Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 03, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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cgon City Enterprise
Mew To-Day.
, Owner lit n have, tin' KHtnu hy
I nii( property Him paying lor mm mi
Mcllielll. l'JHllllt I'l lUlSX ill (,'(!.
. rt.Vl.K Tilltl'.K COWS, ONli
,, and one will be Ireidi in January.
!y tu A. W. Fimkck, Oregon Clijr.
h T:7 i)To a n"a tTi-r: ifcKNr
iipiiivii'l liiriiii tu l.'Uckaiius County
i mm two In ten yeara, repayable liy
. 1 ! Illt'fl t M. II llcircd. N'ICUIIIIIliHHiull,
full pailli-iiMr Mini application
niilv to MaiMamikii ,fc IIi'iiuku,,
cler I'.Icm k. fortUnd, Oregon.
!'l K! I'.H A fiUIKKITII, (.m.hl III
V. IniuM lliillillnK) liavs the cliulcaal
n anil country property lur
!( r.1 .!eC,
my to loan at liK"t raiea.
JIkimik A 0 mi rriTti.
I !.,!!(( KllclilllK'U J t lllH lll
'(r Cierk i'lcuhylcriaii church Now
f .i i-v't-'i i (, in listen lo a iiiuxlt'wl and
j!i-iry proa-tain by Uih youiiK people ul
h" i Iitirch. The rKrmii coiifirtled ul
J Iwenly numbers nil of which were
i in a ctcditahln manner and
vol favor liy Hie audience.
.- Hl'lrillt'4 ClIAHAI'TKU Diehard J.
I un ijivimi lOdayain the city jail
tit 'o r Jur liy Keronh-r Cnny. lis wan
, ji;; 1 I'iI.Ihv nllit l,y nlnhtwalchiuan
I .r,v linking In Ihe vicinity ul Muir
'il .," Kim-i-ry aiul it i thought he ill
J to hinjlurui) iIih ul nit). The same
.ui Wrt aireatcd HM)II OIIH IllOlltll ago
tl I l'IVB BIHlllllT IIMIIIU tO till police.
"(Li aideied t iiki'IiIoiik unit dan-
ir -'Hi character ami aa noon ai released
"i.i I K'lit out of tlm city.
i'.vtiiku'h Slier to His Sunk. Lorin
I. Andrews, a well-to-do farmer, pre
(i, '.(I en h of liia III rn nuna, I,yi;iim II.,
Ih irli' I'erlcy, and Henry Allen, mill
! rc of tine laud on the Htephen II.
aiki-r iliuiiitliiii Uiul claim. Tlio ptl
ill llie form of a ('lirintinn present.
In jCNrty in aitiuivd Jut aoutli of
S Grove, and la on Hih Hum of I ho
(li'uaml City A Oregon Railway, be
1. 1 0 Ihe trark and Ilia Clackamas
rr It la valued at least an
)re and tlie whole itift of alMiiil 2101
St i amounts to irnl).il)ly f'20.2'0.
IvIIonokok Mh. ami Mas. C. A.
ft nt'. Aliout twenty frirmla of Mr. ami
tin. I'. A. Muir calli'il at Ihuir rmililvr.v,
)r7ili utri'i't, Monday (vcniiii and
tiMrt'd tlii'in a pliiiiHiint fiirprlne call.
i-i"i)ii for tliia u hi xM'i lfd call waa
tuli'l'r.lH tlm bi'kiiiiiiiii of Mr. mid
' rs. Mulr'a married lifn, and from llie
I'nrtiof tlio!) ir".iit tlm eviiiiii aa
j I! of tuijoyatilu fpnturti. Afii-r much
city miik an omniKiintt bhiik",
ii" Jiia and isamca, and afii-r a Innty
!' iicui) Ilin compuHy di'parli'd lillt nut
, I-u li hail li'ii'li red lo llm yonnu
i, ' word ol cln er and eummragif
1 1 ! for happy and umdul future.
" tem liora of Currinnvillo and vicinity
. aold a local liialllute on Saturday,
iry IS. The following program haa
; arraiiK''! : "MhiIioiI, I'raulicnl and
fiiical," KiUli Kinipon; ruciiation,
M-hoday'a Mollmr," IVrllm Kitch
; rfadime, "AiIvancKiMliviHion, Anna
niKiHimi; mailing, "l'rimary and
i mmllale Diviaion," I). II.. Moaher;
i. Plant Life of Oregon," F, M. Gill;
' ition, AdaPavia; "Meana of Pecnr
i)tnpt Attendance" The teacher'i
i hy E. F. Surface, and the parenl'l
i. by Meara. Holder mid Bly, "Kirect
. o l Ailfiid ince," D. A. Miller; reel
a, "A Wornan'a Story," Maguie
i; "The IlanU of 1'roinotion,"
y 8uprintendint J. C. Zinaer.
"Kimball" Organs
la evlduiiilv the Intention of Mayor
I'iinlck and the city council that Oren
Cltv bi'ifiii tlie new year well, for all the
week a iiiimhi-r of mini have lieen cleun
lii up M4I11 atreet and hldn walka, nivli
to the town a very crediliihli) Hpi'eHrniieii.
To HiDple who huve vihit"d other luciilh
tia, Ori'ifuii City preai rita cli iui and
tidv ciimlllion. It la to he Imped that an
we ate enlerinu 011 a new )ear, the icund
hclniiiiiK which we now muku may
characltirl.o all ilepitrtimiiita of city life
The city la certainly (inmin. All
avenuea of activity bib awakening, and
ha iiiiimI he tt very indifferent olmeiver
who hilla to nee thia teiidency lovwird
IiiArii ok It K Hakkk II. F. linker,
an Inllui'iilial and hju'ily rufpecle,) real.
dent h( Claekamaa Couiitv, died ut hi
home near Walnut I.andinK, Suliirdiy
uiornlnKof liml wei'k. Mr linker aan horn
In Kaatuiii Kentucky nJ year and
came to Or ii'n, Holt Una in KuKcne in '74.
He lived In Eugene until the year 1880,
when he moved with hi family to Oie
K'Ol City, where he haa ii'.i.hIik iI ever
alnce, and enunned rxtennivi'ly in farm
ing 011 Ida laige farm oil the weal aide of
the river. Mr. Haker leave a wile and
nine children, four of whom are giil.
The entitle, compiinluK aoinetliliitf like
four hundred acre", of aralilu and im
proved land, waa left In the care of the
grown aona, who will continue the woik
which the deceaaed father line fur ao
many yeara curried on. The reiiiaina
were Interred in tlm Mountain View
cemetery on Monday. In the ile.tt 11 of
thl gentleman the community lo-ea a
valuahhi citizen, and the family a loving
Cai'oiit a I.aiiok Ki mi Henry Ilim
ler, the pioneer fWhcnnun who hah U-en
for to many yeara identiliud with the
llahiug lUaincHH on the t'luckmnuH river,
caught a very large Koyal Chinook
anlmoti Monday night wtiihi flxliing in
llie Cluikainaa liver. Mr. Hinder waa
pulling hta nel through the W4ler when
aiiitdcnly the ho.it ri'luned to reapmid to
the oara, and inatead aliot rujiidly out
into the middle of the alre-im ; two men
Were ill the houl hut their muted ef
fort to cliujk the llitiht of the b'jat,
proved lilt 11". The hoitt continued to
act 111 thla iiicorriguhie uniiner for rev
crul minuted bi foie the iMii-ruien could
exercim) any control over it at luat it
came to a utandittill, and w hen the net
waa removed from the water, a mon
alroua aalinou waa found tangled up in it.
Mr. Himler weighei the e;iluiuu and ita
weight camu to exactiy DJ puuuda. Thia
ia the largeat aalinou cught In many a
Y. M. C. A. It is noted with pride
that the work of Ihe Oregon City Y. M.
C. A. ia daily iucreaHing in tinefulucHg
and t'lllciency Under the lvaderdiip of
Secretin y l.eavcna the meiiiherhip hits
rlM ll to 1 10 and from preaent prospect
it w ill coiiliuue. All avenuea of adi-ocU-tlon
work rv!ieiil encouraging hii:na cm
peri. illy that of the phyaicul cu iure un
der the direction of Mr. II. E. WiIhoii, ol
Portland. Ilia claam-a meet feveral
liuiea a week. On Tueaday evening
and Friday afternoon he IntH a cl:ia e
pvoiully for tlie bi'iu lii of young ladiea;
in thia cluaa there are already fourteen
who ate regular uttciiilunlH and the work
w hich they are doing id of a liiijh and
beneficial order. .Every Sunday Secro
tttiy Leavens holU a rcliiilom meeting
of young men w hich ia umiully well at
tended mid which exerta an uplifting in
fluence on all who attend, it ia earn
eatly hoped that I hit naelul aHaociatioli
may continue to inciciiHU in member
ship and prestige. Every young nun in
Oregon City might, with profit, belong
to it and it would certainly bo an aid to
the young ladies if they were admitted
to membership. Every week durintr. the
month of January aocinl entertainment
will be held in the parlors, to which the
public ia invited.
lIMi: 1.1 I'M NO CO.ril.NT.
Ited Mi 11 In the L ad fur llm Irvl g
uiid Wiimiuii 11 f r (11 i keil.
Kiel Men 174 M.I
Public School 1SM,8
Woodmen of the Wo Id 2!K),fM4
KniulHM of Ihe Macciihei-a lH5,l)!l3
A Cure for Linnhiign.
W. C. WillinuiHon, of Amherl, Va.,
aaya: " For morn than a year I nnllVed
from lumhauo I finally tried Chamber
lain'a Pain lii'in and il xave me entire
relief, which all other iemdle had
tailed lo do." Sold by, O. A. Harding,
I111IUI luala Money tt Lean.
At 0 and 7 per cent. Call on or w rite
J no. W. LollKII.
Oregon City Oregon.
Steven' building.
A Voting Contest
Fur the moat popular church, lodge, o
ciety, achiMil or peraon of Oreg n Cily, by I
whichafl'iO IrviniC piano w ill he given j
away on J.mury 20, Wl, to the a.iciety
lodge, church, ichool or person aecuring '
the ttieateat number of vote. Content
now open. CI'ieH January 20, 1 p. in.
All vote will be counted once a week, i
and a full account of the vote a Ihe con
teat progreea will be publihed every
Friday in the Oregon City Eutcrp'iae.
The llnal count at the clone of the content
will he made bye committee ol three;
Ihe two coutCHtaiita in the lead will each
eend representative lo decide who get
the piano. The votes are uiven one vote
fieo with every '.'5c cali purchaae hy the
following meicliHiiti. Don't let any but
vour own church, society, rchool oi
fiieud cariy tir tlie honor, and remem
ber that every vote counts. Piano ia on
exhibition at Frank Uusch's furniture
aloie. Why not trade where you can net
jtiallota, Hi they coat you absolutely
nothing? Everyone ought lo at leant do
that much for their society or church.
Lint of uiervhauta where vote 8 can be
aecmed :
Frank ruch, liirniture.
Wilnon & Co ike, hardware.
C. U. Huntley, driiL'.
W. A. Huntley, books and etationeiy.
II. Michucl, diygooda, clothing, &c.
KrauHne Ilios., ehoea.
Fred C. Oadkr, plumbing and linuinit.
Adams Bros., Guidon liule lU.uur
Mm. Sloiy'a Crjatal Candy Kitchen,
7lh atruct, opposite Suspension llride.
II. L. Hohuaii, cigar and tobacco.
Heinz X Co., groceries.
Muir liroa.. groceries, 7lh and Center
Electric Caah Grocer r.
G. W. Grace, general store.
Oregon City Eulerpriso, Job printing.
Vaughn's livery stable.
Aloiight& Logos, meat market.
Iirown iSc Welah, 7ili St. Meat Market,
A. O. U. W. Building.
Mrs. 11. T. S laden, millinery, Main
street. j
Cheney A. Uait, photographers.
J. Knowland, tailor.
Shank A Bisell, 7th et , between
Biidge and Depot.
i A $450 I
in piano!
i To be given away. :
You Could Look
I ntnthe future ami et the condition
U1.I,.U I. it ...,.l,l
will 1r 1 ti if you, ytu vrtnUi wtk rHirf ul
once mul tliut naturally would be through
4 4V- Otiaranteril to dire Con
I .1 iimtioii, Drone hit ia,
Vfc W Atlim, and all I.ung
Trouhlr. CnrmCouKlitainl Coliliin a iliiy.
i.' r-nt. Writ to 8. C. Wr.i.La & CO.,
J Koy, N, V., (or free triaf boltle.
Karl' Clover Root Tea purifies tbi Blood
W. W. I llllll I l O, f.O tOVB, D. T).
Ontaopacla Phyalalana
(Jrailuuien nf A nirrica, ttcliool of Oaieopai hy
'iicwuafully treat all chronic illiwaea
liv inecriMiiiial iiianiiiiiluiioii. N idruiM
given, Diarawt ol wunieit kpeciuhy.
Kiauilfiailon ami coiimiltation frer.
Olli e hour: 8iol2. m. and 1 to 4 p. in.
Kji'epi Bundayi,
Ollli-e, Iiuiiuu 8 ami 4, Ktcvprii llldtf.- npp. Bank
f Oretrim Clt.
Okkuor Citv, - - Oreoom.
or okeoon cnr.
MMtal. 1100,000
-m"in k ur.ir.nnu MiKXiao aoniNaix.
.nun iih.'.. Illll duennuteit. Unkat eol
cnon HiiTimnil iell exchange oil all polnta
i 'he riili-d HMlen. K'lror.e and I loin Kona.
rHwlt re"ul'd nilijivt to check, nan
-i ii from V k. N. to 4 r. M.
r. LATOL'KBITE, l'raaldeiit.
P. J. MEYER Oaia.er.
Hofpital and Private Experience.
)ller til iirofemional service to the o
lle nt Oregon City and vicinity. Hecial
attention ihM to ('alarm and
Chronic diev. Hem ol refer
ence ifiven. Ullire in Willamette
Ibiililing. Olltce Imune. 10 to 12a. in.,
4 to 0 p. m.
!The Place To Go.
CANDY of all kinds,
sizes and grades.
It's all good, some is better than others.
7th Street,
Near Depot
Or is the hair growing thin threaten
ing baldness?
It bas produced a fine growth of
hair on other bald heads. Why not
on yours? It never fails when used in
the first stages.
I'rleo Bo nt nil lruKnlt. AUo for
aule by K. Trier, luulleld lildg.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Double and Singlo Rigs, and sad
die horse always on hand at the
lowest prices. A corral) connected
with the barn for loose Btock.
Information regarding any kind n
stock promptly attended to by person U
Iiorsos 3ouht and Sold.
Horses Boarded and Fed on reason
ble trtn.
I Golden Rule Bazaar
Oregon City's
Thin mnrninf
For the noxt 30 rUvB.
firfat rftdticlion in firincn, before stork taking, an we are Arter
niined to rednee our ftock and clone out all the rxMa
and enrla which naturally accumulate
during the vear.
Watch Our Windows for Bargains,
a We carry the largest stock Cask
Ik ets, Coffins and Linings in Clack-
anias county.
J We are the only undertakers in
Clackamas county owning a
hearse and will furnish it for less
than can be bad elsewhere.
We are under small expense and
do not ask large profits.
Calls promptly attended night or
Phones 476 and 305.
Brunswick House & Restaurant
Newly Furnished Rooms.
Meals at All Hours. Prices Reasonable.
Opposite Suspension Bridge.
Only First Class Restaurant
In Town.
Mountain View Poultry Yard
We took the first premium at the State Fair in H'Ol on
Barred Plymouth Rocks.
We have for sale young cockerels at $1.00 to $5.00.
We have a large stock and do not care to carry them through
the winter. If taken now you can get a fine cockerel for half
what it will cost you in the spring.
Oregon City, Ore.
Enterprise and
Big Cash Store
w inRiiL'iirafe our
b 9 A r.
111 " 4i Ti J-K i
Two Doors Sontl sT Court Heme, a
W. Oregonian $2.