Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 27, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Uiegon City Enterprise.
City and Cjuihj Offlchil Paper.
Publiahatl Every Friday.
One year $2 00
811 numtht 1 00
Trial subscription two months 23
A discount ut SO cents on all subscriptions
for one vear, 25 cents (or six months, if
paid in advance.
A Ivertising rates given on application.
Subscribers will find the date of expira
tion stamped on their papers followiiiK
their name. If thin date is not changed
withiu two weeks after a payment, kindly
notify uj and we will look alter it.
Entered at tfcs postoflic In Oregon City,
Or., as second class matter.
Beaver Creek...
Canby I...
Slilwankie ,
Union Mills... .
Meadow Brook..
New Kra
i(u I uio
....lr.T. B. Thomas
E. I. tfias
A Mather
Oscar linger
J. Tnillinger
Chas. Holinan
...,V. 8. Newberrv
, K. 0. Holmes
J.Q liatw
C. T. Howard
R. M. CiH)er
Molalla Annie ftubbs
A 'i i ra ....... ,
. Esle Creek..
Mi. mot
.J. C. Mantis in
B. Jennings
.... Henrv A. Snyder
"H. Wiihern
J. C. Elliott
, K. Gietseh
Geo. J. Ciirrin
Adolph Aschoff
the people. With these we must he
content until the people through educa- Kj !-v!
.... . ....... .... . . SJ. s:1e-y
nun see ma urun oi ineir mois. i.ocni !
K)lilics may he Uiv-rio.l, hut it is of
enough importance to demand the at
tenti in of every eitii-'ii of tlie county,
and attention hy every citixen will re
sult in hotter officers and a better condi
tion of the county in many ways.
Maclay the historian, tliat dished
Schley in such style that the latter
tor thin ami other realms called for
court of Inquiry has been aked to re
sign his pl..ce at the Rrooklvn navy yard
as one of the aide issues of tins noted
controversy. His resignation wis proba
bly called for because of hi talk after
the finding of the court of Inquiry had
been made public to the effect that his
Mactay'a conclusions tn his history had
been unindicatcd. Now Maclay claims
that he is under civil service and can
nut be dismissed except for cause, lid
demands a trial'sml practically defies
the president. Well, brother Maclay
will know more about the Bttemious life
when he is through. He eays that he is
only in the employ of the navy for the
experience and informs." he gets and
we trust he will come out with tulllcient
experience for his money.
;,. wl L A U HI U A Mil W A IT JV1 ! If A
M c- n
lutercHtliiir l)lcovey M.tJe at
Mute Agricultuial College.
Hon. Benton Killin, who Is chairman
of the station committee f the Hoard (
Regents of the State Agricultural Col
lege, at t'orvallia, re'urued fiom there,
eavs the Oregonhm, highly el it led at the
success of some experiments with silage.
He considers the discovery made as be
ing wonh many thousands of dollars to
New Yfttr'a Tuikry.
Select a large, fat, tender tu'key an I
have It dressed, drawn, wiped diy and
well singed, liuli It i.ver, Inside and
nut, with pepper and suit. M ike a sinf
ting of the following ingredients: One
pound light In end crumbs, hull a pound
ot butter, a heaping lublespiNiulul ol
iiiini'ed onion, salt, pepper and sage, si.d
enough water to mix rather soft. Smll',
the hre.lHi II tjl and sew It up, then SlnlF
ihelioily. Kiih the turkey all over whit
I....II.1.I t.nlt.i. ttfi.l ilrM.L.M MmII Iftllll
dairymen and st.Hkn.en, The lesull d., ... .' . ...
breast and pour in a quart of water.
the porrLATiox or THE world.
Some interesting esi mates oi the
world's population are given in The Cur
rent Cyclopedia for December. This is
placed at a billion and a half, distributed
as follows:
Persons per
Population, sq. mile.
, 3T2.si2s.ron
..132.718 000
.. C.OiOuOii
A ma
A meriea
Polynesia ...
I'oler regions
99 6i
1 73
Tn k Oregon delegation has united in
indorsing M. J. MacMhon, of Portland,
tor a foreign diplomatic amioiulment.
and he also has Btrong support from
Wiecons'li, Illinois and Michigan.
A kill has been introduced in the
Senate by Senator Mitchell, fixing $2 as
as the iiiiniuiuiu rate of wages to be paid
to women iu the employ of the Govern
the experiment was shown when the
silo was 0iened yesteiday morning, A
bucketful of the product was set before
each of 15 cows, and every one of 'm,,n ,onB
en uer cnop ana ate up tne ensilage as
though it was freeh, sweet corn.
The experiments bcgiiu 18 months ago,
witli a view of producing sweet silage,
and were Hrst carried on in cans and J r.
The results were so promising that last
October two silos were filled with cut
corn to be made into silane.
The silos were tilled in the usual way,
and then thoroughly cooked hy steam
from the boiler used to run the farm en
gine. The silos were then sealed up air
tight. When one of the silos was opened
yesterday the result was beyond the ex
pectations of the most situguiiie The
corn is canned.
Under the old system there was lost
by fermentation 10 per cent ol the fowl
value of the corn. There was from 3
to 4 per cent lost by reason of indigesti
hi lily. The object of llie-e invectigatiiins
has been to prevent the loss of this 13 or
14 per cent of food value. This canned
silage contains but .27 of 1 per cent of
Platt is going to sue William Allen
White for libel. This will enable Mr.
White to save money by getting along
without an advertising agent.
23 8'J
Total 1,512,333.000
Tlie population of the leading countries
of Kurope according to recent censuses
is tiivpn as follows:
AnstriaHuigirv 46,900.835
France. 38 641 333
Germany 56.345 014
),iily ' 32.44il.754
ICiismb UKi, 154.607
L'ui'.ed Kingdom .. .41,454 219
The totals for the empires with laige
dependencies represented in the forgo
ing table are: France, 94, 781 014 ; Ger
many, 71,032,014; Russia, 128,932,173,
and United Kingdom 3!K),000,000. From
which it appears that the Britidi fl ig
flies over more than one quarter of the
Inhabitants of tiie earth. Of these, bow
ever, nearly 300,000,000 ate Asiatics and
4000,000 are Africans.
According to an estimate of the Wash
ington Lureau of Statistics no lu?s than
600,000,000 of the earth's inliahitaiitd
are co'onials, and of hese colonials less
than 15,000,000, or 3 per cent, are com
posed of the people of the governing
country. Ti is 3 per cent, however, is o!
British stock, scattered throughout the
English colonies ia vatious parts of the
Kougbly epeaking the English-speak
ing population of the earth numbers
133 000,000 being outnumbered ouly by
the inhabitants of China and India.
Tiie population of lauds under the
Briiioh flag is about equal to that of
An Irishman has been elected Mayor
of Boston. But this doesn't seem re
markable when we remember that Bos
ton is almut as Irish as Ihlblin.
IU'ssia uow wants the sultan to piy,
pjy . pay, and Hiiria has a navy. Mr.
Hamid's little bojs are likely to find the
Christmas tree pretty bare.
TuKHE'stobe another whiskey trust;
but there is no reason to believe that
whiskey will be put beyond the reach of
the masses.
Tub question of local politics is en
gaging considerable attention these days
and will continue to absorb more and
more attention nntil the primaries and
the election in June. Many people say
that conventions and primaries are set
np and jobbed and that the people have
no voice in the nomination of candi
dates. Yet these same people will not
give any of their time to the important
question of local self government.
Any political reform has to be started
in the primary and it the voters, who J
are dissatisfied with the politics of tl e
county as cow administered, would go to
the primary they might succeed in get
ting some changes. It is the duty of
all citizens to see that the primaries are
well attended and that delegates are
elected that will stand for the beet men
in the county for the nominees of tlie
party on the ticket. If the leading and
most public spirited citizens do not take
in local politics, they should find no
fault with the result. The basis of this
government is that the majority shall
rule and when this is honestly expressed
no fault should be fonnd if the result is
not to onr liking. OSdals will never
be elected that are above the ideals of
W hat She IVou d Do.
"What." Mr. flenpeck timidly nskid
"would you do If you bad a husband like
Prince Henry?" "Well, for one thing,"
his wife replied, as she pnMied him
little farther back into the corner, "I
wouldn't call in any help from outside,
unless it happened to be the doctor."
M"t U-e Fur Ibe Potato
There ia tin faun crop that i more
easily, speedily and grestly arT eled by
the supply of m iisture than is the isilalo,
it has been I mini by experiment that it
takes a !oil t 4.'i tons water 10 Krow a
ton of di y matter of potatoes. A crop of
2tK) bushels per acre would therefore re
quire approximately IX0 tons water;
equivalent to a rainfall of nearly six
inches. Because of Ita Heed (or large
waier supply ami lis remaikable suscep
tibility lo climatic conditions, :t follows
that the aversgii potato yield Is alTm ted
more bv water supply than bv lack of
a-id, while under the old system there p ,,,,, The selection of sod anil
WIS 198 per cent acid. ... i.i enllm.. mn.l I.M wllhlheHri
facts 1 1 view if success ia to I bad.
Have the oven well heated hut not too
hot as the turkey must cook slowly to be
Allow a quarter of an hour fur
each pound. From time to lime haste
the turkey with the gravy in the pan
and rub over with a larding nt-p dipped
in melted butler. As It browns turn
from aide to side and hist ol all brown
tue hiect. If, while cooking, the gravy
in the pan hoils away too much, more
water should he added.
This process bids fair to be one of the
most valuable discoveries ever nude, d r
the dairy aud stock industries.
Chmii i'ir-iT-- , eirf T", "? r'""',- I,
.f ,"ln- ---i --- -.-i i - i, .I, ..
slmilalini? lilwiKimtliotfUia
Img the Sltiuru !c mul Dowels uf
IVomotos IstltM).CIvrfur-
noss nix! iVsi l onUtiw neitirr
l)iuim.Moi pluiu' nor Muu:ial.
AihtTccI Fi. niiily rorronsllv
Ifon, Sour Slor,utfh,l)iArrla'fl
ws wit Loss or hum.
racSiiiU Siiiihir of
Vnr Tnfnnta nJ ni.it ,
" niinsn
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Boars tho
For Over
Thirty Years
tXACT copy or wrappcr. jfy v
" t. ma tm
Iter, are of Ointments for Catarrh that
Contain .Mercury.
as mercury will surely destroy the sense
of smell and completely derange the
whole system when entering it through
she mucous surfaces. Such articles
should never he used except on pre
ecnpuon8 iroin reputatiie pnysicans, as
the damage they will do is ton fold to
the good you cun possibly derive from
them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufac
tured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo,
O., contains no mercury, and is taken
internally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the system.
In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure
you get the genuine. It is taken inter
nally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F
J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free,
Sold by Druggists, price 75 cents per
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
According to Bradstreet'e, nearly 80
per cent of the concerns that fail in
business are those which don't advertise,
Waved II U I.lfe.
"I wish to say that I feel I owe my life
to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure," writes IJ. C,
Cbreatenson, of Hayfield, Minn." For
three years I was troubled with dyspep
sia so that I could bold nothing on my
stomach. Many times I would be ub
able to tetain a morsel of food. Finally
I was confined to my bed. Doctors said
I could not live. I read one of your ad
vertisements on Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
and thought it fit my case and com
menced its use, I began to improve
from the first bottle. Now I am cured
and recommend it to all." Digests your
food. Cores all stomach troubles. Geo.
Harding. .
It isn't advertising that makes busi
ness so much as the business yon put in
to advertising helps to get more business,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hays Always Bought
Signature of
Bacon Ho; For Heme Meat Supply.
I like lean pork, and if necessary to
have 600 lbs. for a family supply, I
would rather kill three pig than one to
furnish it. I recently killed a pig, 18
months old, which dressed 240 lbs. It
was not a profitable animal to market,
but very nice f r home uae. The out
side layer of fat on the carcass was not
over one inch thick. Such a bog would
have been considered a disgrace to the
one who raised it in my New England
neighborhood 25 years ago.
My practice in curing pork is lo cut
bams, shoulders and jowls a reasonable
size, to sugar-cure and smoke, and lung
up sparerihs and loins in a cool place
until needed to bake. Bake the head
right away. Boil the feet and shankt
Iresh. Make all the lean of the buck
and sides into sausage, the fat into laid,
and the bellies into bacon. Grind the
sausage in one of tlie little linuxeliolil
meat choppers and after seasoning it
with salt, pepper anil suite, sin IT into
cotton bag4 three inches in diameter and
two feet long.
The lat meat is all stewed for lard and
strained into five and 10 lb. lard pails to
sell or keep for future use. The hams,
shoulders, jowls and bacon f trips may
he put in a brine made as follows: 10
lbs rock salt, 4 oz. saltpeter, 1 to 2 lbs.
sugar. Dissolve in enough water to
cover 100 lbs. meat. Stir the brine with
a paddle every day while the meat is in
it. But trie small pieces in for three
weeks and the larger pieces longer.
Take out and hang to dry (or 43 hours,
and then smoke. Put in cotton bugs
and bury in wheat or oats until wanted.
Or the meat may be dry-salted in this
way : 10 lbs. dairy salt, 3 oz satlputer
and 1 lb. sugar. Hub the hams and
pack in a box as close as possible. Leave
for a week, rub again, and a third time.
In very dry climates it may be necessary
to sprinkle the meat with cold water in
order to have the salt "strike in."
Orange Judd Farmer.
The litieral application o( fcrtilixern or
the presence of large amounts of readily
avuil.ible plant food will prove ofbti.
little Valus if the moisture supply is d e
tli'ient. It is also true that too iiim li
water will check the growth as quickly
and efiVtiiaUy a too little.
FxMin-lun of Wit.
The business of producing vti is '"'e
which could be expanded with great rap
idity. Although the poultry hiiriuesi
has been boomed on the Pacific cun.t
for many years the Imports of 1'antcrn
eggn keep right on year after year. Prices i
of eggi steadily average several cents per
dozen higher here than In the In (Idle J
West. It is evident, therefore, that the
I average farmer on this roast hns not i
learned how to ini.ke the prodnitii n
of eggs profitable, or the homo supply
would grow much faster than baa been
the caxe.
North west Wheat Crop.
The Portland Commercial Review
gives the following figures for the 1001
wheat crop for Oregon, Washington and
Oregon Umatilla, 4,000,000; Sher
man, 2.000,000; Gilliam, 2,250,000;
Union, 900,000; Morrow.820,000; Wasco,
180,000; Grant and Harney, 215,000;
Marion, 650,000; Baker, 210,0iK); Polk,
800,000: Lane, 500,000; Linn, 675,000;
Benton, 630,000; Yamhill, 900,000;
Washington, 450,000; Clackamas, 100,-
000; Lincoln, Josephine, Jackson,
Douglas and others, 390,000; total 15,-
Washington-Whitman, 9,500,000 ;LIn-
coin. 9,000,000; Walla Walla, 4,250,000;
Adams, 3,500,000; Spokane, 1,500,000;
Garfield, 1,200,000; Dounlas, 1,000,000;
Klickitat, 900,000 ; Asotin, 800,000 ; Col
ombia, 600,000; Yakima, 600,000; Frank
lin, 475,000; Kittitias, 350,000; Clarke,
Cowlitz, Lewis and others, 190,000; total,
Idaho Nez Perces, 2,180,000; Latah,
1,8000,000; total 3,580,000.
Recapitulation Oregon, 15 445,000;
Washington, 33,365,000; Idaho, 3,980,-
Total crop of 1901, 53,290,000.
Deduct from thia Home consumption,
6,900,000; seed for 1902 crop 3,000,000 ;
flour estimated to be shipped, 8,000,000;
total, 27 ,000,000.
For export, 36,290,000.
Weol Market Fl in.
The American Wool and Cotton Re
porter says the Wool market at Button
continues to 1m linn and holders are very
stiff. Oregon wools are riot especially
active, hut the supply has been so re
duced that prices are very (Irmly main
tained. Some staple wool has been sold
at a clean cost of 4S and 4'l cents. l ire
medium sells at 43 and 44 cents, li,
Valley Oregon, of which the supply is
small, there has been nothing doing,
Qut.tijions on Vallev Oregon ar-t 17 sn l
18 cents for No. 1, 18 and 19 cents for
No. 2, 17 and 18 cents for No 3 and M
and 17 cents for Ismbs' wo . I.
Prices $5 o $150 .
Utosi NEW PROCESS Rocords
I25 Geary Street, SAN fRANCISCO, CAL.
l.arg j Ituttcr Output.
The Com Bay Creamery has made Ibis
season 199,600 pounds of butler, tl
largest output in the history of that in
stitution. Operations are now some
what curtailed, as the milk yield is lul
ling off.
Furnished Every Weak hy the Cluc'i.
mas Abstract & Trust I o npnij,
8 B Kent to M F Morns, 6.08 acs in
sec 14, 16 s, r 1 w 152
O Cole to J W Loder, lots 12, 13 4
14, Gladstone 250
E K Bohall to A 0 Moehnke, 25 acs
tn Lhas Waiker cl 1 3 s, r 2 e . . . 400
L H Andrews to L B Andrews, 70.66
acs In Walker cl 1 2 s, r 1 e 1
L II Andrews toC P Andrews, 08 37
acs in Walker cl t 2 s, r 1 e 1
L II Andrews to II A Andrews,
71.14 acs in Walker cl t 2 s, r 1 e 1
R C Gradt to II Warren, e of sw
myt of se A se of se of sec 23, in t
2 s, r5e 1000
L Moshberger to P Maytz, se of ne
sec 25, 1 4 s, r 1 e 802
J A Byrely to E 8 Collins, se of ne
tyt ol se & ne of sw sec 4, t 7 s,
r 4 e 766
O & 0 R Co to J Paulsen, ne of ne
of sec 29, 1 3 s, r 5 e 220
II Paulsen to A A Palmer, sw of se
of sec 20, 1 3 s, r 5 5
HMMullantoAM Mallan, land
in Milwaukie... 300
K W Higginson to D McXicoI, 8 acs
in sec 5, 1 2 s, r 2e 000
C Pagh to A Updegraves, 1 of se
of sec 32, 1 2 s, r 6 e 800
K Pagh to G A Wolf, nw of sec 4, t
113 r 6 690
F E Olsen to W Klett, part of Whit
comb cl 1 2 1, r 1 900
J C Edmonds to B Bcbatz, lots 4 A
5 in Green Point 800
DQuanttoPCAORU Co tight
ol wsy in ne of se see 35, 1 1 1, r 1
. . . . I
Um if hut
M ftrsnt4
txl t !.! .ilf rJ by warn, m U.f M,ftif Ul !.( n
fit lslehr,MHf h bsall o U, Ur ft Aw tskf an
J..Ht0.f. fc.,a ,Urt.l4 rv ai 4irrt V. U mmt
r-rwrar mail T W hlat lr. t I If -ft , , MlM
as muA. lh tun 1
Hear tiU nf . t. . mmm mtA Ubm t II ("! FwHtSt
-i .4 w j .rtlr .Uhf 4l fstehw I mhm M4.ft4 M si
" " " fr ,tfB k,y i,k-H.ni WaVhM ' l4r !
MI.I 1 trtllilna lautUaa auMMnt ....I .u. 1 kuki Ol
nMrvti.n ai.4 .4 lifaitn I n trHr, .nn mmt-
" 'H'", I reH UalhM Tnltt.aa.H.rk 1 lltl ka1
I SD(V h ImiS I htll huil I.ul . I Ul, L.. 11.. L..II... Iiuri
All -lrT K-..I1, 14t fl.i ,,l.u4 in Haw tt iMtl.tMW't ufmir
' an'l 1 ir In A .! U j A c j. t ah. ..1.1
l";tl'iHr,. H,,MW.f,Uni. I wlAille., vhlV MUyl
!' "1 mttra than m uk (.. ak. t. ftus ITkUrf ui
'' mm in or tn Tirt ar ft U4i
"r sls In fmt tn Tirt ar ft
C I in KilrrMiam of in sf ant IWhatkhtU tUt tw tU4, I
rKMlUr. If i m in wnst nflf llo til !
koWMi. rriM Umu J 11.. ::T " i ii "t-
IMinMCil I
4 l-l A it Ul
..... Luu..!"'"."
turn "
Wm ESpirertoC Amacber, 72 81
acs in seir 12, t 2 s, r 2 2'0()
C P Hullivan to M E Dunn, lots 1 A
2 hi a 7 Oswego ifg)
J (i Foster to K N Foster, 00 acs in
Viekers cl t 3 s, r I e 1
Kliler to fc N Foster, 16 acs in
Viekers cl t 3 a, r 1 e
h 't imams to V T Fxherd, sw of
sec 2D, 1 5 s, r 2 e 1
J A Seltzer to J R Lewis, n.'i of ne
Aeof nwof sec 22, t 4 s, r 4 e 1
TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy
right to the Thome system of Abstract
Indexes, for Clackamas couuty, and have
the only complete set of abstracts in the
County, can furnish Information as to
title to land at once, on anniipufmn
Loans, Investmenta.real estate, abstract!
etc. Office over Bank of Oreuon City.
Call and investigate. Address box 37.
Haw Ileal h .'r.
"It often makes my heart ache," writes
L. C. Overstrewt, of Elijin. Tenn.. "to
bear my wife coagh until it seemed her
weak and sore lungs would collaww.
Good doctors said she was so far gone
with Consumption tliat no medicine or
earthly help could save her, but a friend
recommended Dr. King's New Discovery
nd persistent nse of this excellent rem
edy saved her life." It's absolutely
guaranteed for Coughs, Colds, Bronchi
tis, Asthma and all Throat and Lung
diseases. 60c and $1.00 at Geo. A. Hard
ing's. Trial bottles free. '
....... .. . - 'J, 'w.' ,r""1
lUtdba IssksM MM Maktf aaMaiaM SM alsi
T JE3 W 3E3 1 X3 1
Opp. Iluntlej'g Drujt Store,
Great Britain and America.
The Enterprise $1.60 per year.
character and oist reputation In f sen i (
(one in this county required) to ret"
olii estaUlnlieu we. - ,
and a lverthe old
ness tmniM or solid nnanciai ii'" , ,i
ary S 00 weekly with einse S'""""
ah payable In cab ssch Wedneislny '"'
from head olUces. Horse and carri
ninhed when nerrs-ary. IJ'frf n ', '
close self addressed stamped f"'"0
Manager, 310 Canton building. Chic0-