Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 14, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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iocial Happenings. 3 FRATERNAL i
; IlKHTIIICK Oil !!.
,J I' !" Block entertained Ihn Dit-
j k Mulcal Clul) at lixr home lint
I tlMjr vtiiinK- llm evciilni wan tie
(1 A to tli c(iiiihiUIoi) of (lomind anil
program follow! KhhiIIii, "Th
,,f ul tlifl Ope', Patil," Mr. Itohert
diller; Instrumental duet, "Over
j from Mimllle," Mii I.ulu and
,, il.i l)i'rj "Wall, from I'auat,"
Leslie L. Porter; Violin nolo, "Ave
"," Mi MuMlu Draper, (Mis Kdna
leld, c'tiii Mt lint ; x Mr. Charlu
Uulhdd read the characterisation.
, neit meeting of th cluh will he on
day, March I'll, at Ihn reideiir of
f , f. lliarinafi ami compoamoii
' IWttiovnn will l rendered.
4 tint. KKKu'a hkcital tonioiit.
. Waller Itetid, of Portland, will
"ar In a aoug recital atthe Woodmen
1 .tonight, t 8:15 o'clock. Her pro
" i 1 a well arranged one mi l he will
' 'turd in 12 number. Mr. Heed'
,r la loo wall known to require ie
' lietitlon ami Ihn mualn lover of thla
"III crowd the hall. Two Inxtru
I nunitxira are on the roraii), a
I solo by Mis Veda Williams, (a)
Oale," 0. 0 No. Ij lb) Vle
' itmatl(ii," ten. tiodard. Mri.
L. Porter and Ml Mattia Draper
play Hit "Julml Overture," from
TIACIIkK' C I. I'll.
1. P. If. Glas entertained th
ber' Club at her home Monday
" Ing. Ml Eva Meldrum Ulked on
ry'a Exploration to ilia North Pole,"
tfiM Frma Laurence apoka on "Tlie
mt Crliia In fcpaln." The Club will
March 24, at the home of Mim
9i ia CauHttld.
. a marriage of Mini Mary L. !lanmii
.. Mr. John Nundren waa solemnized
, (ty Recorder Unite C. Curry in hla
. ( lust Monday, The groom li from
. potuah County, and Ihu hrlJu form
, (raided near Ign.
" Dot thlriy of tho young friend of
Mary Hundatrom surprised her at
' omeof C. A. Nanli in (iladatone
' iy venlng, February 28, and a
f ronud of game and fun mailed
" I diuh!i:I Dumber were rendered,
' iliuienlt were) nerved, and several
feature of nUiitainment gave
' ty to what all voted a very delight-
" enlng.
ny ot th friend of Mr. A. (i an ten
aurprlmtd her IhmI Moiiduy iiliiht
r home lu North Orcein City.
'occasion of tho mirprine wa the
li depart ii rt of Mm (Untenheiii and
f (of Portland, where they go about
first to renidfl, An enjoyable time
'pent and refreahiiienl werervel.
, and Mr. C. Schueliid eie pleaH
aurpriaed Wednemluy tvenlnti by
. fifteen of their friendM. The time
wlftly pawied with proKreaeive cro
tnd other amiiHt'ineiite. Cake and
irere (erveJ.
I Diukent Club met Monday after
' at tho home of Mr. Krnnt A. Som-
- Mrx. John P. Ketiii will enter
be Club next Monday.
we li morn Catarrh in thin nection
country than all other dixeiixeH put
icr, and until the lant few yours win
led to be iiicurahle. For a xreut
year doctor prouoiiiii'ud it a lot-ul
16, and preacrihed louul remedieH,
y coetantly failing to cure with local
lent, pronounced it incuruble. Sci
baa proven catarrh to a conntitu
; dixeuM). and therefore retpilreit
tutional treatment. Hull'" Catarrh
manufactured by F. J. Cheney
' , Toledo, Ohio, In the only cotiHti
al cure on the market. It 1 taken
"' ally In dynes from 10 drop to a
" Wilful. It acta directly on the blood
" lucoua surfaces of the ayHteiu. They
"' me hundred dollar for any cane It
'" to cure. Bend for circulars and
"' loniuls. AddreHH,
F. J. Chbnky A. Co., Toledo, O.
" I by DrtiKUt, 75c.
"' Pa Family Pill are tiie best.
' n i ii
' Letter I.Nt.
" following Is the liat of letter re
"' Dg in the tMHtofHce at Oregon City,
on March 13th, 1002 :
womkn' i.ibt.
Mrs E Jone Mr Kate
'" bald Miss M Logan Mrs Maud
Miss Jenn M Mushee Mr Emma
flo Mr Ell IUndall Mrs Minnie
ttf 'ian Mr E Write Mrs Athulia
' , mkn'b list.
" pO Kerr C A
'"'r Walter I Marlin J M
:k 0 A Patterson O II
"'ricks Edd Simmons C C
lls Ion Chsrles Schwartz F
Irson F G . Welch John
-"'ton Tom Whitter Bros
nsJ Q William J B (2)
In lot Infants and Children.
Yea Have Always Bought
vrt the
ir 'atir rr
kt'lll'HIMK TO Mil. WIM.IAMH.
Meade I'ost No. Z, and Male Belief
Corp tendered John It Williams, pant
commander of the post, with a auiprise
party Wednesday evening at hi home
In Fall View, the occasion being hi
tilth birthday. Forty member of the
post and relief corps were present. There
was good speaking nd singing, followed
by refreshment. Bev. A.J. Montgom
ery was among thowt prenenl, and made
a few appropriate remarks. Commander
I. W, Ingram, of the po-t, In behalf .of
the post and relief corn, presented Mr.
William with a hanilsome picture.
Kola Circle, Women of Woodcraft,
gave an entertainment in Woodmen
Hall Tuesday evening. Lunch was
served and dancing followed the rendl
tlon of the program, which was:
Helecthm . .
Heleclion ,.
Itmillation ..
, . . .Turney'a orchestt
Jlnito Dixon
Mies Mar-hall
Mis I'aliv
.. Mr, f. T. Ilicklin
... . C. A. Miller
CIih. KobillltOII
, .'. Orchestra
The Culled Artisan vavo an enter
tainment In Woodmen Hall last even
ing. A program was rendered consisting
of dialogues, reclialion, nm-dc and club
swinging, after whicn dancing wa In
dulged lu until lale hour.
The lodge of the Modern Brotherhood
of America met last Saturday at Logan
and initiated 10 new member. State
Manager W. U. Auplcgate wa present.
.Mr. VhrH a.7riTld of Ilia
"During the winter of 1H1W I wa so
lame In my Joint, in fact all over my
body, thai I could hardly hobble around,
when I bought a bottle of Chamlterlalu'a
Cain Balm. From the tlrnt application
I began to get we I, and wa cured anil
have worked steadily all the year. It.
Wheeler, Northwood, S. Y. For sate
by ti. A. Harding, Druggist.
A week of excellent dramatic perform
ance i ottered at popular prices, com
mencing Monday, March 17, with Jessie
Shirley a the leading light of the . ggre
gal lull of carefully selected player.
The list of play I o varied a lo suit
all tastes i nd each I elaborately Cos
tumed and carefully tsged with all at
tention to modern dramatic art and re
ipn reiiiciils. With thl splendid company
of 22 people the management carries Its
own orchestra in order to give full effect
to the pteMtnlatiou of the several plays
from a musical a well as a dramatic and
scenic standpoint. Mi Shirley is so
Well known lo our theatie goers that an
introduction would be unnecessary.
Her performance are always ma-ked
hy a finish and carefulness as to details,
unspproachahlu by any other company
lliat visit here. Tlie repertoire will be
as folio :
"A Young Wife For Fair Virginia
Nell (jwyiuie Camille The To Orph
ans and The Sultan's Daughter."
Matinee ''The Wyoming Mail."
The Hpecisltie and musical selections
are alone worth the price of admission.
The opening bill will he ''A Young
Wife" a inelo-draniHtic story of New
Yoik Hie as U may be seen any duv from
the "4iK)" to the dens on Hie East Hide
Stirring situations and unexpected idi
uiaxe abound, which keep the audi
ence on tlie qui vlve of expectancy
while a blight vein of comedy relieves
intensity and Cannes good humor to pre
vail. Tomor ow is the last day that you can
secure a 3 per cent rebate on your taxes.
M? Day
Which the working man ha fought for
ami succeeded iu obtaining is something
the wile has no ahnre in. Her day be
gins In-fore hi and end long after it,
as a rule, and many a night her rest is
Droaen by the baliy'a
fretfulncas. The
healthiest woman
must wear out under
such a itrain. What
can be expected then
ot tnoae women
who are weaken
ed by woman
ly diseases?
who are
and run-down will find new
life and new strength in the
use of Dr. Tierce's Favorite
Prescription. It establishes
regularity, dries weakening
drains, heals inflammation
and ulceration, and cures
female weakness. It makes
weak women strong and
sick women well.
Sick people are invited to
consult Ir. Pierce, by letter,
free. All correspondence is
held a strictly private and
sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
I suftTKl with female weskness shout eluht
? 'ears tried several doctors bnt derived no be ne
it until I begun lining Ir. Pierce'a Favorite Pre
scription," WTitcs Mm. John Cren, of Danville,
Hoyie Co., Ky. "Tliin medicine was recom
mended to me by other patients. I hare taken
six bottles and 1 feel like another peraon."
The dealer who offers a substitute for
"Favorite Prescription," is only seeking
to make tbe little more profit paid on
the sale of less meritorious medicines.
His profit is your loss. Refuse all sub
stitutes. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be
used with " Favorite Prescription " when
ever a laxative i iequircd.
Knowledge is Power ?
flints I allows a mouth whirs th lour Incisor hav
Sees (tra'trd, and I In mo cuaolda (e)lclh); cruwn. or
iui.).'l to ths ii m II in, sliuwIUf U us(ild roots rctwrid
Mi tuiiv a brings.
Fitarst ruraaou tlie tit'te r d fnr ad)iitnnl
n i...
mi- th sftrr if binjv i-a Lf,i.
r-i a nr-r r
V. 3 i 1 1
rT'iirr 4-!. st Bvli i Ui i ar s plate In th month h-n
tir! Ur r-ti Uv atuirliw,) Ui a Itw rnnaiulu Mrth auj ruuu
Plgur i aliot-n tb Ma of two upper teeth, th six yer
Inula i d the Oral llciw ild. Th brl.lie abnrr it attai b- '1
by an ohu Umm gol'l cwwa tiVHr tbe s-cii'd bicu.pid,
aoiJ a ka ablca etuuiti lulu a Mrltyuf Uie Mijullbg wuUr.
F.S h"s ths brtilae anchored In pualtloo.
Flrnrt t nhows s mot wlUk
rmws ready lo atucb. It Is
folly t- citract a root 1. a
It ean l erowned aud loMt
at lutlul as fN.
Plmrs 10 la a month ibat has lort til ths t"h mt fonrj
th to i entl "a and too uiolar.; tbe arc ti.ua u m ytowsJ
iur a full uyvt biM.
Pkcnr T nyoMif a lail tt ol UxUi on a gold plat.
y V,V-.aeir; t ..
I I 1ls.'4C wh'e'i th
lllnttntea a nw u-
the latrnl ltii'K. ., .,.
Ijc.'Ii l4lano tb-ccuirai f--ri.o'
erovo ilmniv.il. To ll I. n. t
cr. wu hi t tjn-u ft ii-t an t
a tmitli L 1-m sd, :i-i1 i.
the -mn to lit l i t
Uil W lb kot uiaia. Luwl.
r'l-nro ii thowa the hrt-1 oiplel, rul to plao la
i-.lu .u. i.. aouMU lu uU( UI.
rigors u show th brldg la ptac. natural at Mfe,
DH. PICKENS, whoso life has been devoted to the study of the Dental Art, makes a specialty, not of robbing the mouth of the teeth still
left for norvice, but of building up a full set (painhws) from tho teeth and roots which afford sufficient basis for crown and bridge work. ' He is
prapared to do all kinds of work pertaining to the dental profession and guarantees the same for five years at the very loweBt prices consistent
with firut-cluHS work.
Teeth extracted abnolutely without pain by a new and harmless method, applied to the gums. No gases or poisonous tocaine. This is the
method now uaed by the leading dentists of Chicago and New York.
Stnd for illustrated book on "Dental Bridge Work of To-Day." It will be mailed to you free of charge, and will explain so thoroughly the
systom that you will understand it as well as the dentist.
DR. L. L. PICKENS, Dentist, Barclay Building, Oregon City.
Klizaheth Zimmerman, administratrix
of the estate of Adsm Zimmerman, has
filed her fin1 account and has Keen di
charged and her Vuml-mpn exonerated.
There is on hand f4WM).71 wlvch I to be
distributed as follows: Elizabeth Zim
merman, widow, 12345 35; Mary Zim
merman, $200 69; Estate of Win. Zim
merman, deceased, $L'tW.5() ; Mrs. Emma
Urtischel, $200 59; Aaron Zimmerman,
2tt.M); Cora lloir, 2(5'.l; George
Zimmerman, (2ii) Oil; Maio Ziminer
man. 'OO.Slt; Delia Zimmeruian, 200.59;
Sarah Zimmerman, f2(i0.59.
Tom P. Handall. a.lniinintrutor of the
eHtate of John S. tlreen, deceased, ha
filed a petition for an order for the sale
of real property. Moiiduy April 7, has
been set for hearing the petition.
Andrew Gordon, ol Portland, has been
appointed ((""fdiu" of the estate ol Irwin
leslie (iordon, a piinor.
The claim of It. S. Coop and Robert
Miller for $1 18 against the estate of Wm.
D. Bedford have been allowed.
A. A. Kallmann ha been apiointed
administrator of the estate of Margaret
Jane Ranman, deceased. The estate it
valued at (2 XXI. The heirs are A. A.
Uanmann, husband, aged 37 years, and
Uliven Margaret Botimann, daughter,
aged 0 years.
Albert and Clarence Engle have been
appointed administrators ol the estate
of Samuel Engle, deceased. Their bonds
are Cxed at $11,400 with J. J. . Leavitt,
Oliver Bobbins, K. J. Moore, R. T. Dib
ble, as sureties. Oliver Robbins, R. J,
Moore and II. L. Vaughan are appointed
Mrs. Nellie Sladen has been appointed
guardian of Mildred Florence Sladen,
aged 4 years.
Marriage licenses were issued this
week to Lillie Branson, 19, and Frank
ilaiuiuerle, 21 ; Martha E. Baker, 22,
aad W. T. Holl'man, 32; Mary L. Han
son, 25, and John Lundgreen, 35; Anna
Laura Dungey, 24, and Carl A. f.
Prtestor, 33.
Sixteen hundred voters have reg
istered. This is little over one-third
of the total vote of the county. About
one-half of tlia voters of Oregon City
have registered.
Andrew Anderson, Peder Anderson,
J. II. Wormduhl, Ole O'Rye, all of Nor
way have been granted full citizenship
O. J. Ronning and E. II . WormJahl
of Norway, have declared their intention
to become citizens of the United State.
G. J. Trullinger yesterday filed a com
plaint against A. J. Mayville and W.
Husbands for $100 damages for with
holding from the possession of the plain
tiff a portion of the D. L. C. of Jas.
Barnard, in T. 4, S. R.2E.
James M. Tracey has sued Hiram E.
Straiuht, Margaret Gratz and Gratz,
her husband, Wm. E. Straight, Jacob
Straight, Mollie Straight. John Straiuht.
and Hiram E. Straight, as administrator
of the estate of Hiram Straight, deceased,
for the foreclosure of a mortgage.
County Clerk Cooper has received tbe
mandate of the Supreme Court in two
appeal from the Circuit Court of Clack
amas County. The case of V. G. Rand
all, respondent, vs. Allen SimmonB, de
fendant, and C. H. Sarver, and Geo. A.
Hamilton, defendants and appellants,
was reversed, and the case of Mary A.
Ijtzelle and Ella C. Duncan, respon
dents, vs. G. R. Miller, appellant, and
J. O. Pilsbury, defendant, was also
1'rnritrullj- Nturrintc.
"After using a few bottles of Kodol's
Dysiiepsia Cure my wife received perfect
and permanent relief from a severe and
chronic case of stomach trouble," says
J. R. Holly, real estate and loan agent,
of Macomb, III. "Before using Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure she could not eat an or
dinary meal without Intense suffering.
She is now entirely cured. Several phys
icians and many remedies had failed to
give relief." You don't have to diet.
Eat any good food you want, but don't
overload the stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure will always digest it for you. Geo.
(Continued from page 2.)
last Saturday.
A traveling mechanic passed through
our bur last week, mending all stoves
that needed repair.
Mrs. Bertha Bryant, of Portland, spert
few days with ber pareuts, Mr. and
Mrs. E. F. Guenther, the past week.
Mr. Krohn's little boy, who died in
Highland last Friday, was buried in the
Lotheran cemetery heie Saturday alter-,
noon. I
Michael Moehnke is steadily at work !
putting down the board fence along the
new county road between his farm and
E. F. Ginther'e.
Martin Massinger has secured employ
ment with the Postal Department of the
government. This might be a lesson to
the boys who used to make all manner
of fun about him. Where are tbeyT
Christ. Hornsthuh lost a fat steer sud
denly last Tuesiiay morning, by a disease
called "wild fire." One hour before he
died he was a hearty and vigorous as
an animal could possibly be. They took
off the hide and tried to find some cause
for his sudden death, but only discovered
that along his entire b.ick blood had col
lected and had turned black. He was
valued at $40.
IUUIV A. A 11 atronj; as
our If yoa tiy
-C 44 f4 nl or ia so strong we
I .11 H guarantee a cure or refund
" money, and we send yoa
free trial bottle if yon write for it.
EMILOH'S cosu 2S cents and will cure Con
sumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis and all
Lung Troubles. Will cure a cough or cold
in a dar, and thus prevent serious results.
It has been doing these things for SO years.
8. C. Well & Co.. Lt Roy. N. Y.
Gabfielo, March 11, 1902.
To the Editor: In reply to the com
munication in your paper of March 7th
from your Garfield correspondent I wish
to say that I am not a candidate for road
supervisor and have not been.
D. M. Marbuall.
Tlie Lutherans are preparing for Easter
Jacob Grossmiller has considerable
sickness In his family.
Willie Bluhiu is helping Fred Fischer,
of Clnrkes, for a few days. '
Miss Eletha Cummin's visited Wesley
Hill's family on Sunday last.
E. . Guenther has rented Jim Bee
son's old place for pasture.
Robert Ginther and wife visited with
Wesley Hilt's on last Sunday.
Miss Louisa Steiner has returned home
from a few weeks' visit in Portland.
Mrs. Rosa Streyfeller has gone to Mil
waukie to spend a few weeks with friends.
E. W. Hornschuh and wife spent 8un-(
day afternoon with C. Hornschuh, and!
Misses Minnie Moehnke and Mary
Wilirock visited at E. F. Glnther's Sun
day afternoon.
Several of our citisens attended the
Socialist convention held In Oregon City
Mother ray's Sweet Powders
for Children. Mother Gray, for years a
nuree in the Children's Home in New
York, treated children successfully with
a remedy, now prepared and placed in
the dtug stores, called Mother Gray's
Sweet Powders for Children. They are
harmless as milk, pleasant lo take and
never fail. A certain cure for feverish
ness, constipation, headache, teething
and stomach disorders and remove
worm. At all druggists, 25c. Sample
sent FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted,
LeRoy, N. Y.
VmrVm sT ! Daai Ton mtrvnm Qfrfn as-h
Stevens Block
Now Open for Business.
Bbl. Dalles Hard Wheat Flour
Bbl. Union, Or., Bluestone
Gal. can Old Fashioned Honey
Box 100 Bars Diamond C Soap
Pound Corel Blend Mocha and Java
We handle the Logan Cheese.
Miles & McGlashan
Established 1S63.
The Farmer
The G&rdener
The Housewife
I ThfT eott a HtU mora. Ther '
I are worm a a-rat dal niur I
Uian the ordinary luid. hold 1
f natmUtn. lit aouual Cree.
Detroit, Mloh.
rrangfer1 and Ere,
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.
Opp. Huntley's Drug Store,
Great Britain and America.