OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1902. Personal Mention 1 '-snji,sft''MWKeaiii"'i Mayor Dlmlck wont to Wood burn yes- l (iii, VA Boyer Imi been quite III the ' and week. r. H. KIntr, of I-ogan,' was In the t hy ' cuiuiiUy, W. W. Poores, of Marxism, wai In own yi'inly. P. Wriifht, of Molalia, WM III 11)0 oily ' IwiuUy morning. '. Jcub Poyaer, of Hostile, la In tlie city business I rip. I'M Harrington, of Highland, wm In hli city Tuesday. 0. A. Wright, of Liberal, m a vUllor I the city ruemlay. 8. B. Klim and daughter, of Barlow, 'nrtt In the city Monday. ' Mix Nora Conyers, of Bt. Helena, is 'pending the week In thia city. r. VV, Christie lint ((one to RosoOurg iluok after liU limber IiiIitcoIh. Arthur Snyder returned .Monday from i '.Vifit lo till relativee In Matkuburg. Fluid 8uprlntitndeul Frank U. Broan m In Salem on biisltieaa Tuesday. '? Charlei Voaburg.of N'chalem, formerly resident of tlil city, I voting frlenda 're. Mini Berlin Goldsmith returned Mom om a brief vmlt with her parente In Siiki8. Mint Gertrude (Iriflhli and Mine Anella mleason visited the former1! unit t rm Monday. 'Martin Krause, of Colfax, spent last "onday in tlilii city mid wm the guest of An. I. Helling. . J. L. Rolling, of Parkplare, In 'Oitland laiit Sunday and reentered kt ) Hi. Charles Hotel. IVm Helen W. Gleason will begin avlung term of hiIiouI Monday at w Era, district No. oil. General .Secretary Selh leavens, of ihe M. U. A., haa JiiMt recovered from a (ivere attack of U gnpe. , Mini Cell Goldsmith will return Sat tfday from a visit in San Francisco wi h ,rtinU-r, Mm. J.ena Wirka. J Mrs. Amelia McOllncey, of Wilson 1 lle, waa in the city Monday end re. I awed her aubcriptlon to the Enterprise. Attorney John W. Draper waa Salem ' Suitor Ihia week. Uu la conducting im Jrtant negotiations with the State Innd ard. fcD. 8. Orr, who haa been canvassing ie city for life ItiBiirance during the pant itir month!, left Monday night for oseburg. Deputy District Attorney J. U. Camp- ill, Depoty Collector of Internal Rev '"ma 8. M. Ramsby, and D.vid Caufleld tended the funeral of Samuel Engla 1 Molalia laet Sunday. 1(J. D. Day, UeorKB 8. Gilairap, J. Jrown, H. Uoodell, M. H. lUninxton, id Mi! Ilattin ForeNt were a noiix the , regon City people le'nitered at hotela 1 Portland laet Sunday. k Dr. George I'arritdi, of Woodhurn, waa y ttha city Monday viBiting hia brother, 1 1. F. Pairlith. Tlie doctor in Koing Kaxl I locate. lie is looking for a dry di late and ll favonthly inclined towards n'lltLnke. Ilia bearing la aeriouttly af ted. lie will llmt ko to Iowa to vmit , la fiU't people. ,-; Dr. J. J. Leavi't waa in town Tuesday , 0m Molalia. lit. Rrtiil tliat bo long an unty money wh Hpplit-d to roade he (, oiild be the Ihbi nntti to conuiimn about i,lglitaxe!. Mr. Iavitt ban $5,000 in Nted in property in thia county and ( j.iliron llut good roiide mitterially en hance iti value. p Claud L. SlmpBon, a well known newa aper man, end for a hort time con nected with tbn Enterprise, was in the 4 tv Sunday btnt. He haa accepted a po tlun on the eiulT of the new afternoon ily which will commence publication I ForiUnd in a few week. Edward Murphy, the Unions Multno r;ah athlete, who baa made a wide rep- tatlou In the jump, pole vault and t, ordlts, leaves Saturday for Mohcow, Jaho, to enter the stale university and (llll be abnent until next June. Next September he re-enters Stanford Univer- Ity. Mr. Murphy 'a home la In Port- inil, but he haa many friends in thia Ity, where bis visits Hre frequent, tf i- Jainea Fenulcs, road atiiervlaor of the Bull Kiin district, was in the city yea; terday. Mr. and Mrs, Burden, Mia Anna fiamueUand Mr. Floyd Warren, of Port land, were visiting If lends in tide city last Sunday, Mra. William (iullowuy will return from the Galloway farm at McMinville today lo attend the G. A. H.-W. It. U. Cempflre in Portland. John Stuart, an enterprising farmer of Molalia, waa 111 the city Wednesday. He elates that Oil Bobbin haa been of lered .'10,(MX) for his M,"00 place. Coiiimlwiliiners ,1 . K. Morton, of Da maaciia, T. B. Killin, ol Killiu, and John Lewelling, ol Kiy, are in the city holding the March term ol the comity court. J. Gilchrist lull Monday for San Fran cisco. He is au iiinurauce man and has been woikmg in Ihe iuU-iesl of hia com pauy In Git-gun City for several uioulhl past, Al. McFailand left yeutcrday for.a week! visit with relatives in Junction City. During his abteuce ids oaillou in llolinaii'a cigar eloie will be tilled Ity L. Hucoiilcli. Dan Lyons leturned Tuerday after an absence of nearly three uiouiha. He has just coiupluied a luiinul Ho miles liorlli ol Vancouver fur tlie .Noitlieru Pa ci lie Kail road. Jacob II. Schiiiiit and father, of Sub limity, Marmii County, were iu tlie city Saturday un busmea at the laud oflice. The lofiner Is the nuldieW ol Clmriea bchuilit, ol la 11 by. Mms Haxel PiUuuiy leturned Moiidny lilglil Irum VonliuiK, uu tlie Nulmlcin, audhasjunt coinpleieil a four mouths' term ot school Ihttie. She is at present Veiling relaliVKS in this cliy. Mr. Gaiiteubciu and family will move lo Portland to icside hOuut Apiil tirsl. Her sou, Paul, wliu is U.e uihl operator at the tulepliuue ollice, will resign his (mjhiiiuu and Will bu succeeded by Keu bell C'oiiler. Min Lir.zie Kvans, who has been It-aching in Bourne, linker County, lor tlie pail 7 months, is visiting at tlie lioinu of Judiu Ualloway in Parkplace, preparatory to comiuelicing a term of schoul in Meadowhrouk 011 Monday next. II. 1.. Kelly and Mrs. Kelly went to Kugeiie Saturday to vielt their son, Koy, and tlatiKhier, Bessie, who aie attending school at Ihe state university, lor a lew days. Mr. Kelly returned Monday night and Mis. Kelly la expected home the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Bot-i ami their eon, W. A. Boss, were in loan ttiis week via Itiug Kev. W. S. Gnm, who is a sun-in-la uf Mr. uud .Vrs. Buss. Mr. A. J. Kobs and bis sou went to Salem Tuesday and Mra. Boss is atill here and will re main until the fumily secure a satisfac tory location. It ia probable they will conclude to reside in or near Salem. II. E. Wilson, who haa held the posi tion of physical director ol the Y. M. C. A. for the past live months, leaves Ur morrow lor Portland, having severed his connection with tlie association. Mr. Wilson haa made many li lends during his short stay in this city and they will reret hia deparluie. Tlie physical woik of the association will be placed in i-liaige uf Julio Clark and Secretary Leavens. Fred J. Kiegler waa in the city Sunday vihiling friends. He is well known aa the captain of the U. ot U. football team (or Ihe past two seasons, and is now president uf the student body. Mr. Ziegler came down from Eugene last FritUy to transact some biiHinees in Portland and lelt 011 Sunday night's overland for Eugene. He will graduate In June, after which he will take up the study of medicine. Prof. II. L. Bates, principal of Tuala tin Academy, of Forest Grove, preached at the Congn gittional Church lust Sun day both morning ami evening and will conduct tlie services next Sunday. Kev. E. S. Bollinger is confined to hie resi dence owfng to the illness of his daughter with ecarietina. Prof. Bates has a mag nificent voice and haa consented to sing during the evening service next Sunday. During his stay in this city he is the Kiieat of Mr. and Mrs. Charles 11. Dye, who were at Olierlin College, Ohio, with Prof. Hates. All of them are graduates of this inaiitution. . 4 Local Ever). iO. yo. .o. fi&k-jO, Ji jvCi High grade cigars at HmythV. Now la your lime to buy a bat cheap at Miss Goldsmith's. POPULAR COPYRIGHT Try the toasted marshmalloai and buttercups kept at Smyth's. BOOKS 59 Every thing In the Millinery line be lew Cost at Miss Goldsmith's. Fresh tallies, bonbons, caramels, choc olate creams, etc., at Smyth '1. New velllnn end ready-to-wear hats. Novelties at Mis Goldsmith'. (21) lo $100 to loan ou chattel or per sonal security. Dimick & Easlham, agla. Baby Bonnets, Hals, Trimming ev erything below cost at Miss Goldsmith's. Watch for the announcement of new Spiing millinery. Misa GoldiiniiLi, We must made room fur Spring goods, ao will oiler all Millinery below cost. C. Guidsmilh. This eale will include many of the most popular novels of the past two years which are puhlinhed at $1.50 each and sold at $1.15 hy ourselves and other cut rate stores. We have also added a full line of E. P. Roe's ever popular works, a number of Church's, Abbott's, Eggleston's and other popular histories and bio graphies all coj) right books selling at $1.00 to $150. And for the benefit of those who desire handsomely bound and printed copies of the best English and American classics, we have added about 50 such books that we sell regularly at 75c and $1.00 Altogether it's a fine lot of books to select from and a chance to get them away under their real value. Better make your selections early there are no duplicate titles. Several Goodyear Well machines have been added to the equipment uf the Ca peu Shoe Company. New lot of new style Bella and the re nowned Newport Boll comb, also ele gant Hat pins. Backet Sloie. Sufa Pillows of new and beautiful de signs, also stamped center pieces and dollies just received. Racket Stole. We carry Braiuard & Armstrong' Embroidery Bilks, also Machine sua and Butluu Hole Twists at the Backet store. Flannel and Sateen Waists way below cost. Wrapper, all price. Ladies' wliile Blurts, also spring uuduivesls. Hacket More. Everybody use umbrellas. Every body should know where to iiave them repaired and new covers put ou. JoUu son aud Lamb. A dance will be given at Beaver Beaver Creek Hail uu Monday evening, March 17. Good music will be turuiehed aud Hie public ia invited. Revival meetings will commence next Sunday evening iu the Methodist Chuicn and will continue every mglii lor two or three weeks. Kev. Samuel bnyder, ul Lebaiiuu, w ill conduct tlie services. Winter clothing ia what you want. Cold weather is coining 011 aud it .cusl 110 more to be coiuloi table. Joe Know laud, the 7lh btieet tailor, haa hundreds ul samples of elegant good to Select Irum. Know laud's clothes tit. Christian Science services are held al the reeiduuce ou the nurth-eabt corner ol Filth and Washington street every Sunday morning al 11 o'clock. Sunday school al 12 o'clock. Wedueada) eveu- ing meeting at 8 o'clock. To these ser vices all are weloilue. For Que photographs, call ou Shod- grass, successor lo tueuey 01 uaiu a specialty made of higher class work, such aa platiuo-lypes and artists' prouis, the veiy latest. Portraits enlarged, water color, pastel or ludia ink, for Hail frames fur sale. Give ua a call. Dr. Edgar P, Hill, pasturof the First Presbyieriau Church uf Portland, has coiiseuied to deliver the address lo the graduating class at. the uext Chautauqua Assembly. He will do this at a great personal sacrifice to his church woik and the Cuautauquifus consider them sclvee very fortunate iu securing him fur that occasion. ' POPULAR NOVELS A Lady of Quality Mrs. Burnett Agatha Webb Anna K. Green Ziska Marie Corelli Barrabas " " SoulofLilith " " Sorrow of Satan " " King Nosnett P. J. Stimson Purest Lovers .... Maurice Hewlett Ad. of Francois - II. Weir Mitchell Via Crucis Marion Crawford Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow Jercme Beulah . . Augusta Evans Circuit Rider . .Eggleston Free Joe Joel Chandler Harris Tom Grogan . V. Hopkinson Smith Caleb West " Manxman . . Hall Caine Young April Egerton Castle St. Ives R.L.Stevenson Trilby Du Manrier A Gentleman Player Stephens A Continental Dragoon " Face to Face Robert Grant The Market Place Harold Fredrick Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Conan Doyle For Freedom of the Sea . Brady All works of ... . E. P. Roe Novels by Amelia Watt, Frank Stockton, Gould, McDonald, lilackmure, Capt. Chas. King. r POPULAR HISTORIES ooccoococccocoococcccocccecccccoccccccco o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Q 8 o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o O00OOO0OO00CCCC3OC000GOOCC0CCG000OO0CG0CI and BIOGRAPHIES History of Netherlandi Young " " Ruasia Dole War of 181a Johnson Old French War " War with Mexico Ladd King Philip's War Markham Mosby' War Reminescences Mosby Red Eagle Eggleston Brant and Red Jacket Tecumseh " Capt. Kidd Abbott Benj. Franklin " Paul Jones .... " Stories of Persian Wars Church aooo Years Ago " Stories from Virgil " " " Livy " Roman Life in the days of Cicero ' Stories of the Magicians " Boys' Life on Frontier Calkins Boy Spy Mat . Kerby Life 01 Washington Curtis " " Grant Poore " " Sherman Johnson War Path and Bivouac Our .Special Umbrella Sale will be continued for another week. v . Plenty of good Irheet Music yet at 2c per copy. Every copy clean and perfect. The New Crescent Iiicycles for 1902 are in. You are cordially invited to come in and have a look at them. HUNTLEY'S BOOK STORE OREGON CITY FRANK BUSCH THE HOUSEFUKNISnER rrr The Enterprise $1.60 per year. F03E SALE, 1 ,4050.00 Good house and lot in the town of Bolton. Seven fruit trees, a good well t and pump, good location. Terms easy. ? I350.00 53 acres, one mile and half from Willamette Falls, fairly level, one mile a j from school, 1 a acre! clear, four milea from Oregon City, and two miles ., from Oswego. 1600.00 400 acres eight miles from Jlolulla, Oregon, no improvements, running ',l water and over 160 acre! easily cleared, cood stock ranch. JfSoo.oo 30 acre9 of good clear land, one mile from Clackamas station, on im D proved county road. Ten miles from Portland, four miles from Oregon City. . f 1 300.00 II acres, one mile from Oregon City, one half mile from good school, small house and barn, all clear and free from rock. Good locality. I000.00 130 acres ot land near Clarks P. O., 16 miles from Oregon City, about 25 1 acres clear, with some good bottom land. 4 6000.00 100 acres of good farm land near StalTord, on the Willamette river, ninety five acres in cultivation, good house and barn, near school and German f, church. j)ne of the best stock ranches in Clackamas county, consisting of 318 acres, all fenced, two good barns, house, small orchard, about 100 acres cultivated, 5 balance good pasture and easily cleared. 4 miles from Molalia, Oregon. Terms reasonable, $ Tht ndvnntnKra offered In ClncVamnii county can not I exccllrd In any other county In ktSiKtir. Portland, the principal market, in In the adjoinlnK county,.and a K"l market lor Jl Mwk and farm produce can be ciwily hod, without paying out one third ol iu value for V rtrvtit rliarferft. n . Wc have Inrmi of every deicription for talc. Other farmM wanted in our lint. Si Loan made on farm property. G. B. DIMICK, fl ORKGON CITT, OBKGOJf. John Willis Paer lectured to a crowded houxe at the Preabyterian Church last night, ile talked on Christian Endeavor work and was listened to with close at tention. Rev. II. S. Templeton, ol Portland, also made a abort address. Mr. Baer left at nine o'clock lor Tacoma, where he will lecture tomorrow. He is the secretary of the International Christian Endeavor Society and is mak ing a tour of the United States. In the window of Huntley's drug store apiears two portiaits of Ueneral Sum mers and Ray Williams, the work of Miss I. B. McArtbur, formerly s resident of this city. Tlie execution ia remark shle and bear the stamp of perfection wliirh marks all of Miss McArthur's work. The art it may be found at 442 j Washington Street, Portland, by anyone 1 wishing this sort of work done. j Siierintendeut George A. Brown, of j the South Coos River Hatchery , returned t this city Wednesday morning after an ' absence of nine months. He has closed down operations for the Beaton, and re-! port! that 2,700,000 eygs were taken J from Coos river and of this number 440,-1 000 were transferred totheCoqtiille river. I He has been continuously at the station since last June and commenced taking egg! in October. He will ret inn in about three months. Mr. Brown came out by way of Drain and say! the roads are in a frightful condition. Among the foundation stones of this business are "Honest Ad vertising," "A Spirit f Accommodation," "Thoroughly Complete Slocks" and "The Very Lowest Prices." To daily approach the plane of perfection in dignified merchandise is the constant aim, study and effort of this institution. Every week adds to the ability of this great store to dojbetter the duty it undertakes which duty is : "To win (through merit, the friendship and patronage of the public, to become the supply center of all those who require honest, dependable goods." JIf we for instance sell you one door that should be 1 inch thick, we will not send you one that SUPPOSED to be 1)4 inch thick but is dressed down to i inch. If you ask for in stance for one door a ft. 6x6 ft. 6 x 1 yon get exactly what you bargained for and the price is only $1.35 at that. We guarantee our prices of windows against anybody in the land. Builder's Hardware is our stronghold. Nighty Pretty! Speaking of Wall Taper the prettiest de signs and colorings we have ever sold or seen art included in the great stock you can choose from here. MIGHTY CHEAP, TOO. Excellent paper for 5 cents a roll; better grades, too, of course, and all fresh and new you may rely on that, have confidence in our word, confidence is the PORTiIE A Great Bargain. For eale, House, barn, good well of water, two lots, an abundance of good fruit. Please enquire of Mis. S. J. Fanchkb, P. O. Box 230. i RES foundation of society. If you cannot trust a man don't deal with him. There are enough honest men who want your trade. Portiers, Lace Curtains and Carpets these homebeautifying articles must be seen to be appreciated, take a little time, call on us and find out that a small amount of money is sufficient to fix your rooms in a modern and !??ly way. imu.1 o o o o o o 0 o 0 ) o () o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 9 o o o o o o o 6 i