Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 15, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Legal Notices.
Hiii'.mrr'M mai.k.
In th nrctill Court of th rUale ot Ore
gon, for the County ol Clackamas.
Jinn Humphrey, m
Kiecmor u( tin Ka
tai ol Carrl li.
Koach, deeeaerd,
George r. Lent and
Uuj Lent, till H,
M)eaiuore Land tV.
aonrioraiion and K.
C. lloecker aa ad
ministrator ol lb
Jistate of Hoaall
Jacohaon, deceased
lfndantt ,
8tti orOauo, . (
Coistt or Cu.ctaaul
it, drm and an fieeuliou, duly lesut-d
out ol ami under tit tral of Ilia aoov en
tilled eoun. In ilia abov uillld rau, to
a duly directed and datrd lhMli day of
koveniher, P.Jl upou a judgment rendered
sum! entered m said court on Hit 4th day
ol November, l!'l, in lavorot lame Hum
phrey a xcuior kI Ilia Kstaleol Cam
H. Koai h. deceased, plaintiff, and aginl
tieorge 1'. Lent and Miy U Lent, bis vita.
-Arteodauu, lor the sum ot $1,715, a lib in
IHNI thereon at th rataul 8 per can I par
rut per iiiiiuu Ironi tha 4b day ol No
Ten.brr, I'M, and Ilia further aum ot S IS 2S
ajosle nd di.borsrnienls, and Iba Costa ol
od upon Itiif aril, commanding ma to
snake sal of th following dcribd real
prorrt. ailuala in tba county ol C.acka-awasi-iiateof
Oregon, to-a it:
Commencing o ml weal o( tha arclion
corner ol bevlions IS, 14. 1, an J 21 In loan--atop
J Son lb uf rang i earlof tb Wlliaiu
tl aiendian; three south lhU rods, luetic
west M) rods to a stske, tbanra north to tha
Clackamas river, Ihencweasl 80 rod. tbenc
tuaib lit) rod to iba point ol beginning,
containing l' acres uf land, mora or less;
togetnei wub all and lingular tba tana
sucnts, hereditaments and appurtenance
thereunto belonging or In any wis ap
pertain ng
Kow therefore, by virtu of aaid execution
judgment order and Ore re, and in cuiuplt
ai-c with Uia comiuamle of aaid ant, I
will, on
4 Uia hour of 2.90 o'clock . m. ai tha
front dour of toa Count Court Houaa In
Uia city ol Oregon City, in aaid eonuty and
tttate. aril al public auction, subject to ra
dampnon, to iba hliebral bidder, for V 8.
gum coio cash In band, all tba nght, uu
and Uilrrcel alilcb Iba wilbin named da
xemlaoie or either of tliani, bad on tba data
of the mortgage herein or ainc bad In or to
tbc above dawnbrd real pruper'y or any
rjrt tnerrol, to aaiufy aaid al-cullon,
judcmviit order, decrva, intereal, ooaia and
all accruing ooaia
Fhenffof Clacktmat Cunnty Ureiron.
Dated, Orrgou Cly, U.efon, Sue. tt,
KiiiiBirrii ma i.e.
In tbe Circuit Court of In hut of Oregon
for lb County ol Ciackaoia.
B. II. Bowman,
8ilTry 8(uart, J. A
ll(an, Halen L
titration, Adminia
tratrii of tha Eatate
ol U. A. Stratmn
deceased, Helea L.
Btraituii, Crrad W
tiiratioii, Carrill E.
Plratton. Milton
K.ymond BtratiOD,
aud lujS L. tlral
Ion, DefendanU.
STTKor Oaaoox, I
County ot Clackaniaa, I
or. decrre and an execution, duly iaaued
ut ol ai.d undei iba eeal ol tba abora en
HUrd rwurt. ill Ilia above entitled cauae. to
ane du'y direrird and datrd the tHb day of
MoTrinoer. ivn. upon a luuKmeni renaereu
and entered in aaid court on tba Stti day of
Kovembrr I'M, in lavor ol U. H Bo a ma D
I'lainlitf. and Kini dilver t'luat and J
A. I'iii Dvieiidania, for Iba ium of
IlaTOOU. willi inlereal ibereon al tha rata of
10 per cent t-er annum Irom tba 25lb day of
'rbruary ltUT. and tba further iQin of I73.U7
laxei. and tti lurtiier autn ol ll'W.w, a at-
tm ne) 'a fee, ctd liie ooaia of and upon Ihif
in , comniauuiiiK ni to mak aaia ol the
foiloMliiK described rral prorty, aituat in
Uienmiity ol Ciackaoiaa, aiate of Urrguu
Luu numbered Three (3) and Twenty
tnree IH) in Uiackainaa fark, UackaiuaJ
County Oregon.
K ,, Tiitrrlure, by vinue of aaid cxecu
lion, juilgDieut order and decree, and in
cutnpiiai.re aith the conimanda of aaid
writ. I will, on titlurday, tba
at tha hour of Tao o'clock p. m., at the
trout door ol the County Court Uotiaa In
UieCity ol Orritoii City, in aaid County and
Biaie, rell at public auction, iubjrcl to re
drmiHiou, to Iba liiitiieet bidder, lor U ri.
rold coin mull in hand, all tda right, line
and imerett wblcb in witbin named d
tendatita or citiier of theni had on the date
of the mnrtXMK herein or ilnr hail In or to
tbe above dmrribed real property or any
I I Ihereol, lo tatia'y (aid execution, )udg
niriit onlrr, decrre, interest, coat and all
accruing rout.
Sheriff of Clarkirna County, Oregon.
Ddted, Urrgon City, Ore , Nov. (l b, IjOl.
- Notice ofl'lual Hettletncnt
Notice i berrly given that I have
filed n y final report as adinininlrator with
the ain annexed ul the rotate of Hiram A.
Straight, decrated, aith the county court ul
Clackainaa cnunty and Btate uf Oregon and
that the aaid court lot' act Monday tn 21
ilay of Drcrinbrr, 1001 al the bour al 10
o'clock a. in. ol (aid day aa the lime of hear
ing miit reorl ami ohji-ctioiii thete'o it any
there be al w hich time all l eraoni Intereal
ed are reiieated U be present.
Dated Oct. f, VM.
AilniiLirtrainr nb the will annexed of
the etlate of Hiram A. Straight decrased.
Ely's Crearr, EaJrn
Eaay and plearaut to
as. CniUius uo hi
Jurlooa ariiz.
Jt is qtii'klj abtorhed.
Vivei Kelifcf at owx.
It lliuna fii
tha Uaaal PM-ara. PfJI f) K, U C A T
AUsya Inflammation. VWI-Itl ' ntrtU
Xeala and froMcta Iba Membrane. Reatorea Ui
ttnuea of Taste and bmelL. Large 8m, 60 centa a'
Bni)trtrta or hr mail; Trlnl Sim, 10 a-nta by mall.
. H.LTC bltyXatit3,M Wriou6irtt,lew VorV
. . . y v 'I
matk or onn.oi.
HkvVTIVI Mrlflt,
HAtkH, OclcherH. ISH.
In accnr-lauc aith Hi pnivLtous of an
Art ntilled "An Act ubiiil!ii( lo Iba
viectora of tha (lata of Oregon, al lha (ten
ral aiertlon to h held on lh Ural Mniulav
In June, i.U, lha paiidin propo( IVmih
lutlonal Amendnient, apMvtnl Kabruaiy
SS. Iil, I, T. T. Hear, Oovemorol Ida State
ol Oregon, di hereby caua lha following
proiHMWd niiidninl, Ueaignateil aa "tni
lialiv and Referendum Amendment'1 lo
lh Coitailiuilon ol tha Stale of Oregon, aa
certlned to by tha r-erlary ol State, lo l
piihliahf-l lor five eonaeculivw week In ha
Oregon Cllf Knterpria. Bewapar pun
hahrdinlhe Kllth Judicial Diatrlct of Hi
Mate of Oregon.
IVna al lb Capitol, at (Ulem. Oregon,
this Hltt day of Oi iober, A. U , l!il
T. I. UKKR,Oovarnor.
It 8)
Bv lha Oovrnor:
Ki L. lnna, Hecrelary ol 8lal.
oral JoIRT ataoltTloN no. i.
(of lha Taaiilv liral Biennial 'eeion.l
a a is pa ant to in oTiTrTioi or TMi
aTATi r oainori.
Reaolved by Ui Houae, Hi Henate Con
cur i lug:
That lh following amenmenl to tha Con
dilution of lh 8iaie of Oregon be. and Hi
aanie hereby la, proposed:
Section 1 ol Arlicl IV or lh lonstitu
lion if lb Stat of Oregon ahall be, and
hereby la, amended lo read a folloaa:
Sertiou 1. Tba legislative authority ol
lb sut shall h vested in a legislative
aemblf, cotiaisting of a Senate and a Hons
ol Rei'reseiilalivee, but Iba peop.e reserv
lo themseiee power lo proios law and
aiiirudiueiiia lo iba constitution and loan
act or reject tba aaine at lh polla, Indc
dendent of tn legislative assembly, and
aiso res rve power al their own option to
approve or reject at tha polls any anion of
the legislative assembly. The nrsl pooer
reserved b lb peoul is tha InlHativ, and
not more than eight per cent, ot lha legal
voter (hall be required lo propoa any
nirasureby such -rtitai. and awry such
petition ahall include lh lull lell of lh
mrasiir so pro-osel. Initiative petitions
sball b tlieii with tha Secretary of State not
la than four months beioie tha election at
which Ibey are to be voted upon. Tbe
second power is lh referendum. and it may
be ordered (except as lo law necesaary lor
the im tin d late preservation ol m public
peace, health or safely V either by tbe pil
lion signed hy liv per cent. 01 tb legal
voter or ty lb Irgislativ assembly, aa
other bill ar enacte.1. Relerendum patl
Itona shall be filed with lh Secretary of
State not mor tban ninety daya after iba
itjournmenl of lh session ol lh legisla
tive assembly which pa.d tha bill on
which lh relereudtim la demanded. The
veto power of tbe Governor sball nol ax
lend to measure rehrrred to th people.
All electiiin on measure rrfrrrsvl lo lb
people of the state ahall be bad at lh bieo
mal regular general lrcthns. except when
lh legislative assembly ahall order spe
cial pction Any measure relerred 10 Hie
people ahall lake etfecl and become Iba law
when it l approved by a majority ol Ihe
Tote cast thereon, and not otherwise. The
stylo ol all bill shad be, "Be it enacted hy
tha people of lh Stale of Oregon." This
section snail not be conslrurd to deprive
a iy member of the legndaliv ataembiv of
lha right lo introduce any measure. Tha
whole number of vole east lor Justice ol
tha Supreme Court at the regular election
last preceding the Hling of any petition lor
the initia'ive or for Ibe referendum shall be
the basis on which lh number ol legal
voter necesaary to such petition, shall b
counted. Petitions and o'dera for lb Inl
Hativ and for Hi referendum shall be died
with tn Secretary of State, and in submit
ting the same to tba people be and all other
officers shall be guided by the general laws
and tb act submitting this amendment,
until legtslatiun shall be especially provided
Adopted by tb House January V. IH90.
8peakerof tha Hon-.
Concurred in by me eenate February 2
l. T. C. TAYLOR.
President of Ibe Senate.
, Approved February 6,
Approved January 31,
" T. T.GEER.
Adopted by th Hons January 11. Ijri
8peakrr of lh House, Twenty oral Leg
lalabv Assembly.
Concurred in oy to Senate January M
1901. C. W. K1.1.TON.
President of Ihe Senaie, Twenty drst Lrg
lalaliv Asarnibly.
Orrici or tui accatTAKv or Stati.I
I, F. I Dunbar, arcretary of th siaia of
Oregon and custodian of tb seal ol said
stale, do berrbv certify that I have com
pared Ihe preceding Copy of House Joint
rtrsoiutinn K.i. I. ul the Legislative A-ni'
btyol liajl. "Ii itiaiive and It Irrendnm
Auieiidii'Ciii," Hh the original copy no
on tile in Una utile, and lhal tha same Is a
corr-ct transcript therefrom and the whole
In testimony whereof, I hav berennto
set my hand and aftixrd hereus ibe seal ol
the slate ol Oregon.
Done at the Capitol, al Balvm, Orrron,
thio fourteenth day ol 0ctoler. A X) V).
(L. 0 ) r. I. Dl.MJAK,
Secretary ot Stale.
Police of Final Nettlemrai.
In Ibe County Court ol the State ol Ore
gon for Clackamai County.
Notice is herebv given that the under
signed, executor of the estate uf Levi Davis.
decra-d. has tiled bin final account as such
rxreutor In the roomy court of lh State nl
Oregon lor Clackamas County, and ihe said
court has appointed the 21 day of Deotn-
ber, liil, al 10 o'clock a. m. ol said ily for
hearing objections to said account. Ail
persona are hereby imlihVd to 111 any ob
ject inns they may have lo said account on
or belore laid date
Executnrof the estate ot Levi Daviadrc.
Dated November 7. I'M
.lollee tot I'ubllratioai.
Department of th Interior,
Laud Oliico al Orenon City, Oregon.
November L'n.l. VM
Notice is berrbv given that the following
named settler ha tiled notice uf his Inten
tion lo make final proof in support of his
claim, and thai said proof will oe in tide be
fore the Rtgider and Receiver a' O egon
Ciiy, Oregon, on DrcemiM-r lUth, L1, viz:
II E. No. 1HK). for the arU nf uttV, eU
of sw, and swJ4 of sec VI, 1 5 s. r 3e.
He nuninr the lollnwiug witnesses to prove
bis continuous rrtideuce upon and cultiva
tion nf mid land, viz:
Hrzckiali K. I'arr, Joshua Gorbett, Pres
ton Bonney, Bert C. Palmer, all of Col ion,
U i ster.
Tbe Enterprine $1.50 per year.
lyoh's French Periodical Drops
Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, )ure to accomplish
DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy.
PlNTinil Bewareof eonnterfeha and ImlUtlons. Tbefennlna Is put op only In pasted- Oaa
1-MWIIUn uia with fao-lnille Ixnatur on side of lh bottle, thus: -, - f -..m.
.Tatleo tor lHUIIciillaN.
IWpailninl of lb Interior.
Land onto ai Oregon City, iireg.m.
ivtoher .11. r.H'l,
N oi Ut i hereby flven that ihahuKiwlng
named settler has tiled nolle of hla Inten
tion lo make linal piool In support ol bis
claim, and lhal aaid proof wnl be male
helor lh Ki-giater ami Receiver al Oregon
City, Oregon, on lSrrember Id, l'HH vm
II. K. No, la.M.forlh(Stof naV,, nS
ol wt and awt ol aw4 seo I'J, I 4 , f 4 .
lie nature iu folio. Ing aitnea to
prov Ina outiliuuoua reaidrtic upon ami
ciiltivaihiu of aaid land, via:
George Cunningham, August (lenserow
ski, Wlihelm Nirinaii, Anion llalielt, all ol
Sprlugwater. Oregon,
CHA8,Ii. allH)UK8.
lot Circular to WILLIAMS CO., Bol AtvaU, Claveland, Ohio,
IwtlrcwrAliisllratlaM lor I a car pa
ra! lata ar.nilikle, Or.
Nolle t haieuy given, that lha petition
published heivoilU will be p men led lo
lh itoard of County CommiMliuiera lor
Clackauia Coutuy Oregon, at in livmbr
1'Ail term ol aaul Board, asking tor suwh au
Hon by aaid Hoard as is lieiwwMry lo la
ctroiaia aaid Milaaukie, in eouuriiaut
witu aaid petlllou
In Uia Separata Boarii of County Com
luiseloiitr'a Court lor Clatkauiascvuul,
lu lha niatter of lh Incorporation of lha
town ol Muwauaie, Ciai kamaa County,
Urrgon. I
loins Honorable, iba Separata Board of
CouhIjl CvmmiHiouars, lur Clackamas
Couuty, Biate ol Oregon.
The undersigned petitioner would r
spevtiully aiiow :
lhal inry are qualified elector of th
CwUuly ol t. ia.kamas, and Mat ul Oi.gon,
and leeld In pufliuli of Mid County
tilth la within lh Kitlowing d-wciibmi
b- Uiidarn-s: Part ol Ihe iKiuaiion Ijind
Ciaiius uf Lot ttbitcumb, Wtliuui Merk,
Hector Campbell, Daniel llaihaaay and
JoevpO kvllogg. In toaumtp on outli.
ranges one and two east, bounded and d
crioed a loaos, to wit:
BegiuninK ai a point In Iba east boundary
ol lha Lot hlioumb IKjualloii lnd Claim,
lik t Is l'.oV Chains N 1 org. Vt M truni In
suuineast corner ol said Cianu, and la lha
koi u I ol Inlarsecliou ol lh center Im ol
lh "Milaaukl and fuater Road" With lha
aaid east boundary uf in Lul Wbucomb
V. U C. r torn aaid brginiilug p6lu rn
mug N. 47 dag. ii lulu. W. along lh ceOief
Im ol said road, about IU.A0 chains to Ibe
liilersecuou ol lha wvsteri) line pruloiigrd
ul lb county road Ira ling Irom Urvgju
City to Milaaukie, via it. Osttlrids larm;
luetic soutueestrrl), tracing said wester. y
line ol said load to the Center line or ll.rrso
ol strvaiu of "Kellogg Cn-ek iheuc lolloe
ing said ceuiar Im or Ibre I ol auii ol
Keiiustg Creek and Mill Pond mere-
uu to Hi southrs.t corner ol tract ul
land convryed lo Dura tuanl by drvd,
a Inch Is returded in Volume M, page i', ol
lh l)eeJ Record tor lacka'nas county
Uieno tracing Ibe south boundary of said
tract of land aa rolluw.; ..f"lg 0 ndn
W. 4 feel; thence N Uldrg &J nun. W
2al B leel. to Ibe light bank uf lh WlMani
en liver; Iheuc with lh nieandtis of said
right bank down stream, to II. southwest
corner of a trai t ol land eonve)ed lo D li
11 entire bv deed, which I reconied In Vol
inn "U" Pag 11 of lb Deed Records nf
Clai ka.uat coui.tv ; Iheuc tracing ibe B E.
Nnimlary of said tract of land at lolluas:
S tj . rg 30 milt. r.. u Jl cnains; ine.ic .1
2 deg IS u.lii. W. i 70 chains; thence north
HO drgrrae, S mtnuiee !, 0.40 chains lo a
i-uini in tha west boundary oi a I act ot
land conveyed to Rnbard Soil by a drol
a btch Is rei-nrded In volnm 07, page ul
th Deed Krrds for Ciackama coumy;
thence south 8 degrt) AM Nili.ntrs ral lu
the southwest oornsr of said tract ol land;
Ihenc tracing lh south and east bound
arte ul said tract of laid asfollows: North
81 degreea, 02 minute east, 723 feel;
ihenc north 8 degrees, on minutes wsl
235 43 fel; lhnr north M decree 41
minute east 44 24 leri; Ihrnr north
on degree IS minute east tJO feel
lo lha northeast corner of said tract uf
land, ihenc souin ( degrees 34 minutes
est I 8 let. along Iba hurih boundary of
said tract ol land, to an angular corner of a
tract of laud convryed to Richard Scott, bv
deed, which la recorded in volum "V".
oageSII, of th deed record of t'larkaniss
county; iheiir north 2 degrr west Amj
chain, lo re-cniram corner or said tract
of land ennvvd to Kirhard Hcoli aa it-4-'ibil
in said dred recorile-l la volum
V' page 344; thence hurt M degree 3)
ii'lnutes eat along tbe aoutli b.undary ul
said tract of land to th west line of the
right uf way of tl.a Oregon and California
Railroad Company: h i re northrr'y along
said west lin of said right ol esy, lo
point which bears south hi drgirrs 30
riil .iilrs west front lh northwest corner til
tract of land convey.! to N. B. Harvey,
by d ed which Is rei-ordrd In volume 47.
page '10 of lb Deed Records ol f'lsi-kama-coiimy;
tnencennrth Hi itegrees .) minutes
rim, crouu.g said right nf way and tricing
Ihe north boundary of said tract nf land
conveyed to N. B Harviy about Ilia) trei
to tb weal line uf toe county roul,
known aath "Oleson Rnad." llirnce l onh
eri v along salil west line of said mad, annul
G35 fret, lo liil wlurh hear west from
the southwest corner of a tract uf land con
vcyed to He-1, A. Riickwood, hy drt whi-i
is rrcordeil in volume -V). ps(i- PKol llir
Ln-ed H-oorns lor t. ai kamis cuuutv;
thence cast, crossing sal I 'Olrwui ICoa-l ",
a"d tracing tha ao'ilh boun-lary nt an,l
Urn A. Rock wood's land, 2j 21 hams.
soutbrast corner ihereol; thence north 1 OH
chains lo point in th north bounder) ul
Ibe Hector Campbell V I, I'.: thencr
rasl along said north boundaiy. 0 31 chains
in the iiorthea.i con er of trai l of 'ami
conveyed to N. B. Harvey, by deed whioli
i recordrd in voi utile IA, at pg f Jloftlie
Died Rrconls lor Clackamas cmiiiiiv;
thence south along Ihe enst iKiuiiilsry nl
aid '. B Harvry'a land, and (if Jxiura II
Page's Isnd, alxmi $1 IS) rl.aina to the north
line nf Palm avenue, iu Minlhorn ndditlou
to Portland ; ihenc east alonr said north
line of PjIiii avnne, aboitl 10 33 chains to
the wist line of Cleveland street iuaanl .Win
thorn addition ; thence southerly along the
rail nout'iliiry of blocks iiiimhrrrd 11, 1(1,
41. 44 Ul, 11 and 73. to the south line uf
KuriM avenue; Ihenc weal al ,rit and south
line of Euclid avenue, to the east boundary
of lh lit Whilcumh Donation Laud
Claim; Ihrtice south 1 degree east along
said cast boundaiy, to the place of begin
ning That said txirtlnn nf said Clackamas
county contains. a near y an mav lie estl
mated two hundred and ihlrty-luur inliahi
The ssid lellifoners thrrefnr prav Ihe
snid, th Hon. B mrd of County Cummin
slouers, that the said portion uf li. s said
Clackamas counlv l ineoriMira'ed as a
tn ii ii lei pi l corporation under t1' provliions
of the Ueueral law of the Bute ol Ore
riames f.amea
Wnt. rlhlndler Prter Roth
James Hooer Chaa. McCsnn
II. Ssndar, ' 1'Mer Burke
J. L Johnson F. II. Itchier
Oottlirb ISrelachen Noab Hubler
Fred Karlen Jsmea Oliver I
J, VV. Horigon C. J. Anderson .
Oro H'inller A W, Igrand
lOren Krytnire C A I. akin
J. R Krfso J E Wetzler
John Gross. W A Rohinson
0. Kerr VjI Adams
Krd Ko-lrer lis Strait
O J Roiiert Rohi B Hiivd
O Wi.slnger C K Ballard
H M Muilan Ham ml Hneslv
A.J Walker E H Bo'lemlller
P 1. Hrntiemtn 0 Kellrr
0 A. Williams A II Howling
J A. Dnwltng J A Workman
A Rainke II A. Ilennetnan
A J. Hannemaa J. Phillips
riii:itiri"- fati.i:.
Ill lh Circuit Court nf lha ?!( of Or
gun, ftir lh ruuniy or
Jama. IllllllPlirOV as
s'.-niiir ill lh Ks.
late uf Carrie II.
Roach, tlresel
tleorg P. I -ii and
Mary M lut
8ttaur tisin' I t
tWsrv or Cm (
BY VIXri K or A Jt'lMlMKNT OR.
drr droreeandan citioii, duty Issued
out uf and under lh seal ol tn anov u
mini rourl. in Ihe above enilile.) cause, In
n.diilv illrrcil "d dated lh Mh dav uf
Novamlier. I'.sH. uixsti ajmlgmenl rendered
and antered In said cmrl on lh 4th dav ol
Nuveniber, Pad. In lavor nf James lluuiph
rey aaeSM-uiorof lha lal ol Carrie II.
Roach, deceased, pleimllt. ami sgalnal
Uetirg P. l-enl and Msrv M Unt, ilrlrml
ant, for the sum oHI.CS lrt. wllb Interest
thereon si lh rata ol per cent Pel annum
from lh llh 'av id November I'SU ami Hi
luribvi sum ul 113 M costs ad dl.bur.e
menu and lha ois ol and ui-un Ibis writ,
uummaiidilig in lomk saleol lh follow
Ing drsvrltanl real proriy. slluale In lh
coutuy uf Clackamas, Stale of Oregon,
lAllVif lh South halfnf lh Northwest
quarter nl Serilun .HI In township t Hunih ol
range 6 east ol lha Mllau.lle nisrldiaa
Now, Iherelore, hy virtue uf said eireu
lion, jUilgiunl order and decree, and In
compilsi.ee with lha cummanda ol said
aril, I will, on
a! lh hour of l: o'cliH-k p m, al the
front iliair uf lh Con nit Court IIuum In lh
CIIV ol Orrgon City, In said County and
will. Mil at i.uhiia aiii'tliiu. aubleci to rs
demplloii, lo Ihe highest lilo.ler, for L' H
gold inu rsn in tianii, "
id Interest a hkb the allhin named da-
i.. ..I. i. r i.ii.ar ,,r ii. .in had on Hie dale
ol the murlgafe herein or al . bad iu or
10 the above deaeibel real pro(ri ur any
part Ihereof, to aeilsfy said seeuiloii.
juilgmenl ur.lrr. drcree, luleresl, coals and
aiiruingco.... j j CH
Shsrlfl of Clai kamas Count' . O'rgon.
Dated, Oregon Cliy. Oregon, Nu. u, l'i.
Id ibeClrcull Court of lh Stat of Or.
got fur lb County ol Ciackama.
W Hiainaker, plttt.
Mary StalnakerdefUl
Tn Mary Sialnaker, tha above-Lamed de
fendant: lu ibe name nl tl H'at nf Oregon. 1 on
ar hereby reipdred lo apar and answrr
in con. plaint tlird agalusl you In h
abov rrulUetl rii nn ur brlor Ihe '.Tin
dai uf Njvemhrr. I''l. which I all aeeks
Iter tH-lotier 11. t'.al. ibe dat ordered for
lh first publication uf this nolle. Bud I'
yon 1st! lo appear a d answer Hi ptainlifl
will apply lor in relief prsyed fur in hu
ciMiiplsn.l herein, lo-wil:
Pur a derre dissolving lh homls nl
tialrltuony not ensiii.g i-'aen plaintiff
ami drlen.iaiil, and lur such oiber and
furl her relief as to lh Court seams meet
and j ist. This summons I published bv
nriieruf Hon. Tbos. Y, Ryan, Jidg if lh
Conniy Ouri
Mad and entered this 1Kb day nf October
Attori-ey lor Plaimift.
.tallro ! redltora.
' Nolle It hereby given Ibat lh under
signed baa been duly appointed by lh
eoumy court of lb state uf Oreguu, fur
Clackaniaa 'conniy, eimiinx uf the last
will and teeiamenl of Rotam Koneru.de
ceased AH persons baring claims agalnsl
tb estate uf sail Robert Roberta, deraasel,
ar brby rriiilred to preeaul tb sams lu
mi properly verified, as by law required,
at my realdrnc lu Pira.anl II ill prveincl.
lu Clackaniaa conniy, O'rgon, within all
months from lha date herrof,
. Exrcuirn of lh fc-iai of Robert Rob
trie, decesaed.
October 4, VM.
Notice lo C'rrtlltara.
Nolle Is herebv given lhal tha undersign
ed bas brrn du'y s Miln'r-l by the County
court ol lha rliata ul Oregon for Ciackama.
county, rxrrutni ol Ihe lat will and lest
mehl ul Joseph Yos. All rrsons having
claims against said estate are hrrrl.y re
qmreil lu present the same In m properly
verillrd, a by law required, at my
resilience at Miriwro-I, Orig within al
mixiihs from the dat hereof.
Dated October 21, III 1.
Executrix of lha estate ol Joseph Voss.
-lei ea'ed.
pitir. i
Is. l-lt. I
Iu tl.sClrOuil Court ol the Hist of Orr-
ton. fur lha County of Clackamas.
rise Kd ards, I'll If.
Charles Kdwar-I
lu lhrl Klaaida, drfrinlaitl sbovs
tiaiul :
in the -tame of Ihe State nf Orrgnn. Vou
ate hereby coininuii i.d to ap.r ami an
swer Hi complaint tiled herein agalnsl you
lu the above erinned suit, nu ur brlorv
1'ie Urns prescrlled lu lh Order for the
publication of i his order, lo-wit: on ur I
lor six weeks after the first publication
thertoi, and If you tad so in siiprsr
and answer mil coin, Inlnt, for aaul
thereof, the plaiiiillf will apply to ihe rotir
lor In rrlirl in her cmnp'sim prayed for,
and fur a decree dissolving p-.a hoidi ul
niatriiuuuy exi.iing hctwrsu th pi. null
and di'feudaiit, and tor such u'.her relif a.
may teem just and equitable
l b da'e of Hi first pu'iiu-aMnri nf this
S'imiiioiit is November I'uh. l:iii, and this
siiluiuons la puiillilieil pumiianl to an onlrr
made and ente ed by the circuit court nl
Hi Staiaof Oregon fur Clackamas Coumy,
Hull. Thomas A. Mcll'i 'e. Judge, on tne
1 1 Ui day ol November, l!Mil
UhUlltihC . HTOLT,
Almru y lor llalnlllf.
Fur Mule.
On account of leaving- the state I olfcr
for imle on eany tcrniH the following
property :
iloiimi and lot on 11th street, on In
stMllmehla $4tiU
Hotisfl am lot in block IM IKK)
3.. '(0 t:re in On-jfon Cily cleHrej
ami level., 2f)0
MiO acres In Oregon City, part
cleared '()
.83 acres In Oregon City, all
cleared 3(X)
2.10 acres in Oregon Cily, part
cleared 300
Lot fi block 47 County add ; corner IM)
Ixt 0, Mock 4, MunntHin View add 75
Lot in DarlinK addition 60
30 acres timber Intnl. rich soiM
miles out . 750
IbV) acres timber land on Molulla
River 2000
17.31 acres near Woodstock and
WillMbiirg 3000
4 lots in tSkamokawa, WaHhington 100
Address J. A. Thayer, Kox 'M2 Oregon
City, or call on me at U. A. Cheney's
ItealEriUte office.
TMI 010 fASHIONlO 00V.
Oh, M t tlii',e esluisl lir-
A l'V ana IimIM Isie,
Wlik I.4.I1.S.I a a-.th langlsd Mt
And llii'l ihmil'l el S'sil
at.. I. I . Is. aid's el sll-ws SsrJ
Y 1,. Imii i aiisd sll a.isi
Itl.i iwmk lij ss s M--I-T
..u as Mm a 'd "t I"1"!
A I ., kH..'s l-i lt" a cell's,
tl k.i r. kl ! l-.HI SA.ll
Tn .1 ll ".l.n" willt .-aill siik,
WImi Isn't f s klSMilli
4 i-N l-hva.a lt" Hs-hs lr.
ttl-r -.ii tila uk '.
au Ire .. IKs ta l d sad ta
Aa. ! Hi Uwk lral -a-l
It's lfi l'll sll Ik ls seri-el asl
Wlik kit asl aa kta liwl.. Sm.Ii
Tl.tl Ms ksii-ls and lt S's sir".
r- f l ks' la n'4,
tui a, do.-a'l Ws lsil "slil
k. ,!., Sis la-l.r I rail
.. n.li.Ml. s.l loa el-Wrw ssf
l kik last kaut II all.
A Muak d ws.'1-ai'ss Mlwsl W.f
IX g. alal I.ii.ih tlar
C..I um a 1 at. tl ks a silll sank,
r ks II bmIs a sa aarl
- It.in.il lrs Creaa
Sb neerssfllr PUe4 aa Its
sahaae lh iatesaa.
The New Vork Herald tlt how
dlplotiiailc young lady talio uih'"I"hI
Ihe wcaktiesa uf (adllUlans a-iireI
tome year ago a placw lu th aisi
The day Mor th opening of lh
M-.sioti a ahy girl ktio r-l al th iliaif
of Ihr attorney gciieral a nffii".
"I thv attorney general lot ah
aski-d timidly.
"Vra." said th clerk. "II will
you when he through with this
long lin of ib huuu-ra. Juat hav
lu th nunirmin chair, on th ofTW
lounge ami aiatidlng wrrv '.M limr
walling f-r a turn to presa aoin rlalm
for a position.
The attorney general was ralher
grutT lofiklng man. ami he ilismiser-l
each lib Ihe remark: "I rao'l do any
thing for yuu. Morry. you know, but
there ar hundred of ai'i'llcauta, and
each ottliTr. every legislator, hat a
don n l geiig for each iK-siilon."
When tb timid girl a turn ram, ah
handcl th Itiipatieut liaiklng ottli-rr a
I. tier, hlie said nothing. Mi hardly
hMik nl Into hla far.
-Cm aorry. Xll C, lhal I " v
noihliig for you. It waa fiadiah for you
10 rum lure etiecliiig lo gi-t wirh. I'd
I glad to h. li )ou If I roul.l: but. yo
are. It's Ihla way: I bav no In Our oca
to ge you a Mtiiort. I am very"
"Wt wi-r sproklng of lhal al bom,
hut I thought It would do bo harm lo
a- you," ah lti!rrrti'tel. "And w
were aaylng what a pity It was that
you bad loa your Influent."
Th state offiYlal wlm-mi II Umketl
aa If aotnrthliig hurl biiu.
-Urowu." be aaid. turning to tils den
uty with unneoeeaary abmptneaa, -thia
young lady la to have a position In tb
riindllna ili panment. . Ihat Ihee Is
a place for br If you bate to muixl
very h glslaior In the building.'
revslallasj rwssee f lsewsis.
A swarm of the lutMi-t atop(rl lb
advnm of a Russian army. They
filled lh air and bllmlni Imtb om-ra
ami men. to that H former rouM glv
bo orders, ami tvrn If liny bad done ao
the turn could hot hav tibrynl them.
Th horaea would Hot fac thrto. BUd
they lay on Ihe ground many Inrhrs
thick. Knry Mian ami bor In Ihe
army was lnmiaii-0 talib th luanla,
and their rlnWiliig wa literally eaten
off (he iiicii aa they aiil hrlplra and
bllmb'iL Tl rallnajt Vcr uaetraa,
a the liM'tiata totereil th rail, and the
011 which etude! from their ImmIIi'S
when rrtishnl prr vcntd the drivltic
viImi-I from "biting." After they had
ai-ttli-il whole rcijfiii-iits were detached
for ihe purple of tramplliig them lu
dinth. Trenches were dug aiT' their
pnlb am nihil w llh burning coal, but
the crowding swarm a-tunlly smuttier
etl Ihe fire, ao vast were their tiumU-ra.
Even In a llftle Islnmi like Cyprus In
one year one-llfth of the enHre revenue
was H-tit lu tlcslroylna Ihe loetiata.
mill raiMt lnlly their euk'S. When these
cKk's are In Id. they are Inrbawd In a
horny etiteltpe talleil a "ImkI," wrU
iol rouialiilng 33 eggs, la tsovcu
lliiliths tons of Mxts went de
stroyed. Now, a single ton of pot
eoiitnltis cwt.ooo.iHiO c-Kua. ami yet. In
spite of this almost Im riillblo cleat rue
Hon, the lo-uaia are atlll a ilri-nilftil
pi 11 in io ami almw little If any aymptoms
of diminution In number.
f.speaae of a Taefct Orraer,
There In 110 iiientlon that modern hu
ll ry hns rciii lii'd lis moat eilntragitni
Plnimi'lv In yiii lilliii'. vt hlch. lu the elnit-
orate prortiHlnn of lis eM-hHe, brings
us very rlnr-e to the Inner days of Hie
Roman empire. Take a Mingle case. A
boat like Col I Payne's KM ton yacht
Aphrodite curries a company of IV) im-u
captain, Ural and second innti-s. tar
penier. chief atetvnnl, nanlHiiint stew
Itnl, 2 betlrootii atewnrds, pntitryman,
chief rook, 'i umhIhiiuiI rooks, chief en
gineer. 3 itHMlNiniit efiKliieers, 3 ollera,
lo (Irenien 11111I ID men la-fur the mast.
LcMllc'a Monthly.
Mental 'laleseene,
"Haven't you any positive opinions
on any snhJcctV"
"No. Hy not having ptmltlvo opln
Ions, you see, u ma 11 tlncMii't have lo
wear hliiiMelf out hacking them up."
In trolt Free 1'rcn.
A Delusion.
Willie Those koIiIIIhIi yon sent lionii
are fakes.
KlliiiMon-Mow do you know?
"Why. I look I hem out of the water,
lind they tinned brown In 15 inlniues."
HOW THE LC03 Qnow.
Tb lhavha at Maseels leag,.,
IhesM aa4 Ka Ibeaa fevsa
Aa a fai l, says lh author, our lu,.
Ilmba ar Uu usually U. Ul.,f
Ihe asm leiigtb, lliutlgh Ihi y tr su (,,.
Sll prai lhal purNii-a. Th lift ,
ally llm lunger, (hough lh gnli , Ull
notably 1 11 ft tie he d hy a f, A
bit Ui Hi lower limbs art shorter n,tB
lh iipiHT, ami their inovriiicni, lrtJ
lather of lh prehenall typa. ", trt
hot Uiru leggy Ilka lh fual or kang.
hai, but w gtsdtially Schln ufi.
in ." Th Uitira Int-rraa In i -g,(
an much by Interstitial d.-p., . (l,
I'll I lull Id Ihelr ends-thai I. ,j hfn,
gn-sslv uasifii ailuu of lb Isjur (
lllsg which llilcrvelii lai-,rt IU
end of lh shaft ami lh rplpiij ia
slflratloll gor HO III) lh i t..-,M.M.ti
pari of lh Imiii ar all utiltnl ,r ,nr
laatirr. ami thus th aiatur of th in.
illlhlusl Is dilrrtnllinl.
If from IntlammailoQ or lujtiry i
eplphyala I dabisgeil, mi limb may I
almrti-r llian th oilier, or liitltininsiury
stimulation may vm Imttn, a la.
rrrasrd length In lb bun affrctnt Tu
sLelrlohs of turlolM-e, hot Ultig Uu,
Jih Iril lo aiiddi'M Jara, ha ho rpl-.hy.
tea at lb rill of lit lotlg tajhea,
w licr.as In I It h aplog fng lha tttrem.
Itli-a of lh humerus and frmur htig re
main aa erparai rplphyae. Tha ma.
tllitlou rolli-UsaluliS Id which tli emit
uf lh (Nine of lh luwrr llllih Sr ft
p.MMi WhrU a VlgoniU child la eirltn
iiy lis own natural spirit lo run stoat
are doubilraa i f gnat value In tails,
llig lh grow lb In b bgtb of lh luwrr
IliiiU. which toon bs Ihelr Infant!)
character ami Ismnn adapted f.,r rua
mug and walking. Hy ifa.ihg th
lower Ilmba lu th asm Influnirr tnd
rrsistapce during their entlr growth
w maiiag to rnaliiUIn them uf th
me IrhgtU. Bud grutl Jar upoa tl
rp'phyece st lb Joints may h mtisld
einl favotahl lo grvwth--Nw York
VltnlUal Us-ck L
It Is n mlHlnke to HiipiMme thnt It Is
always the IiihI straw which breaks
he ciiinel's hack.-Chli ligo Metattl.
Tb Utasrasa I eea ta Hhleh Haarr
War Heeebee ai It.
la blS "IVreUlrlt Ittr of tlrttlus" lis
Jor I'oml aayt lhal oflru wlilU Irttrl
Ing llrbry Ward IWerher Imprutrd tt
llm by hsvlng whsl b callrd "a gr
11 buUM-t Irsulng" of bla pork 'It,
whk-b Would gr oad.-d up With WttrfS
Slid paper Ublll they rvuld bold M
mur. when b would cU-ar I lira ut
and destroy such papers as wer wgnb
tin on occasion IWcbr-r hsipran)
to put his band lo th wstrh p.-rkt
ef bl pantaloons ami fouod lirr
little envelop W bh-b b opened. VYbra
h saw ita rohlrota. b raliJ t4aar
I'viid to ait tieahl blto and remarked;
"Vou mtteml-er th evening I warfW-J
C I'. Iluntiugtuo. I waa ao tuucb la
trrralrd IB lb tubjret that I tvtpA
he tamletl me Ltll envelop ta W
wrbl out of lh dour. I put It la C
watch oket tf nt pahtaUiot i4
ne ver thought of It again outil M
bow. ami ber II la. four $l.uJ t:Us
Now." b aaid, "Uoo't tell say
alxul Ii. and w will bsv a good V
ami mak aotn bapplu- with tfe'4
u.oney W will Juat consider tt
fuuud IL"
And to lo a day or two Mr lieecbrf
went with Major I'oml to lk ai
rsrgo of fine orienisl ruga, mtay ef
wblrb b purrharl ami arot tedilf"
ent fru-mla. and afterward be pet
f hat remalnc4 of th money for coia
silver lamp, unmounie.1 gems and ta
rloua pieces of brio a brae, all of wbW-h
h gave sway uutll b bsd usrd r
tbe eullre lt.i o tuaklug tapplo
smolig thiaw whom be lotnl."
Aft-r V.r l.il..-r'B ilmlh lh nia
r.-lui..! to )lr llumlngioo lh lnrl(Jmt
of thit dlai-overy of th futir ll.
bill, ami ihe railway magnate oharr
til: "I should never bav glvrD lb"
to hlin. It waa all wrong I made
11. 1. take. Money uever bl ar
Th qweailaaa flaeewe.
"WelL C'lanrw. what la UT
Ihe lny'a iflia.
"I didn't any anything, vapa." rePllr,
-I know yon didn't, hut It ! tm T
mlntuew slue you aske.1 a (jiieslluo.
and I know front experience H'l
other la due about Ibis llm."
-Well. papa, what ar all llmae
I'nltiHl (dates flng made ofT' k,,
tbe loy. : .
"Kouie of them art mad of
Clarence, bui by far tho snaUT
ler are made of biinllng."
"Ami, aiar
-Well. Clarrnrer ' .
11 1 .1.- iii.Im Harra made nf v""
t 1 r in.- ,hii.- ,ia- - .,
biintlngr-rnislMirg Oomniercisl u
let to.
tile rcvsrybodr Cb .
Fmerm.n's illcliini thl ' ',,u'"
...... ...... ..... aa tr im were U D
ought lo he Is au eirelleiil rule 10 pr
lice lu dully life. It l hum ""
... I lhal la CIIICI'I u
iu 1 tav iu .or ..-i.. urn
IL It I not ticecawiry lo wnsie n
upon uncongenial people uiw "
1 1... .irnir fnitlllT !"'
IMMIIIII IU I Ill-Ill ."- - . .
but II la .i.M.itnnt that all wlib '
you rouic In lontnct no aiuui.-
the desir on your part to give-
for all thnt Is good lu theiu ano
noihlng in theirouiwardrlrciiiiiH '1"
or iii.pearnnce be allowed to I"'1'
V .1 .i IY BWtfot t
you ngniiim uiem.
Woinan a Hume Com'' '
Wis Too Ul. I n
Fond Moiher-Tomiiiy. J00 g 1
aeein ery well. I
bad let sister eot thnt third pu
ple.-Ohlo Btnie Journal.
A llearllell i .,,.ir, t
Casey-So jmor C.aaltly B" i
overybody win miss u . lt
Flunuliin-Tbey wlUI H J1'
only mou lu the war rd tbot every
could lick I-ruck.
For sale by Cha rutn & Co., Druggist.