Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 20, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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I News of the Week
cC jSti-iBi.xs. 9x. ajei
Friday, IVe, 13.
Jake Wade is (omul guilty in the first
degree of the murder of James B. Mor
row. President Roosevelt pinhea the button
that opens the granj encampment ot the
Woodmen o( the Woil I ai Spokane.
Word lias been received that Mis
Stone is trying to convert the brigands,
who are pieparing to hold out ail winter.
The condition of the misMonaries has
been bo far ameliorated that they are
able to obtain rude comforts.
Santiago Iglesias, president of the Fed
eration of Labor of I'orto Rico, was sen
tenced to two year, three months and
eight d.tys' imprisonment en the charge
of being the founder of an illegal con
spiracy to raise the price of labor in
Porto Kieo. Nino of his associates get
light sentences. The local Federation of
Labor in Porto Kico, which is now a
part of the American Federation of L
bor, under the presidency of Samuel
Ooojpers, has been oMered dissolved, as
it has been adjudge.! illegal because of
this conspiracy. The caw ha been ap
pealed to the Supreme Court of Pono
Kico and pending the appeal Iglesia
at liber'v.
I 4 tmmm
0 K lUmshy '
Anna William '
V K llvdo '
K V U recti man '
J tlslVney '
J V inner. SUt
John Page, t b
J W Walla " .
K 0 lUketl"
.10 IM
10 in
M t))
( tU
ft. fio
. 7 60
. 1 M
A 87
Saturday, Dec. 14.
A. G. SpauMing was elected president
of the National ra?tba!l Letgue.
Homer I. Watts was unanimously
chosen fur cap'ain of the University of
Oregon football team in I'JOi.
Mrs. Bonine has been acquitted of the
murder ot James be) more Avers, jr.. in
Washington on the night ot May 13.
Strong opposition to the Philippine
taritfhas developed. It is strictly
party measure. The only excuse given
is that the United Slates stands for the
"open door" in the far East.
John r.opiel was shot and killed nt
Ins home uear 'Hubbard by Thurston
Grimm, and the Utter is in j ;t i I . Both
men were farmers and trouble arose over
dispute about the setting of stakes
through a M irion county farm.
Naval Court of Inquiry condemns
Sddey on 11 points and made two re
pirts. Admiral Dewey sustains him in
most places. The majority report finds
his conduct characteiized by "vacilla
tion, dilitoriness and lac of enterprise''
ud says that he should have obeved
orders. The couit recommends no fur
ther proceedings owing to lapse of time.
Sunday, Dec 15.
Marconi receives a message by wireleg
telegraphy from Cornwall to St. John's
across the Atlantic ocean.
Admiral Schley is willing to stand by
the verdict of the American people. )
There will probably be no investigation
ot hit conduct during ttie war by con
gress. The annual convention of the Ameri
can Federation of Labor endoised auton
omy and tnrned down socialists. Presi
dent Gompers and other officers were
re elected. The convention adjourned to
meet at New Orleans next year.
Addison Kidd, a negro, owns up that
he wrecked a passenger train mar The
Dalles December 4, resulting in the
death ot Engineer Cavanaugli. lie had
no motive for the deed but says he was
under the influence of liquor. The con
fession was made to the offcers. Kidd
was held as an important witness against
five tramps bound over for the crime.
Rev. Marguerite St. Omer Briggs, 35
Mount Calm Street, Detroit, Michigan,
Lecturer for the V. C. T. U., recommends
Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound.
" Dear Mrs. Fin-khan : My professional work has for the past
twenty years brought me into hundreds of homes of sickness, and
I have had plenty of opportunity to witness the sufferings of wives
and mothers who from want, ignorance or carelessness, are slowly
but surely being dragged to death, principally with female weakness
and irregularities of the sex. I believe you will be pleased to know
that Lytlia E. rinkhnm's Vegetable Compound has cured
more women than any other agency that has come under my notice.
Hundreds cf women owe their life and health to you to-day, and, there
fore, I can conscientiously advise sick women to try it." Marguerite
St. Omer Briggs.
When women aro troubled with irregular or painful menstruation,
weakness, leuoorrhcr-a, displacement or ulceration of the- womb, that bearing-down
feeling, inflammation of tho ovaries, backache, flatulemt1.
general debility, indigestion, and nervous prostration, they fhouhl
remember there is one tried and true remedy. I.jdl E. rinkhaiii's
Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles.
No other medicine in the world has received such widespread and
unqualified endorsement. No other medicine has such a record of cures
of female troubles, liefuse to buy any other medicino.
Mrs. Plnkham invites all sick women to write her for advice.
She lias guldvd thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass.
W II Young, rm 13 60 slu r 1 12 60 III IK
J J Vailghan, heiiir 7 W)
K II Cuorer, stationery . .0 '.'ft
Hoard ol Water Com, cunt house Oit
hu V.fh.r. ! if 81 Hl
J J CiMike 2 71
TO I: Limits U 0
Prank Thomas 'K)
l-'rix) Wa ker !W W
M It llaklmt H
A J Walker H 00
J J Johnson lU
A l Itiirnetl IS 00
K W Randolph..... W
I'elcr Nuhreii, Insane rl (X)
Oregon t'itv Enterprise, stationery ,M
lna M Chase, del k 10 00
W K I "aril, insane A 00
MmCIium! " 2 Itl
Mra Mary iletirlcl 2
M N Itacon, cleik 40 00
t) It lliiiiml. k. sheiiir 2 (H)
J It Morion IS d 20 m com 17 r A b f:i It) u I
T 1! Kidin, o d 11 m com rah- ID 20
John lwellen,;r b H 00
John laellen. 6 da, 2 ml. comr. . .IM 20
tico It Kate A Co, lisl No 17 r A b ID Ik)
Otet!n City Knterprise. Co print'g 21 40
(C'Hltiniled next -k.)
Prll. I In I uxtt I Ik m. i li'w, rln(,
H,.. r. II l Inak III Wr.
put Imw i.n On 'I1 "I I'm iinini.r t"
And )"U wf
Aurl twty, m itpr,
lih Urn tluli iti'l Hit tilllnc Imi,
Wlut on tl rw IJ M$
An.l yuu f, ;'
W Iter en lh Mill tiirni,
l.rtli III III tmt nr.
Put h Mil nith ol lh Rwrnliif dt.no
Al:J )' , 4f
An t "U '. mr riVar,
W It h llir .lull and lit Milng tr,
Wlul nn II'. rr.n .ilil ut ur Mr.
Aud uu . ml I
Pitnk U d'liil.w.
A II I ,
A iii;iiyuviiiuii a
Juliet if a &
A CUIrUi Author'!
Walrdi rmr.
ty AIITItt'U T. Ql ILI Itlt-t OI C1L
wna tienr tho trnili . h,.i .. ,
nut of tho Mildly M.mv N
BmMvnalti my luunU f i ."'f'ttt
ih'MM.t .',.. Hoi nietlMtnu, ,',Ull
i her. UulWlin
"Limk hero," I ;,(,
.(MiKldernhlo rlak In l,r..vB ,, "''"H
aeciitnia (.r your'.ii. n(ii't w.?lw
flope nt (HMfr
"I um r ndy."
"And the jeelaT You ,.
thet.i to your ....e.i.lea, mJn"
ShctiliT.cd totlio Uri.a,lii, t
mI her Jewel ca nillt ,,ut . yn
liu lid-. i u it Into a,
"I Hin ivndy," tilm repent, u,M
l quick and atenlthy n death "
Mm folliiwiHl mo to ii. ..(
looktriir. out, drew Imck.
"Whilt holrlhlo, hhuk depd,,.
it na may, - auli! I , .
could do It on your hciid. U,kVi.1
I cllmhed out drat nnd , "r
tlliK her rwt on the rilliira. n-. L
down In alleiien. I elw.L ..
nt tho alcht c.r IVter Ul... J "
Arthur Venville wax buried in the
Milwaukie cemetery. The last sad ritea
were impretwive.
Three train wrecks occurred: One on
the tireat Northern near Eex, Mont.,
in the Kim ky Mountains. One niun waa
killed and 11 persons were hurt. A
nreckonthe Illinois Central between
Irene and IVrryville, results in the
death of eight people. Eleven were in
jilred. A freight train of the I'ennnyl
vaiaa road went through a bridge and
three trainmen ere killed.
Kejul ir 'ore mtwr Term ortheCounlr
II. M.irioo, John l.llsa anil T. B
Ktllln. C jiutnlolouara.
lU'tomm nil itlmu ef a Uell Known
4 tit'Hirit I hialrhin,
I ii" and pretcrihn Chauiheilaln's
Couth h'medy fur ahnoat all ohttinale,
ronatrided concha, with direct leiulla.
I preacrlbo it to children of all ac.
Am glad to recommend it to all in need
and Reeking relli f from colU and coughs
and bronchial aflliclionr. It In linn iiar
cnio and sale in tlie hands of the linmt
UnpiofeHiiinnl. A universal panacva
for all mankind Mrs Maiy It. Mulenoy
M. I)., I'd. R, Cl.hago, 111. This
remedy ia for sale by U. A. Harding,
Monday, Dec. 16.
The cold wave in Southern and West
ern states Is alowly moderating.
The greatest ambition of Amer
ican men and women is to have
homes blessed with clu'Mmn. The
woman afflicted with female dis
ease is coiiManlly menaced with
becoini.i a childlcsg wife. y0
luudicine can restore dead or-
gnus, Lut V.'ino of Cardui drxas
regulate di rai.geineiiU that pre
vent conception; docs prevent
nnscarnao ; does restore weak
functions and nhattered nerves
and does bring babies to homes
barren and desolate for vears.
I M ine of Cardui fives women the
health and strcnirth te bear heal
thy children. You can get a
I dollar bottle of M ine of Cardui
from your dealer.
UZ ilar'-ctLtreet. 'J
iem,hi Tr-rr., Ann) 14, 1901.
in Fcbmar . i'.i r 1.- t- .... . . 9
Wine ct C-rli i kt1 '.. w. .1
I Tncdord' Itiack-Ir.'Urht. I had been
irinmed fite..a yi ara im J had rver
iriven birth tr, r.U m.i ... . ; 1 1.. 1. w:
ef r'li.i. K'- r I nmii lurof aS-e
I JftT' hh'1 ' b"rE -''rch 31,11.
. ..c uauv .e.jjj ma. ti'-n poum s ni I
I rel wr-11 ai n -org ,., yJL.1(i f,.
ow my hmn- is ),::.; r nn-i 1 11c, tr wid
b Wlttiout Wine 1 1 1 . l ... 1. .
again. XrC'j. W.'c. bJIITH.
Tuesday, Dec. 17.
Snowfall in Scotland ha not been
equalled In fifty year,
Senate ratifies the llay-Pauncefote
Nicaragua canal treaty.
Resolution for the suppression of
archy was adopted in the senate.
Schley will attack the verdict of
Court of Inquiry in his cae. lit
been allowed until Fiiduy to answer.
Tiie tariff will not lie changed. The
Republicans in congress are a unit on
this point. They advocate the reduction
of revenue by cutting the war tai.
Anglo-American Telegraph Company
fays it has exclusive control of New
England and warns Marconi to quit.
Tim inventor leaves Thursday for Eng
land. (Continued on page 8 )
Seed Time and llarrest.
A good time to think mot seriously of
the harvest is need time. The decision
yon make then will determine the value
of your crope later. The growing; com
petition in seed selling is an increasing
temptation to unscrupulous dealers to
make extravagant claims for their seeds,
both in price and producing qualities.
The wisest farmers are those who are in
fluenced most by what experience has
proven to be good and true. Thousands
of seed sowers in all sections of the coun
try sow Ferry's famous seeds year after
and have the satisfaction of good har
vests to justify their continued faith in
the Ferry firm. They pay a few cents
more at seed time, but realize many
dollars in better crops at the harvest.
The natural consequence of this confi
dence is an ever increaidiig business.
D. M. Ferry & Co. sent out last year
more seeds than any other seed house in
the world. The 11X12 catalogue of this
house is now ready and will be found a
useful guide in selecting the choicest
seeds for the farmer, the truck gardener
and tne flower gardener. It is sent free
on request. Address D. M. Ferry & Co.,
Detroit, Mich.
What Shall We Hare Fur Dense rtl
This question arises in the family ev
ery day. Let us answer it to-day. Try
Jeil-0, a delicious and healthful dessert.
Prepared in two minutes. NoboilingI
no baking! simidy add boiling water and
set to cool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange'
Raspberry and Strawberry. (Jet a pack
age at your grocers to-day. 10 cte.
In the matter of claims presented and
allowed :
J R .Morton, InqC Munson. jur cor $ 1 20
OimundUlHen" 1 tt)
I'eter Mahnslron " " 1 20
Kind Wei-m " " " 1 20
Henry McKlsander ' 1 2 )
John W Loder " " " 3 M0
Andrew Sevenson " wit" 170
M 0 Strickland " Cor 27 4.'i
Marion County, Ross Biidgc, r a b liK) 6)
J K Ailu.lga ' 3 7S
K CtUdke court b 62 IS2
MyrileCuiriii clerk .. 7 00
J W Moiralt, jnrorCircuit Cuiiit... 2 :0
O II Wright 6 (O
" 2 20
5 HO
" " 13 tX)
Chas K M id U in
R H Wilmot
U II WeUter
Y L I!a e " " " 10 80
J M (flllelt 12 MO
II L Vaiighan 18 40
John Wright ' " 20 00
Loreii Tenuy" " 17 20
J C Kiy ' " 10 80
UC Armstrong" " " 15 20
Roy Philips " " ' 22 00
U I) Sloiy " " " 12 40
P li hrost 12 80
P Deshields " " " 14 40
H F Uihuou " " " li 20
Ueo Lxlle " " " 2 20
John rairclough " " i 20
N H Kohhtns ' 2 20
T R A Sellwooil " " 15 (iO
U F Yergeo ' 6 00
John L Mark 4 80
John Richey " " 6 00
John liation, grand juror 11 40
U U I'erilUd " " 14 00
Mathew Athey " " 11 00
8 8 Mohler " " . lo 20
James (iuttridge" " 14 00
Chas Daugnerty " " 14 00
W PSchauble " " 10 W
A (J (Juynup, witness 2 80
A Bowman " 2 20
Chas E burns " 2 20
E L bhaw " 2 20
Henry Roos " 2 20
AUUuynup ' 2 80
F (i Uarrelt " 00
JC Elliott " 4 00
E Mathies " 2 20
P li Adams " 0 00
HughComer " 0 00
JaaDLivy " 6 00
Edgar R lleiple " 5 00
E L Shaw " 2 2U
H S Moody " 2 20
H 8 Aioody " 2 20
W Rambo " 2 20
W Rambo " .. .... 2 20
L) E Taylor " 2 20
PL Scliamel, road survey 2 80
W Dart " " 2 20
E Albright " ' .2 25
Pau Sutei Tel a Tel Co, court house 9 05
Tom PRanOall, recorder 34 00
MEiickson, r b 7 00
Frank Jiuscb " 23 85
Huntley Bros, stationery 15 0
Jotin Page, i a b 35 25
0 Dauche, r A b 32 M
J E Arledge, r a b tt 76
Noe lleiple, r A b 1 05
J J Cooke, sheriff 23 67
F M linker, court house 2 70
L Ruconich, jurois circuit court..,. 3 00
1 Selling, pauper 18 25
Pope & Co, r A b 1 00
A W Cheney, County priming ....21 40
A $450
To be given avay.
i i i i r4ft 4 U
The house In qucstlmi was whst
Peter the Hcholar (who corrects my
pnmf shcvtal cnlU out) or the runlnurhy
sort -the fnuit racing a stri'et and the
bnrk liMiklng over a turfed garden,
with a Hum tree or two, n laburnum,
and a lawn tennis court marked out,
It white line plain to nee In the star
light. At the einl or the garden a door,
painted dark green, led Into narrow
lane between high walls, where. If two
persons met. one had to turn sideways
to let the other pan. The entrance to
this lane was cut In two by n wihmIcii
post alxitit the height of your hip. nnd
Just beyond this, In the highroad,
(leorge was waiting for us wlih Cu
We hud picked the iisnnl timethe
dinner hour. It hud Just turned dark,
and the church clock, two streets (iway,
was chiming tho quarter after M when
Peter and 1 let ourselves In by the
grveii door I spoke or and felt nloiig
the wall ror the ganleiier'a ladder that whitening her bare ueck and Dmk!
L I . 1...... 1 I... .... I... I I. V
w v anew y na iihiikhiu iiierv. n puiiiier i .mi ii.t
I.H.klng with his month ,'. ' "
Hp too weak to meet the turJ. . .
wonderment that rose m, . .f
tlepths or htm. When I t11,.J
nud Imiided 1,1m, the Jewel rn.h,
It like n iiinn lii a trnnen.
We put the ladder hack In n. ....
and stole over the tmf tog,.,!,,
oulaldiT the garden ,W p,.i,'
tand no more or It
Tvo a firearm lu my is k..f
ix-red he. pulling tip, ,) p...
fire It ofT to relieve my fwllng, ( "
don't ejplaln here and now. Wkh
plty'a liiinio. I aher
Vou mug! Klie's the orlcln.l
Ing lleimty. I'm ,..ing Wth hw Z
oll'v got her Jewels."
"Pardon me, Jem," , ,,., ,. ,.
geiitlemaiily way, "ir 1 don't mil!.-
Are you taking ,er off t h,0, u
or marry her For how to get rii
her I'lao"
Th ir old creature lind hiilt,
threv paces ahead of u an.l ..i..
while we whlsiK-r.il. with tlx in.
light that slanted down mu jh,
A Xoilng Contest
J W McAuiilty, hute v Kraiiinan. .3 70
II 8 Moody,
J W McAnulty,
11 rt Moody,
J W McAuulty
H 8 M wdy
Ed Miaw
Kd Kei kin r
t-i ".. 1. ' , '' iii uu.uuj;.
.re. .!!.-
. wl
1 be Latest Yarn.
A Pittsburg drummer tells this new
yarn: I always carry a bottle of
Kemp's Balsam in my grip. I take, J W McAnuliy
cold easily and a few doses of the Bal-1 '! v',x,Jy
sam always makes me a well ra""-1 Jtias Folium
Everywhere I go I speak a good wordjj w McAuuliy
for Keup. I take hold of my custom- H 8 Moody
erd I tukfl old men anil Vimmmen J W McAllllltr
and teil them confidectially what I do u!'' ,,,v n.t,
when I lake cold. At drugyists, 2-c and ; Kli Williams.
" Baker
"bark ley
J O Purtor
6 20
.3 05
6 70
6 15
30 :w
" " wit 1 70
" ' ...1 70
' McDonald. 0 35
" " .4 60
" " witl 70
" " " .1 70
' Clements ...3 70
.. 6 20
" Evans .... 4 5
" ...11 H4
Meek, insane 6 uo
m 00
For the most wpu!ur chnreh, lodge, so
ciety, school or person of Oreg in City, by
which s 4'i0 Irving piano will lie given
sway on J muary 20, 1002, to the society.
Iistge, church, school or person Securing
the gteatest number of vote''. Contest
now open. Closes January 20, I p. m.
All votes will be counted once a week,
and a full account of the vote as the con
tent progresses will be published every
Friday in the Oregon City Enterprise.
The final count at the close of the contest
will lie made by a committee ol three;
the two contestants in the lead will each
send a representative to decide who irels
the piano. The votes are given one loto
free with every 26c casti purchase by the
following merchants. Don't let any but
your own church, society, school ot
friend carry off the honors, and remem
L.I. . a..
ner mat every vote counts. 1'iano Is on
exhibition at Frank Hunch's furniture
store. Why not trade where you can get
ballots, 'as they cost you ahsolulely
nothing? Everyone ought to at least do
that much for their society or church
List of merchants where voles can lie
Frsnk Cusch, furniture.
Wilson 4 Cooke, hardware.
C. U. Huntley, drugs.
W. A. Huntley, books and stationery.
M. Michael, drygnods, clothing, Ac.
Krausse Bros., shoes.
Fred C. (Jadke, plumbing and tinning.
Adams Bros., Golden Rule Bazaar
Mrs. Story's Crystal Candy Kitchen,
7th street, opposite Suspension Bridge,
R. L. llolmsn, cigars and tohacco.
Ifeinx & Co., groceries.
Mnir Bros., groceries, 7th and Center
Electric Cash Grocery.
O. W. Grace, general store.
Oregon City Enterprise, job printing.
Vaughn's livery liable.
Albright & Logus, meat market.
Brown 4 Welsh, 7th St. Meat Market,
A.O U. W. Building.
Mrs II. T. Bladen, millinery, Main
Cheney A Rait, photographers.
J. Knowland, tailor.
Hhank A Bissell, 7th at., between
Biidge and Depot.
Joti there never was. The lcdrtoui
window on the first floor stoisl right
open to the night air, and lualdo was
fnlnt candlelight flickering. Just as a
careless maid will leave It after her
mistress has gone down to dinner. To
be sure, there was a chance of hi-r com
lug hack to put tt out, hut we could
hear her voice going In the servants'
hall as we lifted the ladder a:id rested
It ngaltist the sill.
"Shea good ( hnt nn Imtir Jet,1
Peter whispered, holding tlie ladder
w hile I began to clluih; "hut If 1 hear
her voice slop I'll give the signal to Iki
I went up softly, pushed my head
gently above the level ut tho Kill and
looked lu.
It was a roomy place, with a grent
hair tester bed. bung with curtains,
standing out from the wall on my
right. Iho curtains were or chlntr, a
dark background, with llnmlug nil
popples sprawling over It. and the
farther curtain hid tho diesilng till lu
and the caudles upon It nud tho Jewel
case that I confidently hoped to stand
upon It also. A bright P.ruasels carpet
covered the floor, and the wall paper. 1
remvnibvr-thuugli. ror the life or inc.
I can not tell why was a palo grny
ground, worked up to Imitate watered
silk, with springs or gilt honeysuckle
upon It.
I looked around and listened ror bnlf
a minute. The house was still as death
up here not a aound In tho room or In
uio passsges wyomi. with a nod to
Peter to hold the ladder firm I lifted
one leg over the sill, then the other,
dropped my feet carefully upon the
thick carpet end went quickly around
ttie oed to the dressing tahlo.
Tt... -. .
in pi hip corner, aim as Soon on
ever I saw around the chltitx curtain,
iii-.- sb tv way, anu I put out a
hand tow ard the ln-dpost.
nerore mo dressing table, and In
front or tho big gloss lu which she
could aee my white race, was an old
lady seated
She wore a blnxc or Jewels and a low
gown, out or w hich rose the scraggiest
necs and stioulders I have ever looked
"One 11101110111.- I said siul itiwj
rorwnrd to her; "you tint bettor tiki
off those ornaments here, uiy dear, sud
give them to my servant to Ukt nn
or. There's a carriage waiting for
at the end it tho lane, ami whrn Uhn
stowed them under the seat Wl ru
climb In ami drive ofT'-
To the end or the worhl-to lUrm
rim or It. my hero."
8hu pulled tho gems from her mil
Imlr ami bosom and humlrd tlira a
Peter, w ho riHH lved them with bor,
Next she searched In her pocket U
drew out a tiny key. peter unlocks
the case, and, having carefully stowed
the diamonds Inside, Im-ked It anli
handed hack tho key, touched bll bit
and w 'Hiked off toward the dogcart
Sly dearest lady." I began, si mat
as wo wero alono between ILs hA
walls. "If tho devotion of a lifo"-
llcr hnro arm crept Into Bio
"There Is but a little thus left tot Wis
which to be happy. Vetir aftiryurl
hate marked off tho nlmitnur; day by
day I have watched tliedlul. I saw si;
sisters married and my sisters' t)su;b
ters, and still I w alted. Km-k bid I
man to love her and tend I.er, but dom
had such a man ss I would hirt
chosen. They were none like yoa, aj
"No. I dare say not."
"Oh, but my heart Is not so cold.
Take my hand-It la firm and itror.r;
touch my llps-they are huniltig"-
A low whistle sounded st the top of
the lane. As I took her bands 1 puttied
her back, and. turning, ran fr my Ufa
1 suppose that as I ran I counted fort;
lieforo her scream came, and then tin
sound of her reet pattering after tne.
Hhn must have run like a (Icniun. for
I wos less than ten yards ahead when
IVter caught my wrist and pulled Bs
up on to the back seat or tho dogcart
And U'foio George could set tbf bortt 1
going her baud clutched at the Cpon
which uu reet rested. It missed Hi
grasp and she never got near enough
again. Hut ror hair a tnlmtlo I loonea
Into that horrible race following oi
working with silent race, and for half
a mile at least I heard the patter of bef
on. Her hair was thick with block dye reet In the darkness behind. In '
mm 18810110(1 wiui a diamond star. I!i
iween me two candles tho powder
showed on her check bones like dour
on a miller's coat. Chin on hand, she
was gazing steadily Into the minor be
fore tier. and. even In my rrlght. I hnd
...... , H ... .i . illinium. iiuu u i-uuaiii " t
II. T V 0,KlnM f n,,,, udertook to charm away wnrU mi
a plate or rice and currv stood at her i.i m
iiILiu. .1 1 wn iieiiuveu 10 unvc iuuri"i
...v.n uuiwiiic ,iih rniif rt.tM ...t
" "' . iuu
cau bear It now.
naa.Halnal llellsfs.
Half a century ago ouieus wers itlH
generully Indleved In. Bo, too, um
chnrms. I hnd a cousin who serloui.j
fiowder puffs.
While I stood stock still and pretty
well scared out or my wits she ro
still staring at my Image lu the glass,
loioeci uer nanus modestly over her
oosom ana spoke lu a deen. trairt,...!
"The prlncer
tm m .
men, racing sharer around ,.
u.i.t .... . . .. . - -
uem oui uer linn arms.
"Vou have come at last?'
was supposed to have Inueriieo u
secret rrom her rather, a Weiiejw
minister. Ur nncle. a rarnier, and bf
no means a credulous man, when about
to visit London for the first time, feel
ing some trepidation, consulted s doc
tor. The doctor handed him "1D
vial or nulcksllver. which was certain
ir kept In the pocket to avert all
Doubtleaa the doctor langhea 10
sh-eve, ror doctors were then ge"'ni
remember It otm
1 1 1 rtati 1 1 1 1 m 1 and f
tTiTt,U1Ub .,0 'Br t0 thta commonly said or another practitioner
! m. .I,-m1' " "' . that he believed neither In God nor
Ely's Cream Balm
GfvM lUUrf at onc.
It clfinaen, aoothef and
Jt caret CaUfTh
Even with the candles behind I. 1
could see ber eyes glowing like a dog's,
and an uglier poor ereoture ti.i.
( - . T VI U
muni scarcely stiow,
"Is the ladder aet sffnin.r i,
- - m ..iv llJ-
llOW T
devil. Nearly twenty years later, wMj
a cousin who, born a Wcsieyaa, u-
tiiriied nitfikop nnd rami UD to bODdofl
to the annual gathering or that tody,
ho showed me. with a smile, tl) lJe0'
. . til. mnthCfi
ui 1 iirni t n nr morr irr. iii
nince Too seem to know n,'m . .... . - mm hef
said I "ltB ' gooi soui, nau oorroweu n -
uiu i, it is. ........ .,,. iivsvN
Ah It, i v . . . "roiner so mot ner son imgi
-. Juur , eeiis are mililr i....i. . 1. .if.......i.. nv ew,
-ynr popples are too ml '"K'1 " v"l"""
Then I'm Kind DiPf.l,r...nn. ....
ror. to tell the truth, you did give me a
turn Just at flrst You . i.w.li..-
out ror me. no dontif
My prlncer Khe stretched
erms agi.l,,4 ami. I,elng pretty well at
j -.1- en... 1 let ner emhrace me. "It
has l,een so g, )e Bnuih. the
Wearv rliilnt i.t ..
-V U"1 ,,nve yu hcen all thla tedloua
and drlTiK wi.r a Cold
lull.. llmA niiuklr. IL
U l,rlJ. llei acd noterla tb JKtmW.,,,. ( ' w'n" '"t going to answer that, vrm
Knuirrt uie wthm oi i lis anu nmeu. ruj (lx. Disy tie sure Pi il l. .i.. . . . .
w w kk.. TrislHiM Inc.; at UrugirliU ot bf mIU i , "' -'"" i"e I uau reCOT-
72 00 1 JtLT fcitoiiiJUta, M W arreo Uuwt, w Tork, reU udlcleutly to guess what
Yorj think It ahow strcntb to b
stubborn nnd unrorglvlng. hut 11
inlHtnko: It shows weukness.
meanest soul In the world can P"'
hlniscir nnd ntirso his troubles; lie
0 sort or enjoyment out of It.
awful easy, too; It ain't neci'scnr;
have any particular talent r
thing but tho comnionest brain".
fiJ'-t. It ain't nwe-sery to have u''
of anything but a selflHb dlHi
Eleanor C. Kwd, In "The