Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 14, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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rreon City linterprise
i -r r
ij new lu-uay.
1(1 K'H Ml 1,1- KKItlJII.r AND NOW
J t i . ,r f(r. A liai of your pat
.,' uiiclu.il. J. H. YuiiKii, Prop.,
dv, Or.
i K A U l HMtrTiLK-ttMl iiTTuoM
fi-nuii (!ity, .'W ai'res ilcernd, U area
i.ilmrd, lalmi' brush ai.d liinlwi
N.UtH) coi nl wood ahiidi will soil lor
! lllHIl 'I'M l'l"l of Hi" I'll' ". lll'HH"
llKtl t'urn. Turin to milt. 0 O. T. Wn
Ufur li-i'iin U, Harilay building, Oregon
Unity, . .nt.
l'J!iolrlilp in an Kaatern CnrrwiKind
Kh I'iihIuuk College. Kur arllctilais
lilrcri) H"X :in, Oregon City.
AjXn7is"wastki KOIt 8 ILK -I
Irh n lii.'ffiiiM' my lil l ilHulmlil real
a tale (in mil". KH'i'l in f MKt(" largnly
' th IhihIiihh nihI have mimm-ihI lwrslliti-M
r 4li Mining pureliaai.rs. Taeiuyttva
ti-lnr t-xM'ili-n'" In ' 1 1 nwr lands In
Jai kam is county. II. E Cross, attor-
yy at law.
tnr rent. Farm wrurity. U'IUk A
511 8ALK- HMK) tilTAUTK It III . 1 K
lil himkI nfvun room lioium with pantry,
iiilll mill patent mittiT i liwint rmilim tfil
Mill .er;mi block south ol 8lilvely'e
II, corner BU Hi and Madison airwte.
.quire ol owner, Mm. D. L. Ctiuic,
B7. K. Harmon Hr.. Portland, Ore.
IKIxiKrt (IKICKITII. tolllrea In lli
Woiiimnl Building,) hvr Hit cliiili l
ly. auliiiriiaii end country pruprrty lor
ulll imivt,
Ioiiy lo Uma at Iiiwm raiea.
limn .V OatrriTii.
Kkvival Hmiviiiea Uev. Hauniel
Z3iy.li-r.ol libation, i holding revival
fvh In till) Mlh"iliat Church tills
i k. Ibilll aflerniHin ami evening mr-
n are held ami inui'h kmhI Id Mnil
ciiiiiilehiil. The ai-rvirea a ill clone
kxl Hnnilny eveiiii'K,
Sin f'lifc I IA1TH.--The lolloviiiiii lino
HitracU liaVA beii rworiled : Aaron
rColiui'll to K. Walleiihiir,! A Co,
jtKI niiliiln, at lU't cent. Mra. Knphie
Kbni ami H. T- KiliiiiNtnn to Iiwenilial
Coa., wm M)liml, at 12 lent. I'eter
;l.li to l.ilienthal Uroa., (HHK) poumU,
k)2irop,at 11 cenla. IWr Olmn to
lllieiitbal l5ro., IXVKI ioiinila, l'.MUcmp,
fl 11 cenle. I'eler OUoii to Lllienllial
i.. i ....... u . ii
roa., OIAAI liouinie, lin.- riui, i
I nt.
William Urui-ch to K. Watten
irit Co.. 10.WX) iHiunda
at nine ceuta
?t W. llakurto K. WaitcnlM-iK A Co.,
',i'.0iK) pound, 1 10 cent. Jay lUker
K WaitHuberg A Co., WHM) pound, at
' con'e.
"'FmckMAN Win On a Foi l. The 2fl
uiid boxniK con tec l in the Armory
'edneaiUy nlxlit rexuhed in the ilecieion
dug awarded (o Fieeuuiii on a foul in
aevuuili round. Ni-iiln-r iimii a
Irt and would hve prohahly sluycd
P e limit. Freeman wan in the pink of
' ndition and vi'u a (rt-eli a a duUy
id Kenimrd looked tlicd, altlioii(li bin
ark wm not hIoiv He (iulite i-aii-)unly.
When lime called for Ihe
(vt nth round, Kenuard malied maiter
id In the mix up, Freeman went to hi
lee aud the 6t. 1'aul man atruck him.
waa warned by Keleree Iuiia Hull,
'jt fooled ialn and the dei'iHion waa
Iven to Freeman. A foiir-ioiind pre
lilnary wa (ou(ht betwi'en (iiilluglicr
wera, of Caneuiah, and Jake Thuiber,
fa tin city. About 75 people attended
CconieHt which a an IntereBling
ft te while it laHted.
. A. Mclblde ha made a decision in
caae of the Oieuon City and 8oulh
jj.n Itailway Company v. The Oregon
id California HailroHil Company and
nj Kouthern l'aciflo Company, which
' iterniluea the u.anncr of the plaintiff'
iwaing-a over the track of the Southern
OUcillo at Canemali. Tlie deciion de
u tilws in detail how the troeeiim elmll
. i conatruuted and oHTted. The ex-
nine of construction, maintenance and
xnation of Ibe two cronniiig-i eliall be
jrn by the plaintitT. This i the end of
,'tuit which haa been pending for a long
'rne In the Circuit Court and was brought
7 the 0. C. 8. It. Co. to permit the
Conning of the Kouthern I'acillc track.
. bard fllit wa made but the matter
as finally settled amicably. Coniuiio
ff.'oner Alfred F. Seam, C. F lter and
f, B. Chase, wbo were appointed by
e Court to determine the nature of the
roBiiiK8, whether they should be grade
j(ronainK or overhead croaeing, were
flowed $100 each for their service.
If Mavor Wins a Cask. Attorney Q, B.
''loilck went to Woodburn last week a
Attorney for the defendant in the suit of
car Mulder vs. Wi'lard Marvin for
T12.50 damages, alleged to have been
Detained by the long of a portion of an
jj Dion crop. I.antJune Mahler bad an
Dinn Top on bia place on Butte Creek
tul Marvin wa working for him gutting
,he ground ready. After the work was
icmiplctcJ, Marvin bad only been paid a
f.ortion of the money due him and he
eked Mahler for the balance. Mahler
o i . J Marvin he would have to take it out
'.I'f.li'a (.Mahler's) bide and Marvin took
yi ii at bis word and proceeded to do so.
'n the fijjht that ensued 15 onion rows each
'A feet long, were knocked down. Mull
- ft unco jiarviu for (J7.50 alleged dam-
age to the onion and to (or a cultivator
tlat IihiI been broken In the lracas. Ti e
ilnfiiiiMi Mil up that Mahler, the owner of
the unions, was the limligitnr of the af
fair and M.uvln had anted in aolfdiift'tise.
The evidence showed that Mahler hail
coiiiiniini'fil the alUck. The Jury brought
In a verdict for the defendant. Tuu c
was trtml in ilia .'iistlna Court at Wood
hum ami Dlinlck ami Corby re primeuied
tlie defendant while K. 1. Mori:olil ap
peared for the plalnllir.
runMi-KS To I! (iotii). Frank Hili
weilxur ha been released from jail by
Judge Mclliide iion Ibe proii.lne that he
would pay 15 inonthty to bis divorced
wile. Last December Mr. hchweiUer
ecu red a dlvoice from her buband on
i the around of cruel and Inhuman treat
ment. He drank to excess and was
abusive at time. Hie ha ix children
and the court granted her f 15 a month
alimony, and decreed thai In default
of the payment of this the defendant
should be held In i-ontvinpl of couit,
Scbwvllxer never paid one cent of the
money and went out In the country to
work for 1 r lUy. Being i traigh
tenet circuiuxtance Mi. Ki:heit,er ae
plied to the county court for relief and
waa given $1D. l.aHl Tliiirmliiy (Sch
weitzer hit the town and went to the
county clrra wiih $1, which be ai-ked lo
be applied In part payment of the $10
granted his wile by the couit, liiMtead of
pitying Ihe amount lo hi wife, He then
proceeded to gel gloriously drunk and
went to the home of hi w ife and child
ren, broke In the door, and aluiwd the
whole family, Mr. Hchweitxer same
out warrant for hi arrest on Ihe
charge of ault and battery; though
the complaint wa served nieiclv fur the
peruse of holding hiui until Judge
Mcllriile arrived Si'baeitxer reinaiiied in
Jail until Saturday, when he wa biuught
Mote Ibe Judge, arid give a revere
lecture. He promiited.lo reform, ny hi
wife alimony regularly, and not to
mole! Ina family. lie went Ij I'oitland
after hi release and baa aecurvd a posi
tion there.
Tomorrow I the last dy that you ran
secure 3 per rent rebate on jour taxe.
Itmes Win U dh (.anic.
The Blue were Nilccesnful In both the
Junior Basket Ball and Keillor Indoor
IUms Hall guinea last Friday night, win"
ning the former by a scire of 'M 3 and
the latier by a soore of 83.
Ihe Junior game wa fst and Inter
esting from start to finili, although one
sided. The Uiain (elur ol the game
wa Capt. Muir's fine goal throwing.
Norwood t'liainiaii w ill hi ueiiul tine
condition and played a funl giuiio. The
only store made by the led waa the goal
Ibiown by Allen Cooke.
The line up wu folloaa:
Blue. Bed.
Cliaiman F'orwaid (Jaiioug
llankina Forward Melliu
Woodard CenUrr WIIhou
(iantenbein iunrd Cooke
Muir liuard White
lieleiee, II. E. Wilson. Umpire, W.
The Base Ball game was not as good
a ha been played by these to team
but the Scoie waa not laige, and at lime
good playing wa in evidence. Tlie main
feature of this game wai Ihe triple play
made, by the Blues eai ly ill Ihe gme.
I). Williams wa in the box for the
Ked but wa not up to hi atandaid.
J. l.ittourelie pitched a very good
name for the Blues.
The team lined up ae follows:
Blues. Ked.
A. (Iantenbein C Calill"
Latourotte V D. Williams
Muir IB W. Wilson
Moores 2 B O. Thomas
Clark 3 It ... H . (J.intenhein
ChainherUin I, 8 3 Co.ke
K William K.S S Tiice
K. Ciantenlwin F Payne
Score by Inning :
1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 Total
Blue 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 2 8
Ked I 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3
Umpire, II. E. Wilson.
Only One Way To Do It.
Get from Portland to CbicHgo in 72
hours-Jut three days. The "Chicago
Portland Special." leaving Portland
daily at 9 a. m. via. O. II. A N., arrives
at Chicago at 9:30 the third day. New
York and Boston are reached the fourth
duy. This train, acknowledged to be
the fastest between the Northwest and
the East, is solidly ventibnled and Its
equipment Is unsurpassed. Pullman
drawing room sleeping cars, np-to-date
tourist sleeping cars, library-smoking
cars, free reclining chair cars, and un
excelled dining car, the meals on which
are equal to thoe served at the very
best hotels. Remember this train runs
solid Portland to Chicago; tbero is no
change of cars, and the good of it Is, it
costs no more to ride on It than on other
We have other trains "Pacific Ex
press" leaves Portland daily at 9 p. m.
via Huntington, and the "Spokane
Flyer" leaves at 0 p. m. daily via Spo
kane for St. Paul and the East.
For rates, sleeping car reservations,
call or write to
A. L. Craig,
General PaBnenger Agent,
0. K. A N. Co., Portland, Oregon.
Bea th You Haw always Boujfit
The Flint or a Merles of Play to be
Produced Here Next Week.
The stnry of a husband ami wile each
devotedly trying to shield the other from
the coiieqiieuees of a crime of which
neither I guilty, I certainly an original
and clever the me. It around this idea
that Ihe story of "A Young Wife" is
woven a story of thrilling Interest. It
deal with a sensational murder and rob
bery, and the gradual hunting down of
the real criminal, who, to save hi own
neck, trie lo fasten the crime upon hi
adopted brother, tut who is finally
brought to bay by woman's wit. The
second act It laid In an underground den
on the Bowery, depicting to the life the
working of card sharpen aud ''bunco
steerers." The remaining scenes repre
"M the home of a wealthy Mew Yorker,
thu showing two sharply contrating
picture of city life. The play abounds
in comedy, the role of "Horace Green-a-age
Dohblna" ("call me Hod") being
one ol the strongeat comedy parts ever
written. This role I amply taken care
of by Mr. Tom B. Lofiu, while little
Verna F'ulton adds to the laughter by
presenting a true picture of the typical
dirty faced Bowery boy. All Ihe parts
are unusually strong, and in tlie hand!
of the Shirley Company, receive full jus
tice. Monday night will be the only
x-rforinnce of "A Young Wife," so
don't mis teeing it.
Tomorrow is the last day that you can
xecure a 3 per cent rebate on your taxes.
County Ni heel Note.
Victor Dickey, of Dickey's Prairie, was
in the city Monday, He has just closed
a successful term of school in District
No. 25.
Miss Helen (ileaon commenced a
k-riu of school lust Monday in Brown's
school near New Era.
J. J. Clark has succeeded Fred j.
Meindl ss teacher at the New Kra school
and will commence the spring term in
Miss Kthel Osbuin ha been engaged
to teach the spring term In Un:on school
near Dainncu.
Mi Lillian (jana, who is now teaching
at District No. 102, will commence a
term at Hazel Dale School, after the
completion of her term in No. 102.
H. T. Roman has just completed a
term of school at Cotton.
Howard Kcrles commenced an addi
tional two months' term of school Mon
day at Mundoitrs.
Mi"s Hilda Olson has just finished a
sat isfactory five month's term of school
at North Logan.
Mis Elizabeth Evan commenced a
term of school at Meadow Brook last
HiMid View School Repot t.
The following is a report of Hood View
school, DUt No. 100, for the month end
ing March 7. Days taugiit, 20; days at
tendance, 600; days absence, 57; average
laily attendance, .10; number belonging,
32; number enrolled, 37. Thone who
were neither absent nor tardy are Delmer
ami Bert Baker, Uladxtone and Leslie
Murray, Bennie and.Alliert Tooze and
IOgun, Pearl, F'dward and Herchel Seely.
John Murray was late but once and pres
ent every day.
Visitors were Chester Tooze. Miss Jef
sie Barne Miss Nellie Murray and A. P.
Todd. The school is open to all who
wish to m ike us a visit.
A program is being prepared (or an
entertainment which will take place in a
short time. V. II. Mohkr, Teacher.
Land Office Ilinlin k Fur Februarj.
Tlie February report of tlie United
States Land O I lice was completed Sat
urday, and follows:
No. bomestead entries 20
No. acrs in homestead entries . . . .3000
No. Dual bomestead proofs 5
No. timber entries filed on 33
No. timber entries proved up on 21 !
No. casli sales 41
No. acres e in Ii raced in cauli sales 3255
Anil, received Iroin cash sales $12,072.40
Fees and commissions 8b7.37
Could ;ot Ilrenthe.
Coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis,
other throat and lung troubles are quickly
cured by One Minute Cough Cure. One
Minute Cough Cure is not a nice expec
toraut, which gives only temporary re
lief. It softens and liquifies the mucous,
draws out the inflammation and removes
the cause of the disease. Absolutely
safe, Acts at once. "One Minute Couh
Cure will do ail that is claimed for it,"
fays Justice of the Teace J. Q. Hood,
Crosby, Miss. aMy wife could not tfft
her breath, and was relieved by the first
dose. It has lasen a. benefit to all my
family." Geo. A. Harding.
For Ihe Compleilou. . j
The complexion always suiters from :
biliousness or constipation. Unless the
bowels are kept open the Impurities from '
the body appear in the form of unsightly
eruptions. DeWitt's Little Early Itinera
keep the liver and bowels in healthy
condition and remove the cause of such
troubles. C. E. Hooper, Albany, Ga.,
says: I took DeWitt's Little Early Bis
era for biliousness. They were juBt
what I needed. I am feeling better now
than in years. Never gripe or distress. ,
Safe, thorough and gentle. The very
beet piils. Geo. HardiuK.
Shively's Opera House
Triumphant Return
One Week, Commencing
Monday March 17th
Jessie SMriey
And hrr excellent
Company presenting
Monday A Young Wife j
Tuesday Vot Fair Virginia
Wednesday Nell Gwinn
Thursday Camillej
Friday The Two Orphans
Saturday The Sullaa's Daughter i
The Wyoming Mail.
Specialties by little Verna Felton
each performance.
Prlcta-1525 35 5 0-Cents
iJfm Reserved beats at Huntley' Book
Hair Food
Cleans the Scalp
Removes Dandruff.
Prevents Baldness.
Tor sale by all druggists snd R.
Trier, Caudeld Bldg.
0 mTiOTrviTamitt7iayjamfli:Ti
Livery, Feed and Sale Htable
Double and Single Rigs, and end
die horsea always on band at tht
lowest prices. A corral) connected
with the barn for loose stock.
Information regarding any kind o)
stork promptly attended to by person of
Horses Bouvht and Sold.
Horses Boarded and Fed on reason
bla trrn.
1 1 ' I 1 1 1 BICYCLES 1 1 1 1
Represent all that is best in bicycle making. Don't go and buy a wheel which is not
known, or has a repair record, but come and look over our line. It is a pleasure to us to
show such a complete and up to date line as the Rambler factory turns out this year. . '
Here are the prices of the different models:
Chainless Models .$60.00 and $50.00
Cushion Frame Models 50 00 " 40.00
Racing Models 50.00 " 40.00
Regular Roadster Models 40.00 " 35.00
" " 30.00 " 25.00
Ideal Models 25.00 " 15.00
Just think, a genuine Rambler bicycle, fitted with heavy tread G &, J tire for
$.'50.00, and an up-to-date cushion frame for $40.00.
We received our shipment of thirty Ramblers and would be glad to show all the
different models. Come in early as we have lots of time now to explain the wheels; after the
weather gets better and the season opens, we will be busy.
If you want a wheel later in the season, Belect it now and we will hold it for you until
you are ready for it, then you are certain of getting just what you want. If you come in
during the busy season we may not be able to furnish it, as we expect a big rush again.
We sell wheels on installment and take second hand wheels in exchange.
Grand Millinery Opening
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
March 18, 19, 20
The Ladies are Invited to Inspect the
Latest In Pattern Hats
We solicit your banking
business; and with the
assurance on our part
a that it will be kept J
Single Key Board
Write or 'phone or call on us
when you
Coast Agency
S3l Stark Street,
Long Distance 'Phone in Office.
Enterprise and
Front Store
lev aid Second Hand, All Kakei
Platens and Parts for All Machines
At Reasonable Prices
Mimeographs, Hectographs
And Al! Duplicating Goods
Typewriter Supplies and Office Furniture
need anything
Co., Portland, Or.
opp. Ladd A Tllton Bank.
W. Oregonian $2