Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 27, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Personal Mention
D, J, Hchall, of Hubbard, was in the
cty last week.
Dr. A. L. Heatle Iihh returned from a
IniKlneM trip to Seattle.
Minn Erma Laurence In at her home
In Portland for the holiday.
Mis Martha Koerner 1 home from
Corvalll for the holiday.'
Mayor fl. II. Dlmlck spent Christinas,
with li Ik relative in Hubbard.
A, mxl Hv Paddock, of ClacltMiiia,
are home fTv.u Eugene for the holiday.
Misso Fannie U. and Kathryn Porter
re home from Portland for the holiday.
Mint JbmhIb Porter, student of Mt
Ml'inville Gillego, i home for tho holi
Miss Rebec T. Smith, principal of
the Eaatham school, I at Saloiu for the
Mia Conynr and Mix Laura Conyer
spent Christina will) thulr paienU at
Mortimer and Ilowatd LatoiireiU are
home from Hie Univereity of Orison for
the huliday.
Minn May Kelly came up Tuesday
evening to (und the holiday week with
her patent.
Fred and Charles Waruor, students at
the Univereity of Oregon, are home for
thulr vacation.
Mia Frances Meyers ia spending her
Christina vacation with relative In
Forest Grove,
Attorney J. Eugene Hedge returned
Tuesday morning f.om a ton duy' burl
lies trip to Tacoma.
n,. .1 I.. Kruno, of Stafford, wa In
the city Tuesday and tranai:ted busi
ness at the land oftlue.
i Trafton and Emery I've are nome iruiu
Paeillo Uiiivwrsliy to spend tlie liolulay
vacation with their parent.
J. Nebou Witmer, fluid superintendent
cl the U. 8. Fish Commission, spent
Chrisluia witn friend in tin city.
Merrill Muore. who ha been attend
ing the Oregon Agricultural College, at
Corvallis, I home for the holiday.
Walter Dyke, of (Irani Tana, a etu
dent at McMinnvill College, I spend
lug hi vacation with Oregou City friend.
David Matthew, captain of the Oregon
Slate Normal tooibull team, of Mon
mouth, ia visiting AaeBsor Ell William
and family.
William Hammond i home from Kiv
gene, and la spending hie vacation with
hi parent, UeV. and Mr. lMUp K.
Mr. and Mra. A. J. Thronsen, of Day
ton, Wash., were In the city hint week
on a visit to Mr. Thronsen' auut, Mr.
T. W. Foul.
Mr. N. J. Beatle, and her daughter,
Misses Laura E. and Jennie B. Leslie,
are spending the holiday with relative
in thl city.
Mr. D. B. Martin left Saturday night
for ban Franuiaco, wliere heroa reside.
She will spetid the holiday there, vinit-
ing relative.
Nello Johneon private secretary
President Hammond, of the Aatoria
rail load epent Monday evening with
relative in this city.
Roa Norri came down from Eugene
on Monday morning train and is spend
ing the holiday with hi parent, Dr
and Mr. J. W. Noiria.
James D. Mclntyre, a merchant of
Nonhoort. Wn.. arrived last Friday lor a
..luii aiiW hi' narent. Mr. and
Ft. II T.D.k I ' I
Mr, l'eter Mclntyre.
Fred J. Z.iigler, captain of the State
University football team, visited Iriend
here Sunday. He is spending U noil
diy with his family In Portland.
Resident Director N. B. Lame, of the
w;u. ... i.,n JL 1'at.ar Co.. loft on
Tf lllttiiiuiva A nip -
Saturday night' train for San Francisco
to siiend tho holiday with hi lamuy
Mis Zilnha Galloway returned Christ
mat eve from a three month trip in the
East. 6l.e enoyed her visit very much
and ia greatly improved in health
xi. --.I r v V Dr Parco. and
children, of Malum, and Mr. and Mr
Jame Bintoul, of Seattle, are pendini!
Ph.i.Aa -,n.,r with JllllJA 1111(1 Mf8 1
viiiintuina ncri.
F, Cowing.
Kraut ns Smil h . John Oreenwell, Ken
nelh T.aloiirette. Charle Rutherford.
and Marv Purslfull. who have been at
M..Minnili Uolleue. are home
for the holiday.
f!..l. and Mrs. Robert A. Miller and
Mrs. George Peebles are spending Christ-
mm nlt with re at ves in Macieay
Mrs Peebles is Mrs. Miller's sister and
lives in Weston, Eastern Oregon
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Miller came in
from Needy and went on to Portland,
whfirn the snnnt Christmas. Mr. Mil
ler is a prominent farmer ot the Needy
section. They passed through me cuy
yesterday en route for home.
George Lazolle, of Mount Pleasant, re
tiirnpd FiidHV from Iowa. He left here
a few weeks ao with A. E. H inkle, of
rlofld of
ui iwreinirg, iu jiu" rv "
Red Polled cattle, which is expected this
week. Mesur. Lazelle and Hinkle at
tended the Nalional Livestock Conven
tion in Chicago, end though their East
ern trip wa brief they saw and heard
much of stock matters.
r"7l John W. Loditr simut Christina with
1 1 relative in McMlnuville.
Jerome Dornsifo, of Independence,
wa In the city last week.
it. K. Fergoi)ii, of IiiileMtnihince, was
in the city last Saturday on a business
Prof. W, P. Mathews, superintendent
of the public school at Wilhur, Wn., and
formerly iirlnciiiat of the Eusllium
school, is In the city vlniling frtunds.
Sheriff Cooke was in Keglu Creek
Monday, accoini allied t1y.M4.vor Dim
Ick, and aold 2J.'l lieep for (30 to C. 1!
Johnson. They were sold on foieclosure
of a chattel inor'gdxe aguinut James
Rhdiard Scott, af Milwutikie. will de
liver the resumse to the addiess of wel
come before the annual meeiing of the
Oregon Diiirymen AHHociuti m in Hi-
lent. -Monday, Janunry (I. He i Presi
dent of the association.
Trafton and Enieiv Dve. and William
B. Shively, Jr. are spending the holidays
Willi their naieiils In this city and le.ive
Wednesday night for Forest. Grove, to
attend Ihe reopening of 1'aciiic Univer
sity on Thursday morning.
Coimtv Clerk E. H. Coopei and fam
ily, and C K. Cooper, who is connected
with the Pacific State Telephone C"tn-
pany at Vancouver, Wash., spent Christ-
ma with Postmaster Cooper at Cams
W. F. Harri and William J- n", of
lioiver Creek, were in the c:tv last
FiSiIhv arrsnulmr for the New Year's
hull to lie held at Besver Creek next
Wednesday niitbt. See ad in another
Albert M. Grilley,, formerly physical
director ol the Y. M. C. A. in this city,
and at present occupying lb it pociiion In
Davenport, !.. wa in loan yesterday
mornlnir. He h it here 20 months n
Mr. Orillev visiting his parents nl Sa
lem and starts for the Hunt January 3.
Mrs. Frank Rintoul, of Oregon City,
who lis been the guest of Mrs. M. E.
Jackson and other reletlve In this city
for severnl davs, went to Eugene Wed
nesday to spend the holiday with her
parent, Mr. and Mrs. G A. Dyson.
Brownsville Time.
Walter A. McCord and wifo returned
to Oregon City Sunday morning from
Manila, where- they have been for
some time. Mr. McCord wa in the De
partment Quartermaster's 0 filet". Mrs.
McCur I wa seriously ill befote they de
parted for the United States but U now
gretly Improved in health. They are
at present visltii g their parent at Mount
Local Eve9t?. J W We
Special sale Millinery .-Red Front.
Big millinery sale. Mis Goldsmith.
Albright & Logo have piano ticket.
New Ribbons and pon pons at Red
S .1. ... a. -i.... IL.JvL.W.UkJW W W W W
for Candy filled after order ' r
Ka atalft Candies I i
in receivta. ro siaie Vanoie!.
UnUV XCTT UIIU 111"11'
tionery luanufactured daily.
School book exchanged at Moore'
Big value in
Mis Goldsmith.
Mens' and B ys' haU les than fac
toty price. Red Front Store.
Duut pas us hy. Call in and get our
prices. Red front Trading Go.
(20 lo $100 to loan on chattel or per
sonal security. Dimick k Eastliam, agt.
ready to wear hats.
Buy your meat
meat market and
$I.'iO piano.
at Albright Logos'
secure vote tor the
Ten ce.it in merchandise given with
every piunovote purchased at Moore'
Money talks, hut bargain yon get for
your money talk, more vet if you buy
fie Red Front.
The teachers' club will meet next
Mrnd:iv pvioiir.ir at the home of Mis
Antoinette Walden.
Gum and lock repaired. Key fitted
and avs filed. Ammunition and gun
for Sale. Johnson and Lamb.
Tn onlir to reduce our slock we have
Kr.-nt rnrhiptlon In Price on all
millii.ery goods. Miss Gold-mill b.
The Acme, opposite Enterprise office
manufacture fresh canity daily. Fruit
clams and tobacco. Soda fountain. New,
Everybody use umbrella. Every
body should know where to have tbera
A new cover put on. John
son and Lamh.
Beaver Creek Hall
Wednesday EveQiQg
Jan. 1, 1902.
All are invited.
T lir tl.u i-liililren in ahtlndance at
Red Front.
Great reduction in price in all millin
ery. Mis Goldsmith.
Leare Early Next Spring to Obtuin
Lewi and C!a k Mat. rial.
Mrs. Eva Emery Dye attended the
annual uieethig of ihe Oregon Historical
Society last Saturday in Portland and
presented the following teller:
Oregon City, Or., Nov. 20, 1U01. 10
the Oregon Bute Historical Society-
Gentlemen and Ladies: Aa some of you
tire perhap aware, I have been at work
two year upon the atory of Lewi anil
Claik. At an expense of huudieda of
dollar, I have visited every repository
of document relating fo the men, their
live, and t their great exploration. In
one case only have I met refusal, v.., In
Philadelphia, at the bauds of Ihe Amerl
can Philosophical Society. While I had
many excellent introductory letter there,
1 do not think any were from members
ol Dial aocieiy. 1 hd endeavor to get
such lellera, and heioby ask the Oregon
Historical Society for such endorsement
aa they think suitable to this case.
"Dr. Haa. the secrttary ot tnat oci-
tv. told me ihe published journals wouid
contain ail mailer 1 would ever be liab.e
to need Now, if 1 have had or expeel to
nave auy success 111 literary work of hie
torieai importance, it cornea and must
.tome from or.gmal investigation, Ihe
published journals are not the Journal
ol Lewi aud Clark, at ail, oui me .an
guage ia entirely that of Biddle. It is
....... I.. I unn,iU III mV IMMIH. 11 laCKB
U LLC I ly iijiiuckjvw
..omonaliiv of Lewi and Clark. A
remarkable lot of other original matter
i,b coia into my hande ; the only thing
needed now U the permit to read the
document deposited there. Jcliersou
say in hi letter lhat these documents
belong to the public, euojeci 10 mo
der of Government.
fKm hkt ran vou do to help meT 1
expect to go East again soon, and eball
feel that an impjriant part 01 my uuuer
taking ha not been all it might, bo iu
case these journal are sun wi.ui.biu.
Your very truly,
EVA EMMil uicj.
The board of director wa authori d
to rrtpare a memorial to the Oregon del
egation in Congre to the end that the
American Philosophical Society might
i.-i.,fl.,..,.d to permit Mr. De to in
spect the original journal she seeks.
Food flianifed lo I'olsoa.
Putrefying food in the intestine pro
duces effects like those of arsenic, but
Dr King New Life Pills expel the poi
son from clopged Jewels, gently, easily
but surelv, curing Constipation, Bilious
ness,Si,k Headache, Fevers, all Liver,
Kidney and Bowel troubles. Only 2-.c
at Geo. A. Harding's.
The infant child of Mr. and Mr. M.
E. Kandle, of HighNnd. died Saturday
morning. The funeral took place bun
dv. the interment being in the High
land Cemetery.
Otto. Infant son of Mr. and Mr
Walter Newman, of Green Point, died
Saturday morning at 8 o'clock. The
fr.ni.ral look rjlaoe Monday, the inter
ment being in the City ( emeteiy.
Winter clolhipg is what you want
Cold weather 1 coming on and it cot
nn more to be comfortable. Joe Know
land, the 7th btreet tailor, ha hnndred
r.1 ......iIh. of tsleizant good to select
from. Knowlsnd'a clothe fit.
Christian Science services are held at
Ihe residence 011 the north-east corner of
Fifth and Washington street every
Hnnrfav morning at 11 o'clock. 8onday
...i.rv.i i 1 o'clock. Wednesday even-
i.... mooting at 8 o'clock. To these er
i". -
vices all are welec me.
Opposite Enterprise Office.
Nev Years Ball s
t o n-. r,f l,at tate auhsrrintions for all paper and f
0 magazine and save you money. We meet all club cut rate and save f J
f- you luc riK,
Commencing Saturday, Dec. 28. we place on sale every
picture in our largentock at about 1 regular prices. Nothing
reserved everything goes from the pretty 10c Artotype (cut
to c for the sale) up to the $8.00 Medallions.
Buy Your
Where you can get the best for the least
. money.
Where you are sure of cartful attention
and courteous treatment. '
Where you can get the choicest selection
of highest urade instruments.
Where you can get an absolute guaraply.
Where you Will have nothing to regret
Buy now, you will save money by doing
so, at
Eilers Piano House,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers.
Not the oldest, but the leading Western
Music Concern.
Retail Store:
351 Washington btreet,
Portland, Oregon.
pieeq of 5imq..
There is nothing more appropriate, nothing more
lasting, nothing more appreciable than a
WATGff .
We will sell all our watches in ladies' or gent's sizes
at SPECIAL REDUCTIONS for the holidays.
Come and see us before you make a purchase. We
have watches for everybody. Also a beautiful stock of
ladies' and gents' Solid Gold Rings, Chains, Lorgnette
Pins, Brooches, Ear-rings, Emblem Goods, etc.
Hundreds of useful presents to select from.
Yours for business,
The Wisconsin Jewelers and Opticians.
Don't nefllect yonr eyes.
We tet them free of charge.
We are the-only nclentifle
opticlnu InClackamniCo.
Fine Watch Rspairing a Specialty.
L. Haskin was eeHously injured Fri
day night in a runaway accident. He
wa (trivinif one of Smith transier
wauon. The horse ran awiy and col
lided with a telegraph pole and Haekin"
wag thrown out, one of the wheels pas
ing over hi leg. Hi back was badly
Wanted To rent a six or eeveo
room house. Furnished or unfurniel.r.l.
Address this office.
P. C. & 0. By. Co. The regular Sun
day rate between Oregon City and
Portland is 25 cent for the round trip.
Get your ticket at Harding's drug store.
n WHS. iiBt rsrxss
A marriage license wa issued yester
day to Mix Anna Elizabeth Jones, 27,
and Jack Allen Tramayne, 24. Mr.
Tramayne renounced his allegiance to
the King of England just hefore the
license wa issued. He i employed in
Lindsley's sawmill. Mie Jones ia the
daughter of Pavid Jone. of Caru.
Use Red Line Coutih Cure, 25 and 50c.
Guaranteed. Charrnan & Co., DruggiBta.
Ticket with every bottle.
l)o you want to eoeyour lodne win the
$150 piano? Albright & LW9 issue
one vute with every 25 cent purchase.
A Woman's Awful Ferll.
"ThnrB is onlv one chance to save your
life and that is through an operation,"
were the Btariling word beard by Mr.
I. B. Hunt, of Lime Ride, Wis., from
licr doctor after he had vainly tried to
cure of a frightful case of stomach trouble
and yellow jaundice. Gall stone had
formed and she constantly grew worse.
Then she began to use Electric Bitters,
which wholly cured her. It' a wonder
ful Stomach, Liver and Kidney remedy.
Cure Dyspepsia, Loss of appetite. Try
it. Only50ots. Guaranteed. For sale
by Geo. A. Harding.
Letter List.
The ollowing is the list of letters re
maining in the postofflceat Oregon City,
Ore., on Dec. 2Glh, l'JOl :
womkn's list.
Adam Lulu Miss Holcorab M Mrs
Benne;t P Miss Jieppsch F J Mrs
Fitzgerald f E Mra Peyton Ida Mr
hen' list.
Bohlander Val ndmi..g Gust ,
Cooper A G (i) Murray A J
...... i.. Naimht F M
van .i'11"" , - . r
Eskin John, rteaso. er 1. .
Helvey Geo Keynols L
Z. mmeruiaii jiuk"
A CJood CoHRh Mullein.
From the Gzstte, Toowoomba, As.
I Cnd Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
is an excellant medicine. I have been
suffering from a severe eoniih for the
lart two months, and it ba effected a
cure. I have great pleasure in recom
needing it.-W. C. Workner. This i
the opinion ot one of our oldest and
most respected residents, and ha been
voluntarily given in good faith that
other may try the remedy and be bene
fitted a was Mr. Wockncr. This
remedy is sold by Oco. A. Hardirg.
Oat1 Greeting.
The old ytar is gone the new year is here. We wish you
well as the years change. We greet all our friends with good wishes
and great bargains. We are ready to add quality of goods to our
pleasant words and make you happy through substantial savings
and increased benefits in buying.
We offer:
Good Wall Paper
A Double Roll
Our Motto: Live Let Live.'