V. OREGON filTY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY DECEMBER 20, 1901 r CORRESrONDEXCE 5 .v sAtv O.ir correspmi'! In articles befot week. otherwise it reaches lis too late for! ' Mr W. W pnhii. atioii. Will Sainton, of Oregon Oily, visitcj ! Wednesday wi'h Mr. and Mrs. Edwaid Armstrong. i Mr, and Mrs. W. 8. Tull and Mrs. rcs.v.cv.-u.ii. I Kinsev are visiting relatives and friends - - ... .. -. - - ne ar Salem this week. ill-will please iiil M ss Jesse Parrott, of Glenwood, Wednedavs if ea h , ash., is visiting her grandparents, Mr. Jss. Mrs. David KiulJ an J children wont t Portland Monday to visit a few days with her mother, Mrs, Eddy. There in to be ft dance and oyster supper at i rl w S.itii'day evening, IV cemher 21 Ail are invited to a'tend. ' E'mer Ainctrong Ins remn.ed to hi I home in Wa-hincto'i, after visiting sev- Shuliol. Mrs. Cumins in quite ill. The wiotia churches are busy prepar ing (or Xlllss. ("lit i Morliiiko has gone do n the ('o!i:iiili!a 'o Work. Long Hair "About a year ano my hair wa coining out very fust, so I bought a bottlo of Aver' Hair Vigor. It stopped the fallitij and muds my hair grow vcrv rapidly, until now It Is 45 inches in lon.-.th." Mra. A. JJoydston, A!:hiou, Kans. Mrv Ile'tnim ami eon pine to Ouliii, on a visit. K'iv.1 ilornchnch has rented a pmt of his i.thei'- farm, and is busy plowing it. Mr. lirimrii, of Mackshnrg, visited bin Boil-in la. Robert Uiniher, during (he we-k. Bnii hering hogs and m.tking fan sage is t it., i liiet delight of the father at prvef. Kev. EngeP-anlt, of Oregon Ci'y, nfier holding Beiies of meeting, closed last Friday n'ht. Mr. El Traylnr'a little gi I has al.nvt ' recovered from the severe burn she re ceived a few week ago. Mr fit mi us in'end closing bis mil' for II e winter season, iili the ex.-eidion of s 1- ing iemorary bl's. Hrgo Hanson, aft-"r working all stim- V er hi the logging ramps of th- Colnm b . ha returned home for the winter. Mr. Flora Fisher, after having spent h (. v eeki wiili her mother, Mia. l'- u'on, has returned to her In me iu C; -k-s. William haverra' ,',y" uU,P-,r""' Mr- "d M"- r.dwsrd Arintrong. M. Williams and family, from Huron. South Dak., arrived in Harlow Tueaday and will make this theii future home. WnLome, Mr. Williama. Q lite a number of the llarlowite at tended the basket hh'UI giveu by the Artiama at (.'anby Saturday evening. They rvp irt a very good tiaie. TllA.irt MntA knnrt. H 1 litis. J JIIUIIII.I IIUlCI 1 than that cf tlic stomach. Hair hunger, far instance. Hungry hairnccds food, needs hnir vigor A yers. This Is whv vc sav that J Aycr's Hair Vigor always restores coior, ana mahes the hair grow long and IlCVy. tl.MaWtll. A!ln.tlWi. Colton T' firt month of the Colton f'tnxl fnded Pei-rmlier 1,1. A niv Ponney wat visiting at Htppy II l!..w 1-st Simdav. Tin're will he a CluUtmas trve Chris' lii' eve at the l.i'erarv ball here. A p miiI time is exie'ipd. I tn-re will lie a shooting mateh at the V 'Hon store lremher 21. Mr. C. Jam flfd wf were visiting t Mr Uorb. tl'o l.tt Sit'olav . 1. n llubkiird is ni'fh hfitfr, af'er a Jorg nud i-loe hstllc with typhoid fever. M'. S'oi.e I iked mneh plea-ed laa' k The arivil of a wee swmill ni ii w is Mk inn eni eiie of Ids j y. lr. and Mrs. Safrty wnnl 'o itregon C. v U-t ( k to rh ise wii-dowa anil ti-Hir inr tl f r nt-w h i'ie and I'e'e ivm I om with A hrand new uipi. Xow the lirkys and mil rome. Barluw. I'. Frocmn iindrf a hnine-' trip to urtbnd WeJnesiUv. I) . Frevm in baa j'i-t re-eived a car loa I i f fl nr and feil. Mr and Mrs. P.itii - k Mullov K'e the pr n i p e is of a baby gir'. Mii-s Besa'e Snepaa'd wis doing bnsi n4 i i 1'or'Un I M it'll v an I Tu-m'av. I Tfiot coual) Hoop on You have used all sorts of couch reme- l dies but it does not j yield; it is too deep seated. It may wear itself out in time, but it is more liable to produce la grippe, pucuiiiuiua vi a aur i ous throat affection. ! You need something j that will give you (strength and build up the body. SCOTT'S EMULSION j will do this when everything f else fails. There is no doubt 1 f iKah :i it - uuvui iu II IIUUII3UC5, I strengthens, builds up and j makes the body strong and J f healthy,' not only to throw I off this hard cough, but to fortify the system against I further attacks. If you are j run down or emaciated you j should certainly take this j nourishing food medicine, j VjC. ind f i.ool all drug fl-iit. SCOTT i BOWNK, Chtmi;..i, Ktw York. Cru,. Vda Dills was the guest of Miss Clara Ouyer Sunday, Mis Hi d.i F.rickson is out fruiu Port- laud visiting her pueiits. Mis liehetra Kablleiseh 8ant Sun diy Willi her mece, Miss MiKlred Jones. Misses Margaret and F.isie Gnver were the gip-sta uf Migj Kniina Insket'p Sun day. Henry Hornsi-huli and family spent Sunday evening with It. Faust and family. ' Henry Hornshuh bought seven fine Shropshire skevp fiom Kdwin Howard's S iturd.iy. A I iti Kirk and sister, Miss Arta, of lieaver Cieek, spent Sunday with Miss Winilred Hoaard. B. Faust has j 1st finished digging til'eeii acres of poUtoea. Ha got about 7uO sacks of good potatoes. Mr. and Mrs. W. May and daughter, Mis Ilertha, spent Sunday w ith their son, Oscar, at Iieaver Creek. n ill's ami Marie I'ainels were over from Reaver Ceek to attend the Evau geli'ial Sunday scIpkiI Sunday. SiylTom, how is that ghost who lives in Devil's Lane getting along Have you seen anything of him lately? County School Superintendent Zinset vi-itfd our school one day last week. He taught l.erej.iRt Mure be became sii'.H-riniendent and all of his former pupils were very glad to see him. There will be a Christmas tree in the Evangelical church Tuesday evening, December H Fveryone is most coi- dia'ly invited to attend and bring all the presents they fan carry. Kliluratlo. J. Moshberger is plow ing. S nton Paine is still quite low. Will Jones is digging potatoes. Hob Bullard is in Ely for a few days Bruce Darnall is not improving very fast- Mrs B. S. Helvey was in Oregon City Tuesday. Will Wallace was hauling lumber fir BobBullard Will Jones has purchased a cow from Heniy Sel zer. ClyJe Smith tbs guest of Ernest Jo ies one night. Fd Paine and 11. Scboentorn were in Oregon Cily Tuesday. 0. E. Spence pu -chased a cow of ff. H. Jones last week. Veva Jones went to Liberal Tuesday. Why didn't you ride, Veva? Mr. Wemmantel attended church at Grange Hall Tuesday eve. Ernest Mineka was the guest of Miss Lillian Uans one night last week. Curtis Helvey is home from Wood burn, where he has been working. KobYmtsand Willie Wallace were Cillers on Veva and Will Jones Sunday. A. L.Jones and wife, Miss L. Gans and Ernest Junes went to Oregon City Saturday. Veva Jones spent Snnday night with her grandmother, Mrs. Ii. B. Walker, of O.-egon City. Miss Lillian Gans came back bunilay after spending a pleasant night at her sister's Mrs. George Martin, of Oregon City. Oregon I'ltT JIarket Report. . (Corrected to Friday.; Wheat No. 1,65c bushel. Floor Portland, per bbl. 85 c per r-k. Howard's 1M, 85c per sack, .'5.20 per bbl. Oats in sacks, white, 05 to $1 per cental, gray, 85 to 90. Hay old Timothy, bales, $11 per Ion; loose, f.) to 9 50 per ton. Clover fx Oats, $y Mixed hay, $8. Millstufls Bran, $17.50 per ton. shorts, $18 50 er ton, chop, $10.50 per ton, Parley, rolled, f la .W per ton. Potatoes new, 80c to $1 per hundred lbs. Eggs Oregon, 27'c to 30c per dozen. Butter Ranch, 30 to 45c per roll. Apples Baldwin and Northern Spies, 45 and 55 cents per box. Onions, choice l)ic to 2c per lb. Dressed chickens, 10 to 12 c per lb. Livestock and dressed meats; beef, live, $.i.00 to $3.50 per hundred. Hogs, live. 4,'ctg; hogs, dressed, h to be; sheep, 2?4 to S'c; sheep, dreased, tic; veal, dressed. i to 8; lambs, live, 2,'jc; lambs, dretsed, C'c. If j"tir U--M!.-; -.t r.miHti siu'i'ijr yu, sriul '(. nn d-'iur n.l will rspiaaa yuu a iiotti. Ho snri atul tut the tmuia ot your naret f i'rm oiln-, Aililrrna, J. I'. A Y t:U CO., Ixiwelt, Mum. ' (.alsul'l IWilir, J flulni't lived tlirutigli the inimt event fid pcrlmls of iiumIciii Fiiiiiit, lie was I born In I7S7 nmld the tniutci lngs of the revolution. (JllUi't a pnicnts were null' il"d by n prosi t lis it IVotcMiint pnstor. n id his birth wna never Icgiilly regis tered. Ills Titlcr, who ivr-s mi ndvo. ere, used his tnh tit for public slink ing III the Interest uf the persecuted I'liKcstillltM lllld been nil' II llllllkeil 101111. After living for wveritl weeks In dun ger of hla l;fe he was til lust arrested, unwillingly enough, by rt gcmluiine who knew nnd lesiiecti-d blm. "Shall I let j.ut esciipe?" said the tun n. "Art' you tunirlcd?" replied M. !ul I it. "Yes. I buvo two clilldn tt." "And so have I," replied the prlsniici'. "but you would have to pay for tne. Let lis go on." They went on, nnd M. GuUol died mi the scaffold a few dnys Inter. At Ibis j time Francois, the future stiitcsiimn, j who wits the elder of the (wo children. ' wns six and a half yen is old and ill ways preserve! the recollection uf go lii! to sei hla fnthcr In Prison, or w hut 1 was ellphemlstlcHlv culled the house of ' Justliv. (ieiitleinnii a Mngiixlue. ( II1RLES ( LTTIMi I)K.tl Was Lonx a R sideit of this ( oiutj ai d a Well Kn mi (harJcter. Chail-s Cutting, a pioneer ol tbe'-l 's and a prominent character of Oregon City for yeara, died Sund iv evening at Maple Lane at the age, ot 70 years. The deceased was well iff at one time, owning the best farm in Claekanu- eoonty. He has operated extensive grist and saw mills on the Molalla liver, au l at one lime owned the llolman place, on the Molalla. He w as a devote. 1 lovrr of nature, and soinn years agi wrote a i book on botany, of which be sold ininy i copies In this city ami elsewhere. He serve! in the Indian War wi b Com pnuy v . oi v laeaamas l ountv, ol llrr-j.ni mounted Volunteers, from 1S55 lo lH5li tie enlisted as a common ptivate. but ny acn ol bravery be waa promo'ed to third lieutenant. Several years ago he look up a timlie claim on the Molalla, and lie madu this place his home during most of the time ll was sold tiy him onlv a short time aw. It will be remembered by some that about five years ago there was heavy snow storm in the mountains where Cutting had his claim and was on it si the lime. Fearing (list ths old man might peiish in the snow, a searching parly was org mixed by live men, anion them being Ernest Elliott, who n' ill re sides in Oregon City. They ent ou after bin) on show sb's s, and rescunl him jut in time for his rations werr almogi ei'isu-ed. For sums tune past M . Cu'ting had lieen troubled with old ago, which caused bis ilcnth. , The funeral was held Monday ami the body was taken to He-Hand for interment. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. tlln I'rrilamlaoHt. He was from the country and slocst helplessly before the linughty young Imly clerk of Hie downtown store. B"Whnt do you want, please Y' she di- I1KI lliled Icily. He gulped down his emlmrriusiuonr for he was hopelessly young mul shy and llwkwnid, nnd she was a inonl su perior looking creiiture. "I wniit twelve ynrds of blue prcdom Itinnt." he flnnlly snld. "Whnt?" ilemiimlcil the startled clerk. "T-tttclve yards of bbblue piedoin- lu.nit," lie stiimmcrvd ngtllti. "I'm sure I don't know- wlml you nu-nn. snld the cterK. men. woniiiiuy kindness mid Intuition celling II e bet ter of her huutclir, she suld, "Tell tne Just whnt It was your mother or your sister told you to bring." He gave a slgli of relief and said: "They wanted aomo wash good for my little sister's dress. They snld they were not so piirtleular ns to ipiiillty nnd color, Jtil so I gut blue predcinlciint. Cuu't I get It herer-Memphis Sciinl tar. Sot la Order. In a certain l.tinnrkshlre Tillage a niiTtlng wiis-cntlcil to consMer the nd vNnhtllty uf ere-tliig a bridge over a cni-k w hich luul Imi-ii lieretofurc itosh eil by menus of stepping stones. The schiMilmnster, w ho presldeil over the meeting, warmly ndvocntiil the cnvtloii of a bridge In an eloipient speii-h, when a lociil worthy, who wns something uf a character and noted fur his otitsHikc iiiicss, got up and Interrupted: "Hoot, loot, sehiilemnlster. you're fair hnlverlu', inoii! Wlin wild g.'ing nit put a brig ower slccnn a wee bit ens-It as )m1 Liish. limn. I cud cross It wi' a stimuli!' Jump!" 'Order, order!" exclaimed the chair mini angrily. "You are clenrly out of order." I ken I'm not o' order." rejoined the Interrupter iiuild the laughter nf the nildicucc. "If I was in order, I cud Jump ns f ii ii r ngaln!" - Ijiielnti An swers. ASTHMA CURE FREgl i Asthnmlono I3rin(ja Instttnt Holicf nnd Pormntiom C In A I Citaos. H BENT IBBOLUTEU ( 0 E... CHAINED FOR TEN YEAHS nciicr. I line is no Ii tiir Mi. .. , In.isol rtllrl.v.r. ... lit It cures wli.ii all ,U, M, " rn k He, ti. r. "Yo'ir trial gisxl eoinliiiiiii, WVlls. of VIII. ,, . I holt's ol Aiimiiu." I ran mil i.n . lot I leel fur llisuiHHi ,u "" . Slave, clislncl am, p'ii. ,ff ,,, ' U. ma lor leu y sr.. ,e. A " . cured. , , aUvrriiw,,,,... kf ..tll'..lrr,tlfad lo,M,s,m7 . "'"'t sn.l II ghl yen ,, ove,",k' """'"V but re.olv,l li, giv, ii a irii 1 iJ'n"- -ma.it. in. trial .. Ilk. .!,' , '.,; lull im bulls " "' "'"U; Ws want to ml liran iisnlol ni ml Mr r.iU. AlHlll I to ..ml t ol Ailiiualshs, li.,iUriii. Wrll.. We',,,(' ';;, '.,M K..Y It K K Mir Hsny sullsrrr sho il ( ,, 'mt , isisisl. Nsv.rnd i Ki, '"'.; Ins. Imwsver t.a.l y nor ran A.h.I. , r"sv. r. n,. VUlJyy i....r. giad . . i , D,,7,,,;;". W'rialM.ire, addrrni,,,, , TA ,.' . M KlUi'l .v K fit.. 7i K ,.t I 'i h Ny !k ild by all DruxgisU. " ' ', Verr Tired It has remained for a little girl to nearly. If tint unite, count n famous witticism of ligh Hunt Of emir. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis- she spoke In childish Iuiuh-ciicc. where courages and leaams ambition; beauty, vlt'or the English essayist and wit used his ana cneertulnes soon rlie ncl Intellect. T u'parwneninosia- illllt. i .l.Kerllil.Kr .n tc tln.-lv T0tm a rat m,. mA-.. I " ' ..r v'Tawiuu(jLUl Ut L1C I i . ...in . Clii MiV yr" or diseased. wnmi uiiy. n win no n miien ii. ryrri Kidnev trouble has l,,k' ot " ""' w'dch tempted him ' tri '7j t. . . . in utriii i.fr i,t occome so Drevaient " I'.v V7 Tl ,1,,, u i. ' f lor a cnim to D4 Corn '.Tl Off W-tl n.llk ,.t. LIJ urln- thel urine scalds tne flesh or if, when the child reaches an ag when It should be able to control the passage, It Is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon It. the causu of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first though I'd like to tuke my legs off and step snouia te towards the treatment of carry tbem a w hile tnese important organs. This uhd easant Kianeys ana ciaaaer ana not to a habit as rr, goon H 1 '?-V afflicted with weak -tl W neys- If the child t Z ates loo often. If flesh and sit In his tx ties. The little girl hud been romping nnd running nil day. Toward tilghifall her father met her. "Are you not very tired, little one?" he asked. "Oh, not so very tired, pnpn," she re plied. Then Iu a burst of coulldeiice she whispered. "Only I do feel as Lobw Slrrp. no English physician, re- Women u well as men , moH- ,1 U, cawf of y'"'' K'rl of sev erable with kidney and bladder trouble, e,,,,',,D ,nk'n w1'" syneoM' after a cold and both need the same great remedy! " ,u''" w,l l('I,t ',,r seven months In The mild and the Immediate effect oil the hospital to which she wus admit bwamp-Koot Is soon realized. It la sold ted. When she w ns aruuaed from stern. oy orugpsu, in in:y- T'! - slie resionded drowsily to uuestloiis ceni ana one couar m .. ".-a nut oud fd hh ilii m-nln A .i. .....i -I V... L . L-? F - . -,;' tin r. I " ' " r- .- . V'ZXftT3 r months she died of pneunm free, also camohlet tell- STT-Tr ' ,,avl"K ''""' "" lne all about It, Including many of the Sometimes she was fed In her sleep thousands of testimonial letters received M""1 at 0,llt'r "n,e wlllle ,ljl'y kept her from sufferers cured. In wrltlne Dr. Kllmei awake. & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y.. be sura and mention this paper. For Sule. On account of leaving the state I cfler for sale on easy terms the following property : House and lot on 11th street, on in stallments 11400 House and lot in block ),) 900 3 .'JO acres in Oregon City cleared and level 1200 1.90 acres in Oregon City, part cleared , 750 .8a acres in Oregon Citr. all cleared .... 300 2.18 acres in Oregou City. Dart cleared 3(10 Lot 6 block 47 Coontr add: corner l.aU lt H. Muck 4, Mountsir, Vie add 7- Lot in Darlings addition 60 30 acres timber land, rich soil 4 Do aad Wolf. There has been some dispute as to the descent of the dog-wbetuer It Is sn Improved progeny rf the wolf or a distinct variety. That It Is a different species Is proved by the fact that the dog and the wolf will mate and pro duce offspring. Nevertheless It Is prob able that the dojr la merely descended from the same original stock with the wolf. Wh? II Racaprd. The Llterory Editor -Thnt fellow Scribbler. sent In a poem this morning entitled "Why Do 1 Elver The Editor What did you do with It? The Literary Editor - Ketnrned It with an Inclosed slip saying, "llecause you mailed this Instead of brlnirlmr if nines ui.. 7, personally. - imiinnnpolls News. 10' 1 acres 11 111 per land on Molalla Htver 2000 17. ii acres near W ooibtock and Willsburg :iKX) 4 lots in Sksmokswa, Washington 2'K) Address J. A. Thaver, U-jx ;r (Oregon City, or call on me at O. A. Cheney's Jieal hstate oflice. . I OASTOniA. i Bean th ) T! KTid foil Ha !sjrt Bati Her Auimrd Name. He Yes. she la living under nn as sumed name. She Horrible! Whnt Is It? He The one she assumed Immediate ly nfter her husband married her. This would be a much more peaceful world If lots of grown up people as well ss children could only txi-n and no; heard. Chicago .News. duly Ons Wj la Ha It. tiel from Portland lo Chli'sgj In T2 buiirs-Jiist three days. Tha "Chicago Cortland Si'lal," leaving To. Hand dady at 9 a. m. vis. O. H. A N. airivea at t'hicagj at U.UJ the third day. New Yuik and llostou ai res. lied the fourth d.y This train, ai knowledgnd lo be the fastest Iwtween the Northwest and the East, is solidly vctihuled and Its tipiueiit ia li.isnrp.i.(.,. I'lilliuan drawing room slerplng run, up-to-date tourist sleeping cars, lihrary-smokltitf cars, free reclining chair cars, slid un excelled dining cars, the meals on which are rtpul lo those served at Ilia very best hotels. Iwi-uieoilier ibis Irani ruus solid 1'i.n land to Chicago; theta is no changn uf rars, and Hie gixsl uf It is, tt costs no more to ride 011 It than on other routes. We hre other trams 'Tat Ifle Ex press" leaves Portland daily at U . III. via lluutiiig'nii, and ths "Spokane Flyer" leaves at 0 p. in, daily via Spo kane for St. Paul and the Kat. Fi rates, atveptng car reservations, call or write lo A. Ula.MU, 1 l.ariMrl t'dMMi.rii.Mii A LAn . t 0. H. A N. Co., Puitlaud, Oregon. Dns'l D AlralU of Work. One tli.Dg tl.ut keeps young men fl'iwu Is their feur of work. They alio t') lllld genteel iMi'llplltlo.iH, so they can ill ess mil. 1 t a.i their clothes nnd in) U th:i'.g4 Willi the tlpi of their lingers. They do imt like ' to get tl.i i.- sl.iiuhllis 1, inli r the wheel lllld they pil fer to K.' orders to nth. its or ticure as iiun-teis and h i some one i-lne do the drudgery. There is 110 ilottld that Indolence mid Iii.Iiichs ar the ( hi. f olistinicH lo siieeeiN. When We M e S boy who bus Just se cured a position t-.'.e hold of every thing with both hands and "Jump 11lit Into his woiU" as If be iiiuuit t l seeceed. We tlllVe eolilldeliei' lliat be will ! r -1 n-r. I'.ut If he stands iirniitid ii'i'l n-ks itii-Htlous when tnld to do :in thing; If he tells you that this or Hint liiioliu's to some other boy to do. for It Is lint his work; If be ih'i-s Hot ii) to curry nut his orders In the cur net wny; If he wtiiils n thniiHiiud ex planations w hen iii-l.i d to run 1111 er mini nnd makes his employer Ihltik that he could lime done the whole thing himself, one feels like discharging such II hoy on the spul. for lie Is con Tho Star of Stars-! 1 - $ma steel! NS ST4: WIND j mill' Has ball hearing in tain table xtJ In civ to the wind. Ik.ll Waring Ibra'j in wherl Insuring tK,lr.t ru.imori Itlrs, Slid Irnrving giral. t am !, ts.wrr for pumping. Gatv.iiiud if,' making. Put together with K,nit bolls, double-nutted, no isitt caorn; gclba,caiid rattle. Wright rri jK-rfect icgulatu.il. No ,pnil, toth f tension ith every rhiiKc olt. uir,,,! and grow cakrr wuh Kr. ktu,;nk waytun liand. Thcw lhu1(a arc art uiotiry to you. Then why nut t, UTAH f ' j Mitchell, Lewis & Staverfor j Mmt Taylor St.. FcnUm!, 0rr; fELLOH J 2,0. KJ milis of luiijili latico ti'lcjiliiiiie wire it Oregon, Witsliingloii.Cii -j. fur 11 in nn. I Idaho huf is; 0MTHtiun liy the IVi'.; Ftuiioii Tfleplmtis Coit uiny, covering 'ifir. towns Quick, ateurate, cheii, All tho satisfaotion of: MTsnnal coiiiiiiuuiciitU; I sncn 110 ell'cct to 1' tMTl Ilia Fa A.J t l. OkVlCi vlncisl that he was nut cut out fur sue rr.i 'I In,, l.i- .. III lu. ...,.....1 ..1,1. !L ii..-dloerlty or will be n failure. There jr DO YOU i" no place ill nits century Tor tlie lazy I tf. I Hill 1 1 a u'lll I... i...ul....( .. II... .. ..tl I kJ . 1 1 runiii u III IIJI- IIUII. . BT mg mm R Know the News Shnnlrlrr I'rnlrel Ion. u III tl.e stcil eiiiii slioiilder protection y which now rorms 11 part of the equip 1 ineiit of nlmost nil cavalry the troops I Ll Imve a permaiteiii reminder of one of Lj ppp iiie mimi v i t i 1 . ni'v. i.ini-.. u-iiii.i. i,. n rcr roll Sir li.oru'e Luck, the lleuteniiiit C Month Kciinii! cuiniiiiiiHlinK tin- llcnjil forriit. t H a Inning the Afglian nperntlons of 1H7S ! U u,,, Fvenlng Telegram, of Tort-; land. Uregon. II ia me i' , lo IHSii he took his regiment, the Flf leenili hussars, up tn Kandahar and en countered nt Tnkht -I T11I n strong body "f hill 1 led by Afghan sownrs, who iimile things pretty wnrin for him for a few minutes. In the hand to hand fighting he became engaged with a gi gantic Pnllian. who broke down hla guard and would have cloven him from shoulder to belt but thai bis wife hud Hf-wed ou his shoulders in the lining o his tunic n couple of steel curb chains, one of which broke the force of the slnsh. The Incident so Impressed the mili tary authorities In India thnt what Is now known 11s the Luck or "lucky" shoulder curb wus soon afterward In-troduced.-Millliiry Mail. 2 I You can have It all for 50c Per Month evening newsier published i n Oregon j It contains all the n61 J oftheKtate and of the Nation. I Trvit for a month. A saiiipHfl: copy will lie mailed to you Irw-jl Address K 'The Telegram, J . Portland, Of. j f fi u,- tt Kind Km Ha" i5 Bigaatoaa sf W - - - - i Uxxxxt'et lTow Store jj A J 'A A A A A A A A A A A -I J A A A A A A A '4. A A I have just moved into a more commodious building, which has been remodeled for mv stock. My growing trade demands this. One of W 1-nMirrii 01 rnjr atore is the "e' MABVrT ,- . -i iiinnnk. 1 which n separated fmm tlm main l.,.;t,i;,, iTroun i,.,mta alwavi on nnd' T A R M E R S been I will buy dressed Pork, Reef and Mutton. Call and insect tl.e holiday goods. Christtnss presents at prices to inn. Timaape, Cfaniteuiapc and KitchenUUnsjJf V tuv or 11 va m fiTvM nui is. ..,. MKNTHOLATUM Cures Sore Throat, Druises, Rheumatism, eB J ralgia, Headache, Chapped llnnds, and All Inflamations. . J Post Ofllre and I WILLAMETTE FALLS. VMic nUputS' v