OKEOON CITY ENTKKI'IUSE, FRIDAY, JANUARY if) 1902. 'on' jon City Enterprise New To-Day. i.IAN IJKK8 KOK HALK-IN l-.ut Iti VMM with aimer M each, iormitlon ask Frank Hunch, On or lee II. Ilnilkuuiper, Uitk on electrlu cur line. av 8ALK niKKK COWS, ONK nil one will be fresh in January. to A. W. Kkan!K. Or.i.ifi City. J tun ,EY TO LOAN AT 0 I'KIl CKNT proved farms In Clackumai County ..il two In tain year, ri'txtyahtti by ' iiii'iilK, If desired. No commission. ,11 particulars and M (pl Ur i t m lilily to MacMasTKU A Hl'UUKLL. tiT Block. Porllund, Oregon. st; c,V.H it (MIIKKITII, (nlllcii In tin tuiotril llullilliig,f lnv lh cliolceal inir'Kii and country property fur t priori, ry lo luui Hi lowcat rauw, llinm .V OMirrmi. THE LOCAL NEWS. . rt . . I I III )L1' JKI,OM IfltAII. :eil bullion tlieil I rhliiy morning Kt lilt liointtiii Park- f pneumonia, altera brief ilium, itml wm litild Solidity morning Comi'anv A, f-'N kkv. Ooinuany A., Oregon National (Jnurd, gave h rniokcr to Id member Monday evening. Tim tTt wai a veiy iiijovjIiIh uie. The company expecli to Hrr.tiiH . company ml olhYers' rooniN a' an expense of about $l0. The floor W id be carpeted ml games ariil amusements will he iie plitld for tilt! aillUreilHtllt and iiomfort of tun olllccri md men. Tlit rooniH urn lo be fitted up In a homelike way ami l lit) liironlteii ol Hit) comp.tuy will have a pleasant place It) spend llit 1 r c veniiiAtN. The dill! room ii well supplied witu yyw ninth: appairatua, a tht nil' n t k t great inlvieit in uililfik'n (,'uniiniiy A. Il If ul II I llt( III lllf llllxTflllp Mll) lit '0- police captured no le I than 211 IioIk, f 'IK t III! Jill 11 tllH lUlllllllT Wa increased (0 274, At night ihe (owl I limply alive with them, and this furl In aiTOimlable I funeral was he In a great measure for the many peiiy thieveries in Ibe past (wo molitlia. At fait hi lli nighl poli'' yet a liolio tin In placed In Jin I mill Mimed looe In tl -morning. The IioIhii have i polled the town Mini no always miii u of ii comforts lilu place lu I hi Him night wilhoul work ing lor il. Mi. Cur y prolixin lo put a atop to I III! ai il liflliiVfit lliat if llit) II 1 1-II H'ts foinpellftl lo Wolk it will lie lint a -lioil liniH ii nt it (lie l iiy jh iJivfitiud of Hit irmnp t-li'iiii nt. Tlits i noli in Ore K'Hi ('nv, HHpiu Ully Mitiil f trt't't, litutoiiie J tiK.i IItoy ami April Viola. The oM- DE 1TII OP MKS. IMKBARA W'OLFEK enl (ltiijjliifr, (JrHCH, 1 1 a ichool ti-ather it Mofrnl, wlih'li rlowd lut Ft Way. The ! w" Wife of a I'mniliictit CHheu of Hominy ami mi'iit wn In Moonialn View TWO (JAMrH AKRAM;E. A llie intfr-cvniftery. r. m. c. ha I at JhhI t Will l!iiy IJaskft oriluntl N' xt Wi itie ay. pcclH ire hri'littT ul ilm p'ro-ut tune j frluli fnllv mii'hly a tliii p'-n'l of the than tvvr btfoic. At Momlity irlii'i ' yi-nr winl ihe riii.i-na Inpe lo ut lizn tht mrtJliiiK Ciplilo M wi t lu Hal lint I'IpkhiiI j hub in kt'e,iii Miin ntmrt t-umpAri-ami the conaMfralioii of fiiii.icl.iiirf ihu , nvt-ly i li'iii. Now that the holiiluyi are mt, tht Y. M ('. A wmnaiiiiin vlatwt'i are iii alifHil willi more lntft tlun be forf. The hiakettiull tcmii ban ten rt orioni.H1. K. KrfyUK wai elrcitx) tu tuin In 4l Monil-ty evening. Mr. Wilt-on ii Mrntnuintf liHinf" fir the ten in and z pnt:la to kep ilium buy. Toe Orst Kame will be with the Y.. M. C. A., of 1'ortUinl, on Friday or Halurday nihi e dy ii d la Miid-reij Xuarnid. Nkkdv, Or.; Jn. 9. Mn. Barban Wolfer, wife of J. II. Holfer, of thin place, difd on Wedneaday, January 7, ai(fd 70 yt-ari, 11 months and leven (Uya. alter in Hineii ol over two yean with cant-er. Mrs, V oiler wai born in what wii formerly Harden county, k'tintuc ky, in 1H.11, on the 21th day of Jinuury. Hrr maiden Dame wai Barbara Craia 8he wan a daiijhter o( James and Javllah Craiit. In about the year 1H.15. ahe with ber w Brents, moved to Illinois. On freptt-mber 20, 1850 she married O. W. 8earry,and on September 24, lHri7 she wii married lo J. II. Wolfer, who survives her, and with whom ibe i m m m m f urmr nr i a 0 IhM lull) H'fi'ltMKte. ?e:. irl 11 !l Kmi'IV, 11. A. Wlcki wai re ft mn tint county JhII Tni'itlay, iVmu coinpltflwl a '." divi' ii' ii- mrt tiillinx t runk lliirnler In the r'r Milli. Tlio Jill Ii now fur the flnt timt) In ovor iv i riurii.N Hook Oi'KN. The iav leciHliiMlon uokki were opentxi i , t . . .ii ix irniiiK in inn onn'o ui wiuiiij tk Cixipur. KlmttrlMxoii wai dfpu (i by the lliiurd of County ('oinmla- to rtiirlNtt-r the voleri and the I v, ,11 leiiiiln oix-n unill May 15. ".vihiiuk MKrvlctti. Uev. W. 0. Kb Y, I...I.I ...... I..... 1.... U.,n,l.. .u..n. f.,lll,lli,","v diiiihb; ii- I I, I iii Vllaimtie ball. In the future, y ii. will be held on the fir tit Sundiy 1 Mn of each month at 7 :30 o'clock. 1 Ji are a larue nnmtier of Unitaritim ) jni city who will be plttutied with the pert of rt'Kularifrvicea. I . liti i rr CtH'KT Cosivais. JudeT. A. B i'ltt Monday convened an adjourned U. ii of the Circuit Court and will be until Haluruay. The flritt day waa Opii"! in hearlnit the arnuineiit In the ) of Oregon City vs. The Ort'ifon ami llornJa Railroad Company. This It a j brought by the municipal corpora I to qmet title of a atrip of land run- uiulcr the bluir which ii claimed by milroad. The attorney were given l January 15 to file their briefi. kh SrjKritHiNtis Knkkd. Mr. Mahle irk. the wife of P. (1. Shirk, died at VI itmaritan hospital in Portland at 30 o'clock Monday af'eriioon, aitfd 'curl., 0 montha and 22 days. For )rl years the had been a miff rcr liiicer and ilea It kindly relieved i!.ni.riniri. h ne reOHiiiiv underwent j; r (Hon which was not iticceiiful. i fur eral was held from the Preshy- 'i i hiirt h Wetlnemlay afternoon, t. 'mlnomery, oiriciatinit. The in- iK iit was in Mountain View ceme- rKnr.w.t.r.c.T.T.w.t.w.r. ADAMS BROS GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR, Oregon city Big caSh store 1 i t r ' 4 j ' .,. ! t - r ill- -!'r- : K1 -r 1:. VV-: ' r . . - - t: -.a ' .1 3' 1--: The altovc Jtirturc ihowi the firt-wnt store of this enterprising firm that 1ih moved tw ice to larrr tiiiirtt.-ri aiuce tuning in business in Ort-p.ii City lfii than two yean ao. It is mr prisinif the trade that this firm d-s, not only Hi rotiM-quciicc of having (irst-cluNi liusiness ability, ent-iyy ami pcrtw-vrrance, but in doing a itrictly cabh trailu which thry believe, like others, to be the only foundation for success, as it gives to tbe customers the benefit of lower prices thun ran be K'ven on the cretli' system. The firm carries in addition to a complete line of ludica' and gentlemen'i furnishing Koods, liata and shoes, a full line of glass, china, tin and granite ware, stationery and toys of every dcHtription. I lie stock in this store is well selected and satisfy customers. The present store of this firm is the largest and finest store room in the city, the building being put up especially to suit this firm, being well lighted with enough floor spsce to properly display goods. This firm is to be congratulated upon its remarkable success in pleasing the buying bublic. bought after vrara of exoerience in liuvinir to r j , . , , , ry rreigai ana parcels aenverea A i to all carta of the cut. I Kraa.y.ra:sa-A-A-.S RATES - REASONABLE W. . CBSIStla. B. 0. C. D. LOTS, D. OW tHS. CHRISTIE St LOVO OatiopatU PhyaUlam Oradualii of American School ofOiteopatby .Miccesifully treat all chronic 'livawa by mechanical manipulation. Noilruifi ftiven, Uiaeasei of womm a specialty. Examination and coniultatlon free. Ofllci houn: ft to 12 1. m. and 1 to 4 p. m. Except Sundays. Offlea, Buoros 8 and 4, HUrfni Bldj. opp. Bank of Ureun City. Oriuom City, - - Orioow. Ui COMMERCIAL BANK OF OKEQOW CITT. tpltal, . . . . . ioo,000 TaillACTIA SSHALIAIHWe SCHISMS. I.okdi mail. H ilia dlaeonntod. Mtkea eol octioni. Bajt and aella axnhaniri on all potota D tbi United Htatea, Earnpi sad Hong Kouc. tepailta received inbject to eback Bank ffu Irom a. M. to4 r. H. . C. LATOUaiTTt, Pmldent. t. i. MXYEB Cuhler. 'A B si C. STRICKLAND, M. D. Hospital and Private Experience. ')ITn hli prtifpsaioml lervicfi to the peo ple nl Oregon City and vicinity. 8ieciai -attention paid to Catarrh and Chronic diwim. Bettt of reff r inces given. Otllce in Willamette Building. Ottice hours: 10 lo 12 a.m., 4 lo 6 p. m. 0KEG0S CITY OREGON Tour Money Back If it fails to Do the work. Sold under a positive guarantee (1) to stop hair from falling out, (2) to produce a soft and abundant growth of hair over the entire head, (3) to cure dandruff and all humors of the scalp, Trier's Hair Food will not disappoint you. For Sale by all Druggists and R. Pner, Caufield. Bldg. F.UbUhed I83. C. I. GnBL PIONEER a rrangfefl and Ex;p?e$, 2 c V I .1 i 1 room wai postponed until next M01 day ! evening. I II:-). ,vl AHY U MANTUA II i'KAD. .Mn. ry i . uranuiain oieu at me iiome 01 du :,,bter, Mr. It. ti. McUughlin, 2 r Milwaukle, Sunday morning, Janu- , " , r')2. after an lllnnn of ten day. ( i-t born In Kno County, Ohio, !--r-.'5, 1821). Waa married in 1S.')4 i ... in Chambers, who died during in." year, and their daughter is ber surviving chil l. She came to Ore- ra iu 1S77, and ha since resided near W huUp. In ISM she was married to t. ;UlHt'hi urantham. who umd in )!KX). The funeral took place from Til inuony church on Monday after , anI interment was at Multnomah 'tcry. StUIIKN DkATII OK J. N. MlLLKK. James N Miller dropped dead in I i-i la I ,i,, n 011 Main Hreet lail Fri'Uv morning. INCOHI-OUATION it Mll.W AI'KIK TllH1 l),,,.t, ,. l u,.,,.l.. ,.f ,Uc matter 01 incorporallug lli town ol lllng, ln, WM ,lnmt iBtaulanHOU8. Mil 'Ukle came up before the Uo.d ( i ,w,.n ln lt ,,!,,, for , ,inlHi ofC mnty Coiii.ninioner Ian Fri-Uy, i,,,, Hp j,, Fri.Uy Imil tifa-a feeling much and w.11 pjstpon I, pendi.ia- a decision , l)P,,(.r. Ie carlv Friday morning, from District Attorney Allen ,n to tl'e ,! , ft II0 about 0:30 to open up bis constitutionality of the Uwr permitting a Siiioitu Af(er , .Kkiaj( , lU)0 ,,e County court to Incoi pirate a town There sccidm I to be a sentiin 'nt, bnadi. by Attorney C. A. Cog-till, ol I'ortland, who is a hevv property owner in Mil waakie, to hold the nutter h ick until the next suasion of the leadsl itui-t, which may incorporate without tpios i in of val Idity, In the mutnini-, th piwder housos continue to men ice th 1 p 1 ic. and happiness of Milwaukitt people, who are determined to have them rem vu I with out onnecemry tliday. II01101 Mi'T WmiK City Iiecoidcr WHiit to the Elk restaurant, next door, and aflrr ordering Inn hrttakfast, returned 10 iiis i-hIi 011. John Maifhall, the rook, w ho w aa the otily perami in the reslau rant at that time, nolici d tbe white iu Mr. Miller's eye were shining very bright, and bt.tT'ed through the back en trance ol the restaurant to the saloon to see if be was sick. Ho saw Mr. Miller sitting in the chair, but before be could reach bun. Miller (ellto the fl lor and died instantly. The deceased was well known in Oregon City, having resideu here for the past 14 year He worked Bruce C. Curry baa announced his intern : Ht tle WdUmet'e Pulp and Paper Mills lion of working the hobo on a rock pile, j fr WVon years, hut left their employ on upon me moil a:ove main s-reui umre : account of ill health, and shortly after- are countless rock which are big enough to furnish employment to all of the holms in Oregon ami the sight of them wojld drive a tramp to drink. Since. the city of Portland placed the parasite at work on the rock pile, Ore gon City has been overrun wiih them ami during the month of November the wards started tbe (.ismbrinus saloon, wl ich he sold a few month ago to the (iambrinus Brewing Company, of Port 1 ind. About two months ago he started the saloon on Main street which bore his name. The deceased was 47 years of age and w as a native of Iowa. A wife and three children survive him Grace S., of next week at Oregon City. The date i-i not definitely known but will he an nounced as soon as Portland is heard from egain. The Oregon City junior bifketball team will play the Young Men's League junior basketball team, of South Port land, m xt Wedneslay evening, Jan. 15 h, at that pi tee. The Y. M. L. have a fast junior team and a good game is expected wiih them. So far no arrangements have been made with Portland Y. M. (J. A. juniors to play the return game of basketball on their grounds. A ladies' basketball team has been pi. ked out from the ladies' class ami have shown soine fine work in practice, As the team have decided to play out side) games, a iiame will be arranged w ith either the Vancouver or Multnomah ladies within two or three weeks. removed to Mlwo iri In 1859, before the j war. In the year 1881 they moved to Oregon and located at this place where I they have resided. up to the time of her j death. She was "he mother of ten children, two by ber first hut-band and eight by her second. Five of them are living: Mrs. Eliza J. Smith, of Seamore. Missouri, and Charles F. Wolfer, of Logan, of this county; H. L. and J. S. Wolfer, of Portland and J. Wolfer, of Oiegou City. Besides these she ha twenty-three grand-children living who mourn their loss. She also left a large circle of warm friends who sympathize with tbe bereaved husband and children. She has been a member of the Metho dist church nearly 44 years. Buy Your PIANO or ORGAN A Mliiislcr's )Iilukc. A citv minister was recently banded a notice to he read from his pulpit. Accom panying it was a clipping from a newspa per bearing npt n tie matter. l,,e clergyman started to read the extract and lound that it began "Take Kemp's Ralsam, the beat Cough Cure." This was hardly what he had expected and, after a moment's hesitation, he tur ned it over, and found on Ibe other side the matter intended for the reading. KYou Could Look Intothe future and aeethe condition to which your cough, if neglected, will bring you, you would arek relief at once and that naturally would be through Shiloh's Consumption Guaranteed to cure Con I .1 iPr aumption, Bronchitii, V-a Aathma, and all Lung Troubles. Curei Coughs and Colds in a day. 25 cents. Write to 8. C. WllU & Co, le Roy, N. Y., for free trial bottle. Karl's Clover Root Tea purine tbe Blood Where you can get the best for the least money. Where you are sure of careful attention and courteous treatment. Where you can get the choicest selections of highest grade instruments. Where you can get an absolute guaranty. ! Where you will have nothing to regret afterwards. Buy now, you will save money by doing ao, at Eilers Piano House, Wholesale and Retail Dealers. Not the oldest, but tbe leading Western Music Concern. Retail Store: 351 Washington Street, Portland, Oregon. CE- :' .f T" it- ' ,i. rn V "Kimball" Organs Sewing Machnes IP V V 'ar"' "ty yvyinr ty ip-yytai ty yursi iy lyi THE OREGON CITY JEWELERS