OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1902 7 J" ........ I (mm lg I.) resulted 1 tllalr, 3ft j NaUn, 4H ; Daiichy, '.'5; Harrington, 38. Nn fanUlnla hav ing irmlvml majority another ballot wasurdnrml, wlh the. following- result: ;"Y ..iLiraimii ot otu rily f;il,'n..r..lrut.lown 1 ,. . 111. M'1 11 . , niur In tM ""7 li Inuney 'in the c.tmirii.'ilo!i ol road t . i.i-i the road fund .r.. " ... .i. mil i r ' .county ullWvr, wl.hont f Z o-ll. ln l..rtli th. f" h th. Illli cl,,,k 0r f " , ,,loved. lur what pur- , , 10 II" ' . , Hi,y' ,"ul' ii,i,l"y",M"1 , ,!, in-troi tba l.o'iil'""" of "irB.oBM'- ulUl'- ol ('"n'J' ....bersol tba x'u " u""'r j'lMolMP''l-. U" ,M "" I ( tl, economical ""'"' '' .. Instruct tba Comity Court UniaCo.ii.iythat it l.our daalr. Mlbll, U appointed, bellev- ,,!, ,,U.MHW. to oorf"H" of Individuals ,rlrs ami Improvements of our .wJ bil'r h1"" uoW u,m1'" wi-rvni.m l rMl urvi lfJ by tl' b"11'""' business Inleiral if our . fn be best subaarved by the re- oaoliheiraiieacllon of all rounly to tli ("oM'iiy t-ourt and i.ifU.iiii'ui t our riir"M'iii- jimk lot II" ps!" of a Mil I" ,4 lo o into rllwt at ti.e s-xplra- !jbllll0l til I'UMWIlt ScllUg lud llttulllKMt llf U. rslra . i almoin lie nil' wish uftlil 1 II... l.tMAHMfH JCuOIUlisalollore. Is precinct delegation 'e cUiraien, in wlm) hands the iff placed. Tin following tellers .foii-d: Tom I'. KmnUII, U. W. Lid, CIi'Im llmii" J llMurr B. Pimlii lUi ml (iifl C. Hfow- o umlhllun for lte wnitor. Tli I ty C. U.Hmlih, Miotlirl iil nuny oihar. iJ si.J ontnlmuu. II w alfCird 4mtin. Tim wtmtor clli! dll.iiiknl I l.u cuuvchtiuli fur lliv f. aioiHoni fur ciiunty JUiU rr ftllur. Mr. L'Hiiiik, in limriy e b, Duailnalrtl Jililgf) H)n, II ihn be IikI wiilnlrn bikI tlml t( bjl Hi lirarlipnt dxiliiiu r- 1 ln niullmiof C. U. lUrlow, r!n wrr uriilil anil JuiIkb . luntnipil by a.i'Uinalioii, Juiltr i Mwmlrd In call for " Kyn" and tl liiMnh llianked Ilia dtiU'tfatti nunitnatis.ii. ' '(tieOarnrr numlnaUil llrnry K to lot rvrurdrr. K. I', llvdman OiiotlfJ by A. Mullirr, of Clack Vi Both iiuiiiiiialiuii) rr im ci.ihIihI 3icr dflriinicii. HifWiia rvcdivrd loinJ IVditian 5. ' ihenir, John Muiria a noiui i by M r. linrlH-tl. Joint H. . Shaver Muinatnl by Jolni. It. Cute. lr, fr.ntb noniliulrit Cliii-f of 1'olirv Buim, of Orison Cny. Tlie Oral iwulipd; Kiuvi-r. 6U; Monla, 6(1 . 37. hecond ballot, rihavuf. Hft a. W; IlurnH, 12. Tbo ballot "A W vol ct, or on mora than wtbrr u( tjuW-KaiM. fiion motion J H. IU-vhiiuk. Mr. Nliaver tin de- ill' nuniince n (ho coiivralion HnkHt. of Alrntby, plcd "uraimtion J. V. McAnully for 'T clerk. C. M. Uka wan iioinl H. F. (iilmoii, of Kal Creek mnnnitrd. I). It. Dlmick, 'Miominaiej p. A. Wwluht. II. W ""'"k Dominated W. M. bbank '' ballot renlte.d: McAnully 8l(ilfM, 4(1; Lake 35; fihank, 2(1 . Oiib bundred and forty ""etui worn cant, and no candidal tBiij'iriiy, another election wa ''"d. Mr. (lihmin lll,.lruw In l.vnr ' H lka, of Ilnrinna. Tb aecond Suited: Kleiut,t. 02; Lake, 63; !lllllT.2;Kliank3. No nomination. and reaullHil : '-; L.ka, 67: Mt Annlty, 23. ,mk ballot wm or,lr.l At II. la McAnilllV B.ll,.U. In l.nr Uka. Th v..iu ...... i. ...i . in..!. .hi 6S. Tim nomination of Mr. nu1 m'le onBllllou,. nJ 'inationi for a- H order: E. P. Carturwaa noml- L. W'aldron was nominated Ilnrrinifi WEnoaCaliill. Tbe firat ballo Cabin, 64; Carter, 46; Wab ,'3t nominalion. The second a'ilted In Mr. CablU's nomiim following toU, : Cabill, 105 ; 'jWildron.lO. Upon Mr. Wal. notifm tie nomination was made "liinoni, Mr- M.in, of Killin, Nixon BWr. Mr. Euckner. of .nominated Ed Harrington. .."IKtW C. II. Dauchy in nomination. Tbe ballto , , A , l.w """"'"no, w in inn I'lllowliiK reaillt: lo. A " n : ' SO! Mm 01 : D.ucby 11 1 liar- i. I,. noml"""'" Iwltndr.w. Tl.s ballot r,...lu.l : Xmm, S. .Ill.fy'11 ' '? Btl: llarrl,lu.on M ... .1 Mr, Ilarrliiklon, Nelami's nomlnailon liiailu iinatiliniiua Mr. Nrlaon tbankfd lbs con volition and aald he would ib) hla beat to cut down the fx- prnae of lbs oflVr. Fur minniiaaliilirr Allen Conkr) Iioinl- namdJ It. Morion. J. II. Itevemi... of KairlvCrcrk, aeeundiid lbs nomlnailon. Ilarle lltilnn noinlliHtril William lrobl Th vulit reaullml ; ISroUl.M; Morion (11. I'pon nwtioii ths nomina lion waa inada uiianlmoiia. Tba oonventlon adJoiirintl until 7 1', M. Whan thn niiiveiilioii met at llm aven- lug aaion, K. C. Hai kelt nominated John W, Mnldrtiiu for couniy aurvayor and lis waa unanimously dai larad tha iiominra. 1'r. C. 8. Ki'ainann waa placnl In nom inalion fur coroner and lh I Illation waa seconded by It J. Nchuehel. C. I!. Harlow nominated lr. C. A. filuart. Mr. Hradley nomliialad U. I.. Ilolman and Mr. Ilackell secomled tha nomination. I'baa. II lne, of ()! rgo, and otbeis also seconded the nominalion. Tbn Ural allot resultad: Ilolman, 67; Hramann, 37; Hmrt. 4S. Aall.arswera 142 votea caul and Ti sera net't-Kary (or a ilioi. e, a atx ond ballot aa ordered and re.iihed ; Ilolman, Ml ; Peamaun, 111; Hliiart, 15. Mr. Ilolman waa do.' I are. I the uoinl lies and lbankal the coiiveiilion Mr. Maivin, of Killiu; nominated Samuel Iron"! lor reiireaentativa. Mr. J oh ii rn placed liana I'aulsoii In liomin- inatiou. 1). W. Kuinaird liomlnated Cbarles Toole, of Caiieinali. Mr. Jaguar lioiniiialel O. I . Harliur.of Killiu. Mr. C. Il.x.r U'lminaied C. K. Hallard, of Mil waukia. It. Kovrnnr liominaled C. II. l). John It. (iilmoii, of MllwaUkie, waa nomiiialed, J. II. Ueveuua liomiu ftted Hilaa Hedges, of Cberr) villa. Mr. Illakrep llomlUale C. C. Hill I til, of Kagls t'rerk J. U. Cami'MI nominated C. (i. Ilunl'ey, of Oregon City. ti. It. Dim- k nominated Herman A. Wehaier, o( CU kauias. U. II. Wright, of Mik- burg, nomiualrd A. M Vlnyard, of Can by. Tba first ballot reaulled : lrona, II ; I'auUfii, W; Toole, 4; Harbur, 7; Hallard. 17; I'ye. 3; (Jibaoii, 8 ; Hedges, M); binltu, 17; Huntley, loo; Wehstur, 7s ; Vinyard, I. Messrs. Huntley, l'aul-' sen and Webster ware declared lbs nominee of Ibe couventiun, snd the nomiiistioiis were made unanimous. Tbe delegates lo tba state convention were Instructed lo usa all lionoratilu means lo secure iba uomina.iou ol County Surveyor K. I. Handa for Joint senator and Hon. Cbarles II. Dye lor joint rep- reaeillatlVe. Tbe tollosing delegates were elected to ihe coiigreaaional convention : D. W. Kinnaird. Ueo. IJarfleld, Tmu P. Kan- dall, J. K. Kobinaon, Fred Wai.uer, J. W. Moffatl, K. II. Hurghardt, K. L Jobiiaun, T F. Kyan. T. ti. KHli n, J. K. Cole, h. H. Walker, It. Scott, F. C. Hrown, A. L). Hill, Jacob Mi ley. A reaolutioo inalructing the delegates t j Ibe stata convention lo vote lor the nomination of T. T. tieer aa referred to tbe committee on reaoliitlons snd plat form, but with defeat staring it in tbe lace, was withdrawn. Two tickets Were placed in nomination for delegate to the slste convention. Due ticket, lieaiieu by Dr. C. H. Smith, ol Kagle Craek, was overwhelmingly besten by the regular or I'orter ticket. Dr. Smith was Ihe prime mover of Ihe tieer forces, which were in a hopeless minority. The following delegate were elected to Ihe slate convention : T. A. McHride, W. A. liaruer. titi. C. Hrownell.A Mather, I.. L. I'orter, W. V. Smith. J. U. Camp PAINLESS DENTISTRY DENTAL BRIDGE WORK OF TO-DAY W.ZSZ?: durable of all Dental Work without the least pain. rirors I ihnwa s Piomh b"i ths four lurlanra hart nlr. w, unit ll.a too euilla (e)r t'ih); rrnm 1 iiii,)... io tha puis Iiim, aliuwing tba sutl4 louU rx4 lu imulva a brl.a. fit"' 1 rapitwiiia U. t- Aj for v1iiUanl riaura it i wwl' Iba Saa slier Iks brl.Ua lias boeu lwi lu llluU. I TEETH WITHOUT PLATE Sj Msura 4-tl la Balnai to wear a plala ta Iris mmh whan a brUlja eas ba aiiuli! W a law rawaioiai KwU and fuuu. Flrurs I ahmra Iba Isaaof two appor teeth, tba ill taaf m.,lar a4 U. Oral bicuapl'l. biMia above M atU' bwl b an oiwn tas si uroon oaf tba ayii4 blcu'ld, au.l a M Slck xWu da lulu a eavltf ol Ua UJolulug molar. rifaw ikims lbs srtdf a anchored In poaltlow. n ora t howa a mot wllk trow a reaily to attach. It la iuiijt lo eiirwi a rooi vni It can M craonea sua laauaa aa waalul sa svsf. -sr if rirnra IP Is a month tbat baa Inat sll ths th hut fowvi ths too Siiapl.la aud to molar.; Ihtj ara aiiuau aa (aiiaai iur a lull upor briuas. Klrura U ahowa the brldira complete, teadj to place potlliuii. aa allows, la Ifura 1U, PVrwrs f taf nataai a taU sat at teeth on a gold plala. V"K I ttlaatratee a eaaa In wwich the lateral Inrianr has beeu bat ami theoenlral IncU.ir ero.-n deatruyed. To tliii ro-.t a crown baa hera laatrtied and a teeth baa bora a.ldarpd to the erowa to (It the li.ie:eoei'e taA bj she bmI kuwal luciaor. . 0 a Flftare 12 ahowa the bridge In place, natural aa life DR. PICKENS, whoso lifo has been devoted to the study of the Dental Art, makes a specialty, not of robbing the mouth of the teeth still left for sorvice, but of building up a full set (painlesH) from the teeth and root which afford sufficient basis for crown and bridge work. He is prapafd to do all kinds of work pertaining to the dental profession and guarantees the same for five years at the very lowest prices consistent with first-class work. . . Teeth extracted absolutely without pain by a new and harmless method, applied to the gums. No gases or poisonous ocaine. Inis is tna method now used by the leading dentists of Chicago and New York. Send for illustrated book on "Dental Bridge Work of To-Day." It will be mailed to you free of charge, and will explain so thoroughly the syHtem that you will understand it as well as the dentist. DR. L. L. PICKENS, Dentist, Barclay Building, Oregon City. KElTliLlCAN l'KECINCT NOMINATIONS. COMIIITTaSMSN AMD SCPKKVIBORS The following nominations for precinct committeemen and road supervisors were i made: ed. nARllICK CsILRill? Whether a woman i tearful or cheer ful depend nt on what she baa mnteri slly, hut what alie i physically. Many an indulgent huaband ia driven almost to despair by tbe tearful outburst of a wife wno liss "every thing she wanta." He wants to know what's the mutter. But the wife can't tell. Sh only know that she is de pressed and despondent. Such a condition is uauully re lated to some form d!sMsrUnThe mental depression has it correapondiud womanly wesknesa. Doctor ISeree's Fsvorite Prescription chamres tearful women tocheerful women by curing tbe diseasea which cause phys ical weakness snd depression o'I""' It establishes regularity, dries unhealthy draiua, heal inilammalion and ulcera tiou, and cures female weakness. Mr Alice Adam, of tahoralnry. Washing give them mr addreaa. "Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong and sick women well. Accept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. , , . ,, . Keep the bowels healthy by the timely nse of Doctor Pierce'. Pleasant Pellets. Precinct Aberiivlby MoUlla Killiu liailield lieoigt) Needy Clackamu Viola Harding Caiiemali Springauter Oswego Highland ttoriiigs West Uregou Clly Oregon City So. 1 Harlow Mackaburg Mariiam Iteavar Creek Mil h Creek New Era Maple Lane Canyon Creek Sod Spring Union Pleasant Hill Milwaukie Seivera (now Hullrun) 1'ualatiu Cascade Cauliy Mm Committeeman W W Smith K K Judd W H Marvin K F Suriace John H bebmidt J U Noa Otlo Uengelhach W II Matoon J 6 (Jul Sam Mevens J T Myers J A Tuits E Harrington C A M iil'er 11 W Trembath C U Barlow J U Mitts John Labor Henry Hornxhuh K Scbuehel tieorga U anchard J H Darling P E Honney Allien Crossian W L White U M Kelno Charles Larkin Adolih AscbolT J 1. Krone J H Weiver James Kvans Dint. 11 2ti 3(1 It) 9 24 I 13 12 15 33 - 30 20 . 5 34 23 26 27 18 19 1U 14 21 2H 2U 32 1 7 31 ' 6 17 Koad Supervisor John E Smith O W Dart Hud Thompson Cbas Duncan Henry Johnson D B Yoder P T Doris Jsmes Fullam J O Spragua Ward Lawton John A lteid U H Locey J Pollock Andrew Vetsch Ed Hatdorf WBTuVl Frank Brush I D Larkins Fred Moehuke Preston Pendleton Aug. Staehley F E Turmau C H James B K Boyles II H Smidt W C Healer W II Counsell Charles Leal A H Boland J 11 Revenue Adam 11 Knight AROUND THE A h COURT HOUSE yg. A stallion license has been issued -to W. F. Young, of Sherwood. The final report of E. W. and Frank S. Hutchlns, administrators of the estate of Thomas A. Uatcbins, deceased, has been approved. The administrators have been discharged and their bondsmen ex onerated. A petition was filed in the county clerk's office Monday asking for tbe ap pointment of W. M. Shank as adminis trator of the estate of J. Earl Faulkner, who was killed Thursday by falling on a shaft at the Willamette Paper Mills. The petition cites tbat Faulkner left an estate valued at i 500, consisting of mon ies, personal effects and claims due the deceased. There are two claims against the estate : R. P. Hall for board, $15; Shank &. Bissel, expenses Incurred in embalming and shipping body and cost of metallic casket, 1370.50. Tbe dead man left two heirs: J. E. Faulkner, a brother and Mrs. Nancy Hypes, a sister, of Bluefield, West Virginia. JUBTICKS AND CONSTABLES Tbe following nominations were made for justices of the peace and constables: Justice William Knight District Canby aud New Era, No. 6 Cascade and Hullruu, No. .3 Clackamas and jniwauaie, o. o Pleasant Hill, N. 1 .............. - Milk Creek and Heaver Creek, No. 9 Harlow and Macksburg, No. 7 Borings, No, 12 Ilighlauil snd Canyon creea, io. io Oawego, r0. i , District No. 4 Viola, No. 11 v...iu .n.l Killin. No. 15 Garfield, George aud Eagle Creek, No. 14. ..T (1 Jonsrud ..John Wise . .Charles Hansen ..KM Cooper . .J II Joyner . .Seth Young ..ME Kaudle . ,J C Haines, Sr. . Livy Stipp .Lorenzo Tenny . B F Smith ..Joseph Woodle Constable John Graham Bert Jonsrud George Moouey 8 B Seeley App Jones J McCresry Hubert Heiaer E Pollack William Miller II Moody Homer Dubois Richard Garret B F Forrester bell. Cbas. A. Miller, Wm. Sheaban, Caspar Junker, John G. Porter, O. H. Wright, E. P. Rands, Henry llornsnun, Win. Howell, 8. J. Burford. All of the nominees for precinct offic ers were ratified by the convention. Upon motion the county central com mittee was instructed to fill any vacancy that may occur on tbe ticket. A meeting of the precinct committee men was held. J. U. Campbell and G. B. Dimii k were nominated (or chairman of the county central committee. Camp liell received 15 votes and Dimick 10, and Mr. Campbell was accordingly de il re-elected. Tom P. Randall was unanimously elected secretary of the county central committee After tendering a vote of thanks to tbe officers of the convention, an adjourn ment was taken. JiOIES OF THE lO.NVESTlOS. Harmony was tbe watchword. The Canby delegation went to the Ar mory by mistake, and when the conven tion met at 1 :30 P. M appropriated the chairs of the Canemah delegation, who were provided with a bench. The officers of tbe convention expe dited businesa in a very satisfactory manner. Seventy four votes were necessary nominate. to A Great Bargain. For sale, House, barn, good well of water, two lots, an abundance of good fruit. Please enquire of Mrs. S. J. Fanciieb, P. 0. Box 236. morning on the 9:22 train and tbe funer al was held there at II A. M. IIght Wai Her Terror. "I would cough all night long." writes Mrs. Cbas. Applegate. of Alexandria, Ind.. and could hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so bad that if I walked a block I wouJd cough frightfully and spit blood, but when sll other medi cines failed, three 11.00 bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 58 pounds " It's abso lutely guaianteed to cure Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Price 50c and $1. Trial bottles free at Geo. A. Harding's drug store. Jo-eph Ellis. The body of Joseph Ellis, who died last Saturday of broncho-pneumonia at Wardner, Idaho, arrived here Monday morning, and was interred in Beaver Creek cemetery, by the side of bis wife, who died suddenly about one year ago. The funeral services were beld in the Graeme Church, Rev. E. 8. Bollinger officiating. Deceased was formerly a resident of New Era and was a mining man. He went to Idaho two years ago. His age was 58 years. .Mother Gray's Sweet Powdersj for Children. Mother Gray, for years a nuree in the Children's Home in N'ew York, trested children successfully with a remedy, now prepared snd placed in the ding stores, called Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children. They are harmless as milk, pleasant to take and never fail. A certain cure for feverish- ness, constipation, headache, teething and stomach disorders and remove worms. At all druggists, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. THK CLEANSING AND HEALIXO CTKJS FOR IC CATARRH ..nun aa Mrs. CbrUUua GUlmore. Mrs. Christina Gillmore died at 11 o'clock last Sunday morning at the resi dence of ber daughter, Mrs. Geora-e Hoeye, aged 77 years. She was born near Cleveland, O., May 17, 182o, and crossed tbe plains with ber husband, John Gillmore, in 1854, locat ing near Harrisburg. Linn County, wheie they spent their first Winter. Later they moved to Marion County, and took up a donation land claim near Salem. They spent about ten yeara on this farm and then moved to Salem where her husband died iu 1836, aged 71 years, leaving her ith the following children: William R. Gillmore (now deceased), of Salem ; Mrs. Robert F. Hughes, Mrs. George Hoeye, Charles II. Gillmore, and James Riley Gillmore, of Oregon City. Mrs. Gill more moved from Salem to this city four years ago, and has since resided with her daughter, Mrs. George Hoeye. Tbe body was taken to Salem Monday Clu'n Prnim Onfm til d ticiiiii uaiai j. 'a Eaj snd pleasant to r. ns-. Cuntaiiia uo lu- i jtmoTis ams;. if 11 isquicuiyaDiorooa. & j u ives uei!ei at once, r T. . . I .'.rr.sr- COLD 'N HEAD Ileaia and Protect the Membrane. Restores the SeotTateand8m'lL Large Size, so cents at Driicdsta or It mail ; '1 rial Rue, 10 cent by mail. KLY BUOl ilEllb, M Waxrui Street. New V or"- - o-. s. k J u ll ai - ah tA wttlltl,t f hi Mna mi nan nwm vxgk Til ! T Knolvn and solvit I bhereber good crops J I i aregrolvn. I V Sold ajYerjrwhere. I 190 Annual FREE. J J D. M. PERRY A CO. X Detroit, JFJr ia. - Wloh.'gejS