OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1902. 3 ill- rersonal Mention I ITIZKXS AM) 1)1 MO HUH. J, T. Ilaitan, of Pious, aa In I he city " ; Oliver Khldlur, of Salmon, was In tha "lty Monday. V. V Murphy, of Mullno, waa In town ltd MuIhU)'. "', Jol'lll FwlloWS, llf 1 1 if IllMttcl, whs In 'lit:liy HuncUy. .1. 1'. iinlfimil) win lii lnwn Ut Tuna- '-Cornelius Hair, ol Needy, was In the ,,'liy Uni Friday. ;0. W. 'A ebb, of Wendlliitf, wui In jwii hint MomUy. , A. Moorn, of Molalla, was n Oregon llty viiiUir Monday. M. H, I'ipiiimv, ol PmnikHcii, ri'ilterl Jt th Kh-ctrlc Il.itul Monday. T. V Ackeraou mill Mr. DoimMmni, ol tlriMly, wr In the city Tuesday. ill. J. Mtllrldo, Jr., and I. C. Stock I, of Hilt-II. were In the city loot Mou- Dates Are Not lr the County I'rlinarlrs y. Mr. W. C. Seaehresl. of I'or iIhikI, la (tilting her slater, Mm. Jlrucu C. Curry, J(,Uhlaclty. Mm. T. A. Mcltride anil Mis May their 7I i jli lirlilti ar ieinliiig the week st l-Wr Island farm. 5j,'Mis KaU Myers, of 1'orent tlrove, h lo tha city Sundy vUitlng liur 'tor, Mim Frances Myers. It J. II. Vernon, a clerk In Huntley's, JjUs succeanfully aed tko ihirmacy lamination inl Iiim been reitUteied. Tim Cltisans Committer of lilno met Wedtiuaday mul inaued an addisni lo the voters of the county. April 6 whi ml aa a dais for the primaries and April 8 for Ilia county convention, which will eon slut of IflMI delegates, onn at larxa from each irnclnt:t ami on for every ID votes cant at Ilia Urit 1'iesidetitial lion. W, VV. Jihihu waa eiuctud chuir iii an of tha com in 1 1 lew ami (). W. Kaat liam sucrstary. A call waa laaued Wedm-aday for tlia Democratic primarita ami enmity con vention, tha (oiinttr to be Imlil April 3 ami ilia convention April 7, Aa the autl-fuiilou l)emcrats art in a niiuoriiy, It ia believed thai iIih Icmocratic con- volition will elect dt'li'gatua to tlia stale, JUlric. and congressional convtm- liuiia, and a'ljmrti. Tlia convention inunt bu held to iiiaiiilalu the jwrty or Kuuix4(ion, Inn tlia f nnioiiint a are prub ably airong tmoiigli tu vote down any nooiiuiiii on Urn part of the mid lla-of-llii-ruad iH-motrutH to place a atrulht county tii kul in Ilia fluid. Afinr liidug ipiurHiitnifil for three wHikn the (uinlly of Itev. K. H. ISol linger of ilia Coniri.aioiial Cluiri h la attain at llUirty. Tim (hum o( ai arli-l (ever which caim.-il the ri'il (1 1( In I dicplayed waa oiiaoltha lii;hiiii.t form, noiiHeiiiicntly mi other im-mlmri of the family, rxci-pt. lug II liltlu gr, ware taktm down wiih the diaiM. The origin of the contagion ia a myalery. Itev. E. H. liollliig-r will conduct the a-rvica in the Congregaiional Chnn h Local Kyci;L. Heglater, Hegiater How. Kcgialer toilay. High grade cignra at HmytliV. limiiihliran priinariea March 21. If you do not reglater now you cannot vote. Try the toaatud luaralimallowa and huttercupa kept at Hmylli'a. 'ig Seleet Yoor 19D2 Bicycle From TMs List Ana Yon lo - . lO Pun vtatr with the m nun nn nf the Rpnair linn milium j mm tuumun uuu um ui muiupii uiiuu lO o o lira. U. II. and A. L Wainlmrd Illdg. Kuatle, Denti 'IB I'opular gooda at popular pricea. Miaa (lolilcinith. I'retih tallluK, Ixjiiboria, carameU, choc olate creama, etc., at Hinyih'i, Keady trimmed and ready-to wear hata are apecial featurea with ua. Tomorrow la the Ut day that you can iicn re 3 per cent rehata on y.ii r Uma. I'.'O lo f IU0 lo loan on chattel or per itunal aecurilv. Diinirk & Kantliam, agti. . ItpgUtration of two yran ago will not entitle you lo a vote thla year. Ib giater at once. fa Henry ThrUn of Mllwaiikie. waa In ' ol, lllM Cljllill(I .sujay. Tla Hie.ne for 'Mi le city Wednenday morning and led on 1);'.-' trulo for halem, on tuaina he- ZZ ire Ida Stiprume Court. ;i liavid Holt, formerly in Mi Kittriik'a b i boo Hoie auj now c.innncied with a , I liolenate ahoe bouo in I'ortUnil, wa d ialling frlundt in Ihia city laat SmuUv. in, Mia Jom-phiiiB Fullerioii, a teacher in i,le Woodliurn a. Loola, came doau Kri k Jy l6 meet her father, and to visit her it itera In thla city. Nhu ruturned to i!--foiJlmrn Hunday night. "Kay W'iUon, of Kugene, panaed t-nroiigli Oregon City Wednesday, en Hita to Montana to woik on a lug cattle "inch. While here he waa ihgtuiof fra. C. A. Naah, who ia hia couxln. Attorneyi C. I. Lainurctte and I.. L. ''ortcr went to Halein Weilnraday morn " 'ig to al'und the Supreme Court In rela r on to the milt of Thelmen va. Worthing l'm over a atrip ol land in Miiwaukie. Htale Hupremn Judge Fullertun, ol lympia, Waah., 1 in the city laat Frl ty, accompanied hy hia aou, and waa ailing Ida daughter, Mi. P. If. G!aM id the Miaaei Juliet and Joaephine Ful- 'Kev. William Hloever, paator of thn Iroma Engliah Lutheran Church, via ' d Oregon City rcUtivca and frlenda t Katnrday. He preached Sunday in Ortland, having exchanged pulpila with Portland clerg) man. S.j F, Il.ltenoud, of Canhy, waa In the ty Wednesday. He owna an KO-acre rm near Canhy and cmiducla dairy r Inch, on a amall ai ale. Heleavea loilay () ir Montana, where h rxpecta to remain ' fltil next Fall, laying track for the font Northern Railroad. He waa doing 1 lis work laat year for the company tin ai 1 ti e anow put an end to operation. k .fiello Johnaon haa reigned hia poai- on of private wvreimy of I'r'Hiiloiit uj jtmmond, of the Antorla & ('oluinhia iver UuilMad, and left Saturday night ii f San FrancUco to take a poailion with tl,ie American Cn Co. Mr. Johnaon a ralaed in Oregon City and waa viaii n ig frienda and relative here lant Thura liy. Hia brother, Merle, ia an arliat on )e Ban Franciaco Kxminer. M (i Mr. and Mre. William Edward Lewih T aite leave Monday next for Htockton, ' al., where Mr Ievithwaite will go into tr.ie bnnii)HH8 ollire of the Stca klon Even nig Hecord, taking chaige of the nio l oanlcal department. California ia Mr. (fwibwaile'i former home, and he left gliere when 17 yeara old. 8ince hia re n trn from the Kant with hi bride several jfi'ionth ago, Mr. Lewthwalie baa been f jnnected with the Willamette I'ulp A d.'aper Co., and both he and Mr. Iwth--"laite have a hoet of frienda in this city, 'ho will regret thoit departure. the morning will be "Jeua ChrUt the ('uinpleleiuent of Man." In tlie even ing the aerie ol "l'laiu Talka on l'racli cal Hiil.Jnctn" will be continued, the par ticular topic being "What Does Your Keligion Cost You?" .IlKht IV mm llrr Terror. "I would cough all night long." write Mr. C'Iimh. Applegate, of Alexandiia, Ind., and could hardly gel any sleep. I had consumption ao bad that if I walked a hlot k I would cough frightfully and apil blood, but when all other medi cine failed, three f 1 IK) holtlea of Dr. King's New Di''oveiv wholly cured me and I gained 68 pound " It's abao- lutely guaianteed to cure Cough, Colds, La tirippe, Ilronchitia and all Throat and I.uug Troubles. Trice fiOY andfl. Tiial bottle free at Cieo. A. Harding's drug atore. tc. M ir h ill. tieorge Marshall died at Currinaville, March 7. Kr02. Mr. Marshall settled near Currinsville In 170. He was horn In Bradford Co., N. Y.. Nov. It, J8JS. He leaves a wifa ml even children lo mourn their losa. Itev. J. W. Ex in, of tho M. E. church, of which Mr. MarHball was a member, conducted the funeral ner vires lant Bun ilay morning at Muiint Zion church near Currinaville. Quality, atyle and price combined umke our hats the most desirable. Miss (ioldamith. Don't forget opening day, Monday, Ttieaday, and Wedeaday, March 24, 25 and 20 and following days. Attention is called to the grand milli nery opening at the lted Front Htore on Tuesday, Wednesday and Tbureday. Everyboily uses umbrellas. Every body should know altera to have them repaired and new covers put on. John son and Lamb. UKAIS-O! ;kain-o! Remember that name when you want a dulicious, atipotmng, nourishing food drink to take the place of cofTee. Sold by all grocer and liked by all who have lined it. (irain-0 ia made of pure grain, it aids digestion and etrengthens the iinryei. It ia not a etimulent but IiumIiIi builder and the children as well aa the adult can drink it with great benefit. Costa about aa much as coUW. 15c and 5o per package. Ask your gwer for Urain-O. I ae Allcn'n I'ool I'.hp, A powder to be shaken into the shoes. Your leet feel swollen, nervous and hot, and get tired easily. If you have smart ing (net or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot Ease, It cools the feet, and makes waUingeasy. Cures swollen, sweating feet, imtrowing nails, blisters and cal lous spots. Relieves corns and bunions ol all pain and gives rest and comfort. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores for 2.rc. Trial package FREE. Addu'ss, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Hoy, N. Y. IudiTl.luiils Money to Loan. At 8 and 7 percent. Call nn or write J no. W. Lopkk, Oregon City Oregon. Stevens' building. " $650.00 Good house and lot in the town of Bolton. Seven fruit trees, a good well fl and pump, good location. Tcrina easy. 71350. to 53 acres, one mile and half from Willamette Fulls, fairly level, one mile from school, 12 acres clear, four miles from Oregon City, and two miles y from Oswego. 1600.00 400 acrea eight miles) from Molalla, Oregon, no improvements, running water and over 160 acres easily cleared, good stock ranch. V1600.00 30 acrea of good clear land, one mile from Clackamas station, on iin "1 proved county road. Ten miles from Portland, four miles from Oregon City. o.no House and lot in Canemau. New House 24x24 feet, kitchen 12 x 13 feet. h Spring Water. Lot 50 x loo fret. A0110.00 130 acres ol land near Clarks P. O., 16 miles from Oregon City, about 25 Z1 acres clear, with some good bottom land. '' 6noo.oo 100 acres of good farm fund near Stafford, on the Willamette river, ninety y five acres in cultivation, good house aud baru, near school and German church. ir)ne of the best stock ranches in Clackamas county, consisting of 318 acres, all " fenced, two good barns, house, small orchard, about 100 acres cultivated, p. balance good pasture and easily cleared. 4 miles from Molalla, Oregon. ' Terms reasonable. ! Till- HlvnntiiKn offrrrd In ClncVmnni county can not lie ricrltrd In nny other county In Tie ntHtv. Portland, the iHnctifil market, Is In the adjoining county, and a (-nod market for y ill otoik und furm produce can he easily hud, without paying out one third of Its value for , rtifclit charters. We huve furms of every description for sale. .. H her farms wanted In our list. Loaiit oiade on farm proiierty, O. B. DIMICK, ' f Attorney at Law, A onr.ooN city, okkoon. State S(intorsOe,rg C. Brownell will deliver txililii'al speeches at Oswego on March l'.l, and at Canby on March 20, both in the evening A dance will be given at Beaver Ilesver Creek Hall on Monday evening, March 17. (iood music will be furnished and the public ia invited. Miss Goldsmith invites the ladies to call and inspect her Imported pattern hats on Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day March 24, 25,' 20, 1002. Miss Gold-smith. There will be a box social at the school house iu district 'JO, DeardofTa, Maich 32 for the purpose of raising money for a flag and library for the school. Winter clothing is what you want. Cold weather is coming on and it costs no more to be comfortable. Joe Know land, the 7th street tailor, haa hundreds of samples of elegant gooda to select from. Knowlsnd's clothes fit. Christian Science services are beld at the residence on the north-eabt corner of Fifth and Washington streets every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 12 o'clock. Wodnendaf even ing meeting at 8 o'clock. To these ser vices all are welu me. For fine photograph, call on tinod grass, sucressor to Cheney A liait. A specialty made of higher class work; such aa platino-typei and artists' proofs, the veiy latent. Portraits enlarged, water color, pastel or India ink. Por trait frames for sale. Give us a call. Mrs. C. Duulap, the well known kindergarten teacher of Portland, will addrea the Mothers' Club at tha leai dence of Mrs. Geoige C. Browuell on the alternoon of Friday, March 21, on "The Development of the Child Mind." All interested are cordially iuvtted to at tend. Mrs. Hamilton, of the Red Front Store millinery department, invites the ladies of Oregon City and vicinity to attend her spring opening Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week, and inspect her spring hata and bonnets. She baa the latest styles agd prices reasonable). A meeting of the Board of Fire Com missioners and the foremen of the vari ous companies has been called for today at 4 P. M. to decide the tie vole between Laurence Ruconich and William J. Wilson, who were candidates at the re cent fire election for the office of assist ant chief of the department. Each re ceived 44 votes. A Urrat Bargain. I For sale, House, barn, good well ofj water, two lots, an abundance of good fruit. Please enquire of ' Mrs. S. J. Fanciikk, P. O. Box 230. Natal Catarrh quickly yiulila to trcau mcut by Ely a C"uu ilulm, which is nive ably aroiuiH ia It is recuivcd Uiro; :;.;h U nostrils, cnscs and betds the whole sur face o er which it di.Tiiscs iUelf. rri;fTi oil the too. size; Trial size Vj ivmu, lu cents. Test it aud you are sure to cout oiua tho treatment. Aniioi:neeii.-'nt. To accon.ruo'..i!o tlioro t.Ut S'S pn-tiwl to the use of lit- mi'era in avilyifg I. quids into the nasiil j asu(;a lr wirrunl trvu bUt, llu proprietor prf 1 Di" 'rc.i:i IVm in liquid form, which will be l.nown as Ely'i Liquid Cream llabn. Tiico including the spraying tube ia 75 cents. Drucgista or by uiaiL Tha liquid form ei.ibotlius U16 lued icinal propertios of the sol.d prcparatiou. o o. o o o o o o o Q O o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o C0LUMMAS--Standard of the World TUlliUNES--Tbe Blue Streak Wonder CKKSCKXTS-The Wheels That Stand Up 1902 PRICES 4-dvHH Columbia Roadster- - - - - -$40.00 Kaccr ------ 5000 Spring Frame - - - - 50XK) Tribune Roadster ------ $40.00 " Clue Streak ----- 50.00 Spring Frame ----- 50.00 Crescent Roadster, Men's and Ladies, $25.00 " Light Roadster, 1 in. tubing, 35.00 " Spring Frame Roadster - - 40.00 "Sky High," 2Mb. - - - 40.00 " Chainless ------ 45.00 Crescents have many- new 1902 features they are not last year's models slightly altered, as most wheels are this year. They have the latest one piece crank hanger, diamond faced cranks, new diamond forkcroWn, cycloidal fprockets, separated frictionless ball retainers, new 6tyle narrow hubs. Roadster weighs 23 lbs. We give choice of G.& J., Dunlop or Hartford tires ai d on the $25.00 model M. & W., double or single tube, guaranteed for one year. We have over 50 wheels in stock now. Come in and have a look at them learn the new things for 1902 and get a catalogue. We have a few bargains in second hand wheels. HUNTLEY'S BOOK STORE OREGON CITY A beautiful assortment of trimmed hats on exhibition st Mrs. II. T. Blsden's Millinery Parlors, March 19, ?0, 21. Enterprise and W. Oregonian $2. FRANK BITSCH THE nOUSEFUKNISHER trttcz ztcrtcnrtrcrrtcrrrcrrtnx Have You Bought Your Wpw Carpet? You're fortunate if you haven't, because you can buy now to better advantage than ever before if you come here and come soon. this month in all the many vari eties of floor coverings in onr stocje. We make and lay them, too, if de sired. We have some remnants of last season's patterns st reduced prices. You must sslc for them. Ingrain Carpet, fast colors, 35f yd " All Wool CC 65c " Tapestries . . 75c Finest Wilton Velvet .. $1.15 14 lligh grade Moquette .. 1.23 " Japanese Mattipg...l5c to Cic " pnjfjj1 j m r - it' .f I. .VtJ 'A For Women's Eyes Our superb display of pretty lace curtains that women appreciate and enjoy so greatly is a fascinating sight for women's eyes. The new goods fresh for spring are in this display. We expect the counters to be crowded with plessed shoppers, and invite you to be among them. Curtain net from 10c to 60c per yd. Morris Chair I 57-5 A 9 50 "P Go Carts 1902 Spring Style Extension Table .A S3-S5 o 0 0 C) n o o o C) 0 o a 0 o 9 0 0 a o o C) o o o 0 Q o o 6 O 8 0 O O Q O o o 0 o 0 0 9 0 o o o