Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 03, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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: jNews oi mo ock
Friday, December:!".
Detachment at DatxUv, Island of
Samar, was attacked by bolomen and
avn Americana were killed. The
enemy was rebnlsed with heavy low.
Pewet surprised strung force of British
at Orange River colony. Kitchener re
ports the casualties may be heavy.
Troops are in pursuit of the Boers.
The C09t of the Columtiian war was
KrfVOOO lives and 1250.000. The re
bellion broke out in October, 1809, and
has left the country in a state of ex
haustion. Civil service commission decides that
the dismissal of Maclay is no violation
of the ruler.
Governor Roger, of Washington, Is
dead His successor, Lieutenaut-dover
nor McBride is a republican.
Saturday, December 28.
Germany is pieparing to blockade
Venezuelan ports and is collection a
fleet ot warships. An ettort will be
made into starving the besiened Ameri
cans into paying the claims.
Large orderly demonstrations in the
Danish West Indies.
Resolutions were adopted urging Pen
mark to introduce reforms and improve
ments in the islands and to lift the
ielmdsout of (be humiliations of the
past. Resolutions of protest against the
sale of the islands were also adopted.
Captain Leary, the first governor of
Guam, is dead.
Senator Sewell, of New Jersey, died at
his home in Camden after an illness nt
two years.
Sunday, Dec. 29.
L'eutGov. Henry McBride sworn in
H governor of Washington.
Battle-ship Missouri launched at New
port News, Va.
Joseph i-chulkowskie was mysteriously
murdered near Yankton, Columbia
County yesterday and ti is body secreted
ia a clump of bushes. August Sihievie
is suspected of the murder and is under
arrest. Robbery is believed to have
been the motive for the crime.
Carnegie has turned 10,000,000 worth
of government bonds into cash, making
his gilt for a national university availa
ble. There is much agitation against the
Bile of the Dauibh West Indies and the
United States may not icet the islands.
Negotiations with the Danish govern
ment have been reopened.
W. W. Peet, treasurer of the Mission
ary Society in Constantinople, has gone
tJ meet the btigauds a ho hold Miss
Stone captive, but no news of bis move-
in mts can be expected for some days.
Monday, Dec. 30.
Co!Ii-ion on the Northwestern 60 miles
tr.-st of Chicago results in four deaths
and the injury of 18 persons. The freight
train was too long for a siding. It pro
traded on main track and derailed a fast
passenger train.
The Argentine-Chile protocol must be
changed as Argentine wiil'nut accept all
of the terms.
Ex-State Senator II C Cooper, of
Gray's Harbor, drops dead in Portland.
An attack of illness seizes him, and he
falls, fracturing his skull.
Waterspout burst over the town of
of Saffe, in Morocco, and 100 lives were
Tuesday, Dec. 31.
Germany older a war ship to Venzu-
Athens, Tenn., Jan. 37, 1901.
Erer since tfc lirnt appearance of inr
menwm they v.era very l.-reifular and I
tillered with greet pi!n in my hips,
back, stomach and !, wiih terrible
bearing down pains in the abdomen.
Durin,- the ra.-t month I have hncn
taking Wine of Cardui and Thedford's
Biaeic-Drai.if'-t. and I r iih ied the month
ly period without pain lor the tint time
m years. Na-vxib Davis.
Whal Is life worth !o a woman suffer
ing like Nannie Davis suffered? Yet
fhere are women in thousands of homes
to-day who are bearing those terrible
menstrual pains in silence. If you are
one Of these we want to say that this
mm f
jjj will bring you permanent relief. Con-
sole yours?:! wi'.h the knowledge that
h 1,003,020 wame.1 have ban completely
3 cured by Wine tf Car-'ai. Tre-.e worn
3 en S'jftersd f'on k'lCMrhr-M. irronilc.
mensc;, Iicaij;lie, ''kH, and
bearing don pains. V'ine of Cardui
will stop 2 nie ach,$ an;1 p,;r,
for you. Purchase a $1.C0 boi!!e of
Wine of Cardti la-d-iy and take it in
the privacy of pur home.
KJT bAv'v iilirani-'-ti
" '. I...,:.,1 l
i ' - I Lxiuii,;, jl;,.
'J --mi.
" , 1 1 !,:. i, ,.,,'
ela. An olhVial note sy that Gorman
Yenioelan negotiations have not been
broken off, s reported.
A number of promineiit Englishmen,
from the Hoiti-e of Parliament, from the
heads uf the largest business houses and
from the leading universities of England
. ii. .wMn.irv m malm a
"r" l" ". " 1 .
Danger from flood iu Pennsylvania
has passed.
An iaotfensive passenger on a train ot
the Yasoo aud Mississippi Valley brancli
of the Illinois Central K. R. was shot by
four drunken men.
Jefferies and Sharkey arrange! io ngni
in San Francisco betweeu March 17 aud
April 30.
Multnomah County's assessed valua
tion shows a very heavy increase.
Oregon poultry show begins at Port
laud. Waitere' Alliance case is once more in
court at Portland, the question being
whether or not unfair banners can be
carried aud displayed in front of restau
rants if they are not associated with Al
liance. Wednesday, Jan. t.
Henry Albert fatally shoots his wife at
Chicago and then shoots himself,
Marconi is planning to increase the
power of his wireless telegraph station
in Cornwall with a view to the train
mission of messages to South America
and Africa.
The Asie, a French bark, tips over
while lying quietly in Portland harhoi.
The ship lists and smashes her rignini
and steel masts into a wharf. Damage
Electric light and telephone wires
must be put under ground at Denver.
Ueimany delays action against Ven-
exuela for the present. Waits to see the !
..... . i, i .
result of the present Revolutionary
movement against Cas ro. I
Injunction against the Northern Pa-
, . , i
ciho is dissolved. Decision rendered by ,
Judge Lichren. Nothing in the case j
that wuul.l indicate an intention to mn-.
solidate coni-ctimr lines. Power will
not give up.
Portland postoflice building is to be !
enlarged. 1 lans now under consider-1 mJcrobe but jn the wtnUmss of the
on. ! body. When the blood is impure the
Greatdanngeiscau-edby the recent m,U;r?be lmS a.va",t;'e K.r,ou",'1, f?'n
, , ... , . which to operate. lien the blooil is
fl.xxls throughout the sou-hern part of I pure disease fails to find a breeding
the country. I ground, and the micro! strives in vain
n iu.. . . i ! auainst the man. Notxxly can be healthy
Dudley t-vans, an ex Portland man;"". :,,,.. T;.,t i..
hxa been chosen president of the Wells '
Faigo Express Company
The body of the late Governor Rogers
lies in state in the city of Olympia.
Thursday, January 2.
Thomas Estrada Pma was elected
president of Cuba.
i Two British peace agents were I reach-
lart1Qlu bknl K. P. ... ma
The powers will present another col
lective note to Turkey.
Financiers are agitating the question
of reducing the surplus.
Eighty-one hundred persons shook
Rcosevel l's hand New Year's day.
The New York legislature convened at I
Governo' Geer writes District Attor
ney Chamberlain about putting an end
to crimping at port of Portland.
The wreck of the Santa Clara may be
a total loss.
Reliance foot ball team defeats Mult
nomah 6 to 0.
No liuht on mystery as to why bark
Asia CHpsized.
are injured by the use of coffee. Recent
ly there has been placed in all the gro
cery stores a new preparation called
GRAIX-O, made of pure grains, that
takes the place of coffee. The most del
icate stomach receives it without dis
tress, and but few can tell it from coffee!
It does not cost over 4' as much. Child
ren may drink it with great benefit.
15 i ts. snd 25 cts. per package. Try it.
Ak for GRAlN-O.
SOU CIRCLE, No. 107. W. of W.. meets
th tiri.1 anil tl.ir.l lies. toys of cacli iiiuntli
at 7.9) p. ni.. in WillaiuMte Hall Flora F.
Morri-, 0. N., l.'arrie N. Parker, Clerk.
Cataract Lodgtr No. 76, K. of P. meets
every Wednesday evening in Red Men's
! hall. iHitinir Knights invited to attend.
J. f'ei kover, K.of R. and 8.
Order of Washington. Nnnpariel Union
No. 37, meem eveiy Saturday evening,
j at Willamette hall. Hr. Lottie Foley,
! A. (). V. W. meets every Katnnlai
1 evening except the titrh in the A. O. U.
I V. ieinple. 11. J. Uanling, recorder
Rcbekahs Willamette Kehekah Lodgt I
No. 2 meets second and fourtli Friilav of '
each monili at I. O. (I F T,,r.l i
Margaret Williams secietary.
Catholic Knid.ts of America fit. John'l
lanrh No. Iit7. mem, everv Tn,l
Hianch No. t 4 7
: the month
, Or ier nf IVnlo tneeti every Jlonilsv
1 n'tit nt llMlmeii'n lall. HM't i:serr.
: IS. .S (-'en, mre; .Mrs. Msy Ts tor secretary
; Court Kobin Ilwl No. 9, Foresteisol
I America, meets first and thinl Fri,luu n
the tiionth in Ufil Men's Hall. W.
, Ktaffyrd secretary; Fritz Meyer, c'luei i
. raiiKer.
j Tualatin Tent, K. O. T. M., meet, in
, R"d .l-n' Hall, every Ti nrd iy even
j in. K K. Taylor, reconi keeper.
1 Falls Knr-ampmert No. 4, I. O. O F.
ir.eeis fir-i al,.l third Tni-edav in eacli
month. Jndson Howell, secretary.
A Story of Moss, Microbes
and Medicine.
It U the office of the port to ideally
- .,,,1 tx.thctic wo.d
' pictures which touch the heart and dim
I the . B"t he dors this reeardless
1 of physiology or pathology. hen he
i tint "a f t)ie wcu t,e
( farm and of the moss grown bucket in
j which the water was drawn, he hasn't a
thought of the bacteria which find a
f )reedinr ground in manv an old
well. He ) ictures tne noi, xiursiy nay,
RUU IUC UM B liVM.IV. ...... .... "'.ft
drops which shine like pearls against the
mos. But he doesn't paint the picture
the man whose tongue is parched
. . . , ' . !irrow . .
bacilli of the bucket and the well are
'triving for his life That wouldn't tic
poetic theme, and he has nothing to
tolU , thellle that to not poetic,
As a matter of fact the old well and
A f1umiliar bukf ') thf "
if diseasing; whole netghliorliooda. The
microbe is evervwhere, and the easiest
irthicle for its introduction into the liody
is perhaps the water we drink. We
n t keep the microbe out.
We can
prevent itsii.irmfulness.
blood and every organ fed aiid nourished
by blood must share the taint. Keep
the blood pure and plentiful and the
bodv is made strong to resist ttie assaults
of disease.
"I honestly believe that I would have
been in my grave to-day had it not been
for your medicine, and the mercy of the
good Lord," writes Mrs. James R. Moss,
ot New London, Stanly Co., N. C. "In
the fall of 1892 I took a hard cold, which
seemed to sjtle in my head, terminating
iu catarrh oi the head. It bothered me
all the time, but I did not think it was
J serious until the spring of 1893, when
my health became so much impaired.
My blood was all out of order, ana I had
to go to tbe doctor. He gave me medi
cine which helped me for a short time.
In the winter ot 189.5 I got worse than I
hail ever been. My tonsils were en
larged and my neck swollen all out of
ahapt ; my throat was sore and I could
not cure ft. My husband went for the
doctor, but lie gave me no encourage.
ment. He helped me a little, but it did
not last long, and so he sttended me for
Willamette Falls Camp No 148, W. O.
W. meets l.-t aid Knl Friduts in tin
Willametie MhII.O. ('., H F.'Scripttire
and clerk li. Olds.
Oregon C.ty Camp. No 6' tW Mod -rn
Woodmen of A merica nieets every aeeond
anil fourth Tnesilay in the moiiili, nt
Willamefe Hall (i. Urossenbacher,
Clackarrus Chapter No. 2, R. A M.,
meeia on the third Monday of each
month in Masonic Hall. M
f5olla k, I
Meade Pt No. 2, G. A. R , meeti
rlrat Monday evetiiim in each month at
7:30 and ibiid riatoiilHy ineieli muntii
at 1 o'doek 11. in. 111 VVi'ainel.e Hall
P. Col 11 1, C'oiiiinai.ili r.
I.aw'on CnmniHiid No. I, uf Onvon
tjiiion Veteraos L'hio meet- n eoii.i Mai
urday In m. in Redman'" ball and
four'h Sa'tmUy at 7 p. in. iu T F. Cow-
ing'soiiice. j
Pioneer Clmpter No L'H. ( . E S meeif
the second and fourth T11enl.1t a i.. e.-l
month a! Vlasonii! Hall. Mir (i Ml
Strange, secretaiy. 1
Oregon Lwlpu No H I !l II F
evi-rv ThiUMilav in Odd Fellows'
T. F. Rvan, secietary
Multnomah Lodge No - 1, A. F
iin-efs firs! atnl thud SimIiii.Ihv
muiiliat VIhhoiiu- Hail. T F
A. M
in t-iii-i
Meade Relief Coips No H, ,rKI Rt
Wllialnelle Hall Hie fiisi itonuav j,,
every month ..t 2 o'clis k p. in i 1
thirl MoiiiIhv
in every uciii'l, Hl 7 ,71 i
i o clock p. III.
Aneii-iii (ir.ler ol Iteii Urm.. 'o
i'l Ci v
l.'"lf. . I. iusik
eoi.'l sml i,i
'i f...
I itMy- i
eHCIi l ,01 1 1 It III Wlll'iinelle Ii i;i,
Vn-WA Ar,iM,'"H ''y Thursday
'veiling of each m .iiih at the Winn it.)
Hall. lli social ineetinif of thi mil. r
is second Thurseay of each inont h F..
H Co iper, see., R. J, t.oolfeilow, 1 a'
Re-imen Wa. hi-no Tiihe No. l.'i In,,,
O. R. 1, meeiH 'fiieSHi even ir. 7 -;m
st lied Men's HhII . II ') , ,, t , ';
ofR.; Harry lijxter, ii hem.
.in1 ior Kii'teavur meem at 3:.';0
HtlllitH vi.
Ime pine I oiIl", No A F. h A.
-ii., m, ur , meets on the h.vowI
Saturday ill each inoo'li from l,e 1-t o
May to 11 of Noveinhei nt 2 p in soil
from 1st of NovemU r to l-i of a,
10 a. m. Geo. C. Armstrong. Sec.
twelve months, when I heard of a ludy
that was Uiking your medicine anl was
getting well. I iMH'iired Some of the
mediciiic and began taking it. In one
week I was able to do my cooking.
When I lcgan taking the medulra I
could sit up only a lew minutes at a
time, snd I could rent or sleep only a
little while nt a time. My throat was
sore, at times I could not even swallcw
sweet milk, uud my tonsils were full oi
little eating sores. Mv left side was
swollen out of hie and so sote I could
not la-ar my clothes fastened, 11s I could
hardly get my breath. My vituals would
sour 011 my stomach before I could leave
the table. My folks and friends had
about given me up. The doctor said I
would not get well. My father said I
would not live a month, hut three bottles
of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dlscov
ery, three bottles of his ' Pellets, three
bottles of Dr. &igc'a Catarrh Remedy
did the work and made me a
well woman."
for impure blood is Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery. It
neutralizes the action of the poi
sons which corrupt the blood and
disease the body. It increases
the activity of the blood-making
glands, thus increasing the sup
ply of pure blood, rich in the red
Corpusiles of health. Ity these
the body is built up and its
vitality restored, "Golden Med
ical Discovery " is singularly ef
fective iu the cure of scrofulous
diseases, eulareed glands, swell
ings, pimples, ecrema and crup-
tive diseases in general. The
most oi stinate and dangerous
forms of blood disease have
yielded to the curative power of
this great remedy.
"I feel it is my duty to write
to you of the wonderful curative
powers of your 'Golden Med-(t-al
Discovery.' " writes Geo. S.
lleiuleison, ?sq., of Dcnaud, Lee
Co.. Flu. "I had a bad sore on
my right ear, and mv blood was
tally out ot (inter. I tried ! 1
doctors but with no good results. Fin y
I wrote you the particulars in my -i-e
and you advised your 'Golden Med.cal
Discovery," win. !i 1 began to take. From
the first bottle I liegan to feel better, and
when I had taken ciht bottles the
was healed up. I wis1, you success.'
n I-'or about one year and a half mv
face was very badly broken out," writes
Miss Carrie Adams, of 1 16 West Maiu
Street, Hatllecreek, Mich. "I spent a
great deal of money with doctors and
for different kinds of medicine, but re
ceived no benefit. At last I read one ot
your advertisements in a paper, and
obtained a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery. Before I had taken
one Inittle of this medicine I noticed a
change, and after taking three lottlcs 1
was entirely cured. I can well recom
mend Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
' covery to any one similarly afflicted. "
Sometimes n dealer for the sake of ths
little more profit paid on the Mils of
inferior preparations will try and sell a
substitute as "just as good " as "Golden
Medical Discovery,' The claim ia fals?
on its face. There is no similar medi
cine for the blood snd stomach which
can show such a record of cures at the
"Discovery." Don't lie imposed Upon
Dy substitutes witnout a reconi.
There is no alcohol iu " Golden Med
ical Discovery," and it is entirely free
from opium, cocaine and all other Mr
' COticS. wA pi;KpKcT Cl'IDK
to health and happiness" is one title
given to Dr. Pierce's Common Sense
Medical Adviser.
C. L. Shaw, of Couley, Winn Tar., La.,
writes: "No family should be without
it, and anyone who wishes a perfect
f;uide to health and happiness should
lave Dr. Tierce's Common Sense Med
ical Adviser."
This great work, contr..t.vg 1008 lsrge
pages and over 7x illustrations, is sent
free on receipt of stamps to pay expense
of mniling only. Send 31 stamps if the
book is desired in cloth binding, or only
jl stamps for the book in paper covers.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, nnTalo, N. V.
Sunduy Services.
8t Julin's, Citl.olie H V. A. Illlli-lirand,
istir. (In ti lay, iiiu.k a H ami lil:.'!0 .
111. Tiilril Hnri'lay In each iiiouMi. (ieiiiian
nemiim aller (t o'clock iii.n,; Ui a. I oiinr
IIMint. KiikIii'i fefliimm. .S,it,iHt m-Iiim.
t2:.TO i, in. Ve--er, ai-ulofMical nlijcii
suit beiiiihcii.iii .,1 7 .11 ... in.
Uerinaii Kvsnre!icil l.ntht-rni mhhhii
iisl ;.ri.. hiK'i'h sipI J. l. A lams 111,;
Itev Krnesi J. tV. ,v,n k ia.-inr. hiimlay
I'lllHI at til It. Ill ' .M bll- U.,VI U.
Timrsdat si 8 f. 111 (i'-nnan neliool every
SHllir.lai Irmii M In l hu rl ho i lovln il
Metbtvlisl K,.i-iciiuil Church Hvv. W. H.
tirim, pa-lor. Mnriui.g smviee hi 1(1:15, '
Suii'lay Hehiml st 0:. CI , rni-.-llnn aflei
inoriilna nervlie. Kveuluit nervier m ;
tpwurui wsiiiit mentiii rtnuilay eveiiln
S.;iO; I'raj'er Meetlns 1'tiurnrtny evening
iinr i
I ttrsngort ciirilUllv luviteil.
J. Miiiittom ry, I'sntor. Herneeum II a m. siii)
7:IW r. a. Hnbbstli Hi hool at 10 . m. Ynuiit
Peuplt-'s rtoelc-ty of Chrlmlnn Krulesvur mneu
very Hiimlay evenlnn m :wi hu i,
evening prayer meeting t 7:su. Heats l,i-e.
! F.V A NiiKldCA I, CHriti-ll-Coriier of
Kulilh ami Maill-iiu sireel, v. ri. Copley
pa- or riervieei uriy H.il.l.aili al 11 a. Ill
a id 7:45 p. in. Manila' Hei o, I 10 a. Ill
l'rer me-ting 8 p. u . All srr virlcouie
! "T s,lAJ';f? Kt'MCODAI- fllCKCH-
i ii" n'ii, neeior ri'-rvil-es
every Hin.ilitv hi lis. m, hh.I f.:ii(jn. m.
; 8u:nlny sellout al 10 u'llnrii, Oilier very ices
i ar may tie Huiiniiiieril. All seats free. Htran-
lrs eonliallv invlleil.
I FHtsrt'UNfiKKiI tion.L(:hi:i:cii,
1 1'nrner of M .hi ami Kn-ventii r.-en liev.
' K. H Itiilllnir. r i.u.l... II. ....I.... ............
I 0:SH; Sumlav Selmul 12: Junior FinleHVoi
!5; V. P S. C. K. p:a.er ni-eiii g (i.;,U;
j "" "e-vi'e 7 .'io
l'"H'-'! Hrellinii C,,r . KikIi'Ii ami Pierre
streets. lii-v. Coekl., puior. Services
every rfunNv h! II s. 1 1, ami 7 ;."0 i. in. ;
nuiMiav m-i i hi in n in.; join g people's
II. 'Kl 1,11. (. I II 911 . . .... .
kl..,v ...,..;..'. ' ' '" " "
. ' J " J millK.
l-'lltsr II H' I N r I'lii'iiru . i.... i
!?"" W"".
ii, t'-i-'o'. l'reiniriL' fniviies 1
in. I id- M I Hl-''ll,,..l - .'I .
"' -'' ' ' I " i i. iii run-
mi ri-iti) i IC I - til If rli 1(1 i, in, Jiiln,,r
ii. eel ii. i'ie nlier'.ooii hi ,1 n,e S.-onir YuLH.g
I'lnp'e's s.ieiely Hil l Illllle Kl lllly i la-N Hi
'i:l.ri p. in. I'l.iif.iUv eveniiii, ri-'ular
pryer service Ht " p. ,,. V'efiie-i!y
ein, n,(.'. Iliiile ' ml v ell., , it V. J (J, A
riiuiim e.l In Hie pmior.
Orman It ipit-f- Service ihe lirKi
'li.yufea. il ui'mlh s' 3 o'clock p. in .
'Ini ieil i y U. v Aiberi (jraner.
I Fret Mi ll
' t"r. PreH' l
hf-!ev. .1. W. I'M'i-li'f, ,,,.
I f lir.l hi,. t ,jr, ,es.avs at
lis. in. ; rover meatn
V everv Tl,urilsy
Venlli. S-rviciK held in l!,e Colu'reea.
, tiniial church nt Kijynle.
j M K. h-omh-Kev. T. I', lfavnes. pastor.
I fliini Hiiiuhiv at I'n.ted Urethren church.
I'd MttiT liijr mil mon tti trwe,
VC'.i Hit iii.lln I'll'!' S'l'l t'amliMws,
A Ku.m If, lint I CJ'l i!u I I'lrSW,
IK. 11 M Hit's Iwl "Ik
I p llur ia UK rliy.
Tr rril'y ilon't 'sarlty undrritin'
V. Urre i;i niiiir. rl la h r any .
In I Un l"d Irlils mil '" '1
A11J rnj.'jlii III" lt ! '
l )i ll.f in lh rll;.
It's liU'Wr l.'iirxmir, mrt'l vou'll Hft
A .iiiu out I"" 'f i"1
hi li lt ki'nlir e", ir. li'M mtf.
Hut in lir mil lnTr's Wln-r's a iliy
I i llxr III in ril.
At lr H it. i' I'"' h "" n,u'
A win tlirir tHflt ui til lh iou'i
Au.l Un' trull l" ti !tii Hit trrrt way ilowai
Vou Uin't Bu t sri-h thln ''" ' low
Or, mi In f, In Hit city.
At 1 MM stiit. " Hilars !
Th S.iwiU, t!i t'ltil nJ Iti tiuai ltKtS
An l t lltln out lift tinona th trttt,
Wlitto ymi rxn Ult )iit sail Jo's JV
Uik It Utltr's tli rltr,
Nri, ill th tstk it""'t lt"in to mul
ll.nil tl.li kliii'i IK t twin Mush.
And I'm inn It's !nty fmmik.
Ami, 'iwiin )'U snj m. 'Utn't tt loa
At Itiln t tht rltr.
- J.nwt Whltmmb Slllf.
Cy A. Quad.
Coeytickt, I'X 1, by C. M. Uwi.
; V
Whcti t'liptaln Jab Hebe of Mar
lochcud launched his new brig, he nam
ed her the Juno r.cbcc, nfler Ids wife,
who had sailed with him for many a
vo;-!i;;c mid wns) nlttiost as cood a sailor
ns ho was. Tbe flrnt voyng of tho
btiu vn to n ccrlalti f'nuth American
I country ruled by dictator,, w ho car
Iriid thi:i;:s with n hliMi hand for five
! i.r t lx j e.us ut:d fj 't iiwny with a lump
! a" 1.10:11 y Just In time to avoid the revo
lution thul hit corrupt practices bad
I ctoUeJ. The craft nrrlvcd nfler u line
'mil uud va walling to haul Iu to tbo
: wharf when 1111 olllclal run: nboiird
ami demanded n bo:ius of fl.UoO fur
piTitilNslou tn land canto. This was' In
I addition to port cliurcs and customs
dues and was dlrntly from Don Cas
tro. It w:is blm umall. pure and slin
! pie, nnd Aunt June, as the ca plain's
wife was generally called, looked ot It
In a proier Ui:ht aud said to her bus-
"Jabci! I'.ebee, we won't pny It, snd
you tell him so straight from the shoul
der. No, Hot a blessed peuuy. They
are Just try lus to bluff us, and we
won't submit. You Just run up the
American !ux, set the hands to whis
tling 'Yankee Doodle' und id this here
dim know that the Aincrlcnn eagle Is
roosting on the cap of the Mialnmast."
Tlu captain brned up and became
defiant, nnd Don f'a.'itro's messenger
was sent owny with a fit n In his enr.
It was the general opinion that the dic
tator Ti'otihl wilt, but the brig was held
at anchor In the harbor for iti hours on
' A"
Ill'lir.KI) II EH
one pretense or another and was for
bidden to either haul Into the w harf or
sail for another port. Then Jnbex lie-
l.cc went ti' Iiore 1 1 rc hi rci I to assert and
niiiliitiilii that the 'government repre
sented by the cnglc would stand no tri
fling with one of Its representative citi
zens, especially one hulling from Mar
blehend nnd Iu command of a new brig
which bud logged off seven knots ou
hour with her yards checked In. lie
had his thunder duly prepared and his
lightning btindy by, but he struck a
nunc nlmost at once. Don CitHtro was
a mail who would not have hesitated
to bluff the combined powers of the
world If there hud been $.100 In sight
for hliii. The wily old rascal also
thoroughly understood statecraft and
flit; number of yours flint would slip
by while nn offended government wns
innklng an oClclnl Investigation Into
any of his nets, o.'Tlclal or private. He
would be out of It long before the statu
ilcpiiitmcnt i t Washington got a move
ou, and he wasn't worrying ns to what
illicit happen to tils successor.
"Pay me u thixind ilollars aud yon
ran (lischiii'i.' cargo," was bis unswer
to Captain Kebee.
Then the i.ipluiti of the Jane lichee
fumed the American cnglc loose ami
i'ticouia;"d the bird to make thlniM
,.,..ti.,. I..,
'.lien be !.n ! finished n ml
the perspiration from hu
.tutor threw one leg over
his chair and calmly re-
.vim uli
- i "..
brow the ili
the aim of
"Yes. I've bean) of some country or
Other callcij the Fliiled Slates, hut It's
n oi!- l.o; -c afTnlr nnd no go here. i
n;:ic for n ; trail stim of ready money
to wipe yoin- country ofT Ihe fn.-e of the
hinp und imt he over two weeks doing
It cither."
Jil'.-t ojh Ito the l,rl- nriclmrnge
wan an oM dirt fort mounting four
K'tfM and r.'.'rrlsoiieil hy n dozen sol-
,!i!'r'- T!: old nii'l :,,:u y.
coinlieil, ninl :,ai one been churgeil will,
a pound of , owder It wouhl have Mown
Itself out of tilt' fort; but tM f ,
titiktiowtt to lis its strangers, t
I'.cbcii caiiii' abonid with a ),
and In reply to his wife's ijiterji.
pliiliicd what hud inlicii placet
The Inn ltd' Wits talked over I
hour, nnd It wiu t'.n.illy ileei,,,i
Ihe cit it it In should go n ihore nun:
try to liny Dull t'lintro off fur a i
runt. If In plciiilnl poverty n,
(lii'gcd Iu no fui'thcr blufTs, it m,
id that the dictator's limit inl(
loficnc.l Into accepting about fim
vas about 4 o'clock In the nfii;
v.hcil he w ts pulled ashore again
two hours Inter word was scut i
by Don Castro that Capiiiln Iielss
In Jail on (he very serious ciri
trying to luilie tho very highest o'
nf t hi country. In other words, '
look It, ho had got mad at Mug 0"
half Id price and was forcing tl,ti
Hiicstlon. M'hcn Aunt Jit tin ha.) r
the new situation straight In her u
the promenaded up snd down win,
Hps puckered up. The crew knew j
a row wns coming nnd stnod t;
splluters. At the end of slsaii .
minutes she walked up to tin. ,
with her face as hard ns stun i
inld: ,
"Look here, Ha'mtiel Dnvls Built: .
ire yon n nmn or n scnrecrowT' i
'Til stand by )uu Iu any plau j.,,
tot," replied the mate.
"And about the rent of 'fiut '
They'll fuller mo to a inon." '
The crew was culled aft. and t
luuo detailed tier plan. As a tn
they lifted the anchor and railed (
the harbor about un hour before i
low n. There w as u great to do In?
ibout the old fort, and every m -(hey
i'M'ctcd to lo fired on, bu.
their treat relief they got nwny v
nut a shot bcltnr pitched ahoitrd. '
brlu ran down the const 14 mlhsf
t atno to anchor In a boy resorted t.'
tbe dyewooils craft, and all that ti'
every uiuu of the crew was kept l
it work. While the carpenter cut
ports In tho biilwiiibs fur four Km-
j sldo itii'ti went ashore and brotiift :
slyht loirs to represent cnnnoii, T',
were trlpn'd of their bark, pa'
black nnd rudely mounted, and, tin
the sailors wi re himnh rs nt (be 1
aess, (hey !HVC the Julie lichee a 1
it war balk to mala' ymi thrill. '
d froi.i a tllstiiucc of half a inllr,
Quaker iruns looked ready to ;,
'laiiic and smoke and round shot n
is beer k'cc", and Aunt Jane nil
her bands nnd smiled and snld: I
"If we doi't brluir that Don fc
lowii 011 bis i)tiiii.lnir knees, tlirn;
never buy It not her blue calico iln
the town uf Ronton, Now for tl.r i
jf It." j
otic of the crcv.' hnd a drum 0 tt.l ;
it her a fife and n third a concert,
and they were told off for the l
I '10111 the slop c .est and fo'casilc i:
cot out rtioceh KSrinetits to tg l
to.'.en dummies and make thetu fa-t
the blilwiiiUs here and there, ami :(
cl sail mi their return to the 1.
Ktrrtltfht up Ihe harbor sailed the .'
P.clice an hour after sunrise, butt
was barely broadside to the town:'
her anchor down before a boat pv
off frouiOJie mole with a tlsu of tr
llylnt'. In that bout sat I'liplaln lie
who bad been set at liberty wltb Cj
c polonies, and If there had beet:.
other A rtcans In Jail with bits ;
would hare been liberated. i
"Jane," said Captain Rcbce sit
brig cleared the hnrlKir nnd the wo :
cutis were tumbled overboard, "yov
a tnlghty, smart woman, but I s
Just understand It. Uuw Iu the t
of (ioHhctl did you get the bin
talked and threatened and bins:'
aud bluffed, blit"-
"Hut a woninu never bluffs." sh
terruptcd os she alpied to the bat
kuwk off "Yankee Doodle" and f
band to haul down tho flapping f.v
wor. "No, Jalas lichee. When it
uinu starts out to do atiythlng, shr .
It, even tf she has to walk over uli ;
onion beds In the garden, And n'
guess you'd better wnsh your face:
comb your hair nnd get ready fori
ner." i
" - t
A hllU's rlaib. 1
A lepid bath for a child should b
a temperature from 85 to IK) degret-
and n hot bath L'S 3-5 degrees F., wl
ns I snld before, Is the normal
pel a I m e of the Inside of the l
This will cause relaxation In cn
convulaloii or sweating In case :
vcr. The water should be graili-'
heated until the hand of the un
tiinls It noticeably wartn, care l'
had always to remember the et'
delicacy 11ml sensitiveness of a ct
In case of debility nnd for scroft :
children aud those threatened j
rickets a salt water bath every t ,
lug. cither hot or cold, nccordin:;
season. Is very valuable. To prrf
this hath use four ounces of sen nil',
four gallons of water. Let the
play In the water a little while, t
rub the liody hrlskly with a Tur.
towel till the sltln ks III a glow.
To ni'iki' a good miMard bull)
two ounces of powdered oiustanl
four unllotis of water. This Is r
If:. t as n foothath nnd relieves co"
tli.n of the head and Is often tiM-f'-'
Hie lli-st it:i;ri s of 11 cold oil the
In in -es of extreme cxhatiillon
l!:n atcni'd foll.ije a child can In'
I'H I-r i d lip to Its neck, nil I the 1
!1 act dm ii stlniiiliint. hut whil)'
(lie Is II "In;; a hot bath for any re.t'
tin- head should always he Hmf
with cold water.-l'lljriliii.
f'rohlliiteil ( oltrr llnntrs.
So in. my cii.Tcc hoiics spraiiS '
c:.l"lcnci' i!li!'!n the reign of Fi
ll, that lie. end I t.iinln a belief 1
many political Intrigues had (!;'!';
-i 1 1 1 : i 1 1 -j In horn; places. Is.-ttnl '
c'lict ordering thorn to he rle-j"l
II Is priH-laiiiiilioii the followin-'
iM-ciiircd: "The retailing of co.Tc ;
tea iiiiht he un Innocent trade. I .
ii" laid to nourish sedition. i'
II' s r. tn Ncaniln'izt1 great uicn; It k
iUi be u (Cuiinou nuisance."