Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 15, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Krk4hw.fl-i. Aai-iCt ft AAA
Friday, November fl.
No progress Is re ported today Id con
nection it It the reecu of Mix Stone.
A mutiny at the Federal priaon at
Fort Leavenworth, Kaa., result in the
eecspe of SO prisoner. One ruao wai
killed end Ave wounded.
French marine are landed and occapy
the cutom-hous at Midilll, Mitylene
Irland. Turkey yield Hill further to
the de mantle of Frnce.
Cbarlet D. Thompson, lead treasurer
I the Knight of the Maccabees, la ade
faulier lo the extent of 157,000. Surely
com pan if will bear the Io.
The Schley court of Inquiry holda Ita
last public session and adjourne. Lenity
made the closing argument and charged
the Commodore with nnateadineea and
failure to obey.
Saturday, Not. 9.
The new Lord Mayor of London, Sir
Joseph Dimsdale, la Inatalled.
Duke of Cornwall and York aucreedi
to hi father'! title and ii now Prince of
Four com pan ire of the 25th Infantry
ail from Vancouver Barrackt, via fort-
land November 15, for the Philippine.
The government of Colombia la in de
erte trights to raise lunda to carry
on the war and ia levying on the steam
hip companies for forced contribution.
Turkey yields to all the demanda pro
posed by France and acrepta the terma.
As eoon aa the Sultan iaaoea hia Irmue
CailUrd'a f qaadron will leave Mitylene.
A violent dispute with I.e-ar. the
Buaaiao minister, waa the cane of Li
Hong Change death. They bad a
tor my interview over the Mancburian
treaty, and the aged viceroy went home
in a psiion and had a hemorrhage,
which multed fatally.
Officer on the lookout for the escaped
desparadoea from the Leavenworth
priaon, run down a party of them, la a
light near Xortonville, two of the prison
era were killed, two wounded and five
citared unhurt. Two more were
caught at Topeka,
Cola Younger, the ootorioua bandit,
recently released from the Minnesota
State priaon on parole, after serving 25
year? on a life aentenre, ha declined a
position oo the Minneapolie police force.
Upon the ad ice of hia friend he de
clined the position. He ia now engaged
aa cleik in a SL Paul grocery atore.
Sunday, Nov. 10.
TJni'ed State Senator Mitchell leaves
lor Washington.
Three more of the escaped prisoners
were caught near Leaveowortb.
Mi-a Stone' latest letter tells ol her
offering. She is enduring much bard-
The battleship Iowa will be assigned
as the flagship of Rear-Admiral Crownin
ahiflJ wben be takes command of the
European squadron.
Football scores: University of Oregon,
0; Washington Agricultural College, 16.
University of California, 2; Stanford
University, 0. M. A. A. C.,5;Cormawa
Indian School, 0.
The prosecution in the Contidine mur
der trial rests and the defense opens to
morrow. About one hundred witnesses
have been subpenaed and the case will
go to the Jury in a few days. .
Great Northern may harness Snou-
qaaimie Falls and use the power to run
the Seattle-Portland trains with electric
ity. The falls have a total horsepower
of 100 000 and only about 10,000 of this is
sow in uee.
France receives a satisfactory answer
from the Porte regarding the remainder
of the French demands. The conflict be
tween France and Turkey may therefore
be regarded as ended.
Monday, Nov. 11.
Diplomatic relations between France
and Turkey are returned.
Paymacter Stevens, of the United
States Army, waa robbed of 48CO in
Consul General Dickinson refuses to
pay a ransom to the Bulgarian brigands
until Mist Stone is released.
Paul Kevere, a great-grand-son of Paul
B"vere, of Revolutionary fame, died at
MorriHtow n, N. J., aged 45 j ears.
Lukfoan, the insurgent leader, is de
fiant and says he will out surrender
nntil the Americana leave, but General
8 uith hopes to get him soon. Soldiers
in the dilu'bed islands are ordered
never be without their arms.
To escaped convicts from the Leaven
worth penitentiary captured a sheriff
anl his deputy, who were kept prisoners
aa hour. The convicts exacted a
promise of immunity from arrest, and
then boldly walked through cordon of
policemen and escaped. Fourteen of
the convicts are siill at liberty and three
of them held npa man at Manhattan,
Toesday, Nov. 12.
It is believed that the President will
xecoujijiend tbe re-enactment of the Chi
nese exclusion act.
Amos N. King, a Portland pioneer, is
dead. He came to Oregon in 1815 and j
lias lived In Portland since 1840.
Ths treaty of clon of the Danish
West Indies to the United States will
come before congress . Report ul sale
are Incorrect.
The strike of San Francisco Ironwork
era, which began Msy 20, I hearing an
end and the man are returning to work.
The term of agreement are not given
out at present.
In the Consldme murder trial at Seat
lis counsel outlines the testimony for the
defense. The evidence will center in
proving Meredith the aggressor and that
be fired the first shot.
The negro who headed the mutiny at
leavenworth prima has been raptured
after a moat exciting day's search. An
other convict waa also captured, reducing
the number at large to twelve. Fleeing
men are becoming bolder.
Santiago Igleaias, who waa sent to
Porto Rico by the Federated Tradea to
better thecondition of Uie working classes
of the Island, has been arrested and
thro n in jail. The public prosecutor
contends that he is a dangerous tabor
agitator. President Goraprra. of the
American Federation ol Labor, has laid
the case before President Roosevelt and
he ha wired Governor Hunt to look Into
the matter.
Wednesday, Nov. 13.
Whitman College beat the University
of Oregoa at Walla Walla by a scons of
6 toO.
Bord of visitors at West Point rec
ommend that the military academy le
Three more of the escaped Leaven
worth convicts are caught and only niue
of them are now at large.
Reports from China state that the gov
ernment is manufacturing arms and am
onltioo on a great scale. A large amount
of army supplies h. s been and is still
being Imported.
Washington University grounds and
buildings will be used for the St. Louis
world's fair. It has not yet been decided
to what use the buildings shall be put.
A great storm is sweeping over England
and Ireland and the suburbs of Dublin
re flooded. Shipping disasters sre
numerous along the coast. Diver-Csl!
mail collided with lightship and 16 are
Two bsttallionscf the 25th infantry
leave Portland for Sao Francisco, en
route to the Philippines. Partial re
turns from every county In Alabama in
dicate that the new constitution has
been ratified by 30,000 majority.
Consul-General Dickinson, of Constan
tinople, has entered a protest to the Bul
garian government. He is hampered in
bis effort by the neglect of officials to
asu'st him snd Bulgaria will be held
legally responsible tor the life of Miss
Stone should the bandits slay her.
Thnrsdsy, November 14.
University of Oregon beats Pendl ton
Academy by a score of 12 to 0,
Severe earthquake shocks are felt In
Utah and a slight shock in Chico, Cal.
Mrs. Mespelt, wbo lives near Crab
tree station, in Linn County, was mur
dered Wednesday night.
General Rayes may become President
of Colombia. His selection would put
an end to industrial d Borders in thst
Paymaster-General Kenny, of the
Navy, recommends that officer of the
pay corps be assigned to fighting duty.
Annapolis training is recommended.
Address to Women by the Treas
urer of the W. T. U. of
Kansas City, Mrs. K. C.
"Mr DbaB Sistkks: I believe in
advocating and upholding everything
that will lift up aud help women, and
but little use appears all knowledge
nd learning if you have not tbe healtn
to enjoy it.
"Having found by personal experi
ence thit Lydla K. l'inkham'n
Vegetable Compound ia a medi
cine of rare virtue, and having- seen
dozens of cures where my suffering
sinters have been dragged hack to life
and usefulness from an untimely gTave
simply by the use of a few bottles of
that Compound, I must proclaim its
virtues, or I should not be doing- my
duty to suffering mothers and dragged
out housekeepers.
" Dear Sister, Is your health poor,
especially do you have any of the
troubles which beset our sex, take my :
advice ; let the doctors alone, try I
I .3i,Vjtta.-e,to.bi; !
and all doctors, for it cures and thev .
do not." Mbs. E. C. Smith, 1213 Oak ,
St., Treasurer W. C. T. U Kansas
CA"m0 Mtt 'f"m" t"t"m"'"U " ;
Mrs. Plnkham advises sick wo-'
men free Address, Lynn, Mass.
A Purr a u of Forestety la created by
an order of the Secretary of the Interior.
The department policy favors the Im
mediate creation of additional reserves.
There will be no reference o UnlT
revision In President Kooeevslt'e mes
sage to Congrva. The omission will be
mads In the Interest of conservatism,
Control of the Northern Pacltlo Is
settled and the trouble sunk in a new
trust, llarrimaa and Hill now agree.
Burlington la not included within the
Northern lines.
Rebel raaip in Southwestern Luton is
surprised and a band of 400 is routed.
The Insurgents were in rifW pits and
cavalrymen attacked theiu on the flank,
killing IS of them.
Bulgarians decline to Interfere In the
caaeof MUs Stoie and onVlele will not
j fceco,,,, parties to any agreement with
triKwade. A Bulgarian clergyman
has seen Miss Stone and
lose her mind.
ays she may
What Miall VYa Have Far UessrrtI
This question arises In the family ev
ery day. Let u answer It to day. Try
Jell-O, a delicious and healthful dessert.
Prepared in la o minute. No boiling!
no baking simply add boiling water and
set to cool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange'
Raspberry and Strawberry. Get a pack
age at your grocers to-day. lOcts.
A Fansas ewpspr Correspondent.
There are few if any newspaper men In
the United State with more brilliant
lerord Iban that achieved by Mr. William
E. Curtis, the famous Washington com
pomlent of the Chicago Record-Herald.
Among newspaper men a well aaatnoi g
tb careful reader of newspapers, it I
generally conceded that Mr.Curti lath
dean of tbe large colony of trained Jour
oalista at the Ostionel capital.
Hit relation with t'e eminent men In
Washington are so intimate and so per
sonal, that be baa an Immense advantage
over the ordinary correspondent. They
give to him their confidence knowing
that be will properly discriminate what
should be said and abal should not.
The newspaper career ol Mr. Curtis
began io Chicago in 1872 Starting a a
reporter, he worked hia way upward rap
lily to the pition of managing editor,
which he resigned to become the Secre
tary of tl e South American CoiumUsiot.
a government appointment. While In
bis position, .Mr. Curtis traveled ten
(ively in Central and South America,
produciog several popular volumes as
tbe literary result of his labors. Later
oo, In co-ipertoo with Secretary ol
State James G. Blaine, Mr. Cuttis organ
ized the work of tbe Bureau ol American
Republics, and ss placed in charge of
that organisation; and at the World's
Colombian Exposition, he distinguished
himself by his labors aa the executive
head of tbe Latin-American departments.
As correspondent of the Chicago Record,
Mr. Curtis' travels carried him not only
into all quarters of the United Statea,
but almost everywhere abroad. Hi let
ter to Tbe Record from Japan and China
were published in book form; likewise
hia letter from England, Germany and
Fragce, and also those resulting from hi
travels In M-xico and in Sou'h America.
A letter from Mr. CurtU H phMiahed In
every isue of the Chicago Rwcord-Her-aid
daily and Sunday.
Aslouwdlng IMacovrry.
From Cooerville, Mich., coenes word
of a wonderful discovery of a pleasant
tasting liquid that alien used before re
tiring by aoy one troubled with s bad
cough always ensure a good night's rest.
"It sill soon cure the cough too," wrl.es
Mrs. 8. Hiruel burger, "lor three genera-
iion of our family bv u-ted Dr. King's
New Dircovery for Consump'ion and
never found it equal for Cough and
Colds." It' an unrivaled lile-saver
when used for desperate lung disease.
Guaranteed bottles GOV and $1 00 al Geo.
A. Harding's. Trial bottles free.
To the i:t.
The gre test percenlHge of Pacific Cossl
trtvel passes through S ilt Lake City by
way of the Rio Grande Line. The fall
snd winter climate in L'tah smLColorado
is ideal ; the sun-lit dnys being as pro
verbial in inter as in summer. This
fact, together with the mugnificsnt scen
ery snd the splendid train service tend
to make the Rio Grande Lines via. Den
ver snd Salt Lake, the moat popular
route in the country, Tbree fast train
daily between all points in West and the
East. Close connection at Ogden with
trains of Southern Pacific and Oregon
Short Line. fnllriiHn Palace and Ordin
ary Sleeper without change to Denver,
Omaha, Kansas City, St, Louia and Chi-
cgo, rerli-ct inning Lar service, l'ei
Monally conducted excursion. For time
tables, rate and descriptive matter in
quire of J D. Mansfield, General Agent,
124 Third St., Portland; or Geo. V.
IJeinlz, Asst. General Passenger Agent,
Salt Lake Citv.
'Last winU-r an infant child of mine
had croup in a violent form," says Elder
John W. Rogers, a Christian Evangelist,
of Fllley Mo', I gave her a few doses
of Chamberlain Cough Remedy and in
short time all dsnirer wsa oast and tl,
child recovered." Thl, remedy not only
euros croup, but when given as soon as
the first symptom appear, will prevent
tne attack. It contains no opium or other
"armful substance and may be given as
confidently to a baby as to an adult. For
gale by G. A. Harding, Druggist.
It Takes aJ Slreaalh a4
('raae Hold ia Kaalassr's Job
on tH el These llrala nlilrllMi
Herve Kahl Haas.
"One of the greatest dlmYiiltle of
the real mountain ronda. Ilk the t'olo
lado Midland, the Rio Grande Western
;id the Denver aud Itlo Grande, la lu
gtttdig engineer," aatd the city pus
sctiger agi-ul of the Itlo Grande West
ern road. This gentleman I familiar
with all the lutemintiiitalu roads,
where tb tralus have to all hut 0 to
reach sums of their destination.
"One might suppoee that all road
would look alike to the eipcrlciu-ed eii-
rltiexr. but they don't. Along aoine of
the prairie roada an englm-vr ran Ink
a run on any new track almost aa well
aa on on he haa traveled for year and
kuowa with hi eye shut Hut brre In
the west It I different. Ikiwii In Colo
rado, where are some of tb greatest
monuments to the railroad builder that
hav ever been en-ctcd. an engineer
ba to travel over the roads aoiueilmee
for week wltb old. ripcrlciifi-d engi
neer who know the track In-fore h
will be trusted wltb a train. It Isn't a
qutmn of engineering ability; merely
one of ciperleuce.
"It I enough to tak fellow' nerv
to sweep around some of those moun
tain curve and passe for the first
time. Some good men never take more
than their Oral ride, f have arrn engi
neer come from the east, men of gilt
edge character and ability, who lost
their berv w ltb tbe Drsl trip aud took
the first train for a Ratter country.
IMiry reverse curve, trestle that
eeiu to totter In the wind, precipice
that eem to jwo for a fellow's lif
and grndt that are a revelation of
horror to the newcomer crowd In In.
wlldertng confusion on the view, and
unless a fellow la a stolid a an oi or
nervy at tb tnlacblef be I apt to Iom
bl bead.
"You would be surprised at the rum
NT of young engineer who are on the
mountain nada For one thing, a mat
doe not last there a be de on a lc
picturesque, more prosaic run. It takes
youth and strength and courage of a
rar order to ataud II all The compa
nies are the moat appreciative lu tb
world, for they realise bow bard It Is to
get a good man. aud they treat a g'l
man right royally. Hut even thla doe
Dot attract urplu of tb right sort.
"The prlnrlp! danger are In tb
heavy grsdi- and In tb sharp curve,
though landslides are far from un
known. One must kuow bis trsln and
bis road Ilk a book to get through
wltb bl life on tb Marshall pass, for
Instance, where you sm-m to plunge
headlong down the mighty hill. A ruck
on the track. broken wheel, a runa
way car or a failure of the brakes to
work would end In a smssb up thst
would startle the whole country. Tb
bill might be a glare of Ice or frost. It
might be w.-t or snowy, ami If you act
tb airbrake too bsrd o a to start th
wbrcl to sliding down the bill you go
like a gigantic toboggan, with death
and destruction at the end of the rid.
The management of tbe airbrake and
knowing where tbe curve and danger
ou place are la tb greatest part of an
engineer education la the aiountalna.
Tor my uwn part knowing the dan
ger a I do, 1 feel nervous after riding
I'X) mile over th wildest part of th
roads veo a a passenger. I rod
through tbe Royal gorge on the engln
a few week ago and w glad when
the ride wis over. It makes a fellow
feel trembly Ilk to 4bluk what might
be, though the worst rarely hspM-ii.
Such 1 tbe car taken la equipment
and In g-ttliig the best im-u tlmt the
.noi'tii.iln rci'l have as small a prottor
tlon of losses aa the dead level' road of
the plain. Hut It take a man of m-rv
to pilot a train through some of th
wilder region.
"A freight train I the worst In that
It Is much heavier thau a passenger
ft nil I expected to make almost th
same time. All th heavy stock train
going -nst, 25 to 30 enra. mnke passen
ger schedule. A freight Is so loosely
rouph-d a to be very uutiifttuui uble at
critical point. The stor k trains are th
terror of the engine driver and all the
"A fellow Isn't necessarily a coward
when be throws up bis Job na engineer
over the mountain ronda. after seeing
w hat the dungtrs are. Not one passen
ger In 10.000 would assume the sam
danger. The position calls for absolute
ly steady nerve, and one who feel thnt
be Is likely to get rattled-1 dangerous
to himself, to the company and to all
who rid beblud blm. A man must
think and act like lightning In the fare
of so runny danger that be must be
sure of his ability to stuud the strain.
No one stays any great numlM-r of
years. It Is beyond one's power to do
so and be safe. A mnn may be bravo
and willing and all that but these are
not enongii. He must be aure and proof
against stampede. Such a man is worth
every thing ,to the companies, aud they
treat blm like a prince." Uutte Inter
A lllaek flower.
Fame and fortune awult the Ingen
lous horticulturist who can suceed In
producing n flower that I entirely
black, a pn dein thnt ha hitherto de
fied the efTo is that have been made In
that dlreclloi) for more than three cen
turies past for, notwithstanding the
sensational novel of Alexandre Dumas,
entitled "Th. lilack Tulip." there la no
such thing us a really black flower it.
existence, although almost every color
and shade o. the rainbow Is present In
flowers and blossoms.
"But she looks so confiding."
"That's JriHt whnt makes her so hor
rid. When you get to know her. you
Iiuu iuai sue nun uuiuiii u euuouo.
Aa Ami Ksr a Tel.
One of the queerest little pels ever
teen I the Mine ant belonging lu a well
know II scientist. This man keep tribe
or nut lu nest which In has made
himself Slid feeds Ihelll with honey or
sunir throtuh a lube thai connect
tMtli the nerds. On day h saw thst
one of the nut I ept coining Into the
Hit to rat up the honey In th glass
il, ut the I. When he tool, out the
toik that (h'siil the bulb, lb Insect
i nine In look for the food, mid he offer
ed II some honey on the miIuI of a
needle, snys the New York Tribune
Tbe aot shrunk back at first then
drew nearer, feeling about with Its an
leiniU', Until It rvmhed th needle.
Soii It tenured to lake the homy off
Ita keeper's fliigr. although aula ar
iimoiig the Hi""t timid of living thing.
Slid a new odor or th least movement
Itltslde their lost usually drives thee
little limi ts sway.
This sut Is now so taut that II quit
the bulb a S'N'ti a the cork I removed
snd goc lu Dud the lioiiey tut the sci
entist ringer, When It meal I over,
It does not try to hurry away, but
wait till It master lift It on brlstl
and carries It back to It neat.
A Hatileeaak Blarr,
In "Life sud Sport on th Psrlftc
Ciuiat." Horse A. Yschi ll relate ou
of hi narrow escape from friend's
bullet: "My roti. In and I bd breu
camping and hunting for several days
lu a irt of paradiso all y. lu day,
during a loug rid ou horn-hack, w
hail seen a great many rattlrauakes
and killed a few, an nceptl.mal el
-erleu,-e, That night my mualn wok
up and saw, by the light of th iinm, a
big rattler rraellng across my chest.
II lay for a nminent fascinated, bor-
rr struck, watching the sinuous curve
of the reptile.
"Then he quietly reached for bit all
(iMter. but he could nt ace th rep
tile' head, aud he moved nearer, Dots.
h-Mly. yet quickly, drradlug Sum
iinneitieiit on my rt that should pre
cipitate the very thing he dreaded, sod
then he saw that It wa not a snake at
all - only the hl- and yellow strle of
my blanket, which gently r-- so l fell
as I breathed. Had h fln-d-well. It
might have l-ra bad fr me, fur l
confessed thst hi baud Ihook."
Keer SarMilaw.
Many of th negro superstition la
Kentucky sre quite Interesting. An
old philosopher told me with grrst
gravity: "If you wsut eppti to grvw,
you must git mad. kly old 'omsn an
me bail a s(at. an I went right out
an planted my peppnh. an they com
right up." Still anotiii-r saying I that
fcpl-r to priprr mint I planted
by a rrilhesde,) or by a high tempered
The negro stso ssys thst on never
er a Jaybird on Friday, for lb bird
visit bl Satanic majesty to "pack kin
dling" ou that day. The Hire sign
In which u ernes place Implicit trust
are the well known one of the ground
bog's spiM-srltig atxtv ground on th
2d of February, thst a ho mint not be
carried through a housaor a death will
follow ami that atai- must I plant
ed in the dark of the mon a well a
all vegetable that rl(M-u In the ground
and that corn must h planted to th
light of the moon.
Lr4 lbs' fialllwila.
Tbe most eccentric anion f an ecoro
trie man wru lord Southey" cool ar
rangement for autclde by mean of a
guillotine. H had a magnificent on
rrectt-d In lb drawlog nmm of hi
house In the Hue du I.UKUibourg at
I'nrls. Tbe machine wis of ebony In
laid with gold and silver, the frame
work carved wltb artistic skill, the
knife, sharp a a raior, was of polished
sud oruniiit ntcd steel. Preparing for
death, bis lordship had Ida hair cut
clone, and, clothed In a role of whit
silk, he km-elcd upon the platform
under the knife la-fore a mirror and
preed the spring which should release
the knife. Hut the spring failed toL
work, and the would be suicide decided
i , ,. ,
to give the guillotine to a museum In
stead of making a second attempt to
end hi life. It I said that h made
an nti nun I pilgrimage to sea the guillo
tine until the end of hi life.
Humor ha been credited with the
saving of many thing, but per bap
never U-fore ha a ship Iteru aved by
It Judicious application. In great
storm many year ago n ahlti's crew
were all at prayers, when a boy burst
Into a fit of violent laughter. Helng re
proved for hi Ul limed mirth and asked
the reason for It. be said, "Why. I w
laughing to tbiuk what a hissing the
boutswaltr red uoso will make when it
come In contact wltb the water.". This
ludicrous remark set the crew laugh
ing, Inspired them with new spirits,
and by a greut exertion they brought
tho vessel safely Into port.Llverpool
A Professor oa Howie-,
A story I told about a well known
Oxford don who knew more about the
travels of Ulyvr-s than about the bout
he sailed In. He went down to the
river one day to watch the eight prac
ticing. He 'gazed for awhile In silence.
"Yes," be suld at luit, "they look Very
iilccvcry ulce Indeed, 1 may say-but
how extremely nwkwurd It must bo for
them to learn to row backward."
C'rrla and (irnanlna.
According to a French physician,
crying and groaning In pulu nro na
ture's own methods of subduing ih
koofitic of physical suffering. , II
thinks thnt men should freely relic v
their sufferings In this way and thu.
crying In children should not be re
pressed, as lu doing o serious conse
quences inuy bo engendered.
Lycurgus being asked whv. In bis
Inw-s. he lmd ret down no punishment
for ingratitude, answered, "I have left
(t to the god to pUIlWll."
f fcla flaaa e"la,rU
TWs Is from a fragment ,f , ,
going left by ('hupl,,; ..N ,,,1,2 J
Inequality In th power of ti, ,
a scil,. when it la pny,.,j vry u "
equally a regard time, u , "nJ
mechanism the aim la n.,i 0 pi,,
rryihlng with an equal soiuxt L",'
acquire a beautiful qiinlltr ,,'f ,, ?
and a perfect slmd'ng. ,"'
Tor a h.ng tiwr player, liT, t
against iinitiin lu iklng glvrrt.,
power to each flutter. tl, the .(,,.,
rneh finger slu.idd bar an sre.r, .:'
part assigned II. Th tl ,t, ),
grvale.t pcr. being the t!,i.ke, u,
grr ami the freest. Then r. niu,, ti. ,
He finger. HI the other rtir. ri,ir ,lf ,i"
h Will. The ml hl'e nugr U !l ,,
support of the hand sn h s-i,,, i,:
the flfsl, 1'llinfly cotur d,q ,i)fi, ..'
weakest one.
"Asto this S,amew twin of ti BlMl,.
finger soioe pliyri try to f,.h- (
ail their l llglil to U-eulue h,, M U,,
a thing luiM..,l,;e ud ima nrf
ne.es.ary. There sre, then, man;
f rent qi sillies of aouml. ju. ,(llt
sre set rial tlngera. The p,,t,t j, ,
lltlllte III- dltTcrvtiee. Slid t,, ( 0,lf
word, la the art of fingering "uutt
ker'e "Chopin, th kisu and Hi, jj.'
laasels IWam laliUtu
(ninth atioii fruui the iiecf j
len of plant la Imtii a iibJ,T of
vestlgailoii by r J, M Weir, it. Tkn
a IT rets lux-els. aud It spirar
rtMUioa flower Is s;nv!aly ,lr( ,
sourr or in uoseiitn lu (
rr tiertar h'lug ireslur. , , i.,
drunk that II c n;! I scancly grf
Its legs wn t iti O to the IsUifgiurr
Slot pland about two hohra ffo-, ,
roamiM bl(.i.ill It luilll.il nlrlt n,j,
gerrl to the tlovkrr Bud ltfri ,,
the licctsr Blt In a frW I,,., in-ii'. t.
l l.d over. S eiiat-lraa Slid aiUUn Iim
victim of apK-ilie. Druukra Uxtu
found Under the bhissnl.i prvv ltj(
the pollen must lSV the run tt
SS the he.-trle.
The ri-rlmcntrr sw,,ni , k,f
tratpuonful f th xdle sn la stt
IS minute stprrtrlieni a feeling of r.
bllarailoo, with sccrlrrstioa of tk
puis sud wsrmtu. An Injnilua Ini
th srtu of bslf a dram of liquid J
tlllett from an tufustou of lh BsriarV
rBusrd iMIrthin for bslf la bxo,
folhiWrt by IHUvt.
Mssa Kveertaia SlUk.
"In muggy wratUr," said tlx rnM
burglar. "I alwsys usl to stop t
nt lecsus work n unpl-aaut tkn.
but on account of everything stu-titg
"Yon couldn't tell what might Up-m-o.
Anything aud vrrytbliig U
bl to tU k and uisk uMir or
tiols when you Dnslly got It twn. A
window might stick at first sut tV
go up wltb bang. I've had rW
pp-n on hie that way-fly opra !!(
sudden aftsr I'd l-o pushing oe h i
long tint and let m Ibruugb ibAe
way on to tb floor. TVr' sli
dauirer. for Instance. In tiullln k
drawer tbst sticks of pulling It rkaa
out and letting It drop.
"There's run st sut dsogr ef
thing of this sort bappetiltig. and k
dorsu't psy to tsk tb rbsnres. A4
It's rssy vnnugb to know wbra tofsf
borne. My rule wss never to try It
any work In wrstbef tbst would rutl
Jlmmy."-Nw York Sun.
H tw Ratlea a fsat.
Tb art of properly buttoning a rt
-any coei-l. do It th other wy.
That la to say that nln out ot s'ery
ten of us button our mats th wrong
way. W commence wltb th mpovet
button when wa should ruiamrUr Hk
tb Ut torn mot.
Th frailest portion of tost Io re
spect to ship retaining quHtlr-e
matter bow well made la the rcglosef
collsr sod Ispel. Th sgg'r axt
chant tailor always rauthms bl ru
tomrr to "wear It buttoned a few dJ
o thst th collar may t tiroperly."
1 TI...H Ikla aa
diuttled. It follow IMI
"" ;" """
logs sun sirsius aucciiii imi c"1- "
the garment tend to destroy Its ij
mi-try. Drawing th coat together 17
tb top button and buttonhole for l
purpose of fastening exert a poll 111
around tb shoulders and neck n-fl
which, by n-M-tltlon. In time will
th iuanet coat bang dog app-r-s
Made Jm4 Matrksa. '
She-I can't moke out how It II tb
Mrs. Wise has fish for nearly rf
uiesl. It csn't be for economy's .
for she must be fairly well off.
He-She has a large fondly of BD'
married daughters, you know.
She-Now. don't be misty and 1
something about girl ami their hrlt
Thot's so old. .
lle-Oh. no. I hadn't the slightest w
teiilton of doing sol
Kho-Well. can't yon tell met
Ho-1 don't know, I'm iur.
It'a because fish are rich lu phuspliofl
Khe- don't see whut that b a(W
with It ,
lie-Perhaps not but still Hi I008
for making matches.
tek Thrift.
The city council of Auckland pl'
price on the bend of every rl In '
city, and a grocer's boy becatu r
feci Nlmrod aud slew about 80.
risk of contracting the plRo 1 ' '
rled his dead along, obtained tb
money and came back Jubilant 11
master and told him how i"(,.'' lD
made. Tho master cast
ry of Aberdeen gray, nd lPB
marked quietly, "Wccl, wecl. Jtiu
pay the niouey to our cnHlll''r'Byd
ken the rats Is mine, not your"-
uey nuiieuu.
The nietlonerv.
It you wont to bo really W' oi
rend the dictionary. H " u 0of
how very badly other P('l),e1 ' tlnf
Intiguage and. lucldeuully. wli" fl
cupful of words we each dip w
Its oceun.-Mluneapoils Tlu-'.