Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 27, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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r v-w-- v -wn T( A K,)u, llf ciaclumas, la seen . n
J our streets every Tuesday with his!
j Pearl HlUeary returned home Stur-
ikvk. jijc1..fi.jCiif3 day and will Fpcud a few day at home
S-v : : rrrr . with her parents.
Our correspondents will please send! Ml M A tlk P8I,J m,r
in ariiclea before Wednedavs of each Chtir-tmas in Portland with, her duiult-
week, otherwise it reaches us too late for, tor 8. Slattiti.
SiitT.tr J. J. Cooke went through our
bun: one d.ty last week on hit Wi.v to
Salmon Klrer.
This F.ntkhi'iss Ii is received an
anonymous coiniiiiuiicitlou fiom Sulniou
Uiver coi i.tiniii( some aliened news,
which ia prim-in ill v hit' at ixoiile of
that sectiou. Under no circumstances
will communications of any itectiption
ht) printed, unless tlie name o( the wii'er
is known to this paper.
The Milwaukie Saturday night dub
will g ve a grand masked ball on the
Stb ol this month at Milwaukio town
Mr. Mack (Iowe, formerly of Milwau
kits hat rented his residence here and
has mowd to Oregon City, where he will
make hit home.
Siiimifl Hoesly, a well-known pioneer
resident of Milwaukie, diet) at his home
Sunday evening after an illnes of some
time. His home ia on the county road a
Short distance southeast of the poatolliee,
where he had lived for many years, lie
wn 7: years old, andcani to Milwaukie'
in IS7ti. With his brother, Henry
The pioieet are very g Jod for a rainy
Christmas, but we hop the rain will
I alack by that time.
Mr. Simpfion ia hardly exacted, to
, live, as ho had a stroke of paralysis a
Hoexly, and Heniy Sexer, he piirriueeJ , ,ort time ano and he seems to tret no
the old Standard flur mill and they j better.
nunu.aetured what became widely , , , ) Woodle, of Portland, w.a
kuon . the "Red Cos,' brand of ; Ub, wetk mJ w
flour, which was extensively u.t ent , hj
of the mountains in the mines. FV 15
, ,!... ..i.i :.. 11 ..i .: The school in district No. M, elostd
J nitf v-i aicu mo mill. I guilt
it down for the reason Unit the cheaper ,
labt Friday and M.es Cnrrin has got e
' U . . O..I A I.. ... .... - .1..
proems of manufacturing fbu, had hew, K" ' 'u
InirjdoceJ in Oregon, and they could , ,
a .it compete. Mr. Hoeiily" seems to
h ive beeu the last of Ihe owners of the
0 I mill. His brother and Sexer are
det I. Last April the old mill budd
ing, which was put up in 1810, was
tu u.' l over and demolitdied by high
water, am', like the fomer owner- , is
bui a memory of the past. Mr. Ibe-ly
is cirvived by his mile. Mrs. Iiirtiara
Hot-sly, and the following -It . I Irt-n :
Mrs. Philip Kohl, Mrs. Kiel Wetzler.
Mrs. I. S. Mullan, Samuel and Fred
lLie-ly. The funeral wis held last
M i.ulay from the family residence at
1 :;il o'clock. Rev. Edaurd Huruschuh,
of trie Germ in Evangelical chucti, of
Milwaukie, conducieJ the servkvs.
Mhwaukie cemetery wis the place of in
term int.
Dam' 111.
J. A. Royer, baj sa!d his fam on the
Mohawk, in Lane county and has re
turned to Damascus.
The many Irieiids of A. W. Cooke will
bf g!ad to hear tli.i he is tlu ly recov
ering. A few of our yumi); folk ntt-idil Ihe
basket social at l,ents lat Saturday eve.
It was givru hy Hie United Arln-atia.
All leport a 'inl time.
' J. D. ChilWuod, lias all the material
on the ground for bis new hjjitse.
It is reported that Geo D rry will give
a dance in his new Imu-e in the near
J. C. McMurry is slowly improving,
but not able to be out of the house
Mrs. Walter Smith is in Portland at
the hospital for trea'ment.
"All well all happy lots
of fun". That is the regular
report from the monkey cage
of Barnum's Circus ever since
the keepers began dosing the
monkeys with Scott's Emul
sion. Consumption was carry
ing off two thirds of them
every year and the circus had
to buy new ones.
One day a keeper accident
ally broke a bottle of Scott's
Emulsion r.ear the monkey
cage r.nd the monkeys eagerly
Japped it up from the floor.
Thi.s suggested the idea that it
might c'o them good. Since
then the monkeys have received
regular doses and the keepers
report very few deaths from
consumption. Of course it's
cheaper to buy Scott's Emul
sion than new monkeys and
that suits the circus men.
Consumption in monkeys
and in man is the same disease.
If you have it or are threaten-
Jed with it can you
take the hint?
This picture renrenr
the Trade Mark of Scott's
fcmul.sion and is on the
wrapper of every bottle.
A rfy, SCOTT P.nwvr
409 Tearl St., New York.
50c and ii. all druggist. I
A. J. Douglass went to Portland last
week with a load of hogs, ami to get ma
terial for tiis saw mill.
Mr. Dowly and Henry Uittens and
others went to Portland with turkeys
and other poultry lor the Cfuiatmas mar
ket. J J. P. W'oodle went to Trontdnle Mon
day to meet J. I). IVmiiiIhbs and wife, of
Dufur, who came down on the Tuesday
morning train to visit Mr. Douglass' par
hiiis and friends near Ele Creek.
Mr. Rasmussen and family have
moved on the Carter farm.
Misa Grace Douglass is still improving.
VV. R. Baker had the misfortune to
lose a valuable horse last Thursday.
Mr. Cahill is preparing to build a
house in the Spring.
Mr. Alspaugh went to Oregon Oily Fri
day to meet bis folks, who came home
from Corvallis to 8end the holidays.
Mrs. R Gibson went to Portland yes
terday to spend Christmas with her sis
ter, Mrs. Campbell.
Charles Dauchy, of Parkplace, was
visiting his uncle, J. P. W'o'idle, and
family, last week; also bis be t girl at
" I have kept Ayer'i Cherry Tec
torsi in my house for a great many
years. It is the best medicine in
the world for coughs and colds."
. J, C. Williams, Attica, N. Y.
All serious lung
troubles begin with a
tickling in the throat.
You can stop this at first
in a single niht with
Aycr's Cherry Pectoral.
Use it also for bronchitis,
consumpticn, hard colds,
and for coughs of all kinds.
TSr iIih 1 ZSc., 19c, II. Alt frautite.
Oofi"'t 4"nf, It b wy toll II,
tl.ra i.. u ' . I' r'n '"
la toko It. iron l"i' toll " '' kuow.
L It llli l'l" " ' "111'"?.
There is considerable comment alxmt
the preacher having a black face fur a
week or two
A Clnli'tnias entertainment and tree
as given at the M. K. church Christ
mas eve.
Someofnur young ladies gave the
yung men an excellent lesson last Moi.
d.iy, if the boys will only heed it. Witt)
axe in hand they started out, not on a
''saloon smishlng" raid but on a raid
against the biier hushes that grow up
beside the walks and they did an excel
lent job, but came out at the end with
bruised and bleeding bauds. We hope
the "boys" will not allow such a thing
to happen again.
Lord Marijuaui is at home this wt-k ;
his school gives him a week'a vacation.
Claude Deyoe ss home from Idaho to
s,end fahe holidays with bis parents.
Mr. S. Fisher and daughter Lei ha ar
rived on the morning tiaiu from Sk)ko
mish, Wash.
Mr. Zeke, of Orient, Or., has opemd
a blacksmith shop in the Cook building.
Mr. Zeek comes well recommended.
He was a former resident of Canby.
VV. Perry has accepted a position with
the Southern Pacific Co., at Coburg, Ore
gon. rti 1 -1 T : . t : 1 : . i.
viayiuu oiap, ui uig i'iun, jinn ,
has been visiting his brother for the past
two weeks Mr. Sias is traveling for a
large barbers' supply firm in the East,
and is on his way to South America.
Dr. Dedman and family are 'expected
to leave Chicago the first week in the
new year. The doctor prefers Oregon
uiud to twelve degrees below zero in the
windy city.
At the residence of the bride's parents
in Canby, on Surday, December 22, Miss
Mattie Terry and Mr. Slavens, of War
ren, Or., were united in the holy bonds
of matrimony, by Rev. Dunlap, of the
M. E. Church. The happy couple have
our best wishes for a long and happy
married life.
School closed last Friday. The pupils
are happy over the prospect of a two
weeks' vacation.
Clad Christmas time is here again
wilb ail its mirth, and Maryiam is en
joying it very much.
Mr. Larkins went to 8alem last Friday
and returned Saturday, bringing with
him Tessa and Clay, who are attending
school there; also Katie Dunlavy and
Dela Has tic, all of whom came to spend
their Christmas vacation.
Winnie Dunlavy is expected home
this week from Eastern Oregon, to spend
a few days.
Our merchants have been Laving a
very busy time for the last week or ten
days, I suppose they would like it if
Christmas come more than once a year.
Messrs. Bill Little and Bob Skirvin
are talking of buying the Fox saw mill.
The first quarterly conference of the
M. E. chnrch was held last Saturday
and 8unday. Presiding Elder Watters
was here and preached an excellent ser
mon Sunday morning.
Johnnie Haugb has rented a part of
the Doores farm.
Mr. Scott Long is visiting his brother
Henry Long". He has not been here for
thirty years.
Miss Bula Harmon came borne from
Oregon City last week. j
Miss Media llubnard was in Oregon
Ciiy the 1-Siti and l'Jib, visiiiug friends.
A. StromHreeu is doing some tine work
on Hie road near his place. He is hav
iug a tine lot of corduroy made and put
dowu. If we had more supervisors thai
took as much interest in good radd as
ilr. Mroiugreeu tlous, Clackamas County
would souu b far in the lead for good
Mr. Gorbett and daughters were in
town last wek,
P. E. Bouucy, F. M. Ro! eton and Ed
Uuitbeig Went to Oregon City this week.
Mrs. Gorbett is having a great deal of
trouble witlt a cancer on her face, fclie
will go, after the holidays, to have it op
erated upon.
I -oil Ujlibaid has almost entirely re
covered from his long illness.
V. 8. DiX killed a large coyote last
W. Gorbett and 0. Dix killed
bob cat last Monday.
Mr. Hunter proved up on his home
stead ou the nineteenth. He also took
six hundred pounds of first class honey
to Portland.
Miss Koman and Miaa Myers, ol Mount
Pieasaut, Were visiting Coltou one day
this week.
Our school closed last Friday till after
the holidays and the children all came
home with their pockets full of candy
ana ineir Hearts lull ol kindly regards
for their genercus teacher.
The spelling school at the literary hall
was well attended last Friday.
T III .1 . ;.i . . . .
x win ciooe wiiu oeei wisnes lor a
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
to the Enterprise and all its readers
Fiiday evening with his sUier and went
to the shouting match Haturdiiy and il
lumed home Sunday.
Lillian Gans was a guest ol Veva
Jones last week.
Veva and Ernest Jones te vUliore
at Al Junes' rhinday evening.
Mr. and Mr. Daniel Fraaier are the.
giitiht of A. I-. Jones.
Sophia Molsau and Oteti Adklns were
thegiieslsofW.il. Jones and family
one night hii-t week.
Chas. Huynton and wife spent Piinday
with Veva and F.riiest Jones.
A. L. Jones and wife and Pan Frunii r
and wife, were In Oregon (My Monday.
TitP'iUy was the last day u( school
here until after New Year. j
Our "school inarm" will spend the!
niliilaa with her parents in Oego. j
A large crowd of our young folks went '
to I'uion Hall Xmas eve. All had a,
line time. I
Asthmnlone DrinflS Instnnt flolicf and pi
In A 1 Ctvses.
Tk Wronw I.-.
There wits an eminent sergeant nt law
some years ago who hud a cork h'li
Unit wua a triumph of artistic ileccp ,
lion. None hut his Intimities knc.w foi
certain which was the rvnl it ml which
was the hIiiiiii limb. A wild young vt iig
of the "outer Imr." who knew the si r
gentit pretty well, tune thought to Util
ise this knowledge of the sergeant's se
cret to take In a green, newly thslgiil
young Imrrlster. The sergeant was nd
itrwttlltir A himv-IiiI lure Ht ViMt llllllNtel
lii I.I i. Mirmvl ami vi liemeill! York and Itoitoil are leached the
There Is nnihlnn k. A wl,mnl.. . ,
Iniiiaiil relief, t v.n i u,, W(, U biho
llCiirslilinlUl.a.i. '".
0. V. Wfii.. ,,r viii. im ,
.... . . . - II MIL' 11
tour trial tni Atth,,,,,,:,' '
S.nmI eiiinlilmii, cunnol IHI vol i,! '''"M.
Ml llt-el lor the go..,! , VP' ' ' " tha,
mi lor
nrihlmlrradriil and toriiii.1u1, ' " "' urt
ami Ihimglii ym. ,., vei.,!!,k3" , '",!S
nui roiv.i in Kiva . irll, -j-
lau Var.
I nam your
..I . " '"-"i-
,lvr'"' mi I,,, ,;.t I
lv, ehslneil iU. nitr, ,...,, '." . '.ii
Irllil I .. ..' """"t.
mailt. Hie trial .cte.l Ilk ,.i,....; "i "in.h.
lull tin bottle " in
We want lo ntn lo vrr. ,ui...
ralinsnt(il Ahmli.e, ,u,u,t Wtl
rure.1 Mr Wei... We'll'..,,, 'P.' ; " '"L'y
PAID. AIIHOI.tl1K..Y rllKK . m,1''
to any liifWraho will aril. I...T. "Kt
)M..lal. Nrv.r iiilml, ll,il(, y,. '
Ins. Iiuw.ver y..r . a. . .,,I",WI'-
reiisv. ami cure. Tli. ,,r. y. "??
limr glail ws sis to semi i, )'11(,j jfi W
Writ at nitra, al'lrn. lilt Ti l-r ,.;.'
MKDld.vK iu. ;u K..1
Hold by all Druggists.
style, and the wag whlsHrt'd to his
"You see how hut old Itusfus Is over
his ence. Now, I'll M you n aoverelgn
I'll run this plu Into his leg up to the
bend nnd he'll never iioth-e It. he's so
alMorhvd In his Ktfcc Ii. He's n most ex
trnnrdiimry ninn In Hint wny."
This was more tliun the greenhorn
could swallow, mo he took the bet. The
twig took a huge plu from his wnlst
coat nnd. h-nnlug forward, drove It tip
to the bend In the sergciint'a leg. A yell
that froze the blood uf all who heard It.
Hint iiinde the Imlr of the Jury stand ou
end nnd the Judge's wig almost fall off,
rnng through the court.
"Hy Jove, It's the wrong leg! I've ot
my money." exclaimed the dismayed
nnd conscience stricken wag. quite re
gnrdlcss of the pa In he had Inllli-tcd up
on (lie Ku rued sergeant. I.uinlou Answers.
J. J.Mallett, the road boss, has
crew opening a road in our precinct.
Jobn and Curtis Helvey with Clyde
Smith were breaking a horse Tuesday.
C. Smith and son are still blasting
and clearing.
Louis B. Cusick was out and spent
Thousands Hare Kidney Trouble
and Don't Know It.
Bow To Find Out.
Fill a bottle or common glass with your
water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or set
tling Indicates an
unhealthy condi
tion of the kid
neys; if It stains
your linen It Is
evidence of kid
ney trouble; too
frequent desire to
pass It or pain In
the back Is also
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order.
What to Do.
There Is comfort In the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
wish In curing rheumatism, pain In the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part
of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability
to hold water and scalding pain In passing
It, or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many times
during the night. The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon
realized. It stands the highest for Its won
derful cures of the most distressing cases.
If you need a medicine you should have the
best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and $ I. sizes.
You may have a sample bottle of this
wonderful discovery
and a book that tells aTT-rTi.
more auoui n, Doin sentL;
absolutely free by mail, -iVr.
aaaress ur. Kilmer U nm of sunp-Root
Co., Binghamton, II. Y. When writing men
tion reading this generous offer In this paper.
To Jadu Ita As of l.ar.
Ill tiling Ihe approxlmnte date of
any given piece of luce It la well to re
iiiemU'r (hut mnchliie iiinde thread was
not used till after (he lx-g I lining of ttie
eighteenth century. Kt-fore that time
the threads run In lengths uf about
twenty Inches, for the worl.er could
stretch no further than her distaff and
hud to break off nnd Join ngiiln. so Hint
after unraveling some twenty-Dve
Inches of thrend no Joint Is found the
luce is surely lifter the Introduction nf
machine niude thread. The "bride's
ornee" alone nre enough to go by. lu
the II ft ce nth century the bur bud only
a knot or a dot as ornament, In the
sixteenth n ihuiMe or single loop and
In the seventeenth u star. The edging
also helps. A sharp englc In the scal
lop Axes the date In the middle ages,
the rouuiled sen Hop came In with the
nineteenth century, with the seven
teenth n dotted sea Hop. mid the eight
eenth century one Is more elaborate, a
targe Alternating w ith n small scallop
nnd dots along lu the ceuier of each.
Only tine Way To Do It.
Get from Portland lo Chicago In 71
hourc-J'int three days. The "Chicago
Portland Special." leaving Poitlaud
daily al I) a. in. via. O. K, A N. arrives
at Chicago al U:) the third day. New
day. This tram, acknowledged to be
the f latest tnit a ecu the Northwest and
the Kast, ia solidly vestibuled ami Its
riuiuieiit Is uiisiirpusmtil, Pullman
drawing room sleeping cars, up-to-date
tourUt sleeping cars, library-smoking
cars, free reclining chair cars, slid un
excelled dining cars, the meals on which
are equal to thone served at the vety
best hotels. KcmemW this train runs
.olid Portland lo Chicago; there is no
change of ears, and the good of it Is, It
eoais no more to ride on it than on other
We Inve other trains "Pai Ifte Ex
press" leaves Portland daily at 9 p. in.
vi Huntington, and the "Siokane
Flyer" leaves al 0 p. m. daily via rv
kann for Ht. Paul am) the Kal.
For rates, sleeping car reservations,
call or write lo
A. L.Csno,
(teneral Passenger Ag-nt,
O. K. A N. Co., Poitlsnd, Oregon.
Hum Tyrolean Kpllapli.
A German traveler has discovered
seine qualut epitaphs lu a Tyrolean
On a tombstone In a vnlley of Tux
was this Inscription: "In pious remem
brance of the honest widow Anus
Krledl, forty yenrs long."
A miller Is thus remembered: "In
Christian memory of II , who de
parted this life without human assist
ance." A farmer whose Initials only aro
given and who appears to hnve been
the author of bis own epitaph lias this
memorial: "Here rests In God F. K.
He lived twenty-six yenrs as mnn and
thirty-seven years as hiislmnd."
On the tomb of n man who fell from
a roof nnd was killed lire these words:
"Here fell Jacob Iloseunkojif from the
roof Into eternity."
This wnll of n desolate hnsbnnd enps
the climax: "Tears cannot bring thee
bnck to life. Therefore 1 weep."
Household Words.
A l l Juk.
John !. Ijitig. In the Massachusetts
cnniinlgn of IS7H. ivnt making bis tlrot
run for governor nguiust General lien
Huili-r. who had captured the Delink
crntlc nomination, nnd Judge Josluh G
AIiImiK. who was Ihe tiiiidldiitv of the
old lino Democrats.
The lute Judge Tlioinpion wns mak
ing a speech tor AIiImiK I m-fore a big
Iieniocrntle nndleiice and. nfter prais
ing Ihe cniiilldate as a Jurist and a
statesmnn. nsLnl sarcastically. "And
now. who Is lids John I. I. UuigT" So
one answering, he proci-edcd : "They
say he bus made a triiuhitloii of II, i
liter's 'Illinir Whni g g good la Hint lu
us? All Democrats rend Homer In the
At this the person lo whom the Judge
wns telling the story laughed, but the
Judge roiitlnued: "Th III lliat'r Hot Un
real Joke in nil! The real JoKe la that
not a 1111111111111 In the iiiiilleuce so much
sj smiled:"
Tho Star of Stars
. v . . i
iV WlNn
Has ball Iwanngs In turn t,if. fu
fitclv to the wind. Hull braiing uurt
In wheel, insuring lighlr.t ruiiiiinu (,Ull.
itirs, and reserving gre.te.t miuui of
Kwrr for puiiiping. Cslvsubnl ,ftff
making. Put logrihrr with galwniwl
Isilts, doublc uutird; ho part can rust or
get loone and rattle. Weight irwhtor,
ierfect regulation. No .pring tocuia
trimlon with every clutter (,f temnrrnn.
aud grow weaker with sgr. Krtnin i.
ways on liaml. 1 hew n,K, tn twk
niniiry to you. Then whv nut U..
Mitchell, Lewis & StaverCo.
First and Taylor Sta., Portland, Ortgot
Sh Nrrdrd Thru,
"I wish. John." she said regretfully.
"I had had sense enough not to destroy
nil the letters you wrote me during the
yenr nnd a half of your courtship."
He smiled In a gratified wny. "I
knew you would regret thnt some time."
he snld.
"Indeed I do." she replied. "I need a
little chnnge the worst sort of wny,
nnd the mnn who buys rngs nnd old pa
per was here today. How wasteful we
are In our youth!"
ne looked nt her reproachfully, and
almost Involuntarily his hand sought
his pocket book. It Is seldom Indeed
thnt a resourceful wounn hns to ma.'te
a direct request for money. Chlcniro
Fnrsl (or Polish.
A recipe for a very superior furni
ture polish given by a dealer lu musical
Instruments to a housewife ns the
cnuso for the shining surfaces of the
pianos In bis rooms consists of four
tablespoonfuls of sweet oil, four table-
spoonfuls of turpentine, a teaspoonful
of lemon Juice and ten drops of house
hold ainmonin. This polish must be
thoroughly stmken liefore using nnd np
plled with an old flannel or silk cloth.
Itub briskly and thoroughly, which Is
at, least a third of the merit of nil pol
ishes. L'm) a si-coud cloth to rub the
mixture luto the grain of the wood aud
a third fur the final polish.
2,(1)0 miles of Ioiik il
titnca telephone wire in
Ortigon, Washington, C.!i.
fornia nnd Idaho now in
oiwration by the I'sciSo
FUlion Telephone Com
jmny, covtriim WO
Quick, accurate, cheip
All tho satisfaction of I
IMTHonal comiminication.
)iHtauco no effect to t
clear uii'lcndaniling. Spo
kane and San FranciKO
as eacily heard a) Port
land. Oregon City office at
Hiirdtnfrs Drujr Store.
Wlirrr Stir DlrTrrrJ From fa a I.
A Scotch clergyman (ailed tipoii u
parishioner not long since, nu old worn
nn who wns nol blesNed with iminv
vlrfiies. but who iiisesi-d n very vsi
I led iiNMirtmenl of vice He tooli the
latter ns n text for a sermon and sjmke
to her nt I'oiiHlilcrable length upon the1
snlijeet, coni liidlng with some extracts
from one of St 1'niil'a epUtlea which
he felt to be apropos.
She didn't sM-nk for several iiilniites1
after he had HnMicd. nud he tlioiighi
that he hud made nu Impression upon
ber at Inst. He wns mistaken, hou
ever, for she suddenly tinned round
with Ihe remnik: "Humph! Tbnt's
Juki where Paul nnd I liuve dlfrered
I hese ten years."
The argument wns not continued.
I Do You
Know the News
llrr I'rarrr.
The ItulTalo News tells a story of s
four yen r-old girl w ho was spending n
eight away from home. At bediniu
she knelt nl her hostess' knees lo sny
her pin.verM.eJpecllitg the iiniiiiI prompt,
lug. Finding Mrs. It uimM,. )0 help
her nut. she concluded thus: "I'lense.
(J'Ml. 'si-iim. me; I cnn'l reinemlMT my
prnyers, ami I'm sinylng with a lady
that dou't kuow nuy."
Bars th 11 Kind Yom Haw tlsan BouW
You can have It all for
M in the Evening Telegram, of Port- i
L land. Oregon. It is the largest
Li evening newspatier published in I
Zl Oregon; it conUtns sll the newi
Fl ..f .1... ..,.. I ll.a KatilSI. i
oi vim mniu phu ui vi, .,
Trv it for a month. A sampH l
copy will be mailed to you free, t
The Telegram, j
Portland, Or.
Xxixi-t's KTcw Store.
I have just moved Into a more commodious building, which l'8,?" i
remoiieied lor mr stock. My growing Irade demands this, une oi
leatures of my store is the
which Is separated from the main building. Fresh meats always on hand.
I will buy dressed Pork, Iieef and Mutton. . .,
Call and inspect the holiday goods. Christmas presents at prices to sun.
Tinouape, Gnaniteouare and KitehenUtensils
TKY Ol It r-AMII.V Mr.l)l IShH .. ,
MKNTHUI.ATUM-Cures Sore Thront, Bruises, Rheumatism, W
ralnia, Headache, Chapped Hands, and All Inflamations.
rvt fimre and
ruhllc Tt l.phoiie Statloo
B. b.1I Kind You Haw A!wstImtI