OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY JANUARY 17, 1902 H I V I II 111 111. M I. The fanners are all taking advantage e Hi Bum wi-ather by doing their plow i.ig ami otherwise improving their f Tin. A. C. Cooke, of Portland, was out to se hi brother, Albert, who has been ill for the last five nioiiths.but is slowly re Our correspondents will please (end vernig. in articles befoio Wednedavs of each! J. D. Douglass and wife, of Pufur, were few day a lard, ,'. V. llowlett, week .otherwise it reaches us loo late for publication. Wllhult 8. J XichoNon ami O. II. Thomas con.-1 it uttj the sick lint tl.ij week. Weareglad tj hear that A. IK MaztiU'O, who lias been ill lor some tune, is now improving. Mrrit Clark and son, of SooltS Mills, . ere doing bnaines-' in this section one day l8t week. Mrs. Grshong, of Missouri Town, w-as visdung .Mrs. B. Wade on Pleasant Hill Monday last. Ontr and Earl Davidson, of Rusel ville, were seen iassing through this section a few days ggo.! Mi s Surah Chun-hill, w ho has been working at Soo'l Mills for some time past, returned home lust week. K-yiiond WyUnd, who hits been working for his brother in law near Scot i 'a Mills, for some months pat, was visiting his parents in this seeticn a few d.i)sago. visiting A. W. Cooke i week; also Mr. and Mrs of Eagle Creek. J A. Hover baa bought Ed Elliot's placa. Vlive not beard how soon he w II tke possession. We welcome all such men in our neighborhood. ( K. Hunter and brother Perry are bn-y this fine weather making cord wood for the Poi timid market. .They will de liver the wooil next summer. They are also nuking other improvements in the way of a woodshed, blacksmith shop, eio. Eldorado. Lillian Gans was in Mn'ino Silurday. C. and C. Smith are building a fence. Ernest Jones was in Oiegon City Tues day loe Mallatt came out home Saturday night. Will Wallace was feeu in our town Fi'l'.v. Veva Jones cut her finder severely on Monday. Hob Bollard has traded horses with Bud Siniih. , Several of Mr Smith's family are on the sick list. . Al Sc'ioenhorn was the guest of Geo. Ilelvey Sunday. Clyde Smith spei.t Sunday evening wi h W. II. Jones. .lonea' Bros, in'end to finish their t it j digging this week. i randpa l'aine vi-i ed his daughter at Like Slio e f.ist wet k. Puine B.oa. luvrf m'd their hoa to M. Kiuley Mi t liell (( lOi-t-nts per oiind. Unmascuii. W. P. Di rty, of (ire-liain. was seen on our BtieelBo iu day latt week. Miss Anna O.ten baa been employed t i ie u-h the Dama us t-choul in Dieirict N . 77. . Gil. Pilger, of Poit'and, has heen span !in a week with old reij.b r ai d :rieads. Flank tiiim, of !edo brook, was vi-iiing relatives and frieinlri hern a fear d cy iliin wtek. Henry Bak aed wife made a flying trip In Oieg'in City Monday lo have some dental Work done. po- Cauby. Mr. F. Mack ia suffering fiom an at tack of muscular rheumatisiu. Revival services are being held at the M E. church every evening Mrs. Grazier, ru itber of L. Grazier, died at the home of her son-in law Thurs day. ' The Artisans give a supper to the members iu the lodge room last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk expect to move out in the country and reside with their son-in law, C. Burroughs. Dr. II. A. IVdman anil family arrived home from Chicago on Monday, having been absent nearly fonr months. The Canby Glee Club expect to give a grand ball at the city ball Friday even ing, January 17. Snpper at the Canby house. The many friend of S. F. Fisher will be sorry to learn of his sudden illness. His smptons seem lo threaten typhoid fever. Moth ler "My mother was troubled with consumption for many years. At last the was given up to die. Then she tried Aycr's Clterrv Pectoral, and wis speedily cured. ' D. P. Jolly, Avocs, N. Y. No matter ho.v hard your cough or how long you have had it, Aycr's Cherry Pectoral is the best thing you can take. It's too risky to wait until you have consump tion. If you are coughing today, get a-bottle of Cherry Pectoral at once. Ttrw h : 25c, Sic, tl. Alt 4nnl.li. Con!t your ilnrtnr. II h tk It, thn do U hi myt. II ha Will J" h . I tn tali II. ihon d.fu't taka II. Ha houwt. Laa.a II with linn. art willing. - J.O. AYKKI O.. Low.ll. Mwi. n tfudfiod is all right, if you are too fat; and all wrong, if too thin already. Fat, enough for your habit, is healthy; a little more, or less, is no great harm. Too fat, consult a doctor; too thin, . persistently thin, no matter what cause, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. There are many causes of get ting too thin; they all come r.nder these two heads: over work and under-digestion. Stop over-work, if you can; but, whether you can or not, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, to balance yourself with your work. You can't live on it true but, . by it, you can. There's a limit, however; you'll pay for it Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is tHe readiest cure for "can't eat," unless it comes of your doing no work--you can't long be well and strong, without some sort of activity. The genuine has this picture on It, take no other. If you have not A It- I - ui idu it, oonu ior vt1 Free sample, Its a- Pii greeable taste will T surprise you. ; SCOTT & BOWNE i Chemists, 409 Pearl Street, New York. SOc. and $1.00; all druggists. Ala Fred Forsiner is on the sick list. The weather is exceedingly fine here at present. Extensive repairs are being made at the Bramhall mills. t J. N. Bramhall baa employed a i clerk. "Lookout boys" Some ten rods of II. E. Bramhall's high watei flume was. blown down by a gut of east wind. If Cougar Bill keeps np bis reputation as a wild cat hunter, the chickens can roost in the trees in peifect safety. The wood cutters are having quite a harvest this fine weather. You cannol go amine of cord woo,, in these parts. Jimmy English baa laken charge of the laygirg crew and is making piepara tions to commence logging in a few days. Barlow. H. T. Melvin is able to be around again after a severe attack of the grippe. W. W. Jesse has a slight attack of the la grippe, but he says be can beat any man playing euchre. James Lay, from Kansas, has pur chased a span of black mares. lie ex pects to do some farming in Oregon. The bridge across the Molalla river Is now completed and teams are traveling that way now as it saves a long ways around and a muddy road. Don't forget D 0. Freeman will pay moro your butter apd eggs, and Bell yon goods cheaper than any store in Oregon Tiy h m and be convinced. 8. Eavens, who has been visiting his daughter at Oswego, returned borne Tuesday. Mrs. Eavens will return later on, as she is not well enough to make the trip yet. W. W. Irwin was transacting busin. n la Barlow Wednesday. He sold bis entire lot of hay, which amounted to about one hundred and thirty tons, for ten dollars per ton. ine uariow enenre Ulub Had a very good time last Saturday evening. The prizes were, won by Caneie Tull, gents progression; Mrs. R. E. Irwin, ladies progression; Mr. C. U. Barlow, lone hand; Mr. Nelson, booby. Ing and has a force on the ground. By this change iwoi-orres will hedoueawxy with and along trestle will be avoided. I lie ttestie was rmlt when I lie road wa first conetriicted, and the timbers are old. Mr. and Mr. John Wrtxlrr, Sr., of Milwaukie, were very pleasantly snr pried by their children and grandchil dren, on L'hrstniaedtiy, it being the 5)lh anniversary of iheir wedding. The fam ily came lo Milwaukie from Chicago, in I87&. and have lived be re ever since. Their only daughter, Mrs. Mary Beuck, who lives in Chicago, tin not abt to be eent. Alter the elegant repast, Rev. ,C. Roeder. in behalf of the ID children land ?0 grandchildren, made a few appro priate remarks. In the evening another pleasant surprise was rendered by about 50 ol th friends of Mr. and Mr. Welt ler, who remembered them with appro priate gifts. THE MAJOR'3 VENGEANCE. tlrKlnlejr and th Iteitorler Who l-erilatrnllT Aallvl Hint. Iiit'li g one of bla cotigresaloiiiil cntti pulKiia Major McKlnley wus followed from place to place by a reporter for a pnpcr of opposite political fultll, who la doacillir-d n being one of those "shrewd, persistent fellows who nre til vrnya at work, quick to see ail Mir ttiult.v and skilled In milking the most ef It." While Mr. McKluhy wna an noyed by the tiilstvprcaeutntloH to which he w:t almost dully suiiji-ctr.l, ho could not help admiring tin- sUHl and pci-slsieiicy with which be wus tiwull ed. Ills ildllllnilloll, too. Wits Hot un mixed with compulsion, for the re iHitter wii 111. poorly clad and hud nn nmiovlug coiikU. tue night Mr. Me- lilnley tixik a closed eurrl ige for n near by town in which ho wna nnnoiiticcd to spi'iik. The weather was wretchedly raw nud cold, nud what followed t thus dcscrlhed: lie hud not gone fur when ho hoard thai muikIi and knew that the reporter wna riding with the driver on the ex posoit sent. The innjor culled to the driver to atop mid ullulilcd. "(iet down (T that aiit. young iiihh." he an Id. The reiwier obeyed, (liluklug the time for thi uiujor'a vciu.-i'iiiice hud iimie. "Ilife." audi Mr. McKluUy, taking off his overvout. "you put mi this overcoat ami gi-l lino (tin I ouiTliiKe." "Hut. MiiJr McKlnley." said the re porter. "I Knew you don't know w ho I am. I Ir-.z U-vu with un the w hole ruuipalgn. fixing It to you every time you spoko. and I am going otvr tonight to rip yotljo piece If I onn." "I knotv- said Mr. McKlnfcy, "but van put ou thl rout and get lu.xto and pel wnrni so Hint you tan d food Job." CUuutaa.uan. ASTHMA CURE FREEl Asthmnlono Drings Instnnt Holief nnU Pormunent c In A 1 Cmsc3. CHAINED FOR TEH vif nc Miutr. BEltr AHHULUTLLT 1H:B UN Kt;ai; rT4L Tlifrt ( nothing im A llnitHlat.t,, inrianl rrliel, vn Ml Dim wol.t .. It I'tirrs wiien nd fl lalln ll 'I- Ile. C. V Wells, i.r Villa IthlK., In "Your 1'ial ImiIUs ol AMiuiiHleur fm aNl iKihiliiioit, I raimol tell win In,, , mi i ne i mr me goon iii'tivcii ti,, mi n i . . I .11 . 1 1 mfr, ininiiiro n liii fulfill liri I11IH4I ,, ma lor ten jr-arn. 1 iti . i. rr, , tnirrd, I aw y mr sdvefllneiiipni , ,' ol Ihl. iln aillol and loro.riiiinK.i..uw 1 -o and lliooalil )kii liad omlirii j,i Y, lllll ff.nl r,l lo give II a trial. 1 1 II. ii'i'l. Ill Irlal ai'lrd Ilka a tiiarin, h.in . ' ' full in boiiia " , .,1 $ want to m:ii In Svrrv inlt.,,, () treat tit'lil id A.liliinleiie, aim liar in lli.n . ' rlted M Wrlln, v e'll rni II hv in,i .i HA ll, AM.-4ilfKi.Y MtKK or rih In anv iiiiriirer ho will wrli loi 11, , nnl Nvvsr Inhid, HiimikIi yoii tf H I ( Ilia. Iinwever Nl )oor w, AaMniian, rllr and rura. !'( or' your , ' iinir xUl w ai lo wild It. I,i 1101 ari, Wilts al niiea, al ln.iiH K. TA Vt t t 1 UL'lllriVlri'll tl, ! ..t I tlm .. k V u " imt f . 1 1 1 . r. "... r. r. , , . tftilil try all PriirK1'. I.. Xllwaokls The Saturday Night Club gave another of Iheir famous dances Saturday night. The new Woodmen ball will goon be completed. An estimate was made that it would be completed by the middle of February. The Women of Woodcraft installed their officers and initiated two new mem bers, after which a delightful supper wa spread, of which all partook. The Milwaukie Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, is increasing rapidly. They balloted on 18 new members on tiieir last night's session. The Grange meets the fourth Saturday of each month. The work of changing the route of the track of the Portland City & Oregon Rail way Company through Milwaukie ao as to avoid the trestle over Milwaukie slough has been commenced. It is pro posed to extend the track nearly direct touthward from the shops at Milwaukie. The track will pass in front of where the old Standard Flour Mill building stood. The matter of acquiring title to the land required for the change has been in the court, and has finally been settled. As ome of the land over which the new route lays is low it will be filled with e.rth from the high bill eoutb. Archie Mason has secured the contract for grad- Mr. Kleinsmiih la treating his houce to a fresh coat of paint. Mr. Frnet and Mr. Gilleit, the jurors Iron Ely, aie at home this week. The Moehke bouse is avair fur rent, the last tenant having moved away. Mr. Elmer Dixon" and Mies Ritia Pierce are employed in Iheeoort house. Mr. Morrow captured a goodly num ber of prises at the poultiy show in Portland. Mr. Kose, who occupied th Buckle house, has removed lo Ridgtfield, Clark county, Vsshinglon, , F. M. Darling has painted bis tele phone poles white, which ad la much to its durability and good looks. Our nnusually pleasant winter weither ia the subject of reinaiks by everyone. The oldest inhabitants cannot rerneiuUr to have experienced iucb an open Janu ary. Some of onrciiizens are taking advant age of the dry spull, Ui have their garden plowed and some are ao optimistic that that they ate planting early potatoes, without waiting for the dark of the moon. This mild open weather has been favorable for the increased egg croo, which lowered the price so early (n the season, though some people complain .hat their hens are standing around, doing nothing. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. THE MAfilC NUMBER. toaarallna hf the C'rnlc That e lb Otbrra Thlnhlna. "I often honr rl the magic number." said souse oue. "IV lint number la It?" "Why, alue. of tuiirao," replledi some one else. "There are nine mtirt you know, and you talk of a nine days' wonder. Then yoa bowl at uluvplua, and a cut baa nine Uvea." "Noiisouaer' broLr Iu another. "Sev en la the iimglc u il in her. ScTrutb heaven, don't you know, mid nil that; seven colors Iu the rainbow, seven dnys la tc week, seventh son f a seventh aotv-great fellow and" "Ttiah, tuaUr reiiuirkcd a third. "Five's the u umber you linnu. A man has Ave fingers ou his hand and five toes kia font, and he ha Ave senses, and" "Three Is andoabtedly the magic nuinhcr.'' luterruptvd another. "U-cauae peirjile give three cheers, and Jonah wus lliald a whale three dnys and throe ulgtta, and If at first you, Jont sui-coel, try, try aguln three times, you seer This wa rn-elTed with sune fuo tempt bry th company, and soiilfut youth gushed out: "Tim oh. two la the magic uuu Iht om-self and one other, the adorod) 0110 Just tn or A bard featured Individual, who had been llHtetilni; to the convcrnatlon bllh erlo uuuioved. bore remarked la a haish olce: "The magic number la uuiula-r one In this world, and If you wuut to suc ceed uever forget It" Au Interval of deep thought on the part of all followed, after which they went Iu silently to eupper.-IVarnou'a. We carry the largest slock Catk- ets, Colli maud Lininga in Clack. anaas county. We ate the only undertakers in Claekamaa couwty owuin a bran and will furnish it for kraa than ran be had rtnewbere. We are audrr small expense sod do not ak large pro6la. Calls promptly attendrd night or day rtlovf 70 atl 3WS. 1 f y N-itr; - 't' R. L. HOLM At Two Ccorf M. sf Court Hoai mimiin mum! in Mi f Ann 1 ( al'drea ta-rialiy V.ht: To be given away. A Voting Contest nurns, iniii- Km run are e painful, and if rwif Im ted of'e'l rm blool poiwiiiin. ''Iil'ilii'il arss'"' kv llnWa to inch ii!ip. It-oioi-K I w n 1 mI ol. .la u timely I'eVVi I'. J M lln-l Halve In unripi lied, Dru.lV' ' lie lire, st lhi pain, soon Km 1 wound. Ilewam id coimterfeltk M ciiee piles. "OWiti'a Witt k tj.n. ,. 1 KaJvn rured my bl y ol ei xmiu alit e , phfwmians guVN r up, ' Wlile J.lih I Mica, N. WVb.ir. n. "Lbr m ! aniwao bd she amh d twu lo lHilr d ! a .!. " Tidi reuM-dv Harding. I. 1.1 1... : . I' "" "f " llil In (ilalliMiuaa "Talk si (mi lit ahura,' rmnity l.il.c rilv.tm:'; "I dntit aald ua 0n,a iw For the most Kip.tl r church, lolge, so ciety, si IhsiI or (M-rrn.n f Oregon City, by which s$l"iO Lrnng piano wiiL be given away 011 J inii.irjr 1UJ2, to t(:sa ioiy Ll.... .1......1. 1 1 . 1 I thi nrt In It for-iiriiiiilMi-iiiiiia i1l,.f v .", 1 iiuicu, rinK.M ur inrmiinronnng Inn the g.eateat number of v.doa. Conlest r'-i'tna UMux m day will, a V. now open. Clnaes January 23V 1 p. in. uirge lulntiow ua a l-lj: luaik. I k All votes will be counted ouua a week, i blte i'Mdid a Iiuks. It was 1 , t . ... . one nud guve aie na pretty a f!gt: and a full acao..,,! of the vote a the con- t ,vi,r MW tJ ,oltu U)e u. test progremea will (b puhliohtvl evory tfit; point iflurtv It la altuched to', n. -...1 ..... loi rrltuy In ta Oregon City Enterpils. -7"" 1"' V V, . ., u (, , , , , 1 "Wo llahoiF Iu other nrta of the The final oo.nt at the close oJlhe contest. ,f,,.r ,ll)t M,J() llmy ..j ,0., will lie inadw by a committee o three;; tundliig. thu citlde rowing while U y I U'leii wiiii a minnow. We were r . mm Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor -ritj v Bna cneeriuiness goon 0 disappear vhen the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent mat it is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urh atea too often. If th urine scalds the flesh or If, when the child reacnes an age when It ahould be able to control the passage, It Is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the dlfficuMy Is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of inese important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased ronHitinn r n.. kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as mosi. people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis- eraoio wim Kidney and bladder trouble, na Dom neea me same great remedy. The mild and the Immediate effect ol owanip-K.001 13 soon realized. It u mnA Dy druggists, In flfty- teni ana one dollar ' . re.'A ' Sizes. You mav hau a P! I ra.W'kuuiiB sample bottle by mall 52: ice, .ISO pampniet tell- Rom 0 Swamp Root Ing all about It, Including many of the thousands of testimonial letter. rwHwil from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kllmw a. w., Dingnamion, n. 1., be aura and mention this paper. Information regarding Civil Service Examinations, Pensions, Patents, Boun ties, Trade-Marks, Copyrights, Mail Routes, Govt. Supplies, Public Lands, Govt. Documents procured. Three large libraries located here. National Information Borean, 612 14th 81., N. W., Washington, D. C. The EnterprUe $1.50 per year. Ka Word for Lot. Id comparison with the English tonprje foreign toiiguea aeoin pniHlmo- nloua In Miuie ways of exprvtoiloii and wuHtcful Iu others. For Instnnco. It la Imposalblo to "kick a man In French. You must give him a "blow with the foot." The Portu guese do not ""wink" atone; they "closo and open the eyes." In the languages of the American In dians there la no word with which to convey the Idea of "ati-allng," perhaps because the Idea of property Is so vagiie. It ia related of one of the curly mlsslonarlea tbut Iu attempting to translate the Dlblo Into Algonquin ho could And no word to cxprew "love" and waa compelled to Invent It. A Spelling Oe, Some of you who thluk you arc well op in spoiling Just try to spell the words la this little sentence: "It Is agroenble to witness the un paralleled ecstasy of two harassed pod dlers endeavoring to. gauge the sym metry of two peeled pears." Read it over to your friends and aoe how many of them cun spoil every word correctly. The sentence couUiIne many of the real puzzlers of the spell ing book. Loudon Tlt-Blls. Ills Everyday Salt. 'Dixon I don't believe young Short lelgh Is half as extravagant as people say be Is. Hlxon-Perhapa not, but I've noticed that he has a suit of clothes for eery iiay or me week. Dlxon-Is that ao? Why, he has al ways had the same suit ou every time I mot bltn. Hlxon-Well, that's the one. Ha Cllmblnar. "Ah, my friend." sighed old Bkln- flynt, who was dying. "I'm going a long, long Journey." "Never mind." replied the friend, who know him. "It's all down bIll."-PhlIa-rtclphla Record. Kiowa 10 AtoiiiK, The old idea that the body some times needs a powerful, drastic, puta tive pill has been exploded; for Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are per fectly harmless, gently stimulate liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter, c eanse the syftem and absolutely cure Constipalion .o. Pick Headache. Ouiy 25c sfo. Harding's drug atore. the two constants in the Wad w ill eackv ! send a reuikwentntive lo iWida who get' the piano .The votes ai alven one vula free wilb every L'Gu raU purchase by the following iiieichsuls. lHin't let any but vour own church, a-aiety, school or fiiemli-any till Inn honors, and remem ber thai every vulri wonts, l'lano M on exhibition at Fiank Ilusuli's furniture stme. Why not trade where you, van get ballots, a Ihey eost you ahaolulely notion? Everyone ought to at leant do that much for the-ir society or tiburch. ' ljt of merchants where votes can bo secured : Frank Buscb, furniture. Wilson & Cooke, hardwas. C U. Huntley, drmcs. W. A. Huntley, books and stationery. M. Michaol, drygoods, clotlilng, Ao. Kraiisse Bros., shoes. Fred C. Gadke, plumbing and tinning. Adams Bros,, Golden Rule Baaaar. Mr. Btory's Crystal Candy Kitchen, 7lh street, opposite Sua.ieusiuu Bridge. R. L. Holman, cigars and tobacco. Heinx 4 Co., groceries. Muir Bros., groceries, 7th and Center atreet. Electric Cash Grocery. G. W. Grace, general store. Oregon City Enterprise, job printing. Vaughn's livery stable. Albright & Logus, meat market. Brown 4 Welsh, 7th St. Meat Market. A. 0. U. W. Building. Mrs. II. T. Bladen, millinery. Main street. Cheney A Rait, photographers. Knowland, tailor. Jo r.t Hliank A Bisaell, Biidge and Depot, 7th at , between llig clow by ll.e plat e wLer I hut! tho llh I -i the i.iurnlnif w hru I w baas dart lor my luilt, I guvo ll t1" to swiilluir mid then struck. WI- F Hot the flub litlo tl boab I Men three lt louder atWkiiw out tf 111011111. 11 v an ii,, iraiirr I liatl In the tin mil u U'l eii I i'U tue lcii. t!n-io wna IV a.nilic bin cln. bad taken from s.ijr lino. ii:id ll can -tio,irl,v llllliii! t'.i- ibh'N 111.) vv t Ii.K 1 I tn!l of tho I isl minnow was Htloiri- nt or the itioni;.. 'ri.n o wnan't r-, ( fof it In (he liner',!!!' nf li e b.i."-.'jr Vwrk Tiliica. ' ... ThniiusMta Mewt lalw lUllr iji Every j ear a larnn nam her of sufferers wboelurg anesoreand ra r w ith rough' arc nrgeil n go to aw en climate. Bit this is cosily and no ways Hire. I) n't U an exile when u': King's New Diseonery for (oiisuni;to. will enre you at home It's the m'iDii. fallible nioilicina lor Cmiglia, Col Is, it. , all Throat and Lung dlae4aos on n 1 Hie first dim biings relief. Asloiit,,, cures result from perslalonf oe. 'j bottles frea at W. A. Harding's. flt Ois an I $t. Eviry h ttle guarantee'., -1 CASTOR 1 For Infanti and Children. ' The Kind You Hare Always E;:' Bears tho Signature of I I Of Ilenrilt to You. D, 8. Mitchell, Fulford. Md. : "Durlnir a long illness I was troubled with bed sores, was advised to try DeWiu'a Witch liazel halve and did ao with wonderful results. I was perfectly cured. Il Is the best salve on the market." Sum cure fjr piles, sores, burns. Beware of counterfeits. George Hardina. 'MOiM llOilod I 00 liiej -M a f SJlnpiliq Pioh -Dill 5 inoiuuqi oMospu I ' Ml i.1qx omojI SAq S4iuo)sna pu sdojo eqi mi o tjinrr na sjoiu irimtn tdojo poos 'iilOJU pooj aiwvtf fill rz iri MEAT MARKET which I. KI,arud fniu, th. ,.. b,W,nf. rrcs!) 11HH(. K.way, cb har!) u, null I . WillamPttrt P.lta i,o.rrrio.n.i 1 ft 1 ifri it 1 I'ulillo I lhona Htalln"