Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 18, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Social IInppcninRsJS PRATinWAIJ jlcoHousE
M K. t lturi li on Monday even-
' rurm m given by
i Mty C'a, voeall-l, ami .Mini Lucy
filr,!.. reader, under th
i Jf.,urlll -C1-. mi o
ft rrliirtl frm Hotn "" '" '"
iih.Ii" '"veral excellent teacher,
ig !''" nxy ' "",illm,'1 ,,i",",r
" i, I lediately oIK-red hi
(, lr lr. Her voice I a full
I, runtmliu under lrll control
rol,,l...iil rn- f over three octave.
'.. ...tiilmii were vrtv artia-
A, lie I"" I
I i(ini( l"' hiUtIo1Ip. The
!'ii.t'l,l1' ,l",rl- WM "'l,y,l
L T, bei v.a-al number were : "O,
J.iihrt Miim." by Nurrl; "The Koa
iT"imi"Tlm Anli," wild Ne-vln'a
fM;gi,ty n" 'i,in
i rlirore. Mi" (' was iilil)'
f ...i i.. vim Edward, who gradu-
r,.., - ..... .. ...
i.ilhli ' lr"'" 11 " "
kv Jlordolle Itnliaay
.lilirr" ", 'lotl Selection ''J1
. Vijn,l othei. hlch tr wfll
i,ivfl. M" 'vlv Hughe gave
l!rnt tifrt to Ml Ce by liur
t,Bi.nintf nt- ! hUleauiali.
lUKTIIIl K Hl'IICAL t-l.t'n- .
y,,,, Iilin L. 1'urler iilrUliiiJ Ilia
evening. Tim program follow:
l-'iif KreMiiHs." MIim' I.uIii
Utille Draper '. lntrumenlal aolo
flulin-s In K," Ml- Veda Wllll.il..;
Li (Wrlier) Mm. Gordon I.. Ilavea;
..(-"Minuet" (Schumann) Mm. ror-
.nJ M, Fln raufleld. The rmh w ill
L April I'H ill ilm reldiice of Mr. V.
CmMiI. Aii oiwn meeting o( th
,tilllw held May '.M. probably lit
.WguJineii Hall. Tim affair will I
,ctlj IDVlUlinll Bin) will In In llin tie-
toll social. Rlrehmeiila will I
.ml iuJ a lxrt igrBiti will he ren-
Hin Alice U'l'oiitiell, only daughter
iMr.irnl Mr. O'linnncll of ('iumiihIi,
J Mr. J. C. Hrlilgm wf r inarriiHl on
: irt-lmv viMiliig ol Unl wk at tliv
mi ol tin liriilu'a arni(i. Tim wrl
I tail iiilit onx, only Imiimiliala
illvriiiul (riendii attending. Hev. J.
Bm(ii, itor of the I'lnl IU.tit
arch Him I'lll' UUiiK rliTK)inn.
t jpoin rtiim lim (ruin U'Wnlinrg
llurllw 10 yran li Immmi a
iJuriur on I. C V U. Itailway.
MtiilMr. Hri.ln-- will rr.l lu In Mil'
F.liy-n of Mr. KulM-rtmin'i frliMiil
irinl him at lila ri,llr'iii,B V.Iiiim-
).( moing. Tliir wa no artirular
-ol oniir. tf.l Kith tliu oct'aalon n
l!,e IiIi'H'IhIiIi uf tlm gtn-nti fur tlmlr
t linl hwUioa. Tin) waning aKeil
1 lllj ind plranatitly with vamra and
iutiom liy 1'iul. T. J. tary, Mia
'duUiili and Mlna lliilduli lloldi-n.
in tlm f vi'iiing rvlrmlnni'iil" wrre
'!. Tlii Mir lliddi'ii anHintrd
(". BolierliHin in the iiitnrtaiiiiiieiil of
(Continued from page 1.)
Vn. William Andi'imtri gava a luncli
i to a nunitir of liir frictida at liur
ll Saturday aftprnoon. Hualdca
t'On-iiun City kui.hih iIiith wire prra-
itrom I'urtland, Mm. J. M. l.awiciirK,
A. B.(irliaiii, Mr. J. N. lirahain,
p. UnUn Thcrnii. Mm. W. II.
"Itr.1,,1 MIkk Alios (ilannpoul.
I'irki-na Cluh unit liint Monday
"noon at tlm rMidenctt of Mm. C. It.
MfK. I,. I l'ormr will entpr
n tbe cluti nfxt Mi.nd.iv and ttiis will
He Anal mcfting of ilm'year.
A.Vnrljr l n niiniiy
n'tla liorriblti nicer on the li-g of
B.Orofr, Kranklin drove, III., which
1 doctora and all rommlica for four
f'"' Tlien lincklmi'a Arnica Halve
Wm. JiiHt ri g.Mid for Itolla,
Bruisea, cm, forna, Kcalda,
''Kmptiotiaind Mm.! 25o at tino.
wllng'a drutf iture.
Waul lull rip oiltfr.
"iJ itiiiimi'li ir..i.i.. .it i:r '
f ii.'wifiu an lllj tun,
"Wtard Mehli-r, prot.rietor of the
Ulrui tl....ir ... .'...
j-..iiiiK Wor,g Kri, I'a., "and
Hi A k'Dl1' "' rBme,'i,'R WH,lt ,0 ,,,v'
ooctorg and int coiiHidtirahlu
' "j"ig to got a motnent'a peace.
""Ij I fttil.l V.l I . r-,
. nuuui ivn.npaia VjWjo
"! h'e bi-fin Uking It to mv great aat-
-- never lotind 4ta equal lor
,fflch trniit.lo i-.ii i
1 -i aim KiBiny recoil) innnu
'MP that I may help other nfler-
Kodol Dvi. .ii
troubles. You don't have to
"'ooeit. (Jo. Harding.
rrn rolntem.
,,,,,1,ent ""tidtics of the number of
'w mat a arKe majority die
'oC"'"-Pti0n' Thi" di"l'ft"e may
u fcw lt'1 an Pl'arently barruleag
Cftn ' turi,d ""Htantly by
K';.V, !leh U K"ranU.Hocure and
?.... " I'rlcn anrl R(V.
An enjuyahln enlirtalnniKiit and aocial
waa given In the A. 0. U. VV. Hall lant
Friday rvr-nlng ,y (lit local lo.lgn of the
1-k"m of Honor. Aftr the rnndlilon of
Ilia program rnfrtiilitiiniitf wcrv aervud
and Hie rKtiiaindfr of the evniiing waa
imaan.1 In dancing, Tlie program followa:
Ad.lri.in of welcome. .Hon. A. K. Dreaaor
Violin aolo Mr. Dmaaer
UiH-ltatlori Charlie Kol.lmon
v,x!"l olo MIm Con) era
Kucitatlon MUa Donna Ioty
Inatnimniital aolo. . Mimt Veda WIMiama
Itecitatlon Mi.a AIIh-m
Maleijnartette. .Meaara. (lllatrap, Flelda,
Taylor anil Woo.lard.
v, l aolo Mra K. II. Cooler
Vocal aolo Mr. Walter Little
Canl.y Lodge, No. I6 Independent
Order of Odd Fellowa, baa paaied rnao
lutloiia of rrapect in memory of the late
M. (!. Kirk, wb'j waa a prominent Odd
Fellow and one of the oldeat memhera of
the order In Oregon. A copy ol the rem.
lutioiia will be apiead upon II. e lecurdN
of the lodge and a copy traiitinilivd to
the family of the deceaned. The charter
and eml.lnna o( Canl.y l.ixlH will be
drawd In mourning for IK I day. The
Committee that drew up the reaoliitiom
waa (J. K. I'runor, II. A. Iidiiiati and
K. II. Carlton.
Mra. Nellie (illntin, prr.lrnt of the
(iraml lxlge of Hehekal.a, vixlted Will
amette Anaemhly laal Friday evening,
acioinpariled by Odd Fellow and
Kehekahe from Cortland and Clackamaa,
anil waa tendered a leciptloli by the
local Imtge,
A lorlor'a lluil I'll. hi.
"Two yeari ago, an a remit of a tevere
cold. I loat my voice," writea Ii. M. L.
Sarbrough, of Hebron, Ohio, "tlinn he
kan an ol.alinate cough. Kvery remedy
known bi me aa a practicing pl.yaician
for X) yeara, failcl, and I dally grew
wuran. Heing urned to try Ir. King'a
New Hiacovery for Conaumption. Cougha
and Colda, I found ipiick relief, and for
laal ten daye have fell better than for
two yeara." I'onitlvely guaranteed for
Throat and I. ling Irouhlea by Geo. A.
Harding. Wo and 11.00. Trial bottle
Mr. Wltrelrr Uat Hid r
','I'urlng the winter of IK'.IH I waa ao
lame In my joirita, in (act all over my
txxly, that I could hardly hobble around,
w hen I bought a Ix.ltle ol Chamberlain'
I'ain llalm. From the II ml application
I licgaii to gi-t we I. and waa cured ami
have worked ateadily all the year. It.
Wheeler, Norihwood, N. Y. For aale
by li. A. Harding, Ilruggiat.
l'xir li'iice ahiiwt that "cranky legia
lailou" iiwd not be (eared, aa a conmv
ipience o( referemliiiu. Contrary to all
eipeciatioi.a, aa Henry Sunnier Maine
hw in hia hook on repreaenutive gov
ernment, and even to the hitler dinH
iNilhtiiienl not in(reiiieritly o( the an
thora ol the referendum, luwa mistakenly
auppoaed ol the higliet iinpurtance,
Mime of them oinly fi amed lor opu
larity, have len vetied by the people
after tl.ev bad been olfered to the elec-,
torate. Tl.la reault, a Maine explaina,
ia aulllcienlly intelligible. Ilia poaaible
by agitation and exhorlation to produce
in the mind of the average citizen a vague
iinpreaaion that he deairea a parlicular
change. Hut when the agitation baa
aettlnl don on the diega, when the ax
cileuient Im died away, when the alib
ied ha been Ihu-ahi'd'out. when the law
ia behire him willi all ita detail, be ia
aure to llud much in it that ia likely to
dinturb In Idea, hia habit, hi preju
dice or hi intereata; and lo in the long
run be vote "No."
IM ill!, I f.t the qneition of health
111 VS.U .X-l. become mainly a
question of nutrition. If the atomach
and other wjjan of digestion and nutri
tion are kept in a healthful condition
there will l a well-nouriahrd body, aud
little liability to diaordei of the liver,
bowel or inch oilier diaorde.l aa may
result irocu in
nutrition and
lack of eier
ch. Dr. Pierce'
Golden Med
ical Iriacovery
curea diaeaae
of the atomuch
and other or
gan of dera
tion and nutri
tion, and alao
diaeaae of oth
er orgnnwhich
are caused by
the diseased
condition of the
tomach. By
enabliiig the
perfect nutri
tion ot me ... " a
body it increaae the viuu power auv.
promote a vigorous old are.
I waa a wfTerer from chronic dUrrhea for
rrara "ril Mr Mary A Aaron, ol Ro la.
VhrM Co Mo. ! tried dlffcrtnt rrme.11
wMcPwo-ld lv m. rrllrf for a .hort tin.
?nlleTd y. In !ul, '.,ir
twobolllr of the Golden Mrlil Waeojere.
FTra of a.rt-Wd.' a you adytoed. I
h.. not had ny rctura of my trouble ton
uatn, ynur .e.lU-n. Am now ""tv-on,
war M nd I never had anylhin to relirr.
quick. I thtuk Pr flrrof. ""
arraTei on earth. Should I e.r h. an
filra of n.y tnaiblc .hall J" "JE
Mv Ihanha lo y.m for your adrV and
JoyAlm!.My tl reau-inf m to -"
through your hauda
AccetH no ultitute for "Golden Med
ical Piacorery." There U ncAhing juet
aa good" for diaeaae. of the etotnach,
blood and lungs.
Dr Pierce' Pleasant relict, the beat
laxative for old people. They; cure con
Hipation and biliousness.
The final report of Tom V. Randall,
admlnlatrator-with-wlll-annexed of the
eatiiUt of laaac Cappa, deceaaed, h Iwen
approved The adinlnlatrator I allowed
72 for hi fee, and William Cappa,
Fraud M. CPp", Laura A. Gilliam,
Manha (iilliiapie, (ieo. W. Cappa, Olive
J. I'll 11 1 1 1 m. Kug.-ne T. Capp and Keaale
J. Foreman are entitled to the residue of
the eatate, amounting to $777. M, lhare
and hme alike.
An order ha been made for the aale
of the NK"i Wee. 14, T. 4 8.. It. 6 K.,
containing KX) acrea, belonging to the
estate of Win. I). Iiedford, deceaaed.
The probable Value of the property I
f.VX). and there are rlalme galnt tlm
estate amounting to f'.'OO.
Amelia MrCllncy, guardian of the ea
tate of Heed T. McClincy, Jame Mc
Clincy, Irene MuClincy and Beatrice
McCllncy, minora, baa been authorized
to aocept two-third of $ 100 in full pay
ment of a claim againnt the Modern
llrolherhoixl of America.
A demurrer ha been II led by the de-(-mlaui
in the caae of (J, T. Trullinger
v. A. J. Muyville and W. Huabanda,
that the complaint doe not Hta ul!i
cleiit facta to constitute a cauae of action
against the defc miaul.
C. 0. Iloynton ha sued W. It. Hair
and Cornelius liair for X'K) due on a
promi-aory note, with 8 wr cent interest
from July 17, l!MII and $'0 attorney' fee.
Monday, May 13, baa been set a the
date lor bearing the filial report ol 8. W.
Hardeaiy. adtuinUtrator of the eatate of
Hula Ann Hcotice, deceaaed.
Tuesday, June 3, ha been set a the
date or bearing the final report of Kate
Ahey, adininialratrn of the estate of
Cbas K. A they, deceased.
hured .Many a Time.
Don't neglexrt cough an I colds, even if
it ia Spring. Huch caae often reault ae-
rioiialy at this sesson jxat because ople
are careless. A done of One Minute
Cough Cure will remove all danger. Ab
solutely safe. Acta at once. Sure cure
for cough, colds, crouo, grip, bronchitis
and other throat and lung trouble. "I
have used One minute Cough Cure sev
eral yeara," say poilmaHter 0. 0. Daw
son, Itarr, III. "Il i the best cough
medicine on the market. It ha laved
me many a tevere spell uf sickness and I
warmly recommend it." The children's
favorite. Geo. Harding.
This method would also have the im
mense advantage ol disentangling inane
l.y separating a leading question from
the many minor questions with which il
may be mixed. Il w juld he a great gain
if any capital question could he decided
bv the electo.ate on it own merits, on a
direct and simple issue, liy the refer
endum the electorate can render its de-
lilierate opinion Uh.ii meaaurea, inde
iieudently of men ami ol partv pressure,
and can reject or approve a proposal
without ahaiiiloumetil ol party connect
lions, or danger ol placing the govern
ment in other hand. If the electorate
is to judge policies, it surely is leas likely
to eir if it judge them on a clear and
distinct itt.iuo. In audi a cae il ia most
likely to act indeHMidently, and not at
the dictation of wirepullers. All meas
ures ol importance, w ould he subjected
to fullest debate before the people.
The political convention this year will
heacked, no doubt, to declare parry opin
ion on the proH)Hl to amend the consti
tution of Oregon ao as to reserve to the
people the power to proHan law inde
tiemleiilly o( the Legislative Assembly,
and to approve or reject law by direct
vote at the pjlle. 'II. is is the system
ahoitlv called "initiative and relereu-
luni." 1 h- two parta of it are usually
coupled together, though not necessarily
one, since lelureiuluiu may be had with
out direct initiative from the people,
indeed, we have qualified or limited ref
erendum now, in ilia submission of this
propositi to amend the constitution, and
a nlten a the location cf a county seat,
or any other local matter, fa submitted
to the people ol a county or municipality.
The referendum ;ia a method which
would bring important niattera of state
policy directly under discussion by the
people. It would tend powerlullv toward
the suppression of legislation in w hich
individuals, group and corporations
have special inter-sts. Such legislation
now is often put through without ade
quate discussion and without the know
ledge of the people. After the close of
a legislative session discovery is made
that bills of very objectionable character,
designed in lbs main to serve piivate,
arsonal, partisan or corporate interests,
have leen enacted into laws; and very
frequently clauses carrying such leatures
are smuggled into bills, during their pro
greas through the Legislature, by inter
ested parties. We have often witnessed
such scandals of legislation in our own
state. The referendum would make this
impossible. No predatory measure could
be carried bclore the eople. The legis
lative lobbyist would be put out of busi
For Cough and Colds In llillilmi.
"I have not the slightest beiitancy in
recommending Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy to all who are suffeiing from
coughs or colds," says Cbas. M. Cramer,
Esq , a well known watch maker, of Co
lombo, Ceylon. "It lias been some two
years since the Citj Dispensary first
called my attention to this valuable
medicine, and I have repeatedly used it
and it has always been beneficial. It
bas cured me quickly of all chest colds.
It is especially effective for children and
seldom takes more than one bottle to
cure them of hoarseness. I have per
suaded many to try jhis valuable niedi
.u. and thpv are all aa well Dleased as
i . im., - j .
I my? If over the results." for sale by
G. A. Harding, Druggist,
hot away by Republican ballota on the
first of June. My own opinion ia that
there'll be nothing left o( it to bury.
Let me say in paaaiug that J. U.
Campbell bas charge of tbejbattle, and
he knows what fight mean. He'll plant
the flag of success In their breast work
and carry the day without the lose of a
Republican iliould te op and to arm.
The battle is on and we are going to win.
In the language of my friend, H. K.
Cross, at Stone not long tince, "vote for
your wive! vote for' your borne and
firetidea!" Thi mean that when you
vote for the men here mentioned you'll
do thla very thing. Clackamaa County
doe not posse a more conservative Dor
representative set of men.
Respectfully submitted,
K. C. JUckitTT.
Oar Sn H aii Ms
Beginning Monday at the
(Continued from page 1.)
uiembera of this committee, and forty
three accepted, with alsofllteen resident
of the District of Columbia. All decided
that such change was necessary and
there was a utianimou voice for the
third Thursday in April as the aiose suit
able date.
Much interest is felt in the Cuban re
ciprocity meaaure, as the Sugar Trust il
op in arms against it. It looks aa if the
republicans were to divided that the bill
cannot pass without democratic votes.
It is amusing to read the notices that
the prea of uroe are publishing si to
the way Dentnatk had to bribe congress
men lo make the purchase of the Danisb
Island by the United Crtates. The whole
story was preposterous, and the rascally
Dane w ho came here with it should be
lifted out of Ibe country by the toe ol
somebody's boot. The sale was nego
tiated with Denmark by the State De
partment and no money was used, nor
was there occasion to use any. Congress
is not made of the stuff that speculator
can manage or that money can so easily
The House ha passed the Chinese Ex
clusion Hill, without any dissenting vote,
but the Senate seems to be less easily
satisfied. It is supposed here that it
will be impossible for the House Bili (lo
pass Ibe Senate, leadingsenators are laid
to be convinced that the restrictions Im
posed by il violate existing treaties with
China. It may pass as it came from the
House if democrat can furnish votes for
it ; but general opinion here ia that it
will not pass the Senate, and restrictions
may be confined to the provisions of the
existing Ueary law, tliat may be re-enacted.
On Monday a bill introduced by Sena
tor Mitchell pissed the Senate providing
(or lepayment o( all sums paid fo public
lands over $1 '.'5 er acre. While it is
general in terun it ia especially of inter
est lo the people of Washington andOie
gon who have bought laud within rail
road land grant and paid aa high as
$-'.50 an acre at times. All such over
payments will be refunded. The same
bill is reported favorably in the House
and will probably pass.
Senator Mitchell hopes to see the Chi
nese Exclusion lit 1 1 pass the Seriate very
much as it did the House. The existing
Ueary law is but a part of such legisla
tion on the statute books, as there were
several acts tl at preceded it and il il
confusing to look them up. It ia thought
that some features existing may be re
pealed by treaties since made. The new
act will repeul previous ones and re-en
act all that is necessary, with such new
provisions as may be needed.
President Koeevelt is having a real
good time down in Charleston; he is ex
actly like a boy having a holiday and
bubbles over all the time with excite
ment at all he sees. I used to live tbeie
and recojyiize the scenes. The names
of the ollicial he meets and of the old
families I knew, sons of those I was ac
quainted with 65 years ago. I had fine
times riding through the live oak forests
they tell of, with the long stringing moss
festooning every tree. I went on pic
nics, sailing past Moultrie and Sumpter,
snd bad many a moonlight walk, on the
Battery with the Charleston girls of the
long ago.
S. A. Clakki.
'A neighbor ran in with a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhea Remedy when my son wa suffering
with severe cramps and was given up as
beyond hope by my tegular physician,
who stands high in bis profession. After
administering three doses of it, my son
regained consciousness ana" recovered
entirely within twenty-four hours," lays
Mrs. Mary Haller. of Mt. Crawford, Va.
This remedy is for sale by (i. A. Hard
ing, Druggist.
Indies Can -wear Nhoes
one size smaller after using Allen's Foot-
Ease, a powder to be shaken into the
shoes. It makes tight or new shoes feel
easy : gives instant relief to corns and
bunions. It's the greatest comfort dis
covery of the age. Cures and prevents
swollen feet, blisters, callous and sore
spots.. Allen a Foot-hase is a certain
cure for sweating, hot, aching feet. At
all druggists and shoe stores, 25c. Trial
package FREE by mail. Address, Al
len S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
WrapjMTH, 80c and up.
ri nhirl W anus, Z w and up.
y Children's and Misses' IIohc, odd
tj nizos, fa, 7c, 8c it 10c per pair,
rj Ladiea' Chemise, 1.5c and up.
J Ladiea' Bummer Undcrveets.
j Dressing Sacks and Kamonias.
n T. adieu' DrpsB Skirt nt bnrrrnin
Ladies' Corset Covers, 35c up.
Towula, all grades, at cost.
Men's and Boys' Shirts, 15c up.
Men's Laundered Shirts, 40c.
Men' and Boys' Underwear at cost.
Men's Linen Collars and Cuff's,
10c and Ifc
Ladies' Linen Collars, 10c.
Men's Socks, 10c and up.
Hose Supporters.
Bandanna Handkerchiefs, 3c, 2
for 5c.
Tamoshanters, Head Rests, Sunbonnets, Gent's White Bows,
Hooks and Eyes, Buttons, Pins, Needles, Hair Pins, Safety
Pins, Gent's Bicycle Belts, Ladies' White Belts, all
below cost. Your choice of Umbrellas for 50c.
lutes A (til n Reduced Prom All Point
Before you make definite arnngement
for that trip east let us quote you rates
via the Illinois Central Railroad. Ourj
rates are the lowest to be had, and it wil !
pay you to write ns. If you haven't time j
to communicate with os, tell the agent
from whom you purcbage your ticket
that you want to travel by way of the
Illinois Central, and you will never re
gret the trip.
If any of your relatives or friends in
the east are coming west while the low
rates are in effect write ns about them.
and we will see that they get the lowest
rates with the best service.
Through tourist cars, personally con
ducted excursicn cats, free reclining chair
cars in fact all the latest conveniences
know to modern railroading.
For particulars regarding rates, time,
service, stop-overs, different connections
snd routes, Etc., etc., call on or address;
B. II. Tbimbull,
142 Third Street, Com 'I Agt. .
Portland, Ore.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
1 at th jl
trrJr'rfr'r'r'r'HrJr'r'rlr'r1fJigSSg j
Straight Front Corsets 49c up 1
Colored Mercised Under
skirts 79c np !
Ladies' Summer Undervests 5c up !
" Black Hose 5c up
' and Children' white
hemstitched H'da'chiefs 2 for 5c
K Ladies' white Aprons .... 15c up
r, " Ready Made Dress
M Skirts $1.25
jj Satin Ribbon, No. 5 ,all colors 4c yd
rj Tailor Made Suits $7.75
p Girdle Corsets 49c
kj Torchon Lace 6 yds, for 5c
H Valencennes Laces for
Sri Ruffles icayd
r Nansook Embroidery 5c yd
Vt Bone and aluminum Hair
j Tins 5c doz
R Pearl Shirt Buttons, all sizes 5c doz
our If yon Irf z
M g and our Is ao atnmi; c
1 ylJPC guarantee a cure or refund
money, and we send yoaj
free trial bottle if you write for it.
6HIWDH 8 com 28 cent and will core Con
sumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis and all
Lung Trouble. Will cure a cough or cold
in a day. and thn prevent aeriou remits.
It bu been doing theae thing for CD year.
8. C. Well at Co.. Le Roy, N. Y.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
July 0, 1001
6 S5I H 00, Lr
8 oft 9 05
8 20! 9 IH
8 3; 9 35
8 44 9 40
8 50, 9 50
8 58 10 0
OS 10 101
9 19 10 211...
9 37 10 Si ..
10 00 11 02 ...
10 OS 11 10 ...
10 2011 22 ...
10 &III1 30 Ar
Portland Ar
. Maygpr
lawkanie . .
Mirstiland ..
. WeMport
. Knappa ....
. bH'eiiFen . . .
.John Day . ..
. . Aon . . Ijv
11 10
10 On
9 52
9 35
9 30
9 20
9 12
9 02
8 5:
8 3
8 1
8 0'
7 55!
7 4.1!
9 40
8 35
8 20
8 00
7 54
7 4rt
7 34
7 28
7 17
7 02
6 42
6 32
6 20
6 10
11 30a.m. ..1 f...
11 35 p.m..
5 50 a. m..
8 15 a. 11...
6 15 a. m..
2 30 p.m ..
5 00 p. m .
9 45 a. m .
. 7 40 a. m
. .4 00p.ni
.10 35 a. iu
. 5 50 p. m
.'12 30 p. m
. 7 20 p. m
. 1 30 p. ro
. 9 30 a. m
All trains make close connections at Gohle
with all Northern Pacific trains to or from
the East or Hound Point.
At Portland with all train leaving Union
At Astoria with I. R it N. Co.'s boats and
rail line, and Steamer T. J. Potter, to and
trotn Ilwaco and Sorth Beach Points.
Ticket ortioo, 2i5 lorrio.i St., and Union
depot. J. C. MaVO, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Astoria, Or
Going up, 8 :00 A. u. Going down 2 .30 p K
Daily River Excursions
Foot Taylor 8t,
Foot Eighth 8t.
KatabllNhed I83.
I!, I, UM,
frangfep and Exjf e$,
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.
Kupturo and Piles
Cured without operation or detention
from business
Room 14. McKay Bldg. 3rd & Stark Sts.
Hours 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 P. M.
Tae Enterprise $1.50 per year.
rn, an tn,.l li.ran, mtn n. nmn In
each town. Permanent position. 30 cent
ver nour lor ii.ara nine, jnanuiaciurer,
box 1102, Chicago.
8 30 A. M.
11 30
3 00 P, M.
6 15
7 00 A. M.
10 00
1 30 P. M.
4 30
Only the following landings will be mailers
Magoone'a, Meldrum', Morey'a,
Risley's and Oswego. Sunday excepted.
Oregon City Transportation Co.
EniL Line.
By the fast
and com
modious steamer
Leaves Portland daily except
Sunday at 7 a. m.
This is the Great Scenic Route.
All tourist admit that the scenery
on the Middle Columbia is not ex
celled for beauty and grandeur in
the United States. Full informa
tion by addressing or calling on
J. S. BOOTH, Agent,
Tel. 914. Portland, Or,
Office and wharf, foot of Oak St.
y all drugnigta.