Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 14, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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News of the Week I 1
Ko. A .O. -o. o. .o, .s ,0. .O. A A CltV l
Friday, Feb. 7.
The steamer Doric, dom Hawaiian
Islands to San Francisco, reports an
alleged cure of leprosy in Tahiti by use
of the Venesulean plant known as
Tuetua. The effect causes a good del
of pain, and tbe natives have to be
urged to keep op the treatment long
enough. A quantity of the plant was
sent to the United States, but its remits
liere were not encouraging.
The Portland & Asiatic steamship
Indravilli, which sailed from Portlnnd
Wednesday noon, with a 4K),000 cargo,
returned to her dock next day with her
hatches battened down, and decks pip
ing hot, the result of a fire between
decks. Tbe cargo was considerably
damaged before the fire could be pu out.
The veexel was slightly injured.
Senator Mitchell received the follow
ing reply from Secretary Hitchcock
relative to the protest of the Oiegon
Delegation against displacing of Oregon
citizens as otlicers of the Forest Reserves
of this state : "The department contem
plates no radical change in the matter
of the administration of forest reserves,
and when changes shall be ncessaiy
only such will be made as tbe good of
the service may demand, and at such
time the suggestions in your letter will
receive due consideration"
Saturday, February 8.
The Lone Fir Cemetery Association of
Portland, has agreed to donate a site
0x50 feet for the erection of a uiomi
ment to the veterans of the Civil, Mexi
can, Indian and Spanish wars.
Oregon's exhibits at the Charleston
Fair are attracting favorable attention.
The forestry display is something un
usual. The agricultural exhibit covers
12,000 square feet of f puce. Oregon day
will be observed Febiuaiy 19.
Citizens of Goldendale and Klickitat
county have raised $10,000 for the right-of-way
for the Goldendale-Portland rail
road scheme. Grading will commence
within 30 days and it is the intention to
move the Klickitat valley crop ibis year.
" The senate committee on foreign rela
tions reports favorably on the treaty for
tbe cessation of the Danish West Indies.
During 1900 the Islands exported to this
country, sugar, molasses and distilled
epirits amounting to 5J8,945; importa
tions from United States were $624,524.
The Islands, together with Porto Rico,
are of great importance to the United
States, both in a military and commer
cial way.
Mrs. L A. Harris, a Prominent Member
of a Chicago Woman's Political Club, tells
how Ovarian Troubles may be Cured with
out a Surgical Operation. She says :
"Doctors have a perfect craze for operations. The minute
there is any trouble, nothing but an operation will do them ; one
hundred dollars and costs, and included in the costs are pain, and
agony, and often death.
"I suffered for eight years with ovarian troubles ; spent hundreds
of dollars for relief, until two doctors agreed that an operation was
my only chance of life. My sister had been using Lytliil E. Pink
haul's Vegetable Compound for her troubles, and been cured,
and she strongly urged me to let the doctors go and try the Com
pound. I did so as a last resort ; used it faithfully with the Sana
tive Wash for five months, and was rejoiced to find that my iroubles
were over and my health restored. If women would only try Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound first, fewer surgical operations
would occur." Mrs. L. A. Harris, 278 East 81st St., Chicago, 111.
When women are troubled with irregular, suppressed or painful
menstruation, weakness, leucorrhcea, displacement or ulceration of the
womb, that benriiiff-down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, back
ache, bloating (or flatulence), general debility, indigestion, and nervous
prostration, or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faintness,
lassitude, excitability, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy,
"all-gone " and " want-to-be-left-alone " feelings, blues, and hojielessness,
they should rememler there Is one tried anil true remedy.' Lydia E.
Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles.
! Sunny Smiles
of Miur,
Anythlna OMla.
Manager-You won't
do. 1 vn nt an mi
married woman for
tills part.
Actress oil, thnt
v lll l.e nil right. I'll
get n divorce. New
York Jotirtiiil.
Malhemntlea. -
If there . ml j,, wc ,,,.
M0 chickens In , , A Brrivi. lit their legal mltv,
II coop," HilM ' If Imvitijl barely puwrd It, suddenly
the teacher, slopped ill a career Cull of promt.
eiidcnvorlnit to I interne hnslaid lu Imml on the lung I
f iMti'ii the nt- ! 11 who never t.wk thought (r him-
,,,,, ,,r iM... lf mum 1 citrrful now. lie must I
7 ' ! artful taut f'Hxl and ""''uk. crrful
c m of culm yd , hU cloihi ni ,llg rr(.iw(i No
children, n imI ; m(fn Me ,,, ,,r ni(;ht ,(r, No lnore
two weru ihImh- tnltrtli. 1IU Iuiik r "wek. Jl
Ihtf onu morn- 1 1, oininou cough. ll fHrt
lllL' llllW lllll II V aainv ill Mi-nil.
When Hint lioml or coiimiuiuoii iin
ou young tuu' life it dikcn tvery.
would yon ntlll
"Well." n
nwcrcd IMekii
ninny Jim, "If
lie chlckcim wnit
mine In ile fu'
plnco I'd have
I'luhti'i'ii. nn', If
lie)' WUHIl't, I
in Ivon I'd luivo
t wo."-W null
liiKton Star.
(hanyaK) control the product and put up
prices bpyond the reach of the poor
Sunday, February 9.
Everything done in congress thug far
indicates that "anti-eipansioo" will be
the cry of the democratic party in the
coming national and concessional cam
Throngh the efforts of Representative
Moody tbe office of Indian Agent
Umatilla, Ore., will not he abandoned
Charles Wilkins, present incumbent will
At the reqnests of Senator Mitchell
nd Representative Tongue, the Chief of
Engineers at Washington have ordered
an immediate investigation to determine
tbe question of an appropriation for male
ing repairs to the bank of the Willamette
river near Albany.
Dr. Maud Allen, formerly of Portland,
recently from India, staled in an inter
view that it was useless for America to
send ship loads of w heat to succor tbe
famine-stricken inhabitants, that the
em pi r j produced an abundance of
cereals, hut that the money brokers
Monday, Feb. 10.
Fire in the business section of Patter
son, .V J , causes flO.OOO.OOO damage,
and leaves thousands of persons without
employment, and homeless.
Edward Clark, who escaped after
shooting the bartender in a mountain
saloon, four years ago, hie been arrested
in Portland. Subsequent to his crime
he served in Cuba duiii g the Spanish
General He wet, the Boer cnniraander,
and a number of his men broae through
Oroton, Mis., continues to show ini
P'ovement. The crisis hail not yet been
The Secretary of the Nvy has reported
to the Senate that the new navy has cos.
the United States (tft.twy,028 for con
struction, and tJ,;H3,2.!3 for repairs on
completed veseels. There are several
vessels now in cooree of construction ;
thep-e ii.clude the Kentucky and K'ear
sare, (he Illinois, Indiana Alabama.
Of ihe .completed vessels, the Oregon
cost the most, $il,575,0:i2.
KnHMul (ilrl. if'
" 'I
l 'ir.'.vv.. 'yt j. . J'W v
1 --mk
iL!il A
Thursday, Feb. U.
Republican ineiiibers of the ceiiaie are
working on the construction of the war
MlatriuM Why, Jnne! What nre you
doing with that sntchel?
June Plenac. iiiuiii, Mr. Johu told mo i healthy famillet.
to keep my eye ou It while he went up
stairs. Chicago News.
thlcjr. The words of love die unspuken
on Ida lips. He cannot rk now to
the girl he hoped would share hit future.
Middle aged men that have tieen under
that cloud irmeiiiiTr it still with a
ililver. flat the itiiortniit fact I that
there are turn who were once in danger
from "weak" luns who have grown
strong nv.iin, utuntrj and brought up
A really healthy woman haa lit-
ue pain or discomfort at tne
mcnstni.il period. Ko woman
need, to have any. Wine of
Cardui will quickly roliere those
smarting ruenstxual pains and
1 i
we arriving head, back and
side nches caawd by falling of
the womb aud irregular menses.
has brought permanent relief to
1,000,000 women who suffered
every month. It makes the men
strual organs strong and healthy.
u Js the provision made by Xa-
ture to give women relief from
the terrible aches and paiM which
blight so roanr !,."--.oa
Mm. M. A. Tonirr.
M " " V,"., I 1L. kll'KjX, . ,
Lord Kitchener's great line of blockade' revenue reduction bill, and it is said that
and made good their escape. They ran''cut0' ''0,000.000 and that a duty on
the gauntlet at nijjlit time, by concealing) tea ,nt' Prt of the tax on beer and
themselves among a band of cattle which i ,ome other articles in the bill Kill l.e
i weie forced over the line. retained,
i i
Work lias been corumenci d by the Officers and mountaineers of Midiile
Weather Bureau Departnieut on a wire-1 DOro Ky., tight a desperate b attle. Six
less telegraphy station on UtooHh Island, men are kil.ed aud as many more are
.. .......... 'ii.. i .
near me eniiance oi me Mrails ol Juan "'"S- oe irouuie aroe Irom some
de Fuca. The system will connect with parties taking forcable posHesition of
the m in land, 50 miles dixtant, and is 8onie "mles that had been hvied upon in
I 3 a l l .. I
caicuiaiea io ue oi mucn service in re- i""""' oi oeoi. ini parties were
porting weather conditions off the the
Northwest coast.
Tuesday, Feb. 11.
The ice gorge in the Columbia river
below The Dalles resulting from the re
cent cold snap has broken up and naviga
tion between Portland and up river points
has been resumed.
The Citizens' Savings Bank, of Detroit,
Michigan, hurt tiepn rilj'Pil in tliA liumta '
of a hank commissioner, and iU doom
are closed. Frank C. Andrews, the vice
president, been aneated charged with
appropriating over a $1,000,000 of the
bank's money.
Senator Turner, of Washington, se
verely denounced the Philippine Com
mission, ile declared the members to
be the puppets of the Executive and de
clared that its so-called laws were not
enacted in the interests of the people of
the Island. "Tbe Commission," he
said, "do- only what it is told to do by
the President and the Secretary of War."
iurner referred to ttie Philippine sedi
tion act as not only unconstitutional hut
a a relic of barbarism too black even for
the nioit despotic and tyranical gove n
Tuesday, the 18ih inst., a meeting ol
the Transcontinental Freight liureau
will be held in Portland. Between 15
aud 20 officials of the competing trans
continental roads will bo in attendance
called on to give the property up and
refused to do so. A n exchange of shorn
Itisstutedon reliable authority that
Ihe Uarrlmin lines of the O. K. & N. Co,
and Iheouthern Pacilic, will locate a
Isrge stock yard and packing ho'iso on
the east side of the river on the O R A
N. extension of the St. John's line, light
I away. The precent yjrds will be re
moved from the west side. The nackinu
house will be built later. Theiimtituiion
will be of much Iw-uefit to the faniieis
and stockiniin of Oregon, as they will not
hare to look to the East for a market for
their stock.
The House today passed the olemar
garirie bill. The section relating to Ihe
"(eciion ami nranuing of n novoted
batter reads as follows: ' That the
hec.-elary of Agriculture in hereby
authorized and required to canxe a lighl
sanitary inspection to be made from
time lo time, and at mch lime as he
my deem necessary, of all factories and
s';rehous where butter is renovated;
ana an nutter renovated at such places
snail be carefully inspected in the tame
manner and to the same exient ai d
purpomj that me.it products are now in
spected. The quantity and qiality of
butter renovated shall he reported
monthly. A renovated butter shall be
designated as such by marks, brands and
labels anl the words 'renovated butter '
lie-J think II
woman's club,
to be miecess
ful. should n I in
at something
fnr removed
from "female
She I enn't
agreewlth yott.
I believe that
should he Its
sole object.
He Exactly.
But If It nluiK
at something
else It Is more
likely to hit
that. - Phila
delphia Press.
"Why don't you go
home and get warm,
little boyT
" 'Cause we live In
er steam hen ted flat,
lady."-New York
Hard Lark.
There is no chance siKnit such cures.
If only a few persons had been benefited,
it might be said that they had exagger
ited their d.invrr or had only been suf-
feilng from some common ailment. But
when the cured are numbered ny inou
sands; when the doctor's diagnosis was
consumption ; when every symptom bore
out that diagnosis weaknra, emacia
tion, bleeding of the lung and time
sutler r were perfectly and permanently
cured by the use of Ir. I'irrce'a Oolde n
Medical Discovery, it must be concluded
that these cures are not of chance, but
due to the holing power of a great
remedy, for coughs, weak lungs, bron
chitis, and like diseases, which if neg.
lected or unakillfully treated, find a fatal
termination in consumption.
"I beg to state that I have uei! three
bottle :f Dr. Pitrca'i Golden Medical
Discovery since uiy correspondence with
yu," writes Mr. A. P. Novotnv, of New
York, N. Y. (lkx MA7). "I fl that I
un In need of no more medical assist
ance. When I started to take yonr medi
cine I had a regular consumptive cough,
of which I was afraid, and everybody
cautioned and warned me concerning it.
I wis losing weight rapidly, wis very
pale and ha.Tno apjctlte whatever. Now
my condition is changed entirely. I
do not cough at all, have gained eight
pounds in weight, have recovered my
ucalthy color, ami my appetite is eiior
moil la conrluiinn I beg to state that
I can and will recommend your tnedi.
to evrrylxxly was fcM,
me, as It is a sure cur. .
as are nimt other jnitrnt n!'
is far sujierior to all simiu, .
C.HATlTt'liK Wiu,,
Cratlttide, like tuurdrr rr
can't stifle it. To tlmt 'aW d
that there is so gir.t t ft ''!
tunny to the return kadi Cm
by "('.olden, Mcdual I in,;
testimony which no gn (t!
testimony indUpiitahls m, c, '
It comes from people pf ( ;1
condition, but in many c"'
who have found a ciu 6
"liiwovery" when other ir.t i
failed lo hrlp, and oftrn ht. 1
had pronounced thr suffrrrt
"1 look a severe cold whirl.;
the bronchial tula-," wrltnj,
Hav, of Nortonville, Jrftrm j
"After trying limliiines U.f
Cure,' alinot without nuial, .
to try Dr. Plcrce'i CoMca 1,
. covery. I tw J
' "TT "nd Was cm
-. 1 " When I tv,'
' ' ' pailllki.
' 1 ha.t it
1 miracle that J
- :. a relieved.
5 "That C(
you many yen
antly tilrnynn
of your tinted ,
,1 There i oik
deuce in aits'
testimonlnlt, l"
actu.il d i
and its potilltt
eviilrnc 1 I
j tiwa of fle)l, t
wasting dm.
disease, ami U f
flesh which ft t
by the ue of' ;
kal Disooverj T
"Whllt livi.
lotte, N. C, ; J
cured me of i
nana! catarrh r
standing," wtf
I.uitiMlen, 1.
Whitehall Mi-,:
Ca. "At lb.
was a burden to me, and si
huiiiliedsof dollars under jrT
tors 1 was dying by iiiclm
only t il pound. In tweci
I commented your treattnr-T
of Ixitli troublrs, aud in i
weighed 170 Kunds and .J
health. I have never felt fr
symptom of either since. A f
live years old and lu Jrfer ;
weigh ir xunds. No mi
pay you for what you did hr?
nol return to the romlilm
(kiober, 1H7J, for kuvkeft'-).
There is no alcohol (114
leal DlK-pvery,'' aud it i
opium, cocaine and all other
Accept lio auhstllute for.;
try." Speak In by the tJ0
Itiediciur, there is uotlilnj-.
gooil" for thoae who c,
weak lungs. lb:
persons who are sufferini )r,
In chronic fo,ui are inviir.
Dr. Pierce, by letter, n r
Sfiondrnce is held as it." .
Ad.lrea Ir. R. V. Pierce, I A
Dr. Pierce ia chief ca.
sicisu to the Invalids' Hutn
Institute, IturTalo, N. Y. Kffl
by a stsff of nearly a aw
enced physician, and thet
metlmis may be gathered r.
that in a practise ot over tlt
the treatment of hundred ;
of sick men and women, yT
been r feet ly and permaoe O
a bio aooi rut
Dig In its scope as hVi:
Pierce's Common Sena
viser, containing 100H 1T
over 710 illustrations, it rv(,
receipt of st4in to ftj)
mailing onlv. Send Jl osh
for the cloth-bound volun
stamps if content to lui'W.
paper covera. Address Dr t
Ilulfalo. N. Y. i
"Naw. I n I n't goln' to hung 11 1 me
stockln's dls year. 1 done It las' year,
and blamed If some one didn't steal
em!" New York Journal.
la Tronlile.
1 .1 . . .. .. ..... . . .
aim mo qiieuuoiis ui rates ana ctassilica- j """'i "e punted on all packages thereof,
mm win ob gone over, nearly Hems j ucn manner as may be preconlied by
are on the docket for consideration. The j "'e Secretary of Agriculture and shall be
last important meeting of the Buieau I 'old only as renovated butter V0 reno.
was held at Milaaukie four years ago.
Wednesday, Feb. 12.
The Army Board has reported favor
bly on retaining the post at Vancouver, I
Wash. The force will be increased from
two companies of infantry and two com
panies of held artillery, to twelve com
panies of infantry and two field batteries
Voting on the amendment to the oleo
mariiine bill in the Houe of Represent
atives indicates a change of sentiment
amce the last session of Congress.
Then the bill hsd a majority of 1(0.
The final passage ol the bill is not en
dangered thoogh.
Theodore Roosevelt Jr., son of the
President, who, since Thursday a week
ago has been seriously sick with pneu
monia at tbe Gruton School Infirmary,
vated butter shall oe shipped or trans
ported from one state lo another or to
foreign countries, unless inxpected as
provided in this section."
I U. V.'-'LTl
Willie Bookworm-
Ma. I feel so ouoerl
Mother- You've been
eating some of those
rich. Indigestible rec
ipes In the cookbook
again, you naughty
boy! Chicago News.
Miss Styles Is
a funny girl.
I don't know
what lo inn lie
of her.
(S r n v e a -What
has she
been doing
As I went by
her house last
evening I nat
urally cost my
eyes her way.
Yes 7
She pointed at
a rubber plnnt
on the nlnzza
nnd sort of
smiled. - Bos
ton Transcript.
You an Dink jour h
rn-4 M mttt u m flu.'
nil touKh u win Lf
You cmn
l twlr M lontf u 11
km k?."s;w
ktMl !:::,.!1.r,nJ"'"r
Etarness Oil
niiiki!" poor looh ln hr-
1IM IU . w. I, f
1 puro. Ii.vy uHr.l oil, r.
-i..liy r.-pnri-il la wlu.
suuil Uis weatlirr.
rVilil mi
In emu
nil m,
Sunday Services.
ATI? IfH.H.vo
t-cuis I'm:
a. '.: j
Ym-j nt p.-i.it nh:
" t'ontaina rti In-
i: il .Cli-Hr .l.on. F "1
'i Nv.! ."j. rr f r, 1 Ml
Il'-ui. ki,.l i I'r.iwi ui ne .euiiimne. H-Hore Ih
tL4 liUQlLhU Wa.-rtafcut.l.Kew Vor
'lerk'a st NugireNilon.
"I have lately been much troubled
with dyspepsia, belching and sour stom
ach." writes M. H. M,a(l l(.a,,ini, flliur.
macist of Attleboro, Mass. '"I Coii,l eat
hardly anything without suffering sev
eral hours. My clerk suggested I try
Kodol Ihnpepsia Core, which I did with
moHt happy results. I have had uo more
trouble and when one can go to eating
niince pie, cheese, candy and mils after
such a time, their digestion must be
pretty good. I endorse Kodol Dpspepma
Cure heartily." You don't have to diet
II the good food you want but don't
overload the stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia
Curs digests your food. Geo. Harding.
The Enterprise $1.50 per year.
Ksi'iff llca Lutheran, 7.w W
for. Kiglilli and JeHvraon '
Meyers, pastor. Hnrtilwt r l,r
m.; services at 10;JOa. m.i' '
grrirstlousl i hurcli, huniItT ''
minllnwi: I'rrschli'ir si I' .
Key. J. Murlals ItirhsMi.
bsiih uli s.-Iio-jI at 2 P. M;'D
nieetliig Wediieolay at" :(ff J.i
lion ol ilia lord's suppsr.
escli llioulll.
..'v.... .1.11, miu ,"v XI'"
K. H. Riililugir, pastor. w
IU..H;Hiiihlay Hchool IT, J-
; Y. P. H. V. V.. pra;"
vi,i.g tai vice 7:30.
ITiilled Mrelhren (,'or. F' '
streets. Jl.-r. Cocking,
every Hiimlsy al II s, n.
cunilav srbool si IU a. m.; '
meeilnir al O .'IO p. in.; I1
sveiy Wrdursilay vsulnit-
PIUST BAPTiar ciin
H. Ilesvsn, palor. PrW'
every Hundayal 10 .'tOaiol' r
day sclioul at 12 noon lo 1 f B'ei
no el In thr af'eriiooii anrl IWV jf(
Pi-opls's society and Hihk't
p. in. 1 liiir.dii v r":
irsyr service at P
evening, llihle atudy riw"
rooms led bv the pailor. f . j
(Jernisii Hiinllsl Hervli 1 V
day of eacli moiilli al S '''.
Kre Mctliodlst-flrv. J. '
'r. Presntilnif llrst ami lr '
II s. in,; prnver meatlnit r'
evenilig, Services held l "
lionsl church at Klvvi'le.
Methodist Kuliciinal Cliurrl. Ru u- u
tiriiii, .a-lor. Morning service at'lll-W
niuiiiay Hctinol al 111 ll i:iu..
Kworll! KtmS'if."'0: '!"! il Albert Ora-i
I'rayer Meeilna Thiirmlar ereiilna .1 so
iraiwersmirrllallyluviied. ' """" ''
Ht. John's, ('stliolic Rev. A. II ill,.,rHi rt
, " H""ilay, maxN al and Hc.'io a
in. IhlnMiinilay In each moiilli, (I,.,,,,,,,,
sermon alter H o'clock mux.; at all oilier
inx.se,, KnglWi sermons. Ni,l,llv..cl.
li:.V) p, in. e.rx, s.ologelical sul.jwi.
anil lenidiciioii ul 7;;;i) p. m.
"rmai. r.vai.gelieal Lulherxn I,mn I
sl-Cori.e. kig .-ti and J. Q. Adams ,
Key Kruexi J. W. Mack, ,,ator. bundsv
-J hoo at 10 a. ni ; weekly service, .very
riiuntdai at H n. i.. :...... ........ . ' I
u I...' , . """"in every
"". ""in io u. everybody invite
M. h. Hllllltl l!o T l ii
Third Holiday at United' llr.ihre.i ct'.ur.V.
70 p. m. H.bb.ih Hchooi io 'This preparation ronta';
People's Hoelety of Clirl.il... Fn.fj.T' "".! 1 Hln.i. ni. o.l ,ltircsti '
srsu.uc pr., .i?
KIHfy3.1' "'?M'-Cr...r ol
highth and Madison mrr, II r H. Conley
i!'"' H'"""-""-? H.Vb., ainT tn
snd 7:43 p n. Hundsy Hchool 10 a. m
I raier meetings p. rn. All are aelcome
.veVv '"TVITl r: ,H'ri'" ! It can't helo i
u .. 1 '. -- ., anil o:oo n. in.
cHiiuiay scihx.i at 10 o'clock, Oilier service,
ssmaybe.Mnnni,cel. All ssat, free. Hiran
kert cordially Invited.
d every s I
lurch. I I
Digests wlwtyf
foiKl. Itfflvcalnstiint rf'
fallHtocure. ItaH"ff'
thofwMl you want 'J";.
stomachs can take It ' .
thoiisatiils of dyspflit'y :
rured after evcrythinif1'
jBunequHlU'd for all a" ,
but Aof
Preparr-d only by E. C. I'rj
lba tl. bolilo contain2 v