Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1902)
FRIDAY MAY U), 190'. U I CITY ENTERl'IUSH, m l News of the Week Pi-Oi A -tegi. A ift it -ttS id 1C1 cC. ( -rsV Friday, May 9. Both honses appointed committees to Mend Admiral Sampson's funeral. Queen Wilhelmina is recovering. Paul Leicester Ford, ttie novelist, whs fcilled by bis biotlier, Illinois Republican Convention in dorsd Hopkins for ti e Senate. Anthracite miners propose to have their depute arbitrated. Registration in Oregon for (lie coining election will not be full by 20,000. Mrs. T. S. Piniics Denison elected president of Women's Club Congress. Visit of Furnish and other Republican nominees to Linn County lately greatly strengthens the ticket. Vancouver, Wash., vitizens petition city to buy water system. Another steamship cargo of grain bags is coming from Calcutta. Bull factors cause slight advance in wheat at Chicago. Oregonian wins J. G. Mack libel suit. Lumber trade threatened by increase in China tariff. 40,00(1 I'KOri.K Kil l ... i ..r V.. I. rtl One uf I lie tJmll si uwifi"! Tlinis on Maitlnliii"" The recent eattlniuake occurring In lb,, lesser Antilles, followed by the eruption of Mount lVlee. near SI. Pterin, on the Maud of Maitni'.pie, which began eaily last week, and wl.i.h iis.iltcd in the complete destruction of tin' old l wtl of St 1'ieire, Thursdav morning, I" one of the giealesl disasters ol in. dcrn times. SHIP-WRECKED. numnnlty to tho Rescue. Saturday, May 10. The opposition in the House to the bill for the admission of Oklahoma, Arizona and New Mexico collapsed at the last minute yesterday, and the bill was passed with division as it came from the com mittee, except for a few ve rbal amend menis. The real test cauin on an amend ment oflVred by Overst reel (Rep. Ind ), to join New Mexico and Arizona and ad mit them as the State of Montezuma. It was beaten 28 to 100 and all opposi tion then ceased. Crater Lake National Tark bill passes the Senate. Admiral Sampson's remains were bur ied at Arlington Cemetery. The remains of Archbishop Corrigan were interred in St. Patrick's Cathedral, Kew York. Twelve persons injured, one fatally, in runaway on mountains near Kediands, Cal. Lewis and Clark directors nifcke 25 per cent assessment on stock. Charles and Frankie Savage on trial in Portland lor diamond robbery. City Engineer and Councilmen of Port land sued for $55,000 damages. Portland sawmill owners and employ ers avert a strike by reaching an agree ment. Sunday, May 11. Bailey, in the Senate, objected to sending a mission to the coronation. Democrats are blocking legislation for .Nicaragua Canal. More rebellions break out in Northern China. Peace may be proclaimed in South Af rica May 20. An hracite miners may not vote to pro- long the strike. The suit against the beef trust was filed at Chicago. Washington Reiublican state conven tion will be held at Tacoma, Septem ber 10. Fortland lumber fleet for May will cany over 10,000,000 teet. Ke'ly Wiley tells his Btory of diamond rooOery. R. D. Inman resigns as State Senator from Multnomah County to run for mayor of Portland. Mrs. Annie McKay, Chaplain Sons of Temperance, 326 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Cured of Severe Female Troubles by Lyilia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "Dear Mrs. Pixkham : Doing a mother of five chiltlrcn I have had experience with the general troubles of my sex. I was lacerated when one of my children was born and from that hour I date all my afflictions. I found that within a few months my health was impaired, I had female weakness and serious inflammation and frequent flooding. I became weak and dizzy but kept on my feet, dragging through my work without life or pleasure. A neighbor who had been helped by taking Ljdia H. Pliikham's Vojrotnblo Compound insisted that I take at least one bottle. I did so and felt so much better that I kept on the treatment. For seven months I used the Compound faithfully and gladly do I say it, health and strength are mine once more. I know how to value it now when it was so nearly lost, and I appreciate how great a debt I owe you. The few dollars I spent for the medicine cannot begin to pay what it was worth to me. Yours very truly, Mrs. Anna McKay, Chaplain Sons of Temperance." $3000 FORFEIT IF TIIE A1SOYK LKTTKIt IS NOT GKXU 1X15. No other female medicine In the world ha received such widespread and unqualified endorsement, llefusenll substitutes. Mrs. Pinkham Invites nil sick woman to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. "Cockney Georire," Portland long shoreman, murdered by James Williams. kml lviaie tkash:k. Furnished Every Week by the Clucks- nms Abstract ii Trust t o up in). Tuesday, May 13. The House and Senate passed a hill appropriating $200,000 for West Indian sutlerers. Spain is preparing for the coronation i c Kirolierly to I. C Stark, land in of King Alphonso. C H chardson claim in t 2 s, r 3 e2000 The conference committee of the Pan 1.1 R liavin to D J Thorne 2tl acres In ish Parliament is considering the cession j claim 511, t 3 r 2 e 1350 i reai y. If the nr were ""'"" t.. Ihe co.iiiiH..l that on s..n.r desolate mho,. ilp ri-l. It ..mid I.. I- an hour Ui!,e .thrf ed.ti..iis wrir planned and oigauucd. Though ht cot hoM million", though Ihe should I long and rii"', i . i i .i i., 10 o.-oole we e i. n,. Ionian iaslav wrtr tlie 111 HI), inooao.f n.MiM i inoiifco " . I . 1 " ;r7 ::; ;:; Amen.H,. Cm-ill ami his lauoly yt 1, ,fr Uik , ,,,, ,,) among the lost. Four American vena-s ,.,lurM, eie d. Htioved in the haih-r. , in anv (or inothrr an.l Ul icmisol gieai .!.. f rlvll,., n,? ow iimnv lieen recorded. Pompeii, at the foot of mi,,lrlv ,vr4 ,i ,r. krd hv ill hr.llti I Mount Vrtiuvina. was deslroM-d hy an --.i. yil How many mlanla die of eruption (. emvui, in a. i'. h' i 1 I ternllc eruption in one oiiv onw n o- and laid in ruin Pompeii and it neigh-, horing cities, llen iilanemn and !-tahu e. I The lava covered the city so comp'oieiy ... i . - tit. ...... l..iii.u.ii l.v mi loai lor urr jni. ."-. j disturhed, and for over 100 jeais mote I hi t lo was discovered ol the loimer ent- ence of the nty. I.istoii. the. capital ol Portugal. h hcetl fit iplently visited hy eail lopl ikrA None ol them, however, approached that ol 17S. which dcslroved ihe (ireater part of the City, and ill which t'),tKK) of the in liahltanla pcrn-hed. The most serious e.irtlopiake in the. history of the t'liited Mates oo Hired Hie i night of August 31, ISSii. A severe shock was fell in the eastern Hirtion of ti e country, extending as (sr north as New Haven. Conn., as far south Jai kon- ville, Fla., and as fur weM as lhiou.pic, ; U. The greatest intensity of the ili- lurhance was felt in and iiiiiiie,listi ly 1 j around Charleston, S C. A lurre mini j her of hiiildings and other striu tuies were I hadly shattered. Many hvee were lost ty falling walla and tuu'ier. The prop i ' ' ' nnntrition ntlnonilv t Why thou hi not earth tremhles did not i ease at once, as i itory o( , u,r. 'luWe apil Is the manlier In most seismic dm'iirh- to butii.m svmpathv and tir no to allies and for nearly a week alter the In si shock the earth shook and rumhled. S Morris to P Kelly et al 3-H) acres in sec 23. 24, 2" and 2ti, t 1 s, r 3 e 3000 A V Cheney to K Freytag lots 3 and 4 hlk 47, Oregon City H Freytag to J Freytag lots 3 aid 4 blk 47 Oregon City M A Uees to F Marshall 40 acres in Monday, May 12. London Times is not hopeful that peace in .South Africa will come from present negotiations. Pie-halloting in France yesterday re sulted in favor of the government. President-elect Pal ma was welcomed in Havana yesterday, w hen Cuban flag no ited from Morro Catle for the net time. eenaie exptcs to pass tnertiiiippineH Din st ei a ol the week. Labor trouble In anthracite coal reg;on lakes someivliat tte aspect of a lockout Truckee, Cal., had a 20,l,000 fire ye8 xerday. Hpokane defeats Portland, 8 to 2; Hel ena wins from Tacoma, 5 to 4: Butte from Seattle, 6 to 5. The tie-np in the anthracite region is complete. Gans knocked out Erne at Fort Erie. Prominent Moscow married man and young woman take poison and die to gel her. Whitman County. Wash., farmers call meeting to learn what legislative candi dates will tight railroad lohhy. Pllll. PQIIdu 1lran..U in t.' I . . t I in I. VjHt r, Smith to K I-tcey '4 interest Decline in potatoes and advance in I Lacey claim t 4 s, r 3 e mohair and hop . A E Olsen to K L Hunter et al nw 1 oiik'H nnu no cieff to jluruerer James' ni .. ..( vi 1 1 r 3 e U A Leslie to Wm Bridges e.'' of St. Pierre, famous as the hirthplaro ol organized rlloil lor thrir rrhrf. h r is ai.Auv. More and niorr with rrrv month of every year mniirn air training Hut a the Km press JoKcphinc, and (he capital rail for he!t in thrtr wr.ikurMi an t tn V- of Ihe French island of Marliuimie, ha oe ' piomptlv amwrtrd hv I'r. , ... ., , , .. .; ... . , I R. V. 1'ietce, of llulUlo, N. V. tlf the la-rii uopnuvru or lot- riii("iion ui ..ioiiiiv i . r . ' ' ... average ol five thoiivui'l 1 elee. for many ilata the ac Ivl y up 7tH) 700 Rees claim and se of sw and e this volcano and other crateia in the Lesser Antilles have shaken the lieinh horing islands of the group, and the dit tin bailees culminated in the, totul anni hilation ol a city of 2') (XK) souls. Almost all the inhabitants ol St. Pierre are re. 111 5000 Tne diver dies without air to breathe. The consumptive dies n without mnsrs to breathe the air. or of lungs rendered incapable of Dreattnng by disease. The blood as it flows in and out of the lungs indicates the consumptive's pro gress. As the luns grow weaker less oxygen is inhaled and the blood changes from scarlet to pur- pie. Oxygen is the life of the t blood as the blood is the life of the bodv. The effect of Dr. Pierce's Cold en Medical Discovery upon weak lungs is to strengthen them, to en able the full oxygenation of the blood, arrest the progress of dis ease, and heal the inflamed tis sues. Lung diseases have leen and are being cured by "Golden fllenical Discovery," 111 cases where deep-seated g-cough, frequent hemor rhage, emaciation, weak ness, and night -sweats - -have all pointed to a fatal termination by consumption. "Some years ago I was alm'Kt a hclp- T 1 victim of that 'tread diraM- con sumption." writes Mr. Chan. Fross, M.. of fcitka. While Co. Inil or Confined to riiv room for keveml m.. nlKs . tay tnen'la ana neisrhlKira haa sriven ui nil hoia- w my recrjvery, until one day a Irit-nd advised me to lake Mr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery, and after I had taken the content of the econd txittle I tiec-in to improve. After t.ikinz six bottle. I mi. I honestly believe. le liierea from the (rrave and entirely cured. I am now a trong a lid hearty man." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanse the clogged system from accumulated impurities. was Williams. A series of nanhtlm .rnlnina in . . Leslie 10 m ormgea e;j railroail vard in a Pittxhurg suhiirh cost a ! nlj of I. Williams claim tl sr srore of lives and injured about 200 per 4 e Fons. ,o per cent of wnom, according to E N j 0l k ,0 A 0 Uollingsworth physicians, will die. Spectators at a fire , , ., r. pressed too close, and when three car. I 8' re9 "' da"" ,)J' 1 " r 2 e" " 'w of the stiirf exploded there was no escape S S Parpiet to A (juntenbein lot 1 for them. Men, women and children I h e 10 t) C I"i0 were wrapis-d in flames and fatally I w H f Samson, by sheriff, to 1) C burned. I'.efoie the explosion iiiinv1 , ,, ,. . ' .., were :enJere,l unconscious by the ex- and C D Latoiirette .IS.i acres in treme lieat and gaseous hnnes," and were Klinger claim and n.'.j of ne of sec beinif carried sway when the torrent of, 22, so of sec 15, e of ne of 14, t 5 fire burst upon them A stream of the r 1 e "S37 cntnioij5 tiapniiia cause; an explosion a; mile and a ha'f away, wreckimr three' average ol live thuiiuml Irtteis ir ceived by Dr. Pirrce cii h week in the year a lare nuinlr are from weak and tick womru who a-k for rrhrf I null pain, reai lie from the lonrliurMi and drwiU tioD of a life whuh (Iim-.isc bat rohln-.l of all its brightness. l.rry iut h Irttrr is rrvardnl a, a trv for lirlp, and the Invalids' llolrl and Surgical lustilutr of It.. IT , 1. . V V ..( tl. ,. ported dead and all Ihe shipping in the , tUl.', tuutl,iUi;K j.h.uati and ...tgeon. sirt wrecked. la organired lor the tcMtieof just mh Ii , , . , , , weak ami sick womm, With hm atalf I areful insiieclion showed that the 1 ,j ......i.. . ..r . !...:... i oUwofseofBection0.t4B, r4e 10C0 i (lery ,,,.,,, , H eomidctely .lestroved ! a srei.iliHt. Dr. Pi'.c'e respond, to the St. Pierre must have been commsed of I "I'l-11 "' "lfenng wmurn an promptly asmrcrrwoi a ntr-isMi rrsimtM to me appeal of distrrswd mariners. Hv his mcdicinca and advu r hundrril, of th"il bands of sick women have la-en nude well. "I with to acid my testimony to hun dred, uf othni as lo thr value of Dr. Pirr'a sni.,1i, itiM .r,ir. frk l.t t the bodies ! I'e Ford, of Ultima, lliibluird Co., Minn Piles of i dis torrd with a great many phy- siciaaa - anine s;i i Mlisls ; twice lieru in a 1,'e.iat.ii lor Inattiient Mv cathedral ti-ll a Kto'y of the attempt In ease has hern ri ;ir.!.-, as a I,,, i it .s find sanctuary mid leluifH in thn gn-at ' "t", "! thev knew not what the ituui,!r Men and women. ' "l""'h all out oi orot-r , tirni out, srn tr miii in aP Dart, ol the laxly : sinkiiu' sr IU mid in the moment of th-'r despair to Ibe'iir.iiiv evrv nliurnt a w .iii.hi could Cathedral, and were apparently over-1 100' 010 poisonous liases, wbiih instar tly siill'o ' cated everjone who iriiialed them, and : o' Oilier g.isi'1 horning furiously, fur j neirly all the vicli'ns bad the'r hards, covering their moil hs or were in some I attitude showing that they had sought' relief from suffocation. All Were carbon'zed or iims id dead in le vciriil v of the s'e of the! structure of worship. panic-stricken at the cataclysm, turned ' have. I took lniival,.. . 'I'alMlt, ,... . .. ." .l lag..,, tak.ngDr l'lr,;r.7 taiiption, and Irti ii,i,iI,. eave bntli to a let, ,, ,nv. an Ian, had utatnl ua : lujM-l wne , aplrndidlv - thank, to ,, Li'4 ' ' " "'k ami p,r''" rm outaged. I wi,h all ,,,n J"! would llio....;hly lrv '"n Prr',i.i.o.'" y y "': IH A WmanM wi.Dfl0 I'tsui the answer (,( prnd. the value of ., r thoM. made by M "'!''" ..r. ulh .( 1 'A,., without C'! " tuut brtn in i. nx:i,lf,l ii a ., loth uie of ',.,. t- ,,.- And. U.un-q the lalllirr, (),r inrdirln- T lor,, hr wa, cured by 'f Pirice's Favorite Pirfcf,lti ""V iint ,i ,r"'' "ll tuZ doula I, .., 1,1 doubt llpo, l '' of , ' I' "'"'Isl It ,!, K Ihou,,,,!, - TT:n r' 1,11 l'.r lle,l. of Itirlutf' 1 atotttr ,f,,.., ' if Mit. i,V trstinuitiv , ;'. lwtu, 'J "'I tlfTrtltiK Of evrn to tuwilI "Vrminel,,,,,;' llirdu .1 .Lilt ' ......I . """""N .. incut aj 'rr on, ,,J i wioie to U i lVlee for mUtcf Mi.. K M c:, 'J Wlllutrs) jJ Wnuilia, Nrbr brrp ilucli, , two of niy l,,.t mciaut fur l.a.,! , They ilu m 4 inn. h g,...w;p boil time, h y le oininrii.lnl I,,,, rine, mul I tU4 .. ts'ttlrsof hi, ' I'aMitl'r l'rr,r,( J two ol 'iiiiiorn Jiriiuai Ihjcmm How feel Ultrr than fur m tk: 4 ear. I am wi veiv tlunlfui C lie.ird of Dr. Pirn r't lunhriurt. m th ink him too miii h ( buk'tJa to ine.'' i,im, ti ,,s HCTi. .riy claim luadr fur Pr. fV? Pavonir 1'rrv tiptiou hat s Curt , brlnnd It. And la lnnd Ik ct, 'hoiivind, if ulUrr unrj. "l aioritr prrwriptinn KiVi rrgiil.ii it v, dilr, otlrtisue tmlwear J diaiiis, lira!, luflamiiullutl Itat Wrl t loll and lines fnu.ile amknew ! thr la-nt jurparatue for mut'at tinniinlitng thr nerve,, enrwir thr aids-titr ntid lu,luui:r rrlra t'rrp. It make, the laihi ' ;rJ tu all y l-aiulm ami guet Uk t tlirugth to vlir lirr child. Sick woiurii. r,rcia!lv llinsr ri- ing fioin i brouic iliM-aMs art im jf (i nsult Dr. I'lrnr, bv e!trr. jm i dies, Dr K V. I'irrir, lluliAK ! I'. rlu- all u! ml iltitrs lot" I aiur li' acuptioii." Thr only motive far st ' tu'.uiu it to riuihlr thr drilrr U,tii' h'.tie niorr prolit s.i, I t,y the l tf tl tllrri!ollou, Incdli inrs uk wnKTit To wuiint Dr. Pierce', Common Sen Jl- A.hisrr drill, with t lit- iin;rtjnt "rf tiwnn in the hrld, of biol,s;i, J.tuss. and Ingirlir, III pla:n l.n'.si rss-i aliir to winurn Ire tla-chiV' tiritmi' on the enrol the be,!th. ri u'e and malriiutr. Til' wrk rr'j4 ou r a thoU Jiiid l.irgr Mgril iff i,n rrcripl of stain tu sv II'' ot ui. tiling fMi )'. SVnd i niircrnl for the ilothU'imd vohirnr, or t tt.mips for thr las.k in t'iper Ad hesa Dr k. V. Pirrcr. llullslftH hou-ies and irj'irii g many persons. Wednesday, May 14. Congress appropriates ,'i0o.00O adJi t.onal for the West Indian sufferers. China is unable to crush the rebellion in the southern provinces. Fort Hall, Idaho Indian Reservation will be thrown open to settlement Julv 17. Willamette Valley Musical Festival opens at Corvallis. Portland tiemakers refuse big contract in hopes of higher prices. Injunction suspending work on River side ddve quashed. Oregon Naval Reserve mustered out. Portland baseball nine defeats Helena in opening game 8 to 2. Thursday, May 15. House committee has decided to report adversely all bills for grants to railroads in Alaska. Epidemics are are raifinif at Honu Kong. Italian peasants engaged in a serious not. Lewis Nixon resigned the leaderaliio of Tammany. The miners' convention did not reach the strike questii n. L'matilla promises to he the banner' county in support of Ivwis 4 Clark Fair. G2U0 .'mo L T Pierce to O Millsap ttact in Aberuetliy claim, I 2 s, r 2 e. . . . 1000 E X Wells to J Supple ej of te of 24, t4s, r2e 100 J Schiiltz to J Dainin w of sw of sec 30, t 4 s, r 2 e 800 G A Hamilton et al to V. M Urock wood tract in Straight claim t 2 s, r 2 e 1 J Schindler to H C Kanne w1..' of w'a of sec 2, t 4 s, r 1 e E M Urock wood to A L Russell tract in Straight claim ... J H Revenue to FJ Walkley two tracts in sec 13. t 2 s, r 4 e II Jaipies el al to 0 I it S Co blk 04 0-we,o J L Waidron to E H (Jelbrich tj.j of se of sec 30, t 3 s, r 2 e Magdelene Home to House of (iood Shepherd, laud in Straight claim U Grimm et al to I Proctor nw of sec 12. t 5 s, r 2 e X P Jones to J I Johnson lots 42, 43 and 44, hlk 43, lots 12 and 13 blk 81, Minthorn S (Jharman to S Garde, lot 1, blk 5 Oregon City WOO Win Hudson to O J Hudson of come b. fore they coo'd leach ita doors, j describe ihe scene as their conception of ... ..... . .." " I 'he end of the w,.r I. n ords fail to describe the) pieselit sit- IMI'on Ht M. t'lerre. A small detach incut of French troops is making ell'orls lo inter the dead, although Ihe Govern ! ment wems to be sirrknulv uiicoiicenied as to w but is done in this direction. I Sixteen l.iimlred The looting of the ruins has U-wun al- I 'IV,'H "" Vincer.t readv. W bile coining to Fort (to France The Dixie sails from New York with the Potomac picked up a bout containing I supplies. five colored men and one white man, I i"-" in, ci .mi i- iu anu iii.ii , i it onreisHiiiiiii jeweiry, iiih laiter evi.lenily stripped j Mount p,dee is fi i eruption. A larae Ihe is reiorird at V, France, person, lo.t their BEST FOR Tl BOWELS If na h,'n'i a rrfii". .,, ..,11.. ..II. ..rr I" IM ; r.l,l.,.l...,,,l. ls"'"""V J 'L s. ,t, I,,',. I ,,, rl. . I l ul 'I"SI c...r sua .-1..II I. u ta.s lW. I. ,, I'll I . ' from the fingers of the dead. I. it ii "At the end of Ihe campaign," wri'e. ant 15. P.. McCormick, commander of the 1 '"""I' ' l'"k. Missouri', b.illiant con ; Po'omac, arrested these men and turned 1 ifressman, "from overwork nervous 700 them over to the commander o Ihe tens,.,,,. ,a of f,.,.p a.,,1 cons.'snt ,eak. rrench cruiser Sucliet for punishiiieril. , , i , . , , ui,p.aii- ThiM.atl. of the volcano lav.i which! " " 'ollansed. I 50 18C3 had about . swept over hi. Pierre is marked out in a I "' 1 '"'" "'' "" organ, in my I strange manner, tin: vicinity of the j ere out of order, hut three bottle. , rooic . sseu, aocnorei, was swept I'.lecl.j,: Inters made me all riuht hv a w hir wind of v.. eu .uu . I...... i . " ' 'K'" I.- I i .. .... . ' : Ihe hest all around medico,.. 'OMV i tTV CANDY Qj CATHABTIO . of It's Sold 300 EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY I'l.s.snl. I'.l.l.l.le. TlU"jn ...r '...-k..,. l'.UHL... ,.r Ol II. 10. ''. i. r.n.d lru m.l ul.,.n I I oesi all-around IHC Icim. ever .,,1,1 I-r l.-.s. Writ- for I... ...l'l., 'M ."."-V"? r. ....-. I : 1 " .Mi .nrl ... ,,, n nn.noi ii . i' a - , ivur w oraii'i sifi.i.i.ii iik,siit "- heliinl. tin Ihe other band, the fort, run ilow n men and u,.u .i. li r ....I I . . . " " "")" 1'""" ' l?ai. Slilemd hic.lll, Kleclric Pilte ; the center and j Pierre are bur ied under a thick layer of j cinders, which consumed everything he ; neath it. I 0 A 0 R R Co to Win Hudson sj j ,,f aue 'R t. I fl r i A CRAIS.0! ..KAIN-O! 0 ,f fJ ll(lBor, to A ,Sinjtli 8e o of Keinfember that name when you wantl ..e 4 a delicious, appending, nourishing food 0J1, ,, , V,n" Hudson' sw orink to take ttie place ol cotlee. Sold Later particulars f loin the Mi'i'iin of the ; West Indian catastrophe do not lessen I the estimate of the loss of life, and it Is se sec 2o, t 1 s, r4 e 1 i helieve.l that 40,00.) persons perished on Martiniiii), 4o The captain of the (St. Thomas relief I boat, on its return to San Juan, Porto i if Ku rtf iiMi f 1 y t i a by all grocers and liked by all l.o have ! L 1oH.lf,M ,"0 S()omon in-fcij it. orain-U is made of pure gram; it aids digestion and strengthens the hlk neryec. It is not a stimiilent but a health builder and the children as well! as the adults can drink it with great' oeneui. iohis aooui y. as much as coffee. 15c and 25c per package. your grocer for Grain-O. C, 15,24,25,27 and lots 1, 3, 5,0, 7, 8,0, 10, 11, 12 in blk Hi Robertson 1 1 1 CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Sears the Signature of THE CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT i Afik ! TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy right to the riiorne system of abstract indexes, for Clackamas county, and have the only complete set of abstracts in the County, can furnish information as to title to land at once, on application Loans, inveHtments.real estate, abstracts etc. Office over Rank of Oregon City. Call and investigate. Address box 37 The Enterprise $1.50 per year. ; Rico, f'om Martiniijiie, stated that he was unable to approach the island. Ap parently the whole island was in flames and covered with ashes. No sign of life was visible. Seven steamers and thirty sailing vessels were in the harbor of St. Pierre when the flames descended on the doomed city, 'lhey were all destroyed. It has developed that the catastrophe oc curred on the worst possible day, namely, the day of the arrival of the French and the departure of the English mini steam ers. In consequence of this fact, many business men were in the city of St. Pierre, instead of at their country places. The few details that have appeared increase the magnitude of the catastrophe in the Island of Martinique. Excessive Guarantee vouieii and vitality from era. Iry them, (lulu Mi. 'I by Geo. ,. Harding. smu.n.i imiir cr". KEEP YOUR BLOODK nr. Willi,"". 7 i yiJ;M and ItrMsf r mrtllK' 1 .llrf IS- sore I certain At l.nill.s i mi am,,,,., one sie SO, !),. r ' ' """ 1 " s. ""n s rout, ii a u i.ou.i.1 ' rh powder ,o he shaken i, ,he M fisSZuV Uj. shoes. It makes i, , ,,,w ,.,., R"' easyimcinnunt r.dief to cotns n, : LWro?l minions. It's the greatest ,omf,l .lis. I.' ,..ui. nH'O.,!""'1 I .. ...... ... r., v. oi ine age. I urea and pieveuta . swollen feel, blister, ..ill,.... i f ' mi. i 111 . I.' ... "I""-. men roo'-j-,a. i, cure lor swelling, hut, aching feel. all druglsi, ii. shoe st,,,,.,, L'.V. Trial package FREE hy 1HI. Address, Al ien . iilmsled, l.e Roy, N, y -Dyspepsia Cur damage is reported from three other has not since returned. Ni'ialic It Ik iiiiiimImh 4'llr.a I ii ...... .... . f ... oi muierliiK. I "I have been allhced with sciatic DlflCStS WllSt yOB Vf.. rheumatism fr fourteen years," savs! Tills prvpiirat Ion conUln " Josh Edgar, of Geiniantown, ( a '"'f 1iK'sUllt and (H,"'StS f11 d,v :rrrH; 1 aftjairw. sufreie l. 1 trl,d ,.vrytilinK 1 eould j the f.sMl you want. Thc.n;1, hear of and at last was tol l to try Cham- stoni.i.'lm can Uko It. Ry , f oenain si'am P.alm, which I did and ln""SiU"H or ny .'. 1 i-.. f'llM' was immediately relieved -...I :.. ., r"r,;( "'T I l.i nt H ut, time cured, and I am happy to say it S Ulic a a W hv nni waa, a, iivif islands of the group, and it is feared the this liniment and get well ? It i, fr I but do Jf0 ,j wuidi hoi, jei Known, r-ye-witnessea iy u. A. Ilar.ling, Druggist. j Prepare I Thu II after everylinngei" ut; tUPilled fc.rullsioin01' in't help hut do you B01 pared only hy K. ' $lZ&vi$