Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 22, 1901, Page 14, Image 14

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I. V.
'kll alrrp U wairhla. ht,
Mil It fcrsrta. fcu airong )ou brat
it. lh ur .mg liM'swal aaart,
Till hit polar W
lul )eu il.-p.
II I L.LIIU iLi arf rl.wmi
What ltanorl Jrama Biuat llt '
Man.' a lolj laalaaj
VllrJ frvra u ar a-rwaa '
, aho artnrtlmr aatrk and
hii roa aiMf-
Link- . tKal M4
hmit ktk .thrJ rur r4.
Mm doll dmfi t th rrraat,
Thrr t lot ana 11 oft loM.
All four InMur aaf to
ui fv.
liU roo 1T l 1!
ptmrt hf o mrlW taat.
tittl hrtru! Tim ""
tor Ik hi to kold fM tlgM
taw aor Im, I
tiu r
Conataac IitU la aiaatbrrs JWwal.
Kan, J 1 l
The hour I Lite, and he I snilous to, j Vnti 1 L r. .ir..ni.'.l
Im nl home. Ho has no com passion rur
. . . . . ... . ..... ..i.
me. rney ifiiii nit' t'fiiit t" . tvii.
George rsrsous and I were enemies
ftvin tb first. Wc did not affiliate
Kys la tb vllUe school ami ws
isaaaed tofether Into the hlfber rrsdes
w bevame even less friendly. Wt did
not u our fists on each other, but
wltblu each bresst there still rsnkled
tbe remembrance of niiM'ttleJ old
core. Later on w tntowed our af
frrtlona njHn tba aui lady. Laura
Maraball waa not a coiuotte, but It
aerwd to take uer a long time to niaka
op bor ulud wblcb otie aa to be tbe
kapry n,an. Wben ber choice wis an
nounced. I'araona wta furious, and we
liad bitter wrd. before wltnewea.
One day mr towuiiele were atar
tied by tbe annouueetueut that Taraona
bad d!a,;earvd. Ilia bualneaa alalra
rrere prweroii, and ererytblnis waa
la gaoA order. lie waa a reticent aort
of fellow, but had he left of hla own
accord be would naturally bare left
onie word with bta clerk or at hla
boarding place, but none could be
found. Aa time platted tbe tuyitertoua
3Uapearance Imnw the one topic of
coaTentatlon In our Tillage.
On tbe uiorulnz It became known I
Jlacharged our aerrant maid for a fre
quent neglect of duty. She waa cba
frlned at ber dlatutsital and aoon apread
atoriea that were founded partly on
facta. Sly wife bad been aeen In earnet
xuveratlon with I'araona tbe prerloua
day. we had a little tiff at tbe teatable.
aud 1 bad not returned home that nlbt
till quite late. It waa plain to be aeen
that public opinion waa forming aga'.nat
tne, aa It tiecanie neceasary that aotue
one tuurt be aunpected to glTt tbe goa
alplng tonguea an occupation.
In lea than a week aome boya found
a man'a body In tbe rlrer Junt below
the Tillage. It had apparently been In
tbe water but a abort time, but tbe face
bad been eaten by eela or beaten out of
bninan shape. Tbe akull bad been
broken by a blow, and tbe medical ex
aminer proved, to hla own satisfaction
at least, that tbe man bad been killed
before llug thrown Into tbe water. It
aeemed to require no effort to Identify
tbe remains aa those of George Par
aona. and It waa but natural that my
arrest should follow.
I waa as willing aa any one that my
trial abculd !?ke place at ouoe. con
fident that my Innocence would sorat
bow be proved despite tbe circumstan
tial eTldeuce which waa gathering
against me. Accordingly the case waa
entered at tbe term of court then In
essiou. Aa I recall tbe testimony I do
not think a single witness, uuletts It be
our former servant, testified to any
thing but tbe truth.
Jly wife bad fallen 111. but ber testi
mony, even if It could bate been ad
mitted, would bare proved more against
than for me. It was easily determined
that Parsons and I were unfriendly,
that we bad quarreled, that I was J .ul
cus of my wife for shaking to bim and
that It would be to my buslnesa advan
tage and domestic peace to have bim
out of tbe way.
Could I have proved that I passed
the hours front 8 till 11 o'clock ou tbe
night that Parsons disappeared In walk
ing upon a lonely road all the ot!i-r
testimony would bare been worthless,
but I did not remember 'meeting a 'In
gle person abroad that ulglit after 8
o'clock. When I returned home, tbe
streets were deserted I was harassed
about business matters, vexed wltb my
wife and suffered from headache, but
when I explained this It was evident
that my story was uot credited.
My couimel was an old and tried
friend of uiy youth, but be did not poa
ceas the ability to show the Jury the
flimsy character of the evidence of the
prosecution. It was against bis advice
that the case bad been put ou trial so
early, but so confident was I of acquit
tal that 1 did uot realize on what pre
carious ground I stood. I felt that In
tome way my Innocence would be pro-i-d.
although I stood almost alone lu my
belief. The trial was a brief one, and
the arguments of tbe lawyers were
aoon finished. To these and the charge
of the judn'e I listened like one In a
trance. The Jury passed out. and a
few friends came to me wltb words of
cheer and hope.
Hark! Tbe Jury la returning. Surehy
they cunuot have made up their minds
lu so short a time to condemn a fellow
mnn to life Imprisonment In response
to a request from the Judge I stand up
and face the Jury. There Is not a
friendly countenance among the twelve.
I bnrely hear the ominous word
"Guilty!" which the foreman speaks.
Tbe shock Is bo unexpected that I
acnrcely realize tbe meaning of tbe
Judge' cruel worda as be pronounces
l.ambrrl, Nb, IK I., 1'.
rsirr..n. a r.
H. S ' VV. U
T.inhlp I
sn.l I f . N , S of
of rUInt, Mvt llnit
Sou Ui, IUno I
the sentence of Imprisonment for lire
In lw.1 ll.mk M im It.V S
II. m , TnliH I HmuIIi. IUn
I kl ..; :
and. tlianka to some unknown friend
Aim drops a potion In my coffee. I1
soon fall asleep. KxliiuiMcd iiatuiecau
staud the stralii no longer."
I urn aroused In the early morning,
nml a few Mcmls come In t aay fare-
.. .11 tl..... tl..b HlllllltlAll til..
" - '.rr...n. 8.lm ll.-V Inter.! In
fully than I tbt, A abort railway Jour- f k. V m., lot t. i,
... . ... . . . ft I ftl.,l.... I.I M. ...I. I.. O.....I.
ii.-v. a r il in a xk ke cttrrisuv. ami "
the prison la reachtsl. I answer a f.
questions iiitH-liiinlcally and exchaiiKe
my clothing for tbe strlxM drvss of a
flight or steps ana tnrougu a long corn-, .j,,,, , ,Ull(, , Kjll
. :ttt, 0 acii 11 i
Tlil B SMftjIh, Naaa I Kal.
lUl'S I Kam. rIM s.'rra
M'Cllama. M Ik-A l.il. ir.t In HK.
V in.) ll I. I H..llon It, Toon.
hl I tlouth. lUns I Kul, m r,
With an olllcer I lSs down a rlr.on. H.-ln.s-W. i s. rr of NK.
... . ' V wf NK V Swllon IV Town-
dor lighted by a single flame. I am
puhcd Into a small, dark. Ill smelling
cell and for tho not time realise tlmt
the Judge's lat words to me were,
"And the first day thereof shall be In
Solitary counuemeut.
Kvcrythlng Jiss U-t-n a dream up to
this tuoiticut but the awakening Is ter
rible. Aa I hear the last echo of the re
treating footsteps I comprehend my
IHwItloii-alone lu prison. It seems as
If I shall go mad. A feeling of suffoca-
tloii orercomes me as In Tain I attempt
to cry out and clutch at the bare stone
walls. My bead throU as If It shall
burst Tbe wildest tboughta crowd to
my brain In a confused mass. I do not
comprehend them. My blood course
through my Tclna like rlvuleta of mol
ten fire, bunting tbe flesh at each
pulsation. How long the paroxysm
huts I knew not. as In the darknesa
I ran take no note of time, but wbeu I
grow calm I think out the course of the
The long hours pas. away until It
seems as If tbe ulght has come. I And
a can of water aud gratefully cool my
parched throat. Then I seek to lie
down for tbe night, but tbe cell Is too
smalL Tbe light apparently grows
dim. and In a cramped position I try to
grt a little sleep. Again wild thoughts
surge through my brain, but at last 1
lose cousclousness.
Again I am wide awake. How long I
have slept I know not. but 1 am cold
and dmc until It seems as If the hlglit
will never end. I never experienced
one so long before. The silence Is op
pre!ve. There Is a rush of cold sir.
aud I feci that another day has daw n-
ed. I reuiemln-r that I have eaten noth
ing since filtering the prison, and sl0
th.it a loaf of bread lies beside the can
of water. I clutch It ravenously, but
the mouthful ct ke me. Must 1 go on.
day after day. In this prison! Is there
How slow the hours
forgotten me lu my ,
solitary cell, and will It become my j
Wsiwr. Annl M -U' , 1 hW.
Iln S3. T.'xn.liln I Houth, Kni
I ill si-rs
14 X
i a
Taskjl a Soallt. Hats I Taal.
HlMfta. Vk ,, It, U ( , U aa,
llrilrr Mar -II scr In W.
M..lmra t. U I'. No a . a d
.iiIhJ in lw.1 iok ii, ims J.
H,H-tlon t Tonahl,t 1 Houlh,
Hans t Kt I
Albrtsht. Jan H la s-ro In W.
llolma l. I. t'. No. B. as !
t rilM.I In 1I lunik I .', as ,
H-ilon t. Toai4ili I Hxiuitt.
lUns I K-Ml I
Vairt, Saaaavl, II. U t'.
rV-hml.lt. Marv K-t arrrs In .
Van.'a t. I. C No. U. a d
orild In lrj uKk W p s J..
H.rtloa t Toanaiup I Houlh.
Hans I Kaat 4
rare, laaae, II. U V. 64.
Con.lon. (.. klr.-7t srrs In laaso
Karr l. I. i'. S U aa .l.-r.tw
In IWJ IkKik Jl. ivs I Ho.--in
n it Toanahlp 1 Hutn. Hans
t K
Tawaaala 4 Saata. Ha Kaal.
Kullar.1. r4 nj Itolwrt-NK V
of HK V iopt a U'.-ritr,l In
ilwr.l ll.H.k a. s IM. Hrrtlon
Toanahip 4 Houlh. Kalis I
Kaal. M a. fa J 41
l'nknoan-.K t. of HH l of M'
Hr-t;on 14. T"nMp 4 H-ulh.
It n 1 r..t, lo a.r i;
llolman W. C-Il I. t HWtlon
Ji, Toan.hlp Houlh, Hans I
ImI. I1U scrs 1 SI
M4rrk, W. II.. II. L. C. aa. SluaH,
Klln-fn.!r!.lrJ lntrrt
In acrs W. 1'. Wo.mI.-u. a
t. U C. No. U. tt drM-ntH-J
In ImmkI IhM.k Tl. pat i;:. Hr
tlon 4. i. Toatianlu I Houlh,
JUnss I ht, S a.r
Great Bargains
at tiu:
jacket Stope
. .. - N"
Tawasala Saath. Haait I Kaat.
Kolha. Hobl. C-K. of NW. V
Hrrtlon M. Toanahip I Houlh.
lUt.s S Kaat. u avf .. ...... I S3
Kvrr..n. Ja -NK. V. of HW. V
rWcil.m M. Toanilp Houth,
Jiang J Kaat, HI a.'rt t II
Tawaiklp Saala. Haait 1 tal.
Charm n. no -HW. of NW V.
Ho lion Toanahip I Huib.
Itansr I Ka.l. ) a.r.
WrUM. A. C.-H S "t
NW. U of NK V f.4 Nt V of
no help for me? How slow the hours I v. Hcti..n ti. Toanahip
pas'. Have they forgotten me In my Truiimsrr .' J..r-i arr. as j.
arrlowl In Im-.! Itook P. pas
. n . 1 ,- . i . . . ml
f. -l,.t, ..t . Ilrlnvl '" K
fia.Ci M. v. m ... "'a i lutf.a 1 i
face or the sound of a human voh-e. . Ho.inn. Th
, . . . . ... , . Hr-ion
even it it la uut tv uricr uir uu iu uaiuri
Uska. WlUlugly will I Wutk If I can
only be among other men.
After I have almoat lost all hope of
escape 1 bear footsteps approaching.
At last the hour of my deliverance Is
at baud. How long It takes tbe Jailer
to reach my cell! He Is w alking slowly.
He baits before my door aud dell ber-
I feast Mi 4y
rh-a.-NK. , of 8K. V,. I 7M
IT, Toanahip S Houlh, 'lV,"
I Kaat. o acrra I l ' 7k i
S S3
I 41
Nia line Silk Wlvpt, KiMion.-t,
V'ilin!, Polit-H ami Sfd Til
Now lint tif Lailion' Hack CuhIii,
Sitle Ctiinltn, roinjailiur ftinl
Hair OrnamiMit.
Ntftllf, Pin, Mourning I'inn,
Hair IMiih ami I-oail lVnciU at
lowcnt pricrH.
('aH, C'aj'i, CaH, Mt-n'ti ami Woy
Wmtt r CapH way Ultw toHt.
Wo carry the Kukay KiJ (Jlovt H,
warranted not to rij.
1 htloz hulicit' tluu 1 lutwlktrt hicfrt.
tlmhrollan at mliict-tl priot-n.
Si t' our lino of Turkish Towel.
Doll all icx, ali-o Poll Uiadrt ami
tho Mim-rva unhriakahlt Heatl.
Siwing Silk, Kinhroiihry lilk,
Mathino Silk ami lhittonhlo
Mi-h'H. Woimn'it and Children'
fimj UniU rweai at lowi-ht prioeH.
Kiel littiiiK' C)rHot, 2-1 iliflvront
Kino lino of rianeh'tto WrapjuTg
at all pritv", ttln iVrralc and
Calico WrapiKTH.
FincHt lino of Valonct'iino lUcci
and KillMins to U) had in
Oregon City.
Wo ninko a nxclalty of IuiditV
aud Children' Hoho iupirtort.
Wo ca rry tho (Joldex Fh oco Saxon
known to Ihj tho Ih-hI tho world
ever xeii, alno (ierinantown
Yarn and Zephyr.
A fino lino of ladie' I)reH Skirt,
UnderSkirt ainll'lanel Waist.
A nw lino of Flaiichtto Night
KoIk'h, alo Muclin Night Pre
m, ('oret Cover ami Uahy
Prt'xiinK Sack, Kiniona and Fas
-cinator all tyle ami prirr.
Full lii.o of 1 adieu' and children'
Lak. Bamul-E. U of NW. V, and
. To
.v. v. of fits. m. aVcllon L Town
ship 7 Houth. Ilans 1 Kaal. 140
acrs ,
MmIii Street, between 6tli a 7th.
Oregon City, Or.
Aadrrson. A. W.-NH s, of NW. t,
HctLoa Tuanahlti 1 Suutrt
ately Inserts tbe key. The bolts move I hans- I Kt, w a.-rs
slowly, the door swing, open, and I j Wl 't
step forth. I devoutly offer a mental K. HWtlon X Toanahip I ui;,
prayer of thankfulness. 1 follow u.y .' ' -f,'v', iv'-""-
r , ... ' Hndrt kon, A. v. Houth acra
conductor and soon stand In tbe pre- ; of hk. i, of NK. y H-tion y,
Toanah u 1 Bu(h. llama 1 Kaat
euce of tbe warden, wbo grasps my
ba id. saying: "I hare good news for
yon. You are free."
I tottered and would hare fallen bad
an officer uot assisted me. I cannot re
alize that my Imprisonment Is at au
My amatetnent la even greater wben
George Parsons comes forward, but lu
the hearty handshake that follows we
become friends. Ills story Is soon told.
He had received a letter stating that
bis uncle was seriously HI In a neigh
boring state aad wished to see him. At
flmt be determined to start tbe follow
ing day. but found that by walking
across to a Junction he could take au
express tralu that night.
Hastily preparing for tbe Journey, be
wrote a letter of expluuatlou for bla
clerk, but It was laid In a book and not
found until bis return. He found bis
uncle dying, but arrived In time to re
ceive hla blessing and a fortune. It now
became necessary for him to make a
Journey west, and he left Immediately.
Not uutil bla returu home did he leant
of the supposed tragedy aud he lost no
time In coming to the prison to release
"I have telegraphed to the governor."
the wurdeu said, "and if you gentlemen
will step In and take dinner with, me
you limy take the afternoon tralu for
home. It will le an unusual sight." he
added Jocularly.
"But," I asked, "how can we reach
home tonight? There Is no train to our
place ou Sunday."
He looked at me In astonishment.
'How long do you supHse you have
been lu prison?" asked the warden.
. "About twenty-four hours."
"You were In the solitary forty-five
minutes," was the reply.
Iiut It was the longest day of my life, i
r-v, I !,-.. U. I m,A U. V I A i
I. rictlna 10 anr. a J-ac . lij
In lrd hook 44, pa Ul Mic
tion V. Toanahip t Houlh. Han
I Katt. 14 arr.
McNar. uo. I'. - M arr, as d
arrllrt In IW4 IbmS 41. pas a4.
Hrrtlon a. Toanahip 1 Houlh,
IUn I feast
1 11
n to
10 a
II 01
Tawaaala 3 Saatk, Haa( a Kaal.
Unknown Ownr-8. V, of NR. '4 and
NK. I of HIC. V BVcllon I. loan-
atop i ISvuth, Hans I feaat, IJ)
Lbt-flc. W. O , and MrAnl. A.
.V S of HW. anil a. rta oft
of B. nl of W. V, of NW. V. HVc
lion 12. Toanahip I H-JUth. Htn
t feat. )'i a.r.a
IngrahHm. Jam' II. -W. of NW.
V (Wtlon 11, Toanahip Z Houlh,
Kans I Kaat. SO acfaa
Klnsalmrx, Jfm K. of NK. W
of HK, Hrellon Townahlp i
Houlh, Ilans I Kaal, ti acrra ....
Hawk, Jma T., an.l Hklrvln. W -NK.
of NK. sn. W. S of
Nlv. i, anil lot 4, ri'-rptln ti
arrr. Hook ! pas I'd, hi:(llt
II. Townahlp I Houth, lUns I
Kiat, li7 V. acrra
1 M
IX. Townahlp I Houth, IUn S
ytml. li acf ;
tn-iprr. J. W.-HK V i.pni.s t
a.rra. Hrctlon II. Toanahip I
Houlh. Hans I Kaat. VA arr.. .
Hall. fellrn-U.is t. k Hrll..n F.
Townahlp S Houlh, Har.( I Kaal,
tt acra
t'ramrr. J. - HW. I ..f HW. V, nl
fe. S f y- " u,t' 'i 1 '
Horilon S. Townahlp I Houlh,
Ur I Kaat. IM; srrra
Drapr, J. W.-NW. , sn4 N S of
HW. V Hrllon . Townahlp I
Houlh. Itarig I Kaat. ! arf.a ...
I)rar, i. W.-NK. V, snd N S of
HK. Hrrtlon . Townahlp I
Houth. IUhS I Kaal. Zl B rr
Cramrr. J II.-K. S of K S 'f
V,. Hr. tlon II. Townahlp I Houlh,
llanaa 1 r'-aal arrra ..
, Crsrnr, J. K.-N'W. of N. H
Hrrlion 13. Townahlp I Houlh.
' Hang I Kaat. 40 arr
Iavla. John, llrlra of - r srrr. as
lrrrllrl In lrrl l".ik Tt, i-;
Hrrtlon U, Toanahip I H-.uin.
i Maltaoa, A a.. I. II. I.. . Bo.
W'snl. Illrn J . Mr -111 srrra In
Al.rl kallm.n t. I ' N'
a lrrrll4 In !-t Ho" 4J.
aa 4J. Hrr-ll..n M. C. . town-
I ahlp I Houlh. lungr I Kiwi
Phrli.s, Iullan-ii airr In Ahl
Matloon l. 1 .
I(lrn. Annl-NW. of $K. V
170. SWIIon 14, Townahlp 4 Houlh,
llar.a I t-tt. 40 a. rr
I Wnahl. r. It-W. W of HW V SW.
tt U Hon U. Townahlp Houlh. lUnga
I Kaal. V him
ItrrM Arlhor-Sfl U of HW. V
l Hrrlkm K Townahlp Houth.
liars I fetal. 40 arr
It.fir. J. A.-H W of HK V. Hrtn
ti Townahlo 4 Houlh. Hans I
I so
1 a
4 44
Taial B Saala. Maaas fea4.
Jon, a V , Ailmlnlalralor-HW V
of NW. t,. HarlK.n 1, Townahlp
I Houth, lun I lUal. 43 arr ,
Briton, i II.. ai.l Hyt, Krrl-HW.
S of HW. V Hrrtlon I. Townahlp
H-uth. Itansa I lat. u r. ..
ttara. .llaablh-HK. H of HW. Va.
Hrrtlon 4. Townahlp I Houlh,
Itarig I Kaat J arrrS
Oorlnt. J NK Hrrtlon 4 Town
ahlp t Houlh, lUng I lial, 4
arr.a .
miithux rnnc aUiin
No. U). 0"-
a,rit-.l In lrr.l lt.Mk 4i, mt
li... i...,. ti f. at ToamliiD
I 'Houlh. Hans I t:l 11 T
Phrlpa, . J. " rr III Ahrl Mat
t.M.n I. U C. No. in. a d. rrlir4
In ll.xik 41. ig" TV, Hrrtlon
!. 11, , Toanahip 1 Houth,
Itanga I Kat K
Wright. rrnk H-N. S of NW. ',.
Hrrtlon I Townahlp I South,
Itanga I Mat, arra
Csnn.f. (.'. II. ana Hlmpaon, V
HW. V of HW. , Hrrtlon 10,
Townahlp I Houlh. lUng I Kaal,
Urolrr. John-HW. C of NK. V
Hrrtlon I. Townahlp t Houlh,
Itang I Kaat, arrra
Horrrnaon, Horrrn 1 I. Hrrtlon
I. Townahlp I Houth, Hang I
liat. 40 arrr
paaol.t. Allrt-HK 14 of Hrril.m U,
Townahlp I Houlh, Knng I Kaal,
l'O arrra
"ITU H"t SO.
Jffll 04
a n s. tn. (AlUny U4I)
fl;10 p, in.
sutTM sot' so.
9 -Tt a. tit
Ah p, m (Albany Ursl)
1 11 p. m
Uolngup, 8 .00. M.tSoli.gduap!ri
10 tt
1 u
1 T
Foatrr, Aaabroaa I)., I). L. ',
n Tt;
So. 4.1. !
aula, Itat ld, II. U . . Bti.
Bcutti. J. sm1 ltoatana-1'4 arrra
In A. I. Foster I). I.. C. No. 41,
. as ilrarrlbrd In Im--i Hook M,
page 3S, ftw-tlons a. C, 27. .
Townahlp 1 Houth, Hangs I Kaal
Callugrr, H'laa-J arrra .n A. I.
Kostw li. I.. '. No. 41, s dr.
rlbrd In Drrd llHk (3. ag Ii2,
Hr. tlonn 21, 22, 77, 2, Townahlp
2 HiUlri, flange 1 Kaat
Z7 M
Laaak, Xatbanlrl, . I.. C.
l a
Ho. Bl.
Cramrr, J. It. tH7 srr off t nd
of P. CulllnaT l. I l'. No. Uh
Hrrtlon 14. 1., 20 Zl. Tow
I Houlh. Kama I Knal ,..
Charman. Tho. 'A arrra In 1.
Cutting t). U C. No, Ul, as d
srrlhr.l In l" rd Hook It. pag M.
Hrrtlon ID. 17, 2". Zl. Townahlp I
Houth, Ilmge 1 Kuat
It Irharrfana, Hallkaw, II. I.. V. I,
Thejr Were For laic
"Now," said the fussy old tfimtleuiun,
putting one of the biggest berries In his
mouth and picking up another, "wlint
la the sense of having that sign read,
'Fresh lierries For Kale'' Don't you
i see that 't resli Merries' would be
enough? Don't you suppose that every
body knows they are for sale?"
"I dunno," answered the fruiterer,
"Home folks seem to think I'm giving
them away."
And the old gentleman put the berrj
back In the box.
Klrron, W.IOO arrr In N. Ijtmh
I. L. f. No. II, as ascrlli-it in
lrrd JViok 13, pise 41'J. Hrrllotis
11, 14, Townahlp i Houth, Itang
feast Jl 90
Urlrum, Jaroh, II.' I.. ('.
I5art.ll, C. II 1 U srr In Jsrob
;rlmm D. L. C, ss dracrllinl In
iHd Hook 13, pagp Hrrtlon
Hi, Townahlp 2 Houlh, Itsngt 1
feast W
Smith, Ileaj., U. t. C.
Helr, Hobt. C.-20 acrrs In HenJ.
riinith i. L, (.'., ss drscrlhri in
Irrd Hook 73. pngn 4, Hi-rllnn
li. IS. TownahlD 2 Houth. ltsnsa
2 Kiat, lD.tt acrrs 7M
Townahlp .1 Month, Hang-a A Kaat.
Itlrhnrdann, K
itlchnrd aon
M. Vfi arrrs In
I). I,, r?. No. bl,
Kimball, John I.-BW. 'A of NW. ,
Hrrtlon 4, Township 3 Huiitli,
ItnriKe 2 Kaal. 4l a rn 2 IK)
I3a.rkc-y, W. M. Biiitlon I,
Township 2 South, Range 2 Kuat, 1
20 M am- 1 45
Warner. Kslella 20 acres off of K. 1
, fit HK. '4. Hrrtlon , Township I
2 South, l(unK! 3 feast ' 2 03
McKpiiiIc. Wm.-fxit 4, Hwllon 13,
Township 2 Houth, Hangs I Kuat,
2K. arres I 40
Kellenhoover, Chas. tot 1, B;ctlon
di-arrkbrd In Irrl Hook 2H, pag
441, H.-rtlona I, V, 14 17, Townahlp
I Houth, iUfiK I Knat
Ittrhardson, Mnithrw Klnt of
ZH.M arra, nil of III. ln.r.loii l.
Ia. C, No. 11, rsrrpllng ss dr
a. rlbi-d In l-rd llook i'i, pugs
12: riri-iitlng ss drarribrd In
Icd ll'Hik I', pftgn 2: rsrrpl
lllg SS drarribrd In Ird Hook
Hi, luge 3tr7 ; xi'-illng a di-srrlfx-d
In I'ri-d Hook 2. pag 411:
l-lirpllng' SS drarribrd In l-ril
Ibiok CJ, xiKft V". Hrrtlon I, 9.
11, 17, Townahlp I Houlh, Itiings I
feast, 224. Kl acrrs
Welch, tirorgr, II, l O,
Dclkrr, Oro. T. M arn-s In O.
Welch V. I,. C, as dracrlbod In
l),.rd Hook 71, pilar" 111, Hrcllons
3.1, 34, Townahlp 1 Houlh, Itansa I
Knst; Hrrtlons 3, 4, Township 4
Houlh, Itaiigo 3 Kimt
II to
4 IS
, BT,
24 20
44 K
Uratb lichlnf alonca.
art. aft a oonltlaa, fir.
rnf. or. wu
Kever Felt It.
"Didn't you tell me that you never
expected to touch another drop of In-
toxlratlng liquor?" asked tbe Judge.
1 "Well," answered the horrible exam
ple. "I might as well not have touched
It I swallowed It so quick I never felt .y e b chirni),D & Co., brugi.ts
It." Washington Star. '
TVr. Wllltama I ndlaa
riUOIN'l M KNT will
ear nil. a. Miraalaa,
and Itaklag ril. It
abaorM lb lumora. at'
In.lAnt rllMf Ir.
llama' IN III AS riLB
narad onlf for PIIm anfl itching or tb prirav paria.
rar0 onlf Tor PIIM ana itrning at in priran paruw
Ercrf tmi la warranud. H"I4 br Oniai l.n. or
br mallonrlut of pries. VO aril SI .AO pr box.
WUXlAatH MTU CO., rrop a, CLKTS1JU4U, U.
Townahlp 4 South, Itamte a F.aat.
Unknown Owner Fractional N. H
of NK. '., Hwtlon 1, Township
4 Houlh, HutiKo 3 Kuat, HO 17 srrra I 90
rioillr, John K. Kalnle of-W. of
NW. 14 tid NIC. 14 of H W. 14,
Hrrtlon 2, Township 4 Houlh,
lunga 2 feast, 120 srrra 18 B
K. of I,. 1 acre, aa dracrlbcd In
lHed Hook 2S, mgfl 414, Hoctlon
10, Townahlp 4 Houth, Hung I
K11 st
Moody, ailll?. Ili-lrs of-HW. A. tUc
Hon 14, Township 4 Houth, Hang
2 Ksst, KiO seres 9 21
Caples, Anna H.-BW. A of NK. "4,
H.cllon IS, Township 4 South,
lliinrn. I Ksat. 40 terra 2 00
Hitter, JosiMih-K. 'k of HW. 14, Hue
Hon 1, Township 4 South, Range
1 Kast. 10 acre SO
Marshall. Bllsaheth-NW. of NK
and NK. 'A t NW. 14, Bei-tlon
li. Township 4 South, lUnge I
East, 80 acres U M
Unlf vn Hsj Is Do IU
(Set Irom r.irtlaii'l to Chlt-siti In 72
! hours-just thrsu da. Tha "Cblrsif-
I'ortland H4H-lal." leaving I'oitlsnd
dairy si 0 a. m. vis. O 11. A, N. ai(rs
at t'lurago at 11 ."V) tlm ilurd day. New
York and Ho.ion are rarlird tl.a lotirtli
day. This train, arkiiowlnljfnd to be
lb fastest Isnlween ilia Norlbwrsl slid
Hie Ksfli, Is solidly veatlhuled and lis
eiuipmsiit is itrisnrpssaeil. I'utlmsn
drswlmi rtrotu slepplna; csra, 11 ( tod ate
tourist sleeplnit 4-srs, librsr) -sinoklng
cars, (rea rocliiiing 1 lisir ran, slid un
excelled ilinliu ears, llie muala on wlil. h
are pial to tlmse served at lbs vry
best hotels. Kemrtmher this trsln runs
solid 1'irtland to Chlcstto; I here is no
cIismkh ol ears, and the (fissl of it It, it
costs no more to ride on It than on oilier
We hsve oiher trains "Pscltlo Kx
press" leaves Portland daily st Op. 111.
vi Hiimiiigion, and Hie "Hpokane
Flyer " leaves at 0 p. lit, daily via Bm
ksne for Hi. Tsui aud the Kast.
Fur r.tte, alttepinn car reservations,
call or write to
A, !,. Chaio,
Oeneral Passenger Agenl,
0, It. A N. Co., Portland, Oregon.
daily mvr.it mTiwiuM
or tss
Sir. LEON A.
Pallt n WH'I'll.
Lrss rtittTUtU
Fool T svlor hi,
Oon A. M,
I on I. M.
ft Ui
Foot Kittlt '
T on A. M-
3 w r.
rsa Clly Traa.aortatlsf.
Steamer (UY. Shaver,
Portland font of Wsshlnaum slrts-' J"
days sn. Thursdays at 5 p. " "
ksnU and way landing.
Oak point. , .
lleturnlng, lesv-s ClsUsnls JVWj
dsy and Thursdays st 4 p. HlI
"'""lb , , ,lr9l
Tl.li Is tbs nesrest sn.l most i"""
route to the great Kehalem valley.
Sh tvor Transportation Co
For Infant! and Children.
Tha Kind Yen Kara Always Bought
salary for an IntelllKsiit n,n,l"r.w'j!w
sarh tows. Psriiisnsnl l'1' n".'.,,.iurr,
arh town
t'sr hour for spsrs
liux 1 10'., Chicago.
Bears the
Bltnaturo of
Rupture ami 1
Cured without operation or
at l...a IIDll
iroi UUP..- .a-tfl
Hours t to 4 and 7 to 8 P.
at jm