Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 15, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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M V f
Urcgon city hnteri)risc',Tu,,lu,',on,,,'T,,','i,wi''fvK
Now To-Day.
Ar.MJll nr..r, SO lo H)
acre in koki mini convenient lo Oregon
i ll, nuoinaa nn mrilia ami parllfU
Urt. Km No. 7iM, Orea-oii C'liv,
1 1 i ...
, ""ir. ii, limriKly V ni mnrnlnu .1 II
!VI.M k. k.h, llolllnicnr trill prSM.-b
I Hi Mirinoii,
I,USV-IK1 WKK. TMK limit-
llm Omul Miephwrd at I'arkpUceand Urn
Uaiiroan iraaiie, in 01. Mil f ,h ,,(
Hatleiih'irg Lara worth (.(), Kln-li-r will
l.lpaMI lV el IhU OlllteOf with M
llm I Will (Vniury ; a ri'inaikaMe I, ;
pma mi piyui i ir inrriiory ! IMwral con,.
iiiiMlmift. Addnes, Washington 'Ui.
halting ('., CmiiiUr of L'otniiierie
running, lecnme, u.
rag waii'ml at IhU olTlc fur cleaning
nn Improvnd farma In i:ia kamt County
lit fr-uil 10 to Inn year, rr.ar al'la by
luaiaiilliente, II ueairiKl. JVj ColllliiUaioll.
tut lull partlculare and application
Intuit apply I-1 Mai Mtn A Hiaa.u.,
Won eater lllork. I'lirtUinl, Oregon.
HKINIKN 4 Oil I KH Til. cm... I.. ,.
Wrliil.rl l.ili.lint, liavt ihe ciioli l
,iy. aiiliuriiaii end country properly fur
iinlll prloae.
una to an al lueeal rates.
iiaixiia a uairriTM.
I'tliuaTa Ym Oasunx Tha Mate
lUNinl of Agriculture liaa appointed Illrli.
arl rfot, nf slilwtiikte, a delegate to
Ilia National IJveau k AaMM-latlon mint
ing el Chicago, liwemW S.
Mill, nil I'eeaa ln.ll.l
V. I'avia, of Wilhmt, ti In loan IhU I
aaoa. II I hauling machinery fur the
tw sawmill lilrli I bring Controlled
y Ituaantl H". on llm Tom Jerkaon!
I'Uc on Ilia l ppr MnlalU river.
Tasciitaa' alatrtaoe. The ( larka-
mas County Teai here will hoi.) joint J
ttiv Ififef with Id It-fti here of Marlon
Count)' on Halurday, IVcemW 7. A I
meeting ol cuun'y laechare will also
lie!. I at Fagle I'refk about ilia lat of,
. r. llulwrl.ur Hllvurlun, ,r,..,Jl 0
UulU Crunk Agnimlittul Auucl
u, aa In toi, Ttia-Jay, ami a.. (h,
nn.nclal ci,.jt()n o( tM,H,Mn W4,
"wlUiil. I'f.vlonaj u, t!,, y,,,., Nlf
tlmrii waa a Mii i.f
lara but tt, far M B ,lec:ftf ul ,al
uia HiUi)lila.iaaa Mat wlcw.l 0U.
I'MATII or' AM Otwrim t'.x...
Kliwwll l.I,aalimiltt. a lilunrvr i.f IK.'.-
d'ttd al Omriiij Matunlav, tKl 82 yara.
Ha allli kn Willi i,ralv.la
iy of laat rk. 11a l.avn ona ilauulf
Irranil tliri aona In Ida Kaai. Tin
fuiirral rvla wrr l.a-l.l Mynday ami
art eoi.il.M M l,y av. a. M.,iita-.,ii,ary.
Tlia Iritarinant took blat in Mawauu
rui.ii HackKTaav to (mum K.v
TIm. Maraliall. flu 1,1 tiirtarr iA il.a
rrrabylailan Hoard o jorelgn Miaalona,
ill I In Oipjjom Cltjr nrit ww-k an J
will m.ka an aMiaa at tl.a l'r. alivii.rfn
tliiirtli tint VJiiIay evening at 7:4J
o'cliMk. Tl.a uulitlo la invli..i
Maral.all a an riiilnciit ilivlim ,a l.at
ln Ilia world over In M oll'tlal cai
I'y, and la an Iniare.tlng and lonil,U
Ma. Hi MiKaa Daio.-Mra. Mua
MiKc illad Tunnlar altrrnw.n. at 3:30
o'cl- k, of droj.y, at tha leaKlrnca of l.ar
liir, Mra. Illankriml.lp, Dr Willam-
tt Kalla. agnd 4H jffart and lima
n.onilia. Him waa Uirn In Jotmaon
County, Kan., an. I ram lo Uirn City
In IHM. rr liiiiUnd dlrd alniut 14
yrar an Tha lunrral waa lield from
lir lata ra.ldpnrw In Ort-icn City al II
oVIijrk JU t'y tii'ir itfi-K. J
Nw Haa4ii Aoaar C. li. FiUaell
JiiiIk. 0. Iktwm k. V. N. (Jrnnian. P.
Walkarj i-lrrku, It. Kluxlua, C. Rally.
Third waid JinUoa, t, llarlni(Un, J).
(I. Croat, J. (Jllletta; clrk, (iixirg Ely,
MvyHiliip. Tli (lolliiiK placet will be
tlia Hire fir ennln iotia.
Tina lUiiy ia m llm l.vcic Maada
l'"Mt, (1. A. It., callnd at tl rMrice of
Coinrad J, Uorvuiua Monday avunlnif
and prfifiitAd (ila Kraiid ilaiiKiitnr with a
olid allmr nankin ruitf, on wlili li
ngraveJ tha cliild'l nrr.a, "Itoa
Mad Mckilllran." Tliia baby waa
born KaptamUir 2) to Mr. and Mrt. NN
on Mi Kllhc.n n J It flv wekt old.
Hlilttli Oral rblld born In Oron
City, wlioaa molliar and grandmotln-r
ra nih mntilra of Mnad Cwot and
aim waa prwroUd with a (liver t up by
tha Corp. Tb I'oal and lrpa wer
kd lo nama Ilia child and th Cori
confwrrad Ilia nam of "Meade," and ll.a
I'oal "ltoiui" U,t tl.a I..I.U .ill I...
- -' ' tfm'tj nil. utj
known aa a daughter and grand dauuli-1
..t (. . i . ... .. ... I
wi iii iiiiurinn Army of die U public
ami Womeii'e Italiuf Corpt.
F. H. WEL8H,
' ' " -wr t j M
Fresh Confectionery IR
Manufactured Dally,
Nuts, Fruits and Cigars.
Opposite Enterprise Office.
Tota or laaratTioa Mr. William j
tialloaay, department preldinl of IKa
Wi.mn.a ltallnf Corp, Ml Vedntr J
manlng on an Inapartlon trip of tha
Cot In Faatarn Hregofl. F.iy Corp
will be lniprcVl ami Mra, Calloway will ;
r'luro bourn aboul ltstml-ar 1. j
TiiaKoiriai 1'him Kiarii rt. Tha j
I'lrahyUrlan, !tho.ll, t:uligrrglioiial
and lUptiit i'hu'he ol Orrgon Clty,j
hit Ix-rn apiiil agnit of the foulh
rrn rarlfle Company at Oregon City.
Mr. rriaaail roiuKe here from HarrUburg
and h.i lutn In the tu-rvlc of the com.
pny for m-arly M yrara. The new agt-nt
U an airniiiiiilaiing man and thia la
ailre lo further the InlrreMa ami llu-reaae
the huiliira of the company In thia city,
II la a mairlod man wlili uo children
ami hat taken a Iioua on Hit hill be
ten the rval'teiuea of Pr. C. A. Kiuart
and Vt. IWII.
City Kt Kcriox Orraui.a. The lollow
Iff judgea and clerka har lieen au
M.ntHl lo ndirlate at the coming city
elnrlion lo U held lHsinber 2 Kirat
ward Judgea, II. C. Mrvrna, T. I).
Kelly, J. A. Ktuarl; clrrka, II. Tram
bath, VvMtn Hunk. Second ward
ItarraDIO()0 I)iioia.-Jamea Pe
raoii, who, thrrjugli bit attorney, II.
K. Croat, iwiitloned the (
Court for jlOOOriamigee for ii.juriet re
ceived July ill. J'JOl. hat btwu denied
tit claim.' The pvildoneraat forth that
ha wat rngaaed In hauling lumber over
the liradley and Itlchle rotd and that on
July i'4, while driving up the Kichie bill
wlih hla team of horaea and wagon, and
while attempting w avoid a lare atumo
tariffing near the center of the road, bit
fool waa caught between Ilia brake of
jthe wg'n and theatumpand bia ankle
i waa broken and tainted out of ahape.
I Uv reason of the tnury, the petitioner
' wat compelled lo employ a turguon at
aneiimnaaof 1.10, a to boapital !
penaea amounting to and otherwlae,
jauHeiad damage to the turn of 1(X)0.
t . ,
Ciuiat With a Hihtomt. M-a. Julia
I A. Cole, proprietor of the Ka.ket Store,
: It the owner of three ctialrt that many
jMMiple would rive much V prxuieaa.
, They are airl. ily colonial In dealgn, man
; afactured of aolid mahogany and tava
( lor re-upholatering have not been altered
jin the tlighteat particular eince (hey
, were manufactured, over 300 yeara ao.
Uovernor Ilradfonl, of Maaaachuaettt,
brougtil them from F.ngland about 23
yeara after the landing of U I'ilgrim
Fall era in 1G20 but fur many yeara prior
to thia data they we'e helrloomt In the
Hradford family. Mr. Cole'a aon, Mr.
fleorg Bradford, it the "event h lineal
jdracendant from the Governor. One ol
the chair may be aen in the window of
tha Karket Store, where It waa placed
by reijueat of lovert ol colonial fornlture.
. W. CHtlMia. 0. o. t. D. LOTK, D, O.
Oataepatle Phyalalana
Gradual of American HchoolofOiteopainy
wtjccraarully treat all chronic rtiaeaaea
by maclieiikftl manipulation. orlriiKt
given, Uiacaaet ot woman a ipacialiy.
Kiamlnatlon and coiiiiilutlon free.
im houra; lo 12 a. m. and I to 4 p. m.
Eiceni Humiavi.
Oft.., Uuow S and 4, Htvni Bldf 4pp Bah !
OatuoaCiTt, - - 0m0.
Wc have
Jnat received th
Kency for
Thompaon't cel
ebrated Olov
Fitting- CorteU.
fl-ooCoraet ia
the beat in the
market fur tbe
Adams Bros
for the celebrated
"Percy" Kid
f 1.00 pair.
Large ttock of
and Caahtnere
(HiMplial and Private Eierlenee.J
!)ftert hla professional aervlrea to the eo.
fie ol Oreicon cit. and virlnlly. Bdal
attaniiori i.aid u Catarrh and
Clironle dlaeaaea. Heat of refer,
enree given. Oltlre In Willanietle
H'lllillng. Omceliouri! 10tol2a.in.,
4 lo 8 t). ni.
Important Notice 3
Owing to delsyg In the completion of our new store we will
U unable to wove for several days.' In the meantime we will
continue to ell at reduced price, realizing that it is better to
dinpone of gome linea of goods at cost rather than run the risk of
breakage and damage Incident to moving.
This weiA WA fifTV.r errpafo riipmlni lV, l,r
W, - e..v.. .iuuia tuail CVCJ Vl'lOTO. JUI
V is the time to provide yourself with Thanksgiving supplies
3 all prices reduced on Table Linens. Glassware. Chinaware. etc
While em t loved In th rlimrini.ri f
1 j v va
m, I - a . a" . . . ..
n.fiiu.iry in uya noapiui ana Medical
Colleve. Kneland. I aecured the t.
for a remedy, which under nv personal
oWrvation. bad done almost 'marvelou
work in restoring Tm hah in caare
where prmona had become almost bald,
alao CtatKC many caaet of chronic
.Since coming to Oregon I have recom
mended it toaomeofmyperaonalfriende,
and at the solicitation of many other
have at different timet made up some of
the remedy for their use. I can trul
say that I do not know of a case where
it naa failed to prove beneficial.
1 nave conciuncu to manuiactare tbe
earae for general sale and feel aure a trial
will convince tbe most skeptical of its
Ask your druggist for PRIER' ft
MA rR FOOD. Price 60c a package.
Also for sale by Richard Prier, Caufjcld
Building, Oregon City, Or.
Men's Furnishings
Men' Mercerized Cotton Handketchlefe ge
" All Linen Handkerchiefs 555,
" " Heavy Fleeced Underwear 4Je
' Good Cotton Sock v... ' " it
'r'u lUlf Wool Socks 27... 12e
Suspender e
" Fotr in-hand Tie : ue
" Linen Colara 12ie
" "Moaarch" Shirt .....1.00
" Cotton Sweaters, fancy colort 4Je
" Cnvat Leggiat. je
" Dunlap Style Derby Hats $2.50
" Wool Hat. Ait
" Gloves, wool fleeced with fur top 65e
" Working ShirU, well made 4Je
Golden Rule sxszsxa.xr
Opposite Bank of Oregon City.
Basastaa 1Hilll U Hia twin ntf(
We carry the lareest stock Cask
eta, Coffins and Lining in Clack
amas county.
We are tbe only undertaken in
Clackamas county owning a
hearse and will furnish it for leaa
than can be had elsewhere.
We are under small expense and
do not ask large profita.
fe Call promptly attended night or
3 rhoaaa 4T wad SOS.
at .11 li
Tin Coon Soul if Court Mil
8-day Mantel Clocks half hour strike,
fitted with Alarm, only (100.
Fancy 8-day Clocks from 17.00 to 125.00.
Porcelain Clocks from 2.K) up.
KxtrA Quality Alarm Clocks 11.00.
Uittnumbor, our guarantee goes wtth
evory Clock sold.
You may want a nice piece of Silverware
for the table.
We have the kind that wears and a
complete line of It, such as Knives,
Forks, Hpjoons, Carving Sets, Cake
Daskets, Fruit Dishes, liaking Dishes,
' Ten Sots, Butter Dishes, Bread Trays.
The now drop head, ball bearing White
Is King of all Sewing Machines. Trice
no higher than that asked for Inferior
Our drop head Quoen Machine, guar'
antced for five years, with a comploto
set of the latest attachments, for only
K few of the many advantages of the
New and elogant designs. Great care in
selecting material. Best quality reeds.
Improvod stop action. Patent revolv
ing lock board. Soli at moderate
prices, made possible by unoqualled
facilities and enormous production.
livery organ warranted for five yoars.
Why not investigate?
The Oregon City Jeoielers
Tl;e First arjd Mob Iir)porbar)b Parb
0j Our Busipes Is Sellii) ITabcI).
Wo have sold and repaired watches for many years and we know the goods
wo sell can bo reliod upon, both for quality and style.
Our stock of Watches this Fall surpassos anything we have yet carried. It
consists of Solid Gold, Gold Filled, Silver and Nickel Cases, fitted with
Walthara and Elgin Movements, and in the cheaper grades we sell the
New England Watch, a reliable American made time piece.
As far as price we can assure you, that we Bell our goods as reasonable as any
houso in Portland. And if you want to buy a large piece or expensive
article we sell it on installment. It will be easy to pay a small amount in
cash when you purchase the article and pay the balance in weekly or
monthly payments.
Eastman Kodaks and
Poco, Premo, Corona Cameras.
We give a special discount of 20 per cent.- on all Kodaks. 1
Our Supplies are always fresh. Give us a trial.
If you have never used a Kodak or Camera, try a Brownie, it only costs
$1.00 and will make a perfect picture.
Solid Gold Spectacles and Eyeglasses
fitted with first quality lenses from
$4.00 to 16.00.
Gold Filled Spectacles and Eyeglasses
fitted with first quality lenses from
l'i.00 to $3.00.
Steel Frames, Nickel Plated, in all grades
from 25 cents to $2.00.
Our Special $i.oo Spectacle .
is a steel nickel plated frame well
made and finished and fitted with a
first quality lense.
We test the eyes free of charge with
Johnston's Eyeraeter which is con
sidered one of the finest instruments
The Washburn Guitars and Mandolins
are the finest instruments made, a fact
which nobody questions. We have
them from $15,00 up. Other makes
from $5.00 up.
Violins, all makes, from $2.50 to $30.00.
Accordeons from $2.00 to $12.00.
Banjos from $5.00 up.
A full line of Harmonicas from 10c to
$1.50. . .
Strings for all instruments.
When you buy an Umbrella of us you
..get the best that can be found in the
city. We have both ladies' and gents'
in all grades and at all prices.
Try our $1.50 Umbrella. It is a good