana a book that tells TWtS; more aoouiit, DotnsentE. Ij 'Stii-ri., ' "H absolutely free by mall, iiL '--'XS'I address Dr. Kilmer U Needy. The farmers are busy owing. Miss Mvrtle Smith came home Annua to stay for this summer. Miss Ida Kuhnkee rsle to Hubbard on her new wheel Monday. Mr. and Mra. Hen Smith were at Aurora Tuesday. Iwis and Julius Soala sn.-nt Sundav with their purents. Flank M. llerry l.-lt Friday for funeail, Alaska. Misses Norah and Zoa Fish visited Leona Mohr Saturday and Sunday. Mrs W. S. and Mrs. John Hurst, ol Aurora, visited relatives here Sunday. The school entertainment given bv Gilliert Noe, at Itrvland. .iv 3. was a grand success. The building was lowdod, and everything: was in 11erf.n l ord.-r as all were eager to see hih! bear what waa taking place on the staife. The instrumental music was of the best. Messrs. C. Keesland. II. Kobbins mid K Garrett rendered it. Mr. Chas. Wolfer, of Logan, s-nt several days this week in our neighborhood. Misg (iraen Tlionip-nn sister, Mrs. Will, of Aurora, a lew duvs last week. Miss Tens Stume has a new wheel. Miss Mae Kin.er visited Woodhiirn Monday. Herb Johnson piid Hubbard and Aurora a short call Saturday. Mrs. Frank Fish visited Mrs. Johnson Tuesday. A number of the Needy boys have joined the Mackaburg ball team. The Ilepulican candidates and G. 1! Di mick spoke here Tuesday evening. A large crowd was out and all appreciated what was said, the KepiiblicanH Hre strong in this precinct and we trust will win Miss Anna Johnson, of Oiegon City, is visaing iter parents. Mr. Hastettler has moved Into his new residence. His newly married son George occupies the old. Miss Mae Kiner has a new wheel. Mrs. Ki niter and children have re turned from Antelope and expect to make their home here for the future. Miss Norah Fish gave a pleasant dance at her home Thursday evening. A large number of her friends attended and re port an excellent time. Mrs. Minnie Haskins, of Portland, and her son Frank, of Uutte, Mont., visited relatives here the latter part of last week. itnlUn.i Potato I'Untl'iu' n the order 1 f thedav, while the farmers wvdi ,heir promising crops grow. Kevcul ere nil se.,r i,or have been purchased bv our in.iilriuiis farm. -is alio intend hi l.iri.oh iieaiu tor lh Clear Cir-k . leu.. i v. Our ro.nl l.nas s lining suiiie grading, pre .iaiorv to Uvmg dow 1, i.ne an I .inn hall miles of plank. Much new fi'iicM g has !-. 11 erected In til's coiiiii ttt.it y during the p4st M'r Mr. Ilollensworlh is hulling lumber lor a in w ha. 11. w hi. I. he is lo cm t so n. A M Kiicbeiu Is treat ng bis house to a coat n( paint which adds mil. h lo its appearance Two sis Uls an I two children's day ex ercises am to lake place ju ll.e n.-vt (our weeks. Otieol the s.x ials will be yiveii al the . lose id Miss Slime's school in I'lst. .No. 70 on the :i.-. of May and tlm . coiise.i'ieiitly is the only oral ilii oilier at Hie close ol Mum Murray sch.Mil in lljst. No. m, on Jims I.I, Chil dren's day exercises are lo be June 1 at the chinches. I!. P. I.inn is .join, sick with atl,ma. Harry Mushier who closed a four mouths term of school at Ibsid View, la home representing the clolhi.ig company he has represented lor the past three years. Krei green Mm 111 lft, Follow lug is the report ol . lit' .lit Ii ending May U. I 1 y , pupils enroll.-.!, K; !) ut,,,. ,.,(; day alxniicr, .1. , avrrif d:, , tendance, H; tunes lardy, 1, f 1 who Were l ie., nt every day Uur t 111. nth am. Is.lly and N-I!it Sw Fieda and Adolpb l'l iiungrr ituj j, Ortleih, Patrons and ntlirri i(i lliacles)! work are Invited lu chj Mai 11 Srnsie, tesclisf, I.ILr. 1 ItrunalaiDu "Five years ago a illnraiw tin kt called dts.p.U r.s.k ucli bJJ i . that I could scarcely go," sil n ij. S. Marsh, Well known attiirn; i coma. Tel. "1 look ipia lit ills tlp and other medicines but tiuilnnj U me. As a df owning nun fi'j 1 straw I grabbed at K'slol 1 lilu pr iveuieiit al once and after 1 kt . ties am sound and well," Kuuul 1 . only piei.aiatioit which null; fr, doers ll.n natural dlgetlivt jmm 1 B.rui(walrr. A Kel.ekali 1nlge of 1 0 O F Is lo organiji. d soineiiine ill the near future, lml.' u numher ol young people exis-i t to join. The Grange la prospering here as well as elsewhere. Three new member were Liken 111 the Orange ul last ineei 11 g The topics discussed 111 the Orange were: "Ol Whul Advantage isan Educa tion." and "Nature Sin.lv " "ri, ...... visil, her 1 topics in the Orange will he "Poi,.!,. t'ulture," and "I lowers In II,,, Home " The last few bright days tlm grain is coming ,111 nicely ii, prospects for fruit. Everybody is planting garden Sblbleys saw a badger ill their llel 11- m musing numerous hurrow in their " "') are trying to cpturo him Several moie purchases of cream si-pa rators have been uiudn . 'anlijr. Georgn Fletcher is still quite sick with appendicitis at the home ol his mother. Mrs. liay, of Pennsylvania, is making a visit w ith her father and mother, Mr? and Mrs. Dick Mis E. Shis went to Parkplace last . i..rso.,y 10 uii.d her mother, Mrs. C Chiyson, who bail met with a serious ac cident. A large political meeting was held here in the city hall Monday evening Oeo C. Ilrownell was the principal ss.uker! A great deal of enthusiasm wasdisplayed and the ladies were out in full force. Mrs. F. Zollner and Mary Stalnaker were in Oregon City the latter pari of the week . gesta any goo-1 f.sid and curst iny I of stomach trouble, (.eo, lltnlitj. John Slatlirer. of Hubbard, visile,! David Zimmerman's Sunday. at Kelso, At the close of a very successful t.r. of school at Borings school house last Saturday evening, an entertaining pro gram was given by the school and out side talent. After the exercises had been listened to by an attentive audience baskets were fold anil the vonmr rr.l0 of the neighborhood had a general good time. The money raised is to be used to purchase equipment for the school building. The people of the district heartily appreciate the effort nut tn.t. by Miss Frs.ier, the teacher, to make me bciiooi anil social a success. The people of Kelo. beinir locflteri l.u. tween Sandy and UoringH, had a double opportunity 01 nearing the Republican i r, candidates on their county nmti.ii.n I n c . . . . ' 1 . " rro.iiwoav can oe gatnered from the . lon't Nlurt U ronie. Don't start the summer with a linger ing cough or cold. We all know what a "summer cold" is. It's the hardest kind to cure. Often it "hangs on" through the entire season. Take it in band right l"i)H of One Minute Cough Orrsnn UU .Harkcl RrprL (Corns tml to Friday.) Wheal -No. 1 , IMK- butbtl. Flour Portland, II ft psr bSL i per sk. Howard's Itest, IWc pert. I.HUpcr bl.l. Os's -lusacka, while, (I l5tolS; rental, gray, 1 10 lo 1 b'l Hay old Tliiio'hy, hales, litH b.e, !l lo J'J ,'.,) K-r loll. I'lvi o,'s, 111 Mixed hay, I Mlllslllirs llrall. IIT.V) I" t abuits, fl 'I Ikl per ton ; chop, III) 1 Ion, hurley, rolled, I'.'.'i.lH) s-r tun. I'olalot s ILL'S to f l -'t'i r l'Joi ll.a. Eggs Oregon, He i-r ilmm. Itutter Kancb. .') to 4'iC" Onions, cl.oi.- 2 lo L"cpsr lb. Diessed 1 til, kens Id III !'." 1 1" I .iv..mI,uIi ...ul lr..M.'.l lllflll live,! I. ltd 10 11.75 sr hilti.lf l. live fi its; hogs, dr.s ed, fl'i . sheep. ;IL to 4c; sheen. lltM'. Veal, du-ssed, '7 cents Ismls, ' '.'a hi lc; laint.s. dre.sed, He. Asparagus 7c s-r Ib. Ithubarb, Z- per lb. Dried apples, 7c s-r lb. Prune, (dried) petite, 2c jf '"i1 bin, large, 4.: per lb, tiinliutu. 3 Kilvu. a ' Parsnips. Ibn-ts and Carroll, ft I er sack. !, ol I line. I have sold Chamls-rltin' Cholcraand Ihairhoea lleineilyi'-'!"'' and would rather be out of colTei v sugar than It. I sold five UuttN vesterdsv to Ihreshi.n that Could F farther, ami they are at work kt,n i morning II. It. Phelps, I'tyoioo Oklahoma As will be feD 1 alsive the threshers were ahls 1 n wilh their work without loi"f single dav'a time. You should M bottle of this Ilemody in your " For sale by O. A. Harding, Drnggt- . ure will set you right, Sure cure for iwgh8, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis, all throat and lung troubles. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. Children like it. "One Minute Cough Cure is the best cough medicine I ever used," says J. H. Bowles, Grovetiwn, N. H. "I never found anything else that acted so safely and quickly." Geo. Harding. VOUR. FAITH oura If you try Shiloh's Consumption Cure VUI U money, and rt t'K free trial bottle if jmu 1 ' c hllll.OII'B roala i cents anl "V,1, tl sumption, pneumonia, llroiicm11? g tiing Trouhlcs. Wilt cure a coun w In a lUy, and thus prrvei.t ""lmitia It hai been doing these lliliiK',""'r 8. C. WKrxajt.'o,, be Key. 1- Ksrl's Clover Root Tea correct! u working men at the mills in tl,: rTnrru. rA n.uri.D t. 11: ... n.iiy, Co., Btaghamton. U. Y. When wrltlr.ir men- V" .,1 .'oU" f ndiritoH will get tton reading this generous offer In this pacer. .,.'' .". ... ole':. 1 kno Kull Mm, r LADIES' ani CHILDREN'S SHOES All Uradra Hpetdal llaranins In RRnrTDiro. PiTPNT MrDICINES S. HUNT. Willamette VnU !!"? stall : It e .oi.ro nimii wa nave inem i