Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 22, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Legul Notices.
Niii:itiiF'M wai.i:.
In lh Circuit Court or th tHlat il Or,
jton, for the County of Clackamas.
James Humphrey, tt)
Kieculor of the E I
late ol t urn JI.
Koach, (Invtml,
bALM, Ik'loller 14, IlkU.
In accordant- with ilia umiIhhiii ..i .n
Act milled "An Act lubiniltli.a t.i th
electors oi in alai of Ureaon, at lh (ten-
wirviiun io n neitl on llig nrl Monday
III Jlllili, li.r th Miidllnr lro.oel I'onati.
lulional Amendment, approved February
? IHOI. I. T. T. Ueer. Governor ol the Mian.
Georg T, lenl and
Alary Lent, hi wile,
tiycaiiiore Laud Co.
acoritoraliuuand V.
C. Hoevser a ad
ministrator of the
Kslaie of Rosalie
Jaoobson, deceased
lKeffiidanU .
Stats or Okkoos, l
Co l' a tk or CLCaaus( M
der, decre and an eiecutiou, duly issued
out u( ami under Ihe seal of ilia above en
titled court, in (lie above entitled cause, lo
me duly directed ana dated the 5th day of
Kovember, p.Jl upon a judgment rendered
nd entered in iattl court on tlie 4tb day
- of November. I i 1 , in taror of James Hum
phrey as executor of the Kitate ot Carri
H. Koach. deceased, plaiuiitt. and against
(ieorKe P. Lent and Mary M l-enl, bis wife,
defendant, lor the iiim of $1,773, within
teresl thereon at the rata ol 8 per cent per
cent per annum Ironi the 4th day ol .No
vember, l'.IH, and the further aum ul IA 2J
ousts and disbursements, and the costs of
ana U-on lliu writ, commanding in to
mas. sal of the following described real
prorty, muate in the county ol Ciacka
mas State of Oregon, to-wit:
Commencing 40 rod wet of the lection
corner of (sections 13, 14, 23, and 24 in umn
ahip 2 South of range 2 eat of Uie YVlliam
etie niernlian; thence touth 100 rvd, thence
west CO rods to a stake, thence north, lothe
Clackamas rirer, thence eat 80 rod, thence
aouih lou rod to the point of beniunliig.
coniainuig WO acre of land, more or lesa;
together nb all and singular the lene
menu, bereditanienli and appurtenance
mereunio oeionging or in any wiae au
perUmng Now therefore, by virtue ofiaid execution
judgment order and dec ee, and In compli
ant with the command of laid ant, I
will, on
at the hour or 2:30 o'clock p. m. a; the
front dour of the Counlv Court House in
the city pi Oregon Cay, In laid county and
fctate, kIi at public- auction, nibject to re
demption, to the highest bidder, for U S.
gold coin cash in band, all the right, tin
and interest which the within named de
lemlaiita or either or them, had on the date
of the mortgage herein or mica had in nr ...
the above described real properly or any
part tnereol, to latiufy said ex culion.
Judgment order, decree, interest, coal and
all accruing costa.
ou , , J.J.COORE.
FhenfT or Clickamai Comity Uregou.
Dated, Oregon Cny, O.egon, Nov. ti, KM.
oiuregon, do hereby cause the followlnn
profited amendment, dealgnated aa "Inl
lialiv and Referendum Amendment'' to
the t'omlltui ion of lli8ilofUrgoii, a
certified lo by the Seeretary of Slate, lo he
published lor five consecutive weeks In be
Oregon CltV Kniernria. a nri.iir i.i.n.
Iishrd in the Klfirt Judicial Diairlel of Hie
oiaie ot uregnn.
IMn at the Capitol, al Halem, Oregon,
(hi 141b day of October, A. I , ltJl
, T. T. GKKR, Governor.
a s.)
Hy the Governor:
K. L. lt aA, Secretary ot Stale.
(of the Taentv-tirsl Hiennial Seximi.t
Resolved by the House, the Senate com
Thai the following amenment to the Con
stitution of the State of Oregon be, and the
same hereby is, prnoed:
Section 1 ol Article IV or the Constitu
tion of the Stale ol Oregon shall be, and
Drrehy Is, amended lo read a follow : I
cteriion 1. The legislative authority of
tbetuieiball be vested in a legislative as
sembly, consisting or a Senate and a House
ol Representative, bill the people reserve
10 themselves oower to proiKMa laws and
amendment lo the constitution and lo em
ot or n-ject the earn al the poll. nd
iiemient ol the legulative assembly, and
also reserve power at their own option lo
approve or reject at the polls any anion of
.toller tor I'HhllcMltoit.
IVpailmeul ol the Interior
Land Office al Oregon City, Oregon.
. tK lober in. iimi,
ollie i hereby given that Hie lollo tug
naiimi seiner lias iiirn Hour ol III lllli'li
llou lo make llnal piiKil In u mrt of his
claim, and lhat tald nnnif am m mad
belor the I'rgisier ami Receiver at Ortgoii
Cily, Oregon, vii le-emlH.r ill, psi via i
II. K, No. l:iim.foriiieai;of naW, n
ol w t and iw ij ; of i4' mo 12, 1 4 .. r 4 ..
He names in following wilurase lo
prove hi ooiilinuoiis resioriiL-a uwm i,.i
voinvaiioii oi Mid land, via :
tieorg Cnniiluirhaiii. Almost tl f I asae rn Mf .
ski, WnhelintSK-man, Anion llaliell, all ol
Springwater, Oregon.
.ll-e-ar .tppllrailon or Inrorpo.
rwlioit l .UIIwNMklr, Ur.
Notice i hsfeoy given, thai the pellilon
publmhrd here lib will lie nrvMini ..
I me Hoard of Counlv ( Ullitllluitlltaerat !.
v t oiini vr. gun, at the Uvieu.twr
wi leini oi sain iioaru. asking lor such ao
VJ sain uoarj at Is heors.sry u n
miu Miiaauiis, in a'.Vorvlani'e
iu hiu iiiion
In the Separate Hoard of Counlv ('on.
niissioinr Court lor I'lai k......
. . - tVHIII I .
III the mailer of lh Incorporation of Ih
iiwauaie, tia. ksmat founiy.
Ortgoii.: '
'loth Honorable, lh Separate Hoard of
vuu.i.j vummisioiiers, lor Ciavkamas
Couiilj, etate ol lingon.
The umirrsigneu petitioner would re-
lviiuiiy siioa ;
I liat
Niir.itiri-4 m 4j.i:.
In Hi Circuit Court of Ihe Stale of Ore-
con, for Ihe County of Ciackama
janiea iiiiini'iirsy as
Kieculor of the Ks
laie ol Carrie II,
liosill, di'i-eswd
lleorg I'. Inl ami
Alary M l ent
)fuiiaiil. .
Srtr or Onroun r
Col'NTV nr Cl i'K ) Ail
drr, decree and an ein'Mllnii, duly laiued
out ol and miller lh seal ol the aiMiv en
titled riiirl. In the aiMiv entitled ian. lo
II. rv are uual lied elx-l.ira .,f n..
me legislative assembly, i n nrsl power County ol 1'iaAkaiiia. ,,iM. ;, ,,,
reerve,l bv Ibe oi,le U ll.e ii.iil.live. and . ...V biim ' U"on.
'f!"!"5" l-.-nt.ol the I, gel .bTch. ah,; in. lonow. .o"
b-Uiidarle: 1'arl of Ihe Initiation 1 .,..i
Cianu of U1 Mbilcomb, lliiam ilwk,
range on anu IWO east, bounded and .1.
scnoed as lolloss, lo wit:
HeKluiilnc al a ooinl In lha
of Ih lot W bilcumb IKinsllou Land Claim
bleu is IT.uu cnaiiis .N 1 oeg. W ., iruiu toe
souiiieasi corner ol said c.siiii, and is lb
poiiu ol lolersei-iiou ol the center line ul
lb "ililseukle and hosier lt.i.i" ,,k ....
aid east boundary ol ll.e lii U'ln,....h
u. L. C. Kioni Said bekiiiin.m
idng .. 57 deg. nun. VV. aioi.g ihe ccmer
llll ol Saul rimil alkint 111,1 . . ..
the legista- jnirrsecuon ol tha siir ,i... .....i
f lulling.!
vi ,u im'uu'j roau leaoing
v.uy to Miisjsuki, via Al
In Ibe Circuit Court of the elate of Oregon
for the County or Clackamas..
B. H. Bowman,
8ilvy 8tuart, J. A. I N,
LAgaii, neien u.
Btratton, Adminis
tratrix of the Estate
ol M. A. Btratton
deceased, Helen L.
8iraitoh, Creed VV.
Stratton, Carroll E.
Btratton, Milton
Raymond Stratton,
and Loyj L. elral
ton. Defendant.
Stat or Onrc;o:t, i
County ol Clackamas, M
der. decree and an execution, duly issued
out of and under the seal ol the above en
titled curt, in the above entitled cause, to
me duly directed and dated the 6th day of
November, 1901. noon a iudirm lit
and entered in said court on the 5th day or
.November VJ01. in favnr nf R u d-:
J"Iainutr, and against Silvey Stuart and J.
m'pssii xeieiiuanis, lor the sum of
voter shall be required to pro lose any
measure by such (elilion, and every such
liiiion suaii inciuile llie lull text of lh
meantire so proposed. Inltistlv petitions
shall be filed with the Secretary of State not
lea man rour month Deioi th election al
which tbey are to be voted upon. Tbe
seconil poaer is th relereuduru.and il may
be ordered (except as to laws necessary lor
the Inuiitdiate preservation ol the public
(est, neauu or ssifty), either by Ihe -eli-
.iuii aiKoru ny uve per cent. 01 to legal
voier or ny th legislative aiwenibly. a
uiurroiiis ar enacied. Kelereuduni iti-
tiom shall be tiled with the Secretary of
ci.wnuiinun luan ninety nays alter tbe
aninurnmeiii oi the session of
.riuuij wnicn passeii tne Dill on
which th relerendtim is demanded. Th
vew power of tbe Uovemor shall not ex
lend io measure referred lo the people.
All elections on measures referred lo the
peorte oi tne state shall be bad at tha bien
mat regular general election, except when
tbe legislative assembly shall order a fe
cial election Any measure referred lo the
peopie snail lake ellect and become Ih law
wnen II is approved by a majority of the
Voie cast thereon, and not otherwise. The
nyieoi an out mall be, it enacted by
the lieoide of the Statu nf Or...,. T....
section shall not be construed Ln lUt.Hv.
me tl ul v illrerlsd and dated lh Mil day
Novfinlier, l i, n i n ajudgiueiil rnderd
and snlrred I" ssld coutl on lh 4th day ol
iivuilir. I'i, In lavor of James Huiui'li
rey sa lecutor of th e.lsle ol Carrie II
Roach, drceaaed, plmitlit and sgslnal
lleorg P. nl and Mare M l.enl. ilrfetul
ants, for lh sum ol H.tlM.i.l, with Interesl
iiiere.ni si in rale ol N r cenl ir annum
Ironi in 4lii day ol November pad and lh
lurthel aum ol fl5,Vi coal and illatmr.
luenis and lh cost ol and lli'iin this writ
commanding m lomak sale ol Ihe follow
Ing dracrlhe.l real proriy, annate In lh
county of llackamaa. Stale of Oregon,
io a ii :
All of Ihe South hslfof li Northwest
qiuner ol S4-ilon .Kl In los nahlp .' Hoiilli ol
rang o esai oi in llimele merldisn
Now, therefor, by virtu ol said eiecii
lion. i. iKiiiiii or.ler and deer, and In
itin.I'lUi.f with the communis of said
writ, will, on
In llm Counlv (lourl of lh Slate of
Oregon, lor Clackamas I'oiinly,
In Urn nmltrr of Hie ioptlon of Or
Hoa, minor,
To t hr. lion. Tlio. V. Ityan, Ju.lgti of
tli rmirl :
Your petitioner, J, II Nlyinr ami
Kiiiin Slylnr wouhl reirtfully lnw,
Tli tt your p liloni't are liulin ami
wifiiainl real loiit ami Inlialiltanla of
I'Urksnm Con niy, Oregon,
i iKi nr li ias i minor of tint g f
rlghlotiii yenr ami eleven nidutlis, an l
l now an.l aim tliss iy of My.
i" ns iiHn iii urn t'lHM.iy and tin lr
in ii,. ri i. " 1
lilt f . ..
Ore.o,,, r ,( u ' . ' KUI,
U. Mlevena. Jf.
Joeviihln DwVors.
Jolinwiii, w,
J''ey Johnson,
'T , Inisl.aiiil,
Martin (.v an,
Cliarl. Ilolni
si in hour of I o'clock p In. al lh
front doororth County Court House In lh
I II v ol Oregon City. In id tUmnly and
Slat, sell al public auciion, subject In re-
lemnllon, lo Ih hlghrsl bidder, for I'. K
gold wiiii cash In hand, at ll.e right, line
ul Interest which Ih within Dan. e l ds-
fendaiHs or either of lhm. had on lh data
Campbell, Darnel Haiuaway and '"' ,Ui"lW herein or al .ie had In or
Kellong, In lowiiahiD one .inn. I lo Ih above deacilbsHl real roirly or any
in.in,,, io sauaiy satu fiecutloii,
juilgmeiil order, decree, Inlereal, riHit and
all accruing coals.
Sherlrl of Clai-kamaa Counlv, Oregon.
I "ated, Oregon Cny, Uregou, Nov II, I.SII.
. . - "iniumi r,i.
iltliyillrei tud ami .l-i-.l .. '. ""' ii
Htat or ( 'msu'in ,
I....... l"."''?x"'l,UlkAS,.. M
tlie cmtr.il nf. ami wholly uporl.., by ...'.ol. ,!, K-7".iU r.nr. L.
IIuhmi ,H..h,er. . " M ' r":?'1.'"' . o. tfe
Tlutll.eiuiiM ami rnN .liince of thsi ' ,' i .1 . 01 " ' eim.T .
I.tlirr of II,. a.l.l ,lm.el- " '"l '". r.nlltln.1 " l,N
Thai ilia all minor i thn llioHUliuaiit
on nf one K.lna H ami that ali
i:-ln Rosa la ilea.) Thai none of the
kin ol Mill minor ar known. Thai
Vour H'llli.iiii-ra am a'olri an.l willing U
t ar- lot ami ii..ort al. niliiof,
Wherefore your Hiiloner pray lhat
Ihl court may apMinl oin suliat.le
person In an a next Men. I to said
minor, In iIipsh prrM-eeillni. Thai on
the llnal hearing of Ihl pKlltlnu your
I'vin.i.iirra i periiiine.l lo adopt s'.
10 ft,,
llfUIta - a . ""i M
reuile.re.1 ami anir.r.,1 I.. ..i.. y''
Jo.ephln la v'or. 'j '
( Vey John,,, ,B,,a Z !r
,f sio.li i i . " l"r lha a..-
minor, ami that hi name he chaiun.1 in
Or Slytnr.
t-MHK Sl.ttl.
oft)ii.1.:, w,u !,.,
" I"' llllilln fri.m i
lAtll Of Nlivn...!.-,. III,. ."' 'nil 11
Sll... ..1411 lU'l ...
Ih.r.m of 1 .h'1. '
" IllH,
""on t ii,.
ul"'0 11,1.
inenia. and the c sal of ....I
rll.conim.nihng I... io in.k ..,ol7
folloainn d-N-rlU.1 r. ","'U
I" h. county Cla, k...:.. ,,.,; ' 7'
gon, lo wit; ""ul0h
1 II . I . n .. .
n "i una uve loi ami . . , . , , , .
fifty (f-1) ami all of ",V. Ul
reel:!.;.,,,! lour of hi,. . .J!?
i oi I'reeonl i (u..l.... .
In lh Cln-ull Court of Hi Stat of Ore
gon for lb County of Clackamas.
W Staluakrr, pllft
I rum OrrKjn
ii. in. . i .
VWIKCIll riii-i..
Ibence suuluaeslerlv . trs.-n.v ...,i ...,.. Msry Slaluskerde
linol sanl load lo th oe.-iter lu,..,r ..... . to Mary Siallisker. the above named d
ontream of "Kellogg Creek" ihence lulloa rf",Un,:
Ing sai4 center line or threat ol stream oil '""'" ol II e State of Oregon. You
Krliogjf. Creek and Mill 1'ond t,,,-.. r "erehy re.pilre.1 u an ear and answer
ou lo the southeast corner ol a tract of mmpiaiai tiled agaluai you ilf
land conveyed lo Dora Onanl h. a i sbov enililed cause mi or before lh iTifi
Inch la recorded lis volum 5i. i.(. i m ,' J' ' N"Vinher. I'"l. which I alx weeks
lh Deed Record for Clacka-na cuoniv- "",'i'"er II. '!. tbe data older.! for
thence tracing tbe soutli boiiii.lary of said
In Ihn County Court for th fitala
Oregon, for Clarksinai County,
in tne iiistt. r ol Hi adoption of Or
lt, a minor.
Now at Ihl llin thU niallnr
on lo Iw heard on Hi (wtitlon of J, II.
Slylrr, ami Ki a Shier, ami it ai. tar
ing to the roilrl lhl the moil.r ., il.a
si. I mill,. r la ilr. I. anil Dial Il.a ,.
ami r al.,-ti. e ol l,e lather of tha aal.l
minor are unknown and that nn of th
nextoftiie kin of lh salJ minor are
A.wl aal.l . I....- I
conn ami re,,ne...n, ll.e nomination ind '.' ';,:,nIV"m1' U? h'"1
PN,l.,t,e,,t ol J.yy H,i,ir, ,., .t . " 'J , I'.ml. all th,
, ,rrr.i wnirn lh a t ,1.
Now tlit.rt.forr,, i,y virtu, of Mu ..
Ctlllon, Ju-lgment ,.rr inJ u
In roiiu.liani with tl,. ..... . ?."
MlJarll.lwIII, H.7,,HVy r'"0'
Or tr.M HKIl, "I. IW01.
al th hour ol I ) dVlorb h m ..
on ,,M,r ..f ll,.Co.i,,iy aurt H'J
ami hUte. aril .1 pohfic auction, ii
waci oi land a lollowa: . rrr.ir a ,..i
W. 4 feet: thence N Uu d .V! n.i.. u.'
any member of Ihe legislative aasen.blv or 291 6 " ,n" 'iKb b""k ' W'lilam-'
11870 00, with interest thereon at r rateoT
10 per cent ter annum from the 25th day or
February IK7, and the further sum of 173.07
taxes, and the lurlher so.ru of fluO.OO, ai at
torney' fee, end the com of alio upon thn
wn . coniruaiKfnnr ma in m.ir. ..i. i
following described real profrty, situate in
the couniy ol Clackamas, state or Oregon,
.. Lot7?mb'd Three 3 n Twenty
three (23) in Ciackama f.rk, Clackau,;
ounty Oregon.
N' jw, Thtrelore, by virtue of said execu
tion, judgment order and decree, and' in
compliance with the command of laid
w.ii, i mo, ou oaturaay, the
at the hour of Two o'clock p. m., at tbe
front door ot Hie Coumy Court Horn In
the City ol Oregon City, in laid County and
Btale, sell at public auction, subject to re
demption, to Ibe higheat bidder, for V S
gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title
and interest which the within named de
fendants or either of them, had on the date
of the mortgMg herein or since had in or to
the above described real property or any
part thereof, to istisly said execution, tudir
inent order, decree, interest, costs and all
accruing rusts.
... , , J- J- COOKE.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Ddted, Oregon City, Ore , Nov. 6th, 1U01
Police ofllnal Nettlement
Notice is hereby givtn that I have
filed my final report as administrator with
the will annexed ol the estate or Hiram A
f traight, deceased, with the county court of
Clackamas county and State or Oregon and
that t he said court bus set Monday tne 2.1
day o December, 1001 at the hour at 10
o clock a. in. of said day as tbe time of hear
ing said re(.ort a.,d objections thereto it am
there be. at w hich time all persona interest,
ed are requested to be present
Aaieci vet. zt, 1UU1.
Adn.iiii-frator wjib the will annexed or
the ebtaie of Hiram A. Straight deceased.
......a...,,, .ui.uuun any measure. Tl.
uoie nurjiDer oi votes cast for Justice ol
the Supreme Court at Ihe regular election
last preceding the tiling of any petition for
.uc .iima.jTB or lor me reierendum shall be
the basis on which the number of legal
voters necessary to lucli petition, shall be
counted. Petition and oiders for ibe iui-
nan. ana lortne referendum (hall be riled
with th Secretary of State, and In submit
ting Ihe tame to tbe people be and all other
officers shall be guided by the general lawi
and tbe act submitting this amendment.
...... irKisiaiiou snail oe especially provided
therefor. r
Adopted by tbe House January 27. I.
8peker of the House.
Concurred in by ihe Senaie February 2
ls- T. c. Taylor, "
President of tbe Senate.
Approved February 6, IWO.
Approved January 31, Mil.
j , . Governor.
Adopted by the Hons January IH. 1001
I.. R lik-Kni. if
8peaker of the House, Twenty first Leg
I I k 1 1 t?ak la.ar..l.la n
""m Xva90IIIUI Ta
n... a 1 f . . -
voiicurrea iii oy toe tnt Janotrr 10
1901. n JU Pfl Tr.a
Fresidene of the Serine. Twenty ttrai Um
1 ! H VSk A a,... S. I
. Orrics or th Sxcbxtabv or s
I. F. I. bui.bar. ircrMarv nl ih ..... ,.r
w... . ; - j . .....
v.irBuu, ami uumooiaii oi ih seal
siate. do Hereby
pared Ihe
blyot 10U1
Anieiidmem," aith the original copy now
on file in this office, and that the same Is a
correct transcript therefrom and the whole
in testimony whereof. I bave hereunto
set my band and affixed hereto Ibe seal of
aim siaie oi uregou.
uoneat the Capitol, at Salem, Oregon,
........u.rcniH, ui; oi pjctoner, A U. 1001.
r. I. UUUAK.
Secretary ol Stale,
Notice of Final Hettlcuient,
lie river; tl.ene with Ihe meauderi of said
right bank down stream, lo the souihweai
corner ol a tract of land conveied lo l II
Hendee by deed, which la reronled In Vol
nine "U" 1'aire Uiof lbs 1mhI kav.ni. ...
Clai kamas county ; thence tracing the 8 E.
boundary of said Iran of land at follows-
- i eg 30 mill. E. 0 31 chalna: n,. r. V
2 deg 15 mlo. W. Z 70 chains; thence north
It) degrees, 15 minutes east, U.40 chain lo a
toini in th west boundary of I art ol
laud conveyed to Richard Scotl by a dee. I
inch Is recorded In volume 57. i : ...
lh Dee.1 Record for Cisckama coumy
Ihence outh 8 degree 5N minutes ra.t ,1
ihe southwest corner of said Iraclof land'
Ihence tracing tl. south and east bonn.i!
ariesof said tract of land as follows: North
81 degree, fti niinute esst. 9 fa.i .
'hence north 8 deirreee. (W n.l,,ii a,...'
235 45 feet; Ihence north KH dear.. a
minute east 44 21 leet; thence north
one degree 15 minutes east 2u0 feel
io in northeast corner of a.,,1 irat
in nni pulHIcallou of this nolle, and ,
yon (ail lo apar ai d answer lh plalulltt
will ai ply lor lh relief prayed for lo l.i.
cnni.laim herein, lo-wil:
ror decre diaaolvlni Ih hon.la l
matrimony no fiiatii.g iietaeeu plan, lilt
and deien.iant. and lor such other and
lunner relief as lo Hi court seemi meet
lid I isl. Thla summons I i.i.i.h.i.a.. h.
nnlerof Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, indg ol th
tomilv Court
Mad and entered Ihl IHh day of October
Attorney for riaiiilifi
frinil ami a giHrdlan ail litem In II
It la thereforw or,.-r-. ami ailjn,gm
lhat I. Ivy Stlpu U, ami he hereby ap
poinie. a next friend anil gnar.flan ad
litem to aiKwrr ami spar for sanl
iiilimr in I lie proceeding, ami II I
further ornVie.1 and a Ihnltrthl ll.al .
copy of the petition herein anil Ihl
oroVr he pulilislie.1 in lh Oregon Cily
Knl-rpriM, or three aui-ceuiva wroka,
.omini'iirlng Noveniler Jtsil. ami
fhat Monday, thlr. day of Kehruary,
IW2 i herehy fixed tl,- n,a (or ,e f.
Ing ami deleriunilng said iM.,n
Tito F. Hxah,
IattH. Noy. I. I'JOI.
. i.i .
named, defnmlahta nr alii... ..i '
had on th. il.t. of tl. n.orig.g, C
or sim had In or to ,. ,b.iv, Jr.,.i"T
real prop-rty or any p.n u,,,
...tk.M . 1 . ... ..... I .
....... aam rairiiuon. m, iJn.., . ..i .
ecriMt. IntatMl nan ...I
. . , Bw tl
coat a.
J J.
.n tiinN.
In th Circuit Court of lh Stat of Or
gon, for lh Coumy ir Clackamas.
J. T. Appron, puf
AdtnUlstrsitor' wtlre.
T. L. Charman. Truatre
Kate I.. Cl.aimaii, A. S.
Hreaaer, Mary Coi.tera,
rlwsr.l Ii. II arris, Clai k-
lnth. Counlv Conn of ih. s,.,- r
Kon for C,Mk.mM County. i&Km
Inlhmur of lh ratal of Augusta nr. K. J. McKmrick.
Melcher, deceased. Michael Minarik, J u!
' Notice Is hereby given lhat the final a tk. Jams W Pan-
count of Robert bielil, tha admluisiralor, ,ow' '""u " VV'sWP.
nan, tiaorge Morn.
"i. ii .! win auiieieu. oi the eial of Au
KUita Melcher, deceaatd. has ben rendered
ti said court for ettlmriit, and that Mon
day th (Jin day o Jauuary, i. at o
ik n I x- L aaaaal. .
ul bo 8 (eel, along ibe north bouudare of a.i.l i..,M. ... f."J P. r v7
Mid tract ol land. U, n .ngul.r corn.r 'of . ti.n.e.T to, .d uMd , ,. be.m.g
tract Of and coi,veyd to R.ch.r.1 Scott, h, d d.,.rnilni.,tf of a, v'. .1 V.l .?
II recorded In volilin. V" I ii.ar.o, " i,.i.l ,, r ...... .4 ., "
Mrs. U. tt. Johaiin, W.
II. Doi.yns. 1) c. Ted
lord, mue Orsha, n,
W, E. Goss, Mary Owrge,
I J. Swltlrf,
Turney, Sarah 0-org.
a. n. uvoiga, iwm
Collin. John Viuiiey, I.
wcjiBuieu, Maria i,ln-
deed, which
I'igew, oi 111 nee.1 record Of L'ai'katnaa A,l....U....... . ..k .. - . ..T " '. . I la If. r i......... ...J
couniy: Ihence north 2 decree. .... i. n.l ...... . . ! " r,H '. M .i..'. ' V
ch.i.,.. to a r..,r.,,l comer of ".d tract ""8u.,a M.,c,..r. dece.l. - (
of land conveved lo Richard Kcoti a. de- T " llU kTc I,
cr l I.e. I in aa rt ,.o..l..l i. .... .olir In I... I .. y. L i "
V. ...... , iTi. .... ' . I . onaw, W. J
'. iiibiilq i urtu rv ii swlt rswawai I
'nl rva I. k.aa.U. ..I
mtmiies ea-t ftlor.i the iuuiIi b,,n...i.r. .H . u "" ' n.ierini
l ..i.i . j ' .. : . .. v w umm urvn uuir iitNi neeii hv i
. I rssiii si ni.i ii iiii iMfj War as a r hub n I ... w .-
rA ri.i.t ..f w.e r .... o;.., .. v' ..,r, . ' : oi " oreg,.,, i,.r
I Railroad Comnsnv: ihHn, ,..t,,hT. -i- Vwu 01
r.T. f S.ld Weal II... nf a.lrt .r.h. I .1' . "? OI J"."l"' All
.Hilnt which i.ri - ,rdZ.7
con nly
nd teat.
oeifinjani. j
To Edward It II ...I. l.i.l..l kj L
U... ii ,u .ui, Miliaria,
ills II. Wasarrilian. (i,.r. M..r. u
....,.,!, v itxiiord, Halnuel Ura
C 1J.
nil custodis.i of ib seal ol said minute west from Ihe northwest comer ol r lied "'' properly
hereby certify that I have com- alract or land conveyed to N. B. Hsrvey le.;;. a. Hh.f- V r'K,Ulrr,',I
e Preceding copy of House Join! by d e.1 which Is recorded in volume 47 .1 Hrom 11 da,. ' h l'r,' U,Un "I
"1 1 v' tJ""1,la" A"- 250 0t ,he V",i R"c,,r"' of Dated Ocu to 'fti i'i l ,0f-
001. "Initiative and R ferendum county ; thence north 88 degrees 30 mlniiles
.... having ha.n. W. E.G..TM.yUeoTgjX Vl in;
HherifTof Cl.kma Con my, Or,
Ial.J, Oregon t'.ty, Ng.( g' j
In Ih Circuit ('ourl ol lbs nut. of Or,
gon, lor Id County of ClaUam.a
Martin iiitwy
1. IYorei John
on, W. (J.
Johnson, her
husband ami
Chs'lr Helm.
Htat or Onxiio I
Cot ay v or Ct.iAiiA. "
Ijy virtu of J-l.lgiuent onler, dWre
and an execution, duly laaue.1 out atui
under th tNi BtH)Vt .fl.i,!
roiirt, In Ihe above rmilled rsua, 0 ,
duly dlr-t ltN and daUd lh 8Hiday
November 1101. upon a Jq l.-woi sod
U.-Cf rendered and enlnn-.l .a a..
courlon Ihe lAihday of NovemM.
In favor of Martin Uliy. 1'Ulr.t,!. tsi
agaltiat J. IVor JoJmaon. VV. CJA
on. her hu-band and irtiaile iBi. D
Sudani, for th aggregai mm of
K'HIOSo. With Interr.l Ihrreon at th
!?'? .' 8 lr ,,u, nntitn from th.
lOthdayof Novamher, and th eos'iol
and upon Ihl writ, i-ttrnmsmlirig mtlo
link sal o tl,e lollowing dcril-l real
Prorty, ntuate In th county of Click
ainss, stale of Oregon, lo-wil:
All of III m kt No.ftl an.l all of Work
No. BOex.-ept lt 5 j a il.eieof In
Oregon City, Ore.on a per duly re
corded plat of as Id cily.
Now, therefor, by virtue of laid i
H.'ution, judguiciii ordur ami dwiee, ml
In comnli.niti Willi t),e co.ninand of
Id writ, I will, on Saturday, ll.e
at th hour of Two o'clock 1. .. at Ui
eaai, crossing saiu rigtil of way and trsclnir
i.u ....... , ... ... . .
... ,.u,ui uourioary ot saiu iracl nl la... I
conveyed to N. B Hsrvey alout lpaj
to tbe west line of tne county roml
known as the "Olesou Rosd." them
eriy along said west line of ssid road, about
G35 feel, to a point which liean west from
the southwest corner of a tract of land con
veyed to Geo. A. Rockwood. by deed which
is recorded In volume 35, page 410 nl u.e
itcu iircorns lor t;ia('Kaiiiaa ohii...-.
Ihence east, croasii.g sai l Oleann ii..('
nd tracing the south boumlsry nt said
Geo A. Rock wood's land, 2ol!8 chains, m
soulheast corner thereof: thence i,..r,i. i rm
chains to a point in the north boundary of
tbe Hector Camnbell D 1..
essl along ssld north boundary, 9 34 chains
to the norlheaat con er of a tract nf i.n.i
conveyed to N. B. Harvey, hy deed which
t k VP r.uj
r.ecuirix 01 the estate ol Joaenb Voss
ao ne nam olth Stat of Oregon! You
r. Iie.eby reip.ire.1 lo appear and aiisasr
" cui.laiiil II, ed anainai v,i ... i...
W!JVXt ' .,,-l,.,!u.-: U Wty. I" Hid County
deoie agaliial you for ih rellel deuiandvd
In the Couniy Court o the 8tate of Ore-
s" ior viacaaiuas Uoiinty.
notice is hereby given that the under,
signed, executor of the estate of Levi Davis,
deceased, has tiled bis liual
executor in ihe county court of the State of N corded in voriime at DAe 4of the
.lr.t.fl.1 fy,. I .Ml. . ... ...... ... . . I ti......... . f.l .
nu.. ,u. u..v.iiu coumy, ami ii, e ssid I ru m-wio .or v.acKamas counlv
j""" " opi-oiuieo tne day or Uecem
ber, 1901, at 10 o'clock a. m. ol said duy for
u..jctnuiit io asm account. All
orrtons are nereoy noliHed to file anv ..h.
jectioni tney may have to laid account on
ur ueiore saiu uale.
, A. V. DAVIS.
Kxecntor of the estate of Levi Davis dec,
Dated November 7, 1001
thence snuih along the east boundary ol
Hid N. 11 Harvey's land, and of James II
P iria'ai la. ml a Iw... a fin 1 t - i . .
Ill the Circuit Court of ih Stat of Ore
gon, for lh County of Clackamas.
Me Kdwardi, I'llir. i
vs. J.
Charles Kdwanla. Deft. I
naTueiP-'1" K'' dt',e",,B,lt l,ov
In the name of Ihe Stale of Oregon, you
ar hereby com man led to annear ..i i."
swer ihe complaint Hied herein .KiM.t Vol,
in the above entitled suit, on or More
th time prescribed In the order for the
publication or summon to-wit: on or be-
'."w publication
iivarsi( Mill. II
... .... bvmmaini, io wii;ii,ai you and
.-u v. jU anu an peraons claiming uudrr
you or each ol you, enher aa purohaMrs, In
cmuurancers or oiheraiae, may h barred
and lorecloaed ol all rigi.ia. claim or tuiiilv
ol rUempllon in 4he lo.lomg deaoibed
rjral sat.w a,i. , Cack.n.as Coumy.
Oregon, to-wit:
llegiiiiilngaiaHul II 70 chain North
and ini-iules West Ironi the Soulh Wesl
corner ol the Donation hand Claim of WlP
. ..uiuira uu Kl In ii IK II -if ..i
ll.e Willamette Mrdlu ; 'running' fa.'.
i..ha,,5fi"KrrM W "",",U,, I'"
with me South bouiHiaiy ol.si.l claim 24.0.1
cnaiiis ; thence Norm 1.1. uiclian,, to a slo.
.. . .r wunaiiia io a lions on
von lail ... . . I n.a u.'-.. i ... . : . " on
snd .n.wer isld' eom7. Ml.: V,'. 'j .?. kZ.,. . ' '. c'nliii i llienc.
' win. ... nsn c""'f to
forl..relleri her comnla.l " iT" KiT I.,": .Oegre! .10
ndfora decree dllv,.,tf 'ur: . r. ,. 10 ba
...-,.!....... ... " ""U Ol "
The H... ,.r th. h,. ... ... c,,,,," "" '-h, lo llie most S..oil..r,J
KLT-S CREAM BALM I. aposlHTeenre.
Apply into the nostrils. It is quickly sbsorbed. M
sxnts at Drnufrlera or by mail ; samples 10c br tnalL
ZLY UEOT11KES, M Warrea Be, Mew Tork CUy.
Police for liiblI-atIon.
Department of the Interior.
Land Oltce at Oregon City. Oregon.
. , , , . . November 2nd, 1901.
Aotlce is hereby giVK that tbe following
named settler has tiled notice of bis lute...
Hon to make final proof in support of bis
claim, and that said proof will be made be-
o.re me KfgiMer and Keceiver at Oregon
IT.lv ........... i . . n
V,,J. vicuii, u orceriim-r jum, l'JOl, viz
H E. No. 114 W, for the ge of nwj, eU
of sw4, and sw of sw sec 12. t 5 s, r 3e!
He numes the lollowing witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion oi i-hiu lana, viz:
Hezekiah E. Carr. Jrmhun P.nrho.f p,..
ton Bonney, Bert C. Palmer, all of Colton,
Reg sier.
The Enterprise $1.50 per year.
They overcome Weak
ness, irregularity and
omissions, increase vig
or and banish "Daina
The date or the tint publication of tl,
!!"ar.?l.fr,,,!l '" I'Y Arch -
a'liiiiiiona la novemner lni i. l'K.I ,., ..... i.hI.i M,.k", . j vj nrc.u
sinnnions is published pursna ,1 o ' . " TtV?Z'" Wc'-Kh
made and entered by the circuit court ,,f Hook "('. la . . VV
noii. t nomas A. .Mc lrhie. Jndire on t... utvi We.. . , f 1 M "-
11th day of November, itM.I J K 1 " '' T" 8 'UV',,,J' '"'' 'n Mc
Atiorn-y or plalntlir.
For Sul il.
iu.; iT.: t..r "V
W..II I Ihence South W;;;. ; wUh ,71'!
mler.ofsa.dblull lo th. InZLZ,''"
...... . ' ""nnin,. H.ij 0 iUe ,
on 11th
of menstruation." They are "LIFE SAVFItS" i
fw xy ior women equals them. Cannot do harm-life 0 A VVi Vim.
becomes a pleasure. ftl.OO PFIt hot nv m0.l?J V t rT'-
For sale by Charman A Co., Druggist. I A J ;Hennem"
.!.....? ..i.,...i.r ...( .ant
rave .anil, aoout Hi lUc. sin. in i... ........ I r,.. .... ...n...... , j ,,lri . mence, orl I. :a n. ......
........... ... . . in .run in nor comn a nt i.r.,..i ... i ... i ....... . u-... u ,. ......
..nr oi i anu avenue. ... Mint....... ..o......
., ., , . - (.i-iiii....
tplort and; ihence east along said north
line of F ilm avenue, about 10 35 ri,
vuo wri line ui Cleveland street In said Mln
thorn Bdditlon : thence soulherlv .lrn ....
..o. t.,... ........ - r , . . --"".."a
r... .n...,i..arr Ol r.iorKR II II Itinrud I -I In
41.44.00,72 and 73. lo the south n.i.
r.uuii., avenue lliei.ee weal a nu a. .1
,; . r. , n a,, u.i,
i.i.coi cu.iiio avenue, to tne east boundary
of the Jot Whlicomb Donation Land
Claim: thence outh 1 iIltp.
said east boundary, to the place of begin.
That said portion of sal, I niHpk,..
county contaiiiK, as nearly as mav be estj-
..iium ino oiinurea anu mirty-lour inliabi.
The laid petitioners therefore pray the
iiid, the Hon. B ird of County Commie,
sioners, that llie mid portion of the said
Clackamas county be incorporated uu a
municipal corporation under the provision,
of ihe General laws of the State of Ore-gon
Peter Roth
Clias. McCann
Peter Burke
F. H. itchier
Noah Hubler
James Oliver
C.J. Anderson
AW, Legrand
C A l.akln
J E Weizler
W. A. Robinson
Val Adam
Ix)ii Strait
Rohf. B Bovd
C. K Ballnrd
Samuel Hoesly
E. H Boitemiller
G Keller
A. H Howling
J. A Workman
H. A. Hennenian
. Phillips
Wm. Shindler
James Hooper
H. Sander.
J. L Johnson
Gottlieb Beetsclien
Fred Karlen
J. W. Horigon
Geo Huntley
loren Frymire
H Kelso
John Gross
C. Kerr
Fred Rolee
O J Robert
O Wisdnger
H. M. Muiian
A. J. Walker
J. Hennenian
ecili.i. n. ti.. ' " . inw-
On account of Uau.no m. ..... t . imu, ...... . "'.W I.M "'"""tHU westerly
forSHle on eany term 7 t "Z, " 4fl , 'y, i
" 'K U. the ....... N...,, " u" I'll
...,i .. .. , " ,''' i.nwtili tract of
d wife to J.
recorded on
0 .in ,. hi...' . ..." . ""' for iald
... . y
IIoiiho and lot
Honne and lot in block n,i
3.30 acres in Oregon City cleared
street, on in-
and level.
an i, oei-ili.il liu A a- n....
if . Jinone a .
-. ", '....ii, iiv oeeu I, .... ..i
HUH.'.... .. II . .. . .... -'
r---r- . '.' Ill HOOK K " ill il...... ...
t.,i H.u. rL 'i
wetr.iji:j;h::i'""".o.o,," ,. .
i. ... sum on the Hinith
ime of me sain Hedges claim
thence Kan o.. claim line n.ln dii.,a to :
.10 III: tllHl.na V....I. o t,,aillS w
-i iw ,.. . .i, . '""""i" io
in uregon Ulty, all ir '""y claim line;
1.1)0 acres in Oregon City,
.83 acres
cleared ....
and Mat, anil at public auction, ulijecl
to redemption, loth highest bidder, (or
t. 8. gold coin cash in band, ail th
right, title and lutercil wblcti I lie within
named defoiiditi.t or either of them, hJ
on the dale ol the innrtgagn herein or
i nee had in or to the atrov described
real proH.riy or any part lliereof. to t'
lefy laid eierutlon. Illdirmnnt onler. de
cree, Interest, cost and all iccruioj
Hhenirof Ciackama County, Oregon
Dated, Ort'gnn t'l y, Or., Nov. IS, 1101.
Keinemhiir that name when you wml
a dolicloim, appoimlng, nouriahlng (ood
drink to take the place o( collca. Sold
by all grocer and liked by all who haver
used It. (Jraln-0 I made ol mre grain,
it aidri dlgcaiion and etrciinihi'iii the
nerye . It i not a etiniiilcnt but a
besltli htilldiir and Ihe children i well
Mthe adults can drink it with ifreat
benefit. Coat about M much
coIToh. 15(i and 25 per packaue. A'k
your grocer fur Orain O.
I lie 'hlllrrai,a I'rlt uil. .'
You'll have a cold this winter. Maybe
you have one now. Your childien wll
ull'er too, For CoiikIis, Croup, lironchl
lia, urlp and other wmtet bomplslnls
One Minute Cotiuh Cure never fail
Acts promptly. It is very pleasant lo
the laHle and wrfectly harinlnH, 0. B.
Oeor.e, Winchester, Ky wrllm "Our
little jtlr! was attacked with croup
one nluht and was io lioarse slie could
KM to a noii.t ,m,u w". l,IBn,! l..,li.. . ... . , ...
..a ... ---vow it Ul. Itllll IUI al ft III.. I IIUIUIV nilfllH. IVH IIII VH HHP IIW UUBV
,. , lco3, ,,. .mm,,,. .,. n,, .... -.out in i ww.
S or ,,nJM When she awoke next morning she bad
ixrt o biocic 47 lioiinty add ; corner 150 Aim that the i
vw a a iiui,w H iriUUIHfllll V I M W VI 1 1 1 7 vi uuirr rl III l I ... . .
Lot in Darlings addition ." 50 may seem meet d 'i oi?, ".?..t0 "
1 iiinniiiiin ntiu tu ....1 . . w 1
30 acres timber land, rich soiU n0Vh '"""T U ,m"li"'i y o,dr of
miles out , 7r.A A. Mcliride, Ju,i. f ,.or
100 acres timber land on Molal'la Conn .,.'b,.h.a "lt"' Oren ,r JlS
Kiver orvin n,. ti.a'.i.Y "'an In open f',.,.r.
no signs o( hoaraeneas or
17.31 acres near Woodstock and
W'1'8'. 3000
iota in DKaino.awa, WaBlnnifton 200
Addrens J. A. Thayer, Box 3112 Oregon
City, or call on me at 0. A. Cheney's
Ileal Estate office. '
, ovmtMr iiji
Att"r'l"y for Plalntlir.
The Enterprise J1.C0 per year.
Dr. J. Arch Stewart
Eyo, Ear, Nose and Throat.
317 Dekum Building