Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 22, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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M. Nlrharl, Sale Agent.
well-known ' LION Hit AND" Rliirts, , formerly- l.2 tut 11.00;
in soft and stiff bosoms, large aNsortinontcf latest pattern to select
from. Hrini'iiilior Ihls price in only a holiday special.
JAC'KICTM ami CAl'KS for Mies ami children. You cannot
hflp hut find what you arc Uking for in I'iUCKH, QUALITY and
BTYI'K. aa we have the choicest stock shown in the city.
l'lunh Capoa at HALF THICK.
We have the pn tticit line of Infants' and children' Cl,OAKH
you rver laid your tyea on. Come and look them over, heat thing
for ft Christmas gift, pricea way down.
We are ready to show you our line of DHKS8 GOODS, with
everything that is NKW, In Overcoala, ISroadcloth. Homespun,
Herges, rto. We will save you money on Portland prices.
Tenn, Carfla-Lala 4. I. Hork 41.
uixllvlln ft portion t Oak
Jrfom. Nenry i , ljti I
lu 4. Inclusive blm k 1. fanrfnah IS H
Miif man, J K., fcalela Ut a. blue k
f, Canrmah I
Ittir. John W.-l.ou 1 l 1, In-
rlualve. Iiuk a o, lanrmah IM
Waprr. John VV.-l.oie i l I, Inclu-
s,t, ll a II, lanrtfiah IM
u.i.i j,,hn w.-iii a. uiurk it
I anvlfiah 1
)lt.t'. rWah K.-I.UI I, Murk 14.
ahcltiah 1
(r.1aa Harah K-l I I" I. Ill-
rlualve, lilm k 14, I'inrrtiah I
Urlu, W. ai4 . V.-IM I. I.
Mora 23. I'anrniah t U
luVMann, ltlrhar.J -Lute I ant 4.
.l.. a JJ, I'anrinah Iw
Slr.afl .IJ-I. 4. l'-k A
IV. ( anrmah I
Hrdara Harah K-I-Ala lo . In-
rlualtr Ii'm a . lanrmah IM
TtlfM. Mairl. lula I. K 4. him k
il, Cinatnah I
I'aaoet. T. X.-U'la I to . IihIu-
alt bl.wa A. Canrmah I 40
lllnrkarl. KMiaiwIh-Una I. t . 1.
I frartlunal bl' a. hln
blorka 41 an.t 43. I'anrmah 1
Klltaharl. :ilibrlh- U" I. T.
frarllnnal .lra h-len hl"-a
i anl 44, I.. I I. fiarllonal hliM-k
tx-lwrtn blm-ka U nl . Cane-
riral A4alll ( (
)!.. II A lr.nil-l-l I. hi' k II,
Klral Ail.llll.m l Can'mah ..... I
ltir. J"hn I. !!" I.
Vt AUililluO lo Canamah I
I'.rown. Malhaw-lxl 1. lck t,
HofklaiuJ B
Sr-t llral-lilorh 1 to II. In-
cluaiva. I'tta Villa
lluirhlnt. V m -l-.i I lo.l ln.-lu.
alf, all MK-k II I Ita Mlla..... 114
llufhlna. Wm.-U.la I I" 4 inclu-
alva, all hl.k II. I'fa Mlla ..... I "
. A UaJ-llh aa 14 to U. Inclu-
alva.-Vna Villa w
O. I. A S. 4 . 4l" "
llr.n, T 3 - lla IS. 14, blK k J4. O.
. A H. Cw. a nral A.lJIU"n W , a
-ar)w'.l. II. V -l'l I. him a II. .
I . Cu.'l nr A.MUIn lo
r(u .
lU.rrr. Jamra II U'la I l 14 In
. iualvc; all hl- a H, O. I H
o. a Klral AiMiimn lo imwr.o.. 1114
Ilnct-aa, Jamra II -lila 1 l , In
. Iiialvr. hlut-tt . U. I. to. a
Mrl A"MlUn i t"'i 4 a
Hihwan. All.r. Mr.-b'H 14 lo la,
im-lualv. hlotk U. t I. H. I o.
rlr.i A.MIllnn lt lwro II
ll.r.l'.l.ki., U C.-Ut I". !"' a .
O. I A H. Co. a rlr.1 AilJIilon
lo .''Vi'"'
JVIdrr.h.lm. r. A.- Uu II. hlo.-k .
0. I A . l o. A.UIillon lo
Wraji) '
Wralih. M K.-Ul '. 4. hlmk M. . .
1. A 8. I'o. Klral A.I.IUlon
larcu w
N.trrU. C. K -UH 7. . hlo. k . O.
I. A H. Co. i Kirai A.I.IHIOII lo
H.k.-X 1 M
Wooroa. rharlra K - Ul J. '"' k .
o. I. H. Oi.'a Klral AiMHI'm 10
Boalh Oawrao.
fllayai. J. Ii.-U'i 1. I H'"'" 17.
rluuth . NO "
Ht-lin, Wm., ai.d KrMiik-tla a. 4.
I.loik 17. iillh Ihiwrao "
llayM. J. H.-Ula k, a. hl.uk It.
M lhon, Nam-y - U1 1 W0- 1.
Jr, J. Il KalBl. U-l liil'Tral
block M. Boillli imwrioi... ,w
(Nirnnll, K. W.-lla I, a. tl'a "J
Hiilh Owo :V"L-'U'
Holith Iniwrga D1
I J. D.-Iia 10 to IS. Im-lualvp,
hlwk 3. Hoillh (a-w.ao V1
1)1( kaon, J. . - Ut 13. lil"-!
Wllion, Nuncy - Lot 1&. hlork 31.
Conirll. K. W.-lta to M. Ii"'lu-
alv.-, hlork 40, Hulh IMwrBO.... I
U. J. ).-U)t 5. hlk 41. rt'Ulh
i ..........
'Wllion, N.in.y l.t I. .block ,
Htmih Oawiio "
Ia J. I).-I...ia t lo . Iiu-lualve,
. Mock , Houlh Okw.ko ...... ..
iViM-ll'li. W.-I,t 1 l . I'K'lu- ,
Hlvr Mock 46. Houlh Oawcgo...... 1
Cornell, 10, V.-I..I M to J H. Ini lu-
alv.. block 45. Houlh Wwclo.... 162
Cornell K. V.-Ul I I" ",'lu- , .
IV.. Mnck GO, Houth 'llo....
Cornell, K. W.-Lot 7, hlm k dl, U'ull
(WWCKO :i"Vi"i"Vi"
Cornell, 10. W.-Loia 10, H, block H,
Cornell, H. "-!it 14, block H.
Meyrr, Kllen-I'arorl or lim.l. con
mhiliiK imr8 fft, Bouin
Ukhiko 1 w
Iloltnn Land Cn.-Iola 1, 4, Ei all
block lli, lloltun ............ M
Ilollnn Land Co.-Iot 6, block JH,
Ilollon ..".','";'n'
Ilollon lnd Co.-Lot 4. block 19.
Ilnltoii '."
Mocklev, Wartla and 8umin-Ut 6,
block IB, Ilollon ....;""- "
Ilollon I.Hiid Co.-Lot , block O,
Iloltnn ...;v'r'ii' 6,1
HBmuaaen, K. M.-Uil 4, blmk SO,
Iloltoii Ind Co.-Lola 2, , block S2.
Jkillon 1
Bcott, Buaan J.-Ita 5, I, block- 1, '
Allen. II. C.-Lota 5, 6, block 1
Wlndaor 1
'"'it I" ""''It that you cannot resist.
Whttn you cull ut our place, ami look
ovnr thn numerous 1MU0AINS we liavo
trepan 1 for yon.
Wo hove nslucc.l .'KICK In nearly all
lines in our storo, owing to the lutu season
an.lour Urge OVKIt STOCK.
Until the first of January we will sell our'
Mlllrr. Wm. -UU 1. t. bloik t,
Mow a, . W -Ui 7 to I, In. lu
alte, bl'H k I, Wllidaur
Ilura, II. M.-UiU I. tlmk 10,
Kulllvan W. Il.-lut I, bio. k II.
Milry It. VI . Trualaa lol I. llock
11, win.laor
Scott. Suan-UM I. bluck 14. Wlnd
aor nY.itl. Vuaan J-l.la I In I. It.ciu
IVr. blix k i. Wll.danr
iluflman, (iualava A.-. 10,
blutk li. Wlndaor
Ilarrr, Julla-N.l S, bio. k t V
l Hlllaaamrtta Kalla.
Itu, l.nlu -Ixit I, block I, Willam-
rll Kal.a
Itaamuax-n. K. Jl -I-ol I. bio. k 14,
l Um. llr Kali
Iloarll. TI..M..IUI 4, blu.k 1, MI-
lamctlo Kalla
Hammond. A K.-I"l I. Itt acri
lot X, (j acrra, Ititara.MMl
Ilan.n.on.1 A li. 4 44 acrra;
lot 14. tut acrra, lluarauod
1 X
1 47
I 10
I 40
t S
Hill I'ark.
l'nkn. n XaA i .7 aria. Draaant
Hill lark 107
Nr Kra.
I'hrltia. Illnnihard A Itaurr a I,
bUk t. N K.ra
IUrr, Jaruh Ul I. block 4, NrW
1 17
Walt. A
R.-lt 4, bl.M k II
. Canby..
11, inc.u-
Co i. Mary A Uiia lo to
Ivu. bl'a M. t anoy
Wa t, A. KJia I l 11. Inrlualva.
all bio. a II. t'arrtiy
tlarrtann, lla-lta 1. t, block 23.
Kdaar.U. II. K.-Uta 7. I. block 14.
4-aiby ...
A I hart l.aa'a AJallloa la taaby.
Oroham. J.hn A .-!-ota I, t block 1,
Albert la Atldlilun to Canby..
to.1erra. I.ula-All block &, Pmna-
crr"ry Kar.ni"'l.-Aii''b'hM-'k '.
Orraory. Kannla Ji.-Alt blink M.
IlmUrra, Loula-AII bio. k li. iTun-
t X)
1 4i
4 loll. Anna-I.l 4. block 1.
II... Anna -l ot a bl.M'k 1.
Onvld, l. W.-Lol I. block 2. lr
low Nodatrom. Harah S.-Lot a, bio. k 4,
Anlr.-wa, Ada-lllock 11, 4 20 acrr.
Ilarlww'a Klral Addition lo Barlow.
Harlow. Wm-All block II 'Harlow e
Klrat Addition 10 Harlow
Hny.lcr. Il.nry A.-AII of rxlrnahm
,1. a.-rlbrd in Hook .. I"aa 4ol.
1 11
lot I. bim'k 1. liariow rira au
dition lo Ilnrlow
Oarao'., John I) -lla 2. 4. block 15.
Unrlow a Klrat Addition to tfar-
llarinw ''w'm.-r''ac'rr,' ail biock
21, Tlarlowa Mrat Ad.lltlon lo
linrlow 'j.'
Harlow. Wm 4 M acrra. all blK-k 22.
'laiow'a Flint Addition to Hr
low ,
Ilnrlow. Wm. All of ritanalon. I M
acrra, block 23. 2 acrra, Ilnrlow
Klral Addition to Ilnrlow.... ....
1 M
1 11
'Ilnrlow. Wm.-.;5crr. block ?i. Unr
Iow a Klrat Addition to llnnow..
Krlrnda' Orrnon Colony.
Jck.n. 11. O.-All block . S0
acrea, Krlrnda' Orrgon Colony....
Irvln'a I'lraaanl l.lllle llomea
Caraon. John D.-1Q rr"-, ,1?c rl,0,d
4 96
In Hook M, l-HK" an ....HP. i,
irviiia l'liiint Uula llomca..
7 40
Una City.
romoroy, Wnltrr Lota 7, H, t. block
I, Linn City ......".
Wakcmiin, M, ll.-Lota 5. t, block 8,
j.ii.n city
. I'lraaanl Mill llonia, So. 1.
Iovr. W. 8 -I.ta 1. J, rlcaaiint I.lt
ll Monica No. 1..
Hmllh. T. II. lot 6, l'lcimnnt Little
illomoa No. 1
JlmlMoi,. Cltntlln-Lota 11 to 1, In
cIiikIv, I'lcuHitnt I.lltle llomra
Ilniii-r,' MaViaVAt i!oV'9."20. I'lraa
anl Llttla Monica No. 1..........
Carr. Wm.-U.ta 22, 23, I'lcammt Llt
tli llomca No. 1
Hvi ri Ht. IMiiry K.-lota M to 41, In
rlnalvr, I'lfaaant Little Momci
NoiMn" Vlniii Irfita ' Vs" ' '49,' ' ru'iuiant
IJltlo llomca No. I. ;:.;,'
fSmllh, T. II lot &7, l'lanaant Little
lloimw No, 1 ;
Camiibrll, Hugh-Lot 68, Draaunt
Llt'lo Jlonica No. 1
I'lraannt I.ltlle llomra No. 8.
I'lcnaant Utile llomca No. S....
novcri.lKi-, Wm. T. lota 22 to 24. In
climivr;, block 2, Klcnaiint Little
Jlomca No. a. ............ ........
Honrynian, .Martha A. Iota SI,
block 2, l'li'iiHimt Little
RwHnMi.n.''fimiiri lot W, block S,
Ilonevmnn, Mary A. Lota
block S. I'lcttsnnt Little
Watrln, John Lota 7 to 14,
alve. block I, ricanant
1. 2.
Little '47
Home No. I
Watrln, John-Lota 22 to 28, tnlu-
. Hist fjtittliticn of linhiK, silks, nati dh, velvets and ilresi trim
minus, in the latent PATTERNS and MIADKH.'
Our Kret.ch WAIST Flannels and FlanneletUfH are the talk of
tho pooplo, all the new shades can he ha).
If you want a SILK WAIST at half the regular cost, come and
see ourH.
lUiny day and DRESS SKIRTS fiO samples at legN than
factory costs.
Holiday D It ESS I NO BACKS, Fascinators, Knitted Shawls,
Bilk Mits, and Gloves. TOILET ARTICLES and Perfumery of
every description.
Ladle' and gentlemen's PURSES of the finest kind.
Our HOSIERY department is more complete than ever before,
at way down prices.
Wonderful II A RQ A INS in men's, boys' and children's CLOTH
ING, in all the latest fhades and qualities. Sole agent for the Felix
Mod's and boys' OVERCOATS, 15 per cent oir from regular price.
We have the swellest line of HATS and CAPS in the City.
A glance at our SHOE DEPARTMENT will convince you that
we carry the lent brands that can be had.
We are sole aKents for "The Red Star" and the "Geo. E. Keith."
Iva, block 4. rtaaaant Llttla
llomr. No. 1 1 17
Chrlaianarn, Anni lta 7 and I.
hlmk I. I'lraaanl Ultla llom.a
No I a
Ealra. O. II.-IU I. 10. blok a,
I'lraaanl iJHIt llomaa No I.... 41
Malar, T. K. -Il 14. block , i'laaa-
anl Uula llmnra No. ) 14
Watrln. John-Iita 4. I. hlmk 4,
I'lraaanl Llttla llom.l No. I.... 4J
Watrln, John-lxila 10 lo 11. Inrlu-
a.vr, bl.k 4, I'lcaaant
Jloinva No. I
t1arkta.ii I'ark.
Johr.mn, P. M lu f lnnln at BR.
rornrr tf block l. thru. N. 7.U
chain ; thru. K. 14 chalni lo
lha W. Una of Matlock I'. U C.i
thrnca aloni- claim Una to a
iMili.t t rhilna K of place of Do
nning; thrnca vt. to brgiiininc.
acrra, Llaikamai I'ark a fu
IHmlck, Murl K.-K. Si lot I. block
1, Marahllrld
Talbrrl'a Adalllaa la Marahlrl4.
McIX.nnld. Alri-U.t X. block 14,
Talbrrt Addition to Marahtlrld 1 M
Taylor. J. .-lt I. block M. Tal-
b rt Addition to aUrahflald.... 11
Haol'a Aadlllua (a Marahlrld.
Oarnrr. Wllburt A.-t-ot block 4,
llwit'i Addition to ilaralinrld .. 14
Hawl'a Srvaaa AddllUa la Marahtolal.
Ethrlilaa. J. F-U,lt I. t block a.
ItiHit Hrcond Addition lo
Ethrld-, J. K.-l-oH t to 1 loclu
alvr, block a, ltM)l' Second
Addition to Marahdeld
1 U
1 M
1 U
Uathwalta. C. It-Lot It. block 11.
Mrt'uan, Cornrlla-Ul It, 20, block
12. Oladaton
Krlly. H. U. Tru.lrr U.ia I to 12.
Imlualvr. block li. lilaJalonr...
Wlllamrtt Vallry Chautauqua Aa-
aocla lion-Lot li, blmk X Olad-
nrlllnicrr. Balrlla O.-Lot 17, block
21. Ulad-'onr
O room, J. K. Itt I and 2. block
2. tlladalon
Wrlla. K. M -Lot IL block Zk, Qlad-
McMlnnlvllla Cnllrg-Lot 2, block
20, liladatona
Cmaa, Ornha Ixila to I, Inrlu
alva, block ft, Utadatona
7 SO
Lola AelulBlag Gladalaaa Park.
Ilrath, R. M North wratrrlr t, or
lot u, .40 acre, lota adjoining
Oladaton Park 1
F-klund. Alfred M -Lot 1!2. 1.60
acrra, kit adjoining Obtdatone
Wral Uladaloaa.
Moore. Annie II Lnti II to 12. In
rlualve. block 2. Wrat Glad
atone Hrllnmv, K R.-lta t, lo. block 2.
. Wral Oladatonr
1 70
Froat. J. C.-Lot 12. block IX
lIrndcron, Invlfl K. Lot 12,
U. Wral (.llndatona
I'ark I'lacr.
Krllv, Richmond-Lot 11, block 1,
I'ark I'lace
Thlinr, Otto-lot 14, block 4, Park
Moore, II. M.-Lot t, block 7, Park
Taft. Hurnh E. Lota t, t, block S,
Park Pluca
Whnla. A Lot U. block tv Park
Simmon, Znchnrla lot It, block t,
Park Place
1 SO
4 IS
Snhtllvlalnn of lllork "H." by J. A.
haar, I'ark I'laca.
Webber. O. A.-W. H of block R.
S'-bdlvtHlon of Plock "D,'.' by J.
A. Chaae, Park Place
1 85
Worley. JohP
Kdgewood '..
Johnson, M. R
4, Edgewood
J.-Lot 9.
block i,
Clarkaniaa Frultlanda,
Croas. .11. R.-All block A,
Clncknmta itltlnn.ln ...
Cro.a, II, 10. All block B, .
1 acre,
Cl.U'knmaa Kniltlnnds
Croaa, II. K. All of extenalon.
Honk i, p.ige 430, block C, l
atrt. flurkii noia Icri.ltlnnda
U Smith. W. H.-All block D, 2 acrea,
jj Cluokiimaa Krulllund
(iHCkan.na llelnhta,
81 Clnrk. Strnh-8. H of block 69, 1.25
I acrra, Clurkamai Helghta
1 90
! Snhtllvlalnn of Blorka If), 2H, 2t.
I !IS anil Clnrknmaa llrluhta
ruttknmcr. P. W. Lota 1 to 4, In-
cliiNlve, block 29, plat B, Clack-
' nmua liclKhta 1 U
Bolton. A. D Lot 9, block 28, plat
C, Clackamaa Height 18
TramiilcaMure, A. O. lot t block
90, Mat K, Clarknmui Height.. 88
Schlndlcr. O.-Iot 12. block 29, plat
11, Clacknmaa Height 18
Glndstone Henl Ratnte Aaaoclatlon
Lota 1. 2, block 8, Hnwardcn 1 M
Charmnn, Thoa. Lot 1, block 1, Ha-
warden 76
Gladstone Rel Estate Association
Lots 1 to 7, Inclusive, all block
4. Hawnrden 1 9S
Qladstone Retl Rstnte Association
Lot A, block 6, Hawarden 1 71
, Moaa Addition to Orrsoa City.
Lanfr, Tsadore Iota St, M, Moaa Ad-
dltton to Oregon City I
tanr, Iaadora IVacrlbrd In Hook
a, pan IM. Beet ion ). Townablp
I Houth, Kanxt I Vm. .21 acre,
Moaa Addition to Orrgon City... 1 SO
fbavr'a Klrat
I OrBa
faarh Frank K.-Ixt 1. i, all block
I. Hhaw'a Klrat Addition to Orr-
. on City l J4
Baaiarch. John It . block 7.
Hnaw'a Klrat Addition to Orrgon 1
City u
Bantlrr. Iialiha-It 1. blmk I, ,
Shaw'i Klrat Addition to Orrgon
' City M
flhaar, Jamrt W.-Ixt 2, block I.
Hhaw'a Klrat Add.tlon to Orrgon
City H
Bhaw. Jamra W -Ix.t IS. block I. :
Hhaw'a Klrat Addition to Orrgon '
City M
U. at C. R. R. Ca. Iiad I aar Caw. I
Irarl Marrh I, IIHNt. I
KUIng. F.-NW. H of NK. i rWtlon I
T. Toanahlo 1 Houtn. Itangt I
Kaat, 4 acrra 1 4S
Oiwrit HelBkla.
U. J. D. KatatUndl-!d.-d H of
blmk 10, Oawrgo llrlghta
Cornrll. K. W.-AII blmk 12. 1.24
acrra. (ato HrUhta
i a
I Pirrtah. Oro. L All blm k 14, i ll
acrra, oawrco ilrighta
Ia. J. IX, Katatr I ndlvldrd 2-11
Of block 11, Oawrgo lielghta
Towaakl S Soath, Hiagt 1 Weal.!
Ilrr, Davld-C 3 acrra, aa d-acrlHr4
In lrrd itook "V," nag 412. Hrc-
thm 4. Townahlp 1 South, Kanga
1 Wrat 4 25
Warran. Chaa. K. Lor 1. Section 24.
Townahlp I South, Rtngt 1 Wrat,
27.12 a.-rra I SO
Terrrn. trro. W. It 4. Swttnn 27,
Townahlp I Houth, Rang 1 Wrat.
It (t acrra 2 44
Kramlrn, Wm. A. and Oualav W.
It acrra of lot 2. Brctlon 21.
Townahlp I South, Rang 1 Wrat S SI
BalWr, Tkaaaaa, D. L. C. !a. 4S.
Mulg, Martin 1 acre In Thomta
Hal fry I. U C. No. 45. aa df
acrlbrd In IWd Hook 24. page
24, Hrrtlon 22. Townahlp t South,
Kanga 1 Wrat If
Tawatkla B Soalh. Kaacr 1 Wrat.
Kaat ha aa, W. S4 U. L. C 413.
Pclaraon. Borrrn I acrrt In NE. cr
nrr of claim No. 43. Brcllon 25.
Townahlp I South, Range 1
1 cs
(kaae, Tkoa.
J., D. U C. Sa. 40.
Stanton. R. P. and Lottie 0 acre
of T. J. Chase D. L. C. No. 44,
as drscrlbrd In Herd Book 43,
Kge 240, Srctlon n. Townahlp (
uth. Range 1 W eat 17 M
Towaahlp 1 Soath, Riait 1 ESaat.
Wbltromb, Lot ho. BH-41.
Matthlesaen, John 1 acre In lot
Whlicomb D. L. C. No. 2M1. aa
dracrlbrd In Deed Book (1. page
254. Section 26, Township 1
South, Range 1 Kaat . 1 48
Sandburn, H. D. 4 acres In . lot
. Whltcomb D. L. C. No. 2S-41, is
dracrlbrd In Wed Book "H,"
paxa 29 Sections 1 and 1. Town
ahlp 2 South, Range 1 Kist 6(6
Squlrra, Josephine 1 acre In lot
Whltcomb U. L. C. No. Ssm. as
dracrlbrd In IVrd Book 72. page
rsi. Section W, Township 1 South,
Range 1 Kat 2 10
KelloKg. M. K.-.04& acres In Lot
Whltcomb D. L. C. No. 3M1. as
drscrlbrd In Deed Book "J," page
M Rrctlona 1 an I TownnhlD t
South, Range 1 East ,. 18
W Ilia, Ceo., D. I C. No. 42-nS.
Hardy, Jamra' R. 2 acres In Geo.
Wills D. L. C. No. 42-5S. aa de
scribed In Deed Boook 68, page
219. Srctlon 25. Township 1 South,
, Range 1 East 1 00
Logus, Ctiis., Estate 60 acres In
Geo. Wills D. L. C. No. 42-58. as
dracrlbrd In Deed Book 6fi. page
221. Srctlon Township 1 South.
Range 2 East 29 IIS
Atchison, Sam and Aglllnh acrra
In Oo. Wills D. U C. No. 42-5H,
as drt.crli.ed In lHed Book 29, ,
imite aS38, Section 25, Township 1 '
South, Range 1 East 4 12
Wills. W. H. and U A.-5 acres In
! . Oi-O, Wills D. U C. No. 42-5S, is
described In Deed Book "R," '
page 49. Section 25, Township 1
South. Range 1 East 7 SS
Lavngetta. C 6.40 acres In Geo.
Wills D. L. C. No. 42-5S. as de.
scribed In Deed Book 29, pace 4S1,
flection So, Township 1 South,
Range 1 East 1 00
Lewellen, II., I). L. C. No. Tl.
The Waverlv Association IS acres
in H. Lewellen D. U C. No. 71.
aa described In Deed Book 72,
Bp Re 235, Section 26, Township 1
outh, Range 1 East 17 76
Campbell, llertor, D. L, C. No. BO-41.
Page, J. H. 24 acres In Hector
Campbell D. I C. Noa 59-41, as
described In Deed Book 37, page
S79, Srctlon 25. Township 1 South,
Range 1 East 62 66
Thompson, C 6 acres, also N. H of
NB. hi, of lot 1. Nos. 59-41. aa de-
scribed In Deed Book 42, pages
104, 1U2, Section 30, Township 1
South, Range 2 East, 15 acres.... 20 76
Dowlen, Edward J. 5 acres In Hec
tor Campbell D. L. C. Nos. 59-41,
as described In Peed Book 40,
pige 100, Section 25, Township 1
South, Range 1 East: Section 10,
Township 1 South, Range 2 East 7 45
Logus, Chas., Estate 104.50 acres In
Hector Campbell D. L. C. Nos
59-41, as described In Deed Book
21 rare 75 : 37. uase 422: Section
20, Township 1 South, Range 2
96 62
Townahlp a Sooth, Range 1 Eaat.
Marlay, P. TT. NR. K of NE. M. of
See. S, Townahlp 1 South, Range
1 East, 40 acres 26 El
Try our I2.0 "FOOTFORM"
for men and ladies, in vici calf,
velvor calf, and vici kid, plain or
extension soles and the very lat
ent toe.
Don't overlook our holiday
SWEATERS In newest designs.
Wet weather goods in every
description for men, ladle and children at CUT PRICES. Nothing
but the best brands.
Our REPUTATION is well known
and we ask those that are not aware
Always willing and ready to show you around. Our place is
small but it will surprise you when you see the STOCK and
QUALITIES there is in it.
The New Idea 10c PAPER PATTERNS always on hand.
Remember it is the same reliable FARMERS & MECHANICS
Main Street, between 5th and Pith.
Mountain View Poultry Yard
I . .
We tk the first premium at the State Fair in J!0l on
Barred Plymouth Rocks
Ve have for sale young ockerels at 11.00 to $5.00.
We h re a large stock and do not care to carry them through
the winter. If taken nowjou can get a fine txckerel for half
what it will cost you in the spring.
Oregon City, Ore.
Wa are prepared to execute firtt-clats Printing promptly at th
lowest prices consistent with skillful and Intelligent execution.
Your Work Solicited.
ladteatloaa Vary Wllk lha lalUA
Few Cearral Slaraa.
In order to drtt'i-tn'nc Just when crops
need water and when to apply It so
that tbey will not suffer from droucbt
nor be Injured by too frequent or
too jrencrous applications requires a
knowledge and experience that can be
gained only Ly practice and a close ob
srrvatlca of rarluus crops under Irri
gation. It Is the experience of many
practical Irrtgarors that. If an unlimited
cupply of water U a reliable, crops
more frequently guGVr from overlrrl
gnt'.oti than froiu drought.
It Is dl.'Uftilt to dfternine when the
development of the crop Is first ar
rested oo arccunt cf a lack of mois
ture In ti e soil. Fomo experimenters
maintain tbn? tbla point can be more
definitely decided by an examination
of the soil than by the appearance of
the plant, as the latter thows evidence
of the check In Its prowtU some days
after it baa occurred. Usually It Is
then too late to prevent serious loss,
ss the crop rarely recovers from such
treat inert and seldom reaches the de
Teloptnent It would have attained If it
bad been Irrigated at the proper time.
rinnts will usually Indicate by a
chanm? In color or by their general ap
pearance whether they need water
or when they have been overlrrlgated.
Mont field crops turn to a darker green
when In need of water, and the leaves
and stews show a tendency to droop or
curl. The lower leaves assume a pale
yellow. A crNp or dead appearance
In the lower leaves Is one of the best
Indications that a plant needs water.
Grain which has suffered from
drought may mature, but the straw will
be small and short and the kernels will
he shrunken and Inferior in quality.
Alfalfa and similar crops have the ap
pearance of cured hay. Where field
crops are overlrrlgated the color of the
foliage becomes n yellowish green and
the plants have a sickly appearance.
These Indications vary with the qual
ity of the soil, so that It Is Impossible
to lay down fixed rules to gorern. the
number or frequency of Irrigations,
Only close observation for a number of
years on the seme farm will enable a
person to tell by the appearance of the
plants whether they need water or
The amount of moisture In the soil
may be determined with sufficient ac
curacy for the needs of fie plant by
examining a sample taken a few Inches
from the surface of the ground. If It
clings together when molded In a ball
and shows the prlut of s the fingers,
there Is moisture enough present. If
the earth falls apart when the band Is
opened, Irrigation Is needed. As stated
above, this point Is passed some days
before the plant shows Indications of
suffering. Johnson and St.mnard.
Some Coloring.
Scrlbbell-Wbat makes young Pen
ner so blue?
WrlghtOh, he's green at the bual
oesa, and he's discovered that bis man
uscrlpts are never read by the editors
that we mean what
to give us a TRIAL.
we say,
A Dlrkeaa Letter.
George ilauvUir l'cuu la the pos
sessor of a sheet of old fashioned blue
wire woven note paper, wblcb bad Its
j habitation for years upon the bill file
of the tradesman to whom it was sent.
It tells Its own tale:
"Mr. Charles Dickens Is much obliged
to Mr. Clurldge for the offer of Lord
Byron's flute. But. as Mr. Dickens
cannot play that Instrument himself
and has nobody In bis bouse who can,
be begj to dei line the purchase, with
thanks. Devoashlre Terrace, twen
tieth June. 1S4S."
There Is no visible mark of a smlla
upon the paper, says Mr. Fenn. but
there seems to be one playing amon?
the words, and one cannot belp tblnk
lng that when Dickens wrote that ho
could not play tie flute be must have
recalled a certain Cute serenade played
at "Mrs. Todgers' Commercial Board
lug House." written by him In 1S14.
New York Tribune.
Prrfnuara Were Popular.
The rae ftr perfumes reached Its
height during the reign of Louis XV.
Throughout the continent bis court was
known as tie "scouted court. It was
then the custom when giving a large
entertainment fcr the hostess to Inform
her guests what particular odor she
would use for perfuming ber rooms,
and each guest would use that odor lu
making bcr toilet. At court a different
perfume was used for each day of the
week. Much more attention was paid
to the use of the perfume than to soap
and water, and tlcauliness v. as not
numbered nmoui, tie rirtues of that
age. .
Row Tearla Are Sorted. '
The average diver thinks it a fair
day's work to secure 100 pearl oysters
In 50 feet of water. After being taken
ashore the mollusks are allowed to die,
when their shells open of their own ac
cord. The pearls are classified by pass
ing them through a series-of sieves,
which assort them Into different sizes.
Those which are very small or de
fective are sold to make a preparation
for sore eyes and nervous complaints
thut Is very popular In the east Pear
son's. Snparallliona About Saeealng.
Xenoplion, Protnotbeus, Tbemlstoclei
and Cicero regarded a sneeze as a fa
vorable omen. Among the Hindoos and
Persians, however, sneezing and yawn
ing were ascribed to demoniacal pos
session. The Hindoo snaps bis thumb
and finger and repeats tbe name of oue
of bis gods. The Moslems believe that
the devil may leap Into a gaping mouth,
and hence when he yawns he draws
the back of bis hand over bla mouth
and mutters this prayer, "I seek refuge
with Allah from satan, the accursed."
The Moat Expenalre Hat.
The most expensive hat In the world
Is undoubtedly tbe one which was pre
sented to General Grant while he was
in Mexico In 1S82. It cost $1,500 and Is
now to be seen In the National museum
at Washington and Is the finest sped
mon of a Mexican sombrero ever made.