i OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1902 fJl.t:Lnu:iLtu:TnntL;tkLi;tk..i cial Happenings. FRATERNAL I p ntmr sum aB:rai ii - - I.K AT HDMK FA KM. 1 1 tli-a-le Club, of Mount 1'lenrmnt, .. i rlwlncsl bv Mrs. Dan O'Neill and ; H, times at "Hone Farm" 1111 Tuesday ii, iHiiiii. TIih ulu b li aa been atoilylng .Imkt-i-p' ro during the Winter and haa t mi Oi "lied Moiua khuiI work under the ( i i ( i i I I leadership U( Milt IlljllllltS, in r I'm. chill tlll'l Conellliled the rendlllf A ,!.,'. Ciinmtr" Mini diKcunol lit :; . ..ill IIh iimrhH, (lie ladiaa were nvii' l tn tiit) lilHturlu oli tlliilng rou in ir n it ci liniiiut, Al tlit-y gitliered i . ! 1 1 : t this uialiouany dining table, upon thirli hud been itirvml dally refresh i. i '.im f ovor lnllf a century, H spirit of I'llilhin.'i'llHH Seeilletl to fill Uion tllH i iiiiiny and it was soon discovered llmt I (inti table linen camn across the elnhtiieu hundred tnd forty hr. i j tlmt iniir-n wan served from a I'la- ii. t tank Hint had seen lllty' yean of ifvi.M. Tilt) tltt Clip Slid asllCer WUm wi iM time pieces mid the teaspoona n I rilvai' mke banket were genuine f ii Iuiiii.. The handsome china bread lulu waa a wedding gill to the mother f t liiifiruMfK a ix I came with Imr from (f fur imihern home. And while nip Ing ill" steiimlng eolIVe, niKiiy stories of it frilling past were told, brought to iliul by thiita treasures of loon ago, bo club adjiiirned to meet with Mm. 'illiiltllH next week. Hits, iikkd'h jucitai.. Tiitii coining of Mri. Walter Keed n Woodmen llitf! on Friday, March M 'hailed with Joy by all lovers of mimic i Ori'Kmi City. Her glorious voice w ut it heat in Italiatl, Herman, French itl 1 r,:!ii.i souks, Mr. Heed la line ( voi ito with the musician of this ty nr. ! lulu many friend among tliem. it! etmlicd in Paris, New York am! Winn am) aside from Imr Urge clai ol jpil lina been for several year con ti noliiUi In HI. M.iry'i Cathedral In li'.l.in t. Tho vocal music of 8t, slen'e Hull it unilcr her direction er ri i Hiil in thin city will bfi under tlm pi.i'i.f tiie )urtliick Mnaical Club id lh proceMila will no In part to the jui-j,' Min'a Clirlatian ABsoc'latlon. f , ! DKHTIIICK CI.I B. Mrn. C. 0 Miller enU-rtlnd the Der rk Muaical' Club at her reoldence OiHl-iy (veiiltiK. A miHcllannoua pro- am wail ci.oyel. Minn Fairrloiigli and (ft Ivlna Caulleld rendered piano aoloa t, A. 6. Dranwr, Mina Hardinx and s Cnyori aanic, and Miaa Jeanette ircloiitib entertained (lie audience with 'elect reading. Thone prenent were: t. Cbaiiei Caufleld, Mm. J, Eugene h!.), Mra. C. O. T. Willlama. Mn, , M. Lawrence Mini Mattie Draper, l F.ihm Caufleld, Mini KhkIb Itlock, an Kate Baird, Mim Fuirclouic h, Mira rtrude FaircloiiKh, Mim Hardinir, M Convert. Miaa Laurie Cody era, in Khhib lilock will entertain the club iml.iy evenlnx, March 10. ( TKACIIKR'a CLUII. lnv. and Mra. J. II. Iieaven enter tied the Urachera' club at their home I Moil. Iny evening. Miat Kebecca T. liiii, principal of, the Kaatbain achool, nn a compuriaon of the European and ncrican ii:h(Mla and 8uierlutendent I). Wilcox diaciiBHed current event, e di 'UMxionof the question of teach ; la:i;i!,in waa uontinued. The next eting of the club will be held Mon , M.ircli 10, it the resilience of Mra. II. ;iu8. J 'j roiiitrruBa i'ay a viait To rourt,AM, Eleven niembera of Court Itfount Hood, No. 81W0, Ancient Order of For eeti'm, went to I'unlmiil Mondiiy evening and made a fraternal viait to Court Port land, N ). 81)77. After the tiatial ritual work, the niembera of the Oregon City lodgn were Inatructed In tbo work of Ini tiating cunilidntuH. Under the head of the good of the Older, apeecbea were mmlc, aonga, were aung and refreeh menta aerved. Diatrlot Deputy A. U. Kuilil, who org.iiied the local t'utirt, waa preneiit. In a abort time the I'url lanil Court will iniike a return vlnit to Mount Hood Court. Tlione who went from Oregon City were; A. Kobertaon, L. W , Ingram, O. A. TIioiiibh, Charlen K. Mulr, (ieorgeCatlfr.jr. D. It. Thoiuaa, J. M, Hamilton, M. Juntin, J. Ormaby and D. H. Orr. DENTAL BRIDGE WORK OF TO-DAY Knowledge is Power LATEST DENTAL. ACCDMPLISHMEHTS KIBKMKN a HAL!,. flie largest crowd that the Armory haa itained thia aeaaon attended the enth aenual ball of the Firemen on i night of Waahington'a birChday. treat's orcbeatra, led by Mr. Everest person, furnished the music. Dane ' wna continued until after midnight i the aflViir waa one of the moat enjoy e dances of the year. The decora riH were auperb, and allowed careful rk and excellent taBte on the part of i committee. COX-OUOOKMKR. ?he marriage ot Miaa Lulu Mae Bud ner, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Ixiuia Buii ltiiner, to Mr. Oscar Larkin Cox I Bole ionized last Wednesday in Port d. Mr. Cox ia axaiatant etate aecre y of tiie Y. M. C. A. for Oregon and ,hc and baa many friends In Oregon y- DICKIN8 CI.UB. 'he Die king Club met Monday after hi at the residence of Mra- T. A. Mo de. Tiie next meeting of the club 1 he held on Tueaday afternoon of :t wct'k, vhen Mra. Rosa Cbarman 1 entertain the members at her home. O. A. K. CAMI-KlltK IN fOKTI.ANI). Friday evening, March 7ih, I K) Ueo. Wright I'oct and Lincoln-tiarfleld I'oMt, 0, A. It., In conjunction with their reajieetlvH Keliel Cor pa. will hold a joint campflre In I'ort Ihim). Meade 1'imt, No. 2, (J. A. K and Meade Kelief Corp, No. 18, of Oregon City, have received invitatlona to attend and it la hoped that nil who ciin will be on hand at Hard lng'a drug atore at 7 o'clock ahaip MHB. MAHKTON VISITS KAPTKHft TAB. Mra. Clara MirHton, worthy urand matron of the Order of Knalern Star, paid an ofllrtal vmit to I'ioneer Chapter No. 28 Tueaday evening. About ,'!0 vihiting niembera from the Cortland loilgea were prenent and after the Inspec tion, refrenbmenta were served. Hud to Cnmjiier or Die. "I was just about gone," writes Mrs. Itona Kichardsnn, Laurel Springs, N. C, "I had consumption so bad that the beat doctors said I could nut live more than a month, but I begun to use Dr. King'i New Discovery and was wholly cured by seven boll lea and am now atout and well." It's an unrivaled life aaver in Consumption, Pneumonia, LaOrippe and Rronclvtla; Infallable for Cougha iOiua, Aawnna, nay fever, Uroup or Whooping Cough. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Geo. A. Harding's drug store. J -V V Tr k' ' - H r. riaurs I nhiiwpi a month vbr the dmr liii-lmn hT ixm.ii ra'tr'l, mid the two cii,l,l (). Uvih); itiiwik ile-tiuyi-il lo tint xiiia linv, uliuwlng thu cuiplil iouU uttcvttwS lu roati v a brlui. Flnr 8 ihowi the Ions of two appr tth, the six ynit miilitr and the flrat lilcu,ld. lh brldite above is atlarhed by an uh;ii taw K'il'1 ciruirn over the teemd blcimpld, ud a bar which exWuda lulu a cavity of tha artjolulug luular. Ftnr t ihowt a root wit ernwn realr to atuch. It t iij to extract a root wheo can he crowned and i aa Bwiul aa avai. Ff are 1 represent! the brMif t dv for adjuntment i4 & FliMiru S i. ,.iM:titn the due alter lh brldne hi bueu slauod u ixwitli.u. in I TEETH WITHOUT PLATES ii i) Q r rijure huwi th bridge anchored in potltioo. Flaure IP la a month that has livrt all the tf!i httt fonn the two cmpi.li aud two mulari,; the are aliowi. ua Vi,w lur a full upjyer bridge. The following divorce suits were fled yeateiday: Simeon May vs. Amy May Margaret Schumacher va. Charles Sclin macher; Martha McFeeley va. George McFeeley. Gilbert L. Hedges, who voted against the Exemption law that the wage earners wanted and the Precinct Aaseasor law that the farmers wanted and that was endorsed, by the Oregon State Grange, is the personal author of the pictures of Senator Brownell that appear n the Oregon City Courier Herald. He wants to succeed Mr. Brownell in the Senate. ! The suit of Mary Guenther vs. Oscar Goentber for a divorce haa been denied n the Circuit Court in Portland. The couple were married in July, 11)00, and resided in thia city in November of that year. Mrs. Guenther la 19 years of age and her husband la not much older. She complained that her husband beat and kicked her, an on another occasion drew large knife acrosss her throat. Several witnesses testified that Guenther treated hie wife very well and Judge Cleland de tiled tier application. Guenther waa discharged from the U. S. Navy on ao count of a disability and receives a pen' sion of $10 a month. -.. -s&y" sits a tU I nr a . ITS . sA PWviiaT riurrow (Saturday) evening asocial v. .'.I la given in Willamette hall. i riiey orchestra will furniah r the occasion and a pleasant m anticipated. The public is in tiiiitlenen, 50 cents. Ladies in I d ; ill- 'i i Mrs. J. E. Jack gave a reccp ' city last Friday evening to Gardner, president of the 'ague for this district. Re were aerved and an enjoyable : massed. prise $1.60 per year. "ft juhi wiiiiiu iicrginap is aafcty but she does not see it ; she ii looking the wrong way. There's many a woman etniggling in a aea of disease who is doing the A -- looking the t . r , y. wrnna wa v ' 'i r j K at medicinal life buoy, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion is within her reach. Many a woman haa testi fied : "I know I should not be alive to-day but for Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription." This famous medicine establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. Weak and sick women, especially those suffering from diseases of long standing, are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter. free. All correspondence is held as strictly private and aacredty confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. "I take plea mire in writing- to let you know the ureal good I received from your ' Favorite Preacrlutlon ' and your ' Pleasant Pelleta. ' aava Mra, Nora Gaildie, of Rio, Hart Co.. Ky. I took seven or eight boll lea of ' Favorite Prescrip tion ' and one or two viala of the ' Pellet.' Think I would have heen in my grave had it not been for your medicine. It haa heen about four month! ainre I took the medicine. I waa all run down, had luaa of appetite, could nut leep at night, wa nervnua, had backache, black apota on my limb, and sick headache all the time. I have not had aick headache since I took your medicine. "Favorite Prescription" makes weak women strong, aick women well. Accept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure diz ziness and aick headache. Flrure 4 It la uaeleaa to wear a plate In the mouth when a brdlge can b attached to a few remaining toeth and tool. tgora repreaenu a full set of teeth on a jold plat. f rare S lllnatratea a cane in wblcb the lateral (iiciM,r hus been liistand the central lncior erown deatroved. To thia ro.,t a erown has (wen faatened aud a tooth baa bea soldered to the crown to Bt the Interspace toft by the lout lateral luciaor. Flirure It show the brtd;e complete, ready to plac I poaitiou, aa shown lu ngura 10. Figure 12 shows the bridge in place." natural as life DR. PICKENS, whofle life has been devoted to the Btudy of the Dental Art, makes a specially, not of robbing the mouth of the teeth still left for service, but of building up a full set (painless) fromjthe teeth and roots which afford sufficient basis for crown and bridge work. He is prapared to do all kinds of work pertaining to the dental profession and guarantees the same for five years. Send for illustrated book on "Dental Bridge Work of To-Day . It will be mailed to you free of charge, and will explain so thoroughly the system that you will understand it as well as the dentist. DR. L. L. PICKENS, Dentist, Barclay Building, Oregon City. 1KATIIM. Arthur Albright died at Springwater Tuesday of consumption, sued 22 years, j Professor (J. VV. Durette, principal of theOlympia, Wash., High School, died: in that city Wednesday, fitted 43 years, j He is survived by a wife. Professor Du- i rette was at one; time principal of the! West Oieiton City school, and was after-' ward principal of the Mount Tabor and Woodstock schools. He was a well- i known teachers' institute worker. ' 1 i Mrs. 6. A. Clark died Tuesday at Clackamas, aged 85 years. She had re- aided there since 1874, and left three children C. F. Clark, of Clackamas; I. O. Clark, of Harmony, and Mrs. Gilbert Houser, of Los Angeles, CM. The fu neral was held at 10 o'clock yesterday morning- from the church at Harmony, and the interment waa in the Oregon City cemetery. Mrs. Martha Barker died yesterday morning at Molalla, aged 87 years. She leaves two children, Mrs. Levi Robbing, of Molalla, and P. G. Barger, of Colfax, Waah. Deputy County Clerk Eby was her grandson. Her remains will be shipped today to Harriaburg, Linn Co., for interment. Her home was in Har risburz but for the past year she has made her home with her daughter at Molalla. Deafness Cannot be Cared by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portions of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eu stachian Tube. When this tube gets in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the intimation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condi tion of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. If You Could Look Into the future and see the condition to which vour couah. if neelected. wilt briny ron, you would aeek relief at once and that naturally would bt through Shiloh's Consumption 4 (ya) Guaranteed to cure Con 1 linrz sumption. Bronchitis, w Athma, and all lung Troubles. Cure Coughs and Cold in a day. 5 cents. Write to S. C. Wells & Co., le Roy, N. V., (or free trial bottle. Karri Clover Root Tea purines the Blood WILLAMETTE GROCERY Stevens Block Now Open for Business. TIN flW CLEO. SMYTH Orders for Candy filled after order is received. No stale Candies used. New and fresh Confec tionery mauufactured daily. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Opposite Enterprise Office. EnUbliiihed 13. C. I tan DAILY TRAINS. D'ly D'ly Effective D'ly D'ly July 6, 1901 .m. r.m. 6 55 8 00 Lv. Portland .Aril 10 9 40 8 0S 9 05 Goble 10 05 8 35 8 20 9 18 ... Rainier .... 9 52 8 20 8 38 9 35 .. .Pvraniid. .. 9 35 8 00 8 44 9 40 .... Mayger .... 9 30 7 54 8 50 9 50 Quiucy .... 9 20 7 46 8 58 10 0J ... latskanie... 9 12 7 38 9 08 10 10 ...Marshland. .. 9 02 7 28 9 19110 21 ....Westport ... 8 82 7 17 9 37)10 3d Clifton 3 37 7 02 10 00ju02....Knappa.... 8 17 6 42 10 0811 10 .... Bveiiaeri .... 8 07 6 32 10 2011 22!.... John Day ... 7 65 6 20 , 10 alll 30 Ar.. Astoria. .Lv 7 45 6 10 SEASIDE DIVISION Bbl. $3.JO Dalles Hard Wheat Flour $3.25 Bbl. Union, Or., Bluestone 50c Galea n Old Fashioned Honey Syrup $3.50 Box 100 Burs Diamond C Soap v 30c Pound Corel Blend Mocha and Java PIONEER rMgfef and Erjif e, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE SCHEDULES OF TIM 2 SOUTHKEN PACIFIC EA1LWAI NOBTH BOUND. 7:00 a.m. fl :22 a.m. (Albany Local) 6:10 p.m. SOUTH BOUND. 9 :22 a. m. 4 :60 p. m. (Albany Local) 9:14 p. in. We handle the Logan Cheese. Miles & McGlashan Props. BepMor" lis. Navrd lllin From Torture. There ia no more agonizing trouble than piles. Tbe constant itching and burning make life Intolerable. No posi tion is comfortable. The torture ia un ceasing. Ie Witt's Witcb Hazel balve cures piles at once. For skin diseases, cuts, burns, bruises, all kinds of wounds, it ia unequalled. J. 8. Gerall, St. Paul, Ark., says: "From 1SG3 1 suffered with the protruding, bleeding piles and could And nothing to help me nntil I used De Witt's Witch Hazel Balve. A few boxes completely cured me." Beware of coun- tei.aits. Geo. Harding. PORTLAND TO THE DALLES By the faBt and com modious steamer Regulator Leaves Portland daily except Sunday at 7 a. m. This is the Great Scenic Route. All tourist admit that the scenery on the Middle Columbia is not ex celled for beauty and grandeur in the United States. Full informa tion by addressing or calling on J. S. BOOTH, Agent, Tel. 914. Portland, Or Office and wharf, foot of Oak St. TO DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY SALEM AND INDEPENDENCE 'STEAMERS ALTONAAND POMONA LKAVE ORBOON CITY Going up, 8 :00 a. m. Going down 2 .30 p at HELLO Hfr J 2,000 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon, Washington, Cali fornia and Idaho now in operation by the Pacific Station Telephone Com pany, covering 2,250 towns. Quick, accurate, cheap All the satisfaction of a personal communication. Distance no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane and San Francisco as easily heard aa Port land. Oregon City office at Harding's Drug Store. U 30 a.m... 11 35 p.m .. 5 50 a. m... 8 15 a. m . . . 6 15a. m... 2 30p.m ... 5 00p.m... 9 45 a. m. .. 1 ASTORIA i J SEASIDE ... 7 40 a. m ... 4 OOp.nt ...10 35a. m . . . 5 50 p. ra ...12 30 p. m . . 7 20 p. m ... 1 30 p.m. ... 0 30a. m CONNECTIONS. All trains mate close connections at Goble with all northern Pacific trains to or from the East or Bound Points. At Portland with all trains leaving Union Depot. At Astoria with I. E t N. Co.'s boats and rail line, and Steamer T. J. Potter, to and Irom Ilwaco and North Beach Points. Ticket office, 255 Morrison st., and Union depot. J. C. Ma YO, Gen. Pass. Agt. Astoria, Ore S. J. VAUGHN, Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECONCITY. LOCATED BETWEEN THE BRIDGE AND DXPOT. Double and Single Ries. and sad dle horses always on hand at the lowest prices. A corral! connects with the barn for loose stock. Information regarding any kind or stock promptly attended to by peruon ol :etter. Horses Boueht and Sold. Horses Boarded and Fed on reason ble terms. E. I. SIAS DEALER IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Spectacles. All kinds of repairing neatly dona and warranted. IoNtofllce Rids. Can by, Oregon Rupture and Piles Cured without operation or detention from business DR. G. E. WATTS Room 14, McKay Eldg. 3rd Sr. ttark SU PORTLAND, OREGON. Hours 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 P. M.