OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1902 7 Social Happenings, AN KIMUYAHI.K I'ANTY. imI HHlurtlay rvvnlng ncure ol gy nil '!iiilu aamlilml lit tlio rvaliliuiM Ir. mill Mr, 0 A. Hauling, t(J do Iim m v Ij.h ii 1 1 1 .rl hi Uv i.I t iu r ,lilfr Mlt Nulla. wottM t lim tilt lo lutnuiite ntur vahle affiir than waa lima tiiriilerml Mr. mid Mr. Ilurdinu, anil, Juditiiig1 a iliu oulbmata ol 1iiiikIiIi tliat could . furdon tlm mrt-itt, tint Imyi and i ttvre loiUiiily royally wiiertalned. young Kut arrlvwl arly and re- 'i ni'il until a late hour mid not niii- ri ul lung fvmilim taw I ho tnthual . .i of )ouili li-nwin-d in t lie loHiit , T .i i y of Hume g iini-t ao dear to the heart '. uiung end old ot'ciipiud the young ' fi moat of the fvuiiinn and found la I t'Hxti u willing ml ciiiIiunIhhiIc particle The iM(!l(iii pailora were decor ii.- 1 with vine rnl evergrt'eui and the 6 h !e t'Hi waa one Injig to le roiiitim I . iyj hy all ire'iit. A 'U-T arvural hour of merry-mulling m! KSIIK'H, U'lllltlllg llllll IllHJll Wit In (i'!;!iid in, mid In thia, mi iu every other tl aiuiliiK (nature of the evuuing, all ''In ii.'tlly rlitijitiid. lie itiifite present at the waaalon iro mi follow: Miaa Kimie Mock, Mia ,-vte (Shannon, Mia Clara Nehrvn, ,,,,&' Iti-va dray, of l'urlland, Mia Aide r I mhtiin. of Portland, Mia Nellie A d, Miaa Dolly Pratt, Mia (juraie . :: .i ii'limy. Mia Uiale Kelly, Mia t.i r ddine Mi'Cown, Hoy Kelly, Barton 'I'-i'I'iw, Otto Miller, Florame Sullivan, il ia m llammond, Frank I oonia, ''.'I ntli-a Hullingnr, Norwood Charman, VV -titi Harding. I- i. Ilariling wa aaiaied in enter ! ;iiiinK by Mine F.luia Alhilglit and Miaa ! lit -ilil'tte Walilul). r ii. ( ; "a ail' m il HmicrTii .. t: ii New Year afternoon and evening, ft, v. and Mra. A. J. Montgomery tend- ( f 1 their nuiiieroui Mend and church .iH-inlirra, an enj lyahle reception. Ow i3 1 to tliti fart that Mr. and Mra. Mont : ! .i.iiry' circle of frlemU la ao large, the I-m. mi were inviie-J lo aaMimhle in the ; ;h .ri;li parlota and at the appointed J.nt., wliicli waa 4 o'clock in the after )ii, they came in goodly niimhert. , f The large auditorium had been taatlly !!:! ( united In fern, evergreen and Ore- 0 i n grape all of which contributed do I'fttla lieauty to the arene. 1 The frietuU that aMi-mbled on tlii oc- ' uii-inn, were not church member only, 4 K'ln were not Identified with any church , it nil other were member of aome f itlii'f denomination, but thl difference inlet rai led nothing from the fervor of jTii!tlil fellowship that ha exleted for o ' Or ;! between the paitorand the eople. 'liM.-eihliig" over "00 friend availed ' ln Hixelve ol thia opportunity to meet "ilr. and Mr. Montgomery, and they ,1(11 Mnueil to come till almoat 10 o'clock ,fi - :l thelaat viailor arrived. k Ii: the little parlora pn the right of the :n : !ritnn a dainty lunch waiaerved to I Sit ii guent, tliM conainted of cake and a-H.-aallof which received liberal pa t in ige from one and all. Nr. and Mra. Montgomery have beon seven yeara actively envaged in r-ili'iM-li work in thia city and their labor I in .- certainly not been In vain for their d in,)h memberahlp hi Incieaaed rap 'ilif and wtial I more tiieir Irlenil are ')( i , acd not alone to their own niem- but they extend to all oilier denom. tiHiiimi in the city. ,,u:f waiciikd tiik oi.dyrar dkpabt, K--Tf Ycar'a Eve witneenoil large l'v - aibly of young people at the Y. M. y. A. where they came totiether to '! 1 rate the departing of the old year. fl-i' early part of the evening wa oceu- y.i 1 with indoor banket and baae ball li Then followed aahort program, iji.ii iHting of a piano solo by Mies Veda V. am, recitation by Mia 8eely, eolo Oy C i. 1 1 i l r A. Miller, and Miaa Mary Conyera, Uibawinging by Mr. Kobert War Kefreelnnenta wereaerved and the ' then repaired to the parlora, e, under the leadership of Rev, Mr. niter, they Doited in an Impressive ional service. TBACHKR MKKT. inlay evening there was held an in ting teacher's mectinu at the real 4 of Mrs. N. 0. Walden. This ing is held every- two -weeks at the i of different teachers and friends t lias fur ita object the discussion of tit evenU. On this Monday even bree subjects were ably presented tily Congrees by Hon. A. 8. Dreseer. ' Chinese Exclusion Act by Rev. A. ' ontKomery and The Life of Freai - Koosevelt by Mies Clark. The ' meeting will be held at the home rs. Rots Charman, . S OBACI MAB81IALL SNTKBTA1N8. hm Grace Marshall entertained t twenty of her friends at her a in Can?mah Batuiday evening, es and vocal and instrumental c were enjoyed and dainty refresh ts served. tnpany A., Third Regiment, Oregon onal Guard returned early Friday ning from Portland, whore they v for regimental inspection and inus- a a jj FRATERNAL MAioNfU IKHTAU.AiloN. Multnomah Ixl No. 1. A. F. A A, ; M., mid Clai:kaina(Jliaittr, No. 2, JC 1 A. M., Irnld a joint Inatallalloti laat Krl- u7 fvviiinx III MUiuioiiiaii null. JlHtir the Installation a mimical mid liurary prKraiii waa miulr-nul mid a banquet . wrvwl. Pant Muntr J. KiitMie Hil(ie mid otlu.ru nud-i aMrvaia. Tim Mlowlnu oliler of Multnomah J.oltfu wera iiintalhid s Franklin T. (iriflilh, worahipful iimaier; Hiidiard (ianoni:, aenior wardmi ; Joseph F. Lynch, junior warden ; Thomas F. Ryan, aecretary ; V. K. Carll, treurr; John 1. Keating, unlor deacon ; F. C. Miller, junior dea con j A. V. France, tylur; George Vwy, aenior iieward ; G. A. Miller, junior "tow ard. The olllcvr of Cluckama Chapter Inalalled were: J. II. Walker, excellent high prliiat; (icorg.i F. 1 lot ton, king; J. C. Zlni-er, ecribe; M. ISclluck, secretary ; T. F. Ryan, trcuaurer; C. J. Ituchatiaii, captain ol the boat; John It. Humphry, principal aJiiirier; Hoi Garde, royal arch captain j Fred C. Miller, Jr., grand maater of the third vail; J. E.. Ilede, grand manter of Hie aecond vail; J. 1'. Keating, giand master of the third vuil; A. W, France, guard. Multnomah Lodge ha the (liatiiiction of being the oldest Maaoiilu IinIk in Oregon and Clackamu Chaptur ia the lecond oldi-et Chapter In the Slate. KI.KCTIOM Of OKKICKRa. On Peiember 2Blh, the Maple Lane Grange No, S'.fl, held it regular annual election of olliccra In the Keventl street hall. Thia order la Increaaing In meinberhlilp every iiionth and not only in member but alao In prestige. The meuihernhlp already i fifiy-one, with encouraiting Indication that it wiil con tin (in lo llicreaae. On the laat Saturday of every month, at 10 a. in , a meeting is held, and subjei ts of intereat are die ciimioiI. The olth'er elected at thia time were a follows : Master, l!ro. L. W. In gram ; Overneer, Pro. Win. B ard ; Let" lurer, Mrs. M. A. Intcram; A act. Stew ard, Ray Cooper; Chaplain, Win, Dray ton; TieaHurer, A. Mauti; Secretary, Edith Jackaon; Gate Keeper, Harry Klielly ; Cerea, Mrs. Worma; IWona, E. M. Gilihs; Flora, A. Shorilidge; Lady Aaaaiatant Stewanl. Jeii-io Jackaon. MACAIIK HALL. New Year'a Eve. witneaaed the armory full of young ladies and gentle men dancers. . The ball was given by the Maccabees for the benellt of mem ber and friend of member and eveiy body present pronoun, I it the moot perfect iicceaa of it kind ever seen in thl city. The pparioua lull wa beauti fully decorated with ferns, ivy and Oregon grape and this leather with the many attractive costumes of thoce present, rendered the whole scene an tractive one. Evereat' orchestra, of 1'orlland, was present and rendered the muaic for the evening, and their renditi ons as muni, met with high favor from the auditors. 0. A. R. AND HT. H. 0. INHTAI.I.ATIOS. The ollhtrs of Meade Font No. 2, i. A. R. and Meade Relief Corp No. 18. W. R.C. will te initialled at Willrmelte hall on Momlay evening, January 0, at 7 :30. All old soldiers whether members of the 0. A. R. or not, and their families are cordially invited to be prevent. By order of Font Commander, F. H. Beach. Falls Encampment, Independent order of Oild Fellows met laat week and initi ated 12 new membeis, and ended with a banijuet. This encampment has mora than doubled i'a membership Miice last July, having taken In 4(1 candidates and now have a membership of 80. Grand Patriarch Thus. F. Ryan will institute a new Odd Fellow lodge at Canny Janu ary 10 with a charter list of sbjut 50 members On Wednesday evening the Knights of Pythias In this city took possession of their new hall in the new Woodmen of the World building and the business of the evening was the installation of the following officers: C. C, I. O. Dilman ; V. C, R. Simmon; P., p. Freye: K. R. and 8., I. Peckorer ; W. F., I. Simons ; M. C, W. I. Wilson. The Willamette Rebeccas Decree No. 2, I. 0. O. F., assembled at the Odd Fel low Hall New Year' eve ami watched the old year out, The evening was en- joyably spent in games and sociability. Willamelte Falls Camp No. 148, W. of W., held a grand jubilee meeting New Year's eve. Initiation of officers occurred at this time, alter which the women's Circle surprised the company with a fcumptuous banquet. t'blld Worth Million. "My child is worth millions to me." say Mrs. Mary Bird of Harrisburg, Pa., "yet I would have lost her by croup had I not purchased a bottle of one Minute Cough Cure" One Minute Cough Cure is sure cure for coughs, croup and throat and lung troubles. An absolutely sale cough cure which acts immediately. The youngest child can take it with entire safety. The little ones like the taste and remember bow often it helped them. Every family should have a bot tle of One Minute Cough Cure bandy. At this season especially It may be needed suddenly. Geo. A, Harding. -era V U AROUND IMt HheriTCooke Friday refunded 74 .B0 to prrHons who bad purchased property on ahich (here a as a double aHement at the recent tax salo of property to which the county had acquired title. "iiww'b 'iTiuf" We offer One Hundred I)ollars Re ward for any cane of catarrh that culinot be cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CiiKNicr 4 Co., l'roiis., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the laat 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all bua iueaa tranaactioiiN and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. VT & Tuiux, Wholeale Druggists, Toledo, O. I Waumno, Kinran k Mauvik, Whole sale Ihup-gist, Toledo, O. Hall'sCatarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu cous auriuces ol tiie syHtem. rnce 7oc lr tioltle. Sold by all drnggiata. Tuati monlals free. Hall's Family Fills are the beet, Unllarlun rervlcis. Rev. W. G. Elliot, Jr., State Superio teudent, will preach at Willamette Hall, over Harding's Drug Store, Sunday evening, January f, at 7:30 o'clock Subject of sermon: " Happiness. " An KramgelNt'N aiiory. "I fullered for years with a bronchial or lung trouble and tried various reuie dies but did not obtain permanent refief until I commenced using One Minute Cough Cure," writes Rev. James Kirk man, evangelist, of Belle River, III. "I have no hesitation in recommending il lo all sufferer from maladies of this kind." One Miuute Cough Cure afforda immedi ate relief for coughs, colds, and all kinds ol throat and lung troubles. For croup it is unequalled. Absolutely safe. Very pleasant to lake, never fails and is really a favorite with the children. They like it. Geo, Harding Only One Way To Do It. Get from Portland to Chicago in 72 hours-just three days. The "Chicago- Portland Special." leaving Portland daily at H a. m. via. U. K. & iN. arrives at Chicago at 9:30 the third day. New York and Boston are reached the fourth day. This train, acknowledged to be the fastest between the Northwest and the East, is aolidly vestibuled and Its equipment is unsurpassed. Pullman drawing room sleeping cars, up-to-date tourist sleeping; cars, library-smoking cars, free reclining chair cars, and un excelled dining tars, the meals on which are equal to those served at the veiy best hotels. Remember this train runs solid Portland to Chicago; there is no change of cars, and the good of it is, it costs no more to ride on It than on other routes. We have oilier trains "Pacific Ex press" leaves Portlund daily at 9 p. m. via Huntington, and the "Spokane Flyer" leaves at 0 p. m. daily via Spo kane for St. Paul and the East. For rates, sleeping car reservations, call or w rite lo A. L. Cbaio, General Passenger Agent, 0. R. A N. Co., Portland, Oregon. What shall We Have For Dessert! Thia question arises in the family ev ery day. Let us answer it lo-day. Tiy Jell-0, a delicious and healthful dessert. Frepired in to minutes. No boiling! no baking I simply add boiling water and set to cool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange Raspberry and Strawberry. Get a pack age at your grocers to-day. 10 cts. The Excitement Not Over. The rush at the drug store still con tinues and daily scores of people call for a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lung for the Throat and Lungs for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. Kemp's Balsam, the standard family remedy, is sold on a guarantee and never fails to give entire satisfaction. Price 2oc and 60c. IHB CLfcAXSINO AND UKALIXQ cui:e ton CATARRH: CATARRH f.vs: Ely's Cream fob Knuy and pleasant to I Jnrioni nig. It ts qnfrkljr ahsorborl, (jives Kelief at once. Tf Otuttia Slii1 rlninaaa Aiasas? COLD 'N HEAD limit and 1'roiccis the Mcmhrnne. Rrxtorea th Ki-nafs ot Taste and 8 ljre Sine, 60 cents r. Drucirists nr hr mail ; Trial Sire, 10 crnta bj mail. bLX fiitOT libit. M Wartuu buml. New V ur Knofon and sobn I bhereber good crops j aregrobn. J I Sold everywhere. I J 1901 Annual FREE. J J W D. M. FIRRY A CO. Detrolt, Mloh. A: i . i fcrmcr's W ri FCCS MV ' w are weed. Unless they are kejt down, they divert the nu trition which the soil provide from the growing crops and ruin their pro ductiveness. Diaease are to the body what weed are to the soil. They divert the nutri tion which is necessary to sound health, and the holy, instead of being strong and hardy, dragaont sickly existence. When the stomach is diseased, and the other organs of digestion and nutrition are involved with it, there is a constant loss of nutrition bv the body. The tom ache and it allied organs are not able to convert the foods into nourishment, and hence the body and its several organs are deprived of the necessary elements of vitality. What is known aa "weak" heart or "weak" lungs, "weak" nerve and other forms of so-called weakness, are generally caused by "weak" stomach. When the stomach and the other organs of digestion and nutrition are cured, then the other diseases are cured with it. Dis ease which are caused by a diseased condition of the stomach are cured tli rough the stomach. Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and its associated organa of digestion and nutrition. It curea through the stomach diseases of heart, lungs, liver and other orpansi It in creases the activity of the blood-making glands, so that the whole body is nour ished by an abundant supply of pure blood, r.ch in the bright red corpuscle of health. There is no alcohol in "Golden Med ical Discovery" and it contains neither opium, cocaine, nor any other narcotic It is strictly a temperance medicine. Persons suffering from chronic forma of disease are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter free. All correspondence strictly private. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Suffered for Years "My irratitude to you and your Golden Med ical XJiacovery ' is ao grcal." write Mr. Koas Martin, of A rice, Muton Co., West Virginia. thai I am at a loss to find words loexpreaa my true frrlinK. I had sufTcred for a number of "years with lung and throat troubles, and doctored with apecialila, but git no belter. Then I decided to try lr. Pierce'a Golden Medical lliacovery, and after using it I wna ereatlv relieved. 1 have all faith that it has aaved my life. I liave one of your nicdicai books and think It a grand work. Torpid Liver Cured I was a auftVrer from tornld liver for over a year," writes Mra. Nora Willi, of Wheatfield, Jasper Co., Ind., rnnd could not sleep, nor eat but very little, and then it would cause me great diitreaa. I tried several doctors but gtt no re lief. Waa advised bv a frieud to write to Ir. Pierce, which I did. and in a few dav I received a letter advising me to take his G"olden Med ical Discovery' and also his 'Pleasant Pellets.' After 1 had taken oulyhalf a bottle I waa greatly improved. I only look three bottles of the 'Golden Medical Discovery ' and two vials of the 'Pellets.' and. thanks to Dr. pierce and hia wonderful medicine, I am as well as ever in my tile, and feel th it life is worth living alter alL I,st winter I took a severe cold which re sulted in pleurisy. Tongue can not tell what I BulTered. For two nights and two days I could nut move without il nearly killed me. I told my hutbnnd ! could not endure another night ol suffering. The weather was so cold and stormy Hint it was almost loo bad lor any one to go six miles to town, but he went, and got a bortle of Dr. Pierce's Kxtract of Smart -Weed, which gave me instant relief. I can say that for all pains that 1 have tried it for it has worked like magic We keep a bottte of the 'Smart -Weed" in the house all the time. I cannot thank Dr. Pierce enough fur what be has done for me-R Constipation has almost countless con sequences. Dr. Pierce'a Pleasant Pellets cure constipation and cure its conse quences. They should always be used with "Golden Medical Discovery," when the use of a laxative is indicated. Oregon I'llT Market Report. (Corrected to Friday.) Wheat No. 1, 55c bushel. Flour Portlaud, 3.20 per bbl. 85 c per bk. Howard rwst, Nc per sack, 3.20 per bbl. Oats in sacks, white, 95 to $1 per cental, gray, 85 lo 90. Hay old Timothy, bales, $11 per ton; loose, $9 to tt 60 per ton. Clover $8 Oats, $9 Mixed hay, $8. MillstufTa Bran. 117.50 per ton. shorts, $19 60 per ton chop, $10 60 per ton, barley, rolled, $20.00 per ton. rotatoes new, SOc to l per Hundred lba. Eggs Oregon, 27c to 30c per dozen. Butter Ranch, 30 to 45 e per roll. Apples Baldwin and Northern Spies, 45 and 65 cents per box. Unions, choice lc to Ifie per lb. Dressed chickens, 10 to 12 c per lb. Livestock and dressed meats; beef, live,$X50 to $3.74 per hundred. Hogs, live 4jv cts: hogs, dressed, b to 6o; sheep, 24 to SJc; sheep, dressed, 6c; veal, dressed, 8 to S.c; I? rubs, live, 3c; lambs, dressed, Cjo. Of lleaefit to You. D, S. Mitchell, Fulford, Md.: "During a long Illness 1 was troubled with bed sores, was advised to try De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve and did so with wonderful result. I waa perfectly cured. It ia the best salve on the market." Sure cure fjr piles, sores, burns. Beware of counterfeits. George Harding. $l5.00to$l8.00aVeek salary for an intelligent man or woman in each town. Permanent position. HO cents per hour for spare time. Manufacturer, Box 1102. Chicago. 1r. 'Trimmm.' Tndtam flloOlM M K T will careltllad. fll4la-. and Iteklas rile. H abcorba the tamora. al- lapataa iichlna atonoe. a Douiuoa, ii yea Instant relief. Dr. Wil- llama l mas riL OINTMKNT la pra- WTO ill ILiS tarad only for Piles and Itf b I na or lba private paria. e-7 tv?l la wmrranTt4. B'i drrrr'iU. or tanl b; iuaiUitirec?iLi ot price. e ana e i .ex per bos. i WILLI AMU Ml U Co, Props, CLXVKlJLm U For sale by Charman A Co., Druggists Lobsters' Flera-s. A fair sized female lobster carrtee 20,000 eggs at a time. The eggs, when extruded, are covered with a viscid matter which, drawn out Into threads, attaches them to the long hairs that fringe the fnnllke tall of the mother. These threads quickly become tlard and strong, the eggs waving about In the water and being thus aerated. When they are ready to be batched, the mother lobster OHclllntes her tall so aa to assist the offspring to escape. The young at first resemble shrimps, being about one-third of an Inch In length. They have bright blue eyes. After a few day they desert the moth er and swim out Into deep water, where they rise to the surface and lead ft vagabond sort of existence for thirty or forty dny. During this time the young one change their shells four times. On the fourth oceuKlon they shed their swim ming organ and fall to the bottom, where they remain for the rest of their lire. During their existence as swim mers niont of them are gobbled up by fishes, for which they afford a favorite food. now Tblnara Grow la Hawaii. Plow great arc the possibilities of Hawaii as a fruit and vegetable grow ing country will be understood when It becomes known that four crops of potatoes have been produced In suc cession on the F.'ime piece of land with in twelve months. Radishes become edible In ten days after sowing. Straw berry vines bear fruit all the year. Tho berries are of the finest flavor. Cabbage grows all the year, and It apparently makes no difference wheth er It Is planted In the spring, summer, autumn or winter. Parsley once sown grows forever apparently. Lima beans continue to grow nnd bear for over a jear, and they have to be gathered every week after starting to bear, en cumbers bear the entire year, and ao do tomatoes, which, with proper at tention, bear for years. Raspberries bear for six months. Pineapples come Into bearing when the plants are four months old and bear In obundance for years. Lettuce can be planted nt any time, and It develops quickly. The same Is true of celery. Frulf Trade .Journal. Greek Marriage t'natoma. The marriage In Constantinople of an Englishman nnd a Greek woman entails three wedding ceremonies. To be legal It mUHt be performed at the consulate. The couple are legally mar ried there the first dny, nnd on the next a church ceremony Is performed In the English church, while .the Greek re ligious ceremony which follows la cele brated nt the bride's home. The last Is the only legal form of marriage aa far as the bride la concerned. In the Greek ceremony no ring Is used, but the best man places a wreath bound with white satin ribbons on the beads of bride and bridegroom. Then, while the priest Is pronouncing the words of the service, the couple walk around htm In a circle three times, holding candles, the best man at Inter vals changing the wreaths from one to the other. When nil Is over, the friends throw small coins or tokens of gold and silver over the wedded pair, and a gen eral scramble ensues among those pres ent to secure the tokens. Whr a Horse Eata Often. The horse can conveniently eat for twenty hours out of the twenty-four. A horse which la in good health has a good appetite at nil times and Is able to stand plenty of work and Is rarely on the sick list To be a good feeder, especially on a journey, is a great rec ommendation in the opinion of every good Judgs of horseflesh. The reason of a horse being such a constant eater is that Its stomach is really small In proportion to the size of Its body, and therefore It requires feeding often, not less than four times a day, two of which should be onrly In the morning and at night, while hay should In the stall be always within Its reach. Lon don Tlt-BIts. Eat Lire Flab.. The Japanese practice refined cruelty to delight their palates. They believe that the fish called the dal Is most de licious when eaten alive. An expert Japanese carver can dexterously re move five-sixths of the edible matter from Its bones without touching a vital part During this cruel operation the fish Is kept alive by wet seaweed which. being placed over Its gills, enables It to breathe. A Simple Disinfectant. A simple disinfectant to use In a sick room or In any room where a close, musty or sewer smell la noticed la to put some ground coffee on a shovel, a bit of camphor gum In the middle of It Light the gum, which Is nonexploslve and easily Ignited, with a match and allow the coffee to burn with the gum. A refreshing and sanitary perfume la the result The Tobacco Habit. , Chewing tobacco Is a filthy habit Smoking makes you ao foul that you can smell yourself. Tobacco Is very Injurious to health. Every user of to bacco tries to quit It aud finds It very difficult Boy see their elders trying to quit, yet boys make themselves Blck In acquiring the tobacco habit Atchi son Globe. Flat Magnates Confer. The Janitor The people on the "steenth tloor say the rent la higher than the flat ' The Agent And between you and me they are slower In their payment than the elevator. Iudlanapolia News. In mediaeval times the best perfumes were made In France and Italy, the perfumers of those countries acQUlrlng a dexterity unknown elsewhere and possessing many secret n,eU.uui of manufacture. WILLAMETTE GROCERY Stevens Clock Nov Open for Business. $3.15 Bbl. Dalles Hard Wheat Flour $3.05 Valley Flour 15c Fine Blend Coffee $3.60 100 Bars Diamond C Soap We handle Oyster Shell and Ground Bone for chickene. Miles & IrlcGlashan Propa. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY TO SALEM AND INDEPENDENCE STEAMERS A LTO N A A N D POMONA LKAVK OSEOON CITY Going up, 8 :00 A. x. Going down 2 .30 p at DAILY RIVER EXCUR3I0NS or TH Str. LEON A. DAILT ICHIIIL'I.I. Leave PORTLAND Foot Taylor Rt, 9 00 A. M. 12 30 P. M. 4 00 Leave OREGON CITT Foot Eighth St. 7 30 A. M. 11 (10 2 30 P. M. Oregon City Transportation Co. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. DAILY TRAINS. D'ly D'ly Eflertive D'ly D'It July 6, 1'aOI t.H. A.M. A,M P.M. 6 65 8 00 l,v Portland .Ar II 10 9 40 8 0f 9 Or") (ioble 10 05 8 35 8 20 9 18... Rainier.... 9 52 8 20 8 38 9 35 .. .Pyramid.... 9 35 8 00 8 44 9 40 .... Mayger .... ft 30 7 54 8 50 9 50 Quiiuy .... 9 Ji 7 46 8 5810 0.... latskaiiie .. 9 12 7 ?, 9 08 10 10 ... Marshland .. 9 02 7 28 9 1910 21 ....WeMoort ... 8 52 7 17 9 37 10 3d ... Clifton 8 37 7 (ri 10 00 U 021..,. Knappa.... 8 17 6 42 10 08 11 10) HveiiHen ... 8 07 6 32 10 2011 22,.... John Day... 7 55 6 20 10 3oll 3Q1 Ar.. Aioria..l,v 7 45 6 10 SEASIDE DIVISION 11 30a. m...) ... 7 40 a. m ... 4 oOp.m . . .10 35 a. ia ... 6 60 p. m . .12 30 p. m . . 7 20 p. m . .. 1 30 p.m ... 9 30a. m 11 35 p. m. .. 5 50a. m... 8 15a. m... 6 15a. ni... 2 30 p.m ... 5 00 p. m... 9 45a. ni... ASTORIA J SEASIDE CONNECTIONS. AH trains make cloae connections at Oobla i(h all Northern Pacific trains to or from the Eat or Sou ml Point. At Portland with all trains leaving Union Depot. At Astoria with I. R t N. Co. 'a boats ami rail line, and Steamer T. J. Potter, to and from Ilaracoand Norih Beach Points. Ticket office, 255 Morrison at., and Union depot. J.C. M.YO,Gen. Pasa. Agt. Astoria, Or filitor Lit PORTLAND TO THE DALLES By tho fast and com modious steamer Regulator Leaves Portland daily except Sunday at 7 a. m. This is the Great Scenic Route. All tourist admit that the scenery on the Middle Columbia is not ex celled for beauty and grandeur in the United States, r ull informa tion by addressing or calling on J. S. BOOTH, Agent, Tel. 914. Portland, Or., Office and wharf, foot of Oak St. Rupture and Piles Cured without operation or detention from businesa DR. G. E. WATTS Room 14, McKay Bldg. 3rd & Stark. St. PORTLAND, OREGON. Hours a to 4 and 7 to 8 P. M. c Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of tha digestanta and digests all kinds of food. It gives Instant relief and neyer falls to cure. It allows you to eat all thafiwi rnn want. The most sensitlva stomachs can take It. By Itsuse many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. 16 jS unequalled for all stomach troubles. It can't help M a J fcj - Prepared only by E. O. IeV itt & Co., uirnxi iiitU.ulecoiiUiiii2 timet Uie Sue.