Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 07, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Personal Mention
,.afj 9EjraWn WBiwaWSErt e"QS!
; ttik Jagger waa In towu yesterday
::l CrtrilM,
X. M. Pavls, d( Cam, wit In the city
V-... ("i'IIu Goldsmith lufl lant night fur
.1 i rsnclaco.
I ..in Duffy, of Heaver Creek, wh In the
v yesterday,
it, (luge,, of Bt afford, ku kit Oregon
i .i.'lcr MomUy.
. Josephine iHiVore .lohnaon wa
( city last Sunday.
V.'iViiim Thompson, t leading farmer
A Ni-nly, wa In tlio city Tuesday.
Amu Mldlam, o( Portland,
ii ! I relative and fiiend In Caiteinali
tin) Clurk I vUitliiK lilt niollii'r In
Iiih city and return lo llundon In about
i week,
I i.-lfl. Morton, ul Newhcig, spent
in In Oregon City vlitlng his uncle ,
'i.siiimitcr George F. Morton.
I s Sl.ltool SllperltllellduiU Gibson llkt
m i n d a position w ilh Portlaud Cliy
i ,, Hull it ay a conductor.
Alimony J, W. lraer haa moved
iii. 1 , i family (miii the hill to Ilolbm,
1,1-rii they will breathe tlm pure country
t'lifiiar C. Curry, of l'ottland, a
r iiht-r of City Recorder Unite C. Curry,
nn Iih atd in tli In city, and ix In liii
niU.i r'a ollli'o.
i V"! 'ial Land Agent E. W. Dixon wan
i dm i'ily Sunday. Iln waa formerly
,t:'!i,rd Ml the local olllee hut iiaa been I !Hr0W
llary Academy, Mr. Ilil(a whi for
four year iiiKt ru- ior Ht the ItUhop Kcolt
AcnilfiiiywliPnMr.mil was In charge
of that liiRiltutlon, and ha a very high
regard for Mm. 1 1 ill memory.
Oeorga II, Y()iii( ha relumed from
hla government claim, which la shunted
bout 40 mile from Hhanlko. While he
report only about six Indies of anow on
the grr.tmd, be say It i vcrv cold, It be
ing IA degree below tern when ha lell.
Mr. Young will lemsln with bin fmiiily
In Oregon Cliy mull the freeze up la
over. I1U brother, Louis Young, re
mained on the claim.
J. L. Keier, of Colfux, Wash., la visit
ing hi sister, Mrs, Arthur Warner, hi
niece, Mr. K. K. Kellogg, and other
relative In thi section ,f the country,
Mom of which Iih has not seen belore,
not having been In Portland or Oregon
City In thirty yeart, until t o present
time, Me crossed the plain In 18 lit to
California and came jo 1'ortland In lHoO;
came to Oregon City from Portland in a
haitaitx. propelled by Indiana and In
1001' by electric cara. Tlie change that
have taken place are almost incomprehensible.
mketom opt f.mkai. cummittfe.
Hill lie II. Id F.bruary 15, to FU Date
of County Conv ntlnn.
Chairman J. U. Campbell, of Ihn He
publican County Central CommlUee, ban
loaned a call for a meeting of the Central
Committee to I held in thla city, on
8ttiwd.iv, Fe binary 15, for the pnri-o-o
of tlxlng date for the count v convention
and apportioning the number of dele
gate from each precinct. The commit
lecinen are :
Abiirnethr W. II. Smith
1 in Wanhlngtoii for the past two
M; Murgaret Williama i detained at
nine by mump, which the caught from
mm of her ptipila In I'arkplnro achool.
!r Hitter, Mis Eleanor, I teaching In
cr stead.
J. V. Uootsj J. A. Talliert. E. P.
c linitii, S'd Imel and 'John Rotiins'in,
I prominent poliliciana of Clackauiaa,
cm jo town looking over the situation
.i-t Saturday.
Jubn Mulnwowl, of LUmthI and Mr.
ri.-r, bit oon in-law, were In the city
i'linl.iy. The latter la a recent comer
linn county and haa purchaacd a farm
oiu J. O.Trullinger. .
Mr. and Mr. tC. D. Kelly celebrated
ii.ir trolili.il WHihlini nniiivi.riiif.rv Weil-
Mr. Kelly haa been aerioutily I v ,
C. K'K'her
Henver Creek pr. T. B. Thornaa
Itoringa C. M. Lake
(Kiiby A.M. Vinard
Caiicuiah (.'bun. Ile
Canyon Creek W, E. Honney
Caaeadea ...J. II. W.iver
Clierryvlllo .. , Bilna Hedge
Clai'kumaa. Jnmcg Ih-raelan
lUmaHcua ,E. I.. While
( MAICUII FAblllUN bIIKli.13 will bo ready for free diatribution next Monday. But you will have
a a a a. .c A A A O lo come to the tore ?ot them as we shall not make house delivery this month. The French
ftf X . . . . ......
Now la your time to buy a hat'eheapj VJ rastnon nates lor March are in and all JaUies are cordially invited to call and look them over,
at Miaa Uoldmidth'a.
Faacinator In every atylo and color
cheap at Kacket Htore. I
Everyone wanting a chance on the Big
Doll. Uet licketa thla week.
Anna E. Nanli, of thla city, haa been
granted an original penrion of (3 per
KegiHtratlon If lncranlng. Twenty
eight regiatered Wednuiiday and 21
The aecond diatrict republican congrea
alonal committee I called to meet in
Portland to-morrow.
The Acme, oi.onlte Entcrprine olllce,
manufactiirea freah candy daily. Fruit,
clgaia and tobacco. 8ola fountain. New,
The matter of the corporation of Mil
waukio wilt be tnkwii up In the cumin Id
aiouera court toiUy.
A grand ball will be given at Beaver
Creek ball on Frid.iy, February 21.
Uood order will he maintained and a
cordial Invitation extended to all.
Carl Bchine'gao, aged 84 yearn, died
Tueaday of Lung fever at I'aikplace.
He baa made hi home with A. li jlle
The funeral wa held yeatcrdy and the
Interment waa In Muuntuin Vie ceme
Marriage llcenm-a were iHaued tbi
week lo Maude A. llaney, 18, and Ed
ward II. Will, 2(1; Myrtle t'oojier, lit,
d. W. Driacoll, 31.
i-xility, Mr. Kelly Iiaa been aertoUH
I but la improving and the MHh year of
icir marriage waa a joyful event.
II. C. Koop returned Saturday night
urn Wilhoit after teaching a three
onth'H term of achool there. Me waa
nne'iy employed In I'urker'i barber
nip and leavea thla week for Han Fi mi
ni o.
fSiiiiutor George C. Urownell will re-
ioikI to the loaat "Linuolo, the Orator" .
-xt Vdnenday evening at a haiiitlvt
veil by the Young Men' Republican
ub in memory of the birthday of
,r.ilniii Lincoln.
Mr. CbaHe, a aon-ln law of John Has
na, and who formerly reaided in the
mold IniUBe, Corvallia, la dead. He
cil In Waahington eonie time ago. Hi
tnily hai gone to Otegon City to reaide.
Corvallia Time.
Fred Wagner, of Cottrell, waa In the
v Wodneaday, He ray that
Engle Creek . . .
(ieorge . . ...
Iknl ng
Maple Lane
Milk Creek ,
Needy. ,
w Era
Oregon City No. 1..
Oregon City No. 2 .
Oregon City No. 3 .
lWaul Hill
,. Dr. C. B. Kmiih
..... D. H. Jones
....Han Paulaen
...... Fred (ierber
...W. C. liuckner
.Kheiinan Woller
... M. Mc(ieehan
...John Deunlion
J. E Wetaler
... .1. OLarkiu
J.B. No,
.II. W. Trembatb
E. I. Hand
...D. W. Kinnahd
J. A. Tuda
H. M. Kelao
Sievura Ailolph Aaubolf
SodaHprlnga Albert Croe-en
8pnngwater. A, M. bhibley
Tualatin J. L. Kitire
Union.- W. L. White
Molulla John Shaver
Viola J. Randolph
West Oiegon City C. A. Miller
Kllleo 0. L. Barber
Nnrrd lliui I'rom 'I'orlurr.
There in no more agonizing trouble
than pile. The constant itching and
burning make life Intolerable. No posi
tion Is comfortable. The torture ia un
ceaHing. De Witt'a Witch Hazel Halve
cu.es pilea at once. For skin dieases,
11 cuts, buriiH, bruiees, all kinds of wounda,
mllii -s hnve moved Into the Cottrel jt , unequalled. J 8. derail, St. Paul,
liiKil..atri.!tililiit!ie pyjr. The f Aik.. says: "From 1801 1 auflered with
strict ia nipidjy buil ling up and more 1B protruding, bleeding piles and could
ople are exKtcted to locate there. find nothing to help me until I ueed De
J. E. Hedgea went to Portland Tues- Witt' Witch lUzel Salve. A few boxes
y to attend the funeral of Mr. J. W.j cotrpletely cured me." lie war of coun
.11, i ife of the piei-idenl of Hill Mil-1 terfcitc. Geo. Harding.
i at These
iinlio Mush, '2J lbs. in package
2 packages for 15c
.1 m on, 4 cans .2rc
rn k Hammer Soda, 8 11)8. for V!rc
)od iyrup, per can 2rc
mnt Coflue, from 10c
reen Coflue, per lb 10c
.rdincs, 6 cans . .250
A), can Raked Beans .20o
asliing Powder, per lb 5c
:k en 1 1 an Coffee Extracts, 8
p." '. agPS 2.rc
inwi and Vanilla Extracts,
p. r ox. . , '. 5c
r.l ed, with bone and grav-
f 1, t package 7c
Ufinn, ior bottlo 5c
Matches, per bunch lc
Sewing Machine Oil, per bottle. 5c
Regular 15c Shoe Dressing . . . . 10c
Lemonade Sets, from $1
White Metal Teaspoons, per set 15c
Curling Irons, each 4c
Fancy Toilet Soap, )cr box .... lc
Lead Pencils, per dozen 10c
Tablo oil cloth, per yard 18c
Toilet Soap, long bar 4c
Men's Working Gloves, from. . .2.rc
Men's Black and White Striped
Working Shirts 43c
Men's Sunponders ; . .J5c
Men's and Boys' Hats at factory
pt ices
Men's and Boys' Leggings. . . . 40c
Winter clothing i what you want.
Cold weather i coming on and it cohIh
uo more to be comfoitable. Joe Know
laud, the 7th btreet tailor, ha hundreds
ol Humpies of elegant good to geleCt
from. Knowland' clothe fit.
Every thing in the Millinery line tie
lew Coat at Mies Goldsmith'.
The main corridor of the Bank of Ore
gon City ia undergoing some changes
tbi week. Tlie email safe ia being
umved to the rear o( the bank and the
wire netting 1 to be extended straight
across the front of the room, giving the
bank moie counter room.
Caps and Mitten at your own price.
Racket Store.
M ia Cleo Smyth, of Vancouver, baa
purchased the Acme Candy Parlors from
F. 11. Welsh and will conduct the bum
ilea iu the. future. Tlie store will be
completely remodeled and new features
added and will in every way be mode an
up-to-date establishment.
Baby Bonnet, Hats, Trimming ev
erything below cost at Miss (Jul Jsuiith's.
Contractor Braker I engaged in mov
ing out the ahow window in the Wil
lamette building from a bevel to a
straight front. The store In this build
ing that will be benefitted by this im
provement are Geotge A. (larding, W.
L, Bloch, and Rosenstine'a.
Flannel Waists and Dress Skirts Bell
ing at half price at the
Racket Store.
A marque ball will be given in the Ar
mory next Friday evening, February 14.
and an enjoyable evening is anticipated.
Turney'a orchestra of four piece will
furnish the mtHie. Markers, gents, 60
cents; mabkeiB, ladies, tree. Spectators,
25 cents. $25 in prizes given away. t-e
them at P. O. store.
.We are showing the latest things
in Valentines selected from the cel
ebrated Raphael Tuck and the Whit
ney lines. Prices from oc to $3.50.
Dainty books and pictures are quite
the proper thing now for Valentine
gifts and for 2fc to $1.00 we can
ehow you handsome and desirable
things to select from.
This 6tore is known as the place to
buy a dependable umbrella. You
take no chances for we guarantee
every one from the $1.00 kind up, to
not crack or fade and to shed water
If you buy an umbrella here and it
doesn't give you satisfactoiy st rvice,
bring it back and get a new one Old
umbrellas recovered with our patent
cover while you wait 75c up.
SPECIAL THIS WEEK 6-inch Mounted Globe, 25c
f f
W W V w w w
.Mall Itoute Outravria
The poatoffice department has awarded
contrai ls for the carrying of mail in
Clackamas county a follows :
Clarkes, by Cotton, Elwood, and
Springwater, to Dodge, 20 miles, twice a
week, O. W. Keller. 234.
Currinsville, to Garfield, ais mile,
aix lime a week, W. il. Young, $373.
Egle Creek, by Oeorge. to Bisfell, 12
mile, twice a week, A. Widdenbold,
Oregon City, by Ely, Beaver Creek,
Sbubel, Clarkes. Meadow Brook and
Union Mills to Mulino, 24 miles, three
times a week, A. Mocier, )54".
Oregon City, by Ely, Carus, Mulino
and Liberal, to Mnlalla, 15 mils, aix
times a week, 8. J. Vaughn, $447.
Oregon City, by Willamette, Stafford
and Wilsonville, to Graeme, 16 mile'',
six time a week. W. H. Young, 174(1.
Oregon City, by Stone and Logan, to
Viola, 30 miles, aix times a week, W.
Mosier, fC80.
Sandy, by Firwood, to Balm on, 14
miles, three time a week, C. D. Chase,
Sandy to Dover, aix mile, twice a
week, A. J. Kitzmiller, $110.
The contract will run for four years-,
commencing July 1, 1902.
(bui red Willi Operating a Mck l ln
tlie Slot Machine.
A complaint waa filed yesterday by
Chief of Police Burn againat Peter
Khark, who ci minds a cigar store
ou Main street, charging him with op
erating a nickle-in the- slot machine,
and the case will come up in the
Justice Court today. Card machines
are not molested but lat December,
just prior to the city election, all of
the niachiues that pay money were shut
down by order of the city authorities.
Since then they have been operated at
interval, but no attempt has been made
at open violation, with the exception of
this case, which will be made a test.
Everybody uses nmbreilaa. Every
body should know where to have them
repaired and new cover put on. John
son and Lamb.
MYou Could Look
Into the future inri teethe condition
to which your conch, if nesiectcd,
will bring you, you would seek relief at
once and that oaturally would be through
" . . Guaranteed to cure Con
I . IiriT sumption, Bronc hitia,
V-M W Asthma, and all lung
Trouble. Cure Cooght and CoUli in a day.
IS centa. Write to S. C. Wells ft Co.,
lit Hoy, N. Y for free trial bottle.
Karfi Clover Root Tea purifies the Blood
IwdnliUdls Money ta Loan.
At 6 and 7 percent Call on orwiile
Jan. W. Lodkb.
Oiegou City Ore-jD.
Stevens' building. .
20 to $100 to loan on chattel or ir
sonal security. D'mick & Eastham, -t i-.
tor Kent.
A ten acre tract in Canemah. Twenty
minutes walk from woolen mill. Good
house ani out buildings. Two good
cows for sale. For information call at
be bouse, or addieat B. W. Pobteh, P,
0. Box 60, Oregon Oily, Oregon. ...
Chritian Science service are held at
the residence on the north-eatt corner of
Fifth and Washington streets every
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Snndav
school at 12 o'clock. Wedneadav ev-i
ing meeting at 8 o'clock. To these si r
vices all are welo me.
We must made room for Spring goods,
so will offer all Millinery below cost.
O. GoldHniith.
Roy Kizer, eight year old, was found
yesteiday noon by Sheriff Cooke at the
Oak Grove station, on the Portland City
& Oregon Railway. He had tun away
from bis home at 78 Front street, Port
land, and had been out all night. He
wa wet to the skin and the sheriff took
him in charge and took him to Portland.
Ilia parents were detracted at the loss
of the boy, who hnd run away Wednes
day niitht. The lad told the sheriff that
ho was going to Oregon City to visit
j plouv of Eloqueiee
Is indispensable if one wishes to fairly describe the superior
ity of this store as a trading place. It takes strong words
and lots of them to convey an idea of what we have for
customers; but a visit to the store will make words unnecessary.
GLASS SETS, consisting of SUGAR BOWL,
REAMER,' from 35c per set.
We carry the celebrated Cattaraugus Cut
i l guarantee same.
Educational Note.
Examinations are being held in tlie
public schools of the city this week in !
all grades except the primary for the
mid-term promotions. I
F.ighth grade examination are being .
held in nearly all of the schools of the
county this week. The dates were Wed-1
nesday, Thursday and Friday. Under
the new law, which has only been in ef-
feet about a year, (upils passing this ex-'
animation may enter any high school in '
the state without further examination.
Superintendent J. 0. Zinser, Prof. !
Art McLaughlin and Prof. T. J. Gary, ;
composing the county hoard of examiii-!
era, will hold the semi-annual teachers'
examination for state and county papers,
in the courthouse, commencing next
A a rra tt 1" a
Beant&a li liwl Voa Haw Hlwars BflUgM 1
I Youl
You'll find artistic Wall Paper in abundance.
Floral Designs,
Panel Effects,
Solid Colors,
Geometric Conceptions.
You'll find them'richt in color.
Cents per Double Roll and up.
Priceson Crockery are down lower than they
have beenfoj a long time. This is true of our
stock just now, and j'ou'will do well to get in and
fit up your shelves'while you can save money by
so doing.
6 Handled Cups and Saucers, 50 Cents.
rt House Block,