Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 29, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Notice of Sheriff's Sale
Notice i hereby given Tirtu of t
warrant lur Ihe collection ol Pellm'tienl
Tate, of Ilia Aeeiuent ol !' tn the
Count) of Oackania ami of Oreiton,
whiih warrant n now In nT band, anil It
in aorda and tig-urea m follow., vn:
Stale of Oreg-on, (Vun'y of ClarkaniM, .
To J J CtX'KK, 8hrilt ot Clakama
Count. Oren. llreeling;
In Ihe nam ol the Mala ol Orefton, you
an Lerebr commanded lo levy upon Iht
e-.o.laiul chattel of the IVelinouenl Ta
tarer. In lb following" lll. and if noiia be
found, then tnon Iba Kenl i-roj-arty gel
forth therein. oreo much thereof aa bail
aatinit lb amount of taxra ao charged, ilh
cviU anil egpenaee, and that you ay over
all money ao collect.! to Hie lomily Treaa
urer ol tat J County ai re-iuire-J by la.
W.tna my haml and the Seal of lha
Coiu-IV Court till l.Hli Oaf ol October. I'M.
(Seel.) K. H CoONCR.
County Clerk.
Which warrant 1 attache.! to the lit of
unpaid anl IMim-ueiil Taiea for the year
I'M) in eaid Cackameg County, an.l not
having been all. after diligent ae.rrh, to
find any per-aonal ,iro,ery within .aid
count), out of which to make the lain
hereinafter mentioned, 1 have levied Uoti
Ihe land deecrtoeU tn Ihe i.illoiit Hl. tw
ine. Ine property aeaeaaed to Iba loltoalng
as Hie tame aars a-.e.-ed on Mid lHiliif
quentTai Koll and ill, on
jkuturtlay, I be 1 1th day ! Ieew
ktr, ltl.
be .-inning at 10 o'clock in tba forenoon of
g.id day. ell ' public auction to the high
e( bidder, for ch in hand on the day of
aa.e, ail property described below, or ao
n.ura tbereol a may be necesaary to tay
ami ati.fr tba lu.nt uxed again! aid prop
er'y in Oackania County lor Iba year UMt,
to.rtuer aitn co.ia and accruing eoala of
bhgnff of Clackarna County, Oregon.
Stala of Origin, County of Clackaroat, a:
I hereby certify mat tba aboa ta a true
and correct copy, and the whole ihereul, of
the original "errant for the collection of
Delinquent Tale for the vear VK
MteriS of Clackamai County, Oregon
Orrgoa City.
Cbarman. Sophia Lot 1 block S.
Orrgon City r.3 w
Walt. Aaron E.-Lot 7. block 13,
Oregon City 4
Walt. Aaron E.-Lota 1 and S, block
1. Orgin City 10 75
Andrea. U H.-iiOU 1 and 3. block
a. Orgtn City J w
Oregon City Corp Fractional pirt
lot t. block it IWJ B.njk U.
page Oregon Cite 10
Johnon. J. D Vore, Mr. 2 lot..
iook 31. page 24t- all block
. Oregon City 1 15
Atklnaon. K-tate 1 and S,
hiix k m. orecon t-i:y a
; 1
Has just received 1000 pairs of Children's, Misses and Ladies' Full-Stock Calf Shoos in
lace. Everybody knows what these full-stock shoes have been they aro better this
season than ever before. These shoes are made up in good style with a neat tip and
coin toe. We have the strongest line of Men's and Boys' Heavy-Wear this season that
we've ever had. Our Ladies' Heavy Dress Shoes in patent leather and box calf are the
snappiest shoes of the season. We have a full line of Ladies' High Top Lace Boots, just
the thing for rainy days. Our stock of Rubber Shoes and Boots is complete. All
first grade.
If you buy these full-stock shoes for the little ones THEY can have dry feet and
YOU can save the price of rubbers.
Yours to command
McKITTRICK "The Shoe Man"
Next door to Bank of Oregon City, Oregon City, Oregon.
PtralgM. Hlrm-Ut 1, t, 3, 4.
blo.k Tl. Oregon Oly
Stntght. Hlrmn 4, t, 4, blH k
71. Oregon Oty
Lehigh. Marv A W'r.t.rly V lot a.
we.tirly lot 7. blot k M. t'n"
gon City
Uhlgh, Mary A.-UH 4, block M.
orvgon 'lt .1
Crv.. II IC-tat JL block Ml, Or.
an Oty
Thyrr. I.u. In.U-Un I. 3, 3, 4. &, 4,
;. a. block It. Oregon Oly
Thayer. J. A -Uta U U k U,
. blink iri tirvn City
IVnu-nt. rrrxl O.-Lot t, blotk 13,
rran City
Charm in. Th V. t. lota T, lot 1.
hUvk Ito. .rm City
Washington National HulUllnc.
ln and Inv. AH-ltlon h"ri-
tlonal lot I. &. lot a. blotk IJ.
lUTgun City
Hour. KrnrH-K(rrlr SO fet-t lota
1. t M'xk 1. trron Cltv
Shamr. Mtft1.n-Ut i. block 14a. Ur
raon City
Ryan. T. K.. A-ln'e lt . bKn-k
10. Orr.n Cltv
Chartnan. Thoa. lx)t t. blok lit.
I'rraon City ....s
Oron "lty-Ut 1. bloik. 1). Ore
gon Cltv
Whit lock. W. T.-U't &. bUn k V
im-gon Cltv
Mct'ormkk. Johneon-I-ota 1. Iw i
bloik IT. irrgon City
i a
1 1:
13 to
13 W
13 hi
II w
I )
4 30
19 75
IVoiile'a Teaaaaarlalloa Ca.'a l.ala.
Harvey. Danlel-Ix)t 1. IVed Rook
Ba HI. Tronic a Trana.
portition Co.'a lota 2 11
W. T. I- Co.-Ut 3, 1'eople-
Tranaportatton Civ'a lota 2 U
Gvlhl.n. John, and ItroJiTt. k. Mju.
rli- J. Ut 6, 1'eopie'a Tranior
tatlon Co.'a lota 2 li
Grlbt.h, John, and RrodrrU k. M4U
rice J. Ut t. rpl a Trn.
portatlon Co. 'a lota 2 IS
Grllil.h. John, and irodrlck. llau
rice J N. S ll ' I'eople a
Traneportatlon Ci-'a lota 1 Oa
GrIM.h. John, and Trodrrh k. Mau
rice J.-IajI k Teople a Transpor
tation Co.'a lota 2 IS
Grlbl.h. John, and trnlrlck. Mau
rice J.-lt , I'eople' a Trana
portatlon Co.'a lota 2 IS
W. T. U C.-8. S lot 7. lot. 10
to SJ, Incln.lve. Drd Hook "M."
page 1U. I'rviJle'a Tranaportatton
Co. a loia t 21 II
t'aaaly Addllloa ta Oeecoa ( My.
Mclirlde. Thoa. A.-tot 1. I I U
,?.. blot k M. County Add.tlon
l, Oregon nty
Ad I ma. Claud Ixt t blwk tl,
I'ounty AJdltion to trgon City 2 3
Adama. Claud Ia. T. bl.n k i.
County Addition to Orrgon City I (!
Boy'an. Georg Lot 1 b.ok I..
i'ounty Addition to Orrgon City 2 IS
Boylan. George lt 7. block t..
Coupty Addition to Orrgon City ( tf
Ceatral Addlllaa ta Orrgoa tlly.
Merreaee. I- C.-Lot I block 14.
Central Addition to Orrgon City 2 IS
White. Martha U Ul I. block V
Central Addlllon to Oregon City 1 72
McOomb. Jamb 8 11 1. block J.
f'entral Addition to Orta-"n City 4 30
White. K K.-Lot . bln k i. Cen
tral Addlllon to Oregon City .... 2 IS
Itarllna'a ilttlilui ta tlreaun I lly,
Wlhnrt. 0o.-llo k 1 lulling
Addition to Orrgoii City t II
Itaeaall'a AddMlaa Oraa Uty.
Xlll.-hrll, lxl. an.l Mtaver Co
U.t. I. I, ll... k t, Itarnatl Ad.ll-"
llon lo tMigon i'lty t IS
r ale lev tdilllloa la Orean t lly.
Wpl-mnn l.'ll. J..hn-l-l. t, to, II,
II. l-.ovk 1 rlrUr Addition o
ir.gu City U It
rail tlev Aadliloa ta reaa I lly,
Ron. Ch A - t -.1 t. 10. bl.H k I.
Kalla Vl'W Addition to Drrgon
City IK
lVmnt. rrrt U . and t. V -ImI I,
I.I.Hk . rall Vlr Addlllon to
rrgon t'H y 1 t
KiKlrnnin. John -Ul I, hli k .'I.
folia Vlrw Addition to tiiraoii
City . I
fttnvall. W. W I ot t, bUn k JJ,
r.Ul. Mew Addition ! Ur.goii
fltovall. W. W.-UI g. bloik 13.
y;t View Addition lo orrgon
I City 1 9
Hi hilling. A . Mr. - Ut 10, blin k ,
Kalla lew Addition to l'r g..n
City 1 !
Wuaalala lev tiiilllUa la ttreaaa
JrMiip. . Mr. -Lot. 4 and I, blm k
I Mminlaln View Addition to
Otrgoll flty 4
Jo..ui, it. llr.-U.I. t lo 13. Ini'lu-
lt. bliH'k t Mountain VlW
Addition lo t'rrgon ttty 17 SO
J.u, S, Mr.-Ut. I to T. m-lu.
Ii. bloi k t. Mountain View
Addition to Orrgon 'lty IB
imi..mv. H. H-Ut . blmk 1
.Mount tin Vlrw Addition to Or
rgon 'it y I
Jtvui 8. Mr. -lot. 10. II. 13.
t.l.Kk 1 Mountain View Addi
tion to iirrgon City t U
Jup. It.. Mi.-Ii 1 to 13 In.
clualvr. bloik V. Mountain Vlrw
Addlllon to tri g. n City I '
ahaw'e Aaaet la Oreaaa t lly.
T...n..n. l-.r.,lliie H-lj.l. I lo I.
I iulii"lvr, block 1. Htiaa Annrg
lo Itrrgon '.ly 3
ii- i . a i.i lo.M'it
I (ihaw'a Annri lo nrrgon a H jr lO
Hhaw. Jamr. W.-U't" I. t block t
rl.'ta Ann. to or.-gon t'liy.. 1
Hhaw. Jamr. W - 1ji. to lo. In
clu.lv. tlhaw'g Annrg to Oregon
City '
Hh.w. Jamea W.-I-la U It. Id-n k
I Bhv' Annra to Oregon City I
Flnlo. Thrre.a-l-ot 1, blo k 1
rlhaw'a Annri to Oregon City... W
Jth.w Jimr. W -l-'l. 3 to V In. lu.
lve. b.k 3. 8!a a Annea to
Oregon fit w
Rim Jo.ephln U'l. t and 10.
block 3. tlhaw a Annrg to Or,
gon City ' ," 1
ghaw Jam.. W -Ijiii II lo I. Inclu
lve. bl.vk 3. ha Annei lo
Oregon t'liy '
Fhaw. Jam.a VV.-t.ot. 3 to . Inclu
Iv. bln k 4. Hhaw a Anneg lo
treegon tit
Shaw Jam-a V Lota 1J lo t. Inclu.
aive. blnk 4. hliaa a Annea to
oreg.m t tty It
ghaw. Jam.a W -l.ta 3 to . Inclu
ive. t.l.x k 4. Itnaw a Annea lo
ore ton fit
ghaw. lame V -l.ote II to J. In. lu
ive, blm k S. ghaw a Annea to
orvieort fity I
llageria, I'rter U.t I, 3. bloik 4.
; Annet to fh-egon City.... 1
8haw. Jamea W !! 3 to II. Inclu
lv. bl.n k . tlhaw'a Annrg lo
oreann City
ghaw. Jamr W.-yota I and 1..
blok 4. ghaw'a Annrg lo
gon City 1
Smith. l.liIe U.l la, bl." k a.
ghaw'a Annea to Oregon Oty.... M
ghaw. Jamea W -Uta I lo 4. Inclu
lve, block T, fhawa Annra lo
on gon City 2 J
ghaw. Jam.-. W - Lot. 4 lo II. Inclu.
le. bl.nk 7, ghaw'a Anneg to
I 14
J w
1 II
t t
1 K
I o
I 1'
I 40
I 40
3 :
.. k ghaa'a Aim. k to Ol-
gon Cli V ; ." ,";' ..' '
Mil. 'ti ll. Hi" and l.laale-.
jo. bl.M k I. Iiiiaw Annrg lo or-
ghaw. Jame. W.-U'ta I to I, Inclu.
,1,,, .l.k a, rthaw'B Annul to
onron ny ...
Mc iv i mil. . I -l-ot ,,'M
Kh.ia . Ann to tHgr City
gliaa Jamr -I ol to IS. Inclu.
l.i.Hk I. etliaw Ann.a lo
hhw. Jie W.- I.-I I. Moik .
ghaa a Annra to oreami City ....
Mi 1-llliM W.I- '
Hlma Annra ! tir.gon Ity ..
Hliao Jmr. V. I l to ". ''
,n,, hli i k a. Hbaa a Annrg l'
llrgon f II V .
ghaw Jamr, V -l'l I to , Inclu
lie all b .k , gnw a Anneg
to iWrgon flty , "
Miw Jan.. W l'l I t" I' '"
.L r. all I.I.H k lO. ghaw Ane
lo Oreaoil I' y
ghaw. Jaini W !'! I I" J", lu
all bl.M-k II. ghaw a Anneg
to (trrgon flty I-""',
ghaw June. W -ll I to . Inclu-
.1., t.1,.1 k 13. ghaw a Aimi to
orvgon City
Klrtik. r'l.d -la.t 4 Id", k 13. ghw
Annei to Oregon Oty . . .
gh. Jame. W - U't . T. Mo. k IS.
rthaa Anneg lo Oregon "
ghaw Jnr W I ol to . In. In-
it I.I.Hk IS. ghaw a Anneg to
gh.'w.' "jTmea'W '- I J.V " 3." bl-nk U
gha Annet lo oi.gon Cliy .
Itoemer. Augii.l-lt bio. k 13.
gnaa Annrg to tn-rg.m Hr ...
ghaw J.n.e. W - I "I. 4 lo II inclu
u. In.t U ghaw a Annrg lo
Oregon CHy .-.
War.lin Naihen- l ot. IS to l. In
cliulve. blo.k I J. ghw Ann.g
lo Oregon Cliy
gh.w Jme. W - la.l I lo a In. I t
. I.I.Hk II. gliaw Annei lo
i t. gon i lly ...
ghaw. Jamr W -11 I to ? Inclu.
.i.r. I.I.Hk 14, ghaw a Annei to
r.gi.n in
gh.w Jamr W -l ot I to JU. n. lu
.iv. I.l.nk 14, ghaw Anneg to
i "" 1iy . ..
ghaw Jamea W - U't I. bl'M k I.,
gliaa Annrg to Or.g.m '"tty
ghaw. Jame. W -l. I to . Inclu
.11 l.. k 17. gnaw . Al.lirt to
orri,..n t'llv
glH-n.rr. O.o U- l ot I. bl- k 14.
H!ua Ant'eg to Or. .n On
ghaw. Jame. -...i. 1 to l. I". lo
.it 1.1... k 11, gliaw . Amirt to
or.g.in a "l t
I'ark tddltl-w la lHaeaa lla Ore.
awa Illy.
Caurt.1.1 K II. Truaie U.i I tn
10 in. lu. Ive. all bl.Hk I. I'a'k
A.l.imon lo (Hun. .tl it.
g.Hi I lly ...
Alkm...... K 'M-la.l I. t bl' k 3.
I'ark AddlHon to illurn Vl.lai
i ireg.in CHy I
Alktuaon. K M lota T to I" Inclu-
it. bli k 3. Trk Addition lo
illurna Vl.tal Oregon I'Hy . II
rro.t M K-I i . bl-k . I'tk
... .11.. ...a li.l.l II...
rw O'y I
Cauneld. K 1 . Tue- l'K . W.
t.l. k I" I'ark A I III,.. lu ili.ieiia
Vl.ial ttregon t'liy I J.
l aal llrraaa I lly tddlllaa la Oreaaa
t lay .
Thayer. I. K -l.ote 4, ?. bl. k I,
kwM Oreg.m Oty Addition lo Or
egon Oly I 41
Adam. .lUier-U.l 13 to 14. In.
clualvr. I..k 3. Kt I'tegon
Oly Addition lo Oregon Olv ... I
Adn... 'lia-riira-lrf't I. 3. bio. k 4,
r.t Oregon CH Addition to
rr gon O'y 3
Adama. Klorelu-e- l'l 14. bl.nk 4.
Ml Oregon Oty Addition to nr
rgon Oty 1
A la ma. Iloreiu - l 4 lo 4. In.
rlu.lv. bl.M k S. ft Oeegtin
Oty Addition lo Oregon Oty ... U
Adam.. Kl..reii. IjH. I; to II. In.
rlii.lv. bliM k 4. Ka.l Oregon City
Admlon lo Oregon O'y H
lUndolph, K W.-lit I. 3, bl xk I.
I . Olegon Cliy Adillll'MI 0 4 ir-
igoii flty ... , .";".',""." V
Aillll... I'lolell..' I.ol V I blo.k T,
1 a. I Oregon C.ly Adilltloll to Or
rgon fHy
l alrHioaal iddllloa la Hrrgua I My.
fUl P. T IC . lie -ta.l g. block .
lalrmounl Addlllon lo IHegoii
Cliy 13
Melee aad llaaada la llreaaa I My.
W illiam., Ann! M - Metre and
l.oiti.il. to turgon liy, HHig.r
...I l.llrf MM .1.4. hIh.,1 lii Hook .
r. r-i 1 13
Ck 11 M and W M - Melra and '
t. .Mill. I. lO I'll. HI fHy, iHill'g
f.rl front, eatemllng to It.
II . ml I a. and lmuiid.il on Id N
by I.I.m h ... '0,
llall. Annl It M.l. and l.oiin.1.
lo Oregon CHy. l'..,ill.d 1
h...k !. I'g IH, .Uat
Illln-r iia Mavlng. Ilank I ndl I.I-.I '
n. i ai i. a loi I J in 4 AI-
IV) ne J ' U'l . " a. tea, o 1
4 eo '' Aikinaoii ,
IIIUrnlaHa.lna. Hank -I'lidlvldxt
,,f a.-ie., lot a. 4 an, At-
blnaon .
llllw.rr.la Itavlng. H.l.k I loll vl le.l
of iui aid, lot . 1 W air, At-
' "i
klnaon I
till., in a gating. Hunk I lull I. led t,
of i tea. Il U I U . AO
klnaon i I
HHh. nil Having. I"nk I 'n.llv l.le.1
of 40 ocri. lot II, aire...
Atklna.iii 14
IllUrnia Hating. Hank Ih.llvlded t
of a. r., ut IS. 3 wj a. lea.
HllH-rni Hv lug. Hank I n. II. Lie. I
..f 4 air., lot l. M a. re.. At-
kn..n ... I 4
UlHrriiiag4ting. Hank I n. II. I Id t
of 4 I. lot 14. 3 ! aw, At-
tllHrriilailrig Hank - I 'lo lit Lied t
of lli aura, ..l A. 4 aire.
A'klnaon n
furrl Jennie Irf.l XI, 31. bl.Hk 7.
Mar. III. ait.
Hot., f A U'l I. bl-nk . Slali h.
.ik "
li... r A - I.ol , blmk . Marrh.
Ii k. 'I
lime, f A I "I I. bl. k . Mar.h-
Ihi k 'I
Alt-- Anna, Mr - U't 1 bio. a 14.
Hol-ellaon . . I
Alt, amu.. Mt. -U't 4. bl.Hk I. .
i ( iii.i.
i Tlve Toriiand I-' . I Irrigation
I e I'n - it ' of bl 4. block
H. i-rt . rt ... 4i
Th I'ortlaii.) In.l Inlgall.n
! 'iir Co ImjI g. bl.nk f Hub
ert ton "
' 4lal4iara AadllUa la I'.rllaad.
. k.lrm.le, J J-U.i. II to , in
I . I...I... .i.k U Minlt.orn Ad-
.1111. n to I'orlUi.d M
I Silt t n..le. J J at I to T, In
1 ti.i.ite. i Mnihora Ad-
tlli..n to T.ri.n I , ''-
Keen J St - U.I. S to 4. ih.lu.lt.
i.i. h it. Mmiii'.rn Adlnion to
I'.ilt.anj ,. II
R..I.II ...n. gu.aiir. l.t l 3t,
i.i a II. Mu.ihum Addl.lon to
1'i.rl.an.l ....... , , 3 74
Cri.r.l... T J r,, blmk It Mlti.
Ih.rn Addition lo '.in. .. . I
trndt. Kmma n. J W . la.i. t,
I. i.l.nk Ia, Mmiborn AddiU-.n
! I'.. f Hand H
l'reg..n tjand Co-Ij'I. Tl. TX ' k
IV, Mlnihorn Addlto.n lo T.-it-
land . C
Judd. , ll..tlh-U.I ?4 r. I'l- k
II. Mlnihorn Addlllon lo Tori
langt - C
M'.nirr. It r II. I. Mr -U.I. I to
t, in.iu.lt. I.l.nk 14. M m 1 1... r n
Ad.Htl-n to forllaftd 43
Keen J M -t'.ta 4 lo A. Inrlu.lv.
I.I.Hk 14, Minthorn Adlltum to
Toriiand 2 B
Iranian, Mury Mr I .
I. MliHhi.rn Addin
rmilinl ........ A,,lllli'H t.
Ken, t, M -l.i, "ij'',,i'V
.no,,; i.iiii bVH'if.A-i;:
r.r.ar g..ia... u I..
and U i.f atreel. ,,i 7.
f.iedl.y f y "w '
Mli.tloi.n A.lilli , ,,, ;"J a,
rarrr. g-ln. i y, i"''"'"'.
.:.." .. "i"inlii .
.-.".t'i".' " """'lug
l. Mlnlhoo, Addlllon in
mini I-
Tilt... k, II L - Lot (i ' i,i;M'i"V'
Mlnihorn Addition i . tZ,i ?'
Orrg..,. Und Co .", ,, V, :N
MlMhi.rn Adl.tl..,, i
King. Jime.-U... ; aiid la I
mVL"Li;i'k Vkn:
King K A U.l it. i k v.; .
il.ora A.I IIII...I t . I-..,,.,,;, "'
b.H..n. A II - U.I, a, ,-,,( M
41. Mllilh.u-n A. Ml,. .. . ' '"'"k
land ........ . ". V " ,,'''
r-ri, n. un i ni.M g ai u ,,.
Addition In Toril.,,.1 ' """"
I'ryn., f l..rle. . U,i, i arid"a"'l.i"fc
iUndM'""""n ','"""n I'""
Kinli h.' W." I' I J." " Vl.'. ,'"
Mliillmin Addn.iin In Torii.,- '
W..iher..id. U C U.i. i. ! ?
ci.i.n. Id., k Mlnih..,.
ill tun In lorilanl ,. "
ll land Kali. -U.. .4
. Mlnihorn A.l.in.,n u' f",C,
I nil , , ,
John... n U. li-Uil. i l.i'n. Ik
rl.i.it bl.Hk ai. Mlnihorn 1'
.Hit. .it lu Totiland ,,,
IiX hr.lrr. l'.l.lel Irf.l M 'in 3a"i'
riu.it. .lk ai. Minih.nn Ad.
Hllon lit Toriiand
ar hr.ier, li.i.iri . U i. u"ii"i'
i lu.iv. bl- k M Mii.lh .ra Ai.
.in ..n lo T..nl.ii. , " "
iN.r.he.lel, iHtnlrl U'U II lug.
li.elo.lt. I.l.nk ai. M. aih.r.
Ad.lHlnn In Torllaml .. ..
Wl.li.. J. g - U.I. l u inriu.!,.'
I.l.nk M. Mlnthoin a.,1iii.,b
Tor Hand "
N.t. hr.ler. Ikanlel U.I. ',J
I... I... i.e. l k l lil.w.
At. Ill Inn l-v l'..rtlf.. .
Wli i. J M I..I , I.l.nk M Miai
llo.in A ldlii.'n to Ti.rilan
U.ll II It tffU.tv- I ... . II ..'
In.lu.lv., bl.uk I.' Mlnihorn a.
.l.lH.n lo r,.rw.n -
Hal. h. II W - U.i. II to tl I,,;.,; '
it bl.Hk tl. Mlnh'.(n Alil.
lo -..llan. .,
Mat h. II W -fj.l. . bi.ga
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