Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 22, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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A. A.iV A-A. A A A A A. WVjSg
Friday, Nov. 15.
The Continental Hotel at Albtna u
completely destroyed by firs and the Iom
la $5000.
Congressman Rabrock will push Ma
bill at the coming session ol congress (or
lowering Juliet on trust nude goods.
II. II. Holme, county clerk ol Mult
Boraab County, ia dead of tuberculosis.
Ha waa sit k (or a long time and the end
came with unexpected swiftness.
Tort o( Tortland decides to tmild a dry
dock at a coet of t000. It will be i
floating dock that will accommodate the
largest vessels and building w ill be cotiv-
inenced at once.
Gale on British Coast hare coat over
180 Uvea. Fifty veeele have been
wrecked and W children were made fath
erlea by the sa am ping of a Yarmouth
The total root of the Buffalo exposition
waa IS,S(0,757. The receipts from con
cemiona were 13,011,522 and the receipt
from sdrolasions after May 1 were t2.4(7,
0G0. At the ptesent time the total lia
bilities of the company are (3,325.114,
net, aaiuming that the assets of (14(3,454
are collectable at face value.
Jamee J. Hill haa been elected presi
dent of the Northern Security Company,
the new f-KW.OOO.OOO corporation, through
l lie milium of which the Northern l a
cific Kai road tangle will be disponed of,
Many interests are represented in the
sew trust. The object ia to secure ebau
lately harmonioue action and unity of
7S,(XX. Even thia sum ia greatly In ex.
oeaa of the sum at Counsel Dickinson's
Considine gre on the stand and tella
the atory of his fight with Meredith.
Its has no recollection of the details of
the encounter. The testimony In the
case Is nearly all In.
Carr'a fence around the public domain
must come down at once. The United
States Circuit Court of Appeals decide
against Cerr. His ranch rompileea HS,
Ckx.) sores and.lhe fence arounl it ia 44
milee in length.
Saturday, November IS.
Jeffries wnipe Rnhlin in the fifth
round. Ruhlin put op poor exhibition
of a fight and was a cold quitter.
Large force of Dutch In Cape Colony
surrender to the Boers. Their comman
der alleges treachery on their part and
believe the surrender to have been pre
arranged. Ways and Means committee are divi
ded on the question of reducing the war
tax. Pavne wants a heavy cut made and
Hopkins and Tawney are in favor of as
certaining what demands will be made on
the treasury.
The President baa takeu a positive
stand on the promotion of army officers.
Merit and not poll will be recogntxed.
The records of the war department will
bae more influence than political and
social friends of the candidates.
Sunday, Nov. 17.
Five hundred soldiers of the 28th In
fantry leave Portland (or the Philippines
oa the transport Roeecrans.
Transport Hancock, which grounded I ,he F,eocb tre,y rt,fleJ-
Monday, November IS.
The Charleston exposition will open
December 1.
Senator Cul'om. of Illinois, will be
chairman of the foreign relations com
mittee, succeeding the late Senator
No reply has been received from
the Bulgarian brigands and the leaders
are evidently unable to agree among
Portland ia being urged aa the place
for holding the next international
Mining Congress which meets nest
A. P. Lowenthal, New Yotk titer
chant, waa the victim of a l0.OtU
diamond robbery at the Portland hotel
A thief entered his room and broke open
his trunk.
Bolomen attempt to rush an Ameri
can force but the re I Is are quickly
route 1. The engagement occurred in
Samar. A Filipino priest has been
sentenced lo 20 yes ra Imprisonment lor
the murder of certain of Ida countrymen
who favored the Americaos.
A San Francisco paper prints an un
confirmed atory telling of a discovery of
what ia alleged to be a conspiracy exist
ing at Dawecn, and rn.ifying to Sk air
way, Victoria, Vancouver and Seattle,
for the overflow of the local government
of the Northwest Territory and the
establishment of a republic, with Daw
son aa its capital.
Injured. The government waa pre
pared and there waa little rebalance,
A party under tjie command of Major
Waller, of the Marine Corps, scaled a
high rlitT, destroyed Tsgal c snips, and
killed 30 of lbs enemy. There were no
rasuallliea on the pari of the Americans.
Agulnsldo wants to g talons Congress
and plead the Filipino cause.
Fifteen hundred delegates representing
the legislative and executive depart
menta of the elate, count and municipal
government, and commercial, Industrial
and social orcitmsalions, will attend a
convention in San Frar-claco to huh row
to take action In favor of the re enact
liieiit of the Chlneae exclusion law,
which expiree next Spring.
Tuesday, Nov. 19.
Renreaen'stivs Jones, of Washington,
favors a ship subsidy for the Pacific coast.
Census bulletin shows a general de
crease in the number of Chlneee in this
country during the pat ten years and
an increase of Japanese.
Great alarm hassriaen in Philadelphia
over the death of seven persons from
lockjaw immediately following vaccina
tion aod the matter will be investigated.
Nicholas Murray Butler haa been
elected President of Columbia Univer
sity to succeed Seth Low, recently
sleeted Mayor of Greater New York.
Senator Cullom favors a test of the
proposed reciprocity treaties. Us la op
posed to some ol them but would like to
float Mull Ws llaie .r le.artl!
This question ariaee In the family ev
ery day. Let us answer It to day. Try
Jell-O, a delicious and healthful deaeert.
Prepared In tao minute. No ladling!
no baking! simply add boiling water and
set to cool. Flavors: Lemon, Orsnge'
Raspberry and Strawberry, list a pack
age at your grocere to-day. 10 els.
Ths crude invention of Kdison Is no
more to he compered with a graphophone
than were the primitive steam craft of
Fulton and hia Immediate followers to I
compared w!:h the modern steam pal
aces in which we crues ths sea. The
gaphophon ia absolutely (res from the
Punch and Ju ly characteristics of the
earlier talking machines and la In every
way a wonderful instrument, (irvat pro
gress has been made, during the pail
few months, whereby the sound la repro
duced with all the beau'y of the original.
Not a feature ia now lacking to make ti e
graphophone a thing of beauty and a Joy
Send 5 with your order to Columbia
Phonograph Co , No. U'5 lis ary St., San
Francisco, and goods will be shipped C.
O. D. for the balance.
lam, r R A Krvww,
I.pnt tliSU the I'ullrltl id
Jul by nearly a century
and a half and In some
respects urarrr and dear
er tu Ilia Amcilcaii lirarl,
Thankogttliig day occii
pi. -a a place all Its own.
Tb hsnrsl Is flulshril,
lUe liiw are (till of hay
sad there la a conical
alack nr two In lite mead
ow near the old bam.
Tlxre sr Mrtilpa Slid polalma and
luscious blesrlir.l celery slid big fat ou
ions Slid gnnrl.d sUgalus III lb cellar.
There's ttiiiiK'iiii Sl galore In the rn ks
ami rubicund pumpkins on the barti tbr
ripe and n-aly fur I lie pumpkin pis that
nuiihrr used to make sud, lliaiik heaven.
Is silll nuking.
The eorucrlb Is rbock full of red sn
yrllow ears, lbs boy has rvui home from
die city or to a wr fnm the faraway
I'lilllpplnea. llis married daughter and
brr husband and the baby are tuning tlis
old f ul k anil the old farm, and pretty
slater Sue and ber besU sre wearing oul
(he haircloth sura lo the frunt psrU.r.
which Is wide open, light snd la us fur
the Brat lime la tinnitus.
There's a roaring, spsrkllng, snapping
hickory 8 re In I lis old prrplac. sud ry
piau. woinsu. child, ral snd dog around
the deer old hume bss a liiuustruu eppe-
llle for the turkey, and I lis mince l,
and the pumpkin pie. snd Ihe cranberry
sauce, snd a It the other d things tbst
Mother bss prepared.
Fst ag rad a Iskl IW m and kas
tVa r l W Isssl ks bsta k.
i"a'r sim4.
ilk 4 SI ru sunt Ik ubl Is se.
Ts suk Msvti tmf f Wf la Ik
at the ei. trance to the Inland Japan sea,
has been floated uninjured.
Minnesota will try to prevent ths big
railway deal and alleges it is contrary to
to law. The matter will be taken into
court and will be fought to s finish.
Governor Van Zant may call an extra
session of tbs legislature to deal witn
the case.
Holland will observe a neutral attitude
In the Bjer war bat at the aame time
they be watchful to sein an opportunity
to aid in making peace.
Miss Stone's captors have reduced
their demands for a ransom to about
Endorses Lydla E. Pinkham'g
Vegetable Compound After
Following Its liecord Tor
"Deb Mrs. Pinkham : Flealth la
the greatest boon bebtowed on human
ity and therefore anything that can
restore loht health ia a bleafcinir. I
ensider Lydia II IMnkliam's Veg
etable Comirouud as a blessing to
State and Nation. It cures her moth
ers and daughters and makes them
well and atrong. '
Aatwaatllag IMa-) very .
From Cooperaville, Mich, comee word
of a wonderlul discovery of a pleasant
tasting liijuld that alien used before re
tiring by any one troubled with a bad
cough always ensures a good night's reel.
"It w ill soon cure the cough too," a rltee
Mrs. 8 liimelburger, "lor three geoera
iions of our family have used Dr. King'a
New Discovery for Consumption and
never found ita epal for Coughs and
Colds." It's an unrivaled life-saver
when ud for desperate lung disease.
Guaranteed bottles 50c and fl.OO at Geo,
A. Harding's. Trial bottles free.
Tewir Far Xansfartorlea.
Practicing Physiciau and Lecturer.
For fifteen reara I have noted the
effect of your Vegetable Compound in
earing special dineaHeg of women.
' I know of nothing superior for
ovarian trouble, barrenness, and it
baa prevented hundreds of dangeroua
operations where physicians claimed
it waa the only chance to get well.
Ulceration and inflammation of the
womb has been cured in two or three
weeks through its use, and as I find it
fturely an herbal remedy, I unheaitat
ngly give it my highest endorsement.
Fraternally yours, Db. P. VmoQUA,
Lansing, Mich." $5000 forfH If about
ttmonial It not gtnvln.
It you are III do not hesitate to
pet a bottle of Lydla E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound at
once, and write to Mrs. Pink
tiam at Lynn Mans, for special
tl vice; It is entirely free.
A letter has been received from Miss
Stone. Long captivity has some what
atf-cted her health. Brigands will hold I
out for a ransom much abovs the sum at
Dickirson's command.
An annex to the Ho'el Portland will be
constructed on Yauihill street The
structure is to be a three-story brick and
will he connected with the present build
ing by a bridge across the street.
The new Nicaragnan canal treaty was
signed today by Secretary Hay and Am
bassador Pauncefote and now goes to the
senate. Lnited States will be the sole
guarantor ef the neutrality of the water
way and there will be no discrimination
of ratea in favor of United Hates ship
piuic. Otherwiite the new treaty is siuii
lar in scope to last year's treaty.
Wednesday, Nov. 20.
Lawyers' arguments begin in the Con
sidine murder case, which will likely go
to the jury tomorrow.
The Metropolitan Bank, of Tacoma
suspends payment, with deposits of
$500,000. A receiver has been appointed
National Convention of W. C. T. U.
decides to make no declaration of prin
ciplea in regard to political principles
Mrs. Lillian M. Stevens is elected President.
Consul General Dickinson has located
Miss Stone and aska for troops. The
mixeionary captives are in a mountain
defile nearDubnitza, in Western iiul
Colonel Robert L. Meade, of the Mar
ine Corps, is on trial at the Brooklyn
Navy Yard on a charge of intoxication
and scandalous conduct.
Marriage licenses ineued for the past
five days in Portland are invalid owing to
a vacancy in the office of County Clerk
since the death of Cleik Holmes. Five
couples muHt get married over again. A
new clerk will be appointed tomorrow.
(Census Bulletin.)
Although sgrlculture is the most im
portant industry of Oregon, lbs develop
ment of manufacturing and mechanical
industries during the half century ffin
19tf) to l'JOO, has been marked, the nat
ural resources of Ihe state are extensive.
furnishing material lor Its various man
ufacturing enterprise, while it has three
good harbors for ths marketing of man
ufactured node. The streams of tie
state furnisti ahun lanl power at The
Dalles, Caacadra, aod Oregon City,
while the minee are producing a contin
ually increa'iog supply of cos I for fuel.
IUsm tr-m Ik
Thursday, Nov. 21.
J-ot Q. Swetland is appointed clerk
of the Multnomah county court to suc
ceed; the late H. II. Holmes. A. N.
Uambell ia the chief deputy.
One hundred men perished in a Colo
rado mine. They were smothered by
gas. BunkhouHP at mouth of tunnel
burned and the workings filled with
smoke and deadly gases.
Collision on Santa Fe road in Arizona
results in trie death of seven trainmen.
Fourteen other employes and throe pas
sengers were injured. It is said orders
were disregarded.
Colombian rebels capture the city of
Colon after three honre battle. Over 12
persona were killed and about 30
.Vfaxlera Hurgery Marpaaaeil.
'While suflering from a bad case of
piles I consulted a phvsii ian who advised
me to try a box of DeWitt'a Witch Haxel
Salve," says O. F Csrter, Atlants, (is.
"I procured a box and was entirely cured.
DeWitt'a Witch Has-1 Salve is a splendid
cure for piles, giving relief instsntly, snd
I heartily recommend it to all sullcrers."
Surgery ia unnecessary to core piles.
DeWill's Witch Hazel Salve will cure
any case. Cuts, burns, bruises and all
other wounds are also quickly cured by
it. Bewsre of counterfeits. Geo. Hard
ing. THE W 111 KK KOL'TE
To the
The gre test percentage of Pacific Coat
travel passes through Halt Lake City by
way of the ftio Grande Lines. The fall
and winter climate in Utah ami Colorado
ia idsal tbsi siin.lii flvs ttn.j
.... , ' , poi-trr la unlimited quaiililli-s it
vermai in winu-r as in summer. This ,,,, lllll,
at once be
tact, together mull the mxtfrnlicnrit scen
ery and the splemlid train service lend
to make the Kiu Grande Lines via Den
ver snd Salt Lake, the most popular
route in the country. Three fast trains
daily ltween all points in West and the
East. Close connection at Ogden with
trains of Southern Pacific and Oregon
Short Line, rulliuan Palace and Ordin
ary Sleepers without change to Denver,
Omaha, Kansas City, St, Louis and Chi
cago. Perfect Dininic Car service. IVr
aonally conducted excursions. For time
tables, rates and descriptive matter in
quire of J. D. Mansfield, General Agent,
124 Third St., Portland; or Geo. W.
Heintz, Asst. General Passenger Agent,
Salt Lake City.
Thro fStber about th talis and IH
fslber say grsee. and a quick!;, fur
the turkey la frwp end bruwo ami J'llcr
ad muit not be kept wsliltig a numiil
lona-er tbao Is neeearjr.
1 bsDkasltlng dst I be greatest of all
bom aad "there's no place like
bien like the old borne on lb villas
lrer, wlili the sarvlea aod Ihe lillle bars
Ik-Mo J It. or Ilk I be old bum on ih
farm, aber lb trout stream still au
di-re Ihruugb the meadaa en If lb
trit hate lung beea lut S ruruiorj of lb
past tad even If lit ng tudsy I but a
fruts-o sung
Where lh wood Int. Bow sadly oV
pleleil, perbs, recalls Biemorica of s
Slinljr. red cberkeil Uiy,
who aw lint sn SI sll dav.
slept sll Dlfht without
etrti lorclus otrr sod ste
three susre mrsls Ibsl
mail ih biml tu a a tare
greea wilt oy
Where lb dure eoo Is
Ih Joen. oa tbe waga
shed snd th swslUtw
mow fsr awsy. alas'i
play bul aod sk sad
iss and f'lltuw niy leader
a round Ih old Lsro sad
coder Its se
Where lb red squirrels
laiy, ImprovkJeol rascal steal era
frrun lb crib srb auaiijr winter's if
and sputter shrill Invertlve snd squirrel
billiii(asi at any on wba irtra to drlt
lliem fruru their loot
Where lb rlrao. gleaming milk psns
and milk palls sua theinsel on lb
bench near fh kitchen dr. aad her
lb ssme patient, rud ehesjlng ms tor
are they (be duul.l.-a, eounlerpaii. b.
via fsrslmlle of other patient rows long
sloe (on in their rewnl?i are mo-
deuiiieij q ih storks nlsht snd morulas
lo lb bsrn and. desplt ihla treatuient.
gi milk thai la never watered end thsl
Is good for an Inch of cream when ib
sun gets up
Wber th ixipenm and Ih rider and
tbe map! suar last lielter thao I dry
Isste anywhere els on earth, and where
father and mother, with wrinkletl fires.
bite hair and work worn bands. wPb
g'eamlng apeetsrlea snd (Halrnlng jea.
(lerbaps, bat Ihe waruient sort of web
com fur tbe returiiltia prudisL
What tbotik-b Uil 1 1 me b H p. m. and
getting op time ft o'clock lu the morning.
lb day of ibanks la ber and we're bom
sgsln, bum sgsinl
If thrr were an sited minstrel on the
old place lilte th rWnttl.li minstrels alio
lived again and twansi-d tbe tiiin-ful harp
st Ibe berk of Hlr Wslter Scott; If we
could but summon eom bent and hoary
farm bsnd who bad long outlived Ills use
fulness ss wielder of scythe snd bo snd
Instructor of Ibe half weaned rslf tbst
must lie tiuk'lit to ilrsw his future lac
teal iiistenani-e from a pall If there were
such a bard who was merely retained be
cause be could extract uieloijy from a
lyre, iu!e, burp or pliiln. everydsy guitar,
banjo or fiddle nud compose reiiiliilsrent
a line
led lu
to sing tbe praises of the farm, tbe biimu,
Ih harvest and tin- dny of ilinnks.
Not that roM-a sr the sole output of s
farm. There are weeds, weeds, weeds
tbst seem tu grow with
tlis speed of Joiisb's
gourd snd must be dis
coursed by the man
with tbe hoe. There Is
bard w-oik s plenty from
sn forever" Slid Its res thai shads ths
l.row snd rest li rye, fur lis simple,
pilmltli, natural, roliiinoii si lis llf sud
Ms nliiiliius. mural attnuihii fur It
buuiiliiiiia trupa snd for His lih snd
brawn snd rn.birsui It gltrs Ibuse who
lull In Ita fl. lis I
Hn lead la lbs sged hired tlisn, tbe hard
if (' tv-sfli r III dluner bss liveu ills
Mse, of, of rotira. fur Minsk alwsts
s.iilli.1 U-ller wbrn ll Isn't dilsyllig III
play of knif and frk. 11 bliu lun up
lit l;r. Slid In lb i.coii.paiilliiriil of lis
ie sirs Ins H ski-a Ih bappy luenunlr
iif llf on Hi ftriu -uirniurtra lhal sr
ilesr tu a hy ro u If baa deserted Hie
farm al an early sg for lb glsr snd
glitter nf oin gresl city, lurniorlea Dial
rail blm bark In the obi bmu whrn
llianksguing dsy bss rm agsln.
T1.r's a ti'u fur play ss well ss a Urn
for work uu Ih farm.
Iher sr r-sr well
s wreils, an I Ih herd
of t're alii slrlk s
resptmslt rliurd OS) lb
brsrislrlngs of lb fsns
brt boy when b sing
of lb i-') swliumlug
bol la S bend of lb
brook br S derpdll
nirsul s bump p th
brow lhal would tusk
S phrenological profess
or titbus. and Wbel
sn srdriit swimmer
could swlui SI least four
fret befur ll struck l grs fringed
bank, la fancy I ran bear Ih bard's
tjtv snd brief suslrbe of tl slig:
I tsg ! tk W s kr ml
TV. ..4 la k bm4 wsm w a4-
4 mi sJ A,
artM etiMia IV gta kask
s kelMMli.
We. fc4 IkM .g kMl bss IK lof W
I at; ! k kea k 4 tu m -
A Thik.,i,ig Hk
William Walur 1
'Upesklli' of Wldders' ... .
Cm,.,, AI.y...he r,Vw
tobs.i-,, f,, mi klunrbin', Tl.
.r I.-II y, .l.,u, n ' ,
Ih. Wldder Killemr' ,MI",k,l",.1
Nupe." ..Ll HI, rurfully .
lnr.M,d thai ht tt u'tl' '
rstln' .iharru., k,
"Nop; Ibal iiiusl b a tu ,
vor.il u with yli." "''If,
""l .lu'1 an lie, HI Mimchla.- old r
u ai.sjs proirstnl , ,Nltt,B1
' l
IMM Sms si
kM !,
T S"4, 1 baU s4 ks b lk4
I stag t kwi sf ak?Wkisg s4
IS ll aklria, wk. kaeS ks
Tbvrw la rbang la lb tun srxl Ib
ubjed, snd Ib tr cool. r faithful
aprtng of Uybl days now Inspires lb
bard i
I l Ik (' s4 Us Ueesl W
TVs H- l'k w jk m S k-4 SMse
I stag IX string s4 Ik sir ay
la ' Mrtii si -la rMS) wet 4
ri- ir.
How t-t -J w 44 as Ik iar
TVs asue ik ss4s b k kMet U
IW kilt.
aa, kMJitg. Sesak sf Iki ..sUla
kins awlllse.
A titi'.c; lu k- Seaak I
Wss there vf such s b'slthfuL r-
frealilng, latlgnret Irg drink sa llslT May
Ih wa(r spilt wbo J arils la th bsrt
of Ib bid" nrr get llr.il or laiy or Isks
dsy off for sgew lo cornel Th ftr
nf winter sr tusking a futll effurt te
rim alxiiit yon .ly, spring, and th
thirst of November I not Ib thirst of
July, but your tbsrm I so plat that
month a brnr w shall forget th day ef
Ihsnks Is not tnldauro-
nirr dsy and shall com
back to Ih old farm
sgsln lo quaff ynur ws
t.rs. And. though July
uisy nut b No cm ber.
Ibsl dsy will b s dsy
of thanks Indeed.
Onr more lb old
bard sings, snd as w
Itstrn w do not n
glanr through lb win
dow arroa h stioW
rovrred r"sd. for lo TV Ivrker Is
fswy w ran see th iseWMttk
loaerlng uisplrs snd sui.ll th swok of
th sugsr buab Bri
i in
I'M '
ewrly tnorn to dew eve,
There are endless fields
to be plowed and har
rowed iiml pliiuii-d and
mowed, snd there sr
(be ssme old rows
such a number nf them
t lint moat be driven In
nsmarrleodsugh- fr"n, "a",ure ln '
lr and Ur bus- "eadows or aouglit for
Und. I'1 their biding plnccs In
tbe woods and milked
niorolxig and nlKbt, niirlit and nrnrn
Iru. over and over strain. Ther I t,m
Last winter an infant child of nrne winter's wood Hint must lis cut and
had croup in a violent form," says Elder j 0(' Mt, 10 17 for other winters
t,,i. iir t,,,... . .i v.. ! i" lo come, j nere are iior.es to tie red
John W. R .gers a Christian Evangel.st, Jnd groom(, (1()Ctoro,, ai)J , 0 J
of Filley, Mo. "I gave her a few doses
of Chamberlain's Cough Kennedy and in
a short time all danger was past snd the
child recovered." This remedy not only
cures croup, but when given ss soon aa
the first symptoms appear, will prevent
the sttack. It contains no opium or other
harmful substance and may be given as
confidently to s baby as to an adult. For
were I sale by G. A. Harding, Druggist.
caiereo to nna nuicuorvu. lucre are
orcbarda to be primed and grafted and
endless fences to be built or repaired.
There la apparently something to be dons
every minute, some bug or worm or beast
or bird to be fouifht with, or the coyeted
crops will come to nsuglit.
And yet God bless tlis farm for Its
pure food, for Ita pure, bracing, beulth
giving air; for Its nluhts of sound, dream
less. InvlKoruiing sleep; for Its springs of
cool, clear wutttr; for ita brooks that "go
Mug oi Ih mtlrt iksl stasd sa Ik
ks 4rp la Ih drift tkal Ih wlnu
ils ru.
I Sing of ths aweUa lhal ru fruai Ik
And iid lufih ihlr srinw oa tu.
shiny aa;a
Ta Uighi. glmmlng lw.u srllh asg
srs s'erSu.Ing,
Th asrrhann mo thsl avk Bn Mil
TU ns,k In iw la Ik busk Sr
all gluatngj
TW-s siruo a plenty fur n.w kwrk-
Usl ronl
Whst fun (here wss In th old sugsr
bush ss w plowed through th snow sit
er Hi sop buckets, at times sesring a rot
ton tailed rabbli from her loafing plc
In the bni.h. nr ss w ilroiiei th new
sugsr lu lb aiinw to cool It fur Ih feast
so eagerly aiiilrlpnlcdl How aweet the
snp was ss we would tip s bucket now
snd then ami drink, drink, drink, and bow
w enjoyed the stories (be hired man and
father would tell when the dark reme
and w hugged Ihe fire, looking spfirw
benslvely over our shoulders, about pi
rates and ghosts and murderers snd he
roes of the Kevoliitlun who always whip
ped or outwitted Ibe IliitUh snd never
got whipped or caught tlirtnselveal A
nlsee well worth remembering and sing
ing nbout Is Ibe old sugar hush.
And yet nun In the bnrd slugs of Ibe
haymows filled with soft, sweet srentl
hsy, in which wn play bldu mid se.k and
tumble to our hearts' delight; of the great
swamp near by lu which ws hunted the
frest blue heron, of thu willows where
th woodcock hid and of the wide stretch
es of forest wber t lie
psrtridge drummed up
on a log and (be gray
s q u I r rcls scampered
among uio leaves or
dnrled up th trunks of
great trees th trees
carefully and annoy
lugly Interposed be
tween them and the boy
with the gun.
And as lis sings of
flies end other happy
scenes of boyhood on
the farm w know why
It Is that th old place
Is Slll-ll S til I
thoa. who have left It, why with potent
and tender but Invisible fingers It draws
us bsck when thu harvest Is over, when
th fields ur under thulr blanket of
snow, when thai greatest of all h..m
ii'faai BMii-iiHt aou
TMIsu- "
fall maw woo Id pertnlt. "sa' I kl(
Sffjdsrlds lit prut .,y o, ,(r7jJ
In.l Nitk. Nu only tbst, u, . 77
I Ibal whs, M, uiU silS
bal.llirsJnl gsb.4 Ilk y (t( MT
Iddrr en nb WIH.IJ w.:k tr!;
biud po.l.lW on aatrhly d..n UIW.,J
ders will walk oa tuny buddy, Ud tiJL
Uiief. f.rl"- ."si Has,
-Aw. sbel spend give as t B.rrm
-W.IU ihls y.r Wldder Kill,. ,
eh..t a iriraj sa' a.ai g bit f p,,,
fi.rtiiiur as y1 oftea r I it
line Hb WSS Sloul nirjutn brijbi,,
Usck bsir aa' snsppln' ku n
cLr.ks bk a roopl or rusas ss I U.
well. sayT
Oh Counlo fJM bl ye UstrssH
Snd mmplrlnl bl drsrtlptlae ,M
l..,'s rbsrms Is S Silewr
qnrfit tbsa wurtlc
b hadn't la Is Utll Jokrf
days before ry bisoj la h pUr sM
wr.Mn' bis tt l-g ptvamtf
(al ber rahia fourtsre IllUrS I gi;
Nat Iily I aa ss dead gue ss tk gii
sn' she MfiiwH lo ru'loe I o t Wty
slmngrr'a she did lo way of tu br
"Nsliblyr" gmnlsd lb srsi fc
"Wbesj it rnmr la lady killit', y.j
bird N.Hb n' km bsd y.r
"I was lb leg liar licnard pUnt)f4
la Ibs.srlry'g drug store tbtt i Ism, It"
If I da ssy II I rould stsnnrd tw kJ
outfil la tbrm days nil I la' TW
l.blrr l"i.-hl ..!. sap as' Ik ark n'
I kilidrr gl Srilisllitr. WMk kf lf.4V
rnny of in boy Tb day sfee Tkitte
gllo' I wslknl sUul tbiriy as St
sb.4 s wild Isrk.y, sa bes I aJ (te
Mdrr s pr.M-01 of ll al Wf rus '
blatiie.1 If ah Jidq'l latll sm fc) eit K
al b ber nnl day. V . IW stlv
hsd s-iusw sa' s fblosnits Sis' ssk
brr as srMsnts. an' ib lsitJ1ss
aa pariir'lar bstoriiilb rtlr st rlUrttt.
"Iiurin' ibe n.rsl I made sua Mf
slv. brin' thankful, in' she tfWseltkil
I b'ps-i r. In b. Tbrs I sadtktl
tb. 'win' S Wldder sa' sU Ska, tosUst
frrl sn rry Ibsnkful. but sh atsert
thsl sh was tbaokfiil Jest lbs was) is'
Ibsl. wUl.Irr er weldrr. sb pf
fed If sUe n b.k oul fur OoniUre.
" 'lleln' s Mdrr.' sys I. Isufhis'i si
rs sly. 'I ws oeldlin' lb r rlnn4
bi ia iny Ihiiiuiii thai puMiMy ; ta
bioklng oul fof nuuihrr lav' says U
" 'No;' taya sbe; ' ibm't h la. lav
bltkius s.pirsnts frr nnniUr is e
mmlo' my asy ta dme Iw-ss !
Km.. (Jul.b s baldhesdnl old lo.li.duil
nsiiir.) lum ram spsrkin' srumid. ss
th third dsy be wss Ull.il plumb fal sf
lead by some party lu Ihe jury shibosI,
Another gsy ..Id feller named sait
"llsir Dye" riiiiitb tli.r railed kua-sM
bangln' ground three days, so' tt sil
of Ibe Ihlr.l .lay emm party la llill J"
Jury stso unknown slips knife Into M
in seventeen plser. l'hea SnMher feia
nsuird liray - "Cupid" tirsf-vstweusrl.
lu" fiv dars. an' ibe stub be aai band
(had In ihe Wing, lam road with sit be
Ms In bis frsin.
"Mo' llinl's hv I was Sgreela'
ynu bUiii Mn I tiaiik ful.' sh ssja ;
In' like a angel. 'Vm' bro prssrts
so rsforllu" around I his yere rsWS tit
even bull dsy sn' slu'l desd HI'
"Wbsft thm r I ssys. with s ntk
reschin' In see ,f In shoolln' IriH "
place sn' eiM-ciln' every ndnuts lo i
dose of cold lead In Ihe bark.
"The fuil I.' ssrs she frsnkly-w
fsn la thai I slu'l reslll S wldder'-
'"lleyrssys I.
"Nn-grsss.' ssvs she. 'An' I
n.lghly strong suspicion ibsl number so
Bt'irir about pi
rwias and gkntta
A tllably reed la ,
n .i .i ... ihroa hundml"1
oiip ill iin-sr uiis in. ...-- n'l .iikS-
snnlversnry of Ihe founding of ,iur
giving will happen along. If It
the spirit of most centenaries. wp
l ' j i j .. r..na( Dg tll
j, rri...i i , , . . ' """" iienry nua lung urnnu m
days, Thanksgiving, Is with u ;ncs mors, will bsl
stsyln' swak ulghis pn-ttj r.t'1,r
M.kln' fr ambitious niimlx-r twos wim s
t . . ,
urnce or guns. . .
"An' wss her s'plclons well fnuniledi
s sited HI Muni blu. who hsd become w
terested In spits of himself. ,
i had reasons to think so." old Courtis
"And them reasons wss?" ,
"Two bullets through my hst so oa
through my shoulder that Tlisuksglvn
sfternoon when I cams sway."