Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 22, 1901, Page 15, Image 15

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In Carpets
Ingrain CarjmtH from 25
contn jtor yard and uj.
In Mattings
A vory flno lino from 15
cents and up.
In Crockery
All kind of ('rockery and
Hardware at Biirpriningly
low llgun'H.
Liuoluum. Oil Cloth from
Jo cont a yard up.
TVZa,lx St. Orr Post Offioo
Arc you thinking of buying some FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES
or STEEL RANGES? 'If you arc, hold on to your money until you
have seen ours, as VALUES COUNT, not words.
Tho values we oiler are apparent at a glance. The few items quoted here gire but a faint idea of tho
many attractive odoring wo make. You need to call often to como in contact with the many good
thingH ax they come and go.
Below a Few of the Many Bargains:
In Stoves
0 Hole UniverHal Kanges with shelf and
closet, warranted for 15 years an the best
in the market, f 27 00. AirTi'ght Heaters
from $2.25 up. Put in with stoves.
In Furniture
Ped room Sets from $10.00 up. Six-foot
extension Table, solid ash $4.60. Din
ing Chairs, high back, pretty design, 75
cents and up. Kitchen Treasures, $2.50.
In Curtains
A fine line of Lace Cur
tains just in from the
East, from 45 cents a
pair and up. Sash Cur-'
taining by the yard.
' m
We also sell Pianos and
Organs from the Allen
& Gilbert Co.
Sole Agents for the cel
ebrated Domestic Sew
ing Machine.
ToMMthlp O until, ! Kaal,
Ourl.lry. rn - UK. U ft NK. 14 and
It i-f M I. rWt.un 4, 'lnwii-
lil iilh. lUl.ga 1 Kail, hi
ilrl 4 (I
lawNaklp T Soalh, liana R Kaal.
Wlill. I' A -I.nl t. I, . 7. Hrrilon
T..n.lil. J K-iulli. lUim I
Kaal. UI iwarrr I (
lU.nnry. if K - M S 'f "H. end
H C, i.f MW V Mo.lli.ti , 'I ..-
t M-'Ultl, Itaiiga I Kaal, 10
an. T M
lrlf( I'. - K . Wriliun I. T"".
.h p i ttouiii, !( i W
i Ira II
Tannaltli I Svalb. liana 4 I'.eel.
j..,a, II W -K of nw.
li. tt ji. Tanahlt I Houlh. Ilang
I Kai. t arte, I
Thavr. W. W.-a H or HW. W an4
iirt of aa Ura-illK-.l in a
Ikmk 11, ia J.". itwimn
Toooaiiip I H"ilh. Hang t Kat,
Ndll. Mlm-H S of NK. , Hriloi1
... - . t ... . l I. If........ A
Jj, li.wnaitui fi..,
I ..I Ml a. Iri I
Vl.rrirr. Harah-N of W. S f
:W S c.f NW C unn ft,
rr..Mu I Hmilh. UII Kaal. .
to .. r..
t'liknovn Oanrf-NK, I, i.f HK. H
i.l .NK. S Mrrlli.n . Iwnahlj,
,,...11 h, flat.- I fal 10 a.-frs.. I
11) alia. Tin. a - .NW, I, of UK. V
ll,.n la, Toar.al.lp I Muth, Ilang
4 Kaat. 40 m-fea
tanaaala t ). Itaaaa 4 Kaal.
Iirown. W. I'-SW, U '1 W. 4
KK Vi. an.l HK. U f ". !.
..n 1 T-analilp I Huulli. lung
4 luial. Iiiarra
IUon, W. Mry-HK.
Hili.n II. Tihil H"U.
Kdi. 4 hal. ! 11
H.H-torth ai.1 j.urma..n-. H of
NK W. H'lln I!. Townahip I
H..ulh K-l. - J UM
Uariav I. II - K 4 of W
."V" Vi of HW? y H Hum .
Tnan.i.lp I Uilh. Suna 4 KiM.
l a. T"a
lt.rl.Ur, J II. -W. S Of NW. V,.
Hr.-ic.rt : T"nlP M"u,1'
luoia 4 Kaat. arrra w
K.lkm..,. A. V.-HVV. of . S.
ii..,.. 1 k.oal au arlr I w
HK U .of W. W.
.. wit. nip 1 ri'.uin, --" .
Tabla II aaalli, Ha 4 Kaal.
I McKrnilr. Wm H. ' N' ,,1'
i, H. 4 II. .11 I, lownan.p
1 i hi a. rra ' "
Ko.H, Tlrf.a,. K.lal- of-NK. 4
t.f ii: . Hr. Sl.m II. T..wiiahlp
f I H.-iiih, ltn, Kaal, 40 T-. 1
? Kot.M. J-HW. S of .NK. V nno
5 NW. '4 of mi C. H-ll..it II.
j l uanaiiip I nuutn, n.'a - .
Ml Mi.r.a
IKinry, II. M 17 M Tra. lot I. Ho-
II,. n , Towrtahlp I H..uttt. Hang g Jt
cnm.V'j"Nv.-n wl' 4'' rJ'-.1' t",'
HK, 4 of HW. V n.l M. J. X.
H..ulh. !lar.a 4 ? . " W
ktalhf , l H n oi n. -v "
lion . T..rhlp I Houlh. 1U
4 Kiai. i i-r : ' '
I'ttrr.n. Malthrw Hr . ,' ' 0'
HW. t, of NH V4 ll NW. 4
.mil., IUiiko i Kaal, W acroa ... 4
TmIiId 4 llonHi. Ilaaaa 4 Kaal.
Btrlralln. Wm.. l'p1r of-NE- 4J
linn 7. Tuanahlp 4 Huuth, lUim
4 Kaal, IJi) B"Tr
k 7, HnClli.n 1, inwnanip r.-..
.... i i. . i nr. nu arr. a
Blrli-fclln. Wm., ilnlra of NK. 4 J
NW. li, HPOIIiin i. f t
u . Vi ...... i .'.i. 40 ncrra ... a
Kphw, Th. J.-J. 4 i N. H of
NW. VI. rVrtmrt mwnamp
Tnahlp 4 aoalh, "; 4Mi:"?!'
Tnrkrr, William, l. I.. 1. o. 44.
8wln. Kllinbrlh-14 " I",
Turk.iT I. U C. No. 44 1
a. rli-rt In ItoiJ lk .1"?
4f. HiTllolia I. , lownami. - t
u....k ii,... i V.Mal a "
riirlpa. T. r-Nff, K. Hri:n 4.
Townahip I Huuth, f(aoa I Kaat,
I'jO -ra
Taylor. Hanmrl llrlra of-NW.
rWtti.ii a, Townalllp I HoUlll,
IUlia- I Knal, )") a. rra
iMart. Jhn-HW. V of NW. . H--II.
m . T -anahip I Houlh, ll.inaa
L rLaal 4 .
II. krna. l" W -HK '4 of HK. "4 an
H S of HW. - or Hr.. . an It
of HK i.f MW. V an.l H S
HW. i or HW. C. Hrcllon 10.
ioaiiai.lp 1 Houlh, Iwiiga 4 Mai,
I'M a. rra ,
Wairltn. John-K, of HK. U.
ll'.ri l, loatwrilp 1 rx.um, iikmk
I Kaal. all a. rra
Chirl.oti. K.-HW la of NK V, an.l
NW. t of HK. !. Hrillon la.
Toan.l.lp I Houlh, (aiia I ICaat,
lu n. rra
Ahrrn. f.iry-l-oia 4. . Hr.lion K,
Toaii'hlp I Bouin, lung a i.aai,
17 tti arrra
Ma.tlaon. Irlrr-HW. U of HW. I,.
Hrillon ID Tuwnlil j ifjuui,
llai.fr I KajM, 17 17 arrra
Voaa. K. V. K.-HW. V, or NW. V..
Hnllon !l. Tuanaiiip I iK.uin,
llanr I Kaal. a. rra
li,iiry, ll.lm X -W. S or NK. H.
Hr.lion r. Tuwrianip I nuuui.
Karma 1 rai, arrra
llotiMr. W, T.-rri.lll.lr.l I I or HW.
1 of HK. H-llori I,, ..nnip
1 H..i.ih lUna. Kt.l. II n arrra
Kolry. W m : tinrti, A. H . an.l
I'aiion. r -i ii-iivi.ira "i
W. S or K. 4an.l K. S of HW.
i, Hrrtinn . TownaMp J HtiUlh,
.1 . i. .
Frrrlna. J K f rullvl.lrj u of .
1 .a a. . t" . ... Mil' 1
or PI., ami r. t oi n . -j.
Hn-lliin '. Townahip i Huth.
.h k Kaal Ml arrra
Uarh. I. I'.-HW. 4 of NW. .
Hn-llon K Townahip 1 hViUlh.
!. t Kaat. 40 arrra
Oroa-ry. V -K. 4 of HK. 1 Ht
llort K Townahip I Huth, lUnm
I Mat, m arrra
Tuwnablp D Hoalh, llanaa 4 Kaal
Cultliiif, rhua.-NK. 4. Srrtlnn ST,
llU. inilll W
Tuvrnhlp 1 outht K-t
fitokm. Chili. T.-W. B-vtlon K
hi V .... a H...II. U..aaaas & ViIML
1i x.... . DW
Bonn. C'hrlHtlii'n-NIO. 4 of BK. 4.
li...... K !. tU. nril . I
Mlll,r. 3: W.-N W: V of BR 14 and
N. 14 of 8W. 4. V,l,1",? ?
acrra. a iinacrUM-J In lri-d lUmk
1 u.....i, ii.n K Kaat. W arrra.. t vi
nirkami, ('! I..-25 arrra, aa d'r',l
lion in, lownanip i ouu-...,
Iwr. ' I,; (i-K. 4 0 N.4.
lion , 1 ownniui" i .
a i...t iki . 1
Taylor, John ll.-W. H of BK. 4 and
K. H of BW. 14. 'ollon . Town.
ni 1 BilUin, Iinnno j gj
Murphy,. John t! W. U. iMM
or HIQ. 14, naruon n, - .n
u.,...u ii,.n k Kjiat. (ID arrra .. 10 14
Rnton. lva A.-NW. W. BH"" "$
Tnwnanip i douiii, ji.in "-, j
iw nvir. ,,...... ,
Townahip 9 ioiilh, lliiaw IVBaal
Holry, John-NW. U, Bontlon 1,
Ma . . at M ..at. V A K ll all .
-rownanip i ttouin, hi , .
irj. ....... I '
Huhlmrd. W. F.-8R. '4. Brrllnn 2.
i ownnnip 1 oouin,
Adnlr. 1). A. o'.'-BW. 14, Section t
-inwnanip I douio, - .
WO aorri 1 w
10 It
1 T4
I M)
I 10
NK. U of HW. 14 and H 14 of
NW. "i, and lot 4. Hrrtinn 4.
Townahip 4 Houlh, IUn fcaal,
i r; a. rr 1 10
Krijorll. J a or H -H ' of HKv 1 ai.d
HK. nr HW. '4. ami mi 7. Hrr-
lion 4. Townahip 4 Houlh, llal.lta
a i . i ... . a an
rmm, -". a. ' r w '
Ooilar.l. K. f.-HW. li. Hwllon M,
lownanip t ituuiD, juinge r.aai,
IW arrra IW
Ola.n. II. A.- HK. 1, H.-llon l.
TownaMp 4 Houlh, llanga Kaal,
li arrra IB
Oahrl.1. r.-NW. li. Him Hon
Townalilp 4 Houth. lunaa Kaal, . I
lw arrra i IW
Wam-y, It NK. 14. HN-llon 24.
Townarup 4 Houm, IlaliK r.aai.
lu arrca I 0
Tonnala S (oatk, Hans 7 Kaat.
NowlNTry. llmry D HK. 14 of NW.
a ami loia a, a, nrction u, town
ahlp 1
T.na.kla Haalb, llaaa B Kaal.
U Of NW. 1,. Hrrllon 11( I own-
hip I Houlh, lung I Kaal, W
Curry. Ja'a.' K NK. H-tlri 11
Townaiiip i pouin. nana-
Kowall. TharViia-NK. of HW. S
ami H V, or . . ami r..
of NW. Hrrllon I. Townahip
a a.... ak 1 1 .... . 1 Kaal. I'D arrra.
Cully. AIK J -. S of HW S nd
. or HK. la. rWrtlot l. Town-
ahi I Mouiii, iianatr
Kuhrr. AmlViVa'and llrnry-HW. V
i.l NK. ti ami nr.. i
Hnl...n 31. Townahip I huuth.
un t Kaat, W arrra
11 71
4 li
Mouth. Itanaa 1 htat. U I acrra
rrtrraon, r. A NW. . Krllon ,
Townahip I Houlh, IUng T Kaat,
lo arrra
Wolf, Hrnry-NW. 14. Hrrilon 10.
Townahip 2 Houlh, Hangs J Kaat,
1.41 mrrrm
Moniagur. l. p.-W. li of HW. 4
ami NK. 14 or HW. t. and nr..
14 i.r NW. 14. Hrrilon 1J. Town
ahlp 1 Houlh, ltan 7 Kaat, I'M
rirlrhrr, John A.-BW. 1. Bntlon
t. Townahip I Houlh. King 1
.....a i.i .a.m.
Thonu.ai'.n. Krr l-BW. V,, Hrrtinn 2J.
lownanip 1 Diiuin, lunie 1 rai,
l.ft arrra
Ilila. Wm. K.-BK. la of BW. 14.
Hrrilon . Townahip I noutn.
n.otfr. C Kaal. u a.r.-a
llnliri a. Wm. K.-N. 4 of NK V, and
Nr. "4 01 N. v. iwiKin u.
Townahip I Houlh, lungs 7 Kaat,
l.w ai nv
lunar 7 Kaat. IS) aT-a
BihnrlOrr, H N. 1 or Hrcllon X.
Townahip 2 Houtlt. Hang ( ivaii.
tut arrra
Dana. K A.-B of Brctmn .
Townahip 2 Houm. Itang 1 coat,
t!0 arrra
TvMnahln 4 Hoath, liana Knal.
Ilurghrr. Jaroh-I.H I, 7, . Bn llort
4. Tuwnahlp 4 Houlh. Hang
riuat. Iltt arrra
lArkrrl.y. Mary K.-K. S of HW. Vt.
M..n..n 1 Toanahlii 4 Huuth,
11..,.. I l-jial nil arrra
(lo...irl. h. A. J.-NK. 1,. Hrrilon 1.
Townahip 4 Houm, Itanga a
lllnaiiam. K. W.-NW. 1. eWtlon !.
Townahip 4 itouin, i.-,
Itrothrra. I'tvld J : Coir. I . . M . ami
Itriiiy, ". ............
U. Hrrtlon 1M. Townahip 4 Boulh.
1, ....... ' 1 UO arrra
.. '""Vr " V""vl w" li ,f VK U o
a. 4 a 1 1 u.ti.kM lil Tnwntihll) 4
V . . r"' u'i ' a - -
I to
t H
NW. V rJTiion i..wo-...tF
Houlh, llan Mi. ' a r.
lUnrr. Krank -HK. 4 r N W i and
u Li. i.r n k i. or re . la. firi
Hon Si. Townahip 4 Bouth, lUng
& Kat. tto arrra '
Townahip I Hanlh. liana
Maatrra. IV. Y.-N. 4 0'NJ::.4 and
HK. U i.f NK. 1. and NK. S at
HK. 4, Hrrilon . UVwnHhlp 1
n....lh Itanitr liial. 1 Hrrra.. 7 20
Biigr. WUUr.l-rtW. 4 of NK. 4.
HiTiuin , iowna....
Hang Knal. 40 rrr 1 18
Brhtrhl. Johnniia-N, V of NK . Vi.
BiTllon 83. Townahip 1 Houlh,
a L'...l ul urrra . IW
nuri r '. W. T.. and Motlulrr. II P.
All of Ballon . Townahip 1
Bouth, Itaiigr. Kaat. IM0 acra .. 80
Townahip S Sonlh, liana 0 Kaal.
KlngaMiry. Knto A.-8K. 14. Brrtlon
4 lownanip a oouni, luu.ao
Kaal, Ino ai-rra :
Waakit, rYnnk-NH 14 of BIS. ! and
HK. i, of NK. 14. and lota 1, 2,
Bret Ion . Townahip I Bouth,
lUngr, f Kaat, lM.M arrra ........
Ham.1. rTnk-riw 14 of -NR 4
and BK. 14 of NW. 14, ami lot
I. 4, Brotlon , Townahip I Bouth,
Kangrt t Kaat, II acrea ...........
Mathrr, A.-W. 14 of NK 14. Brrtlon
7, Townahip 1 Bouth, Ilango
Knat, HO arrra
Knthrv. John H.-8W. 14. Brrtlon .
TowiiMhlp 2 Boulh, Runge 4 Kast,
Karh?..!!, KHaaBlb. "14 ' rVf'NK." 14 and
NIC 14 of BK. ti, and B. Vk of HK.
U Brrtlon 8, Townahip t Bouth,
lUnK" Kitat, 10 acrr
Jonra, Kllinbrlh-NW. 14. SoetU'n W.
Townahip 2 South, IUingB Kaat,
KlnaabHry? K at ' A'.NK ' 'Orclion
rt, Townahip 2 Boulh, Hanga t
Knat. 1W acrra
Roblnaon. Hrrtha R.-NW. V4 of RK.
14 ami N. V, of BW. 14 of BV.
2 Brrtlon 14, Townahip 2 Bouth,
lUnge 6 Knat. 60 arrra
nibrrXrph-W. H of NR. 14 and
BR. 14 or NB. 4. and NR. 14 of
BVV. , Bret Ion 14, Townahfp 3
South. hanga J Biat, 160 arrea..
Btonr. nhiilH-flW. 14 of NW. 4
and W. 14 of BW. ft and BIO. 4 of
BW 14. Brctlon fl. Townahip I
Bouth. nangr; I Baaf, 1 nern..
Jgcohaon. lloaalla-N. 4 of NW 14.
Brcllon S. Townahip 1 Bouth.
Range Kaat, W acrra ..........
Oahorne F. H.-S. 4 of Si'ctlon Sft,
01 Townahip 2 Bouth, Range 6 Eaat.
STO acrca
Townahip 4 Booth, Baaga 6 Eaat.
Rnurlth, J., and Kneblem, Herman f
7 BO
e SI
6 SO
4 SS
( 48
7 20
t 83
I Boulh. Itanga 7 Kaat. 1J M
1 1U U. ,.r VL' ii. an.t
l.la i. 2. Hrrilon 4, Townahip 2
t 80
S ? J
Townahip 8 toalh, Hana T Kaat.
Brnn. Chrlailan-lxt I B.K-tlon S.
Townarup nouin, ivn.'ar
40 arrca 1 '
Townahip I Honlh, liana H Kaat.
Wllaon. Joarnh A.-K. 1 of B. H.
Hn'tlon J. Townahip 1 South,
Ittngr a r.aai iw arrm o
llurllon. Frank II W. 1 of W S.
., . li. , a k
Mrriutn 1. townaiiip 4 ovum.
Hang 8 Kaat. 10 arrra I (0
Townahip 9 Honlh, Hana N Kaal.
llurnry. W. T., and MrOulre. H. D.
All or Hrrilon i, lownanip
B, Rang 8 Kaat, 440 arrra 8 10
Townahip S Honlh, Hana HVfc Kaat.
Nrparh. A.-K. t of NR Vi. and
lota 1, z, Hrrtion n, lownanip a
Houlh, Hangs Kaat, lii to
arrra t 80
Klrrnah, Krank-N. 2 or BW. 14.
Hic. Zx, Townahip I South, Hanga
lit. Kaal. M arrra 1 80
llurnry, W. T., and MrQulrr. 11. D.
K. H of Sirllon 3&, Townahip
1 Houtn, Hinge BVi ivaai, uo
arrra 11 40
Burnry, W. T.. and MrOulre. H. D
All or. rxrriuing ok. or imp..
14 Brrtlon 3k, Townahip 1 Bouth,
Range Kuat, SoO acrra 21 75
Townahip 4 Honlh, liana 0 Eaat.
Hrilcra. Bllaa B.-B. H. rxcrplln
Bvi. 14 or bK. la, Hrruon (. Town,
ahlp 4 Bouth, llunge Kaat, 2M
arrra 8 70
Nlrkrrann, A. U-It bring all that
rrriain piore or porcri 01 iiinu
known aa the atrip of land In
Brrtlon I&, and beginning at a
point 14 rhama N. of the SB.
cornrr of Brrtlon 16, In Townahip
8 Bouth, of Range 1 Wrat, aald
point bring In thr crntcr of coun
Iv road, from which a rrd fir 20
liirhra In dlnmrtrr bewr tH dr
arrra K. 24 llnka, and bring and
Including all the land lying on
tho W, aide of county rond lend
ing from Oraham'a Krrry. and
aold by William Srhulplna to
John II. Kplw on April 4, 18S1;
Brrtlon IS. Townahip 8 South,
U t JL;... 1 ar.P.. (1
W'llllama, Dttvld, Hrlra of Com-
mcnring ai a poini ii.ou ennuw
K. of the N"W. cornrr of P. Lre'a
IX U C.t thrnce K. 4.45 chnlna
from brglnnlng point: thrnce
from aald beginning point E. 1
chain; thrnce 8. U chnlna: thrnce
N. 24 drgrrra W. 2.28 chalna to a
point directly B. or aald begin
ning" point; tnence N. to aald be-
ginning point, containing 1 acre,
a 1 T'iiwnahlll S flnillh.
l.r- 1 1, n . " ' . " -'f ,
Hon IT. 1 K.llt H
Quint, C. M. IWirlow'a Flrat Addi
tion to Harlow, 8 acrra In block
15 aa dracrlbrd In IVed Book 48,
atia u.nnnl n t rtj.ita ffnr
Clnrkamna County "i 1
Falrchiiiis, a. tj.is. 01 nr.. ui
BW. 14 or NR. 14 and NW. y0f
NK 4. except 9 aorra, ita dracrlbrd
In Deed Hook 88, page SM, and ex
cepting 4 acres, aa dracrlbrd In
Prrd RooJt 77, page 27, of the
Ilecords of Clack tmas County.
' Oregon, Brcllon IS, lownanip
Bouth, Range 2 Kaal. 30 acres ... 23 29
Flynn, Thomas isw. 14 ot on.
a . 1 .1 TAn.k it 1 Snlltn.
m.riii.11 ... a v ."..! . .
Tlnnur 2 Knat. 40 acres I
Unknown Owner Beginning at a
point 2 chnlna 8. Irom the NB.
corner of the NW. 14 of Section
2S, In Townahip 1 Boulh, Range 1
Kaat; thrnce W. 20 chalna;
thrnce B. 46 links; thrnce E.
chains; thence N. 45 llnka to be
ginning, containing H acre, Seo-
1 1 MO nl..n.l.ln f Oniilh 1. . n,,
nun o, ivwiidiiii a K.ii.
1 East ,20
The Wcclily Inter Ocean
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Oregon City Enterprise
THE publishers of the EnTESPtiSK are now pre
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II ft I a mellow glow that
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to hArmonls with mar
. . :. . r . t
YlH rounoiuj. in ataisf t :i ; 7
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60LA CIRCLE, No. 107, W. of W., meets
thr llrat and thinl Tuesdays of each month
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OaUract Lodue No. 76. K. of P. meets
every Wednesday evening in Ked Men's
hall. Vlsttina KniKiitsinviieaioaiiena.
J. Peckover, K. ol K. and 8.
Order of Washinirton. Nonparlel Union
No. 37, meets every Saturday evening,
at Willamette ball. Mrs. Lottie Foley,
A. 0. U. W. meets every Saturday
evening except the firth in the A. 0. U.
W. Temple. H. J. Hardin?, recorder.
Bebekahs Willamette Rebekah Lodge
No. 2 meets second and fourth Friday of
each. month at I. 0.0. V. Temple.
Margaret Williams secretary.
Catholic Knights of America St. John's
Bianch No. 647, meets every Tuesday oi
the month. ,
Order of Pendo meets every Monday
night at Redman's ball. Head Counselor,
B. 8. Scripture; Mrs. May Taylor secretary
Court Robin Hood No. 9, Foivsters oi
America, meets first and third Friday in
the month in Red Men's Hall. W. B.
Stafford secretary; Frits Meyer, chiei
Willamette Falls Camp No 143, W. 0
W. meets 1st and 3rd Fridavs in the
Willamette Hall. C. C, S. F. Scripture
and clerk G. Olds.
Oregon City Camp, No. 6066 Modern
Woodmen cf A mr-riea meets every second
and fourth Tiiew.lay in the month, at
Willamette Hall U. Grosaenbacher,
Clackamas Chapter No. 2, R. A. M.,
meets on the third Monday of each
month in Masonic Hall. M. Bollack,
Tualatin Tent, K. O.T. M., meets in
Red Men's Hall, every Tl ursday even
ing. E. E. Taylor, record keeper.
Meade Poet No. 2, G. A. R., meet
dret Monday evening in each month at
7:30 and third batunlay in each month
at 1 o'clock p. m. in Wilamette Hall.
f . Colbert, Uommander.
Lawton Command No. 1, of Oregon
llninn Vatnnna ITninn mreta second Sat
nrday 1 p. m. in Redman's hall and
fourth Saturday at 7 p. m, in T. F. Cow-ing'somce.
Pioneer Chapter No. 28. 0. E. S. meets
the second and fourth Tuesdays in each
month at Masonic Hall. Mrs G M
Strange, secretary.
Oregon Lodge No. 3. 1. 0. 0. F., meets
every Thursday in Odd Fellows' Hall.
T. F. Ryan, secretary.
Falls Encampment No. 4, 1. 0. 0. F.
meets first and third Tuesday in each
month. Judson Howell, secretary.
Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. A. M.,
meets first and third Saturdays in each
month at Masonio Hall. T. F. Ryan,
Meade Relief Corps No 13, meets at
WilUmatto Hall th flrat Mondav in
every month at 2 o'clock p. m. and the
third .Monday in every oiomn ai :w
o'clock p. m.
Ancient Order of Red Cross Oregon City
Lodge, No. 1, meets second and fourth Fri
day in eaon monu in v itiameiie nan.
United Artisans meet every Thorsdsy
evening of each month at the Willamette
Hall. The social meeting of this order
is second Thurseay of each month. E.
H. Cooper, sec., K. J. Goodfellow, M. A.
Lone Pine Lodge, No. 63, A. F. A A.
M., Logan, Or., meets on the second
Saturday in each month from the 1st ot
May to 1st of November at 2 p. m. and
from 1st of November to 1st of May at
10 a. m. Geo. C. Armstrong, Sec.
Redmen Wacheno Tribe No. 13, Imp,
0. R. M., meets Tues ay evening 7:30,
at Red Men's Hall.. B. Dillm an, C.
of R. ; Harry Baxter, sachem .
Junior Endeavor meets at 3:30 p. ni,
Sunday Services.
St. John's, Catholic Rev. A. Hillehrand.
pastor. On Sunday, mass ai 8 and 10:30 a.
m. Third Sunday in each month, German
sermon after 8 o'clock mass; at all other
tuaaes, English sermons. Sunday-school
at 2:30 p, in. 9rrs. apologetical subjects
and benediction al 7:30 p. in.
German Evangelical Lutheran Imman
nal Cornsi Eighth and J. Q. Adams sis.;
Rev. Ernest J. W. Mack, pastor, bunday
srhoo at 10 a. ni.; weekly services every
Tburtds- at 8 p. m. (Jrrman school everr
Saiurda) from 9 to 12. Everybody invited.
Methodist Episcopal Church-Rev. W. 8.
Grim, pastor. Morning service at 10:4.1.
Sunday School at 10:00. Claaa meeting alter
moraine servlre. KvenlnR aervlce al 71.
Epwortn League mectin Sunday evening at
i.M; Prajer Meeting, Thursday eveuluf al 7 JSO,
siranaerseordlallv invited.
J. Montgomery, Pastor. Services at U a.m. an4
T:S0 r. a. Sabbath School at 10 a. m. Young
People's Society ol Christian Endeavor meets
every Sunday evening at 30. Ihu.adav
evening prayer meeting at 7 :S0. Seats Iree.
Eighth and Madison street. Rev. 8. Copley
pastor Services every Sabbath at 11 a. m
and 7:45 .'p. m. Sunday School 10 a. m
Prayer meeting 8p.ni, All are welcome-
Hev. P. K. Hammond, Rector. Hervicea
every Sunday at 11 a. m, and 5:00 p. ro.
Sunday school al 10 o'clock, Other services
as may be announced. All kats free. Stran
gers cordially Invited.
corner of Main and Eleventh streets Rev.
E. 8. Bollinger, pastor. Morning service)
10:30; Bunday School 12; Junior" Endeavor
6; Y. P. S. V. E. prayer meeting 0:30;
evening service 7:30.
United Brethren Cor. Eighth and Pierca
streets. Rev. Cocking, pastor. Hervicee
every Sunday at 11 a. n. and 7;30p. ni.;
Sunday-school at 10 a.m.; young people's
meeting at 6:30 p. m.; prayer meeting
every Wednesday evening.
H. Heaven, pastor. Preaching services
every 8undsy at 10 30 and 7:30 p. m. Sun
day school at 12 noon to 1 p. ni, Juniors
meet in the afternoon and thetienior Young
People's society and Bible study class at
6:15 p. m. Thursday evening, regular
prayer servios at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday
evening, Bible study class st Y. M. C, A.
rooms Ted by the pastor.
German BaptlBt Services the first Sun
day of each month at 3 o'clock p. m., con
ducted by Rev. Albert Graner.
Evangelical Lutheran, Zion Congregation
Cor. Eighth and Jefferson streets. Rev.
Meyers, pastor. Sunday-school at 9:30 a.
ui.; services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
SEAVER CREEK At the Welsh Con
gregational church, Bunday service will be
as follows: Preaching at 10:30 A. M. by
Rev. J. Morlais Richards, B. O. pastor;
Sabbath school at 2 P. M.; weekly prayer
meeting Wednesday at 7:00 P. M.; celebra
tion ol the Lord's supper, second Sunday of
each month.
Free Methodist Rev. J. W. Eldridge, pas
tor. Preaching first and third Tueedsys at
It a.m.; proyer meating every Thursday
eveulhg, Services held in the Congrega
tional church at Elvville.
M. E. South Rev. T. P. Haynes, pastor.
Third Sunday at United Brethren church.