Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 27, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Legal Noticea.
In the Circuit Court or th Slats of On
ajon, tor Hie County of C-ackama.
eltrood tand and Im
provement Co. ( cor
poration). rialntlrl.
John F. Brotje, Marie
Broelje, Helen l
titration, Creed V.
Miration, Carroll K.
titration l.ovd L.
Stratum, Miilon K.
Ptratton, John B.
t'leiand, W A.
Cleland, K. cimmon
on and Fred SlrotiR.
Defendants. I
Stxt or Ohkuom I
CoruTt or Clackanam
By virtue of a Judgment order, decree and
n execution, duly issued out ol and under
toe aval ol ike shove entitled Court, in (lie
bove entitled cause, to me duly directed and
1ated (be Sih dav of lVceruber, 1!"J1, upon
Judgment tvmlered ami entereil In said
Court on the 12lh day of November, lssJl,
in favor ol the t-ellaood l-kiid and Improve
tiient Company, riainutt, and a-ainsl John
na wane tin.fii', defendants, lor I lie sum
of fatft (H) with interest thereon at the late
ol 8 per cent per annum Irom the 1st day
jf May. lf5, less $.10 0t paid on the 2Uh
day ol November, 1SU3, $ UO00 paid on the
Midday of June, 1S4. 7MfO pail on the
Aid dav ol 8eiieinhrr, 1X4. and $73 00 paid
on the 8th d..y ol November, ISM, and the
further sum ol $15 UO atiorue)' tee, and
the fuNh.-r on in ol $5 00 costs and ills
tnreeitiehts, and the custs tf and npon
Ibis writ, commanding me to make sale ol
the folloaini drMT.oed real properly, situ
ate in the to inly ol Clackamas, stale of
Uregon, to-u: '
That piece or Parcel of property described
as beginning at a point in the division line
betaeen the North ami booth halves of the
(Jeorge frost Donation Land Claim which
is twenty-right euains and eighti-live links
West of where the said division line Inter
sect the Kast line of said claim; thence
South to the North tin of the forty acre
tract set apart ty decree to Louisa Jane
Bunnell; thence Eisterly aion said North
line ol the thirty acre tract set apart by de
cree to J. J. Crow to the East line of Ihe
aaid George Crow Donation Land Claim;
tberee northerly along the said Ks-I hneol
aid Claim to a point which is 6n5 Ui feel
aoutherlv where the oiviion line between
the North and South half of said lieorne
Crow Donation Land Claim is intersected
by ibe Ett line then of; thence West uti 10
feet to Ihe venter of the County road; thence
northerly along the center ol the said
County mad to a point w here the same in
terser 1 6 the dividing line between the north
and south halve ol sa d Donation Land
Claim; thence westerly along the said divi
ding line to the place uf beginning. Situated
in Ibe County of Clackamas, and State ol
Oregon, and containing twenty seven acres
more or leas, to be sold first and the pro
ceeds thereof to be applied as lollows:
W. To the eX ense of said rale and to
tbe costs and disbursements of this suit
2nd. In the payment ol such Judgment
as may be recovered in this suit.
3 d The balance if any may be disposed
of as tbe Court may be ariviaed and direct.
But if the proceeds ol the said sa e id toe
property above described be not tutbcieiil
to aalisir the Judgment for tbe amount
herein granted, then the following real
property which is a portion ol the real prop
arty set out and described in the Mortgage
aet lorth iu tbe complaint be sold, to-wit:
Commencing at an iron stake at the
northeast corner ol the thirty are tract ol
land owned by John F. Broetje, said point
being the K-isterly point of Ihe division line
between the husband's and wife's halts of
the George Ciow Donat on Land Claim, and
also th Suu'heast corner of the land now
owned by fcUw-.e: ScbiO-Ier; thence South
fifty two minutes had. trac ng the Evl
line ol the George Crow Donation 1-amtCla m
tMMStf feet toa'i iron stake; thence Men
110 10 f-et more or le-s lo the center of Ihe
Com ty road as now la d out; thence North
erly aiong the center ol said County road to
an iron stake at Ihe division line be, wren
the hu-bdiid s and wile's half ol the said
Crow 1) L C. ; thence Kaaierly along the
aaid divi-don hue ol the aaid Donatio i Laud
Claim 281.36 leet more or es to Ibe place
of begini.i' g, containing 3 Ob' acn-s more or
leas I he proceed from the t-ale thereof to
be applied in like manner asspecified herein
for the application ol the proceeds from the
aale of the ti t: dcsciioed paicel ol real
property herein.
Now, i heritor e, by virtue ol said execu
tion, jutlgnienl O'der and necree, and in
compliance with the commands of said
writ, 1 will, on Bu'urtav. the
at Ihe hour of 1-30 o'clock, p ni , at Hi
front door ol the County Court Hnue in
theCitv ol Oregon City, in said County and
IHate, sell at public ktictii n. subject lo re
demptiou, to tne highest bidder, for U n.
gold coin cash in baud, all the right, title
and interest which the within named de
fendants or either of them, had on the dale
of the mortgage herein or since had iu or lo
tbe above described real property or any
part thereof, to sniffy aaid execution, jtnlg
went ordir, decree, Interest, coH and ad
accruing costs,
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon
Dated, Oregon City, Ore , Dc. 7tb, 1901.
Notice Tor I'ubliratioa
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S78.
United Slates Land O.'Iice, Oregon City,
Oregon, Dec. 2, 1001.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
Willi the provisions of the act ol congrens of
Jane 3 I'd, entitled "An act lor the sale
of Umber lands in Ihe Hiatesof California,
Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Terri
tory," as extended lo all Ihe Public Land
til a tea by act of Angus' 4, Hfl
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has this day tiiefl in ihii office his
worn statement No Wi'i, for the purchase
of the SEJ4 of section No. 12. in Township
So. 4 South, Kange No 4 Eait, and will
ofler proof to hiio tr.at the laud sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish his claim to sal I land before the
Kegiater and Ke ener o! this office at
Oregon City. Origon, oil Weil les ay, the
19 h day of February, l'J-2.
He names as witne.re:
H. El-person, of Cui riusville, Oregon;
Gio 1, Brown. ol Fortlai d, Oregon ; Joseph
tJreen, of Mnrii!gatr, Orego'i; Jolin
JCpiieraon, of Klo, Oreo ,
Any and all peraoi a Claiming silver- y
tbe aiove-deM:riled land- are lequeated to
file their claim in ti,i office on or before
said 19 h day of Fnruary, KK2.
Keg i ait r.
lean tbe Kind Ym Haw Alwsjrs Baif
fto Hind Hit Haw Hlwrs
lyon's French Periodical Drops
Strictly ver'taWe, rverfectly harmless, sure to accomplish
DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy.
Beware of eonnterfel's and Imitations.
airb fae-Binjde natire on aile of ths bttle. tnua: ViitvMaa
lo WILLI AMi UtU.COBole Aseuu. tujTeiaud.OtiK. ftrt-x.yr'
Baad for Lrcnivr
In Hie Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, tor Ihe County of Clackamas.
Thomas YVIke and Stella
VYike, his wile,
Arthur Orr, Belle Orr
Dudley, Julia Conaghan,
Kdwtn Orr and Lillian
Orr, his wile, Theresa Orr
Arstill and Ambrose Ar
still, her husband, Mary
To Arthur Orr, Belle Orr Dudley, Julia
Coiiaghaii, F.dwtn Orr, and Lillian Orr, his
wife, Theresa Orr Arsilll, AmbroM Araiill,
her huaba id, Mary Anderson, and eacu of
you said detendanW:
In the name of the State of Oregon: You
are hereby reo.il trad to aitear and answer
ttie complaint Hie l against you In the anov
entitled aiiiton or before the l.tn day oi
January 1UU2, the last day prescritied in Ihe
order lor tmblication ami six wreka from
the day of publication hereof, which is De
cember 0th l!Jl. and you will take nonce
tnat it you lad to so appear and answer Ihe
complaint tiled agaiuat you herein nn or
bel ore taid 17th dav ot January, lllftl, the
plainlitls will apply to the Court (or tbe re
lief p'eved lor in the complaint herein, to
m it : "for a decree foreclosing the mortgage
set out in the complaint upon the following
premises, to wit : The south halt of the north
weet ouarter ol t he nort h t quarter of sec
tion 31 In lownship two ('.') aouth of range
three (3) east of the Willamette Meridian, hi
Clackamas County, Oregon, and lor the sale
of the saiil preiniwi therein sel out by the
fheritTof Clackamas County Oregon, accord,
lug to law and the practice olthiaooun ; thai
t ie procediof said stle may he applied iu
payment ol the amount due to the plainlitls
and that said defendants and all person!
claiming under them, suhsrq ieut lo the
execution of said mortgage upon said pre in
tea, in any capacity whatsoever, may
bar re I and foreclosed ol all rights or claim
in said premises and every part thereof
That plaintittsor any other party to this
suit may b'C nut I purchaser at said saie
thai Ihe sheritl execute a deed to ma pur
chaser: that the purchaser be let into
lMisesion ot the premises upon production
ol the sheriffs certificate of aale." Ami for
such other and further relief as shall be
mew and eouitable in Ihe premises.
1 his summons n putui-die by oroer ot
Ihe Hon. Tlios. F. Kyan, Judge of the
CU' tr Court of Clackamas County, Ore
(on, u in application ot tne puatnnns
herein, which order l duly made and en
tered December 3rd, V.m.
Attorneys for Plaiutitlt.
In the Circuit Court of the State ot Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas.
r. Appeisou, p II
T. L. Charnnn, Trustee
Kale L. Cliainiau, A. S.
Dres-ser, Mary Comers,
Edward H. H irrn. Clack
amas Aoatract & Trust
Co., actirKjratlon, A. W.
Cheney, Bertha M. Sum
ner, K. J. McKittrick,
Micoael Minank, J O.
Mack, James W fart
low, linis H. V awr
man, Oorge Morris,
Mrs. C. B. Johann, W.
H. Dobyns. D C. Ted
ford, funnel Graham,
VV. K.0oas, Mary George,
U J. SwiU'-r, David
Turney, Sarah George,
A. H. George, Edwin
Collins, Jobu Viiinej, 1.
LeMameu, Maria Sniu
Uller, Cathern.e Burk
bolder, Mc.Miimville Col
lege, a corporation, Flora
Kii-e, EmelieC. Shaw, J.
t. Miaw, W. J. Ranch,
To Edward B Harris, Michael Minarik,
Lji 11. WaSM-riuan, Georiie Morris, Mrs.
C. B Juiiann, D C l eolord, Samuel Gra
baiu.W. E.Gosa,Mary George, John Vinney
Maria Sinntalter, riora llice, defendants
in Ibe name of the Slate of Oregon: You
ar hereby required to appear and ansaer
tne Complaint bled against you in the above
entitled suit, on or be ore Monday the O n
uav of January l'Ji;Z, Sod II you lall lo an
sr lor waul ih reol the piumiill will take
a decree agiiuat )ou lor the relied demamied
in the complaint, to-wit: that you and
each ot you and all ersoiis claiming under
you or each ol you, ei-lier aa pnrciiaaers, in
cumbrancers or oilierwise, may.be barred
and loreclosed ol ail riiriits. claim or equity
ol reotiupuoii in the lodoaing deMnibtd
real estate situate in Glacaainaa County
Oieiroii. lo wit:
Beginning at a point (I 79 chains North
and 22 uiliiutes Meal f rum the rJolllll West
corner ol Hie DoHallou Laud Claim ol Wil
liam Holmes and wile In 1 p. 'in., K, 2 E. ol
tne nlainelle Meridian ; riilining lonice
No: th 89 degrees VI minutes l&M parallel
Wilb tne BoUib iHiundary olsaid clam- 26.93
cuams: thriice forih lj.luchalua to a atone;
tiieoc Veal l'i 20 chains lo a stone; thence
North 9 58 chains to a stone; thence South
8j degrees Weal 9 7jcnaiiis to a stone on
toe West boundury ol said claim; liience
Nortli 22 rw nines West 13 55 chains
claim comei ; thence North 33 degrees 30
in i no lea Eaal S W chains to the line be
le n Township two and three South;
thence Weston lo nship line 1. 0 chain lo
ciaiik line; thence North 28 decrees Eaat on
claim line 525 chains lo tne most Southerly
Corner ol a tract ol land derced by Arclii
bald McKinley and wile to David McLaugh
lin fouod recorded on pages 2-VJ and 257 of
Book "C"ot records of needs lor aaid County
and Stale; ihei.ee North Go degrees 30 min
utes Wea. on Soiitneiiy line ol eaio Mc
Laughlin tract lo the top ol the first main
mull; thence South Westerly with .be i,.e
amlersof saiil blutt lo the intersection ol
ine aunie with the Township line; thence
We.t on sa d Toaruship litu to the inter
section ol tne same wi h tne South westerly
boundary line ol said McKinley calm;
thence Couth 45 degrees La I on claim line
lo the must Northerly corner ol a Iract of
and deeded by A. If. Hedges a d wife 10 J.
T. A pieron by deed ton nd - recorded on
pages 395 ol Book "N" of deeds tor said
Cot, my nd Slat; thence South 10 uegreea
West l'i.82cliaiiiS to a stone on the South
boundary In. e of the said Hedges claim;
thence Ka-t oi. claim li'-e 17.18 chains to a
oint ; thenre Nortli 3 17 Chains to a point
on the McKinley claim line; thence
Eat lo a poi' ton the Weit boundary line
ol said Holmes claim ; thence South to tne
place of beginning, containing 230 acres
more or less.
Ana that tie plait t'fl may have such ether
or lurther reliel in the premises as to this
Court may seem meet ami equitable.
I hisrutnmons is pnnlisiied by order of
Hon. Thomas A. McBride, Judge of the
Ctrcut Court ol Ihe State of Oregon lor the
County of Clai kamaa, made Iu ' en Court
on the 15ih day of November, 90.
Tne lira! t.ui.lii sijon ol t'ria sutiimons is
j m..e on ihe 22nd day ol Novembe', 1!J1
11 E CK'lfS,
v Attorney lor I'laintitT.
Tbeirflnolnelsput op only In paste-saf; (fca
il' MM .).
In the Circuit Court otths Slate of O egon
within ami for the Comity of Clackamas.
Samuel D. Kowan, ritl.l
vs. f Suit for uivorc.
Grail Kowan, Ielt )
ro Gratia Uowan, the ahova named d
In lbs name of th Stats of Oregon, you
are hereby reipllred to appear ami answer
the complaint tiled against you In the ahova
entitled suit on or helore Friday Ihe lOtli
day olJaiiuaiy, 1902, billowing Ibe explra
lion nl six weeks publication of this sum
iiinm. This suit is brought to obtain a decree of
divorce bel ween you ami the plainlill ami
awarding lo the platuilir the custody ol
vour minor child, Kddia I.. Kiwaii; ami
you are hereby nonlied that if you rail
lo api-ear and answer the said eompalnt
as above required the plainlill will a.p'y
iu the court lor the relief herein prayed.
Tills summons is huhliahed bv order of
Hon. Thomas A. McBride, Judge ot aaid
court, made tbe 21at dav of Nov. 19dl,
Dal of first publication Nov. 2?in.
Allornejs for l'lalnlilt.
Iii the Circuit C)url of the Slat of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas
Mae Ed" wards, I'll If.
. Deft. )
Charles Edward',
To Charles Edwards, defendant above
named :
In ihe name ot the Stale of Oregon, you
are hereby commanded to appear and an
swer the complaint tiled herein sgainat you
id the above entitled stilt, on or before
the time prescribed In the order for th
tmblication of summons to-wit: on or be
lore six weeks alter the lirsl publication
Ihereol, and if you tail so to appear
and answer said complaint, for want
thereof, Ihe plainllfT will apply to the court
for tne reliel In her complaint prayed (or,
and for a decree dissolving the bondi ol
niatrinini y eximlng between the plainlill
and defendant, ami for such oilier relief as
niav seem just and equitable.
The dale of the first publication of this
summons is November 15ih, and this
summons is published pursuant to an outer
made and euie ed by the oircutt court ot
the Stale ol Oregon tor Clackamas County,
Hon. Thomas A. .McHrl-'e, Judge, on ine
11th day ol November, 1901
GI'.OKUb U. Blt'U I,
Attorn -y lor plaintiff.
n Ihe Circuit Court of the Stale of Ore
gon for Clackamas Comity
Alkersalne Sltlckli
kiln. I
Laura ()ltbrn, John
and Kl a Sinckhn,
To Albert Strirklln snd EHa Sirlcklln:
In the name ol the rjtale ol Oregon : You
ami each of ynti are hereby require.! to ap
lar and anawer inecon piatui iiieo against
u In the shove euliiled suit, on or OH ire
the first risy of Fa iruary, 19"2. and II you
la I lo appear and anwer, plainlill will an
nly In the court tor the relief iieiuaii(lei in
ihe ssld complaint, to wil: for a decree
against you aid each ol you, lhal a certain
lee I heretofore executed by HsndoIDh
Miricklin in nlainlilt herein, nn Ihe 23rd dav
ol October, l.MJrt, be reformed and correcieii.
soss to conform lo Ihe sgreeieanls and In
lentions of the parties thereto, and decree
Inn that it was Ihe Intention of said It an
dolnh Stricklin to ctinyey to plaintiff by
said deed, the tract ot laud detctlbed as
lollows. to wit :
Th East half of Ihe North West quarter
of the North West quarter, and the west
half of the North Bst qnarierof the North
West quarter of sec. 11. T. 4 S K. 3 E. of the
w illsmette merldisn, in t lacianiaM.ouniv,
Ore eon, conlainln forty acres more or leaa:
And that plslnlilf Is Ihe owner in fee simple
oflhessme; for her coats and disburse
nieuts herein and lor such other and fur
ther rllef as ihe court may deem meet
Tbl summons Is served on the defend
ant. Allien Stricklin and Ella Stricklin, by
publication once a week, lor a period of six
uocesaive weeks, prior lo the lirsl day ot
February. 1902. In accordance with Ihe or
lerof the Hon. Thomas A. Mcllrlde, judge
of the above i milled court, made and en
tered therein, on the 17th day ot December,
The date nf the first ptihlicstiou being
December 201 h, 19"1.
Attorney for lisinnil
Notice o Creditor. '
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been duly appointed by Ihe
county court of Ihe Stale of Oregon lor
Clackamas county, administratrix ol Ihe ea
tale ol Kdwin n. Mcciiticy aii per-ona
having claims sgainat said estate are hereby
required to present Ihe saaie to me proerly
vermeil, as hy law required, ai my resi
dence at Wilsonvllle, Oregon, within six
months from this date hereof.
Dated December 4 1901.
Administratrix ol the estate ot E lwin S.
McClincy, deceased.
Notice ia hereby given that the under
signed lias Iwen duly appointed execu
trix of the laft will and teatamont of
Cyrus Jones, deceased, and any and all
per-ons having cIhiiiih agatm-t the aaid
cut ate muat present tliem to the under
signed, at her farm near Marqnam, ()'.,
or at the office nf my attorney, Diruick
& Enstlmtn, in Oregon City, Oregon, on
or before the expira'iort of six weeks
from the dale of ttiia not ice.
' Executiix,
D mick & Eisttiam,
Ally, for Executrix.
Dated December 12. 1901
Ci'j Treatorer'a Aoilce.
Notice is hereby iriven that I have
sallicieht fiimlH on hand iu the city
t eaaory of Oregon City to pay all out-
anding general fund warrants endorsed
I n r to Janoaiy 6, 190). All out'tand-
ng Koad Fund vVarrantB. All Water
Fund warrants endorsed prior to Nov.
15, 1901, excepting wan ants N'o. 20ol
and 2(142.
Interest will reaae on above described
warrants from Ihe da'e ot ibis notice.
Linn E. Jonkh,
City Treasurer.
Oregon City, Orpgon.
Dec 20. l!K1.
Information regarding Civi! Service
Examinations, Pensions, Patents, Boun
ties, Trade-Marks, Copyrights, Mail
Kouten, Uovt. Suppliesf Public Lands,
Govt. Documents procured. Three large
libraries locab-d here.
National Information Bureau,
012 14th Ht., N. W ,
Waeliington, D. C.
The Knterprite $1.50 per year.
Tbe Mistake of the I'wlwr near,
NoiOciiKkJohl 'omul Unit tin wlilt
lienm rt'iirrnily wtqit tlirmi:li ImiH
nqroinmiice of slulklim lita aitlloia,
li. ntiy mi the inlHlnkcii votniitHlon that
they wit mnla. As t tit men were
cl.iilu'il iMirtl.v In m iiltklii. It wtis n very
nat in al inlHliikc, Hut tin liiliTOHt of
the xtory lira In I lie gcticnillr.nUnii
iiiiti!' by tin1 Iw'iir, The l nr nM:
"iiierc lire two or llnvo hiiiIh, one
at ti tul I nu tip on It Hlppcra In n very
nntiMwl wny. I will tlierefnre aliilU
IImiii iiiiMiHti nn ImiK m I rnn mi l
when they aee'iiu1 ireteinl to lie tlolnif
aoliiellillig elae."
So the men, with their ituns 1,11,1
lances, who wniiteil to shoot the I r
Inul the ilcnxur of seeing lilm careful
ly em Hug iH'hltnl rocks anil Ice liuiii
tnocka, tnnklns Intiu detours this way
tttnl Unit utnl every now ami then
tiiimlHTliig tip a rtKk anil H'eplin run
tloiixly over to see If the seals hint
gone. On ihe open snow the beiir
would Muuter off Iu another direction
utnl then, fulling tint, push himself
tilling on hla belly, with his givut front
pawa covering hla tihick muzzle, the
only thing not inntehltig t lit snow
about lilm. Juat ns.the lu-nr thought
he Inn! get Ills "aeiil" the hitter llreil
ami shot li I tit. a victim of fiilao analogy,
Jtorwealaw lintel Fire Facapea.
Nor do Norwegian hotels llicinselvcs
eonoole you. Unlit of woml, their chief
merit lies In the tiro cacti pe. which lit to
Ik found In the chief room upxiii every
Inntt'tig. At Vlanea I spent n Imppy
nlht tiiiKwerlng the quotlona of nerv
ous travelers who come from hour to
hour lo see If the lire eacnpo In my
room wna working proMTly. Angry
aiaiirnncvi were imwerlesa to convince
tlmlil If ancient Imlle. DM I rcnlly
think lheroe would work? Was. there
any danger Had I tried the contriv
ance myself? Excellent souls! As If
the printed notice were tint entinghl
Ah. that printed notice! I have a
copy of It by aie aa I wrlto. It la the
complete Instruction In English lo the
traveler threnleneil by lire In a wooden
hotel In Norway. U-l me give It you aa
I found It;
i'lre escape to throw out Ihe win
dow. The limited anofter shall be found
In eery room.
"To Increase the hurry let down the
body one by one until all shall lie left.
"N. M. -The cord shnll put out Ihe
ground from the shoulder thereunder."
-Umdon Mull.
Flurlala' Usee Are "fiort.
"It Is roiiiiiiuniy sutoenl iliul llu
men who work In ihe mines or tlmae
whoso occupations necessitate the
breathing of Hilsonotia fumes and gases
are the shortest lived," said a promi
nent physician. "This la a mistake,
and H will surprise many lo learn thai
(he highest death rate Is found among
a class who breathe In the swccti-nt
odors florists.
"The reason Is a simple one. The flor
ist lives at once Id Ihe torrid and the
frigid mne. From a grrcnlioiiHc mums
phere of nearly 100 degrees In the win
ter months be must step out Into one
that la nearly always Mow freezing
point and often below zero. Iu niiiii
mer he has change to encounter, too, as
In Ihe spring am) fall. Ity force of hab
it he grows careless and often works
without his con t In the hot. artitlclal at
mosphere, and this Increases (he tin ti
gers to which he ts exposed. Lungs
and throat and stomach diseases, as
well aa rheumatism. Und In the florist
the least resistance." (ialvestou New.
Tbe rha la tbe Tenderfoot.
This la a remarkably healthy cli
mate, they say." said Ihe easterner.
"You're right thar." said Arizona Al.
"Vr Instance, not long ago a tenderfoot
with a weak chest an' a pule f;iee drop
Ied Inler the Miners' Delight, called me
a Hit r nil' o' course I had to clean up.
'Itoul two months after a b'g sunburnt
cowboy stopiM'd me on the street. wlied
the earth up with me an' alnmmed me
up In a tree to recuperate. Same fel
ler Itest climate Id the world, pard."
Indianapolis Kiid.
Too Small lo Shsr.
flamea Yes. I guess It Is true that It
la the little things thai count.
Howes Ho you have come to that
conclusion, have you'
Humes Yes. Yon see, I was walk
ing Willi Ted worth, and he said If he
should Und a million dollars he'd give
me half. I'leseiitly he picked Up a
dime, and when I asked him to share
It witb me he abused me like a pick
pocket. Boston Transcript.
Cleaning Llht Far.
One who says she has tried ll recom
mends naphtha for cleaning light fur.
Khe says: Pour naphtha over the fur,
then flufr and put the article until the
soil has been worked out, and when
this Is done press the naphtha out by
drawing the hand firmly over Ihe fur.
Then ahnke am) hang In the air to dry.
Ite careful of Ore.
Wilt toatlgan.
Casey-Costlgan got hla life Insured
for tin elnta.
Conroy-Ilow wna that?
Casey-IIe borrowed llu clnta av tb'
foreman, and the foreman won't put
lilm on a daugerous Job aa long aa he
owea lilm tin clnta! Puck.
Ilia Kmnarraasnienf.
Bracken They say you are financial
ly embarrassed. Do you owe a ery
large amount?
Crackett I don't owe anything, but
there are iieveral people who owe me,
and I haven't the courage to ask for It
-Boston Transcript
In KifiM Captain Thomas Clarke, lo
pninpany wllh John Winfhrop and oth
ers, put In operation an "Iron worke" at
New llaren. Conn This enterprise em
braced a blast furnace and rednery
Ideas nf News.
Jnstlet John M. Ilmiiiii 'f Hi" t'nltffl
Plaie supiviue court, when a practic
ing lawyer In Louisville, ohec Hied V
hand at newspaper work, taking thn
phiee of a personal friend, then editor
of the Louisville ('nmincrclitl. The Jus
tice got ailing all right writing editori
als, but hud Ideas as Id news that wer
at variance wllh those- of tlm city edl
tor. One of thn reporters had written
clever necnimt nf n man w ho had fallen
from the fourth story of a building ami
escaped ullliout anions Injury. It
iiimle a story of about a column In
length. With a proof of the article In
his hand the teinpoiaiy editor cam to
the city editor and said:
"Mr. Hmlth, please have this atory
rut down. I can't see anything In It
Hint makes ll worth, that space."
"But It's the 'star story of the tiny.
Mr. Ilaihiii," gasped thtf astonished
new mini. "I think It' a remarkable,
story ami well worth all the space giv
en lo It."
"I don't." said Justice Harlan. "If a
tiiiin had Jumped tip four stories, It
would certainly hnve been remarkable,
hilt even a fool could full di wil four
stories, or half a doreii, for that mat
ter,"-New ork Hmea,
The Drlvrr'a I'ulal ol View.
The hotel conch was tilled with a
crowd nf happy. JuMlnnt visitor, 'ami
the horses lolled splendidly UP the
Mlk A each eminence was reached
ami at every turn In Ihe road Ihe crowd
would burst forth Into crlc of wonder
and delight at Ihe magnificent scene
which burst Upon their view. The
mountain Jehu alone preserved a dig
nity and silence which rather awed the
oihers. At length, after a particularly
lovily view had been passed, one of Ihe
guests at th driver's left hand re
marked: "You don't sii'tn to take much Inter
est In the scenery. No doubt It's an old
story to you."
The driver shook his head. "No,
thai' not It," he answered. "I Just
il n't rare." Thell he leiihed lit Ite
closer ami whlapcted: "Bui I knows
Jm-t how yon folks must feel. You all
come from a long distance Just lu see
ihlngs. and you're hound to enjoy It
anyhow so as lo get your money'
worth and not feel as though you was
rheatln' yourselves. (Hi." said Ihls
driver In a supei lor tone. "I don't mind
II when I ti ii It-re. t ri n) how 'lis." -l.ee-lle'
We. k!y.
The Taabnat Captain,
A tug lay haul try. nud Ihe captain
added his hit lo my sociological noc
turne, a I sat Ih the pilot house ami
peered out ou the water, where red
lights and green lights, with many nf
yellow ami white, drlp'H'd xlguig fash
ion down from the wharf and ship.
"Where do you Iiti7" questioned I.
"Why. here." he replied. "In till Very
pilot home on that nice fluffy bunk
you re n-settln ou: an sometime I
sleep at that wheel, a steer Iu' till boat,
sir. Can't Ik- helped, air. The hour we
work would slave lu a trained nurse
an send sentinel to he shot. Why,
man, I've seed the lime w hen I've stuck
by that wheel twenty grim hour at a
all etch. Once It was forty-two hour.
And when you rend In the pnper about
tnwlu' a big propeller clean through a
dock or Jiitninlu' her Into her next door
neighbor fer keep don't you say us lug
folks are Johnnie Haw. Just say we're
worked and worked lui we sleep at the
wheel. I-'or that' Cod'a trulh, air."
Ilela by F.ttqaett.
When Dom Pedro, then emperor of
Brazil, was eniertallied at the While
House, he had been lold by a confused
senator that It would be expected I lint
he, ihe emperor, should lie the Inst of
the guests lo depart.
The president's wife, however. Inform
ed her other gueal thai they would be
expected to follow, hot precede. Ihe
royal party In leaving die house.
The result was Hint no one dared lo
go for fear of n breach of etiquette.
But at .' o'clock In the morning a tired
woman prctcndi-d Illness, and the dead
lock was broken.
Creat la etiquette, but common acne
Is sometime allowable.
4 t'nelooa llaromelrr.
A curious ha rounder I said to be
nxed by the remnant of the Arnucnnhm
rnee which Inhabit the southernmost
province of Colic. It consists of the
ciiHlofT shell nf a crab. The dead sliel)
Is while In fair, dry weather, but the
approach of a moist utmoHpiiere Is Indi
cated by the appearance of small red
spots. A the moisture In Ihe air In
crease the shell become entirely red
and remains o throughout the rainy
A Wise Prophet.
"On the whole." said the aged weath
er prophet, "I have found that the saf
est course Is lo predict bad weather."
"Why?" asked the neophyte.
"Because people are much more ready
to forgive you If the prediction floe
not come true."
Her atse.
Young Man I want an engagement
Jeweler-Yes, sir; about what alze?
"I don't know exactly, but she can
twist me round her finger. If that Is
any guide."
Partly Aepoonted Foe.
Blzzer-Where doe that man
mcr get all his money?
Buzzer-Well, I loaned lilm flvo dol
lar two years ngo.-Ohlo State Journal.-
It la claimed that dentistry prolong
life. As has been suld of matrimony. It
certainly make It s-m longer.-Louis-villc
No man cnu htillrl character by trying
to raze that of others.-Nuhhvllle Banner.
Chanaw to Chan. H qn,rl
-How much does It Mke t ,.,,'
quarter?" asked the biiiiei,i,,r "
ty live renin, t h? Not on your fu '?i
lake evenly cents tu ih, f "
How many ways do yo ,,,,.
quarter dollar can be changed, j,!
exactly elettn. A fellow ,)f uUl "
means may like the Jingle, of cult, t
his clothe. In that event ynq ear, -.
him twenty five pennies nr twenty L
nlc and tme nickel. Me nuiy k, .'
have a little sprinkling of ,nV(.r ,a h"
riot Ilea, and yoti can aeeonitiiudm, t,m
with fifteen pennies and a dim. ,
pennies, a dime nml a nickel.
"If he prefer to have change linndy
for a lieer and a car fare, why, tif,,,,!
pennies and tw nickel wi!!jt. l)w
up, ami If he wants a cigar In Sdim
Ix-slde having a lit t U m, k uf ,.UkU
In hi Jean, give hint ten M imie ,IMj
three nickel. That makes six wiys.
Now, then, a fellow with a qtmrter ct9
trade It off for live pennies sin) lw
dimes, flvo pennies and four nickels,
two dime and ono nickel, one dim,
and three nickel or Ova nickel, ju,,
a he prefers. And to accoiuai'wiai,
him In any way that he might Mhi
you have to posses twenty n pen.
ilea, two (lime ami tlve nickels,
enty centa n all."-l'lilladelpila
Innnd Fnntlahneaa.
One of the conn est form of p.n,nij
foolishness I routitoiiniiccd by umnj
high authorllle. This I the punim.
nf certain household provisions in rg,
tpiaiiiltle. I'ew writer on ilmm-itl
tuple fall to lay sire upon tlie tH-.nv.
tuny nf buying groecrle hi hulk. Tint
sugar ami Hour, poiutiH-a niul iil,-j
should be bought by the half or wliul
barrel, cereal by the caw. bullet liy
the tub and other thing In like iimpur.
Hon I one of the early pn-cepta In
"YoUilg HoU"ekeeM-r' Complele Culilt
to Domestic r.cifiotiljr,M
The Ignorant young things buy n,,
provisions first and the experience ift.
erward. The flour grows musty, t be
cerenl develop weevils. Hie Mitliirl
and apple rot long before tl,, y run b
eaten, and the ttsik exercise larUb.
ncs In the use of the butter nml iimar
she would never show were they Imujlit
III such limited amount that tin- house.
kivcr rtmhl bold close watcti orrr
them, I'.vell after these evellti h
young Ihlslrc feels ns If she Wire ab
solutely reckleea and no manager it ill
when she so far departs from bouse.
hold law as In buy food lu small iuiD
tlllca. Independent.
I.unrllnee and Health,
A medical Journal ha of late been
discoursing on Ihe Ihitlgetdluii nf lone-IIim-ss.
By till title I meruit tu he In
dicated Ihe d Isorders of d Igcst lua KiilrD
re believed to follow the practice of
taking one's men Is In sollinry itiit.
The topic I by no im-atu aa uiiltitt-r-rstlng
one. TlioiiMitnls of men anil so
men living alone are miuicllcd lo tike
their meal for the most part without
company. Week lu and week out Ibr?
feed Ihemselve wllhollt soul to ta
lo. and Ihe medical Journal devote III
rnergle to showing that the prncllce
la not one that I likely to lie comluclr
to digestion, to proper bodily iiourlsh
inenl or lo health. The solitary oiia
soon tire iif merely rating, ami. If he It
not of a literary turn of ml ml. hi teod
rney la to hurry through hi meal to
escare from his loneliness lulu I lie so
ciety of hi fellow men. Herein, It I
held, lies a danger to health.
IMiroierr ol Coal In Wales.
During the reign of Henry VIIL
many attempt w-cre made to JlscoriT
coal lu north Wale, ami a K lire -.ulnar
man. named Itlchard Oardncr, wit tb
only person who succeeded. The old
record rend: "He atieinptyd anil put
Into proofe lo fynde out coles alHitit tb
town (Shrewsburyl In soomlry jilarya,
and In one place especlnll callyd Enii-
tine llnye. hard by the sayd lowne. b
found by his great dyllgence ami Irolull
great store of see cole, the which I
lyke to come much comtnndltli' botbe
to the rlche and poorc. that he I "
only worthy of commenilacoo mil
mnynteiinnce, but also to be hud In "
membra nee for ever."-Cardlff West
ern MalL
Tb Raaalaa Climate.
The Iltisslana count iisin thlr dr
mate aa one mean of defense, ti It
was when Napoleon Invaded ItuwH.
Thdr troop are accordingly trained "
winter mnneuver. Including bxMM
a battery, with ll war transport nd
material complete, upon sleighs, oior
lug It for aome distance over a difficult,
snow covered country and brlnglnt "
Into actlou again.
A Cnrlon Fntln Cnetnm.
The Dynka divide la pair when tbe
hour arrlvea for taking fowl, the father
and mother at one platter, two w
at one and sill) two brothers at n
vr. When the family I out fan""
divided aa lo sex. a brother and lter
may eat together, but this uiiit
waya bo the youngest and oldest of t
Her Pet Ussif.
"Ah!" he alghed after she had ulusb
Ingly whlsperHl "Yea" In hi bo';
"My own Mchltnbel! Oh. that nnm
o formal! Surely your friend o
aome shorter one. aome iet niiui1'!'
'Well.'-' she murmured, "the glr " ;
! bnnrdlng school used to call we tc"
kief."-Philadelphia I'rcsa.
Ilia Mistake.
Hiei.n, M..win... ,,,11,1.111,8 men
liai LUI I'lua iitinii..- -- .
onietlmeal I've Just been "'"'""f'..
Instance, that Columbua Imagined tn
he had discovered the Indies."
"Ah. I made a worse mistake n
that! When I married my wire,
thought I'd discovered poraillst-
fU, 1 l,TAI,..n did VOtl
... i , m alio.. - - ... .. ----- v -
acquainted with your wife, doc tnrf '
Donor-After the weldlng.-H',,f
For sale by Cliaitoan 4 Co., Druggist.