Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 22, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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... ,:vnrt t.-r.-tg's.ir.yi'r.at.-Mxa
Social Happenings.
Mr, ami Mn. T. !,eonarl Charman
wkmi given aurpilae parly Monday
vunlng l "'"'r Muldmico, tlm occanlun
heiiig tl 14,11111 "lvrrjr of tlmlr
uurrUu". 'I'll celebration wa III the
nature ol tin wedding and Ibay received
many pre'eiila, oiiimjimA of tin. Mr.
'lttr If n II. Cauflnld and Mm. II. C. Hid
Vllnn ware the rlin nuivar of the alC.lr
ami tlm alxty or mora Invliml guest mat
Mt Mr. Caulleld' residence ml from
tlixrn rH-Milttil to tha lioin of Mr. and
Mm, Charman. The evening w pawned
in cmiveraatlon nml the hoit and IioiUm
rocflvnil Hi" congratulailone of tlnilr
(ni'inU. In ;uiilng content the flrit
iiU) we awarded to Mr, r. F. Ryan
mid Mr. Duula captured the consolation
j.rixK. Ri-frehtiH'iita were aerved.
Anionic lho preaenl were!
Mr. and Mr. II. C. Kteven, Mr. end
Mr. C. II.Cnftld. Mr. ml Mr. II.
V. straight, Mr, ml Mr. A. H. Dreaaer,
Mr. and Mr. Bruce Zumwall, Mr, and
Mr. C. H. Moom, Mr. ml Mr. K. K.
'barman, Mr. ml Mr. Unorga A. Hard
ing, Mr. mi J Mrt. Chrlo Albright, Mr.
u.lMr. II. L. Kflly, Mr. nd Mr.
Frederick Vrniir, Mr. ami Mm A. Lu
riling, Mr. end Mr. K. (I. Caufleld, Mr.
,ml Mm. K. II.Uablrt, Mr. and MJ.
W. A. Win!". Mr. ml Mr. C. II. Dye,
Mr. ml Mr. L. L. Porter, Mr. ami Mr.
iiuta.Cataln end Mn. Phillip. Mr.
ml Mr. V II. Howell, Mr. utl Mr.
r H. Itulliimnr. Mr. end Mr. H.m
lto.kf, Mr. nd Mr. U. W. Church Mr
ml Mr. Wlolniier, ol Mllwaukle, Mr.
ml Mi. M. Murk, l'rof. II. D. Wilcox.
Mr. K'Cliroin, Mrt.O. N. (ren
man, Mr. Hhnphard, Mr. David Cau
UU. Mr. T. F. Ryan, Mr. R'rhard
Frrylag. Mr. McUelchle, Mr. N. F.
il, Mm. Charln I). Lalourette, Mr.
William Andreon, Mr. Ilurmelater,
Mi J. II. Walker, Mn. T. W. Foul,
Mi H. L. llulniKn, Mr. Robert Cau
Mr. II. K. Cruee' i-laaa of young men,
of the tilltC'liurcli, Minted by the
ladlre' cleawe of Mr. John Wle and
Mr. I). C. Utour.'tt, gave a banquet In
the Church Munday evening to loO In
vited guet. The following program
waa rendered :
Vocal 8olo Oeorge T. Howard
Inatrumental Nolo. ..Ml Veda William
Recitation MlaeAnna Peter
Tableau. "Hock of A."
Recitation Mii lluhU Hoiden
Instrumental aolo. ..Mi Veda Williumi
Tableau and Charade
Following the program waa the ban
quet, after which the toait-maater, Hev.
J. II. Heaven, offered the following
"Claae of Old Gold," reapondod to by
II. K. Cro;"The Wine Woman," re
iond.'.l to by Mr. Wlae; "Mixl Tlik
lo.," ntawnded to by Mia. I.aloureitfj
"My rroaitecta," reondud to by Ml
Mt'Ha Flnley ; "My I.oneaomonea," re
Dnndml to by Mm Dollle Croaa; "Mv
Future," responded to by Mia Anna
(iunldiMii ; "The Itaaoa of Opt ration,"
rnilml to by Mr. J. H. l.aKr j "The
Kxpt'mlittirH," rponloil to by Mr. A.
H. Drenwr ; "The Spice," tenpomlod to
by Mr. II. K. Cro j "The Koult," re
IHindad to by Mr. W. Carey Johnaon.
Hola Circle, No. 107, Women of Wood
craft, elected the (olh wing odker Tu
lay evening. Pant Uuanllan, Launla
Walker; Uuanllan Nelghlwr, Flora E.
Morrla; Advlror, Jennie E. Boylo;
Clerk, Carrie N. I'trker; Hanker, 8. K.
Scripture: Magician, May Dolanj At-
tendaut, Hattln Devcrj Outer Sentinel,
T. J. Uarv tinner Sentinel. Florence
Tatty; Manager. Margnret William
Captain, Augusta Lul; Mualcian, Me-
Hhm OHborne.'
DICKINH fl.l'll.
Mra.T. F. Uyan entertained the Dick
In Club at her nidenca Monday after
noon. The reading of Pickwick Taper
was resumed. Those present were : Mra
John P. Keating, Mra. Ernst A. 8om
filer. Mrs. Itriice O. CuiTV. Mrg. Islio
L. Porter, Mra.C.B. Mooros, Miss Tratt,
The Club moot next Monday afternoon
at tlm rfltoMmica of Mr. and Mra. Bruce
C. Curry.
The marrlngo of Miss Delia Frances
Brown and Mr. Charles Wolburt Jacobs,
both of ClackamtiB County, waa aolem
nlzed by City Recorder Bruce C. Curry
In the municipal office Tuesday evening.
Miss Minnie Thomas and Mr. Ralph
Injraham, of Portland, were married
Saturday afternoon In the parsonage of the
MethodlHt Episcopal Church, Rev. W.
8. Grim officiating.
A social party was given the first of
the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
0. Arnold, In Milwaukle. The party
was attended by a large number. Two
boatloads of young people came over
from Oswego with musical Instrument..
The time was merrily spent by playing
cards and dancing. The party broke up
about 11 :30 p. m. and all went borne
after spending an enjoyable evening.
A dime social was given last evening
at the residence of C. 0. Albright for the
benefit of the Congregational Church.
The affair was largely attendod and a
neat sum was netted.
Twenty tiiemWii of Oregon City A
soinbly, United Artisans, went to Hell-
wood Monday evening, to mak a f ruler
nal vUltto Multnomah Aembly, No. 5.
After the hunltiei eon, a program
qrijuyed and lunch warvd. The
delegation from tbla city took tlm lant
re for home. Those attending were:
Charlie Plckey, Mr. Maggie Curren,
Mr. Forhi , Henry Ihandt, Milton Price,
Mr. A. J. Kinder and wile, Mr. E. II.
Cooper and wife, U. (', Bacon and wife,
It. J. (ioixlfrllow ami wife, Mr. Wewton,
Mr. Klngo, Frank F.verlmrt, Aogot
Freilerlch, Nora Curren, Pearl Curren.
Court Robin Hood, No. 0, xh:U to
bve a big crowd and a huge lime at
their (Ume ThatikKidvii u night. The
ball will I lit M at the Armory and Ev
rent' on Imntra ha been engaged for
the ot'caniou.
Moriry (iicHtlon Im Hrlence Yet
To lie Lrarnt'd.
The bop given by Mcl-aiwulln Cabin,
No. 4, N. 8. 0., wa a very enjoyable af
fair. Evereai' orchestra furnlnhed the
m ui.lc. The Native Hon are preparing
for a urand ball on Chrltma night In
the Armory,
Tualatin Tent, No. 74, Order of Mo-
cabee. uave a suiuemilul amoker last
ThurmUy evening to momlxirt of the or
dor and their friend at the MwabM
Hall. Addict were made by Judge
Dlttbburn.of Portland, Mayor Dlmlik,
and lepuly Organiwr Byrd, who will
borlly be in thl city. During theevening
the MaccatMMt quartet (oriiiahed aevera
rii ellut Mlm.tioii, which were greatly
eiioynl by all thoe prernt. Light re
frrihmunt were rerved.
The exact date of the dedication of the
new Woodmen II all lis not yet been de-
cldoJ upon, but will Im between Decem
ber 10 and 16 Head Conaul ralkenburg
I expected to be Iieent and the tamp
and Circle are awaiting hi pleaiure.
The Knlghta of the ManaUe will
give a grand ball on New Year Eve in
the. Armorv. Everent'a orchestra will
probably be engaged to furulth the tnu
Lrller I.Ut.
Tha ioI owinir I the lint of lettori re
maining in the poNtofllce at Oregon City
Ore , on Oct. 31M.11W1:
Coooer Mary Mia 1 1 Alton Pheba Mrs
Cainpl-ell Sadie Mra Nuie C H Mra
Edelman Martha Pall Win Mra
Fellow Grace Smith Laura Mr
Hardin Anna Mra MiarpMCMr
iluuhea II E Mra Haiideraon E W Mr
mxn'i list.
Duvall 0 E
Dixon Bert
Ifcnnry Clark
Hoptier Ic
Hollell Andrew
Jackson J
Kryle David Mark
Lacroi Joseph
Miller John
McColoiigh Earl
N hlller E
Binith llarrio
ok For the l.lrcllcit Campaign Ever
Mem In Clackamas County and
Anticipate Koiprl-e.
Oregon t it r Market Report.
(Corrected to Friday.)
Wheat No. 1,61c bushel.
Flour Portland, t.lO er bbl. 80 c
per k. Howard's lat, 80o per Back,
f;t.lOper bbl.
Oa'.a in sacks, white. H5 to 00 cents
percental, gray, 80 lotto.
Hay old Timothy, bales, ll per ton ;
looe, !) f 0 r0 Hr ton. Clover $S
Oat. ID. Mixed bay,
MilltufTs-Bran, $10 60 per ton.
horta, 17 5tt per ton, chop, $10 per ton,
barley, rolled, $10 00 per ton,
Potatoes new, "fie to 8.rc per hundred
Egg Oregon, 27'o to 30o ptir doien.
Butter Ranch, 37i to 4r)C per roll.
App King's, 40 c to 60 cents per
box. Other varietlea, 35 c to 45 C per
Pears, Fall Butter and Winter Nollia,
75 C to fl per box.
Qulncea. 50 to 00 o per bx.
Onions, choice, to 2o per lb.
Dressed cliickeim, 10 to U'.'s c per lb.
Livestock ami dressed meats; beef,
live, $.1.00 to $11.50 per hundred. Hogs,
live. 4 l'g, dres-ed, 6M to Ooj
sheep. 2H to H'c; sheep, d reused, 6c;
veal, dresned. 7 to 8; lambs, live, 2)ic;
lambs, dressed, O.'Oj
jnmiK'il on ii Ten Penny NIL
i ne little daughter of Mr. J. N. Towell
jumped on an Inverted rake made of ten
penny nails, and thrust one nail entirely
through. ber foot and a second one half
way through. Chamberlain's Pain Balm
was promptly applied and five minutes
later the pain had disappeared nnu no
more suffering was experienced. In three
days the child was wearing her shoe aa
usual and with absulntoly no discomfort.
Mr. Powell Is a well known meichnnt of
Forkland, Va. Pain Balm is an antisep
tic and hoals such Injuries without mat
uration and in one-third the time re
quited by the usual treatment. For sale
by G. A. Harding, Druggist.
Nprcndft I.Ike WHdflre.
When things are "the best" they be
come "the best selling." Abraham
Hare, a leadiug druggist, of Belleville,
O. writes: "Electric Bittera are the best
selling bitters I have handled In 20
yoars." You know why? Most diseases
bogin in disorders of stomach, liver, kid
neys, bevels, blood and nerves. Elec
tric Bitters tones up the stomach, regu
lates liver, kidneys and bowels, purifies
the blood, strengthen the nerves, hence
cures multitudes of maladies. It builds
up the entire system. Puts new lite and
vigor into any weak, sickly, run-down
man or woman. Price 50 centB. Sold
by Geo. A. Harding, druggist.
Colonel Robert A. Miller, who la a
well-known man In Democratic circle,
waa Interviewed yesterday on Oregon
oolitic and party propect. The Col
onel I land attorney and a very buy
mat,, but l.e found time to anwer a few
piliom, profundi! by an Enterprise
"It la rumored that yon deemed your-
aelf unfairly reported In the purported
Interview in the Enterprise copied from
the Oregonian lat week. In wbat
"Id the first place there was do in
terview, only a abort conversation over-
beard that waa not intended for publl
You were quoted aa saying that you
bad botwa of the Democratic aucceaa in
the coming Oregon election?"
"Why not?" waa the quick response
The Democratic party ba always
(ought for unrestricted trade, for larger
commerce for gnrater buiines develop
mailt and that i what Oregon moat
need at the prenent time. Remove the
unconscionable tariff barriera and let
Oregon reap the lienefita of a world
trade and thai you know ii Democratic
"How about free silver?"
"That reminda ine of a neighbor boy
I once knew who didn't like to take
blue mass pill. His mother exhausted
argument and at last wrapped the pill
in bread and called them bread pills
Jim confessed to me openly afterwards
that thone otherwise nauseating pelleja
tbudiguled'were mighty good stufT
Ho with free silver; it may be a bitter
dose under that name but it l very
irratifvinir to see the fellow who de
nounced silver coinige or 'more money
now that bis (tarty is coining more silver
than ever befoie In the history of the
country and smack bis lip at thl bread
pill of prosperity and exclaim with the
gusto of that boy, "lie mighty good
Bluff." The money question la a science
that hat yet to be learned H is a prob
lem unsolved. The issue is not aa
the sanity of the disputant, aa the fierce
eonllict of the naat few vears would in
dlcate, but aa to how one can have
fe and adequate circulating medium
meeting all requirement of legitimate
business. This is a matter in which an
good citixens are interested and in
which all good cltixen should take an
interest. We shall hear more of this
question later on."
"How about expansion?"
T am a believer in expansion of
business, of trade, of commerce and all
that makes for individual happiness and
national greatness. I would cover the
aeas and the oceans with the white tails
of our merchant m a r ine and would have
harbors of refuge for these vessels In
the islands of the seas, but I would have
these vessel carrying upon their prows
the olive branch of peace and not Gat
ling gun. I am for that expansion
which meets the highest requirements
of the Caucasian race and which la beat
conserved when "equal and exact justice
la meted out to all." I believe that the
greatest need of the hour la expansion
along right lines, in our political as well
as well as our business life, to the end
that the "greatest good shall come to
the greatest number."
"How about Clackamas county
"I look for one of the liveliest cam
paigns ever bad in this county and for
surprises all along the line."
"You don't mean"
"Yes, I mean that no party, or man
or set of men own the majority of the
voters of Clarkamaa county."
of child, Violet Marie.'age two yeara, to
plainliir. Hhe wa allowed to resmrie
her maiden name of Clara Neil Derry.
Bertha E. Gibson v. II. 8. Ulbon.
Divorce, Decree for plaintiff.
Win. Brown A Co, v. Leonard Heinz.
Plaintiff awarded judgment for $110.09
and attorney fee and $81.40 cost. Or
dered that property attached In Ibis
action be old and the proceeds applied
to the ai!f't!on of the judgment.
In matter of eaiate of Juns Kritenon,
decexHed. Ordered that appeal lie dis
missed for want of prosecution, and de
cree of Proba'e Court be confirmed.
Amelia Olio v. Adam Otto. Divorce.
)ecree for plaintiff by default.
Ella Grace Hintoii va. Colombu n.
Hinton. Divorce. Bet for trial at 10 a.
m. November 23.
J. E. Ebbert v. Helen J. Ebbert.
Divorce. Decree for plaintiff.
Ktate Land Board va. Addle C. Hodg-
kln, et !. flet for trial Dec. 10, at 10
U. T. Keech v. Gore T. Howard,
adm. eatateof A. M- Wanhburn. Lis-
minted. Settled out of Court.
John II. Griffith vs Clack una County,
at al. Dimi"d.
John Kalhfleiwh va. Clackamas
County, et al. Dimied.
W. A. Jarvia v. Jacob J. Burbank, et
no Ann of comsushioseuh
of the
C ara Neil Buc hnian . William II. iimiIip Xur,nhrr
... .
II A Si II I Si NAY .Ruchmao. Divorce. Decree am rare
lliXV.) J1JU KJIM.JL. .,,
County JUxird.
J. R. Morton. John Lewellen and
T. B. Killin, County Commiiaionera.
(Continued from last week.)
Road District No.29
Otto Knoor, road fund $12 00
OKocher 2 25
Jacob Oipputier 9 (K)
Henry Yergen 3 00
II H Hmlth ... 19 25
.$45 00
Road District No. 30
R Plait, road fund... ...$13 85
J R Hay 14 00
Total ,
Road District No. 32
Labor on bridge and culvert.
Baker Pro, genfuni
I'eter tiro, gen loud....,
W V HeaUr
Road District No. 33
J alior on Hpringwater road.
J A ReiJ. road fund..
J A Reid
Vigorit Pawder Co., gen fund...,
J T Myen it Bon
$27 85
..$21 35
1 50
.. 8 75
..$31 80
$17 00
25 00
29 40
23 38
al. Decree by default.
Florence M. Miller v. Win, 8. Miller.
Divorce. Decree for pltf.
Martha C. Cat iff v. Elisabeth and 8
R. Califf. Demurrer to complaint au
talned and rae dlsmiaaed.
Jemima Kirk va. W, F. Kirk. Divorce.
Deer i e for pltf.
Pope Anderson & Co. vs. E W. Paine.
Diamiwed for want of prosecution.
August Krns v. O. I. A 8. Co. Or
dered that dam remain in its present
portion pending final determination of
appeal to Supreme Court.
Around the Court Ilu-e.
Road DUtrict No. 34
Ed Batdorf, road fund .
Road District No. 35
Proctor A Beer, geu fund
Mason A Zeek
E Autlu J01
Eldora Yocnger Oil
L Freeman.,... & Ou
John Avln '
Mr. MA Clark W
8 00)
15 00)
10 00)
60 00
125 GO
00 0i)
141 W
no on
lira Id 0 Gartman.
Mra Aa'ams.
Godfrey Hchroale...
Mr hlioemaker , . . .
Peter Nehren, janitor..
K II Cooper, clerk. ... ,
O D Kby .deputy clerk..
J J Cooke, aheriff . . .
J V. Jrfc. ilenntt iharlfl
T I' Randall, recorder 00
Louve Randall, deputy recorder m w
A Liielling, treasurer . 20 00
J 0 Zinr, auperlntendent.... 8.3 33
Thomaa F Ryan, judge 100 00
O A Mtuart, county phyaician.... 14 tt
The following claim were presented
and allowed by the board:
Joceph Geeen, inanne acf
WT Kmltb " "
W E Carll " "
Ulaa A Prudhomme, stationery
Edward Holman, pauper ace ...
Fioyd Jones, pauier ace.
H J Vaughan, livery hire
Talfnlinna tec. .......... . .....
rope 4 wo, roau acc
4 00
4 10
5 00
10 0O
15 00
M 60
6 6
To the Public.
Allow me to say a few words In praise
of Charaberlain'B Cough Remedy. I had
a very severe cough and cold and feared
I would get pnemonla, but after taking
tha second dose of tbia medicine I feit
better, three bottles of it cured my cold
and the pains in my chest disappeared
entirely. Iam most respectfully yours
for health, Ralph S. Mkykrs,C4 Thirty
seventh St. Wheeling, W. Va. For sale
by G. A. Harding, Druggist.
Sweet Things,
We have thorn in many form's, to
suit everybody. Always fresh.
Home made Tallies. Ice Cream
manufactured to order. Hot
Coffee and Lunch served any
time of day or evening. Store on
Sixth St. (formerly Mrs. Story's).
Monday, January 6, 19U2, bas been set
for bearing ibe final account of Catherine
Jone. adminintrator of the estate of
Mary I-eonard, deceased.
Monday, January 6, 1902, ba been set
for bearing the final account of Robert
Riehle, administrator with will annexed
of the estate of Auicuata Melcher, de
T. P. McCubbln. E, P. Arthur and
John J. Cooke have been apointed ap
praisers of the estate of Francis M.
Pickard. deceased. H. 8. Harourt Is
the administrator.
The taxe on the delinquent roll last
Saturday amounted to $3,970 52. Pay
ment are being made daily, with the
penalty attached, and the property is
advertised for sale, Decemlier 14. By
that tim the roll will probably be less
than $3000.
Licenites to wed were granted by the
County Clerk this week to the following
persons: Mary Boekmann, 29. and Claus
Peters, 28, Jennie W. Riecb, 20, and R.
II Tratt. 25; Heniietta Livingstone. 15,
and George V. Weygandt, 29; Etiie
White, 13, and Nelson Brandset, 24;
Minnie Thomas, 25, and Ralph Ingra
ham, 32; Stella E. Howitt,22, and Floyd
F. Phillips, 26; Annie J. Wright, 22, and
Guy E. Reynolds, 24
The appeal in the Khristenaen will case
was dismiased in the Circuit Court Mon
day morning. I-ast April, Juns KbriBten-
sen, who lived at Sandy, waa taken to St.
Vincent' Hospital in Portland for tn a
ment and 11 days after be died. When
upon A. 8 Dunning, the Portland under
taker, immediately filed an application in
the M ult nomah County Court for letters of
administration. T. G. Jonarnd, Justice
of the Peace in Cascades Precinct, com
menced proceedings in the Clackamas
County Court to probate the will. Dun
ning appeared In court and objected to
the jurisdiction of the court, but asked
that if the court should take jurisdiction,
that he (Dunning) aliould be appointed
executor of the will. He alleged that he
was the chief creditor of the estate and
his claim was for funeral expenses. The
Court .refused to grant his petion and ap
pointed Jonsrud executor, and Dunniug
sppealed. Chriatensen left a farm at
Sandy .
Many physicians are now prescribing
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure regularly, having
found that it is the best prescription
they can write because it is the one prep
aration which contains the elements nec
essary 1 1 digest not only some kinds of
food but all kinds and it therefore cures
indication and dyspepsia no matter
what its cause. Geo. Harding.
.$334 78
. .$1. 00
.. 14 00
.. 20 O)
..$40 00
. $51 75
.. 7 15
Total $58 90
Before the County Board of Commis
sioner of the Sute of Oregon, for the
County of Clackamas. In vacation after
the October term, to-wit:
In pursuance of an order made by the
board and eutrred of record ordering
warrant to be irsoed lo vacation, I. L.
11. Cooper, clerk of said county and
date, do hereby iitaue warrant in pay
ment of sod cmiuia lor the amount
and in favor of the following persoo
hereiniifter anecified :
Mr E Morgan, pauper ac $
T M Baker
MrtR Davia
Roea Triechte'
Ellen Bridges
J W Jone
Vf L Davia
William Stott
Mra Hsttie Woods..
Eliaa Miller
Mrt 8 U Harrington
Paul Frerug
William Dean 6 00
A M Shibley 8 00
8 00
23 00
14 00
10 00
8 00
6 50
5 00
10 00
6 00
30 00
12 00
16 00
4 7ft
74 75
17 10
6 15
2 25
24 00
3 5 60
3 15
17 62
6 00
10 60
67 10
l:v 10
60 74
10 0O
10 10
124 00
00 00
40 OO
40 00
3 00
00 00
90 00
75 00
497 00
Mr London
Henry Lewia
ir Kruger...
Alice Carr
L Mathewaon
Gut Pirkle...
0 E Burns
Mr Heinx
Mr Martha Duff..
J J Gorbett
J M Heckart
Amanda Wilcox
E N Foster
Win Phillip, indigent soldier.
Mra J M Baron....'.
Jacob Kohler
John H Churchill
John V'atson
W T Gardner Bjys and Girls
Aid Society
King Bohall. county charge....
aire Shoemaker..
Mra Thornton....
10 00
6 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
10 00
6 00
6 00
4 00
6 00
5 00
6 00
8 00
4 00
10 00
10 0)
8 00
6 00
6 00
10 20
7 00
12 00
12 00
Oregon Citr Fouudrr. road acc
Frank Bch, eh and road acc...
Courier-Herald, printing
(ieorgx A Harding, electric acc..
W A Holmes, puperacc
T P Randall, clerk hire
I Selling, pauper arc
Wileon A Cooke, e b acc
W A Hontley.itationery
W 11 Young, livery hire
David Hugging, paaper acc....
Mr Wiiieaetl, pauper acc
Knteiprise, printing.
Enterprise, atatlonery
J J Cooke, board of pri-.oner..
J W Loder, road acc
Peter Nenren, c b and bridge ate
Eli William, aaxesaor
J U Porter, BMeor' acc......
Anna William " " ......
C E Ramsbv " "
T J Ilarkenrider " "
Van R Hyde, plat work
F W Greenmao
LE William
B F Linn, lumber
Jua'iceCoort for District No. 4
rute Cnarle .Sullivan.
J W MrAnulty, J P
U 8 Moody, constable
Justice Court. District No. 4
Slate vC E Naah.
W McAnulty, J P
H 8 Moodv, constable
JN Howlett, witness
Frank Nh, altne
George Wilson, witces.
Heury Wihton, witnea
Thoma B Hankius, witness....
J W M Inror
W J Ranch, " t
J G Porter "
F M Darling " J
ECMaddock" 20
F M Cramer " 60
P..atingTx Notices
Cicero Lark ins
8 J Garrison
WH Engle
F M Maibewa
Ina M Chase, sheriff's acc ...
Ednetta Chase. BheritTa acc . . .
Imogen Harding " " ....
Ina M Chase, clerk'a acc
Good Samaritan Hoepiial.pau acc
J C Zinaer, school supl
J J Cooke, aheriff acc
J M Mark, c b acc
JoelJarl, road acc
StrauaA Lennarlx. lumber
D R Dimick, iheritTs acc . . .
T B Hankins. porting tax notices
8 20
4 0O
9 10
9 10
1 70
1 70
1 70
1 70
1 70
1 20
33 00
18 00
21 00
9 00
39 00
18 00
18 00
6 00
32 00
18 20
16 20
5 00
24 80
150 00
2 60
11 00
M N Bacon, clerk'a acc 1 00
J R Morton, com
John Lewellen. com 27 20
T B Killin. com 22 60
John W Meldrum, Co aurveyor 21 W
W H Johnson, tax noticea 18 00)
George C Browuell. defending
Polk - I5 00
For alx year waa a lettm of d T
yepala In its worst form. I could eat nothing
but milk toast, and at time my stomach would
Dot retain and digest even that. Last March 1
began taking CASCARETS and since then I
have steadily Improved, until I am aa well a I
ever waa In my We."
David H. Murpht, Newark, O.
Pleaunt, Palatable,
Uood, MevsrHiokea.
... CURB
lt.riue iwij tayai,
Purchases Five Fine New Pianos At Eilers Piano House.
One of the most important acquisitions to Northwestern educational facilities
is the new military academy recently opened by Dr. J. W. Hill, who during the
past 28 years has been most prominently identified with advanced educational in
terests in the West. The academy was opened on September 13, with a corps of
13 instructors. There is not an institution in the country better qualified to
thoroughly fit boys for college, its graduates being admitted UDon Dr. Hill a certi
ficate in the University of Oregon and Leland Stanford ot California.
That the studv of music will also be looked after in the bent possible manner is
evidenced by the fact tnat after carefully investigating the merits and demerita of
all the leading American makes of pianos at the various stores, Dr. Hill and the
faculty yesterday placed an order for five new upright pianos with Eiler s Piano
H0UAfter careful comparison and investigation, two large cabinet grand new scale
Kimball upright pianos were decided upon for the assembly room and for general
concert work. Then for students' practice work, two of the popular Whitney
pianos in solid oak cases will be used. A supurb little Weber (these so-called baby
upright) was also puprchased for special uses, thb Weber being recognized as the
piano par excellence for accompanient of the voice.
IhlBls tne larcesi Biniim oruer mr iiikii uiouuo c.o. p'ovx -
n . Ml ..A nnyOt TlA .
.row Piano Hnnon hv anv Western institution oi learning, anu is euecuug uuo uumucon
m.-, ,. . HamnnG,ralaii ,;, ftlliiitv tnnotonlv sunn v tha
CONSTIPATION. ... unvoim luwuuiwu,; wu.v.......v.. . - -
CklMrs HMtrMl. n. mi very oest tiiBirumeiiio, ""i o ij.,v. -
nisb these instruments for less money than can any other firm of dealers.
KO-TO-BAC KiLniiTcwu (Portland Oregonian, October, 13, 1901.)