Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 18, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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L,egal Noticea.
In the Circuit Court of th State of Ore-
iron, for tht County of I laokamaa.
T. T. 0r Governor, 1
F. I. lunbr s !'
lary ot State and Chaa.
8. Moor as Treasurer
of I he State of Oregon
ConttitminK Ihe Stale
Laud Board,
W. B. JeniiinKS. J- F.
Jennings and Wilitiol
Jennings, his wife,
Clackamas Count?, I
K. L. Newton and
McCord Brad j A Co.,
Corporation, I
Defendants. I
Stats or Crooi, 1
C6rtTT or Clackamas,!
By virtue of judgment order, decree
ud an execution, duty issued out of and
limit r the seal ol the above entitled court,
in the above entitled cause, to rue duly di
rected and dated the 2tith day of March,
llUri, uion a judgment rendered and en
tered in said court on the 11th day of Jan
uary ill lavor of The State Land Board
I'laintitt, and aKaim-t W. B. Jennings and
J. F. Jennings, Defendant, lor the sum of
.TIOOOo, with interest thereon at the rate of
8 percet t per annum from the '-W. May ol
April and the liirthersun.ol JJ2?$.00. as
attorney's lee, and the further sum ol $31 40
costs and disoursenieiits, and the costs of
ud upon this writ, commanding nie to
make snje of the following described real
propei ty, situate in the comity ol CUcka
was, state ol Oregon, to-wit:
That part ol Betrynian Jennings and wife
Donation Land Claim in Township Two
South ot KangeOne and Two Kast bounded
nd described as follows: Beginning at
the North Kast Corner of a tract ol land
deeded hy Martha Jennings to Georgia P.
Mrldrum which corner is in the Enst
boundary line of said Donation Land Claim
Korth iieg. West Seventy Eight links
rtistai t Irom the South East Corner of said
Donation Land Claim and running tbenre
Kouth 13 deg. and M nun. West
Chains to the South Eat Corner of the
tract ol land reserved by Mrs. Martha Jen
nings; thence North 11 deg. ;t9 inin. West
9.3U Chains; thence North 63 deg. 51 min.
Jet tfi.72 Chains to the East boundary ol
eaid Donation Land Claim; thence South
43 deg. 45 mill. Kast along said East bound
ary 6.13 Chains M the Angle Corner In snid
Kast boundary : thence 1U ileg. East 3.22
Chains to the ( lice of beginning containing
60 acres.
Also that part ol the Berrvroan Jennings
and wile Lonation Land Claim in Town
ship Two South of Kange One and Two
East bounded and descrioed as loilows o
wit: Beginning at a point in the East
boundary of said Donation Land Claim
forty three and tbr.e quarter degrees West
6.13 Chains distant from the angle corner in
said East botindarv and running thence
Eouih l3 deg. 51 min. West W 88 Chains;
thence North 11 deg. 3t min. West 10
Chains to the division line between the
North and South half of said Donation
Land Claim ; thence 65 deg. Est along said
division line 60.3" Chains to the bast
boundary of said Donation Land Claim;
thence South 43 deg. and 45 min. East 9.3
Chains to the (lace ol beginning containing
60 acres.
Now, Therefore, by virtue of said execu.
tion, judgment order and decree, and in
eomtliance with the commands of said
writ, 1 will on Saturday, the
at the hour of 1:30 o'cl k P. M. at the
front door of the County Court House in
the City of Oregon City, in said Com ty and
bute. sell at puolic auction, subject to r--
dempttori, lo the higher bidder, lor v. t
gold coin cash in bind, all the right, title
and interest which the within named He
fendanis or either of them, had on liie dale
of the mortgage herein it since had in or to
the above described real iroperty or any
uart fiereof. to sat'sfy said execution, Imig
nient order, decree, int. rest, costs and all
accruing cott.
Sheriff or Clackamas County, Or gon.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore , March 31. l'J02.
Notice for I'ubllcatlon.
Department of the Interior, Land Office
t Oregon Ulty, Oregon, April s. I'Jf-.
Notice is hereby given that the following'
named applicant lo purchase under Section
5. Act ol Congress ot March A. ltwT has hied
notice of his intention to make final prool
in suppt rt ol his claim, and t'iat said prool
will br made before Register and Receiver
t Or goti City. Ore., on May 20, I'M! viz:
for the N W ol.NWU Sec. 1, T. 3 8. R. 3 E.
He names ttie ("flown g witnesses lo
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation ol said land, viz:
W,J. Staler, of New berg, Yamhill Co.,
Oregon; L. T. Karin, ot Portland, Cr-gon;
E. C. Stark, of Portland, uregou; Peter H,
WsrJ, ot Fortlanu, Oregon.
In the Clrcnll Court of the Slate ol Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas,
Anne Darling,
Clarence T. Darling,
To Clarence T. Darling, delendant hove
In the name of the Stat of Oregon : You
are hereby required to be and appear in the
above entitled Court on or before tne inu
day of May, 1'.'2. being the last day of the
put.licattoti ol tola summons, to mane an
swtrto the pomi'laii.t ol plsintilt film) in
the said court, or in nelaull fiereol plain-
tin will apply to the court tor the relief de-
ntinled in i he coiiH'laint. t wit:
For a de r-e dissolving the bonds of mat
rimony exisiing between yon and plaintiff
and that plum n te awarded tne cusiouy
of Kdauna Darling, a minor child ol plain
titTim! vminu.lt.
Tins siiinn ons is published Viy order of
the Honorable Thos F. Ryan, County .Midge
of the County of Clackamas, which order is
di.t-ii Match' 2i), I'JW, which order requires
ti: service ol tuis aummons iihiii you by
ruithcstinn thereot lor not less than six
weeks. The dale of the first publication ol
ihissumnions is March 2S. 1!!, and the
date of the last publication ol this summons
will be May l. l!'2.
Attorneys lor Plaiutilt.
Cttiintr Treasurer's Notice of
Hale of HoihIsj of Sc hool IH.
Irict Ko 4M, C'lacbaman Coun
ty, Oregon,
8ealed bids will be received at the County
Treasnr. r'softice in the court houe in Ore
gon Cily on to 10 o'clock a. m.on May 1st,
1!j2, fur purchase of five thousand dollars
of the bonas of School District No. 48 ol
Clackamas county, Oregon, in denomina
tions of five hund'red dollars ($.VX).0Oi each.
dated June 1st, I'M!, and ben ring interest-
at the rate of five per cent per annum, pay
abeou the 1st days of Jii'ieand December
of each year, said bonds being payable
twenty years alt r date or at the pleasure
of sani tiisUii t alter ten yean, in conform.
Hy with the provisions of section 47, para
graph 81, of the school law enacted m toe
session of 1IJ01. Principal and interest pay
able in Iswfbl money of the United rilat-s,
atlbe nttice ol the County Treasurer in Ore
gon City. All bids to lie accompanied by a
certified check f r five per cent of the
amount of bid. The right s reserved to re
ject anv or all bids. Indorse envelopes
'PrpoaU for the purchase of bonds of
fichool District No. 4."
A. LL'ELLINO, Treaiurer
Clackamas Co., Or?.
Dated March 20, 1!Xi2.
Notice to Creditor.
Notice is hereby given that the la.t will
and tettament of Samuel 1 a 1 r has been
tiled for probate in the Omi.tv Court ol the
County ol Clackamas, State of Oregon, and
any and all persons having cl iims against
tbe said est ite must i resn.t them to the
undersigned eiecut rs with proper vouch
ert at our resilience in Pleasant Hill, Clack
amas County, Oregon, witoin six nioi ths
from the dale of this notice.
Execut rs of the last will and teslament
' f Samuel Tsvlor, decieii,
Dat-d March 17ih, Vfl.
Miir.itirFN nai.i:.
In the Circuit Court of Ihe State of Ore
gon, for the County of (. lackamas.
George Stock as adminis-
traior of the estate ol
Henry St x'k, deceased,
1I .; 1
I Idlllllll,
vs. f .
H. 0. Card and Y. 8.
Gard, I
Defendants. J
Statk ofOkkoon I
Cot'KTY or Clackamas.)
Bv vir tie of a judgment order, decree
and an aitacomeiit execution, uuiy issued
out of and under the seal ol the above en
titled court, in the above ei titled cause, to
me duly oirected and daied the 14th day ol
March, lflu2, iiihiii a judgment rendered
and ei t retl in said conn on ttie.Mth day ol
Nuvembtr, ISiii, in lavor of deorge Mock
as administrator of toe ettile ol Henry
Stock, deceased, Plaiiuitf, and againal M.
0. Gard and Y. 8. Hard, Defendants, l r
the stun of $tS4..Vi, with interest Ih rron at
the rab? ol M tr cent p-r a-iiium Iron the
ioib day ol November, 1!7, and the Inrttier
sum ol $10.00 coids and disbuDeiiients and
the eosti ol and uihii this w rii, command
ing me to make sale of tbe following des
cnlied real properly, being the property at
tached in said at tiou situate la the county
of I lirkaiuas, ftiteot Oregon, to wit
beginning at a point North 81 degrees
West 4 25 chains and South 28 decrees 10
in i ii ut s west 14.77 chains trout the North
Kast corner ol tne Donation Land Claim ol
Kinma Kishi rand wife being claim No. 44
anil running thence South 28 decrees 10
miiiuies West 4.."2 chains to a stake in the
cei.ter of the Abertietby Wagon Road;
thence South 30 degrees 30 minutes East
along tne center of said wagon road 1 tfi
chains lo angle stake in said road: thence
South 57 degrees 20 minutes East 2.80 chains
aiong the cent r of said road ; thence North
28 degrees 10 iium.t-s East 5.!)) chains t
another stake; thence North til degree 60
itiiiiut.-s Wesl 4.33 chains lo I lace of be
ginning containing two acres ol Wild.
Now, Iherefi re, by virtue of said execti
tion, judgment order and decree, and in
comi li mce with the commands of said
arit, 1 will on Saturday the
20TH DAY OF APRIL, 1002;
at the hour of Two o'clock P. M., at the
front door of the Com ty Court House in
Ihe City of Oregon Cily, in said County
and S ate, s II at public auction, subject to
redemption, to t ie highest hiddi r, for lT,
8. gold coin caa in hand, all the right, Mi
ami ii teiest which Ihe wiimn named de
fendants or either of them, had on the date
of the mortgage herein or since had in or to
the above described real projierty or any
nart thereol, to satisfy saia execution,
judgment or ler, (lei ree, interest, cosU ami
all accruing costs.
Sherlrl of CHckamas Corjntv, Oregon,
Dated, Oregon Ciiy. Ore., March 18tb. 1902.
Nr.n.n ..
In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Ore
gon for tbe County ol Clackamas.
Minnie Boeicker, Plaintiff,)
Boetcker, Defendant.
To John Boeicker the above named de
fendant; In the name ol the State ol Ore
gon, you are hereby r quired loapoear and
answ. r the complaint tiled again-t you in
the above entitled Court on or before the
25t!i day of A ril. 1WJ, the same being six
weeks from the fir t publication of the sum
nmiis, and you will take notice tlitt if you
fad lo so anneer and answersaidconii laint,
the plaintiff will apply to the Court lor the
r liel demanded in said cotnplaini, to-wit
That the bonds of matrimony existing be
tween plaintiff and delendant be di-aolved.
This summons is pnhlished hy the or.hr
of Hon. Thomas V. Ryan. Conmy Judge of
Clackamas County. S at of Oregon, in the
Oregon Ciiy Et.t rpnse for Six succe-sive
weeks, commencing Marnh 14lh, I-02 am)
conliiiuing to and im lotting April '2T, l!i02.
O. B. Dl HICK.
Attorney for PluintifT
police to f'redlforst.
Notice is hereby given that the under
sigi el has been duly appointed adminis
trator ol the estate ol Mary Ballard, de
ceased, and any ami all persona having
tiiiii-s against toe said estate must present
t lem to the undersigned al his resilience in
Milwaiikie. Oregon, within six months
from the date ol this notice.
Administrator of the e.-Ute of Mary
Ball ird, deceased.
Dated March 2o, 1W2.
Appointment ot Executor
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been appointed executor of tne
last will ami testament of Joseph hilts,
deceased, by the County Court of Clacka
mas con ty, Oregon. All persons having
claims against the said esta'e. are hereby
notified lo present the same, duly verified
according to law. within six months irom
the date of this notice, at the otlice ol J . I.
Campbell. Oregon City. I Tenon.
JJateofhrsi publication, April 11, V.m.
TiioHAS C. Thomas,
, Executor.
In the Circuit Court of tht 8U!e of Ore
gon lor Clackamas County.
James M. Tracy, 1
Plaliitilf. I
Hiram K. Straight. Margaret
Oratsand tirsls, her
husband. Win. K Straight,
Jacob Straight, James
Straight, Mollie Straight,
John Siraight, and Hiram
Straight, as Administrator
of the Ktdata of Hiram
Straight, deceased.
To Jacob Straight, Margaret Orals, Mid
lints, her husbahd, and James Straight,
said defendants;
In the name ol the State of 0 -egon: You
and each of you are hereby notified lo ai
peer and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled soil on or helore
2idh day ot April, A D. lutt: and II you fail
so lo answer, ihe plalntitl wi-l apply to die
Court for the reliel demanded In the com
plaint and for judgment and decree against
defendants lor One Hundred Dollars and
interest thereon at the Mie ol 8 per cent per
annum from Nov. S, lNfUl, and $15 attorney
fee and h r costs and disbursements and
foreclosing the mortgage on the real -r ip
trty described in the complaint, securing
payment of same, which is situate inClack
auias County, Oregon, as lollow. towit:
All that portion of Ihe Ka-terly or wile's
hall of the Hiram and Susan Straight ! L
C. in T. 2 South, Range 2 Kaal, lying West
of Ihe Oregon and California Railroad and
easterly ami southerly of the county road,
being the unsold portion of said Claim ly
ing West ol said Railroad, excepting tram
above a smxll tract sold to KnuleTellefson,
also a smsll tract on West sole of railroad
sol I to Chatlea Albright, the amount of
land conveyed being Ilit-eu acres more vr
less. The int real hereby described being
the undivided one sixth Interest In the
same, that being the irlion belonging to
the said 11 run Straight: And that said
mortgaged ro ny lie sol according to
law and the proceeds of sals be applied as
bv law and eouilv reouired, and that de-
lemlauLa and each ot them be lorever fore
closed and b r red ol all interest and t laim in
or to said real property or any part thereol
I his summons Is published hy order of
Hon. T F. Rau, Judge of the Coui tv
Court of the State ot Oregon f r CLickunma
County in the absence ol Ihe Circuit Judge
ol this Judicial District, made an' emend
of record lids 1 3th davof March, P2.
The time of the lir-t publication ol t ils
summons is March 14th. I'."'-'.
Attorney for I'lmotiir
rtmii notU'ts,
Nolice Is hereby given that I have tills
,1y filed Willi the County Court ol t la; ka
m.5, County. State of Uw.. "!,''"
KeiM.il a. administratrix ol the K
Martha I'arllew. ''-'''"' ""' 1 ,
sal.l Court ba. ael Tuesday the Sr I day ol
June. l'.lo2. al Ihe hnlirol ten o co A. at
ofsaiddav forth hearing of said retr
andohectioiither.'lol( any there In. at
which tune all person, inieresie. are ra
qnesHI to pr-senl any ..bje.MH.iis they may
have lo said account, lo said I onrt.
KI I.A K. WII.I.IAM8, Adnilnislralor,
Paled, Af.nl lllill, 1002.
The County Clerk of CU. kamaa
County will receive soale.l lil.Ia for
miles of plank to lo iMivere.I "'Mlie
Aln-rni'thy road, lcglnnliK o I'1" Viol
Hill and loading towards Ortgon City.
I.limher to l0 of giasl auiiml old Irwa ami
to Ik UKt.xUxS to 12 Incliea; stilngeia.
3x(l Incliee. ltids to he opened Mar Ulli,
VM'i, at 2 o'clock P. M.
Paled April 18'h, 1-.K12. K. II Cooritit,
Felice ol'.aiiile of Ileal ISlale.
Notice is hereby given that In pursuance
ol an order ol sale made and entered by the
county court ol Clarkatuas t'ounty, Slate
ol Oie'gon, on the 17th day of Api'iI, lisrj,
in Ihe matter ot the estate of John S. l.reen.
deceased, the undersigned, the duly ai-
pomled administrator of Ihe estate ol said
lecea-ed, win sell at pulmc aticllon lo the
highest bidder, for cash in harnl, on the
10111 DAY OF MAY, I'.srj,
at the hour of 1 o clock P. M. of said day,
at the courthouse door in Oregon Citv it.
said count) and slate the following described
real property, situate, lying and being in
Clackamas County, Oregon:
All that isurllon ol the 8,1'. ol section
No. 34, in r. 3S. K 4E. olllie V illantette
Meridian lying and situate South ami West
ol the North hank ol Clackamas nver and
the Islamls in said Clackamas river in said
portion ol said aouui Ka-t , of said section
o. 34 herein described containing 15 acres
more or less, together with all riparian
rights anil Inciden'a attached, appuit -nanl
and incident to the same.
Also a certain contract in writing with
toe Iregon and California Railroad Com
pany dated the 5tli day of October, 1H-.1, in
ami by which the said Company agreed for
a consideration to convey to tne said de
ceased John 8. Oreen the South East V. of
the Nor.h East and Ihe East i of the
Souitiean ot secnon 33, in r. 3 a. R. 4 E.
of the Willamette M.rioiaii, curtaining 120
acres more or less all in Clackamas County,
Oregon, said sale lo be for caan, 20 tier cent
on uay af sale, balance on continuation ol
sale by said County ( onrt.
Administrator of the estate of John S.
Green, deceased.
Dated April loth, W1.
Information regarding. Civil Service
Kxatiiinutiona, IViibIoiih, Patent, Homi
lies, Trado- Marks, Copyrights, Mail
Koult's, Uovt. Supplies, Public Lauds,
liovt, Pocuitienls procured. Three hug
lilirariea liH'ated Imre.
National Information Hureail,
012 Ulli St., N. V
Wasliitigton, P. C.
(Jw.xl I'vr It heuiiint !
Last Kali I was taken w ith a, veiy se
vere attack of rheumatism which caused
tne great pain and annoyance. After try
ing several prescriptions ami rheumatic
cures, I decided to use Cliainhcrlain's
Pain Balm, which I lud aeon advertised
in the South Jersey man. After two a
plii-alioiiH of this remedy 1 was much
better, ami alter using one bottle was
completely cured." S.n.l.iK Hahius, Sa
lem, N J. For sale hy 0. A. Harding,
I A V J. "r- -n
two m
ps. rA
County Treasurer's
I now have money to pay
conntv war
rants endord prior to Nov. 11th. 1!9. and
also rnnd warrants endorsed prior to Afiril
5th, 1102. Interest w.ll cease on the war-
rants included in this call on the date hereof.
A. U'ELLING, Co. Treaa.
Clackamas County, Ore.
Oregon City, April llh, I'M.
lyoh's French Periodical Drops
Strictly vejjetable,perfectl)T harmless, sure to accomplish
DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy.
IITtn SJ Bwar of eoanterfelts and Imitations.
VMvllvfi toa wttti fac-stmile I'rnanra on site of trie bout. ihn:
Bead for areolar to WILLIAM a Mf(i. CO, Sole Aaeota. Clevaiaod. Unia, -S5sgfs!i
Tbe eennlna Is pot no onlr in nane-asait Owe
For salt by Charm an & Co., Druggist.
iii:itiri" N4i.i:.
In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Ore
gon, for the County of CI tckamas.
f. T. Oeer as Governor, )
r . I. Dunbar as Secre
tary of State and Chas.
8. Moore as Treasurer
of the State ol Oregon
constituting Ihe fct.te j
Laud Hoard, I
vs. I
Addie C. Hotlu'kin and
Frank E. liodgkin,
her husband. W. E.
Carll, as Kiecutor ol
the Est -ti of Mar lis I
Jennings, tlecea-ed,
Wil lain H. .leiiniiigs,
Lnlian J. Miller, John j
r . Jennings, C lanes
H. Jennings, El a A.
Spooner, .Mae J. Ah. r
nathy, .Mary Eininu
Caufield and Clucka
mas County.
Statk of 0rp.oo!i i
CoL'hty or Clack am Asf "
Ryvir'tieof a iuilgment order, decree.
ami ao execution, duly issued out of and
umler the seal ot the above en'it etl coiitt.
in tne above cut, fed cause, t ) me duly di-
recied and dated the 2ltli ilay of March
1!n2, upon a judgment rendered and cu
red in said court on the llth day ot Jan
uary l!i2, in favor of 1 he Stale Land board
fiaiinlll, and against Addle L. liodgkin.
Oelenilaut, ler the sum of $."00 J 01, ailli in
ti r-rt lb Teon al the rile ol 8 per cent per
annum Irom ihe 2iln day of A r 1
ami the lurtlier sum ol $3.00 (XI, as aitoru, y'a
fee, anil the lurtlier sum ol $31.40 costs and
disbursements, ami the costs ol ami upon
this writ, commanding me to make sale of
the following nescr.be I real prop, rty, situ
ate in the county of Clickamas slate of
Oregon, to wit:
I be in rtherly hair of the Donation Land
Claim of Kerrvman Jennings anil wife situ
ated in Cl ickamas County and State of Ore
gon and described as follow: Notification
No. 1MJ4 filed in toe United Slates Laud
otlice at Oregon City, Or-gon, anil desig
nated in the hur.eys ami I'l .U of Ihe sun
otlice as t luiin No. ."x being pat ts of Sections
13 and 24 in Township Two South of
Range One East of ihe Wi Imuette Meridian
and Claim No. 40 being part ot .Section 18
and 1!) in Township 2 South of Range 2
t.stoftlie WilUmeite Meridian contain,
lug l l'i acres more or leas.
Now, Tlierelore, by virtue of said execu
tion, judgment order and decree, and in
compliance with ihe commands ot said
w rit, 1 will, on Saturday, the
3RD DAY OK MAY, 1!X)2;
at the hour of Two o'clock P. M., at the
front door ol the County Court House in
tbe City of Oreton Cit. , in said County and
State, sell ai public auction, subject to re
demption, to the highest bidder, for U. 8.
gold coin cash in hand, ail the right, title
and interest which the within named de
fendants or either of them, had on the dale
of Ihe mortgage herein or since had in or
to the above desbribed real property or any
part ibeieol, lo satisfy said execution, judge
ment ord r, decree, interest, costs and all
accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., March 31, ll02.
Love ami Death are
both depicted us arch
ers. When I.ve acta
hia urrrow in a wom
an's heart mid she
turns ami follows,
seeking healing of
her hurt, could there
be aught sadder then
that she slionM he led by very Ixve into
the ambush where Peith, arrow on siring,
waits to plant his deadly shaft in her
breast? Vet so it is. Time mid again
Love proves to he iHath's decov. And
often when the grim archer fails to in
flict mortal hu:t, he leaves the sufTcritig
woman to creep through life like a
broken-winced bird.
Why does love leatl to suffering?
Many a woman has asked that question
piteously and passionately. She lias for
saken father and mother to cleave unto
her husband in the belief th.it n she was
achieving; woman's highest happiness.
Hut instead of happiness she has found
misery, strnlcd with it until struggle
seemed useless, ami at last has come to
accept her miserv as the "cross" laid up
on women w ho fove and marry.
There is no real reason why almost
every wife and mother should not enjoy
sound health. The causes of her misery
lie in diseases which aflci t tin- delicate,
womanly organism. Disagreeable drains
are carrying away the vital force. In
flammation has lighted its fire fur slow
torment. Ulceration is eating; info the
tender tissues. Female weakness is
making life a daily martyrdom. Is it
any wonder that the nerves are racked,
that appetite fails, anil niht, which
should bring rest, brings only restless
and trouble'!, dieaius?
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures
the womanly diseases which undermine
the general health. It dries the drains,
puts out the fire of inflammation, heals
the ulcerated tissues and cures female
weakness. In a word, it makes weak
women strong and sick women well.
"Favorite Prescription" is a true tem
perance medicine. It contains no alcohol,
neither opium, cocaine, or other narcotic.
Sick and ailing women are invited to
consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free of
charge. All correspondence strictly pri
vate and sacredly confidential. In a
little more than thirty years Dr. Pierce,
assistetl by his staff of nearly a score of
physicians, has treated ami cured over
naif a million women. Write, without
fear or fee, to Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief
consulting physician to the Invalids' Ho
tel and Surgical Institute, RufTalo, N. Y.
"It Is with feelingi of nitif-rre gratitude (tint I
agsin write to you." says Mrs. llnrry A brown,
of Orono, l'ctlohsoit County, Maine. " I wrote
to you concerning my in-idth last ftpring (I
think it wan in Jiuif i mid you advised me lo
take your Favonte Prescription ' and ' roiPIrn
Medical Diw-overy.' whii h I did According to ill-
rections, ami continued Inking them for five
months. I took ninr IkjIiIch of 'Favorite Pre
acription,' six of 'linld'-n Medirnl Lincovrry,'
and four vinls ol Dr. IVrcr'n pellets, My div-nae
was (hs-placenieiil mid tilc-rrntion of the ulerii
and I w;is in i terrible condition with pain arid
weakness, and had Riven up all hopes of tvrr
beini? well again Had doctored with four dif
ferent doctors within lour mouths, and instead
of getting better was growing weaker all the
time. I decided to try your mrdir iiirn, as 1 hud
heard of the many c-ir- rrMihing from their
use. I bought five lii'e and frit no much let
ter after using them that I kept on until I am as
well as ever in my lilt, and to Dr. Pierce all the
praise is due.
"Before I began taking yotir medicine I only
weiarhtd 110 pounds. I now weigh 100 pound.
I gamed forty pounds in sis mouths. 1 ahall
doctor no more with doctors, aa it ia only a
waste of money. No matter h it my trouble
is, 1 shall write lo lr. pierce every time. I am
aow iu perfect health, thanks to In. fierce."
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps
to pay expense of mailing only. Send
ai one-cent stamp for the paper-bound
book, or for cloth binding send 31
stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce,
Iiulfalo, N. V.
KnuUr A,.r l Trrm f the 'u..lT
J.lt. Morion. Jh I . 1 T' "
HIIUO. t'uM.Mlsl"""'
Trcasol Mt.lt.io.nal. Co, -"l'r- I J
jolin rag", i.om
K P Hands, road "iivwy . .. .
M K K audi.-, jury, J I'
M l) tiaid, do
M C Itu. knci, do
Red r iont I'd'ui't'. pauper ..
W Oikiii'V, County prinlin.
Pac States i.d.VIVI ''. en
S J Vaughn, shir. $1 W;atiiv r l
t hus Kohe.ia. iu. J K Faiknei w.l
J V I'ollans
Olio I'ruksou
I VV Moll alt
W K Carll '
K A Hummer"
J P Ki'stma . . . .
ti.u I' lluwiitd do
li V Habcock
K A Mll'
V M Shank
(.eo A lliirdlliK...
C ( T Wiillaiiia . .
J W I. sler
M C M11. kl.tnd..,,
V. A Soul . c-r
1 1 11 nt ley Hroa ...
J U' Noiria ,
.Mary A Haley ..
J J CiHike. .
7 M
3 tkl
i! IK)
'.' IK)
t 4D
1U Iki
11 (XI
1 tkl
1 W
1 tsl
Margaret Mahan '
Mia HattU WHala, aupiHin'j
Mr Haiti.. WihmU .. . " 01
Kliaa Mllh-r, atipiKirl oi 'li.l'.,
Morllmnr "1
Mra H V. Harrington aiip!(,'ri'li
Hi.. I,.,!t. win.. .11 "
II It Sarver, iiu ol M Ktwrner, wil
l' II Smith
2 40
I t 40
'i 40
constable 7 40
, . .coroiinr i'H 'J I
. .autopsy 10 ih)
stationery M 70
...insane ft tHI
,. ailier II 41
JSII si I )
1 1.1
6 Ml
juror I' HO
1 110
'1 40
2 el)
. . runnier "ft Md
...ulosy 10 la)
. . . pauper I.' )ti
...asseaaor ml IK)
7- IH)
4.' Oil
72 IW
7.' tHI
t.t) IK)
lax. alicllir 2 tl)
22 is)
:n oi
If. $2; tax.aliin.'Hl, l)
14 00
n2 no
insane H otl
. . . . do
John P Itvin
J J Da Via
Will WiltoX
W W Davis
K II Davis
llenj i lUwIlus ,
II r (ii'tsoll
C It Smith
Maude Drake
Kll Williams. . . ,
J ti Porter
Annie W ilhatiis, .
V K llyd..
F W t.rei.niiiati .
I. K W ilium....
Itu M ('nam.
l.orctia l.aiclle .
J Is Ja.k ...
W II Cooke, a
J J I'o ike
I.lllll IlllllklllS.
I' Sin II ii
W KCull ....
W KCull
W K Carll
I. Klemson. . . .
Dr. Hon City Knlerpiist. I'o pr't'if I'l in
I It. pin lty Kolerpriso.slaiioiieiy W IU
Klinet Dtkoll election 40 00
K.llsalmtli Will, oil
Paul Krr-yUit, atiput 0 j
Win Ihnii, support o Mls ' fl
A H Hlilhley, anpiHiii 'o'y''
(Irln.Ulair ...
Henry Lewis, support uf i'i';'
l.ewla '
Mr Krtmer, atipisul olMr',,'j'ji '
Alien Carr. aiippmt n J a ua '('',',','
1, Maihewaon, atipjM.it u , U,,
(ina I'trkle. wtixrl ol (iii ',ij''l
and family
C K Hipiia, aupiairl Joliaiin..",'.
Indian '
Msrllia Duir, aupjairt of
Duir '
J J liorU.it, aupia.it o Win St ,
J M lleckart, upHltt ,4 lf)
liadka ,
Mra J M Paeon. auisir u '.
M llacon. Ind acddler
I'has t'lllow, aili'iairt tit C'liu
low, Ind aoldler.
John Wataoit, eilpMiit n j'j
Watson, IndiKcnt soldier
W T tiardner, aupt.ort nl minolj
at Ib.va and (iirla Aid Hie,..,
KIk lloball, aiipHirt ot l'ln',
IUsllnK, Co tdiaryw
I'haa .Miller, iiip'l n( (! .,'
Maiy Haley, aupport ol J,iu
K Austin, aupiHirl o( Da I'lillllja,
Kldora Yuimuer, upHiri u y'
dora YouiiKerand family
I. Freeman, sttpivoit of I. Frmniu
Jolin Avlua, atii't of John Arm
Mra M A ('lark, upirt ol jj
M A Clark ami family, ,., ,
Mis Adams, support of Mrs .)
(imi MiH.ney, ailpjKirt ol (iisllrsy
K liniale .
(ieo Priwarr, SllpHirl ol MrsYjf
kera and family .
Mra Carrie Mayer, aupiKjitut U'l
Cairie Mayer, ... .
W II MaMiH.ii, aopporl o( Mr mi
Mrs I) H Phelps
W T Tlnsley, atiHrt ot IV I
Tinsli-v .
f Is)
h (HI
5 mi
.'. 4.1
a in
& i'l
2 41
:i mi
11 :()
J W McAuullv, S vs iryear..
II S i.xlv, do
.1 W M- Anility. S va Sets-r
II S M'saly, do
J W M, 'Anility, H vs Horns ..
II M'salv. do
W II Yoiinu, al.tr 7, coin 2, Ins 2 &0 I.I fill
J C .iiiser. . supl I'" 10
J It Morton, com'r, $14; l.ruUe, t.i 17 00
1' H Kllhn. p'per,:l;i'.im rHI M.
i.mUh. :uk
John Fewellen, !'.' 20; bdtf, f.'4. .
Koad District No. I
V II roiinsell f
(. has C-oiliisell
22 '.II
I 00
II Oil
li IK)
Total 12 00
Koad Ihstnct No, 'A
Pow .kl'o $ 10 20
li. o II Kate .V Co 10 10
K II lliunliiirdl 4 7ft
O W (irtlliii 2". IK)
VV W fooki) 4 frl)
Jan Hawk U Ut
U Wiiithen 12 1)0
J P McMiirrv el on
F lla den
Chaa llattoll. .
M Tonit ... .
II Wheeler ..
J Mutnpower
Ktl tuitlin
11 00
ft b0
ft r.2
4 M)
3 (Ml
Toul turn ir
Koad District No. 4
T 1 iMuiin, ISridifB... $ 8 H.'l
M F ileiple, Pridne II f0
Total 20 XI
Koad Dlatrlct No. ,)
(ieo II Kale A Co (.Ill
Kad District No. 0
James De Hlia.er ,. 4 TsO
Jacob l Sliu.er 10 (Hi
Albon Meiniif ... 4 ft 1
J II Keveiitie 2 IKI
pjvld IVninan,
M. I Dure.
Peler Nehreii .
K II C'..er . .
11 D Klv
J I C.-.ke
.1 K .lack
r P KaioUII .
I.onva It tndall .
A l.iielli'.K . , ,
J II t ii-lbiiK .,
J t ' .'ll-rr . . . .
Thos F Itvan .
C A Mtlart . . .
auplMirl ol Clm
, jsniha
rlert !
... sliaf'ff
Co I'hn
(Continual nest wi.
Total . IL'l (K)
Koad District No. 7
tieo It Kali. A Co f.'K) IK)
Arthur l.arktns 1 CO
Herbert lloacli 4 Ml
Chaa beat 4 (HI
Jas Feulea 7 00
Total f in fiO
Koild District No 8
ieo H Uat.i A Co tU (K)
Will Fellies 2 25
W K Shanil(i '
F KHhangle la ()()
Total f:ni r,)
Koad District No. 9
(ie'o I! Kate A Co f IH 10
Henry Johnson 4 (Mi
Peter Kuhl 3 00
Total Jo
Koad UiHtrict No. 11
J K s m iih
F FiirKtison
N Morris
V, FiirKnsun
T Kaden
W 11 Smith
lfi OP
2 2d
2 2 '.
4 oil
fl 00
3 00
Koad District No. 14
l, IM DavinH ,
K Kiiiialil.....
i Fliibbs
Tom (iibbs
Oil Dickerson ,
T II Davies
J H Myers
J 15 Jackson
L Howard
.r.'l4 00
.1 7 M
. 6 2 'i
. 3 7ft
. 3 (Kl
. 4 50
. ft 2 1
. 10 00
. 7 fto
. 4 60
.$51 25
Mrs E Moriran, support ot Mrs E
Moriran, Co charge $ 10 (X)
Mrs U Davis, support ot John
Jones 14 00
Rosa Triecbler, support of Kosa
Trieehler and family 12 00
Ellen Bridges, support ot Ellen
and Gorman Undoes 8 00
J W Jones, support of John E
l'atton r, ro
W I, Davis, support ot W L Davis 6 00
Win Scott, support of John and
FuriiUtieil Kterj Wes bf Iks (Vb
mas Aalrart k Trud I ar i,
W II Jones lo M Fanhm 3 rn
in sec K, t 4 s r 2
J Ahrori lo C N Haines lot 12, V
:i2. ILweKD
M M.inley to T J Mutiley Id!
Interest in 401 ftO acres in tiirrrtt
A K..llok'n claim in t 1 , r t
Ftilllll trust
It lUuch to D K Mmick
ol am: 7,'t 4 a, r 2 e
N P Toml iiaon lo U M llei!m
1 IH acres in sec 8, t 2l, til
K K Williams to C Fmts 1
Holmes claliii -
It II Thompson lo W W Kspf f"i
ot sw ot sec 21, t 2 s, He
J F McCormick to I, C McCormick
Id acres In ac 23. t M , r 1
K S lira, nli. II t, K llrauilisll f'i
ot aw sec 32, t 1 s, r 6 e '
C Loih-rUiC A Naah hlk 119 stnl
lots.!. 4.5 and (i l.lk 122 0 City
J Siretj... to A P.remer lot in blk J.
Deal's add
J Knoitslo M I, Knolls w' o( of
sec 7 ami iiw .'4' ol lie sec IH t 4
r. e
M White to Win Kami SSkeenIO
acres in Olllcer claim t4 , '!'
M Skirvin to K J Nicholson
nw and nw ot sw ol sec 2
14 s, r 2 e
Alliance Trust Co to 8 Wel.lon
acres in M tltoon claim
II II ll.ker to K K Kiley lotn 2. 27.
28 and 211. Pleasant Homo No 1
M M Mclieohan to C A i'. 61
acres in sim: ft, t 3 , r 2 e
M K llradford lo J F KerriKso
acres In Wills claim
II J Miller to Carlton A Kos.mkran.
lots 2,3, 10, II, and 12 "Ik 1,
Csnby '
F Hollard lo C Hullar.l ne ot w
see 0 and n'' ol sw 1 4 s, r-."
F Hollard to K Uullard ) " "
sec 10 t 4 a. r 2 e
J W Douglas lo T Col I in ott"
1st all wt 'ti I O ft A
Tit Hill toTCollinuBsJ.ol" ai
nui ..( .... i on 1 Hi it e....
.... ' , n v w. null .'I '
U Dannela lo II William lots '' .
7 In I. lb 1 l'....,.r, 1,ilnt
II Williams to F C Burke lo'" 1
unit !t In I.ILr fl firen Poillt
F C Perry to W Oray lot In claim
in 1 r, . . 1 .
rirlTUT m -M t.a SlUMMM o( til C
riRht to the Thorno syHtcm ot
indeies, for Clackamas county. ,
me oniy complete sei 01 .--- ,
County, can furnieh infoiintin
title to land at onc, on PP' "
Loans, Investments.real estafi
etc. OlTlceover Bank of ureno.. - ,.
Call and iiivestiKte. AddreM V
. a A .
Base. la. A Ul Klfal 1 "
sr in