Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 22, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Personal Mention I
wsurrtwwaaaar vframmr fen-;
Hoi luiul ti In town Monday from
WIN of Liberal, was In town
I'M Halee, f CurrlnevllU, u In tl,a
clly Tuesday, i
John Coc hran, of baiem, vu In the
flty Hunday.
James Hoots was In (own Wednesday
Ifoiti Clackamas".
OrorK Kllllo, of Kllloll's 1'ralrla, was
In id i It; Tuesday.
Mrs. T. K. Cowing, Jr., Is visiting hctr
parent at Bllverton.
Mri. P. K. Hill left Monday for Walla
Wall on short vlalL
Mra. K, A. Mile la visiting her brother
ml slairr In Hsppooei,
Judtf T. K. Hyan I in Tha Dalles and
111 return this afternoon,
Mi tienevleva llughea, ol Halem, la
vlelilmf Mr. P. II. (Hum,
Italelgh Trimble, of I'or tland, vlalted
friend In Oregon City Monday.
Harry T'embaUi went lo Alhmy on
We.lneaday's train on a abort htialneaa
Mr, Ueo'gw A. 1 1 arl lug want to Ra
bin Wednesday to lli4Mt Ilia Relief
Mr. and Mra. W. V. UmHun, t Halem,
were vLitlng lelatlvra In Oregon t'I'y
J. ('. Elliott. prominent merchant of
IlainaM'iia, aa In Ida clly on bualneae
A. M. Miller, bookkeeper of ISag.by's
saemlll at .Needy, waa In town Tuealay
on bualnea.
trv. Julian Hatch, of Hiring water,
a tl gueel of Rev. A. J. M m'gotiiar
laal M ni'liy.
Mra. K. W, Conyera, of t'laiakanle,
wt vUllilifl ber daughters In Ihlt city
laat Saturday.
1. 1.. Clark, a farmer ol Logan, baa
niovel lo flat karnaa, whvia b will re
ticle In luluie.
Mra. Kannle Honney, of Cotton, waa
In tuwn Tnewlay, and pal l the Enter
pnee a pUamot call,
Rv. Julian llal-h, of Fprlnuwater,
waa In town Wednesday and paid the
Enteiprlea a pleasant call.
Vr. (inorg Urcujiton, of Portland,
v. tiled ber parent, Mr. and Mia. J. M.
Taylor, of Ibla clly, Hundejr.
lenndn Jaygar la critically III at bla
reaideiiM and It It f oared that b will
hare lo undergo an orellon.
1). W. Klnnalrd, tntcluf of auiveya,
baa returned from Lakeview and a 111 re
main In the city f r several wet ks.
Mr. V. I. Hurns, a plonrer of Oregon
City, but now a leiideol of Portland,
lively sltk at bll bum, lM7 Hixth
Mre. Edith Cloute, formerly of Oregon
City, who hat been very til at the liood
Hamaritan lloaplul In 1'orllenJ, li Im
proving In health.
Edward rVhwab bat rraumed bit xel
llon a stenographer with tha Crown
l'aer t'ompany, and baa taken rooma at
tha Cheaa reildeoce.
R. I., Ilolman an I C. (1. Ilunllry wera
dm k shooting- don tha Columbia Fri
day and Hnturday willi a I'ortland tnan
and bagued 73 blrda.
Mra. Ehxaheth Mlllaand aon, ol Fan
Fiaiii'lMo, atrri vxl Wednesday mornii g
lor a visit lo Mr. Mills' aunt, Mr' W,
W, Cjinnn, of Canemab.
Mra. Pearl Richard departed for ber
McMiiinvllla boma Tuesday. Blia waa
arcompaiilnd by Mi. Pavla at far ai Ore
gon City. rtllverlon Ap:eal.
Miaa Ktia Upton and Mitt Catherine
Wood, ol Portland, ami Mr. Carl t-hort-ridge,
of McMinnvllle, attended the Na
tive Horn' dance Inal Friday night.
Mr. and Mra. Orr, of St. I.ouir, have
taken apartment at the Chaae ruaideiu'e.
Mr. Orr mirreed C. 1. M.xr a resid
ent agent lor an Kaatern iiiNurame com
pany. County Purveyor Krncet Rand and
hi brother, Hal Rands, returned from a
urveylng trip In Idaho. They were
compelled to dim ontlnUH operation by
the exceaxlve auowfall.
Winnifred Hill wu In town Friday
and attended the Native 8on' dance.
Bince leaving Oregon City Mr. Kill ha
roalded In Silver Lake but will atay In
1'ortUml ihla w Inter.
Clmrlii Hartman.repreaitnlatlve from
Marlon County In the leglHluturo, van In
the city Tuimday on liimineta. He la a
candidute for the Republican nomination
of ahonirof hi county.
T. J. JonHrud, JuHtlce of the I'eace of
Camtadet 1'reclnct, and whote poatotllue
I Kelao, waa In town Monday. Mr.
Jonarud ha been banker and waa at
one tuna a atate senator in MlnueHota.
Otto Ooiigelbach, of Clackama, wa In
town Monday, He arrived home sev
eral week ago from Nome and will re
turn to AliiHka next Spring. He ha ex
cellent prospect thore.
Itev. William Stoever, of the Evangeli
cal Luthoran church, I veiling relative
in tbl city. He ha been in Bprague,
Wash., for the past two month and will
probably transfer hi field of work to
New Wbatoom.
It. J. Moore, of Molalla, wa In the!
clly Monday, He waa accompanied ;
boma by hi daughter, Mr. (), p. F.ty, I
hi grambwm, Marvin Kby, and by bla!
aon, M. V. Moore, atenographer of the
I'aclfli) Coatf Illactill Company, of iVt
land. They will spend a week with Mr,
Moore on bla Molalla farm.
J. A, Tuda, of Otwego, wa In the cliy
Ntlnrday. He la a farmer of many yeara'
xpeiUiiirw and thlt tea aon hat gone In
rather heavy for poiabHia. Ha baa four
and one half arret anil will harvest a
crop of I0 htiahel lo the acre. While
Ihla It not a record, It la an excellent
howlng on ridge land without artllklat
Deputy High Chief Ranger A. V.
Field, of lb Ancient Order of Foreaiera,
left Wednetday morning for Portland,
Monday be will go In California to do
torn murk for ihn organltttlon. Mr.
Field had remarkable tun-cat In inalltul
Ing a court In Ibla clly, leing here only
Hire week an I leaving a ptoMrout
beige of over IH) ineinbert,
liig millinery aale. Mint Coldtmitb.
Albright A Iogu have piano ticket.
fllg reduction on ahoea. Red Front
The Acme, opoalie Fnterprlae ofTlce,
nianufacturea freah candy dally. Fruit,
clgai and tobacco. Hod a fountain. New,
Fuf hcwi r Imprormicat Hand of Ore
go ( tj, Oreg .
roHkalt will he nieUcd by (be Kl
nance Commltte of tha City Council of
Oregon City nntll Wednesday, Ilwemtwr
4, I'JOl at 4 o'clock p. m. for lh tale al
nirf le than par value and accrued In
threat of One Ker liiiproveiniit Itoiid
of Orrgon City, O'egun, amount W7 00,
a the aam aball be authorised lo he la
aued, aaid Umd to ! datel February 1,
yi, and aball mature In tn yr from
the dale therW, and be payable In (Sold
Coin of the I'mUl htatet and bear In
lereat al the rata ol aix per cent, per an
num, Interval payable teuii annually,
aald intcrrat lo be evidenced by coupone
atla. Ltd to ta d bou J; FrovMed, how-
ever, lha rinl t to lake up and cancel
aaid bond Uxn Ihe payment of the face
value IhciHof with accrued Interetl to
the dale of pavim-nt, al any aeml-annual
coupon periml at or after one year from
Ihe dale of aald bond la hereby reserved.
Held b,nd laaiird under auihorliy of an
act of the Ieialature of the Hlate of Ore
gm, entitled, An Act lo amend rctlona
1, J. 3, 4, 6, M, and 7 of an Act entitled,
An Act to pruvde for the laaoance of
bonda for the Improvement of Klreeta
and Laying of Seweia In Incorporated
cltlea. and for lb payment of the coal of
auch improvement and laying of wt
by Inttallmenia, filed In th vtnr of Ihe
Secretary of Klate, February 22, 1KW3
The right to reject any and all bid I
hereby reaerved.
Alt bid rnnet be accompanlwl by a
check for 10 per cent ol the amount of
the bond, payable lo R Koerner, Chalr
inan, a litpiidated damage In eae the
bidder tball withdraw bla bid or ahall
fall or neglect lo lake and pay for the
bond aforeaald ahould the aame be
awarded lo him,
Hy order of Hie Finance Committee of
the City Council of Oregon CUy.
Harca C. Cuaar,
"A Wlae Woman," the three-act mu
deal comedy bv WiKmxI Clark, who I
alao reaponaihle for that great aucceaa,
"Oh 1 fuaanab I" baa bw-n secured lor the
near future at the Khlvely 0era House.
Thi a lorlunate InMiklng for Manager
Miively ami one worthy of epeclal notice,
a the attraction It to tie awn In but very
few one-nighl stand thi season, i t
time having leen almost entirely booked
in the larger cltlea ol the country. Tbl
I atrong evidence of the atrength of the
Mr. Hamilton, at the Red Font Store,
ha somo elegant hut al Vrhes to suit
The 3 veer-old daughter of M. L.
Miller, of Fall View, waa struck In the
rluht eye with a ruler Wednesday after
noon. 8he waa playing with ber 4 year-
old brother In the yard and in play he
threw a ruler at her, striking and split
ting the eyeball The accident resulted
In the loss of her eye.
1'iiliailaii Services.
Rev. W. U. Kliot, jr., state superin
tendent (or the American Unitarian As
sociation, wilt lecture In Willamette ball
at 7:30 P.m. on Sunday evening, No-
vembt'r 24. Hi subject will be "The
Watchword For the Twentieth Century.
Portland-Oreiron City boat Sir. Leon
leave foot of Eighth St. at 7 and 11 a. m.
and 3:0l) p. m. Leaves Portland
at 0:00 a. m. and 1:00 and 5:00 p. m.
Take the Leona if you want a good com
fortable ride. The run is made either
way In one hour and fifteen minutes.
Round trip 2o cent.
An exceptional bargain, near Oregon
City 22 mile from Portland, good road
400 acres, creek and spring water, 75
acres In good cultivation, rich bottom
land. Price only $12.60 per acre.
C. O. T. Wii.uamb,
Room 0, Barclay building,
Oregon City, Oregon.
vl. W' J u... II il ft . . . -LI
Bear tb m ma m nl" m B011
School book exchanued at Moore'
Clearance aal on men's and boy a' bat
at Ked Front.
"A Wiae Woman" at Shlvely', Fri
day, Nov. 'MU.
Oreat reduction in price In all millin
ery, Mlae Uoliltmlth.
Clearance sale in the millinery depart
lueiitol ihe Red Front Htore,
Three centa per pound paid for clean
cotton rags at The Enterprise ollloe.
Umbrellas repaired and recovered,
alao built to order. Johnson & Iamb,
1 20 lo 1 100 lo loan on chattel or per
tonal aecurity. Pimlck A Eaatham, agt.
Ituy your meat at Albright A Logu'
meal market and secure vote lor the
ilM) piano.
Ten centa in merchandise given with
every piano vote purchased at Moore'
Uae Red Line Couirti Cure, 25 and 60c.
(itiaranteed. Charmen A Co., PrugglU.
TU kel with everr bottle.
A laughable Farce-Comedy, "A Wise
Woman," at Khlvely, Frl'ay, Nov.
2Uih. Come and enj-jy yourself.
In order to fed in our stock we have
made a (in at redncilen In I'rlre on all
millii.ery gixxlt. Miaa Uoldamitb.
On Thanksgiving night the Salvation
Army will bold a Junior Rally In their
hall. CoftVe and rake w ill be served.
IHj you want to see your lodne w in the
I IV) piano? Albrixhl A Login iu
on vote wltb every 25 cent purchase.
Court Ml. Hood, Ancient Order of For
ettera, hat changed Ita meeting night,
and will meet in the future every Mon-
One of Ihe few really good shows is
coming to Shively's, Friday, the ffJth.
You hail better boy your tick a early.
Now on tale al Shively'a, after Tuesday
at Hantley't i
The ladle of the Hapllsi church are
making txlenelve preparations for a
holiday sale to take place a week ot two
before Cliriatmaa. Sofa pillows will be
the principal feature.
vWinier clothing is what yon want.
Cjld weather It coming on and it coats
no more to be comfortable. Joe Know
land, the "lb at reel tailor, baa hundreds
of sample of elegant good lo select
from. Know land's clothe fit.
Ammunition of every description
Shell loaded to order. New shot guns,
Old uuna repaired. New Block of air
nfles, fVtO thole. Sewing machine and
bicyclea repaired. The place to get It
fixed, Johnson A Lamb. All work
The Oregon City Woolen Milla are ad
vertisingthesaleof a lot of fine cassi
mere remauM at the cost of manufac
ture. This ia the first time that such an
oppoitunlty i fcffered by them and we
aould adviae buvers to go early and
have the entire lot to aelect from.
PhrlMtian Science services sre held In
Willamette ball every 8unday morning
at eleven o clock Sublert tor Sunday,
Nov. I7lh, "Soul and Body." Sun
day School at twelve o'clock. Wed-
! "
nesday evening meeting at eight o'clock.
To these service all are welcome.
Charle Munton, of Damascus, died
suddenly Wednetday, November 13, of
heart disease. Munson, with hi part
ner, Andrew Swensnn, bad lived on a
farm near Damascus for a quarter of a
centurv. Both were bachelor and they
owned everything in common. Each
had executed w ill in favor of the other.
Score a big bit In Tacoma "A Wise
Woman." There i no questioning the
popularity of the Marie Lamour Com
pany after the enthusiastic reception ac
corded their performance ot "A Wise
Woman." The largest bouse that wa
ever assembled by dint of the utmost
compression within the walls of the local
theatre witnessed the perlormance and
the phenomlually crowded state of every
part of the house bore testimony to the
popularity which the performers have
earned for themselves during their pres
ent season. Secure your ticket now or
you my be disappointed in getting a
good Boat. See Mr. Shlvely about it.
Ed. Reckner, Louis Himler and John
Grinder, of Oregon City, and Richard
Cairn), of Astoria, returned this week
from Idaho, where they have been for
the past two months working in the
Swan Falls salmon batche'y on the
Snake river, about 80 miles from Boise.
This hatchery 1b conducted by the state
and ws established by f . C. Brown, of
this city, a deputy under MaBter Fish
Warden Van Dusen. The weather was
freezing in that section and the hatchery
men were compelled to discontinue
operation. Nearly 800,000 eggs were
hatched. Mr. Brown will arrive In
about two weeks, as soon as some of the
eggs have eyed.
Rernernlier Ibis We guarantee to meet
any cut price, club rate propositions offered
on magazine, book, bible and mail order
schemes, We will save yon the risk and
expense of tending money away.
Bring in Ihe Babies. We will present to
every baby under one year old brought Into
our store, a Fine Gold Ring Free. Measure
will b taken and in about 10 d.yt the ring
will be read- absolutely free.
Hhrcwd biiyen have appreciated the special prices- that we have been making from
week to week in our advertisements. These specials are exactly what we say they are. If
it's a broken line we wish to close out they often go below cost; if it's a regular line the
reduction is usually from 20 to 33 per cent, and when the week is up, they go back into
stock at regular prices.
Stationery Special
To rloae out broken line of box stationery
we offer this week about 150 boxes of writing
paper taken from our regular 15, 20 and 25c
lines at 10c each. Each box contains 24
sheets with envelopes lo match. There are
fancy tint; plain cream and white; and no
box of les than 15: value. See them in our
window your choice IOC.
Book Special
Tbl week It' a line of standard work em
bracing Fiction, Ea-ayt, Science and llistcy.
Printed from large typ on superior laid paper
and bound in Bedford riMed ailk cloth. Pub
liiher'a price 60c. Our regular price 40c.
Thi week' special price 30c
In the lot we alao include about 60 copyright
books-sllk-htly shop worn. Regular retail
price tl 00 to (1.75.
Huntley's Book Store, Oregon City.
See "A Wlae Woman." at Shively'a.
Every bat reduced at Ihe Red Front
Big value in ready to wear bat.
Mia Goldsmith.
A marriage license was granted yetter
ilar to Fannie Mercer. 45 and estor
Merchand, 28.
Jml rwivfbl m tiar Wnm nf Hrnmmer'a
samples of boys' and men's hats which
we are offeiiog at factory prices. Red
Coffee and doughnut will le served
during the evening for 10 cents at the
Saturday Club Thanksgiving market
Those who wish a night of real lagh
ter provoking pleasure should see "A
Wiae Woman" at Shively'a, Friday,
Nov. 20th.
The teacher of the Eaatham school
are preparing a program for Thanksgiv
ing exercise, which will beheld next
Wednesday afternoon.
Another case of diphtheria ia reported
at Paikplace. Miaa Ida Straight, daugh
ter of Cy Straight, ia down with tbe dis
ease. The young lady was attending
school In Oregon City but did not catch
the diaeaae here.
Dr. Thorns Marshall, Held secretary
of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign
Mission, made an interesting address
Wednesday evening before a large au
dience in the Presbyterian Church. He
is entirely at borne with bis subject and
ia a very enteitaiuing lecturer.
Among the article that will be on sale
i tha SMitinla PI oh Thanksiri vid2 mar
ket Tuesday afternoon and evening will
be mim e pies, fit for the god ; baked
beana, fit for the yankeea; catsup fit for
the Germans; dressed ducks and chick
ens, ji'llies cranberry sauce, and a lot of
other thimr for everybody.
The Saturday Club will bold a Thanks
giving market on Tuesday, November,
20th, in the building on Mam street, re
cently vacated by McQlaahan A Miles.
The sale will continue during tbe after
noon and evening. A generous dona
tion of edibles has been secured from
housewives, whose skill as cooks is
well known.
Any one desirous of seeing and enjoy
ing a first das, breexy Farce-Comedy
entertainment will receive entire satis
faction next Friday night, the 20th inst.,
at Shively's. A wonderful company.
Every one a star better than Paul Jones.
There will be singing, and good singing
too. Rythm, harmony and melody will
flood tl e crowded theatre, for it will be
crowded, that is certain. Secure your
seats now at Shively's, after Tuesday at
The theme at tbe Congregational
church next Suuday morning will be
"The Cost of the Christ Life." In
the evening tqe pastor will speak on
the Question "What is the Duty of the
Church Toward Anarchy?" This is a
question that every thankful person
should think about during the Thanks-
givjng season. The music for the day
will be in harmony with the season.
"Thanks and Glory" by Gabrel will be
rendeted during the morning service,
and "Oh, Give Thanks" by McPherson,
and "Give Thanks Unto the Lord" by
Lorenx, at night.
George H. Young and his brother,
Louis Young, returned Wednesday from
Fastern Oregon, where they located
homestead claims 80 miles from The
Dalles and about 35 miles from l'rine
ville. They left here in September, and
returned for the purpose of purchasing
merchandise for a store which they will
open. Mr. Young will leave hie family
here during the winter, so that his
children may finish their schooling, but
his brother Louis will take bis family
with bim. They will start next week,
going by way of The Dalles,
Indoor Base
Company A vs. Y. M.C.A.
, At Y. M. C. A. Gymnasium
The First of a Series of three Exhibition Carries.
Saturday, Nov. 23, at 8 P. M.
All Invited.
Admission, 10 Cents.
Spot Ozusla.
Do you realize what spot cash means? It means a
saving of from to 40 per cent, on every watch you
buy of us.
We offer for spot cash the highest grade watches at
the following prices:
15 Jeweled Elgin or Waltham Watches $ 7.75
IS Jeweled Hampden i ....... . 6.75
17 Jeweled Elgin, Waltham or Hampden 12 50
20 Year Gold Filled Gents' Watches with highest
grades Elgin, Waltham, Hamilton, Hampden
or Rockford works 13.73
Ladies' Beautiful Gold Watches in the latest designs
as low as 9 00
Space does not permit us to mention the nnmeroua bargains
we are offering. You must see it to appreciate.
We buy our good a for spot cash at the lowest market quota
tions direct from the jobbers and yon will not wonder why we can
offer you High Grade Watches at such ashonishing low figures.
We give yon, in addition to our own personal guarantee, tbe iron
clad factory guarantee on tbe cases and movements and guarantee
every watch to give you the highest satisfaction or your money
back. You are all invited to come and take advantage of our
First Great Offer.
Yours to please,
The Wisconsin Jewelers and Opticians.
Pants Pattern Remnants
At $1.50 Each.
We still have a few '
Fine Cassimere Remnants
At Cost of Manufacture.
Oregon City Woolen Mills
Red Men In the Lead for the Irving
aud Woodimn f r Chlckering.
Red Men 122,960
Public Schools 09,744
Woodmen of the World 04
Y.M.C.A VHi2
8. P. Depot 35
Woodmen of the World . 162,040
Public Schools 25,321
Knights of the Maccabees 100,248
Willamette Falls School 6,423
Huzaar and Rummage Sule.
The ladies of the Methodist church
will hold abaztarand rummage sale in
Shank & Bissell's establishment, ad
joining the church. The bazaar will
open Tuesday, December 10 and con
tinue during the week.
Rags Wanted. 1
CaBh. paid for clean cotton rags at The
Enterprise office.
Baanths ltw Kind tou KawAiwavs Bougnt
lla Kind You Haw km