Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 09, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise.
I It j aadCouiitj ORUIut I'aptT
Pnblished Every Kriduy.
L. L. rORFKR, ranra.Moa.
2 00
1 W
Bn motuha
Trim lUMurmtlon two uiontbs..,
A discount of 50 cut on all subscriptions
for one year, 25 cents (or six months, it
mI1 in advance.
Aderusiii rates given on application.
8utiscribr mill find the dat of expira
tiou stamped on their papers following
In r name. If tub. date is not changed
within two weeks after a payment, kindly
nouly us and we will look alter it.
Kntered at tt postoflie in Oregon City,
Or., as second class matur.
Be.v-r Creek Dr.T. B. Thomas
Canty vH"
Clackamas V""
Milv.vikie Oscar W.ssuiKer
Union Mills O J.TrullniKet
Mesiw Brook Clias. Holuian
Jew Era W. 8. Newberry
Parkt.lace K. O. Holme
BtalT.rd J$ i
Muiino T.-. "i""''1
Carn R. M. Cooper
Molnlla".'.'.'." Annie Stnbbs
MrHiara J- C. Maniiiam
Bntt.-illB B. Jennmga
Aurora Henry A. Hnyder
Ele Creek .HV,XV1r
Damascus J-C-i'l"V'
8vUv F.Go'lsch
iii- Ran. J. Ci.rrm
M.rmnt....!!'!!!.'."!"""Adolpli Aschoff
Supreme Judge
R. S. Bkas.
Secretary of State
F. I. Dunbar.
State Trersurer
C. 8. Mookr.
Attorney General
A. M. Cbawfobd.
State Printer
Supt. of Public Instruction
J. H. Ackkrman.
For Congress First District,
Titos. H. Tongub.
For Joint Senator,
MultDoniah and Clackamas,
HEBBiBT Holm an.
For Joint Representative,
C. W. Nottingham.
State Senator,
Gxobo C. Brownell, of Oregon City
C. G. Hcntlky, of Oregon City.
Hans Paulsen, of George.
Herman A. Websteb, of Clackamas,
Thomas F. Ryan, of Oregon City.
J. R. Shaver, of Molalla.
F. A. Sleight, of Canby.
William Bbo'bst, of Wilaonville.
IIk.nry E. Stevens, of MilwauVie.
James F. Xelsos, of Muiino.
Enos Cahill, of New Era.
Surveyor, , ,
John W. Meldblm, of Abernetby.
R. L. Holman, of Oregon City.
perintendei.tZins, r waived what il dm j eople of the city. . It Is to be resetted
be bad on the of tlie distin-' that the company and employes could
guWied lwturer to ih.-m. This being j not c me to lenn. In connection with
the ess.', it i very mirprwinx to us I. .at ( the stril.e i I pertinent to say that
only two of the fifteen teeters In the . although his t ir .rtf came to naught, too
Oregon Citv In olshtteit led the lecture, mu. b cn dit cinnot be given to Mayor
Opportunities like tl.i do not come often Grant B. Ptinit k for his work to obtain a
in Oregon City aiid leMcheis who are
reaching for their o.vn mental advnn i
merit should not f il to grasp them.
salUfuctory settlement In spite of bis
failure, which was no fault of bis, both
the i.tlkers uf the woolen mill and the
HmrUry onhaPlrrct
Hon Leiign'. SJJ H
Clackamas County rangea a-e takina
active Interest In the pas. the Ini
tiative and referendum amendment, A
short time ago the gram '
voted tit toward the cans .d w
j.. ia Muuliiik! (irange, N. 1-2. a-
tronsoMIuslmndry, declared II. favor ..I
theUllcerso. the woolen null, and "'V-.',, , , from It.
employes should be grateful to him, and (0 ., ,0 ,!, direct leginla-
ti ,.vuiAkrnl Mtivir Dim.
a . - a- p t n-. ! no aoubltlM7rKUfiiI. Mayor Dim
Cll Rftl RRl ' r i i n t m ft . v '. " .
,, . e . i li k bus never done anything more de-
State Treasurer Moore, and Superintend-
,,,.,. . u serving of iMintnendation than tins,
ent of I uMtc Inxlnu ti.ut Ackerman are
up for re-election to the ollicea they now
occupy and they will he elected by
larger majorities than four years ago. 1 d ite for attorney general, is a miwin . ,,-raie.i iraor. -
Q..-.t..-..J-. A..k....n la ..-k ..... 1- Ko.ebur, and one of the brightest at- sent ropict to c.ndidalcs for a ul tuya
edged by all parttea to be the best ota'e J lrtiey in his section of the State. He
superintendent th .t Orrg n baa ever ' is Dot unkiiow tt in Clackamas County
i r Pu.iruiv lt..n.ililii'Mn i-andi
d ite for attorney general, is a resident of ; vrilted Trades Council, ol Portland, has
I . . I. I ...... I..r all lllll. !
Hon W. !. l"Ken. secretary of the
league, said Tuesday U.a t""',
and granges all over (he si. to were con
lilM.rallv and enthii'iastl"'1!)'
in supK.rt of the amendment. The Fed-
. . k 1 1. M itr.lal 11 ittt
ll over urt'non 10 tmv ut
for Uio Initiative am! 1 Hfffrtmlum
i.iiuhi" minimi on ihcir crU
" . i miii'Uiiiiivsiw "r
bad. Ue lias done much to elewUe the as be canvassed here in the cami sign of j W1U.( circulate amung the voters,
educational standard of the state and1 1SW lie has the temiieite knoaledge Regardless of parly aihllaiion the candl
, ... w ' . i . ... it ttr f.. th. nlflcH dates are very generally doing this. Mr.
BIS reward win conic on j hub - i-n-ir m iu rn. - - - no urn. ,..(. ran.
- U Ken la now rending out ai'.lHK) rrlfrti-
1 ' dinii folders to the voters of the slate.
' . ,,tv -.rv " m
' f .
j . I.I..I. ...,, laiiis the
jUit'gou ..aisierr, .... "
I name of every man In Oregon engaged
I in any kind of business of profes-ional
I . ..... . - I!.. ..I .......l
w rk. 1 he league mis a iim "
S.lHHI other names which have been se
cured in various wS. The neces.lly
(or the g'eiit ainoiuit of work is owing to
the fct that the law provides that the
amendment niunt have a majority of all
ol the electors of the SUte it. order to
become a law.
Albert T( aier, president of the National
Kditorial Assix'iation, inlorms Mr. U'lten
that not a single newspaper in Oregon is
o'"wlng the amendment Before Ihe
iiepublican state convention wss held
there were two journals Hgainst the nieas
uie. What little opposition there is to
the initiative and releielidiim comes from
those who are afraid uf trusting in the
judgment of the people. Mr. U'Ken lias
visited many portions of tbe state In the
interest of the amendment Slid has found
only two men who are actively opposed
to its becoming a law.
C. (irlfllit, of l itleii Hall, Relates a
Political Incident
At a ft .....M k wa.l tta.fl..!.
rilO Kllltl YH UrtVO AlWIiyn liiJJis wii.ru IIIUDs
in tio for over ) ,,orntt t,,e "'Btnr f
nnl Imu hiimIw muter Ma
irj-f-r' MulUTVlloH NltlCO KalnfiM,-
(Jix7cttcAtil Allow no ono totlwHvn joMtatliit'
In another column we publish the finan
cial statement of the county for tbe six
months ending April 1, 1902, showing
the net indebtedness of tbe county to be
$102,063.34. Although there is $169,815.42
of warrants outstanding, there is cash in
tbe bands of the eheriffand clerk amount
ing to $52,663.98 to pay these warrants be
sides about $30,000 of back taxes. There
is no reason that we know why $50,000
should be in the bands of the county of
ficers rather than paid out and take op
that amount of county warrants. We
have been told that tbe debt was $200,
000, but according to officers' figures it is
about one half that. Some one will say
that there is $169,000 of warrants out
standing, but there is $52,603.98 of cath
in the bands of the county officers to pay
these with, besides about $30,000 of back
taxes to further reduce the indebtedness.
Some ot the croakers about tbe indebted
ness of Clackamas County bad better
study these figures.
Dr. William A. Mowry, who lectured
at tbe Congregational Church last Friday
evening, is an interesting speaker. He
is at all times and places familiar with
bis subject. One can learn more from
him in one hour about tbe territorial
history of the United States than from a
dozen geographies. He was at first in
vited here by County Superintendent of
Schools J. C. Zioaer, who is quick to take
the initiative in educational work that
will be of benefit to teachers. Out of
pure courtesy to Mrs. Eva Emery Dye
and the Men's Congregational Club, 8u-
Livy Stipp, the Republican candidate for Justice of the Teace for
the precincts of Oregon City, West Oregon City, Caneinah, Abernethy
and Maple Lane, comprising District No. 4, in a native Oregonian and
one of the best known members of the bar in tbe city. His sterling
character and staunch integrity have won him a host of friends who
will rally to his support on June 2. Mr. Stipp was born of pioneer
parents in Salem, Oregon, October '.i, 1808, and with the exception of
two years spent in Walla Walla County, Washington, has always lived
in Oregon. He has been a resident of Clackamas county for 21 years.
His early life was uneventful and he worked on a farm at Currinsville
until 1890, when he entered the University of Oregon at Eugene. He
remained there three years. His next two years were spent at Portland
in the law office of Durham, Piatt & Piatt, where he studied diligently.
He was admitted to the Oregon bar in June, lS!)t, and since October,
1897, has practiced his profession in Oregon City, where he has been
very successful. In 1900 Mr. Stipp was admitted to practice in the
United States Courts. No man in the county is more competent than
heto exercise the judicial functions of the office for which he is a candidate.
tary Dunbar has instituted reform in
his oSicethat have greatly faciliated tbe
keeping the books of tbe slate. He is a
practical man and bis record is an ex
cellent one. Treasurer Moore has aluo
made a good record. He has cared for
the funds of the state in a manner to
win the approbation of all parties.
The election of these three men by large
majorities is conceded.
Editob Portkb of tbe Oregon City En
terprise, a member of the last legislature
and late active but disappointed candi
date for the nomination for state printer,
announces through his paper that be is
and is very popular among the people of
tbe Slate. There is no doubt of Mr.
Crawford's election. The only question
is the size of his majority. Clackamas
County will give him bis party vote
without question and bis personal fol
lowing should add to that.
EnosCaiiill will poll as large a vote
as any man on tbe Republican ticket. He
has been one of tbe siaunchest Republi
cans of the county and no man lias done
more for the party through a long term of
years than Enos Cahill. His record in all
respects is tbe best. He has never been
a candidate before and bis Grand Army
friends say they propose to give him the
now out of politics and says any man
should not mix in politics if be is going I top vote. The people of this county will
to run a newspaper. After such a
declaration, Porter needs watching. The
change of heart is too sudden. Newberg
Senator Porter is all right. He was
naturally disappointed in not securing
what he was fully led to expect, but,
notwithstanding he had an invitaiion
and a tempting bait to join the anti-Republican
movement, he stands today,
where he always stood, for the Repub
lican party. Senatoi Porter's record at
Salem was without a blemish. He can
be proud of the fact that be returned
home with the name of being a man wbo
was left severely alone by those who bad
sacks. Aurora Borealis.
The strike of tbe employes ol the Ore
gon City Manufitttnring Company is a
most deplorable affair. It is certain to
work a hardship on over three hundred
make no mistake in electing Enos Cahill
Nelson if elected assessor will equalize
some of the burdens of taxation. He
believes that all should pay taxes alike.
No matter whether corporation or indi
vidual. Tbe farmers' taxes would not
be so blfch if there was no tax dodging
by the "big fellows."
Tuts state is largely devoted to farm
ing and farmers are largely interested in
the laws passed. A vote for Hans Paul
son will help pat one of tbe most pro
gressive farmers in the county in the
Tug (unionists have given up all hopes
of success. Even their party paper has
become so disgusted with the situation
that it is saying absolutely nothing in
suppott of the ticket.
Uniok Ham., Or.. May 5. llK)2.-(To
the Editor.) Will you permit me a little
space in your paer? I was in Oregon
City hxlay and on the street I chanced to
see I'r. R. (ioucher. lie met au imita
tion of a man who told the doctor that
two or three of the Citirntis would be
elected. The doctor asked who and tbe
nun said E. II. Cooper, and the dot-tor
said: "I do not think so." He said: "I
hear you are working against Coox-r."
The doctor said "It is true." So you see
be did not lie about it.
Abuse commenced. Tbe man said
that Dr. Goucher had no inlluence and
be waa a drunken sot. Now I will say
that the doctor is no drunken sot and he
always pays his honest debts and no one
can say different and teli tbe truth.
Everyone knows that Dr. Uoucher Is no
drunkard. He takes a drink but be does
not deny it, but if the doctor had said he
was working for E. if. Cooer his hair
would have had golden bangles on. This
man will find out that abuse will not in
crease the votes for E. II. Cooper, but I
will give the doctor credit, lor he smiled
and walked along and took no notice.
C. Gbickin.
(Continued from page 1.)
is ludicrous iu the extreme. All of these
things will be made clear to the voters
during the campaign of the Republican
candidates. It will be easy to convince
the voters of Clackamas County of the
insincerity of the reformers on the re
cords of the men themselves which are
familiar to every newspaper reader In
the county.
A plaintiff nniHt recover, if at all, upon
the cause alleged in bis complaint, and
the allegations must be supported by
proof. The happening of an accident
does not raise a presumption of negli
When stockholders of a National bank
have been notified by the Controller of
the Currency of an impairment of the
capital stock, they must choose between
levying an assessment or going out of
bjslnese. The stockholders, not the
directors, must vote to suspend.
A verbal purchase of real property,
fallowed by possession by the vendee as
owner, makes the contract binding in
equity to the extent that the vendee can
not repudiate it.
Where a city charter requires claims
to be presented to the Recorder, such
presentation must be made before suit
can be brought.
The Latest Tarn.
A Pittsburg drummer tells this new
yarn: I always carry a bottle of
Kemp's Balsam in my vrw. I take
cold easily and a few doses of the Bal
sam always makes me a well man.
Everywhere I go I speak a eood word
for Kemp. I take bold of my custom
ers I take old men and young men,
and tell them confidentially what I do
when I take cold. At druggists, 25c and
WtOfv, Allow nu oiio luuwt'ivnyoM la (A.
. . I il ...! ... 1 . .
All CounU rfcltS IoiUulioim ... -w.--k.mi art4
ruioiliiHM.ti tluit trlllo with niHlriulmifcrtha !...,,
Infant- tuid Children -i:.Tli.co m.nlii-t I'lperlmcj,
Guitorla U ImrmWa a.il.Htltnto for Cantor Oil, r
corlo, Uropn Mini Mmilliliiff H)ria. It U rii-wmnt It
roiilnlii iwlthiT Oplooit Morphloo lior i.tlur J.urroij,
bat,u.co. It nuo U It ifU.irtu.too. It uVtroy Won,
mid nllnya lVvorMmeaa. It run Ilnrrhi and Vl
Collo. It r.Hove TeHhloif Trouble, t iir CM.stlpi.Uui
ttn.l i'mtiiU'iioy. It liaoliulbitoi ll.o Food, r'ifuUU th,
Moiium-Ii no.l liowrK ulvlotf he.ilthy mid iiuluml alt
Tlio Children luuim.-TIo 3Iothrr' 1'rlci.U.
Bears tho Signaturo of
The Kind You Have Always Boif
In Use For Over 30 Years.
TV! , eMv. V wit. tw W tT
Ol It IF. AO Ml
. tij 8.coa4 HeJ, all t
PUtrns and Parts for All Macular!
r.U'rltT TVI'K WIIITr.lt Krl'AIMMS
Al Kra.onatils I'rl.rt
Mlmoocraphf, Hoctoraphi
And All Duplic ating Cool.
Triwrlur MM.lla anil Ofllcs raraaui
Wrltr or 'uimns or mil on
wlirn you ml anything
Coast Agency Co., Portland, Or,
S.1I N. ark Slr.rl, oup. I. act.! A TH.ua Hank.
I.onf lil.lanr 'Phone In Oltlit.
Slngla key Hoard
are mm m
you mmM m
by our new invention. Only those born deaf are Incurable.
rrn..rmrn - n'mi rniiriv mrn or nrnTnrw thanks to yuur .rrs.mriii, '
a full lu.liiry of my c.. to Iw uu-.l at ymir .liMirti.in. ?
"""" "v K'i niv rifiit car t-Kn to inn. anil Dili kfjit on grium w' -
my hrntina in i'n mr cnntrtv
iiin.icirriitaii-!niriil r.,rcatnrrh. fnr thrrr months.
" i-inirm mr cainrrn. mr inrrr mrintn. without anvnrr.,
brol pliy.uioiin. anintiK oihrt., llir ,tmt minimi r.r .i-. i.li.( ol tin. citv. h';.
mi. 7 ... M-. num. room nrij, mr ,ml , ,,,,, (,,,,, tlw .l WIC nr." -
thciirra, but t,t hr.tuiK in thr arTn tnl r.r woul.t l- ...t forrvcr. . .
I th-n miw your ailTrii.mMit arculriiiallv in a .SVw Yolk tp-r. awl oritf r"
ni'llt. Aftrr I hail n-.l I. ntilyalrw .Uva ... ..nllnit In your ilirntlolia. thr ..
to .lav. altrr fivr orrk. my hcarinx In thr ili.ra.rit rar has h il tnlircly rr'lorrd. Ii
bramlynuatwgtu remain Very liuly your
V. A. WKKMA!, -joB Ilms'tway, lult.ss";
Our treatment doen not interfere with yuur untutl ore pat
Mention the Kntcrjirise alien answering advertisement.
VhooiK Corner..
A woman who has had exjienence
with this disease, tells bow to prevent
any dangerous consequences from It.
She says: Our three children took
whooping eolith last summer, our baby
boy bing only three months old, and
owing to our giving them Chamberlain's
Cough Kemsdy, they lost none of their
plumpness and came out In much better
health than other children whose parents
did not use this remedy. Oar oldest
little girl would call lustily for cough
syrup between whoops. Jessie I'lnkey
Hall, Hpringville, Ala. This remedy is
for sale by 0. A. Harding, Druggist.
nryinp; preparation simply dnrel
op dry catarrh ; thoy dry up the secretions,
which adhero to tho inciiibrano and ducom.
pose, causing A far rnoro serious trmibla thaa
the ordinary form of cntiirrh. Avoiil nil dry.
ing itihnlants, fumes, smokes and snuffs
and use tlmt which chiaiism, soothes uj
heals. lily's Cream lttlin is such a remedy
and will cure catarrh or cold in the hmui
eaily and pleasantly. A trial aire will b
mailed for 111 cents. All ilf...;.i..jiii..
60o. size. KlyJJrolhera, CO Warden fit., N Y
-..a Tl.l ;.i . .
jhuiii our wunoni pain, floes n4
Irritate or CAnse unwimi It . .,i-,.n.ia
over an Irritated ami unry surface, rcliey.
ini? iiiminliiiUly thn painful li,flmiim,.li.,n
With Kly's Cream lialm yooare anuad
against Kasul Catazrh and liny Fever. -
Only One Way To Dt H
nu. I'orit.n.l to Chief
1 1 ..... .. .... Tha "ft
nuurs-jusi tnree u7- . t
ii. t. i.i i l...inl ijr''t
j . urimiiu npeciai. .
j daily atOa. m. la. O. It.
at Chicago at U :.'W the llnrJ d'J'
l ora ana lioston are nisi--
day. This train, acknowWll1
the fastest between the on"
the Kant, Is solidly vestlbuW
eiiuipmeiit is unsurpassed.
drawing room sleeping carii P
tourist sleeping cars, llbr'r,t
cars, free reclining chair csrii
excelled dining cars, the mea j
are wpial to those served '
best hotels. Remember thn 1 (
solid I'ortlandto Chicago! & (
change of cars, and the good
costs no more to ride on It UD
We have other trains- ' ,
press" leaves I'ortland d1,,,
via Huntington, and the
Flyer" leaves at 6 p. m.
kane for 8t. Paul and the E .
For rates, sleeping car re
call or write to
A.L. Cbaio,
L.UBAK1, i
t Passengn
O. R.AJI, Co.,rortIand,.
The Enterprise f 1.50 per r"'