Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 27, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Friday, Dec., 20. j
Fight in Portland between Al Neill
and Tom Trscy result in a victory for
the former, who put Tracy out in the
eighteenth sound.
Explosion in a furnace at Pittsburg
result in (lie death of ten men. Tliey
were caught in mid air without opportu
nity to escape and perished in sight of
many spectators.
North and southbound Southern Paci
fic trains runiiinK between San Fran
cieco and Loe Angele. collided at Up
land. Engineer Coffey disobeyed or
ders, which instructed him to wait at a
aiding at Upland until the southbound
train had passed. Three of the crew
were killed and 25 people injured.
Saturday, Dec., 21.
Gronnd is broken for the St. Louis
Cold ware in the south break former
records in some localities.
A report is current that Mine. Tsilka
is dead and Miss Stone will toon be free.
A general revolution is expected in
South America. Other nations besides
Chile and Argentine may be drawn in.
Another sad accident occurred at
Pittsburg. Four boiler blew np at a
ateel works and four men were killed.
An anthorative statement is given out
that Secretary Hay will not resign from
the cabinet. Sect ret a ry Gage is anxious
to leave at tbe earliest possible day and
will go as soon as the president can find
a suitable successor.
Sunday, Dec., 22.
R. K. Warren is chosen to succeed the
lite D. P. Thompson as school director.
He served five years on the Board and
was defeated for re-election by Mrs. L.
IV". Sitton.
Parkkeeper Myers, of Portland, is
killed by being run over by a street car.
He was thrown from his buggy under
the wheels.
Two more revolutions break out in
Venezuela. The move was long pre
mediated. Warships will be sent back
to the Caribean sea to look after Ameri
can interests.
General Miles is severely reprimanded
by Secretary Boot for discussing the
Schley care. He is informed that he
bad no right to express any opinion on
the controversy.
Monday, Dec., 23.
Two men were killed in a train wreck
in Wisconsin.
Four persons were burned to death
Sid five others seriously injured in a
farmhouse firs Dear Sammerville, Pa.
Argentine people are preparing for a
war with Chile. The former country
will ask King Edward to arbitrate th.e
Germany threaten to prepare for
military action against Venezula. Steps
will be taken to compel a settlement of
tbe claim).
Market bouse at Zacateras, Mexico,
collapsed and 45 pervon were killed.
Hundreds of men and boys wet e en
gaged in saving good from a fire when
the building fell on them.
Operation is performed on General
Alger who has been suffering for a long
period iron) severe attacks of gall stones
While his condition is serious hi
physicians report that' his chance for
recovery are very fair.
Tuesday, Dec., 24.
fighting has occurred in the
r umn. ii' una is,; r"m?'t
Too much house work wrecks wo
men's nerves. And the constant
care of children, day and night, is
often too trying for even a strong
woman. A happird face tclla the
story of the overworked housewife
and mother. Deranged menses,
lencorrht'a and falling of the
womb result from overwork.
Every housewife need a remedy
to regulate her menses and to
j keep her sensitive female organs
in perf'.-ct condition.
is doing this for thousands of
American women to-day. It cored
I Mr. Jones and that is why she
writes this frank letter :
Glsndwne, Ky., Feb. 10, 1901.
I am glad that your Wine of Cardnt
I Is helping me. 1 a;n feeling better than
I have f.;lt for years. I aiu doing mr
' own work without any help, and X
wahed lt week and waa nut one bit
tirL Tliat shows that the Wine ia
doing me pood. I ara getting fleshier
I than I ever wia before, and tl;ep good
and eat hearty, before I begiui taking
Wine of Canial, I used to have to lay
down five or n t'met every day, but
now I do not ttiiukof irinr down thronh
the day. Mat. Kr-habd Joima.
SI.ee AT ItKVtHiltTH.
M. ' 1 ! l'l- AtHlMJ UwnmtA , In
our If you try ;
" 444 -x and onrt I so strona we
1 .11 1 r guarantee a cure or refund
a money, and tend yoo
free trial bottle If you write for It.
fetlIl.OH'3 cnataSScetili ami will car Con
sumption, Pneumonia. Bronrhilla and all
Lung Trouble. Will cure cough or coid
In a day, and thua prevent aerioua mnlta.
It hat been doing tnne thing for SU yean,
a C. Wills ft Co., Le Rot. N. Y.
Karl's Clover Root Tea corrects Stomack
Orange River and Transvaal colonies
D'. IS, 19 and 20, The losses to both
Boers and BritUh have been very
heavy. Theie is no immediate prospect
for peace.
A Valparaiso dispatch states that the
government of Argentina and Chile
have sgtied a protocol by which they
agree to submit the questions peudiug
between them to the arbitration of
Uieat Britain.
Governor Crane, of Massachusetts,
has declined the treasury pot folio ten
dered him by President Roosevelt, and
aoeigns reasons of a domestic nature for
his refusal. The president hal accord
ingly offered the pool folio to ex Governor
Leslie M. Sliavr, of Iowa. No response
has as yet been elicited from him con
cerning it.
Edgar Stanton Matlay, whose connec
tion with the Schley case led President
Roosevelt to request his resignation a
special laborer in the. navy, liaa made
formal demand for trial by usual naval
proceeding. He avets that hi case
comes nmler the civd service law, and
that he could not be ilii-missed without
formal charges, trial and conviction. It
ie expected, however, that it he doe not
resign, he will be removed from sum
marily. Wednesday, Dee. 25.
Portland w titer commission buys Al
bina water plant for f.llO.OOd.
Maclay discharged from his position
in the Brooklyn navy-yard by the
President's order, alter he reluted to re
sign. Negotiations bave been renewed be
tween Argentine and Chile and war will
be averted. Argentina will not pret-s
her demands. Paiers pulling an end to i
the present state of affairs will le kigiitid
at Santiago,
Dalton amfWade will be hanged Jan
uary 31.
Germany is preparing an ultimatum
against Venue's.
Thurs.lay. Dec. 26.
Governor Leslie M. Shaw, ( f Iowa
has been appointed Secretary of the
Treasurer to succeed Gage and take up'
his duties about January 20.
Chilesand Argentina come to an agree- j
uient and sign a protocol. There is no !
immediate danger ol war. In the mean
time however, both countries continue
their military pieparation. Chileans
are railing a defense fund.
River steamer Sun whs burned at a
dock in Memphis and I ur. passengers
perished. They were in the staterooms
and had no oportuniiy to eacaie.
Train ran into a burning bridge at
Dallas, Tex., No live were lost but
seven were injured in the wieck.
What Mull We Have For l)es rtl
This question arises in the family ev
ery day. Let na answer it to day. Try
Jell-0, a delirious and healthful dessert.
Prepared in to minutes. No boiling!
no baking ! simply add boiling water and
set to cool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange'
RaspWry and Strawberry. Get a pack
age at your grocers to-day. 10 els.
Nay He Waa TortartMl.
"I mfferrd such pain from corns I
couid hardly walk," write H. Robinion,
Hillsborough, III., "but Bucklen' Ami
ca halve ompletely cured them." Acts
like magir; on sprain, bruises, cut,
sores, scald, burns, boils, ulcers. Per
fect healer of skin disease and piles.
Cure guaranteed hy Geo. A. Harding.
SOLA CIRCLE, No. 1W. W. of W.. meets
the nH Slid third Turntluys of each month
at 7.30 p. m., in Willamette Hall Flora V.
Morri, 0. N., Carrie N. i'arker, Clerk.
Cataract Lodge No. 76, K. of P. meets
every Wednesday evening in Red Men's
ball. lulling Knights invited lo attend.
J. Peckover, K.ofK. and 8.
Order of Washington, Nonpariel Union
No. 37, meet every Saturday evening,
at Willamette hall. Virs. Lottie Foley,
A. O, U. W. meets everv Saturday
evening except the filth in the A. O. U.
W. Temple. H.J. Harding, recorder.
Rebekahs Willamette Rebekah Lodge
No. 2 meets second and fonrth Friday of
each month at I. O. 0. F. Temple -Margaret
Williams secretary.
Catholic Knight of America St. John's
Blanch No. 647, meets every Tuesday ol
the month.
Order of Petirio meets every Monday
night al Kedmen't hall. Head Counselor,
8. b. Scripture; Mrs. May Ta)lor secretary
Court Robiu Hood No. 9, Foresters of
America, meet first and third Friday ie
the month in Red Men's Hall. W. B.
Stafford secretary; Fritz Meyer, chiel
Tualain Tent, K. 0. T. M., meets ia
Red Men's Hall, every Tt nrsday even
ing. E E. Taylor, record keeper.
Falls Encampment No. 4. 1. O. 0. F.
meets first and third Tuesdav in each
month. Judson Howell, secretary . 1
I Willamette Falls Camp No US, W. O.
W. meets 1st and 3rd Frldata in the
Willamette Hall. C. 13., S F. Scripture
and clerk U. Olds.
Oregon City Camp, No. oMO Modern
Woodmen of America meet every second
and fourth Tuesday in the month, at
Willamette Hall 11. Urossenbaeher,
Clackamas Chapter No. 2, K. A. M.,
meet on the third Monday of earn
mouth in Masonio Hall. M. Bollack.j
Meade Post No. 2, G. A. R., meets
rlrat Monday evening in each month at
7:30 and third buttirdav in each mouth
at 1 o'clock p. m. in Wilamette Hall.
P. Colbert, Commander.
I.awton Command No, 1, of Oregon
tJnion Veterans Union meet second Sat
urday 1 p. nt. in Hodman's ball and
fourth Saturday at 7 p. ui, in T. F. Cow
Pioneer Chapter No. 23. 0. E. 8. meet
the second and fourth Tuesdays in each
month at Maaonlo Hall. Mrs U M
Strange, secretary.
Oregon Lodge No. 3, 1. 0. 0. F., meets
every Thursday In Old Fellows' 1 1 all.
T. F. Ryan, secretary.
Multnomah Lodge No. I, A. F. A. M ,
meets first ami third Saturday in each
month at Masonic Hall. T. F. Ryan,
Meade Relief Corps No IS, meets at
Willamette Hall the first Monday in
every month at 2 o'clock p. tn. and the
third Monday in every month, at 7.-U0
o'clock p. in.
Ancient Order of Ued Croat Oregon City
Lodge, No, 1, meet, am-onri and fourth Fri
day in each month in Wlllainetla hall.
United Artisans meet every Thursday
evening of each month at the Willamette.
Hall. Tlie social meeting of thia order
is second Thurseay of each month. K.
H Cooper, sec., it. J. Uoodfellow, M. A.
Redmen Wacheno Tribe No. 13, Imp
0. R. M., meet Tuesav evening 7:30,
at Red Men'a Halt. . K Dhoti, 0.
of R. ; Harry Baxter, sachem.
Junior Endeavor meet at 3:30 p. ni.
COl'tillH A.U COLIN IX ( illLllKK.H
Recnnim-ndiitlniia rf a Well Known
thlrag I'hjslchin.
I use and prescribe Chamberlain's
Cough remedy for almost all obstinate,
constricted coughs, with direct results.
I prescribe it to children of all ages.
Am glad to recommend it to all in need
and seeking relief from cold and coughs
and bronchial afllictions. It is non-nar
cotic and sale In tn hands ol the ni'iet
unprofessional. A universal panacea
for all mankind Mrs Mary It. Melendy
M. D., Ph. D Chicago, III. This
remedy ia for tale by G. A. Harding,
A Toting Contest
For the most popular church, lodge, so
ciety, school or person of Oregon City, by
hich a f 450 Irving piano will be given
away on January 20, 1902, to t!:e society
lodge, chun h, school or person securing
the gteatest number of vote. Contest
now open. Closes January 20, I p. in.
All votes will he counted once a week,
and a full account of the vote as the con
test progresses will he published every
Friday in the Oregon City Enterprise,
The final count at the close of the content
will he inada by a committee ol three;
the two contestants in the lead will each
send a representative to decide who get
the piano. The votes ara given one vote
free with every 25c rali purchase by the
following meichants. Don't let any but
vour own churih, society, school or
friend carry iff the honors, and remem
ber that every vote counts. Piano i on
exhibition at Frank Busch's furniture
store. Why not trade where you can get
ballots, as th-y cost you absolutely
nothing? Everyone ought to at least do
that much for their society or church.
List of men-hauls where votes can be
secured :
Frank Busch, lurniture.
Wilson & Cooke, hardware.
C G. Huntley, drugs.
W. A. Huntley, (took and stationery.
U. Michael, dry good a, clothing, Ac.
Krausse Bros., shoes.
Fred C. Gadke, plumbing and tinning.
Adams Bros., (iol.lnn Rule Bazaar '
Mrs, Story Crystal Candy Kitchen,
7ih street, opposite 8iiHeiiion Bridge.
R. L. Hcdntan, cigars and tobacco.
Ifeinx & Co., groceries.
Muir Bros., groceries, 7ih and Center
Electric Cash Grocery.
G. W. Grace, general store.
Oregon Ci'y Enterprise, job printing.
Vaughn's livery stable.
Albiight A Logua, meat market.
Brown A Welsh, 7th St. Meat Market,
A, 0 U. W. Building.'
Mrs H. T. Sladen, millinerv. Main
Cheney A Rait, photographers,
J. Knowland, tailor.
Khank A Bisseli, 7th St., between
Bridge and Depot.
! A $4.1(1 i
t r
in I mi it n inn
, I B) 4W Jb4ba W
To be given away.
tt rrwxlum malady o( love U ntrwe.
love, on.' I timid aifln". nm ulwrv
The Kigt ( hit atiuntt diataat
And It twltt rmafci, U.iw a
hull liy hu h fiU.Tlnt, Hi fatal knit.
U hllri ill limi'l mmda. air ni yair llf
And Ivt nit, (r on m.iillit, ( l near
Th rlock trvr Hiking In nr '.
rim that tIU tli mlmilrt In m Mint
It ) ii"t l"Vt nor Itfta't ili'iir, llilt win
TI..I thorn t will, kwiwr lng n-roat
1 ! ilinolc t.:t'y nt lot tml Inat,
Nrrv.a. iivivi.I (ill, lolly ul t iliild ln ilrrtirl
(it 1,,-atrn in.l, wakliui In lh itttknM, K-rranwl
- Arthur H,inHMH In ratur.ly Konlvw.
"Odd to hertr from him ngnln, after
all these years! I wonder w hat mad
htta write directly ho reached Bmith
aivptonr Trlscllla BntH-rlcy gin need Inquiring
ly from the open letter In her bund to
the mirror over her drawing rmim
timnti'lpU'ce na though her retlectlou
nilRht M)PslhIy answer the qoery.
The wistful melancholy of her ex
presalon wn duo to an lllnesa which
had left her nlttioet totally deaf; though
the fitct wn scarcely notlcenMi'.thtuik
to the knowledge of lip rcntllng ahe
had acquired, und when till menu
fitlM ahe resorted to the use of an nr
trumpet, or uu Ingeniously constructetl
"Oh, dear! If only I hadn't lx-ti
denf; men have a horror of deaf old
mnlila! But I niln't let him know
Just at first-he nlwnya stMike tllatlnct
ly and wits clean ahnreii, which incuiis
a great deal to me how. I'm sure I cuu
mintage It," she resumed liiedllntlvcly.
"I will act lit in talking of hi cam
paigns." She crossed the room and touched
the hell.
I'utherliie," she anld to the timid.
"Mnjor-I mean Colonel Kwart will le
here presently. Betid up hot toast w ith
the tea and extra cream."
A liitimeiit lifter the inn Id held aside
the heavy plush portiere and a tall,
military looking man. with n II. .wing
gray lieard and iiiiistnche, filled up the
'GmmI grticlous a bennl a well.""
MIh llalierlcy mti mm ret), horror
stricken, a ahe caught up her fail and
went to meet him, holding It graceful
ly to her lip.
"Ah, major colonel. I menu"-he
corrected herself agitatedly "delighted
to set? you! It's like your good nature
to call so soon. How you have altered!
I should scarcely have known you."
"You haven't clirtngri! In the least
degree." he said gallantly, slinking her
hand between ImiUi hi. "Why, It
atH-iim only yesterday that we said
'grxKlby at your slater' garden party."
Ilia tone waa grulT, but hearty, and
somewhat above the normal pitch, antj
she managed to catch a word here and
there a she watched his llpa anxious
ly, holding the fan to her own.
"Yes er-l have a little garden
here." she rejoined hesitatingly. "But
come and alt down. I want to hear all
about youraelf and your campaigns.
Of course I learned a great dual from
the pnpera, hut It Isn't the same a a
Mrsonal narrative, so you must Just
tell nit from the very lglnnlng." Khe
seated herself nptmslte him, her eyea
still fixed on hla face.
"Really. C'ella I may call you the old
name, may I not? there Is nothing to
tell. Just the usual eliange from bill
stations to the plains, and vice versa:
then the outbrenk, which we quelled
after some sharp fighting rind losing
some of our best fellows, ami that's
all. You don't suppose," he resumed
In a lower tone, "that I've come here,
directly I set foot In the old country,
to talk n limit my campaign?"
Khe beard the note of Interrogation
und dropped her eyes rather tllseon
certedly, murmuring nn unintelligible
"I wnnt to tulk something fnr more
Interesting," he continued softly "that
concerns you ua well as myself. You've
no Itlea what pleasure It la to see you
again and lo find that yoii-tluit you
are not married."
"Really?" she exclaimed Hfier a
slight pause, cleverly simulated sur
prise In her tone.
"Yi, It has always been In my
thoughts." he rejoined eagerly, his
courage rising. "I should have spoken
before I went away, hut do you re
memler remarking once that you never
Intended to mnrry miles the mini who
asked you had something more to hla
credit than a bunking account. Thut
was why I exchanged and went
ahrond. I did think of writing when I
waa out there, but until these frontier
BlTnlrs were quite settled I thought It
fairer not to ask you to tie yourself to
me, as If I'd beeu hit It might have
la-en a blow to you. Of course that
was taking for granted you cared a lit
tle for me." 'And he cetieluded smiling
rather shamefacedly.
"Indeed!" She smiled also, feigning
"Now, confess, Cella, this Is not alto;
gether a surprise to you. Even If It la
you do not find It dlsagreenble?"
"Dear' me how strange!" she ex
claimed hesitatingly, after a alight
pnuae, still keeping her eye fixed on
his face, while she bit the tip of her
fan nervously.
She broke the silence at last with a
little regretful nigh.
"Is that all? It is moHt Interesting."
"Ah. Cells," he sighed, "you are Just
as tantalizing and stnnd-offlah ns ever
-rut I like you all the better for It."
And he leaned forward with an admir
ing glance at the fair face and shapely
head, crowned with neat dark brown
i coils.
"Yes. may people have told me the
same," she replied complacently, catch
ing the end of bis sentence, and, noting
the appreciative glance, she concluded
that he alluded to the modern stylo of
haliilicsslng ahe had adopted.
"But yotl needn't I hi stand ulllsli with
nn td.i-er-iidinlicr," ho added quietly
nnd reproachfully.
"I - 1 beg your pardon- what did you
ll) ?M
"Oil, licthlng. liotlllUK." he respond
ed lntHt;ly, fcni'ltiif he hit 1 been too pre
clpitnte. "What u charming rpt'm thl
-Now you must have aotno ten," alio
"id. tiflcf Hither en nwawmd pause,
a lug down her full, and moving to
l ie inlilo, "Being nn old mnld I'm
lather fussy, so )'oU Initfct Hot talk
while I'm hulking It -It distract my
attention," ahe added with n forced lit
tle laugtt.
He watched her with growing plena
tire na her hands busied with the cup,
the tump ray touching the gold In her
It's like old time,- watching you
make tea. I'ellti. 1 wish It would be
my privilege always."
' I told you not to tulk," she snld
with playful severity.
"Hut 1 must. Doirt lo o tnntniia
lug, dearest, I'm not to touch ten till
I've had your answer, till you've prom
ised. In fact-" hla voice dropped to nn
earnest whisper, and he crossed the
room t her aide, "to l my wife."
Bhe glanced nt hint bewildered,
Kr r In fact, of course, scarcely
In theory," alio aultl vaguely.
"Cella." he exclaimed, "what on
earth do you mean?"
A dead silence followed. Bhe uw by
hi fuco that something wna wrong,
nnd her agitation Increased when he
t-nuimcuffd to puco restlessly nlsilit
the room, muttering to himself lu nn
"I'ver since I've Is-en abroad I've
lived nnd worked In the hope of one
tiny winning you, but now It aeein n
thong h"-
Klio looked up ponded. "What did
you any?" ahe asked tlesjirrntely, "I
did not unite eatt li It, but It I your
own fault. I told you not to talk while
I made tin-two lumps of augur. Isn't
It? Yoll co. I've remembered the cor-
reet iiuuiiH-r-nnd half the cream Jug-
yotl were nlway terribly grimily. eol -
ouel! There!" She handed hi in the
cup and caught up her fan. "Now you ,
must begin nil over nguln. I don't)
think you've lost the spice of humor."
And she flashed a nervous little smile
over tbe top of the fuu.
'('elln." he said slowly, raising hi
rolee till It rang through the room,
"thia la not n time for Joking."
The unger In hla tone and hi hurt
expression frightened nud bewildered
her; wlili a gesture of despair ahe turn
ed away.
"If only It hadn't been for the mus
tache!" she murmured, half audibly.
".Mtistuehe!" lis exclaimed engerly.
lionrulues glaring Into hla tone. "I
Unit your only objection? Mow I wish
1 hnd known In-fore I enme! Hut I'll
have It off directly."
He wn stnudliig beside her n-nln,
and now he rested hi hand on her
shoulder; but alio shrunk from tils
touch and turned away, half crying
and wringing her hand.
"I thought I could bnve iunnnged,
but I ahull have to tell. ' I rnn't go on
like thl," ahe hhed.
'Tell me what? Thnt thera la some
one tdse?"
He turned abruptly nwny, and flung
himself lu the armchair, burying hi
fucc lu hla hum!.
"Just my luek." he sn!d brokenly.
"But It's hard after all (hla time, nnd
now w ln-n It aeemed nil plain sailing
to hear thnt-thiit-I hnve a rival'
Hut, reproachfully, "you needn't hnve
kept me bo long In susnc. C'ella."
A moment n silence followed. Then
she left her neat nnd wulkeir to the
fireplace and stood looking down at
him, toying nervously with her fan.
"I can't hear what you ny." alio stilt!
nt last desperately. Hinging the fan
from her. "I should have told you-l
nm denf. but I couldn't bear to Use my
cur trumpet Just nt first. Uenuse I
thought you would regret having come.
I know men hme a horror of denf old
Khe Intighedysterlenlly na she pro
duced the trumis-t from tho little bag
nt Ikt aide nnd ndjusted It.
"It wa Just my silly pride." she con
tinned quickly, "nud I thought I could
mnnnge with my fan. You nee. It ha
this tube In the center, which currle
the Bound through my llp-und then
I understand lip rending-If It hadn't
been thut your miistaeho conceals
"1 thnt all?" he Interrupted engerly.
starting up and placing Ids ha mis on
her shoulder. "There Isn't anybody
"Anybody else, where?" she asked,
"I menu nny one you enre more for
than me whom you Intend marrylmr?"
MVI , . ... ... .
.i-.io sue raitcrcq, the color rush
Ing Into her cheek; "but whnt an odd
Not at nil," he answered delighted-
y. 'Can t yon guess. Cella. what I
have been asking you, or-" and hi
eye. twinkled merrlly-"shll I liegH,
m over again?"
Hut It was arnrcely aeeessnry. for
though she hlushed still rjeept-r she did
not now resist when he took her hnmU
lu hlat. Mainly Abtmt People.
I'lidlnnil' I'.arly Coins.
When Knglnnd wn being ninde Into
mincemeat nud block of real estate
by the Bnxon and Danes, silver an
brnss were lu use as currency, but the
NormniiM suhseuetny Installed the
arlstocrntle metnl nnd left the demo
cratic lirns to take tare of Itself.
Cold was first coined by Henry HI,
and copper mnile luto British coin In
1"2. Tin wn used for coinage lu
1M0, and the national farthing was
mnde of thUCnmbrlan product, with a
stud of copper set In the center. In
1O0 and KIM tin half pence wcro li
aued lu cotifllderable quantities. The
only pure gold coins Issued In Kug
Ilsh history were those of Henry III.
Th. Uf, f . ,., -First,
the Uoy of ,.!,
to the breaker to pl,k the n .
er Impurities from Hie coal .,77!'i
b. cti brought up fn,,,, , hl,"ul,H;
there he la promoted n,lti ' r
door boy. woiking , .....Ji .;
a nerd
older mid strung,., i,. ,"l
to Hie tmaltlm. .... !
pity of a laborer.
ii, " " . nt. i
experience whh-h
secures l.i, . i
a a miner's helper, nnd i, t, JLt
skill and strength he Um,w Vi :
the height of Id limtlu! anO !i 1
full fledged miner. U
If ho is foittinat "
the fall nf rock n
tuln this position m
lierofyenra. Hut
he la nttneked hy
disease Incident ti ,
be make way for ,
more vigorous fullowin
1 rs
' 'Him.
' on
la 1. 1
bidder whin aiiminlt he hs, ,
lie then start on th (,.,vll
back to iMTiime a luliier'a h..i. '
a mine lahorcr. now
a iIuif iw.. .
ii..n ..1.1 111,1 .1 . . "
nit I,, a...!,
ttirna tn lh tir.nk... 1, - . '
. .. : - "'rrj it
aa a child, earning the .n,,,..
are n-celvetl by tif ,tf urcblu,
work at hi aide. There Is Ko ,
tlve for ambltl.ui t, ,,. avern. Bu.
er'a life, lie rnniiot rise (0 phtr, i
"''n' d wen lih. only 1 &!
can even U- gVl l, ,,1,,,., , .
or su.crlhteiideiit. nud t tr .
lions which few miner ear to,
Johu Mllehell lu Cosmopolitan.
Tor III ItepMlattna, .-HN),
The proprietor of a large dry .j,
Store hlld decided to tear ilowo HiecU
building and ereet a new nU 0 n
st. n.l. In ftirthemtic of ttilat p ,
wa removing his goo.li lu i,,,
quarters lu another building.
The good were nearly nil out of U
old structure when from soma
know n eaiiKe It caught flr. The it
pnrtmenf wn tinuiiptly (m tand M
wti hnd a aircnm playing 00
fliilnea, but Hie liurclinul wj niy
wlili excitement. Itunnliig up lo ti
thief, be urged l.llil lo greater limit.
"Never ml Hie gisslt!" r ahoutrl
"Never ml i tie gisslt
"Bave tin ...lildlng! I'll glt tli
a l,e k for $.".thj for ilielr m-obIod find
If tbe.v ilou'l le Hie (Ire spread brjuu)
that il.su ."
"Why, you're going lo irnr lb oij
biilhl ng down auyvisy. nrvn't yoor
aakeil the ehlef.
"Yes." be said, "but do yorj Hippo
I w aul Hie Insurance emnpaulcsoriiij.
Issly mi i nrili lo think Hint's tU m
aoii why It muchi Drer
I'.y great exertion the Are wi
tltignlshed w ith Utile ot to far n It
building wus concerned, and lb are
chaut wa a ioh a bl word
Youth's t'ompniia li.
rrr rralaraa.
There a;e nilcrosr-oplc rrettnrf
which live In rtsif gutter soil oo the
bark of trees and are known si wiw
Ix-nrs nnd w heel aiiiinnloulre. If slav
ed to dry up under the uilcmacope. r
ran be aeu to shrlirl luto sliaprk
uiuts.-a, whleh may le kept fur years
uninjured In the dried state.
Ou bclug plntvd after this lonf Inter
val lo water they grndunlly plump on.
resume their proper shaM sail nxxt
alwut In earch of food Just at If Dott
ing bad bappciied. Much tutsan
true for the uiluule worms wblch fro)
the subianti'S lu which tliey lire lit
kunwn a paste nnd vinegar rela W'O
know n I the fauioii mae of the Afft
scull, which, retnicted luto Its iWl
wn fastened lo a Inhh-t la the DrltUb
uiu4-um and thow ed no sign of life lor
aeveo years, w hen one tuiiriilnit It
found crawling hungrily atKJUl
gluaa case that formed It prison.
If) Ml alert.
At the battle of Onidiirtnnn 1 soldi
iM-longlng lo a Scotch regiment
lieorly killed by a bullet which struck
the grotmd Just In front of hlm whl
he wna firing In a reclining fa"
On rising to move a few feet furwirt
something rme down his sleere. "
wna the bullet. How It got op H
sleeve without Inlllclliiif tlanmjre car.
only be accounted for hy Hi frt W
It must hnve la-en scnt hy the tln)J
struck the ground In front of blrainl
the course of Its flight up his
waa ll Inst billet.
A simple wny lo restore color to wow
la to mix the color with oil and tarpeo
II ne. Hpplylug with n soft cloth it
rubbing In well. Either the powderel
pigment or color ground In oil
he used. For light oak use raw ow
ner, for dark oak burnt umber. "
la very dark, add n mere shade of law
black, r'or mahogany use burnt sieo
na. chrome yellow and blsmnrok bron
ami for cherry use burnt sienna.
I u .. t. ilnw
Mnglstrnte - Tour hushnnd cbrp
Madam-Yes. your honor. I
him If he would nlway love Die.
,,e wna ao alow In answerluH ihtl I b
hlm w , ,. ,, only
, wf)mnl) lfe without to
to a mere bllght.-lllustratetl HH-
Qall Reallalle.
hti.1. ... i.i fi... niilni.rit nrtlst
1 ij i, ail in - -v-
my famous study of the 'Cows lo o
Clover.' " , k.
"Hut where la (he clover?" w -
cd, none nppeurlng In I he picture.
"Oh. the cows hnve eaten
knowV-Baltlmore American.
"If you Intend to
dine on
queried tbe captured
with a fusillade"
aiu yoo greet us wmi a ,u"'"" fo0j
"Because we always pepiH'r our
tefore entlng It." grluued the caonin--Pblladelphla
Oo4 )
Profesnor-Why doi-s the earth
nardup (absently) - Can't PJ
rent, I supposc-ExchnDge.