Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 03, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Personal Mention
Win. Welch, of cialwon, was in the
y Thursday.
P. F.. Kpper, of Nalmun, wa la Ore
n City till week.
:J. 8. CllUlrup returned Thursday
m vUltat Albany.
"r, P. H. Thoma, of Beaver Crnek,
, ,(nl New Ywt'i tiny In tlil city,
MlM VmU Iill. f Caru visited
, mlvea hi Canemab during the wee.
William Culiir, o( thi city a-mni Hun-
y witli Mend in the city of PortUnd.
Mr. Clr Pray tier, who Imi bmn sick
i Paik place fr verl week, It III1
. rylll.
Miiw Neva Orlnwold, of fulfil), U Ilia
, ;kto( HieMiiwt KHml and Marory
t ndtilJ.
Mr. William lone, ol Heaver Crwk,
v in among Ui visitor to Oregon Cny
'i'. lilt-winy. "
Mi Moifa Flnley, of Oil city rpent
: DiUy I'd her Uter, Mm. Collin,
gt. Helens
Mm. W. II. Marshall and M.i.1 Anna
: dlin, of Cortland vlited relative in
i ..m mali Sunday.
William Hmllh. one of the Caru farm
. (f wan In the city Monly, In the in-
tt of buslne.
JTt.lin Hi barter, tlie well known cattle
1 yrrfrom Mulalla, 1 In tli city thi
v ek on buln.
Win. Phelps and 0. Blnhm, farmer at
I vver Creek, tains to Oregon City thin
v.k on business,
Mri. Hachael Byland, . of Hubbard,
i;ant the holdaya with her daughter,
C. S. Seaman.
Mi l.ury I'ov, of I'ortlanil, was llio,
i, seat of Mm Grace Marshall ofCanemah
fturdy and Sunday.
Mr. M. Van Valkenbiirg, of Bilveiton,
U (pending lila New Year vacation in
thin vlty visiting friend.
Mis Kittle Wanl. ol Portland wa tli
t li-t of the Miami F.lm ami Eihul Al
bright one day thia week.
Mi Amy Pollack haa la-en tenrhlng
.fr. I). II. Ulaaa' room the past week,
during tier atwente at tjalem.
Mr. Kiaue, of Aurora, one of the
I. adlug yiiing farmer of Marion county,
wa. In t lie city Monday on buiue.
K. L. Bona," fuinierly of tinea city but
now a re.ldenl of Portland was calling
on Oreuon City friend New Year'.
Mra. Tom 8earle, of Caueiuah, who
haa bwn III seveial day, la "till con
I.nnd to her room, but improve slowly.
Mr. J. B. Moore and little daughter
returned Haiurday evening for a five
ty' vIkII with her motlier, near Wood
Lorn. Mr. May Himlor, of Park place, who
!a ben ill for anveral week at lirr
Lome, continue to be con lined to her
,Mr. I). Oooley and wife and Chailo
iluckltyand wile, ol Wooilhurn. were
;bu ttUHnta, thia week, of Mr. and Mra
IHill Hart.
Mra. Clin. Welter and aon, of balem,
are spend ng a few day during the holi-
. ) viNiting Mr and Mia. C. li. Moorv,
;i tliis city.
Mr. Cha. Ilartman, furmerly Krpre
jntallve from Marlon County, and a
trident of Htott' Milia, haa been doing
: ie city the patt week,
A. . BteinWh and Mia Sophia
n inliarh, of Wllaonville, weie in town
: il wrek viKlting at the home of Mr.
i ad Mra Hunry Mi cy.
Ilul lirown, of Parkplace, whodo hand
a everely cruihed a few day ago in
ie woolen mill, reoita thai tlie injury
. improving alowly.
(iuy Levena, brother of Secretary 8.
heaven, la confined to hi room a few
iy thia week. Oat la threatened wiih
tevere attack of pluuiiny, and i not yet
t illy out of dangi-r.
Mr. D. II, Monitor, who haa recently
- ioied a eiicceitHdil term ol school al tiar
:M, haa accepted a poeition aa teacher
! the Hood View school, and will begiu
laching Monday next.
Mr. Frank Ilannnford, who formerly
o'd a reoponaible poHitioii in the paper
ill In thia placv, but who now ha
i.irne of a large farm near lintieviile,
- In Ihe city the pant week.
J. J. Guyer and inn, Henry, of Caru.
rre in the city Tuesday on biislnpM.
Tr. Guyer la the Supeilntendent of ti e
onday School at Cai us, and haa beld
nut pofiiion for the pant four yeare.
Juilge Henry Smith, of Walla Walla,
?ah accompanied by hi wife and
'anghter, have been spending a few day
i the gtieata of Mr. and Mr. M. Grif
th, of this city. Geo. CalilTla aufTering
viih a severe attack of the irripp.
Prof. G. W. Meter, of Carns, wai in
'.an city Wednesday. Mr. MeUger U
' Bcher of the school at Cams, and re
I oris a very nrcesful term thia winter.
: If has an enrollment of 61 and all are
' 'tidying with a will.
:. Trafton Iye, a sophmore atu lent from
;--ii city, at Pacific University. left Wed-
e4day afternoon to continue hi stUili-is.
' 'r. Dye has boen in attendance at the
: hool only three yeara nd is already
p -1! along in collcxe. Ilia intention ia
'.- finish his course Jtere and then pre
1 ; rn for some professi on.
Tom Kllllu, of Woodhurii, was on
btisliieM in Uie city New Year.
Alloruey Hlipi, whs vlaitlng frlenda at
CurrlitMville three day thia wrek.
Henry W. Ilagi mann, ol Hlone, wai
among Oregon City visitor Tuishiy.
NeUon McConnull, a PluaHunt Hill
resident waa In the city one day thii
Mr, Ja. He ti in nn, who holdi a recpon
lihle pusltlon with the Great Northern
visited Dr. Heaman last week,
Mr. Rachel Ilyland, of Hubbard,
spent a few duya the paHt week vlaliing
Dr. and Mr. Heaman in this city.
Waller r'ord and Georve Armstrong,
both of Wlnds'r, wcte transacting butii
nesa In the city by the full Tuesday.
Mia Myrtle McDuiiIcIm, a itenographer
of Nuwhurg, wa in the city one day tin
wut k the gtieni of her lialer Mi' Klora.
Jamei II. Mayan, a reHidunt of Port
land, waa the gnel of Mr. and Mra.
Gordon K, II aye one day the past week,
A. Krrlcaou, a io-M;iit of Cams, and
one ol the well to do farmer of Clacka
ma county wa on buniuee hure Tuea
day. Percy Croa, ion of II. E. Cross, who
ha been atMoiit lo Kantorn Oregon and
Washington lor three yeaia, has returned
lo lit home in thi city.
K A. Ten I'yck, of Munuol, la in the
city thi week ill Itte Internal of temper
ance. Mr. Ten Kyck will lecture on
temperance In Hhively'a hall, Maluiday
M. J. Fiuucane, brother of P. H. Fiuii
cane, who left a lew day ago fur hi old
home at Duncan, S. IX, writes hack that
he ailll lltluka Oregon is good enough
for him.
Mr. Mori ill Moore, who I taking a
Course In the Oiegon Agricultural bchcol
at Coivallis, haa been iHndina a few
daya al hi home with hi paients. Air.
Moore leavea (Saturday to retume lti
tudiei at the College.
K. T. Kiidier and A. P.. Hhank, both
ptoiiiineiit clliaena ol Canhy, panned
tiirough the city Tuesday on their way
home. Mr. Finhur haa beun In Wanh-
ingtoii the paal few moutha overseeing
aome wcrk in a lumber milling company.
Mr. Harold Van Dellngart, of New
York, arrived In this city Saturday, and
will visit for a few weeks with hi
nephew, Geo. C. Hrownell. Mr. Van
De Hogart, i highly pleased with Oie
gon, especially with our mild climate.
Mra. It. W. Paeon, a pioneer of 45, i
dangeroualy ill at her hemo on Mulalla
Avebiie. Mr. II icon ha been suuVring
tor a long time with spinal trouble ai d
it i tlie desire of tier iiumeruu friends
that her health be fully reatored (o lit r.
Mr. Kalblleish, of Cam, was in the
city thi week with a load of flue pota
toes, Mr. Kalbfl.-ih, raided a plemlid
crop thi season and it ia hi intention
t continue raising them a he think
they are to become very valuab'e in the
Irving Tdinhlyn and Henry Dt-sancon,
of Miller, Souiii Dakota have arrived in
thia city and will probably make this
city their permanent home. They re
port very cold weather in Dakota and
say Oregon climate surpasHea any thing
they ever saw.
Mr. Milton ilrown, who has been em
ployed for the past few months in Mr.
Pi ice' store, will leave in a few daya for
Aberdeen, Wah., where he haa been
offered a position as head clerk in a dry
good store. Mr. Drown has many friends
in this city whose beet wii-hes attend
Wilfred White, aon of Mr. and Mrs.
Will White, loft thii city Monday morn
ing for Berkley, Cel., where he will pur
sue the study of newspaper drawing.
Mr. White has natural talent in this line
of work and his many friends predict for
him a succesiful career, if he adopta this
aa hi life work. He will probably re
main in school until the lust of May.
Williim Sbively return tin week to
resume bin studio at Pacific Cnivereity,
Forest Grove. Mr. Bhlvely baa the dis
tinction of being the only student of the
academic department who ever repre
sented the college in intercollegiate de
bate. This Is hi Oral year al thia insti
tution and lie will be one of the debateri
who will meet Willamette Univesrity in
the annual debate.
Rev. William Stover, who haa recently
returned from a six yeara' course of
at udy at Minneapolis, Minn., left Mon
day for Tacoma, Wash., where he ha
r ceived an appointment as pastor of the
Firal EnJ Pi Lutheran Chuic'i. Mr.
Stover wa raised in Oregon City, and
his host of friend in this city extend to
him many earnest wIhIicb lor his success.
He graduated from college with high
honors and was considered the strongest
debater and speaker In the University.
A Ieep Myater,
It is a mystery why women endure
Backache, Headacke, Nervousneas,
Hleeplessncss, Melancholy, Fainting and
Dizzy Spell when thousands have
proved that Electric Bitter will quickly
cure nch trouble. "I Buffered for years
with kidney trouble," wrltea Mrs. Phebe
Cherley, of Peleraon, Ia , "and a lame
back pained ilb bo I could not dress my
self, but Electric Bitters wholly cured
me, and, although 73 years old, I r.ow
am able to do all toy housework." It
overcome! Constipation, improve! Ap-
' petite, give perfect health. Only 60c
. at G. A. Harding'a drug store.
f TT 4
- A. A. A A.. A A i Al . AA-Aj
Hpeclul Mle Millinery Red Front,
liig millinery sale. Mis Goldsmith.
Albright h Login have piano ticket.
New Klbboiia and pon pons at Ked
Ilig valuea In ready to wear hat.
Midi Goldsmith.
Men' and Boy' haU lesa than fac
toiy price. Red Front Btore.
Dont pai us uy. Call in and get onr
prices. Red Front Trading Co.
G. W. Jackson broke his arm Thurs
day aliening while working in Mill A.
$l!()to$100toloan on chattel or per
NOtial security. Ditnlck A Kastham, agts.
Uuy your meat at Albright 4 LognV
mat market and aecure votea lor the
)')0 piano.
Money talk, but bargains yon get for
your "money talk more vet if yoo buy at
the Red Front.
Great reduction Iq price! In all millin
ery. Mis GoldaiMith.
Guns and lock repaired. Key fitted
and sawi filed. Ammunition and gun
for sale. Johnson and Lamb.
In order to reduce our Block we have
made a (ireat reduction In Price on all
millinery goods. Mine Goldmiith.
Mis Harding has been engaged aa
director of the Methodist choir, with
MiKcho Samson as orgnit.
Do you w ant to nee your lodite w in the
l.r0 piano? Albritfht A Lon issue
one vote with every 25 cent purchase.
Everybody use umbrella. Every
body should know where to have them
repaired and new covers pnt on. John
Bon and Lamb.
Mr. G. P. Wanblad, of thii city held
the lucky nnrober, which wa 34.12, and
won Ihe sewing machine given away by
The Racket Store.
Mother's Club will meet Thursday.
January 0 and will diseu-a V What Shall
be Aims and Object of Mother' Club"
led by Mrs. Clinton Latourette.
Win'er clothii g is what yon want.
Cold weather la coming on and it col
no more to be comfortable. Joe Know
land, the 7th btreet tailor, ha hundred
ofsamplea of elegant goode to select
from. Knowland'a clothe! fit.
Senator Beverldite'i next article in
this series, "A Diplomatic Game for an
Empire, is an inside chapter of interna
tional negotiation!, and lellabow Russia
outwitted England, made an ally of
France and took from Japan the fruits
of her victory over China. In Saturday
Evening Post.
The will ot the late Mr. Sue McKea
waa admitted to probate Tneeday after
noon and the appointment 0! H. Blanken
ablp whs confirmed to serve aa executor
without bonds. The value of the estate
was estimated at $877. The final dinpo
sition of the property goei to Mr. Mc-
Kee'a two sinters, Martha and Ida
Toys for the children in abundance at j
Red Front.
Outlook EiireuniKlng.
The annual business meeting of tlie
Congressional church waa held on
Tuesday eveuing. A very pleasing
feature of the year'a work is the fact
that there la a balance In all the treas
uries on the right Bide. The debt that
haa harrased the church for years ia now
reduced and the remainder is secured
by good subscriptions and will be paid
by about Ootobor 1. There ia now over
OO In the various treasuries.
The Saturday club has by far the
greater part of this and the ladies' aid
society cornea in second. The societies
are planning to make needed improve
ments In the interior of the church.
All the old olllcera, whose term had
expired, were re-elected via: C. H.
Dye. Suuday school superintendent Mrs.
F. F. White, clerk; Mrs. Kate L. Char-
nun, treasurer, and Mra. J. M. Mark,;
. . . . 1 1-
JNexl week negins in a annual wee a 01 ,
prayer and on next Thursday evening
occurs the annual roll call to which all
members and friends are cordially in
vited. Rev. Mr. Bollinger, the pastor,
of the church deserves much credit lor
his valuable services, aa certainly much
of the success of the past year is due him
and Mrs. Bollinger.
Letter Lint.
The allowing Is the list of letters re
maining in the poBtofnce at Oregon City,
Ore , on Dec. 20tu, l'JOl :
Donahue Mary Miss Heron Bertha
Evans Sadie Mies (2) King, Francis Miss
Goddard Sadie Mrs l'eltit Pheraia
Haynes Florence Mina Smith Jenie Miss
Williams Quina Miss
hen's list.
Brooks J M
Cranfield E 8
Cunningham W A
Field John
Grammar B T
Gibson Geo
Garfield Chas C
Hay James
James Clyde
McLaren Walter
Mitchell B F
Miller Wm T Allen
Kainey A E
Walker JW
Annual P.n'lurt M-e'liig. f000 w wOOCCwOOC w 0 0 0 3 0 O
On Tuesday evening occurred the an-! j ( 3
nual buaine meeting ol the Kaptiat i t .x , i r i i g
church. The olllcer. elected for lhei OUT StOCK Ot UlllCe &U)plieS Wil )hk J j
enauing year and are as lo'lowa: Clerk, U , ., . . . . .
Wm. Beach iaaslHtant clerk, Carrie A.jO JjOOKS IOr tllG iAGW 1 C'lf IS COinDiete RIKl O
Parker ; tieasurer, J. W. Loder j trustee,
Mr. A. N. Porter, W. W. Mar, Weldon
Hhank, Elizabeth Howard ; Chorister, A.
8. Dresser i Fioaiice Committee, Mr. C.
D. Story, Geo. Howard, Mia Mary Mc
Intyre j Financial Sec., It Parker; Bun
day Huhool Huperintendunt, Mr. A. H.
Dreeaer ; deacon, W. W. Mar, W. C.
Johnson, D. C. Latourette; AsUtant 8.
S., Geo. Howard ; 8. 8. 8. cretary, Maud
Cooke : S. 8. Treasurer, Lily Haigre ive ;
8. S. Organist, Veda Williams; 8 8.
Chorister. Geo. Howard: Usher, Her
man Gantenbetn, Rudolph Ganteubein,
J. W. Philip, It. Parker.
Order", for Candy filled after order
in received. No stale Candies
used. New and fresh Confec
tionery manufactured daily.
Opposite Enterprise Office.
Buy Your
Where you can get the best for the least
Where you are sure of careful attention j
and courteous treatment. j
Where you can get the choicest selection
of highest grade instrument.
Where you can get an absolute guaranty.
Where yon will have nothing to regret
Buy now, you will aave money by doing
so, at
Eilers Piano House,
Wholeeale and Retail Dealer.
Not the oldest, but the leading Western
Music Concern.
Retail Store :
351 Washington Street,
Portland, Oregon.
Oat Greeting.
The old year is gone the new year is here. We wish you
well as the years change. We greet all our friends with good wishes
and great bargains. We are ready to add' quality of goods to our
pleasant words and make you" happy through substantial savings
and increased benefits in buying.
We offer:
t i i O
our prices arc as
Acugrr anu juurnmi y
r Book, per dot uc
Counter Book , perdoz.. 6oc
page Day Book 75c
Receiot Book K
Indelible Pencila 3 for J5C
Stub Files Shannon Files Steel and Rubber Erasers Rub
ber Stamps Stamp Pads Letter Copying Books Oil Sheets
Taper Fasteners Rubber Rulers Pen Carbon Books, Etc.
,.f piee
a f- i
There is nothing njore appropriate, nothing more
lasting, nothing more appreciable than a
We will sell all our watches in ladies' or gent's sizes
at SPECIAL REDUCTIONS for the holidays.
Come and see us before you make a purchase. We
have watches for everybody. Also a beautiful stock of
ladies' and gents' Solid Gold Rings, Chains, Lorgnette
Pins, Brooches, Ear-rings, Emblem Goods, etc.
Hundreds of useful presents to select from.
Yours for business,
The Wisconsin Jewelers and Opticians.
Don't nrfllect yonr yei.
Wa test tliein free ol charge.
Fine Watch
Chr'ntian Science ervi re held atj
the residence on the north-east corner of I
Fifth and Wanhinuton street every
8unday morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday
school at 12 o'cloek. Wedneadat even
ing meeting at 8 o'clock. To theae ser
vice all are welu tue.
Tlie Acme, opposite Enterprise office,
manufacture fre-h candy daily. Fruit,
cigaisandtobac.ro. Soda fountain. New,
Good Wall Paper
A Double Roll
Our Motto: Live 5
11m us in luruiuni. n
Typewriter Paper, per ream.. .60c
' Riblxin . . 75c to f x.oo
Carbon Paper, per doz.. 50c
Note Books 05c
Box File 25c
Challenge Eyelet9, I oz. box ..30c
of 6im..
Vf e are the only elentlfln
opticians In Clackamas Co.
Rspairing a Specialty.
Dancing (la g.
Mi Harding will open a darning
( school Wednesday evening, January 8,
at 7:30 in Willamette hall. Terms U
for twelve Uswns. Piivate lesBon 53
P. C. A 0. By. Co. The regular Sun
day rate between Oregon City ard
Portland is 25 cent for the roond tr p.
Get yonr ticketa at Harding's drug store.
Let Live.'