OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1902. 5 ixcgon City Enterprise ! New To-Day. jwni 1 1; I'LYiKturu uuckV iu- moixI strain, KiiK fl r felling, !m. V, O lliinK, t'ri"lnali, ((revolt )UKIfH MUX KKHUILT AND NOW lv for tinttir. A lii of v on r p,tt- i, t. I I U V ti I HUM lllii'lllHI. J. O, 1IIIIKH, I Pp., dv. Or. ' taslm WANTKII KMC HAI.K-I ti to liicrfsw my lit of di'siraliln real iniu fur fitlf. I')xmh!I to 'iiirHitii largely flli" bnnitit'M and liiiv)i'liil far.ititii-a n'.iiiiliiiiiiJ piircliaisir. Tnty-!lve lir rxpt'ricin'H In aeilltitf land In ,tt kam.t I'uuiily. II. K UroKH, atlor- t Ml. law. wlio hve lateri wllli lliu company fur several j Bum, liNvn many friend In Hie city. ToiiIkIiI '-TIi Two Orphan" will lie on 1I10 hoard and the 1)111 tomorrow nlglit, wliicli iIih lt spperiiu of the company, mill I the "TIih HtilUn'a DiiKhtr." A nulliifo will he glvr-n tomorrow afternoon, "The Wyoming Mall." TO 1,1 UN AT K, 7, AND Fmi in ni'inrliy. U'IUn Ll (i.NKY pi run, 'dl AL rit)H)-J UAiriKltllTTH7 d ooi nrvim room houwt w ith pantry, l mnl pAtitnt iir iliwfi wiiirim'tid i ; one lilock Hon ill of rililvely' ill. (''iiii-r Klxili Hint MkiIIhoi) niriTi. ioire of owner; M n. I I., t'l.onmt, K. Harrison St., Portland, Ore. fKI.K.S A(il!IKKiril, (..III.mIii IIih I W iiiimril tloinliim,) liitvr llm nlioiriMl J, piiburlii me I country iruirly for ulli'nt title, lonry to lon at Uii (: llri'i.n A OiiirriTii. I THE LOCAL NEWS. km&tic Castimi. I.al Hat unlay tr iHiinininHioii riM'i'lvi'il a ni'w I plate for the tunning near of the Xtliiiwlun llini in IIih potter station, a t'Hiti in nmi pi-tt hi 1 1 . 1'ortluiid II Work", aud Wf)liii;lu' ton". Y. M. ('. A. Notkk. Tlio inemherahlp COIllllMl w elllHH A pill 1, il)tead Of March 20 a Ht first announced. At Mint time the ladle' ansllUry will erve upper ami give a o,lul entertainment hi wh iiromiiHiil. The "Kd" me tt tlm prenf nl limn in tliu lt-ad a fur a tfi'tlliiK new in inn hern I court-mud while Hie "Wiii'h" have won nil hut onn khiiih In tlm ifymnimiiiiii. Whllu th coiiioat IiikU llm (ntimicH ft-n of one ilollur will Iik rninittnil to hII who join, liut klUr April I it will be c!ihjh1 again ml nil iiiiibI mv tlx dollar iiiKtHHii of flvo TIih m'rciiiili n litcliiiea wliir.li wkib tiinoiinci-d for erh Tuciilay ovhiiIhk of tllH lMlllt IIIOIllll WtTH potttpoiiHil IhhI Turmliiy on nrconiit of the revival inm-t-Iniin wh'ch r Ih'Ihu tn-l.l ui the MhiIio dint L'hnrrli hut will be rfnuiiiU"! Hxaln lii'Xt Tilttmluy proviilmg the inrvliiitfN cIiikii U-fore thut lime. NotQcitn Inhank. Clmrlf L (iiuull wrni brought hel're Jutlne ICymi and Dr, J, W, NorrlH UhI SaliinUy to tie fX.un Inud on I hi I'lmrn of linniiity. The I'limpUint wn made by Coiuiiiiiuiioni'r Iwnllin. The imilfiil bun bfn work IliK In woodcainp Kt ClK('krnm mul hoiit nix w-Hfki hi(o win Inki-n ill and wni wit to the tiood Hanmrititn honpilal in I'orilmid and Wfiil borne, He hiMmme ill airiiu and (OintnlnHioiifr I-i'llim wm notillrd and went down to mu the mmi, audi ! broiiKht him to Ihia cily. Dr. Norri TK0LT1LK IX THE i'H'EK FAMILY. Mr. 1'lpnr Nnja lie Will Mend IIU Wife to the I'oor houe. Jml)(e McHride baa vrarilod a ti-inpor-ary injiinrtion rHtruining Herman l'lprr from liiterferin with or pivcntln An gimU I'lpwi from lining for road pnrpomn a atrip of land 20 lcit wide along the Honlb honinUry of a 12 acre tract, didud to btr by Herman l'iir about three yciirii iigo. Tlila oriJur I the outcome of a Hnriea of domuHtln trouhlna that liuve exiittMl liHtwoi'D the I'irK for several year. Nearly four year ago Angiiwta l'lr amid Herman 1'iper fur divorce on the ground of cruol and inhuman treat liuitil. After the unit waa filed Herman I'iper induced hi wife to return home and withdraw the mill, and aa a t'omeii Nation for lila ill treatment of her, deeded to her 12 acre on the Went Hide of a 40 acre tract owned by I'iper. The land i aituateu near Sunuyaidu, where the cou ple relde. He reserved a 20 foot atrip along the aoutb aide of the 12 acre tract for a road. They renamed their life but i'iper again commenced hi cruel treat ment of hia wife ami two year after (lie (hut application abe again brought auit for a divorce, which wa gran'ed. I'iper then feiii'od In the road ho lh.it bit for mer wife could not reach the county road which ahut on the souihweat corner of the 12 acre tract. Her attorney have iM-curcil a citation from I tie Circuit Couit commanding I'iper to appear at the April term of Court and ahow caune why Mr. riper should not be permitted to Ue the OIIKUO.t CITY ll III.IC MCIIOOI.M. Superintendent' monthly report lor month ending March 7, 1902, by II. D. Wilcox, anperintendent. TEACH RUN Krance Myer..,, (iertruil Nelsirer Marjorld (,-tieM Harriet Cochran Kva M'liiriiin Nelll Walilen . Krina Laurence Harriet I,, Crmi Mm. Nellie K. (Jlan .... Myrtl Taylor Kaiwca T. limltb . Hle (Jiiine A'I.IIK Clark H. D Wilcox Total 1 1 2 2 8 8 4 4 A 5 fl 7 8 0 A. 10 11 2i 20 20 20 lit 20 20, 20 (',: 611 tm Ml 7 81' I1H KJ57 a - - Is ? 7 3- 3 - n it 12 II 11 to 3( 27 1! .UIII''cl , Enrnllerl ?J .' 3 w 20 2'i 21 21 2o 27 21 12 21 1 Tit' 1H 245l 2H- 22 !3 i"i 21 17 27 2! 2-i 27 201 27 2 5 2J m i'i S 31 2N ) w Sfli 82 41 41 fill 2j M 37 41, 8 3! 21 2i 32 34 20 42 41 47 4!l 32j as 41 s in 9. 91 9) I). 9 9.3 9 9 .VH1 i'W 9 it Pupil mission 29 Uimihukh liuva A IIoi hk. CHy Ke Ucr Bruce 0. Curry Ttieaday pur ld of J. M. Tavlor the lot on which J ,m j,ge Ityiu ilin-liarged bim after lu.la the bouae formerly m cupled by ' examination, with Ibe opinion that he iM ilea, of the llrm of Mctila-lutn ,1c j ,mlj t,e placed in baign of the county lea. The bouae U unt acroa ibe ! ...ti.oril !. (iruell i a laborer, waa horn in New York 4!) year ago and wa mice an inmate of an iiiaane aayliim. Hi nater wa ineane. The county will lo'ik after the man and thut he la t ukcii i-ate of. ro id, and w hy .an order tboiild not be i ... -,!.. ...........11,.... ii. .i..r...i... ... He waa dlachargetl Mar h H ' 1 , ' ner .. a uioiiiu lur me auppori oi ineir childien. Mr, i'iper nay llinl I'iier ban 0ienly Itoaated that be would red ore her to the poorhouae before he waa through with her. eet from the Cochrane reeidence and , Curry will move In without delay. hiV O'NTBACT, The following bop ilract Were lecotilixl Tuemlay : 1' . F. tfi, t't tiraeme to K. Watteiitierg Co., New York, 7000 pound at 1 P' cent ; 1', liiahlnccker, of (iraeme, to K. illelilierg Co., of New York, 10,000 liidaatll,'i ceiiln; John Feeler, of rood, to K. Wattniiherg Co., of W Yoig, 2f00 ponii'la at 11 cenla. )o'KhiNU Tug Tank. -Councilman ilt, w ith A force of men, la engaged in intruding a bouae to cover and (MicIohu (tiling taiikl of the new lliter plant, tilled thete are two, each with acapa ' of 40,000 gallon. The building la atructud 1.1 wood, with a corruguted i roof, and it dimtmnioii are .lHxr2 icli couiplited it will pievent ilehria j U being thrown into the lank from j Koiitberu Pacific railroad truck, which , a jam above and In the rear of the k. in. Baciiman Join tii Navy. New i received in till cily Wedneaihiy of the rxierihe ol governim-iit can be (ppoiiitment of I'r. Koliert A. Hack ii to tie aaaiatant iiirgeon In the ited Klnle Navv. The dinpitlchea n bia ruaidelice aa 1'i'iini.y K'anui. Dr. 'huian la well known in Oregon City I had charge of the practice of Dr, K. Sommer (luring the ahaonce of the er in the eaat, He went to Aluaka : tall aa aurgeon on a revenue cutter. i aiuiointmenl l very iilcaxmg new ii many friend here. oi;ktii op JfLY Cki.kiihatio.n The all Morchant Aanociation met labt lit and made preliminary arrange nt for a Fourth of July celebration. I the intention of the aeHociuiion to e the culchralion a big auccea and iinltlee wa appointed lo invite all of citizen to the next meeting of the H'iation, which will be an open one. of the lodge will he invited to co rate. The matter of the nurchae by United State government of Ibe fatnette lUver lock waa diacuafied I the aaaociation agreed to lend all Ba lance possible to Induce tlio govern ut to buy the lock or to build a new i iytm. vimk Cai'I.k' I.h Tilt Judge John Caple, of 1'ortland, addreaeed a large hence In Willamette Hall last night bin travel in Chile. He ajient four r aa United State consul at Val io. He enl9rtaiued his bearer for r an hour with hi experiences. He incidents of hi trip from the time left I'i rtland and of bis exieriences le in Chile. He ilescrihed the pecu itien of the people aud of the country, i program Included several pleasing ntion by the Maccabee (liiartet and xial solo by Charles A. Miller. Quite rge sum was realized for the benefit lie Clackamas County Humane Bo y under whoce atmpicrs the lecture given, and the proceeds will be de id toward the erection of a public king fountain. :me Siiibi.by at Siiivki.y'h. The itre-goera of the city have been iw'il every night this week by the ie Hhirley Company at Shively's a bouie. Crowded bouses have ted the company every night. The ley company is. a prime favorite here piilM up a very good production, far vi! the average of the usual run of the n ti. are shown here. Every r the company makes Oregon City for ::Vs run and some of the members, DKNIKt Til K Itl .MOIt Judge K)bU Say Ho Hat Net Itedund Tuxe on ('rporulli'ii. ltegarding the rumor which has been in ciicula'ion in several out-of-town pre I cini't, concerning ibe aland of County I Judge Kyan in reducing the tax valua j lion of property owned by corporation, the Jiidie said yeaterday: "One of the most idle and senseless ru mor that have been chculaled for the puriHiae of injuring my candidacy is that I am a frli-nd of the rnrpornliOna in the sense of reducing their valuation for taxation purpoaes. I have ever been, in otllceor out of olllce, an advoca'e of as sessment ol property at It full cash value, ticlicving ibat it Is the only man ner in which an equitable adjustment of in.ulo In proof of this it will be found that such was my manner ol assessing properly while acting; a School Clerk under tlio old order, and also my refusal lo reduce the aHcnniiicnt of large corpor ations while acting on the County Ituntd of F.qualtxuiion during my term of oMice aa County Judge." I'IKM.IUH A I! It A M, 1 1). liC4l Institute To lie Held In Or. guu I Itjr, March 20. County Superintendent J. O. Zinser, Mis Kaniiie (J. I'orter and Mia Kalher Ine C McMillan, the committee in charge of arranging a local county Institute, have arranged a program. The institute will be held in the Kaslham Rchool buil ding in Oregon City, March 251. The program follow: "Civil Government, Our Text." Mis Fannie fl. I'orter, Fail ing Hchool, rortland; "Mathematical Geography," Sade II. Chaae, ISarclay Scliool, Oregon City ; "Nature Study in Elementary Schools," Mas K. Alice Oilug, 1'ortland Acaiiemy; "Important l'hase o' Primary Teaching," Professor H. C. French, Oregon (State Normal School, Monmouth. 4'uiilil ,t llrenllie. Coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchili, other throat and lung troubles aro quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure. One Minute Cough Cure is not a nice expec torant, n hich gives only temporary re lief. It softens and Handles the mucous, draw out the inflammation and removes the cause of the disease. Absolutely sufe, Act at once. "One Minute Cough Cure will do all that is cluimed for it," Hay Justice of the Peace J. Q. Hood, Crosby, Miss, "My wife could not get her brsath, and was relieved by the first dose. It ha been a benefit to all my family." Geo, A. Harding, Kiglrh (i Hile lMplitmiis. The follow ing pupil received diploma in the eighth grade examination held in Februaiy: District No 8, Iiobt. W. Itaker, techer, Logan, Helen Bprague; District No. OS, E. F. Surface, teacher, Traceva, Maud E. Holder; District No. 105, Millard Hyatt, teacher, Willamette, Mary Vaughn; District No, 41, Alice Elizabeth, teacher, Ktatford, Jennie C. Huicble, Uoaina Scliatz; District No. 35, M. U. Hrown, teacher, Molalla, 15ex W, Iwi; District No. 64, J, W. Fisher, teacher, Cora E. Ambler. Superintend ent Zinser has set April 0, 10 and 11 as the date for the next eighth grade ex aminations. Teacher should ask for revised rule.;. Among the notable features of the Ar gonaut far March 24, 19tl2, are: "A Vic tim of Helorm : How the Captain of the Han Antonio was Converted," by John Fleming Wiison, a sea story by a new and virile writer; "Our Friendship With England : Would Alice Roosevelt's Visit Have Intensified Good Feeling?" in which Geraldine Bonner discusses the harmonies and discord between the two nations; an interesting New York letter on the Bun's surrender to the Typograph ical Union after a long and bitter fight ; a letter of cote from our Mexican corre spondent, entitled "Expenses in Mex ico;" an extended review of the Duke of Argyll's biography of Queen Victoria, with extracts ; and a criticism of "Na than Hale" and "La Madeleine," by Josephine Hart Phelps. Mi liiiol X ilea. Miss Daisy McAnuliy has an extension of contract at the Union (School, Diet. No. 00. The term will expire three months from March 17. Miss Anna Hiiclunan, of Clackamas, bus been engaged to leach the Sandy school in Dist. No. 40. Districts in need of a teacher should address the superintendent. Candidates are plentiful. Supt. J. C. Zinser had a pleasant chat last Saturday with ex-Supt. Staik weathur, w ho expressed eurpiiee at the fact that under a Republican adminis tration the superintendent is still obliged to content himself with old shabby furniture. Damascus School Hi purl. The second month of school in District 77 closed March 14. Number belonging, :S3; daily attendance, 31. Daily attend ance ii 94 per cent of number belonging. Anna Olson, Teacher. I'or (he Complexion. The complexion always sutlers from biliousness or constipation. Unless the bowels are kept open the impurities from the body apear in the form of unsightly eruptions. De Witt's Little Early Risers keep the liver and bowels in healthy condition and remove the cause of such troubles. C. E. Hooper, Albany, Ga., says: I took DeWitt's Little Early Ris ers for biliousness. They were just what I needed. I am feeling better now than In years. Never yripe or distress. Safe, thorough and gentle. The very best pills. Geo. Harding. ' 1 "I bsve used Chamberlain's Couh Remedy for a number of years and have no hesitancy in saying that it is the best remedy for cough, colds, and croup I have ever used in my family. I have not words to express my confidence in this Remedy. Mrs. J. A. Moore, North Star, Mich. For Bale by U. A. Harding, Druggist. Exporlcnee Convinces. Prove its value by investing 10 cents in trial size of Ely's Cream Balm. Druggist supply it and we mail it. Full size HO cent. 1XY BROS., 66 Warren St., New York. Clifton, Arizona, Jan. 20, 1809. Messrs. Ely Kbos.: Please send me a 50 cent bottle of Cream Halm. I find your remedy the quickest and most permanent cure for catarrh and cold in the bead. Dell M. Potteb, Gen. Mgr. Ariz. Gold M. Co. Messrs. Ely Bbos.: I have been afflicted with OAtairh for twenty Tears. It made m o wak I thought I had consumption. I pot one bottle of Ely's Cream Balm and in three days the discharge aUipped. It i the best medicine 1 hare used for catarrh. Probert. CaL Fbanx E. Kikdlespibx, Prier's Hair Food Cleans the Scalp Removes Dandruff. Prevents Baldness. For sale by all druggist and R. I'ricr, Caufleld Bldg. STRICTLY PRIVATE We solicit your banking business; and with the assurance on our part a that it will be kept j STEICTLY PRIVATE. THE BANK OF OREGON CITY OREGON CITY, OREGON S. J. VAUGHN, Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECONCITY. located bktwien the bkidoi am tlPOT. Double and Single Rigs, and Bad die horses always on hand at th lowest prices. A corral) connected with the barn for loose stock. Information regarding any kind oi atock promptly attended to by person of 'etter. Horses Boucht and Sold i Horses Boarded and Fed on reason hU trrn. JOHN YOUNGER, JTJE2 -XW E I 33 3B Opp. Huntley's Drug Store, FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. OIK LEADER TYPEWRITERS Hit od Second Hind, All Viket SOLD arjd RENTED Platens and Parts for All Machines EXPERT TYPE WRITER REPAIRING At Keaaonable Price Mimeographs, Hectographs And All Duplicating Goods Typewriter Supplle and Office Furniture Write or 'phone or call on us when you need anything Coast Agency Co., Portland, Or. 3l Stark Street, opp. Ldd Tllton Bank. Long Diatance 'Phone in Office. Single Key Board Enterprise and VV. Oregonian $2 Are You Thinking Of BUYING A WATCH? ) I F so, do you know enough about watches to make a safe purchase? Remember that we are an old reliable house, that we have been in the watch business for many years and that we make a specialty of repairing watches, and therefore are in a position to know all about them. We recognize that we must be honest with you to retain your patronage, as we are here lo stay and to make good our guarantee. We carry the largest stock of watches and jewelry in Clackamas County. These are some of the reasons why you should make it a point to see us when you want to purchase a time piece or have it repaired. Our watches are made in solid gold, gold filled, silver and nickel. In the filled we sell the "Boss" make. It is made of two layers of solid gold with a layer of stiffening metal between. It has the elegance and wearing qualities of an all gold watch. Our prices of Watches For Boys from $2.00 to $15.00 For Ladies from $4.00 to $75.00 For Men from $2.00 to $75.00 BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN OSS- THE OREGON CITY JEWELERS . iw mi F-705 F-1372 F-837 A 1 2 3 6 ti S 2 6 I 2 2 0 45