Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 15, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Social Happenings.
iikNTtju k rum,
Tl. Derthltk Mii'li'kl ami Literary
('lull imkI M mday evening at Ilia ie,
dninn of ('oloii.'l and Mr, Robert A.
MiUrr, In, llladatone. The following
prgr" W.i rendered;
Reeding "Mudy vs. Karution"
Mr. Ryan.
Coronation March Meyerbeer
Mimm Draper.
Serenade" i Haydn
Mix LMna C.uflul.l.
fheioini' Handel
Ml. Mettle Draper.
I 111! Ii .a
Via-al eoio --iy iio.ery- fl.vio
Mlaa Cii)er.
a . -it .
-nauui' rei rvntiniann
MIm Willi.!,,..
"H I.m Hum fiom Ilia Allium of Youth
Mlaa Mstlla Draper.
"loirat Hietiee Hihumann
MIm Mettle Draper.
, Tl Anelyal read by Mra. T. K,
t"lo It a ll of those prea.nl!
Mi.. Tliua. K. Ryan, Mrs. (Jen don K.
Il.yee, Mr. J. K. IMg-e, Mr. I(. C.
i.notig, Mra, It. A. Mlllrr, Mr.. W. A.
Ilmiiley, Mra. IC-jlwrt Warner, Mr.. C.
41 Miller, MIm Draper, Mlaa Felrclough,
Ml. Hlevane, Mlee Klne CaiifWd. MiM
WIlHatne, Mim ('nyer, Ml'. IjhiIm
lluntlev, MIm Mauta Warner, MUa
M.Ui Drpr, Mim Kle Work.
. (hili,..!... .. .
I it urn ii w.. sprung ai a aur
Me at a meeting of Heaver Creek
Mill.l.ll'a n (Nttow,
MIm l.ulu Morrow and Clyde W. Phil
Hps were married Hunday at 8clo, Ilia
borne of tlia bride. Mr. i'lillllpi la very
well known In thla city, having bean
connei led with the Portland City ami
Oregon Railway Company, a conductor
for several yrara.
Tha marriage of Charlu I),
win, ol
.tarsus rmr.
Mr and M'. Wo k gave a anrpriM ar'y
to their daughter, Ka.ieThureday. Tin
evening pad with ir .him, recita
tion, .ml muaic end a d.tnty lunch a.
rrvrd. MIm Clara Warner rliaron
tha iriy. TIkmm preeenl were: lvlly
I ra'l, CUra Kurriirr, M.ry Urlle Mai
dram, Meile Itradley, Oereldine Mc
Coan. Una tl.dke, (rrarw Curl, Elfle
ira.e.TlllieZlig. Alice tlnelllng. Nell
Anrlla Herding, I'v.rl Wod
l.urrelia Hart, Clara Nehren, Ueorgie
ir.a,' Kaala IU'k, ('bailee Hollwger
Walter Muir. Clarence Oreen, Norwood
4'liarttian, jilt an Cooke, Charles Robin
a- n, Waltr Wil,o, r'o. Mapla, Reipl
Mlllrr, tart hrni, la lauDeid, Kay
iiiaa roi-a mikTaias.
Mim Uura l'up gave a whut party
last Krldar avaiilxn to fuurtrra of hrr
frUml. Tha tila wrrw awardd lo
Mla 1'ratl and Mr. VY. K. Iwthaalla
Ttia lltr part l tba arrnlna- u p.Med
with aarnaa. attrr Willi ll loneh wa
arrd. TImm irMnt wrrai !Ua Tlta.
turr. MIm Cauflrld. MIm fratt. Mia
llardlna'. MIm l'op, MlM All. Lth
wait, MiM Klll CauMd. Mlaa llattia
M.ry Trait, Mr William Kdward Uath
w.iia and Mra. fwtliwalta, Mr. Korta
B. I'rail, Mr. Harry Drapar, Mr. Joaotili
(i.nlMlow, Mr. Winifred 1 1 lit. Mr
John It. Uwtliwali.
roriland, and MIm Maud Maynl, waa
lolHiiiolafd Monday hr IU. K. Mrvar
In tha .ion Kv.riji.c, f.utliwran clmro
Mr. W. T, McIIiikIi waa httt man and
tha brhluaiiiald waa M m Kva Wa.lihurn
WanUulllj of Hnfoun Ilrearli
of DlNcljitlne.
Mra. Maryarnt KiurgM. arid
lliiaton, of Vancouvar, Wah.(
inarrlnd TunatUy afii-nmon hy Unite C
Curry lo tha offl. of tha CHy llai ordar,
Harry lraiMr and (laorua lllmlur wit
nr.and Ilia irrrrnony,
Miaamta-Ti iuaaa.
Mr, ami sua. irhaarnrr arinounrri
tha rnarrlaifa of thnlr ilaugllr, Kala A
hi Mr. Ilnnry A. HrDiiriiun, on Thura-
day, NovmUf U, 11K)I, at 12oVIx k at
thalr rMldanra In Milwaukla.
(IRCl'ITtOlUr l'KOt rtI)X(H
larunaT rm at aoi.roa.
A jilMunt birthday parly waa kIvpo
at Button 1'una.Uy arnlurf at tha rrl
dom-a of J. 8. lUvtna, lo honor of tha
(lai birthday of Mra Havana, who ra
caWad many u.alul nilta. A dnlUhtful
aupiwr wm arrvad. TIiom prMnt war :
Mr. and Mra. J. 8. Harana, Mr. and
Mr. Klehard Oraava. and dauhlrr,
Mr. and Mr Krnal Mim and Umlly,
Mr. and Mra. William lltrdlua, Mra. K
I.. Ilorrun, Mra. Frank Nrhran, Mra,
JUrd Havana, Miam Jmla, Mionia and
llaba Colon,
Mra. CharlM Albnlit anlartalned t law
Mon.l Friday avaulng In honor of Mr.
and Mra. Herman Logna. who ara folnn
to I'ortland to rpaida. Whlla tha h-grrt
ol Mr. Login la mutual with that of hi
'rlrnda, hl bualnaa procpacta ara tuch
a ilfinand Ida removal Iroiu Oraxun City.
Jloaldua Mr, and Mra. Albright and Mr.
id Mra. Logua there war pre.ant Mra.
iirorga Warner. Mr. and Mr. MiHilaab
n, MIm Loa Mortimer, Mr. Will Logua.
Tha South Portland Modal Club'
dance at the Armory Filday evening waa
atUmdad by a large crowd of people,
many from Oregon City and two toecial
car bringing and taking home tha I'ort
land contingent. The inualo waa excl
l'Hly rendered by Evered'aorcheatra.
Tha apron aodal given by the ladiea of
the Congregational Church laal Friday
evening in the church parlora waa an en
joyable adalr. Uarnaa were played and
Ktv. K, 8. Bollinger wai awarded the
prize for (ewlmr the oeaieat hem on an
Kverent'e orcheatra from i'ortland haa
bin engagod for the Native Bona dance
tl'i Friday evening In the Armory, The
bop promiaea to be an enjoyable one and
no doubt will be largely attended.
Mr. Charlea II. Caulluld will enter
tain the Pttrthlck club at tier realdeuce,
Mouday evenlnau November 25.
M!hs Martha Martin and Mr. Jamua
Shannon wore married on Sunday No
vember 3, by Uev. A.J. Montgomery at
bia rt-Hldence. The couple reaide at
Heaver Creek where they are highly re
"pected. Mr. Shannon it one of the
"Jolly fellow" of liia lection and one of
the leader of fun, and, aa the head of
nmny a charivari, had been promised a
like return when his time came. For
that reason the wedding of Mr. and Mra.
ttlmnuon waa not made public until last
Jrttle A. Mallngov. A. I),
1'ivon a. IVrree for plaintiff.
In ma tar of K. M. Aiklriwm, an In
aolvrnt debtor. Order ol aale of real t-a-
Mlwood Ijind A Impv. v. John F
Rrorlja, at al. Jodgmaiil agalnal Jol
F. and Maria Itroatja.
Martin (ieiay va. J. DaYor Johnaon
at al. Judgment for idainiilT by dafault,
II. C. Ku-vm v. J. IViVor Johuaon
atjal. Judimmt by drfjulL
Augrt.t Kr.iiM va. O. I. & 8. Co. F.i
ecution alayed during time llinile-l by
law for taking apal lo huprenia Court
Otto !hman va. Fral flraikenbru.h
Jury trial. I'lalntiiT awardrd .1 dam
agM and poiaraalon of cow Valued at $.10.
John F.verhart A Co. v. J. D. Wal
let-a. Judgmant.
C. If. iVteraon v , K. M Howell
IVmurrer overrule.!.
William Hirahlman v. Julia Slraht
man divorra. Iwrva and cu.iody
childrao to plaintiff.
Itni.J .min Jaguar v.. Tho Ch.rmao
and Fra-I It. Charm. n O-dnr lor coo
Arniailon of a. la.
State va. Mra. Thoa. Law. Not a true
Htate va. tha. UrlJer. Not a true
Htate va. K. 8." Conoely and Mrwk
Ward. Not a troa bill.
C. II. IVlrraon v. K. M. Howell
IVmurrer ovrrrolixl.
8iae V. Chaa. MiKinney. Not
true bill.
Htate va. It. K. Polk. Urreny in
Hore. ConviftaJ and Mnlemj V two
yrara' in rnlirnilary.
W. F. HubUrd v. 8. It. Oiren and
II. II Johoaon. Judgment for plaintiff
by default.
M. K. l'rrrin va. K. M. Atklnaon,
Connrmallon of tale.
Mary F.llen I'mtdinow v. Karl IWh
now, divorce. I Vert for plaintiff.
H. C. 8tevena, jr.. va. J. DeVore
Johnaon al. Demurer overuled and
dnfrfinlanla given until Nov. U loanawer
M. Oh-ay va. J. IM'ore Johnaon, W.
johnaon and Helm. lrmurer over
ruled and defendanta given until Nov.
14 to antwer.
8. F. Mark va. Charlea N. Wait.
Htati or Ohio, Citv or Toi.aio,f aa.
LucAa Countv. )
Frank J. Cheney makea an oath that
he i the aenior partner of the firm of F.
J. Cheney A Co., doing buaineM in the
City of Toledo, County and State afore
aald, and that aald firm will pay the aum
of ONE HUNDUKI) DOLL A KM for each
and every cane of Catarrh that cannot
be cured by the una of Haifa Catarrah
8worn to btdore me and auhncribed in
toy presence, llilt otn day oi iwceinber,
A. D. 1800.
bkal Notaryl'ubllo,
Hall's Catarrah Cure I taken Inter
nally end acta directly on the blood and
munoua surlacea of the system. Sond
for testimonials, free.
F.J. CHENEY, A CO., Toledo, 0.
Bold by drtiKglsta, 75o.
Hall'a Family Tllla are the best.
JTloUera Murajery Nurpaaacil,
"While u during from a ba'd case of
piles I consulted a physician who advised
im to try a box of DeWitt'a Witch Hazel
Salve," saya U. F. Carter, Atlanta, Ga.
"I procured a box and waa entirely cured.
DeWitt'a Witch Haiel Salve is a splendid
cure for piles, giving relief Instantly, and
I heartily recommend it to all sufiorers."
Surgery la unnecessary to cure piles.
DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve will cure
any case. Cuts, burns, bruises and all
other wounds are also quickly cured by
it. Beware of counterfeit". Geo. Hard
ing. oASi'oniA.
B.r th Tw Kmd Yoa Have Always Bought
Wneu lie Trl. 4 le Harare a Crnmlbn
lll Action la I he I'blllpptnri
Wr-reaa Impediment.
The New York Hun of November 6
contain a ditch about the marriage
of Lieutenant I'olndexier, who want
from Oregon City a a private In Com
pany I, Hecond Oregon Volunteer Inlan
try, to lb Philippine The Incident
related to creatad quite a atlr In the regi
ment In the winter of HM while the
army w. yet In Manila batore the out
break of hoatilitie. The dianatcb My:
"Tha marriage today In Chrlat church
in Alexandria, Va., of Ml Charlotte
Thornton Maaon, daughter of Col Roy
Maaon, of Fredericksburg, Va., and
Lieut. Fielding Lewie Polndexler, U. 8.
A,, brought to light another instance
where Prraidrnt IVioaevelt baa cot red
lap lo do a aenaible, kindly act. Lieut
Poind iter aerved in the Volunteer
army during the 8oanl.li war and made
a nioet crtdiiabl record for hlmaelf
Home month ago be waa designated for
appointment a a Second Lieutenant In
tba Regular Army and palmed a aucceee-
ful examination. When ll came lo act
ual appointment, however, the War De
partment officiate demurred on the
ground that there waa eoroe alight breach
of discipline charged against him, trivial.
it waa true, but nevertheleas enough to
hold op hi commlaelon. Young Toin
dexter tried for week to have the mat
' '(if rirtriri
' $
vv.MHfinaivM.ii.1 - laoraii aVilMi;t 4-wtj,
red, That a regular' ,C Ward, road fund $15 0J
of County Commie- YJl.W,r,, "-..-.. 100
rnnty of CWkama. If. en M
IK) A IU OP COMMISS10NEUH A 8 wale ...
Jak Minder
llniuhl A'mnfila Tmm. i thm v I ratal
- m - - .. .. i.i.ri i ... l. vg , . mat fj mi
" ivirrriam ,,,
County Hoard. Vlgorli Powder Co, gen fund
J. It. Morton, John Lewellen and Total
T. It Killln, County ComrolMionera. I Road District No. 13"
Be It rememWed,
term oi the Jkard
aionera lor the county
lata of Oregon, begun and held al the
court house in said county and state on
Wsdiieeriay, the (Jib day of Noveruher.
the same belag the regular time fixed
by law lor the transection of cotintv
buaineM. There were preaent Hon. J.
k. Morton, Hon. John 1awelling and
Hon T. B. Killin,commiaslonera; E 11.
Coor, clerk, J. J. Cooke, sher.ff,
when ihe lollowing procet-diog Were
had to-wit:
The xard having aismlncl the re
pone l Hi) rovl auperviaora Utt their
reap cilve diatricU, and ting fully ad-vlae-l.
it 'a ordred that ther be and ara
hereby authorized to draw warrant on
the road and general fund for the rv-
erai amount, and in lavor ol the lollow
ing named:
Bead DUtrict No. 2-
Ward Jonea, roal fund ,..$ W 00
4 SO
7 60
9 00
13 '0
4 7ft
.$108 10
PO Milter
PJ Kaylor
H.v Dougherty .
L DaiiK-herty...,
W HKnale
K Au.t'n, gen fund
4 69
2 V
' Ml
20 Otl
1 8
I W Johnson
Max Webeter
Koea Parker .
Pb DeHhield
11 A Uattlll .
A (JD.vl ....
PT Davia
i ti i
u 1 .uuri ... ...............
William Danforth
John lleinrtcb
L Welch
W rt Knnvon ...
Frank Kohlnaon..
John Itoblnaen..
William rullerlon
MJ Oglesby
Willi.m Foater .
A Mather, general fund
J 11 Meyer
Vigorit Powder Co
J Zeek 0 10
Total $719 03
Road District No. 9
Labor oo Oregon City and Damascus.
Kaker'a bridge and J-oraylhe Mill and
Deep Creek hill roads.
Orin W Orimo. road fund $ 00
W 11 Bonnay 2 &o
, $33 60
Lino' Mill
Road District No. 14
Labor on MoUlla and
William Beard, road fund..
i- Howard ....
M Howard
J It Myers ....
James Hhellev.
John Gaffney, Jr
Total $30 25
Road District No. 15
Ilxr on tha McCord road, ditching
auu uurning logs ana laying croaaUy
arid culvert.
K 11 Taber, road fund $10 00
M Trnllinger 1 3
7 M)
7 60
13 00
1 60
a a a
W W Cooke...
Frank McMurry.
Marl Newed....
Dan Grilllo ....
Cad lliaer
llonr l.raenwell .
ier righieo, ana Hie weeding waa put on Albert Prrlberg.
in cone(ucn-e. I e. It uurghardt.
(In Vtnl. nnmiJ hla frUmla Name iOrrl.
" ' I...... II L.
. .. II . I I. - J ' .
went io i reaiuent rvimtiii, inaiDOM i jj (Jri(JjQ
the cirrumalance and asked that some Roy V bite
action U Uken. Hie PrMldrnt called Oranl Mampoaer, general fund.
on Ihe War Department for the paper Jotnaoo
In the caaa and aaked the official who ToU
brought them what the charge waa Road Diitrici No. VI'
against the young officer. Upon being Labor on Llnn'a Mill road,
told It wa that Lieut. Polndexter. just Granville Linn, road fund .
after hi appointment In the Volunteer D"im n,:--ii.i
ii.iii I ormand Linn
army, bad not risen and Mluted hi ao- j Kiichinu
parlor omcer when the latter entered the Charlea Zek.
29 60
12 76
11 Z
14 25
1 60
6 00
3 00
1 60
4 60
0 00
1 60
4 70
7 60
$143 75
J E Burnett
T Yornin, general fand
R A Wile.x,i road tund
i . .
Total ... . $97 60
Labor on Foster and Milwaukie road
R A Wi cox.road fund $ 24 00
$ 800
1 25
2 25
14 00
3 00
10 00
60 1)0
. 9 00
I J P Forrvetcr
iJ.Diea Smith.
F etutke ....
Horrer tilover.
Homer Halloa
J K Burnett...
A Barlelemay
Matt tilover ..
M Ingram
IB Forrester,..
T O.MI..
I J Anderson
15 00
10 60
18 00
1 00
II 00
0 00
U 00
3 uO
4 60
6 00
3 00
1 60
9 00
11 25
0 00
.$165 75
room, Mr. Kooaeveil, remarking Uial
young man without an army training
could not at once be expected to know
all the army regulation., directed the
Uan a of hi. commiaalon. The next day
tba commls.lon waa made out, Poin
dexter wa sworn in. and the date of the
wedding flved for today."
The truth about the breach of disc I
pline arid courtesy toward a superior of
fleer ia more aerioua than la indicated
above. A few weeka before Chriatmaa
a few aoldler. with the assistance of
aome of the officer, circulated a paper
among the buaineM men of Manila, so
liciting subscription! lor a Christmas
dinner to be given to the aick aoldiera in I La Bart'emsy
the. IxMuiLals. Tha Snanl.h. French Anton situtke.
y . .. i , 1 a t t
. tr L..a I al- I
any wiiu ouera yi uiooe, ouv eviurnwy Rolul Xis)trict No. 6
the giving wa not a iponUneou aa It Labor on the Eppereon and Kelly
might have been nnder different clrcuin- road.
. . I I d n : 1 ii i . , , i .
tancee. The American were tbe Mn- '' e"i,roBuiuna... w
queroreofie city and the merchanta J" J wSSn 20 Si
leu trial a uoerai roniriuuuon waa re-
quhtxl to purchaae tle friendship and Total $75 00
Dratectlon of thrwiol.liers. Road Distoict No. 9
1 i n a a A
When thl matter came to tbe atten- reuce ssseoay, roau iuna.... 3 W
I f 'lueb lima. an 1 n
.i . n.i. .1... m.... i-....l . 1 v.i uu.ui, i w
IIOO HI UOII. U'l'l "I" Vllll.l IU L'(1L IK...I Art
order forbidding the contribution to be Adolph Weiderhoid'.'i!. '.'!!!!.'!!! 4 80
proceeded with farther and directing bd imber 4 60
ih. t .11 mnnne eollecled be returned. f rn Wh9 O 00
, . . ,
ti .i i...... ... r ik. ...... iu. k... ...
I uill.loa.ier, uuw u. .uo vuiiiiii.v.oo u- i i .,,
ng the matter In charge, onthelwuance peter Ruhl. sen fund 10 25
ol the order, went to the quartet oil Henry jonuson IS U0
Cilim In PMfiii.natrarai vlth litm
lioaa district iQ. to
N Traov. riM.i fiimi. t 1(1 Kfl
palace, Polndexter saw tbat the General Charlea Duncan '. 6 75
wa engaged, ao he took a seat near by. Clyde Looney, 4 60
This, of course, wa a breach of courtesy 'rv.,a J 75
... IL. uim... n....... k... I.I- I nu.. O UO
lie me wiiiiwr uuimuvi, uui ,'iuuuij i i Tr4,,- .
ould have been overlooked by the Gen-1 J Davia' 6 60
era!, if Polndexter bad not attempted to J Tracy, gen fund -. ... 4 75
.llaan..! tha Governor fiom tha eonr.e Kale LO 68 (JO
6 00
6 00
3 60
... 1 60
15 80
K D Miller.
A Warner
Charles Holme.
8 Thorn M
F M Thompson..
ft looms.
Frank Buch, gen fund
Total $M 80
Road District No. 18
Work on tha fill by E W Hornscbnch.
w U Hill, road fund $ ft)
jscou uroMoniler
E W Hornschucb
ii A Hchubel ,
Kmil tioeother...
Philip MaMinger.,
E W Homschucb
Ernest Ouenther.
WC Bw kner
U A Shull..
Otto Moehnk
Wp Daniel...
Thomaa Daniel 33 0o
Vigorit Powder Co, geo fund.... 142 60
J ti Cumin 4 jo
M Frederick 3 23
9 00
0 00
9 00
4 60
1 60
1 00
1 60
Total $239 10
Road Dl.trict No 19
H Perry, roa4 food $
a r-ricsaou
C Darx.ruM
J M Lowery
B Meilnald
James M.llatt...
H beltser
A Henderahott
William Wallace
F Bruner...
J A Main (Hon.
J A Davia ....
J Rellar..
K Dennia ....
J W M.llatt...
WW Mov..
J J M.llatt
E Trollinger.
0 Harria ...
F M.ller....
H Gard
A Nrakirchner.
Trulliner Broa.lamber.gea fund
iv ii denser.
4 60
8 75
1 60
e 4o
6 Oil
25 00
12 00
8 00
8 25
3 76
4 60
11 60
3 00
8 25
1 60
9 00
29 00
3 00
4 00
1 60
6 00
2 40
f 00
for putting into effect the order.
ushered into the General's room at the I
he had pursued toward the Christmas
dinner collection.
Poi&dexter waa on guard duty that
day and had disregarded an order that
no guard should leave the guard bouse
when off hi post, being expected to be
on duty at the guard house when not
walking hie beat. This waa a breach of
discipline also that required) rebuke,
T Yocum.
8 84
Total $177 81
Road District No. 11
Labor on the Abe rnetbv road.
J E Smith, road fund $ S3 00
J Poeier 18 00
J Dunmire 22 60
J Maydeld 19 60
D H Boen 9 75
II E Boen 6 00
Polndexter wa sent to the guard house 8 Erickaon, gen fund!".'.'.,.'.'.,.'.l 1 00
where tie awatteu a general court mar
tial for aeveral months. He waa dis-l -Total 160
rharrtul at tha break I nu out of hrMttHt!a. Road District No. 12
uiooron me ureesweuana wuwa
I A rjukllfl
WHIT UU IHE liiunULJ UKUM Sam Gerber, road fund $ 15 00
Don't alve them tea or coffee. Have J O Mrchem 16 60
..... IN I, kirr-hom 18 (in
yu. Hel"!..nor.'r dr,?lt M1Bd jcob Huber:: : : : :
UKAia-ur 11 1 delicious anu nourish- Henry liabler 9 00
Ing and takes the place of coffee. Tbe George Clark . , 9 00
more GRAIN-0 vou clve the children Julius Bunch : 9 00
tbe more health you distribute through ,f ,fn. a nn
their systems. Grain-0 is made of pure Fred Gerber !., 9 00
grains, and whan properly prepared Will Bvera 9 00
tastes like the choice atrades of coffee but P1'" Wilson 3 70
Road District No. 20
t Labor on the Clarke road.
E W lionischuch, geo tund .
C Siromgrea
J I'eck
A J Sir. mgren
F Nicholas, road fund
A J St'omgren
Wilaou AOooke
J G Cumins
Road District No. 22
Labor oa Molalla bridge cut.
Albert Pasold, road fund.
Andrew Johnaon
L Lindquist
Hen over
George William
II J Rastail :
Labor on Molalla and North
Fork, Batv and Meadowbrook.
Bsty and M lalla and Kamsbr
and Enttle roads.
Frank Pasold, road land
George Gaernney
Raymond Dickey and team
HJ Result
Henrv Fick
Mat Baiv
.$175 15
8 00
1 60
8 00
32 00
8 60
7 00
2 40
420 85
$4) 00
.$2 25
. 30 00
. 31 00
. 1 60
. 22 60
24 00
4 60
3 00
4 60
17 00
1 60
3 00
1 60
3 00
A Henderahott 6 00
6 00
10 08
6 60
4 10
R P Cooper.
E Austin, gen fund..
u Robin na
M Trollinger........
Total. $180 93
Road District No. 23
Work on Canada thistles.
W W Jesse $
J F Yost
Taylor bridge-
August Roden berg, gen fund....
James McGill
John Gnbra....
Aug Dahlmann
r Yost
Barlow road
J F Yost... .
Gravel account
NE Cole
B King
Wm Tull
DJ Parmenter I..
FG Peter....
Carl Reuck and team
A B Widdowa
J F Yost .....
D 0 .Freeman, gen fund
Bagby A Heln
' 75
4 60
3 00
3 00
3 00
4 00
8 00
Total ,
Koad District No.M7
J T Drake, gen fund. $ 1 0(V
Lara Jflnnen , 74
Omer M.rq'iam . ... 1 60
J E Marquaiu 2 00
r Kidings 6t
O W Jackson 7
Charlea Labor, rod fund 9 75
Perle Hahb.-rd 7 60
William Harmon 4 19
John Labor. I 60
Frank Jerg ; )8 0O
Bert Garrett ft 25
Wallace) Harmon.... A 'Ih
JoeMdl-r 10 60
Shaffer 3 09
Omer Marqnam IS 00
Ira James S OO)-
Emery Jamee 11 25
Orner Ha.tv 7 47
E l Peterson 62
Roy Phelpe IS 00 '
OL Roeteld
C Johnaon
i JUrq'iam
r Adama 75
Vlgorii Powder Co, gen fund.... 7 60
Bagby A Hein 4 II
Total. $l
(Continued next week)
A rosed the Ceurt Hae.
A. E. Latoorette, baa eued II. H.
Johnson, Henry Mxldrum, Tbo. Char
man, security, and J, T. A pperson, surety ,
secority, for $5707 due on a note, gives
November 29, 1800. The plaintiff aske
for judgment for the amount in addition
to 10 per cent Interest from dste of note,
and $400 attorney fee and cost and die
Mae Edwards has brought suit for
divorce lo the Circuit Conrt againat ,
Charles Edwards. The plaintiff allege-
in her complaint tbat she was married.
to the defendant in Portland March 1,
1900, and lived together nntil Jane, 1909.
wheo tbe defendant deeerted ber at
Seattle, Wash. There are no children.
Clara B. Blanchet Iim brought suit for
divorce against Louis Jean Baptiat
Blanchet, on tbe ground of deserttoow
Tbey were msrned at Portland in 1806.
Io the matter of the estate of Joiepb .
HedgM the aale of real estate by Joseph
E. Hedges, executor, to William A. ,
Hedge wu confirmed.
The executor of the estate of Elisa
beth J. Hedges, deceased, have been
authorized to sell C818 sharea of mining;
stock belonging to tbe estate at not lea)
tban five cent per abare.
A marriage license- w.s granted this
week to Pearl Teuksbary and Arthur .
Judge McBride discharg-ed the petit
jury yeeUwday morning and there will
be do more jury trial at thla term of
conrt. Today a motion will be argued
to strike oat certain parte of tbe cons
plaint, in the suit of tbe P. C. A O. B.
Co. against Oregon City. Tbe validity
of tbe company' freight franchise is at
stake in tbia case.
character and good reputation in each stale .
(one In tbia county required) to represent
and advertise old estabiiihed wealtliy bst
neaa hooaeof aolid financial standing. Hal .
ary (18 00 weekly trim expenses additional.
all payable In cab each Wednesday direct
from bead offices. Horse and carriagee for- t
niibed when neceasary. Refcrencea. En-
cIom self sddresned atsnived envelope.
Manager, 310 Canton Building, Chicago.
Dr. J. Arch Stewart
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
317 Dekom Building
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and
All kinds of repairing neatly done
and warranted.
t'oatofflco llldgc. Cawby, Ores; as
11 25
15 00
II 10
16 05
6 60
3 00
31 50
20 75
65 63
21 13
Cole Bros 3 56
Total $227 09
Road District No. 24
Joe Meyer, gen fund , $ 1 50
tsen r.nieret 7 oo
LDKing 100
FA Hilton 3 00
E A Montanden 0 00
I 8 Miller 3 90
Bagby A Hein 32 85
O C Molson 4 86
Ed Montanden 1 60
costs about i as much,
it. 15c. and 25o,
The Enterprise $1.50 per year.
Total $65 10
Road District No. 26
HL Vaughan, gen fond $ 1 60
WHEnale 3 00
G V Adams, road fund 4 50
J Tnhh. A hCl
William Kirchem 3 00 '
- . ........ - ivw.Kw H.iivini aa ea.a.et -vr
;.r,?,V.hnBOa 7 60 Ro'ph Sawtell 4 60
W P Kirchem 13 00 Frank Sawtell 4 6
r i..m on. r
A11-AM-a.ai II' vurce iiiuu.,, , i io
All grocers sell i Fr. 0
When you buy goods at
our store, for our guaran
tee goes with every pur
chase, whether it costs
little or much.
Complete stock of Gro
ceries, fresh Bread, Buns,
Cakes, etc., always in
You leave your order;
we do the rest.