Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 27, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Oregon City Enterprise
New To-Day.
t'OUN l'-A HUU'J Y Bill DLK AN I)
lliinc. Owner can have the same dy
irovini roi(ir(y and paylnu fur this ad
vertisement. Kmjmra u( IIkinz A Co.
fresh, hiii) one will he fresh in January.
Apply to A. W. Fiianck. OroKon City.
ou iinprovod farms in (Jluckamas County
(ur from two to years, repayable by
installments, If desired. Nu commission.
Fur fti'li particulars and application
Jorms H..iy lo MacMahtkic A ItriiiiKU.,
Wort-ester ISIoi'k. Portland, Oregon,
f Th:H'li:S V (iitlKKlTII, (ullUf. In tlx
1 1 WrltHiHril Mullillnii,) have tlie aliulumt
iy, miliuriiitii and counlry riiirly fur
innlll Mil-''".
unity to lutii l lowt ralet,
jiimmiki ix uuirrmi,
No Ektknsion ok Vacation. The
public schools of this city opeu next
Moniliy ami will have onu day's vaoa
tion, on Wednesday. An effort mi
nil, Ihrouuli petition from many of
the pupil, to Imve ilie Hoard of Director
uriint two additional days, but the Jirm t
ort i)(s'ited that one wrekVJvucalion,whh
the addition of New Year's Day, ft as
Rack at Htou Macuimm Ram.. Tho
handsome New Model lowing midline
was mlllcil t the Racket store Tuesday.
Tho lucky nnniler I" bi'V2, the second
number in 1070 and the third in 6414.
The poavDKor uf number C 132 in nut pie
con! the ticket on or before January 20.
If not presented by Hut dale the ma
t'lilne will be given to the holder of nuiii
1070 and should that nuniher not be pre
sented the machine will be given to the
liulder of number MU.
FiMciiKH-VANCi.ievit Comi'any. The
Fischer-VanOleve Theater Company is
Ht bliiveley's 0era limine thin week,
playing ft six night engagement. There
are "1 members in the allegation,
which aupporta band and an excep
tionally fine orchestra. The bill for the
week follows: Monday,"A Wife's Dan
ger ;"rusday,"Ole Olson," jr. Vednete
day, "Jerry, the Tramp j" Thursday,
4,The Lunatics;" Friday, "Ten Nihi
In a Harroom;" Saturday, "Eat
Bociai.ists Ohoanizb Fifty Clacka
mas County Socialists met in (his city
(Saturday afternoon anJ effected a per
iiniient parly organization by electing ft
Counly Central coniinittee, Fred
Mel mil was elected chairman and
William Hoard secretary. Twelve pre
cliicta were represented, Tlie members
signed ft pledge lo sever their connection
with other political pftrties. They also
voted against fusion.
Oi.k Oi.son at Hiiivki.y'h. Ken Hen
diicksand his Company produced Ole
Olaen at Bhively'a Opera House last Fri
day evening to ft large audience. The
play was replete with comedy and the
Swedish accept of Ole captivated the
bouse. The Swedith ladies' quartette
was the principal specialty and was re
called four times.
A Wavwahu (iihl Sumo Bowman,
14 years of age, has been sent to the
r,o.VH' and Girls' Aid Society. She wi s
found roaming the streets by the police,
Her parents live in Mulino and the ghl
is unmanageable. '
Conokkuatiosai, Church Nkxt Sun
hat. The ihoine at the Congregational
church next Sunday morning will be "A
Tale That Is Told." In the evening the
choir will lender a holiday praise service
consisting of a number of Christmas an
thems and other appropriate selections.
One of the special selections of the day
will be n solo and quartette, "That We
May Not Foignt," by I'arks. This Is
the lust Hunday before the annual meet
ing and a full attendance Is earnestly
HitaviuKft at Hkavkii Ciukk. Kev. J.
V, Milligan, of Portland, 1'reabytoiliin
Hunday School Missionary, will preach
at Heaver Creek next Sunday, both
morning and evening. Mr. Milligan is
an Interesting speaker and the people of
Heaver Creek are fortunato in buying
the opportunity of bearing him.
Company a Wknt to I'ohtland.
Company A , Third Itegimcnt, O. N. (J
went to 1'ortlaml last night for innpec
tion. The men left here at 7 o'clock
and npon arrival at I'ortland proceeded
lo the armory for regimental inspection
and muster.
VOTE 1.1 1'lANO C0.1TI .STH.
Iteil Men lu Ilie Lead fur the Irving
lid Woodmen f r flickering.
Red Men ..174 643
Public Schools ..... J2U,8
Woodmen of the World 100,044
Knlghls of the Maccabees 185,01)3
lard of Hanks
We hereby ex'end our sincere thanks
to all our friends and neighbors for their
svmpathy and kindness extended to our
departed sister, and also to us in our be
rereaveii.ent. Mite. M. E. Pmitii,
E. A. Smith,
T. A. Snimi and
Iuditl lualx Money to Loan.
At 0 and 7 per cent. Call on or write
Jno. W. Lodkk,
Oregon City Oregon.
Stevens' building.
Aid 101 WALK.
Allot the furniture of ten room resi
dence will be sold at public auction on
Saturday, Decemoer 28, at 10 o'clock, at
tho residence of J. J. l'ilsbury, near the
suspension bridge.
On account of removal from the city
J. G. I'iUliury IihS directed that all the
furniture of his residence be sold at
auction. The lurniture consists of par
lor suits, dining room furniture, bed
room suits In walnut, oak and ash,
brusaels carpets, ruga etc. Heating and
cook stoves, curtains, book cases and
kitchen furniture. This furniture is all
in good condition.
For Young Men uud Voting Women.
There ia nothing that will arouse the
ire of a young man or woman so quick as
to have interior laundry work putotl on
them. Tbev may dress ever so well,
but it their shirt trout or shirt waist Is
mussy their neat appearance is spoiled.
The Troy laundry makes a specialty of
ladies' and gentlemen's flue work.
There can bo no better work than is
done at the Trov. Leave your orders at
Johnson's barber shop.
Won't tie tho Uin of your
Irlljr onii proi rvo Jiiih In
heoH fusliloncd way. tvul
tliom liy liio new, quid;,
aiMOiuieiy stirowuy i y
Ihln couiincoi n:ro
lU'llncu I'uruulne. Uus
no UiKto or lor. I.i
ft 1 p tlcht and arl.l
5 proof, tudlly applkd.
) I miful In R(l"?c!i oilier
ways unoufc ina nourt-.
Full dlroutlons with
ench cako.
bold everjwbero, Madoby
A rathrtlu Incident of Ills Renoral
to Long; nrnnoh.
A pnthetlc Incident Is related apropos
of the day of fustlng and iunyer whleu
was appointed by nil the governors of
the United States at the time I'rcsldent
Garfield was removed from Washing
ton to Long Urnnch In the hope that
the change might help him to recover
from the bullet wounds Inflicted by
"Crete." said the president to his
brave little wife about 11 on Hint
Thursday morning as tho ringing
strokes from the belfry of the Episco
pal church almost ociohs from the cot
tage reached tils ears, "what are they
ringing that bell forr
"That?" said Mrs. Garfield, who bad
been waiting for the surprise. "That's
tho church where we were when you
first cume down. They're nil going to
pray for yon to get well," and. falling
ou her knees, she said, "And I'm going
to pray, too, James, thnt It may he
soon, for 1 know Hlready that the other
prayer has been beard."
From where be lay Garfield could see
the carriages draw up and group after
group go In. lie totild even hear the
subdued refrain of "Jesus, Lover of My
Soul," as it was home by on Its heaven
ward way. Thrilled with emotion, a
tear trickled dow n the president's face.
Then be closed his eyes and turned his
face as a sweet woman's voice nrose
singing from one of Kir Michael Costa's
oratorios. "Turn thou unto me and
hnye mercy upon me," sang the voice,
"for I am desolate I am desolate and
afflicted; the troubles of my heart arc
enlarged. Oh, bring Ihou me out of my
distresses out of my distresses my
God." '
The people In the church sat almost
spellbound under the voice, for the
singer was affected deeply and made It
seem -to all, what It must have been to
her, a prayer In music.
W. . CUKIMII. D. O, C, O. LOVE, D. O.
0topHa Phyitlni
Graduates of American School of Osteopathy
HnccfBufiilly treat all chronic diseases
by menlinnieal manipulation. Nuclrnift
given, IJiseaM-i of women a specially.
Examination and consultation free.
Otlice hours: 8 to 12 a. m. and 1 to 4 p. m.
Exnept Bunclayt.
Ofllcs, Roomi 8 anl 4, Rtevent !tllg..oip. Bank
of Oregon city.
Okioor City, - - Ubioon.
'.iUI, ... . . 1100,000
laiii mads. Will discounted. Makes col-ei-ti!i.
burn ttod Mill exclianite on all polut
D tbe United Htatei, Europe and Houg Kong.
cplt received lubject to check. Bank
ipeu Irom t A. H. to 4 r. H.
' C, LATOUEKTTE, Preildent.
r. i. MEYER Catkler.
Hospital and Private Experience.
Offers his profexninnal services to the o
tn of Oregon City and neinity. Special
attention paid to Catarrh and
Chronic disesnes. Best of refer
ences given. OHIce In Willamette
Building. OHIce hours: 10 to 12a. in.,
4 lo 6 p. ni.
The Place To Go.
CANDY of all kinds,
sizes and grades.
It's all good, some is better than others.
1 7th Street,
Near Depot
A few pieces of charcoal dropped Into
tho water assist In preserving cut Dow
ers. The hole for a tree should be made
wide u ml deep and the bottom be tilled
with rich earth.
Tho seeds of nearly all forest trees
do best if not allowed to become dry
before planting. f
For the finest flowers sow pansy seed
In the fall. Protect the young plants
through the winter, and you will be
well rewarded.
The sweet wllllam Is a biennial, but
will sow their own seeds and come up
year nftcr year, ns do hollyhocks, thus
making them practically perennials.
One of the handsome perennials that
flower lu July Is the digitalis, which
has long splUes of blue thimble shaped
flowers. It nmkes a striking clump.
The prlnclpnl udvaninge In fall sow
ing of (lower ceeds is thnt the plants
grow stronger, root deeper and flower
earlier and longer than those from
spring sown seed.
The grape Is one of the most desira
ble fruits to plant. It is Inexpensive to
get a start with, It hears early, It Is
productive and easily managed, and
the fruit Is delicious uud wholesome.
Or is the hair growing thin threaten
ing baldness?
It has produced a fine growth of
hair on other bald heads. Why not
on yours? It never fails when used in
the first stages.
Price SOe nt all dragR-lata. A Wo for
Hie by U. Frier, Culleld Bids;.
Golden Rule Bazaar
Oregon City's Big Cash Store
Special Sale of Odds and Ends.
Every store at this season of the year find on their shelves
small lots of goods in broken sizes, and small lines of goods
which they wish to discontinue. An inspection of our stock dis
closes the fact, that we have some goods which we wish to close
out before taking our annual inventory, and to accomplich this
we have marked the goods so low as to make it an object to
purchase for future requirements.
Table Linen Corsets
Damask Table Cloth Thompson's Glove Fitting
89c, 75e and dot yard Short Hip, Medium and
Regular 50c, $1.00 and $1. 2$ values Empire, $1.00
Crockery Ribbons
Johnson Eros.' 500 yards Satin Ribbon
English Semi-Porcelain No. 21, 2 inch, wide,
Cups and Saucers, set of 6, 72c All colors, 8c yard
Shoes Outing Flannel
Ladies' "Golden Rule" Brand Very best quality,
Equal to any $3.50 shoe on Plain and Fancy Patterns,
the counter, $3.00 C yard
Cloves Sweaters
The Celebrated Percy Kid Glove Men's All Wool $1.00. to $3.50
for ladies. Every pair Boys' All Wool $1.00
llffiffidkM Gloves, 98C Boy,' Cotton 45e
fur tops, dark shades, all sizes, 39c Plain and Fancy Patterns.
Thread Yarn
Clark's O. N. T. Saxony Yarn
All colors, 6 spools for 2oc All colors, per skein 4c
b We carry the largest stock Cask
k ets, Coffins and Linings in Clack
Couldn't Stand Sntlrr.
A burglar, while attempting to rob a
bloated bondholder of Maryvllle, by
mlbtiike got Into the humble residence
of an editor next door. After unsuc
cessfully fumbling about for suitable
airsets for some time he was disgusted
to observe the tenant of the house sit
ting up In bed and laughing nt him.
"Ain't you old Sklndersen, the capi
talist'" Inquired the housebreaker.
"Nary time." chuckled the Journalist.
"I'm the editor of The Screaming
"Jerusalem!" said the burglar, look
lug at his stemwlnder. "And here I've
been wasting four precious hours on
this brnneh almshouse. I say, old quill
driver, you never poke fun at your sub
scribers, do you?"
"Not the eash ones."
"Exactly." said the burglar, taking
out his wallet. "Here's 6lx mouths'
subscription to call this thing square.
If there's one thins 011 earth I can't
stand. Ifa satire."-TIt-Blts.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Double and Single Rigs, and sad
die horse always on hand at th
lowest prices. A corralJ connected
with the barn for loose stock.
Information regarding: any kind 01
stock promptly attended to by person cl
horses Bought and Sold.
Horses Boarded and Fed on reason
bis term
We are the only undertakers in
Clackamas county owning a
hearse and will furnish it for less
than can be bad elsewhere.
We are under small expense and
do not ask large profits.
Calls promptly attended night or
ki day
Phone( 476 and SOS.
Two Door. SoDtl if Court Home.
Brunswick Jlonse & Restaurant
Newly Furnished Rooms.
Meals at All Hours. Prices Reasonable.
Opposite Suspension Bridge.
Only First Class Restaurant
In Town.
In all lu stages.
Ely's Cream Balm
cle&nsea, soothes and heals
tbe diseued membrane.
It caret catarrh and drives
away a cold In tbe head
Cream Balm !i placed Into the nortrlls, spread
over the membrane and la absorbed. Belief Is Im
mediate and a cure follows. It It not drjing does
not produce sneering. Large Sire, M cents at Drug
gists or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cent.
Mountain View Poultry Yard
We took the first premium at the State Fair in l'Ol on
Barred Plymouth Rocks.
We have for sale young cockerels at $1.00 to $5.00.
We have a large stock and do not care to carry them through
the winter. If taken now you can get a fine cockerel for half
what it will cost you in the spring.
Oregon City, Ore.
I I I I ' I ' 1 ' ! ! 1 1 ! : 1
"Kimball" Organs "White" Sewing Machines
I j j