Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 17, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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Legal Noticea.
In the Circuit Court of the Stats of Ore
gon, for th County ol 1 laoitanias
Sell wood Lanrl snii Im
provement Co. (a cor
poration). VI,
John F. Bros'je. Msrie
Brostje, Helen U
8tratton, Cree't W.
Btralton, Carroll .
filratton l.oyd L.
fttratton, Milton H.
titration, John B.
Ulslami, W A.
ClelaiiU, N. Simmon
ton and Kred BtrenK,
IMsudauls. I
Stat of Oriooh I
County or CiackamasI
By virtue of a judgment order, decree and
an execution, duly issued outol and under
the aeal of Ibe above entitled Court, in tlie
above entitled cause, to ineduly directed and
dated tbeftih day of December, W01, upon
a judgment rendered and entered In said
Court on the 12th day of November, 1101,
iu favor of the Sellaood Land and Improve
men I Company, plaintitl, and against John
and Marie Bruetj-, netentiants, lor tlie sum
of f Jt26 00 with interest thereon at lite late
ol 8 per cent per annum from tlie 1st day
ot May. 13, lesstl 00 paid on the 2llh
day ol November, 10, in)00 paid on the
19tn day or June, 18:4. $7".u0 paid on the
6tb day ot September, 1(SU, and 7J 00 paid
on the"8ih dsy ot NnTetnber, I KM, and the
further sum of J 15J 00 s attorney's lee, and
the further sum ot 5 00 costs and Uis
bnrsenieiita, and tbe cosia of and upon
tbis writ, commanding me to make sale ol
tbe following described real property, situ
ate in the county ol Clackamas, state of
Oregon, to-a it;
That piece or Parcel of property described
at beginning at a point in the division line
betaeeu the North and South halves of the
George Crow Donation Land Claim which
is twenty-eight chains and eighty-live.links
WesUof where tbe taid division line inter
sects rhe East line of (aid claim; thence
Booth to the North Hue of the forty acre
tract set apart by decree to Louisa Jane
Bunnell; thence Eisterly along said North
line ol the thirty acre tract set apart by de
cree to J. J. Crow to the East line of the
aid (Jeorye Crow Donation Land Claim;
thence uoriberly along tlie said East line of
aid Claim to a point which is ts5 J feet
southerly wtiere the division line beiween
tbe North and South half of said Ueorge
Crow Donation Land Claim i intersected
by tbe Eat line thereof; thence West 110 10
feet to lb venter of tbe County road; thence
northerly aljng the center ol the said
County road to a point where tbe same in
tersects the dividing line between the north
and south halves ot sad Donation l-and
Claim; thence westerly along the said divi
ding line to the place of beginning. Situated
lu the County of Clackamas, and State of
Oregon, and containing twenty seven acres
more or less, to be sold first and the pro
ceeds thereof to be applied as follows:
lit. To the expense of said sale and to
the costs and disbursements of tbis suit.
2nd In the payment ol such Judgment
as may be recovered in this suit.
3rd Tbe balance it any may be disiosed
of as tbe Court may be advised and direct.
But if the proceeds ol the Baid sa e ol the
property above described he not sufficient
to satisiv the Judgment lor tbe amount
herein granted, then tbe following real
property which is a portion ol the real prop
erty set out and described in the Mortgage
set lorth in the complaint be sold, to-wit:
Commencing at an iron slake at the
northeast comer of the thirty acre tract of
land owned by John F. Broetje, said point
being the Easterly point of the division line
between the husband's and wife's halts of
the George Crow Donation Land Claim, ami
also th" Southeast corner of the land now
owned b, Haiuine. ScbroJer; thence South
fifty two minutes had, trac ng tbe East
line of the George Crow Donation LandCIa m
6SS.6U feet to a i iron stake; thence Weal
lltt 10 f-et more or less to the center of the
Com ly road as now la tl out; thence North
erly along the center of said County road to
an iron stake at (he division line beiween
the husband s and wile s half ot the said
Crow I I, C; thence Easterly along the
aid elm-ion line ol the Said Donation Land
Claim 281.36 teet more or ess to the place
of begini.i. g, containing 3 00 acres more or
leas. I he proceeds from the sale thereof lo
be applied inlike manner as specified herein
for tne application ol the proceeds Iroiu the
sale of the H at described parcel of real
properly herein.
Now, inert-lore, by virtue ol said execu
tion, judgment o'der and decree, and in
compliance with the commands of said
writ, 1 will, on Saturday, tbe
at Ibe hour ofl -30 o'clock, p. m, at th
front door ot tlie County Court House in
the City ol Oregon City, in said County and
State, sell at public suction, subject to re
deniption, to tne highest bidder, fur U H.
gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title
and interest which the within named de
fendants or either of them, find on the dale
of the mortgage tierrin or since had in or lo
tbe above described real property or any
part thereof, to satiety said execution, jtldg
ment order, decree, Interest, costs and ail
accruing costs,
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon
Dated, Oregon City, Ore , Dec. 7tb, 1901.
Nil initio kn.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, lor the County of Clackamas.
Thomas Wike and Stella
Wike, his wile,
Arthur Orr, Belle Orr
Dudley, Julia Couaghan,
Kdwlu Orr and Lillian
Orr, his wile, Theresa Orr
Arstill and Ambrose Ar
still, her husband, Mary
To Arthur Orr. Belle Orr Dudley. Julia
Couaghan, Edwin Orr. and Lillian Oir, his
wife Tliraa Orr Arstill. Ambrose Arstill,
her liusba-id. Marv Anderson, and each of
you said defendants:
In the name of the State of Oregon ! ou
are hereby required to appear and answer
the coin plaint Mel against you In the above
entitled suit on or belore the 17th day of
January l'J02, the last day presciibed In the
order lor publication aim six weeKa iroiu
tbe day of publication hereof, which is le-
cembei 0th 1001. and you will taks notice
that if vou lail to so appear and answer the
complaint filed against you herein nu or
belore raid 17th dav ol January, 1002. the
plaintltl will applv to tne Court for tbe re
let Draved lor in th complaint herein, to
wit: "For a decree foreclosing the mortgage
set out in the complaint upon the following
premises, to wit : The south hall of the north
west quarter ol the northwest quarter of sec
tion M in township two (2) south of range
tbree (3) east of tbe Willamette Meridian, in
Clackamas County. Oregon, and lor the sale
of the said premises therein set out by the
sheriff of Clackamas County Oregon, accord
ing to law and the practice of thlsoottri ; that
toe proce. di of said site may he applied In
payment of the amount due to the plaintirla
anil that said defendants and all persons
claiming under them, subsequent to the
execution ol said niorliraite uin said prem
ises, in any capacity whatsoever, mav he
barred ami foreclosed of all rights or claim
in said Premises and everv Dart thereof
That plHintitlsor any other party to this
sun msy bee one a purchaser at saiti ae;
that the sheritt execute a deed lo the pur
chaser: that the purchaser he let into
iKissession ol the premise iiwmi production
ol the sheriff's certificate ol sale," And for
such other and further relief as shall be
meet and eouitable ill the premises.
This summons is puhlishe-' by order of
the Hon. Thos. F. Kvan, Judge of Ihe
Com fv Court of Clackamas County. Ore
ton, upon application of the plaintiffs
herein, which order l duly made ami en
tered December 3rd, 1901.
J. W. UW1LT,
Attorneys for PlaiutiUs.
M'M.tt .!.
Police for lMibllratloit.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878
Untied States Land Office, Oregon City,
Oregon, January 14 1002.
olite ts hereto; given that incompliance
with the nrovisiuus ol the act of Congress
or J u e 3, 1878, entitled "An act lor the
sale of timber lands in the States of Califor
nia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the Public Laud
States by act ol August 4. 1802,
of Portland, county of Multnomah State ol
Oregon, has tins day tiled in this office his
sworn statement Ni. 6SH4. for the purchase
of theNof NWand SW of NE!-f ol
S-cil'ih No 12 in Inwnship No. 4 8 , Kange
No. 4 E., ami will oiler proul to' show that
the land sough is more valuable for its
timber or stone than lor agricultural pur
poses, and to establish bis claim to said
land before the Register and Receiver
of lids office at O'egou (Vv, on Saturday,
the 20ib dav of Marcb, 1002.
He names as witnesses:
Geoige I. Brown, of Poitlaml, Or.'gon;
Hemy Epperson, ol E'gle Creek, Oregon;
G.C Fields, of Oregon City, Oregon; F. 8.
Morris, of Portland, Oregon
Anv and all rsoti.s claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested to
hie their claims in this office on or before
said IKflh day ol March, l!)'2.
Notice Tor Publication
Timber Land, Act June 3,1878.
United Stales Land Office, Oregon City,
Oregon, Dec. 2, 1001.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
witu the provisions of the act of congress of
June 3 178, entitled "An act lor the sale
of timber lands in die States of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri
lory." as extended to all Ihe Public Land
Slates by act of August 4, lr
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has this day Hied in this office his
sworn statement No 5502, for the ipurcliese
ol the SEJi ol section No. 12 in Township
No. 4 South, iUnge No 4 East, and will
offer proof in snow that the land sought is
more valuable (or its timber or stone
than for agricultural pnrprses, and to en.
tablisb his claim to said land before tlie
Register and Receiver o! this office at
Oregon City. Oregon, on Weil:u-s-,ay, the
19 h day ol Februaty, 19 12.
He names as ailnessre:
H. Epperson, of Currinsville, Oregon;
Geo. I, Brown, of Portland, Oregon ; Joseph
Green, of Snrlngater, Oregon; John
pperMu, of Kel.-o, Orego i.
Any and ail pernors c aiming adverse
the above-described lauds are ifquested to
file their claims in this ollir on or before
said 19 ll day of Fe'iruarv. 1002.
BsantU ) I118 Kind Yo Haw Always Bought
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, fur the County ol C sc kainas.
M.E. McCarverand W.
A. Holmes adminis- !
tratnr ol ihe estate of I
R, L. Russell deceased, I
Hiram E. Straight, Mollis
Sirai hi, his ne, Wm.
E. 8 raight. Margaret
Oraix, and tiratz.
I er husband, Jac.it
Straight, John Straight
James Straight, and
Hiram E. Straight Ad-
itiinistiator ol tne fcs
tate ol Hiram Straight
State or Oitsunit i
Cni'NTv r Clackamas!
By virtue of a decree and an execution
duly issued out ol and under the seal of the
above entitled court, in tbe above entitled
cause, lo n e duly directed and dated the
15th day of January. 1002, upon a decree
rendered and entered i said court on the
1 1 tli day ot January 1U02, in favor of M. K
McCarverand W A Holmes administra
tor of the Estate of R L Russell deceas d,
Pidinijfls, directing the sale ol Ilia hert-ln-aiier
described properly lo satisfy, First,
the sum ol $350 00 with interest thereon at
toe rale of 8 ,tr cent per annum Ironi Ihe
nth day of April, MOO; and the further sum
ot $50 uo ss attorneys lees, and the further
sum ol f'0 50 costs and disbursements in
MvorntM E McCarver. Plaintiff and
Second, lor the sum ot $110 0 with interest
thereon at the rate of 10 percent per annum
from Ihe 27ih day ol July 1901, and Ihe fur
ther sum ol $25.10 attorneys tee in favor ol
W. A Hol ues, Administrator of tlie Es
tate of R L Russe I, deceased. Plaintiff,
and the co a of ml upon -.his writ, whim
real property is nescrilied as follow to wit:
Lots No 1,2,3.4,0,7. and 8 ol block
No 71 of Oregon C.ty, Oregon.
Now, Tneielore, b virtue of said execu
tion, jidcrr etit order and decree, and in
coinpiai.ee with the commands of said
writ I will, on Saturday, the
at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P. M., at the
from door of the County Cuirt House in
the Ci y ol Oregon Ci'y, in said County ami
S'aie, eell at public auction. Subject lo re
den, piion, to Ihe tdghea- bidder, lor V. H.
gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title
and interest yhich Hie within named de
leiidBiits or either of iliem, bad on the date
or the inorlirage herein or since had in or to
the above dei-orioed real properly or any
part thereof, to satisfy s-iid execu ion, judg
ment nr.'er, oecree, interest, costs and all
accruing costs.
Hheiiffof Cisr-kamas County, Oregon
Dited, Oregon City, O e., Jan. 10th, 1!K)2.
In the Circuit Court of the 8tale of Oi egoti
within and for the County of Clackamas.
Samuel B. Rowan, Pill.)
T,, Suit for divorce.
Gratis Rowan, Deft )
To Gratia Rowan, the above named de
fendaiit: .
In the name of the Stale of Oregon, you
are hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint Hied against on in the above
emitted suit on or belore Friday the 10th
day of Jaiiuaty, 1002, following Ihe expira
tion ol six weeks publication of this sum
mons. . , , i
This suit is brought to ohlaln a decree or
divorce between on and the plaintiff ami
awarding lo the plainliir Ihe custody ol
vour minor rhiid, Kddle L. R iwan; kip
you are hereby pouticd llial ir vou rail
lo appear and answer the said oompauit
as above required Ihe plaintiff will app y
to the court for the relief herein prayed.
This summons is published hv order of
Hon. rtiomas A. McBrlde, Judne ol said
court, made the 2lsl dav ol Nov. UMl.
Dale of first publication Nov. ithli, 1001
Aiiomeyt lor I'luiotill.
... ...M U..I.. ik.. I'.flHMllttn.
ssiirriii saw iH ..
In 1 1 Circuit Court ol lha Hlala of k
i f... 11. fii.nitiv ill itiikHr.
vieuiMi, i"i mi- '..
Thniiias McK.won
In Ihe Circuit Court of Ihe Stale of Ore
gon for Clackamas County.
Alketialue Slrlcktiu.
Laura Githens, John
Githens. Albert Strtrk
lin and El a Stricklm,
To Alhert Sinrkllii and KMa .Sirli klln :
In the name ot ihe Stale of Oregon: You
and each of yon are herebv rt quired to ap
iear and ahser tbecoinplaini Hied against
you in the above entitled suit, on or belore
fie first day of February, 10n2. snd It you
lad lo apear and answer, plaintiff will an
ply lo Ihe court for the relief demanded In
the said complaint, lowil: for a de ree
airs, nst vou a-id each ol you, that a certain
dee I heretofore executed hy Randolph
Slnrklin o plaintiff herein, on Ihe lri day
of October, 1898, be reformed and corrected,
so as lo conform lo the agreements and in
tentions ol the parlies thereto, and decree
ing that it was Ihe intention of said Han
dolph Btrlcklln to convey to Plaintiff bv
said deed, the tract of land iletcrlbeil as
lollows, to wit:
The East half of the North West quarter
of the North West quarter, ami the West
half id Ihe North East quarter ot the itrth
West quarter of seo. 14. T. 4 8 K. 3 K. of the
Willamette meridian, tit Clscksmas County,
Oregon, conluiiiimr forty acres more or le:
And that plaintiff is the owner in leeamipie
of the san e; (or her costs and disburse
nienta herein atid lor such other ami fur
ther r -lief as the court may deem meet
This summons i served on the defend-
ants. Allien Sirli klln and Mia sirli klln, by
pnhtlcHtion once a week, lor a period or six
ticresidve weeks, prior to the first day ol
February, 1902, In accordance with Ihe or
der of Ihe Hon. Thomas A. Mcllride. Judge
of Ihe above rn'illed conn, msde and eu
lered theieiu, on the 17th day of December,
The date n Ihe lirst publication being
December 20th, 1901.
Atkiruey for I'laiii'lll.
Notice is hereby given that the under
siunetl ha lieen duly Hptxiitited execu
trix of Hie last will and testament of j
Uyriis Jones, ileceasi-'l, anil any ami an
persons having claims ugain-t the sahl
estate nitiHt present I hem lo the untl-r-signed,
at her farm near Marquaiii, U'.,
or at the office of in v attorneys, Ibiuic k
A Eietltam, in Orpgon C ty, Oregon, on
ur before Him expiration of six moiillis
from the dale of Ibis in dice.
D mick A Eislbaiu,
Attjv. foi Executrix
Dated Jantmiy 10, 1902
AdinlnNtrutor'x ."Mo tier
Notlteis hereby g ven that I have been
iliny apKimed and cotitirmed hy the
coiiuly court of tne Slate ol Oregon for
Clackamas county as the executor of the
will ol Sue dt-Ki-e, deceased, and thst all
persons having Claims against said e-tate
must present Ihein to toe, properiv veriheil
at the office of C. D A D. C Lalnuretle. in
Oiegon Citv, within six moiitus I rum tne
dale of this notice.
Ddted January 3. 1002
.'Voflre orNtreet Iinproveiiie lit.
Notice a hereby given t-.al John Alius
btnei frooi the N nrher y li e ol 8th rt'reet
t-i the Southerly line ol 7'h Mteei will l
i in proved with crushed roi-k and hv lav log
curbs, rorner blocks and si lewalka, togeiher
with necessary drains and gradings,
Hy order ol the City Couicdol Oiegon
City, Oregon, Ja'inan 3 I90i
BKI'CE C. CL'RUY, Recorder.
A Piofltah'c InrcH'm-nt.
"I was troubled fjr about seven years
with my stomach and in bed half my
time," saya E. DemicK, Hoinerville, Iml.
'I spent about $10 0 and never could
get anything to help m Until I tried
Kodol Dyspep-ia Cure. I have laken a
few bo'tles and am entirely well." Yov
don't live by what yon eat, lint by what
you digest ami assiiinUie If your stom
null tloe-n't iligcst your f"ol, you are re
ally H'aiviug. Kodol D.epeppii Cute
does the Ntoiuach'H work by tligee inn
Ibe food. Yon don't Imvrt to diet. Eat
wlisi you want. Kodol Dyspepsii nm s
all Htoiiid. h trotibl-1 Ueo.A. IL.rdinir,
James Newlaml,
8tatk OS OllKUON
I'ot'NTY or Clack mas )
Bv Vlifoeofajddgliii'lit OidtT, decree
and an execution, dillv Issued out of and
under the seal of lb bov entitled
Cotiit, in Ibo it'wive entitled cause, lo
me duly directed and dated tbe oOlli day
ol liteeiubr 11HH, upon Judgment
rentiored am) entered in sold omit on
the ltltb dav of le. ember 1001. in lev r
of Thomas McKwen rUliilitrand agulnst
James Newland IVfendanl for tbe sum
of flKHMKi, with Inlereat thereon at the
rate of 8 per cent. wt annum (tout tbe
20i h day of December 1001, sml the fur
ther sum of fHO.OO aitorm-y's fee. and
the farther sum of 73 M costs and dn
biiraenitMits, and tbe costs of and uim
this writ, commanding tne out of Ibe
personal properly ol said ileleud.tlit, and
if sulllciept could not be found, iben out
of the real proHriy Monglnu to
defendant on ami after the dale ol said
judgment to SHtify uaid sums and abo
the fot.ts npMi titles saiil writ.
Now. Therefore, liy virtue o( said exe
cution, judgment order aud decree, and
in i-oinpli.ilbe with the commanda of
aid writ, being- unable to find any pel
sons I property of said di'h'tplrtiil'a, I thd
on tbe 7th lr of January 1IKW duly
levy upon tlie following tbsciibcd
real proneily of saiil defendant, sltua's
Hint being iu the Conii' V of t'liii kuiniis,
and State of Oiegon, lo ti :
t'oiiiiiiencing at h point on tbe south
line of Morningiide, wbictlliaid point IS
KIIS 7 feet noilh and Ml feet west of a
ixiint where the norili line of Ibe W. T.
Slatloi'li Donation Land Claim intersects
the section line between sections 4 ami
5, T 2 S, K 2 K. W. M. theme norib SO
th-gtees 110 mimilea west along Ibe north
line of the tiilbert I rail ami ibe south
line of Morningside lUM feel to ibe east
line of Ittiula conveyed lo Phoebe A.
tiilbert by deed (mm Husan Crooksbanks
dated Oct. 1H, ISV.', and recordeil on
puge 0 of Vol. 6-, imlillc ri-conia ol deeds
ol t l,u Uatitas I utility, Ongou; ibeme
south 'Jil niniiites east along said enat
line ol said lands conveyed as aloresaul
lo Pboebe A. tiilbert by Hunan t'rook
shanka M.'S 5 (eel to a point on the
horlh line ol the Mcliuwaii liuct of land ;
thence aonlh 80 tlegreea eaal 782.1 feel 10
a point at the soiiibw. at corner ol Ibe
land sold by li W, tjilbeti ailiniiii"tr
lor to Hn Olcson, t.'iemo norlu 15 de
gtees 8 initiu'es eart iiloiig the w est hue
ot said Clieson ttact of land 782 7 feet lo
a point in tbe north line ol tbe Right of
Way of the Oregon and California Hall
way Company; theme easier. y along
s.ild rigl.l of way 100 h el more ur h-es to
a Nnt SO feet souih of Ibe -u'tiWeet
corner of ibe trad of land o!d by K. W
(tilhert, kdministrator lo Thomas W
Fiam-is ; thence north along tbe wesl
line of said Francis land 780 fei-t to tne
place ol tieginning, saving and excepting
ttie Right of Way of tbe laid Oregon and
California Railway Company over and
across: said land and containing 32 acres
more or less in section ft, Township 2
S'lUih. range 2 east of the Willamette
Meridian, ill Clsckaiiial County, Slate
ol Oregon.
Also the HW! of Ibe SUl4' of
Section 2U end Ihe r-K1; ot Ihe 6KI4 of
secilon u0 all in Town-hip 1 South,
Kange 4 east of ibe Willamelte .Meridian,
in tbe County of Clackamas, State of
Oregon excepting the following described
parcel conveyed to Urula Yager by
deed recotdi-d on page 228 of Rook 6 I of
the public records ol deeds of Clackamas
County Oregon, to wit: Commencing
ataHiint in the section line at the
soti'tiHaet comer of tbe south w st quarter
of tlie southwest quailer of said sect'on
29 and running them-o westerly following
the section line .19!) 65 feet; thence north-
erlv and pnrallel with the east side line
of the southwest quarter of Ihe sonlliwest
quarter of said section :m (Vi feet ; thence
easterly and parallel with said seel Ion
line 3911.65 feet ; thence soinheily IHCI (16
! el to the place ol neginnipg, and I will,
on Saturday, the
at the hour of two o'clock P. M, at tbe
liont dour of the County Court House in
tbe Ci'y of Oregon Ci'y, in said County
and Mate, sell ut public Htn tion, siitd(.-t
to redemntion, to Ihe highest bidder, for
b. H. gobl coin, taeli in band, all the
right, title ami interest whirh the within
named ih -fondant, bad on tbe dale of
said Judgment or since had in or to the
above deHoilieil real properly or any
part thereof, '0 sa'isiy nn hxectition,
judgment ordei, decree, interest, cost"
and all accruing costs.
SheiifTof Olfli'k-uiiHl County, Oregon. '
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Jan. 7ih
ll sP...I!tIwt rS nAn af!.!
Annual Report of the financial transactions of
city during the year 1001.
WaitsnU were drawn t.f tltlat fund for tlie NlowinU puriMawii
Street Work and CleaninK ....
Lights and Fuel
I'olh-e liepartment
Sewer Kxpenscs
Hecoiiler, Tieastirer and rrnpecullng Attorney
Kite !Vpartmeiit
Ci y llitll ml Insuraiife,....'
Printing ami Hta'lnnery ....
Rebate 011 License 1
Attorney's lees ami col
Klectlous '
Cash on bund Jan. 1st. 1901
Rereivi d tlnrii g Ihe year Irom fullnwlng:
Sale of Honda, p-emuitn and Interest. . . .
Saloon Licenses,
Kasi Hide snd I'. C. A O. H. K
S wer Warrant and I'reni
Assessment l''d (old)
Holds R. It. Kiauchlae
F ma
Sidewalk License
O C. T. Co.. Rent
Miscellaneous ,, ,
:w a:i7 m
4 MA til
4 iki:i :h
1..19.I 31
727 :m
. ... 411 2ft
29j mi
lod on
an 00
..... ao mi
21 29
Tot 11I.
.. .. a.uNi 4:j
12,1:10 OH
1.727 S3
Hnnila rnleemeil
tnteirsi 011 Honda (Coupons) .....
Watranls redeemed
Interest 011 aliove warrants
Cash bn hand Jan. 1st, 1002
H. on ri'Kit.
Wanatils were drawn on ibis fund for the following pirpoaes:
For bell) in building County Roads outside of Ihe city
Crushed rock
Surveying of South Mud Ivoad
I Is
Cash on band Jan. lt, 1H)1
Caeli received s Roud Tax from County
Cash receive. I as Road 1'uH Tux
Watranls redet'iued
Interest thereon . . .
.I2.M0 80
. It-
. .
Total cash on band I (
No ouiMiandiiig warrants. -j-
D. ex wis rt'Ki). e
Warrants drawn on this fund f ir 5 tl"
Cash on hand Jan. 1st, 1902 ..
No outstanding warrants.
C CksUTKNY ft St).
Warrants draw n on Ibis fund
Cash on band received from sale of lots ..
Wanai ts redeemed and interest thereon..
Caali on hand Jan. 1st, 1901...,
Sale of Honda
Assessments , .
I'teniiiiiii on ItoniW
Total Receipts and Cash...
Warrants redeemed.
Interest thereon .. .
,$11.K!MJ 73
. 2,619 Ti
922 00
I1A.U7H 81
100 K2
. lis
Cash on hand Jan. lat, 1902 f i
Outstanding warrants
The F.nterprise (1 50 per year.
They overcomo Weak
ness, irregnilarity and
omissions, increase vi(f
or and banish "Daina
of menstruation - They are "LIFE SAVERS" to irirla at
womanhood, aiding development of orgnna and body. No
known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm-life
te-'iPi? AyK PX MAIL. Sold
iui x a tui.jin.Aia CO., Cleveland, Ohio.
For sale by Chat man A Co., Druggist.
A Cure for Lumbago. -W.
0. Williamson, of Amherst, Va ,
says: ''For more than a year I mir.-red
from lumbago I finally tried Chsmber
Iain's I'ain Balm and il gave me entire
relief, which all other lemedle had
failed to do." Sold by, G, A. Harding,
In all its stages.
Ely's Cream Balm
cleanses, soothes and heals
the diseased membrane,
It cures catarrh and drfres
away a cold in His bead
police lo 'rrlllors.
Notice is herehy giveti lha the under-
signed has been sppniuted sdniihfstrMor of
Hie estate ot Anton Mar, ileceaseil, hy tlie
ftouiiiy court of ti e stale or Uregou for
Clacsamas county.
All persons are neri-by notified to present
all claims against the 'said estate, to the
underslgne 1 at his place near Mackahurg.
Clackamas county, Oregon, du'y verllb-d
aith proper vouchers according 10 law, 011
or belore sit neiiiilis from Ihe ilale of the
first puhlicatioti ol Ibis notice.
K A KI, A R,
Administrator of aforesaid.
Oeo C. Hmwneii and Llvy Silpp, attys.
lor administrator.
In the County Court of the Slate of Ore
gnu Tor Clackamas County,
In the mailer of the estate of Charles
Liming, rteceased.
Notice is herehy given that Ihe under
signed has been duly atiH)luted adminis
trator of the uhove entitled estate and all
persons having cla'ms against said estate
are hereby requested to irresent them prop
eriv verified in the undersigned at bis office
a' Oregon City. Oregon at the oflice of Jno
W lwler in said city within six months
fiom ihe ilutt of this notir-e.
Dated, Janoary 10th, YMfi.
Administrator of Ihe estate of Charles
Culling, th ceaied.
City warrant, General Fund
Due for Koud
('ash on hand
Unpaid Assessments
Uweived ss first ssH.-HHiiient 110 of the original levy f 1 .f"
This sum was deMisile 1 witli Ihe ll'k of Oregon City snd Is drawing 3 per crl
There ia due Ibis fond in unpaid asaeHsiuenta Ihe sum of $:I7 75 e
U -c'd on sect, of 1-10 of ex'ra asm't in Sewer Dist. No. 2, mider R meruit acl
ToihI applicutions under llancrofl set in coats of assessment amounting to
were received and filed 011
Rec'd on sect, of 1 10 at astn'f on 7th street Improvem't (Straiton property))
Oiilstandlng warrants, aM funds (exclusive sewer) Jan. 1, Iftlrl) $21 (
Jan. 1, HHMt 2i
Jan. 1,1901. 0 2!,
Jan, I, 1902 2V
1st . 1(11 I 1 I "
iion iis.
5 percent Original Bonds due Msv 1st, 191:1 .
5 per cent Ueftindiiig bonds due May 1st, 1921
(I ier cent Sewer Improvement liouds due Jan.
per cent " " " " "
, ll.f
Enterprise and W. Oregonian !
It llrdle tli 4i!lobe.
The fame of Buoklen'a Arnica fialve.
Is the best In the world, extends round
the earth. It's Ihe one perfect healer of
Cresra Balm ts placed Into ths nostrils.srireadt iCuls, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores,
over tlie membrane and is ebsortasj. Relief la lm- ! Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Felons, Aches,
mediate and a care follows. It Is not drjlnj does Pains and all Skin Eruption.. Only in
not prodace sneezing, targe Si, 50 cenUal Drug ' fallible Pile cure. 2-3c a box at O. A.
gists or by mall; Trial Size, 10 cents. Harding's.
2,000 miles of long dis
tance telephone wire in
Oregon, Washington, Cali
fornia and Idaho now in
operation by the Pacific
Station Telephone Com
pany, covering 2,2.X)
Quick, accurate, cheap
All the satisfaction of a
er8onal communication.
)istance no effect to a
clear understanding. Spo
kane and San Francisco
as easily heard as Port
land. Oregon City office at
Harding's Drn Store.
ReeMor LP
e !
By tho fast
and com
modious steamer
t i!
In 1
I-eavcB Portland
ounaay ai a. m. '
This is the Great Scenic f
All tourist admit that the vf
on the Middle Columbia is n;v
celled for beauty and grande
the United States. Full in.'"
tion by addressing or calling' '
Tel. 914. Portiar,:1
Office and wharf, foot of 0